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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 41 KB, 480x360, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9284976 No.9284976 [Reply] [Original]

Chud bros... It's over.

>> No.9285054

She's right and people being edgy online as a joke has mutated into retards who think they're in good company

>> No.9285076

We have this thread every day, Cumshart

>> No.9285121

What is she, 14? Who use that word?

>> No.9285299

It means repulsive, ESL-kun.

>> No.9285368

What is a chud anon? I keep seeing this same thread with very similar captions pop up every other day now.

>> No.9285389


>> No.9285429

How many times are we gonna make this thread?

>> No.9285436

>wtf girls don't like it when I call their friends whores online??
Why do retards have trouble understanding this?

>> No.9285442

>oh but what is that I totally don't know??
>do you have a source for what that is?

>> No.9285471

What a Cumshart is. Basically OP is projecting himself because he's this irony-poisoned
Stay mad, Cumshart

>> No.9285486

You are making thread with the same OP for the third time in a week. Touch grass. Unironically.

>> No.9285501
File: 66 KB, 1186x537, 1630678895603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9285523

fuck finnoids

>> No.9285634

Based and redpilled. Heil Hitler, fell white man.

>> No.9285673

chudbuds on suicide watch amesameniggers seething and tribalfags BTFO how will cover recover (no pun intended - inaff!!) from this?? nijibronies stay winning!!

>> No.9285789

link clip

>> No.9286033

I thought Ame was one of us like Cali back in the old days, why is she being such an unironic snowflake? Lost a lot of respect for her.

>> No.9286058

it's unironically means cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers
it's a reference to a book/movie from the 80s that has lost all semblance of meaning

at this point it's mostly an ironic way of referring to racists/sexists and occasionally rightoids

>> No.9286067

Cumbuds hate Teamates and Teamates don't even think about Cumbuds

>> No.9286083

>I thought Ame was one of us like Cali back in the old days, why is she being such an unironic snowflake?
Because like most things, /vt/ and obsessive faggots take things too far.
When it was making fun of Ame, that's one thing. When it's the schizoposting over Gen 2, that's different.

>> No.9286214
File: 327 KB, 460x334, 7136C730-07E1-4915-A5D2-97D018B41474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re delusional, there have been clashes here and there, but why would I hate Ame?

>> No.9286255

OP is a cumshart kek

>> No.9286559

There is a difference between contrarian shitposting and the schizo doxniggers sending holos dead cat photos on Twitter because they think the contrarian shitposting is earnest. Ame is talking about the latter.

>> No.9286774

literal /vt/ cope

your oshi hates you

>> No.9286795

Ame sold out long ago. She went from doing blackface and cleavage streaming to being a soulless Cover shill. There's a reason why she was so nervous around Coco

>> No.9286818

I call dibs on making this thread next

>> No.9286863

I don't get it, I was banned for 3 days by using the word chud in jay pe.

>> No.9286872

Fuck... What do we do now, 4chinners? Making other people feel bad is our entire thing...

>> No.9286879

This. She's one of the biggest cover loyalists who know that she's nothing without being in Hololive and plans to keep it that way. That's why she agrees with all of management's decisions and makes no attempt to communicate with anyone outside of Hololive.

>> No.9286905

>Ame says that she'd prefer if people weren't mean to the new girls
>Somehow this is worth seething about for some
Someone please explain the logic here.

>> No.9286966

>on r/vt

>> No.9287066

I honestly think it's because she's paranoid about being broke again and has gotten used to giving money away to family which is why she's become such a sycophant

>> No.9287116

at least post the link deadbeat

>> No.9287137

lurk more

>> No.9287169

I don't understand what's wrong with that superchat?

>> No.9287225

Gross was her self censoring herself from the w.e. word she really wanted to use.

>> No.9287237

Weird thing to say considering she literally just was looking out for her friends. Is that sycophancy?

>> No.9287241


>> No.9287278

Basically people who are miserable. and instead of improving their situation, they just hate on everything.

>> No.9287291

Is this mental illness?

>> No.9287296

unironic reddit psychologist...

>> No.9287325

Are you sure it was looking out for her friends or not just for Cover? You seem gullible to think she's friends with all genmates let alone Gen 2 who's she's never meet before.

>> No.9287331

Newfags who saw 4chan described as “the edgy hate machine website” on r*ddit and thought that was accurate and everyone was being serious

>> No.9287341

>people who are miserable. and instead of improving their situation, they just hate on everything
literally me

>> No.9287380

unuronically reddit tier rebuttal

>> No.9287402

They've hung out on Discord for months now, so I wouldn't be surprised if they were. If they're only coworkers though, that's even more admirable that she'd take a stand against people hating on them.

>> No.9287513


>> No.9287558

My oshi hates you.

>> No.9287584

>hate niggers
>loves kawaii
Hate seems to be a relative term here

>> No.9287640

If you felt attacked by Ame calling out the people being shitheads to EN2, yes, you are probably mentally ill.

>> No.9287822

>"it's gross if you make other people feel bad"
>Typical redditor superchat: "I was suicidal and cutting myself everyday and plotting a spree shooting until I stumbled upon you, goddess! Please date me here's five dollars!"
>Girl never knows what to say
>brings down the entire mood of chat
Huh... I agree with Ame.

>> No.9287949

You do realize they're forced to communicate with one another on Discord, right? I have to chat with some of my co-workers on Zoom and still think they're faggots

>> No.9288009

Okay, so you're saying that she's defending people that she potentially doesn't even get along with? I admire her if that's the case.

>> No.9288050

You realize most people aren't miserable cretins like you?

>> No.9288106

Nothing it was just the SC which inspired what she said, thumbnail is clickbait as usually

>> No.9288132


>> No.9288203

>one of us
lmao how do you dumbfucks keep convincing yourselves that the girls are /here/ only for it to fall apart and you move on to the next one?

>> No.9288294

Hardly a controversial take, many years ago a number of traditional streamers, in particular Aris from AvoidingThePuddle, have talked shit about this happening in things like AGDQ donations .

>> No.9288307

They're literally all here, retard

>> No.9288346

that movie wasnt good. stop trying to make it a thing

>> No.9288465

>girl who understands her family is the only thing she has any allegiance to that matters a damn in this life
Wtf I like Ame better now.

>> No.9288478

Ah the good ol' days
>Focused autistic man going for a world record in battle toads
>Aaaaaaaaaand we just got a five dollar donation from dyingkid69, he says "I just got diagnosed with terminal cancer! LETS GO!" Thank you dyingkid69!

>> No.9288488

are they here right now anon? what are they saying to you?

>> No.9288558


Looking forward to ame burnell getting her own dedicated detractor community.

>> No.9288699

>sending money to the same mom who let her around creepy step dads who cracked her toe knuckles
>family only caring about you now because you have money unlike when you were literally dumpster diving


>> No.9289094

>a good enough girl that she can forgive her mother for her bad decisions and still be a good daughter
She is as angelic as the cartoon girl she plays on Youtube, sorry.

>> No.9289494

Teacuck cope

>> No.9289645

seems like you're the one coping, schizo

>> No.9289723

They tell me that I'm handsome

>> No.9290629

What the fuck is a chud? Didn't you mistyped chumbud?

>> No.9290703

Fucking amerimutts and their stupid slangs

>> No.9290924

I'll spoonfeed, youngfag.
"Chud" was a slur marketed by Chapo Traphouse because, as lefties, they wanted to be able to insult people, but didn't have the balls to say something actually offensive. So they encouraged their listeners, who are all upper middle class socialist college students, to use "chud" when describing their enemies.
Seeing someone use it unironically is a great way to know you're wrangling a tard.

>> No.9291178

I'm so glad I stopped watching EN vtubers and now I mostly just stick to JP indies

>> No.9291279
File: 447 KB, 527x465, m6fi7x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Ame cutting a babyface promo BURYING the /vt/ GEEKS into a seething shoot.

>> No.9293303

Reactionary retards

>> No.9293372

What the fuck is wrong with this place? I've been visiting these threads for a week now and so far I have:
1. Had my life threatened by someone claiming to be an ex-Navy Seal
2. Been told in multiple paragraphs that I will never have ovaries or be a woman
3. Been called Rabbi more times than I can count
Every time I try to get a genuine response from any of you people when I address what I have been told, I'm either called an n-word or k*ke, and am then told to "dilate", "glow" or "kill myself".
Can we please have just a normal thread where we can talk about memes without racist slurs and the weird terminology?! What the hell is a sneed anyway?

>> No.9293451

It came from a movie?

>> No.9293574

Oh gods, leave while you can or abandon all hope.

>> No.9293709

Shit that White leftists say unironically because they deemed everything else too damaging and hurtful to precious minorities, so they came up with the most stupid and toothless "insult" ever created.

>> No.9293766

It's a word that quickly lets you know you can disregard the entire post it's in.

>> No.9293786

So it's like the word incel in that it just means "person I don't like"?

>> No.9293788

ive actually come to like it
this must be what blacks feel when calling eachother 'nigga'
I call my friends this as a term of endearment now

>> No.9293856

same, everyone here is so rude and mean for no reason

>> No.9293893



>> No.9293925

At least change the MD5 OP

>> No.9294027

How many times are you going to make this thread?

Imagine seething this much over an anime girl saying "don't be a doxxfag"

>> No.9294043

How can a "it's not a good thing to make others feel bad" statement become controversial in this place? How retarded can one board be?

>> No.9294094


This is most milquetoast state ever
>just be nice to each other, I don't like it when you're intentionally being mean to each other or the girls
The only annoying thing their is the retarded insistence at avoiding the name Gen2 for Gen2.

>> No.9294126

It's doxxfags seething because they feel called out
What's funny is she didn't even allude to doxx she just said "don't be a dick"

>> No.9294238

She didn't even say that, she said that people that take pleasure on being a bastard are gross.
And its true, theres some retards that get their dopamine hits from ruining other people and they'd destroy their life given a chance.
Just see the whole doxxshit with Gura where they found her family address. She's stil paranoid because of that.

>> No.9295054

What did you expect from 4chan? They don't give a serious shit to anything plus it's anonymous board so they can say any slur or racist shit like it

>> No.9295413

>not scared of saying slurs in public
What a pussy lol

>> No.9295459

is your laptop getting hot?

>> No.9295500

project harder you reddit retard fuck

>> No.9295663

go back

>> No.9295788

word used mainly by trannies and women to try and make someone feel bad, because trannies and women can't swear use slurs in current year

>> No.9295801
File: 126 KB, 500x414, 61602265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i fear this is copypasta i have not seen yet but i hope you are real. because this give me my faith back into this website. now dilate you suicidal tranny rabbi.

>> No.9296290
File: 2.90 MB, 268x480, 1629959715011.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9296945

It's too good to be real. If it's not pasta yet, it will be soon.

>> No.9297348

Newfag lingo, like "chad", "based", "seethe", "cope", "meds", "touch grass", "-oomer" and so on.

>> No.9297561

Reminder to insult your oshi during streams, so you can live rent free on her head

>> No.9297675

it's the most impotent insult ever created

>> No.9301589

>The only annoying thing their is the retarded insistence at avoiding the name Gen2 for Gen2.
This is likely at insistence of en's long retarded management.
