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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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92715675 No.92715675 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.92715691
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Last thread

Main links
https://twitter.com/uraakapeko (Sub-account)

Peko essentials

1st Album [USAGI the MEGAMI]

Sololive [Poorfag edition]

>>Original song
Shōten chokuzen Love it LIVE [NEW]
Saikyou Megami Usa Pekora
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_KTwDH_KQ_g (MV)
Iiwake Bunny
https://youtu.be/tlLo7jypqDI (MV)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cz1zMWBU39E (Live translated)
-https://cover.lnk.to/RaRaRaRabbit (on Spotify and others)
Zen Jinrui Usagi ka Keikaku!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzdie2uH0N4 (MV)

>>Cover songs
Discommunication alien
Renai Nou 「New song」

>>Collab songs
[FRUITS ZIPPER] NEW KAWAII (w/Lamy, Ayame, Okayu, Korone, Kanata) [NEW]
Song list


なぜ?なに?ぺこちゃん!/Why? What? Pekochan!


PekoNoe ASMR
PekoMoona Offcollab
PekoMama April's Fool 2024

>>Pekora's Sololive Letter


>>Thread template

>> No.92715703
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chink zombie costume?

>> No.92715702
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>> No.92715705
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>> No.92715720

Wut wat what

>> No.92715731

Looks like a jellyfish outfit to me

>> No.92715739

definitely wasn't expecting her to get a new outfit for some reason, despite the fact that everyone seems to be getting new ones lately

>> No.92715747

It just looks like her hands up in a cutesy position and her massive sleeves are hanging down.

>> No.92715765

She still hasn't used the isekai outfit or whatever it was called

>> No.92715773

it could be but the clue for me saying >>92715703
is, long droppy sleeves, the little hat thing, hair buns and well obviously ghost don-chan

>> No.92715784

She used it during the Christmas sankisei stream when Flare didn't have a Santa costume.

>> No.92715792


>> No.92715817

that ghost donchan make it more like jiangshi

>> No.92715837

Hu Tao Peko

>> No.92715860
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>> No.92715913

pekora is so vulnerable when she is drinking

>> No.92715932
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The guesses should be pretty funny.

>> No.92715957
File: 1.54 MB, 861x889, 1729145296200628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a lewder Pekojiangshi but I cant find it

>> No.92716092

I still can't believe Pekora should this video to Mami live on stream https://www.iwara.tv/video/eWHoQRgdxPSXVM/part1

>> No.92716114

I want her to bite me

>> No.92716132

That'd at least be on point because both a Rabbit and a jiangshi move by hopping.

Pekora is also a known monster who kills for the sheer pleasure of it, but that's also why we're Nousagi, like people who who love Darkstalkers characters so that's nothing new.

Cute is Justice.

>> No.92716161
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>> No.92716182


>> No.92716280

ok and now?

>> No.92716403

Cum to Mami doujins.

>> No.92716417
File: 24 KB, 593x328, 1735739759494933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92716427

I'm loyal to pekotyan

>> No.92716455

she must be so happy right now

>> No.92716559

i have to work on the day of the outfit reveal...
i hope im fast enough to make it home in time

>> No.92716569


>> No.92716587

I'm sorry they make you work saturdays, I had a job like that and it sucked

>> No.92716666
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>> No.92716764

sore gehin dayo...

>> No.92717273

thanks to pekora other members are calling aqua akatsuki now

>> No.92717338

Who, when

>> No.92717641

NTA, but I think it was Shion, her stream is still going, Subaru was with her before

>> No.92718119
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>> No.92718205

yeah it was shion and subaru
neither of them knew why she's called that so subaru told shion to ask pekora

>> No.92718268
File: 20 KB, 900x900, 1707790003828303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

respect to the artists that manage to come up with prediction images that is not the obvious, I cant help but tunnelvision once I see something

>> No.92718298

the Akatsuki are an organization made of renegade ninjas that are exiled/hunted from their villages, I think its pretty straightforward

>> No.92718361

I think they could make it seem like Pekora is lifting up a frilly dress while doing a curtsey, as an alternative to the more obvious answer.

>> No.92718376

Yeah but a normalfag and a zoomer won't know naruto lore

>> No.92718388
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>> No.92718405

Draw a naked lingerie Pekora

>> No.92718426

just make Subaru watch Naruto after she's done with JoJo, she has been making good progress

>> No.92718448

i think they would go along pretty well, the way marine and mami teases her are pretty similar

>> No.92719355
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>> No.92719389

When is he gonna draw her naked

>> No.92719462

that would be interesting to see in that style

>> No.92719475
File: 120 KB, 1378x1378, 1708381835337460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

close enough

>> No.92719501

she looks like a fatty

>> No.92719514


>> No.92719541
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my fatty

>> No.92719756
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>> No.92719804

cute shota

>> No.92720553

just because Marine has short hair here it doesnt mean sh's a shota...

>> No.92720896

They are pretty close in age too

>> No.92720958


>> No.92721929
File: 162 KB, 1378x1378, GgL8Hv8a8AA8hwn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92723510

Pekomommy and Marine Showa karaoke collab please God please

>> No.92723918

and what would pekora do

>> No.92724027

she likes to watch

>> No.92724615

Hope I'm wrong but I think tomorrow is rest

>> No.92725299

Be cute and get pampered

>> No.92726704

nevermind, gacha rolling though

>> No.92727326

she did talk about it after all

>> No.92727374


>> No.92727491

uh huh

>> No.92729019
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>> No.92732051
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>> No.92733452
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>> No.92736194
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>> No.92736208
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>> No.92738207
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>> No.92740048
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>> No.92740565

will pekotyan call to Mio's fortune telling?

>> No.92740862

I want to rim Pekora's farthole.

>> No.92741335
File: 308 KB, 1419x2048, 1731417897386332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats a nasty way to put it but I agree

>> No.92741561

>Matsuri said it may not be possible to do ASMR countdowns in the future...
my pekotyan countdown

>> No.92742234

da fuck is asmr countdown

>> No.92743717


It's a popular staple of lewd ones in which you are supposed to not cum until 0 but its kind of a meme since its so prevalent and since it's technically just a countdown many people have done it just for the laughs

>> No.92745478

I know these from JOI videos.

>> No.92746163

I remember chama had a very lewd countdown in hers like a month ago

>> No.92747654
File: 289 KB, 1200x1600, 1707771980698260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92748821

I'll probably be sleeping

>> No.92749021

This dumb bunny is NOT this sexy...

>> No.92749098

No, she's even sexier

>> No.92750083

Very dumb and very sexy

>> No.92751530

>anons too new to know how lewd ASMR used to be in hololive before YouTube cracked down on it

>> No.92752000 [DELETED] 

Why does she never post pictures of her cats anymore? Did they die?

>> No.92752367

yes, im the replacement

>> No.92752449


>> No.92752957

We can at least piece one together though it's only from 2 using her ASMR. It's not perfect but we can find ways around YT's new rules.
Another idea would be to do a top 10 in an ASMR and then just leave enough space between the numbers and actually talking that it can easily be spliced together. YT's virgin ears won't be the wiser.

>> No.92753054 [DELETED] 

Why is she so boring? She literally doesn't do anything interesting. Crazy she was nominated in the same category as the great Caseoh.

>> No.92753215

>Another idea would be to do a top 10 in an ASMR and then just leave enough space between the numbers and actually talking that it can easily be spliced together. YT's virgin ears won't be the wiser.
Suggesting this convoluted shit just to satisfy your goon fantasies is crazy work

>> No.92754500

last year she also did it, so i hope she will open new years bags afterwards

>> No.92755964 [DELETED] 

she fell off
nothing but gacha trash
no wonder she lost to caseoh

>> No.92756399
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>> No.92756969 [DELETED] 

why does she always get nominated for an award only to lose? is she a natural born loser?

>> No.92757037
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>> No.92758476
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>> No.92759797
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>> No.92761543
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>> No.92762050 [DELETED] 

She should graduate.

>> No.92762400
File: 707 KB, 1233x1054, __usada_pekora_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_traum38__e2609896be12ee82eb6b964103be9467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92763595
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>> No.92763919 [DELETED] 

can't wait to see how many awards she doesn't win this year ahahahahahaha loser

>> No.92764677
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>> No.92764781 [DELETED] 

How do we stop her from reclining, fellow nousagi?

>> No.92765168
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>> No.92765195
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>> No.92765349
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>> No.92765528

That's a good t-shirt.

>> No.92765723
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>> No.92765778


>> No.92766018
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>> No.92767616
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>> No.92768260

I really like jellyfish so I do hope is a jellyfish themed

>> No.92768413

Shion yo...

>> No.92768532
File: 123 KB, 783x1200, IMG_20170627_193747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's jiangshi-themed I hope it comes with a face seal

>> No.92769430

I think it will have a removable accessory one

>> No.92770266
File: 838 KB, 720x1042, pekocute12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92770561

Considering ghost jellyfish, there's a non-zero chance it could be both a ghost and jellyfish outfit. Outlandish I guess though.

>> No.92770687
File: 147 KB, 475x475, 593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so she's cosplaying as Jellicent

>> No.92771276

Round just like Pekora!

>> No.92772361

Pekor with the Damp ability...

>> No.92774055
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>> No.92774390
File: 1.91 MB, 2000x2000, GgQHY9lbEAERssL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekomama is savage

>> No.92775106

That's why they call her Futan

>> No.92776785

I will take this rabbit home!

>> No.92778461
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>> No.92781021
File: 578 KB, 1366x2048, GgQml6laEAAcZYz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92781810

didnt she buy a drawing tablet and only used it for like one stream

>> No.92782183

Literally me.

>> No.92783275


>> No.92784167

Will Peko appear for her fortune...

>> No.92784670
File: 172 KB, 526x606, pekorich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know we're not numberfags but pego was the most watched holo of 2024

>> No.92785029

She did want to get it read, pretty sure she said so in mio's totsu a couple of weeks ago.

>> No.92785079

I know she wants to, but Mio is ending soon, so I'm just wondering if she'll show up

>> No.92785470

I think she's keeping it for a collab stream

>> No.92786373

That could be it

>> No.92786398
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>> No.92786505
File: 119 KB, 900x900, GgQOJmuaMAAPGFh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92786559

this Pekora has lost what little bit of eroticism she had left

>> No.92786596

pekorochimaru my beloved

>> No.92786755

i hope she play dark soul this month

>> No.92786801

Dark Souls II time

>> No.92786910

Yeah, Mio's definitely doing Peko's fortune in a collab.

>> No.92787473

Or she realised all the rocks were a scam

>> No.92787920

anon, it's pekora. Also, are you really taking chances with the witch?

>> No.92788116


>> No.92788393


>> No.92789533

man i really love sankisei. this year better have pekofurea

>> No.92789809

then you have gen 2, where Subaru has finally managed to appear in Shion's stream... for the 2nd time ever... in 6 entire years.

>> No.92789965
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>> No.92790006

holy flat

>> No.92791006
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>> No.92791605
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>> No.92792047

We should snitch to Mami on how much she actually spends on gacha and gambling next time

>> No.92792122

I'm pretty sure she's aware

>> No.92792137

kinda want to see mami scold her for that

>> No.92792168

I really doubt she knows the ridiculous amounts mate

>> No.92792208

pegor already explicitly forbid nousagis from talking about anything related to horse racing and gambling when Pekomama is there, so we can't

>> No.92792254

We just need to sneak it in when Peko's out the room

>> No.92792264
File: 93 KB, 679x1000, GgQkrnGaoAA6A1h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pekora fan meeting this year

>> No.92792316

this gave me a good laugh, thanks anon

>> No.92792395

it took a year to recharge but her luck seems to be back.

>> No.92792511

the witch didnt curse her yet

>> No.92792544

im just praying she gets good fortune this year

>> No.92792591

my schizo bunny...

>> No.92792828

I dont know why of all the gacha this is the one she keeps playing consistently

>> No.92792922

probably doesnt require that much grinding like other game

>> No.92792954

because it's not an autobattle grindfest like all the other gachas and you can actually have fun playing with friends and even with randoms

>> No.92793159

Pegor straight up turning into togepi

>> No.92793166

she is mocking the gachafag in the chat

>> No.92793226

the red angry emoji spam in the chat is funny

>> No.92793281

I guess, I just didnt think the game was that interesting when she played it last year, if she finds it fun then its fine

>> No.92793293

YouTube emojis are so shit they border on good.

>> No.92793330
File: 6 KB, 350x38, 1715931624724355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92793343

kanade virus

>> No.92793354

it's okay peko, you're just using up the rest of the luck you would have for 2025 in this single stream

>> No.92793390

I would say I prefer the wine glasses from fate.

>> No.92793406

sorry pekotyan I cant be mad because Im not invested in that game

>> No.92793459

what about another gacha game?

>> No.92793483

I may be mad but honestly I dont think I would regardless if its pekotyan

>> No.92793612
File: 1 KB, 93x35, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92793675
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>> No.92793904

i can understand how hard it is to not do the gacha and just wait for better character

>> No.92793965
File: 657 KB, 1482x3031, GgR57mkbAAABUKG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92794000

Don-chan you bastard

>> No.92794024
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>> No.92794233
File: 91 KB, 821x1200, GgLDKyJbUAAvQO9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92794255

hot, but AI
still hot though

>> No.92794343

the lostbelt perm are really stupid, like
losbelt 4 was 5 years ago

>> No.92794393

That's a good thing.

>> No.92794396

All Lostbelts are available for streaming now and forevermore.

>> No.92794400

It's up to Ordeal Call already

>> No.92794415

sorry, meant to say i want to tonguefuck pekora's shitbox

>> No.92794476


>> No.92794508
File: 1.40 MB, 1200x1600, GgSHFzlacAAiChT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92794512

what now....

>> No.92794521

I wish pekomita would stab me

>> No.92794540

eat and sleep

>> No.92794541
File: 328 KB, 1132x1680, 1722128096358485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92794544

It's over for me... I got a boner from Peko-chan...

>> No.92794606

only one?

>> No.92794614

good for you, i lose my boner if i see pekochan

>> No.92794619

this was the stream where pekora made the most kissing noises...

>> No.92794655
File: 192 KB, 353x517, 1360011380889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been able to fap to Vtubers since the Kaguya Luna days. Subaru fanart are tempting however

>> No.92794734

Ui's designs are very rapable

>> No.92794993
File: 114 KB, 1200x800, 1704520108852968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92795097

ok and now what

>> No.92795149


>> No.92795185

Hibiki calm down

>> No.92795498

wake me up if peko appear in mikorone 24hr stream

>> No.92795532

wouldnt count on it

>> No.92795754

They've got all the segments already laid out, and unless she shows up in some impromptu segment, she isn't scheduled to appear.

>> No.92795824

there's a totsu

>> No.92795877
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, 16728934727128723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then maybe Sankisei could call in like last time, but as the other anon said, I wouldn't bet on it.

>> No.92796000

she also said her throat hurt at the end of the stream

>> No.92796029

sorry i was rough with her last night

>> No.92796210
File: 773 KB, 1726x868, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what they smoking when draw this scence?

>> No.92796220

shirabe sex

>> No.92796449

God I fucking hope it's a jiangshi outfit. I'll settle for a jellyfish because of Shion, but a jiangshi would be both cute & erotic.

>> No.92796486

I would say its 99% chance of being a jiangshi

>> No.92796768

I want jiangshi because it'd be a gimmick outfit like the prisoner one

>> No.92797515
File: 906 KB, 1247x892, what lmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, sugita done a little bit of trolling.
then yuuki aoi is mad and go berserk. peak plot

>> No.92797535

Doctor Ver is based

>> No.92797585
File: 3.70 MB, 2500x2579, 85351398_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92798208

Do you reckon she'll have some kind of joke/pun talisman?

>> No.92798267

for sure but I dont know what could it be

>> No.92799145
File: 969 KB, 1126x635, 1722043681465665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92799330

is it?

>> No.92799410

i didn't think someone would actually watch it here

>> No.92799493

but why? she hasn't use pekora in any other wwe right?

>> No.92799529

I'm bored and some sections are fun
no idea, there was a roulette with some members and she was one of them

>> No.92799587

pekotyan is always erotic

>> No.92799648

true, but that was more related to the jiangshi, because i don't think i ever saw one and considered it erotic

>> No.92799723
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to be fair it's more the china dress than jianshi itself

>> No.92799746

pekomama's pussy gave birth to 2 children

>> No.92799770

Literally didn't even make her.

>> No.92799788


>> No.92799865


>> No.92800432

Miko usually creates these characters during her WWE streams. However, she has never created Pekora during her streams. I guess his assumption is that a staff member created Pekora.

>> No.92801785
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>> No.92801813

I liked that movie

>> No.92801978
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>> No.92802190
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It's cute but I really hope it's not another casualwear outfit

>> No.92802285
File: 1.41 MB, 1515x840, 1706468939314856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PekoNene wrestling

>> No.92802333


>> No.92802349

It's over for Pekor

>> No.92803134

I've seen far too many erotic drawings to view it any other way.

>> No.92803300
File: 138 KB, 234x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time

>> No.92803415

Pekora knows how to make an entrance

>> No.92803674


>> No.92803704

Peko win

>> No.92803718

This game is ass

>> No.92803846

yeah I actually never liked these, the only fun thing is having the AI fuck around with custom characters like this

>> No.92805063
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>> No.92805098

The only time one of these was good was when the golden and silver foxes live-dubbed over their characters.

>> No.92805104

pekotyan's comebacks are crazy

>> No.92805166

Peko-chan jobbed

>> No.92805168

Pekora fucking jobbed

>> No.92805177

Peko lost...

>> No.92805244

The WWF/E games stopped being good by the time 2K took over and over-complicated the mechanics while ramping up the jankiness and bugs (also I don't care for the newer roster). I still enjoy the older stuff, even when I'm not a fan of the company (I'm nostalgic for PS1 SD2)

>> No.92806127

is pekora there?

>> No.92806179

in the totsu? not so far and I wouldnt count on it

>> No.92806285

Just watch the stream bro

>> No.92806412

>watch something pekora isn't in
no, im busy watching pekora

>> No.92806488

Then stop asking

>> No.92806530
File: 269 KB, 603x608, neko_yama-1860601628409352492-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92806605

the comments made me believe she was there, but it was just the wwe thing

>> No.92806636

She wasn't there

>> No.92807065

yeah it was just the WWE game, her character fought Nenechi (won) and Sakamata (lost), Fubuki said her character was the one she liked the most because it was the most entertaining to watch from start to end (it had heel personality), Korone picked Kanata.

>> No.92808523
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>> No.92808582

the entrance was fantastic and fit perfectly

>> No.92810201
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>> No.92810237

cool Don-chan

>> No.92811634
File: 159 KB, 800x654, 1735845850737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cute things in this: Pekora making sure Flare was okay to stream on NYE as she wasn't feeling well, Flare's plans of getting an offcollab with Pekora this year, hopes Pekora does more utawaku as she really enjoys them, being on the same wavelength a lot of the time and enjoying similar hobbies. Marine wasn't lying when she said Pekora steals your heart without you knowing and it seems Flare is aware of this and comments on not getting too close to Pekora or else she'll end up like Marine.

>> No.92811808

>hopes Pekora does more utawaku as she really enjoys them
me too Furea, me too...

>> No.92811863
File: 780 KB, 1024x1024, 1686983715433275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute, I hope we get more pekoflare collabs, and gen3 in general.

>> No.92811892

its weird seeing flare with that outfit

>> No.92811977

Flare can be a bit weird sometimes but thats also part of her charm

>> No.92813212
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>> No.92814630
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>> No.92815599
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>> No.92816935

I'm guessing that today will be a rest day since she complain about her throat at the end of the stream. I hope not, but wouldn't be surprising.

>> No.92817063

she talked about doing the lucky bags today but if her throat is bad she should do rest, she hasnt had one in a while

>> No.92817653
File: 172 KB, 1000x1786, https___x.com_bkub_comic_status_1874866961982890083-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92817795

nice bkub

>> No.92819129
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>> No.92820781
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I was just listening through Marine's call with Ayame and they're thinking of doing an Amakarappe collab sometime this year but might struggle with scheduling and ideas for 5 people. She teased Ayame for getting close to pekotyan.

>> No.92821652

Ayame, Marine, Kanata, Lap, Peko ?
weird group but sure

>> No.92821699


>> No.92821881

I thought of that and it made more sense but since there was an extra P in there I thought it wasnt

>> No.92821914 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.20 MB, 1700x2400, 1677209456414067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just wanted me to post this.

>> No.92821946

again blame the other anon for misleading me, but nice

>> No.92822777

yeah finding something that you can do with 5 people will be hard

>> No.92823164

valorant teams are 5 people

>> No.92823289
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>> No.92823736
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>> No.92823761

they should play cs2

>> No.92825534
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>> No.92826074

Oujo really likes valorant...

>> No.92826816

I don't really care about Pekora but fucking HELL I want to give her a sibling.

>> No.92829007
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>> No.92829198

whats with the ebi

>> No.92831553

I'm actually not sure, I might have missed something during thier watchalong

>> No.92833785
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>> No.92835279
File: 72 KB, 850x795, __usada_pekora_and_usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_aa2mee__sample-d4894608e221a98003429739179c8e39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92836892
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>> No.92837456
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>> No.92837515
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>> No.92837595
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>> No.92837654
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>> No.92837713
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>> No.92837776
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>> No.92837815

Cute boy!

>> No.92837823
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>> No.92838229
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She should cover the Miku UNO song just to say peko in the neko parts

>> No.92838298
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>> No.92838761

I would cum, she wont though

>> No.92838811
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>> No.92839497

I miss pekotyan

>> No.92839634
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>> No.92839673
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>> No.92840178 [DELETED] 
File: 1.43 MB, 3800x2292, 125829275_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek

>> No.92840544
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>> No.92840620
File: 413 KB, 690x1200, 1706089587426543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we havent lewd posted in a while

>> No.92840692
File: 488 KB, 1337x1968, 1728180453724531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck he got hit, I'm gonna be next

>> No.92840788 [DELETED] 
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>> No.92841210
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>> No.92842381

we got pushed back to page 10 for a bit, its so over for those anons...
