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9264800 No.9264800 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel like the EN branch should stay small and not expand like JP?

>> No.9264848


>> No.9264888

It's a bit too late for that, don't you think?

>> No.9264905

Don't take my helicopter and my big titty gyaru from me faggot.

>> No.9264926

They'll never be able to replicate the gold of myth so in a way yes but it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9264927

I think they should stay at the 11 they’re currently at, but they definitely needed more than 5

>> No.9264935

Go away Kiara

>> No.9265009

I can't deal with so many good talents streaming at once.

>> No.9265032 [DELETED] 

Go away Gura.

>> No.9265087

no, retard

>> No.9265120

What EN needed was people from the same area and culture. Now all members are from all over the place and they continued it with the EN2. They really don't have the connection JP has.

>> No.9265131

Having a new wave of talent was a good idea but it would be in everyone's best interest if Gen 3 doesn't happen for a long time.
JP is probably going to let their numbers contract a bit too, we're 13 months removed from JP Gen 5's debuts and Gen 6 is nowhere in sight

>> No.9265163

End your life

>> No.9265168

They need to find another couple of good vsingers so they can make a proper gen for irys.

>> No.9265182

Shut the hell up kiara

>> No.9265262

At the very least, it will be extended to at least ENgen5, just like jp.

>> No.9265264

En should not even exist. They ruined Western vtubing with their MUH NUMBAHS mentality.

>> No.9265358

Gura actually likes EN2 I think.

Kiara is the bitch with the MEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEMEME

>> No.9265489 [DELETED] 

Gura regrets joining Hololive everyday and is hoping a yab will happen to her so she can get graduated without it looking intentional.

Source: just trust me.

>> No.9265787

Gura on multiple occasions talked about how she wants to do things with EN2.

Ame already snuck in a Sana collab and seems interested in interacting with Kronii.

Ina and Sana were already friends and will probably go wild when collab embargo ends.

>> No.9265875

Yes. Additional EN generations will cannibalize views since not enough new viewers are being brought in.

>> No.9265937

>Gura on multiple occasions talked about how she wants to do things with EN2.
She seems to like Hakos quite a bit too, her Minecraft and MK8D shenanigans both happened on Hakos' stream

>> No.9265953

Gura, Ame and Mori are proud Senpais.

Ina is an IRL friend to possibly 2 of them

Kiara is actually the one seething

>> No.9265967

Fuck off Kiara.

>> No.9265993

Gura is absolutely a confirmed /brat/, she may not comment but the fact she just appeared in both of those streams shows she is a Bae fan.

>> No.9265996

Actually, her Minecraft appearance was in support of Mumei's joke

>> No.9266019
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We need EN3 because HoloEN can't satisfy my cunny needs with only Gura
Hate ratt and owl had to be titty monsters

>> No.9266032

But she was already watching Bae's stream to even hit that joke

>> No.9266075

they shouldn't hire any more because the EN talent pool is apparently already dry. the EN2 girls are boring as fuck

>> No.9266203

Gura dm Hakos on discord asking for a 'collab' was impressive. This is things that Gura would never do last month. I think having new kohai really gave her confidence.

>> No.9266299

I feel like you should shut up and fuck off, faggot.
ohgay zhang, we get it, you think kiara is kronii. you're still wrong, and should kindly commit an hero.

>> No.9266405

I think Gura legitimately feels a bit lonely.

I think her relationships outside of EN in hololive are tenuous to nonexistent.

I wouldn't be surprised that even if other girls want to collab, the whole Iofi shit is at the back of their mind and they don't want a situation where they have to walk on eggshells around Goora.

I think things are getting better for her on that front, but more than anything, the language barrier I think is really hard for Gura so getting access to 5 new people that all speak english, its gotta be kind of a relief and motivation.

>> No.9266436

>he doesn't know ME ME ME ME ME ME for Kiara far predates Kronii


>> No.9266511

No. EN1 is shit. They should be expanding faster

>> No.9266559

For real, yeah. I liked how myth have me enough content to fill the week, but I could also keep up with everything. Now it just feels overwhelming. They're no longer a coherent whole, just 11 individuals doing their own thing.

>> No.9266817

They need 4 years to catch up current JP members.( 1 gen per year)

>> No.9266827

Numberfag wise, then its a yes
But for "we are family" branch that's definitely a no no

>> No.9267034

Mario Kart Extermination Tournament:
-Top 5 get to continue being Holos

>> No.9267096

Even if they were all American that still wouldn’t be true. Americans are mostly rootless cosmopolitans with no real heritage, traditions, or culture. They’re all “rugged individualists” with no deeper connection to their next door neighbor, let alone someone who lives miles away. There’s nothing that holds them together, and even the aspects of their “culture” that do exist seek to further this; at 18, they’e expected to leave home and find their own path in college, in such a way where they no longer have connections to their own family and establish careers far from home.
Americans will never experience what it’s like to live in a homogeneous society built on traditions snd customs that stretch back for centuries, no millenia, even. Everything in America was built last week, and will be outdated by next week, in the blind lust for “progress,” whatever that means; no one knows because it’s everyone for themselves.

>> No.9267186

>Kiara is actually the one seething

>> No.9267236

yes, but mainly to avoid inflating the number of talents where you can no longer support most of them.

>> No.9267253

No. All of my favorite JPs were from later generations.

>> No.9267371

At first I didn't, but being able to have live streams on more than once a day feels really nice. Another gen or two would be nice to really fill out their time slots.

>> No.9267411


>> No.9267481

based pedofag

>> No.9267731

No. Isolationism has always been retarded. "Keeping it small" will just end up with people getting bored of watching the same things by the same chuubas, which will result in lower popularity, CCV, SCs and all that shits.

>> No.9268860

>lofi shit

Did you just wake up from a coma, schizo?

>> No.9268915

JP 8 Gens total
EN 3 Gens total
ID 3 Gens Total

>> No.9268967


Americans have distinct culture and it's so powerful that every part of world has been influenced by it. The problem with modern america is that it's getting fuller fuller of people who aren't americans.

>> No.9269221

Your brain on Hololive
>Hololive is the only real vtuber company and the only thing I watch.
>I don't like new members. Having less options to chose from is actually better.
>Members of Hololive are not allowed to interact with anyone that is not Hololive. Nijisanji scares me.
>When a girl talks to a men she is a whore. I am looking for boyfriend-free girls.
>Rushia pettan no boing boing hahaha

>> No.9269558

History repeats itself. A country founded as a result of killing and invading indigenous peoples ends up being invaded by outsiders. It's beautiful.

>> No.9270181

I'm glad gura got new friends. Maybe she'll be a little less lonely now.

>> No.9270256
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>> No.9270304

No, they need more people so they can play Minecraft together.

>> No.9270327


>> No.9270390


>> No.9270421

Except the foederati was a good thing. The roman empire was destroyed by ineffective rulers and economic decay.

>> No.9270459

so like a 100% idol group?

>> No.9270532

isn't that the whole point of getting into entertainment where you can have specific things that cater to your enjoyment?

>> No.9270534

>burgers think consumer products are "culture"
Couldn't have illustrated what he said better than this.

>> No.9270701

Yes in fact it should shrink more, I only need Kiara.

>> No.9270716

It's part of the appeal though, and keeps their viewpoints fresh

And don't get people started on accent appeal, everyone has a favorite

>> No.9270727
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>> No.9271435

I mean they should still be streamers, so more Subaru than Azki, but a 3 or 4 person vsinger group inside HoloEN would be good.

>> No.9271534

Nah nigga, i want more generations, i need them to have their own ecosystem, and of course, all time slots.

>> No.9272283

You and him don't seem to understand what culture is if you think America's individualism and consumerism isn't a culture. You're just passing judging that culture from your biased point of view without understanding the underlying circumstances that surround North America as a whole. But this is off-topic as far as it being a subject beyond the context of Hololive.

HoloEN's problem is proximity more so than culture. There's probably less than 3 people in the branch that could come face to face with each other at a moment's notice without having to hitch a ride on a plane.

>> No.9279246

Unironically this. If you want more options then learn Japanese.

>> No.9285236

Dead hours needed to be filled, but now there is way too much content to keep up with.

>> No.9285485

I think 5 generations is as far as they should stretch it.

>> No.9285642


>> No.9286541

>Gura, Ame and Mori are proud Senpais

Gura literally said to not be called Senpai

>> No.9286922

>A country founded as a result of killing and invading indigenous peoples ends up being invaded by outsiders
Like every country that existed in this world?

>> No.9287034

1 Gen a year is good, to keep things fresh.

>> No.9287153

This is what makes me scared about more EN getting added. I don't like to think about how they're actually competing against each other for viewers, resulting in some becoming losers.

>> No.9287205

I think she's just weirded out about the title thing as culture shock, but the seniority thing she is completely on board

>> No.9287279

>I think
didn't ask about your opinion

>> No.9287414

Not really. I was kind of concerned at first, but Council and subsequent branches aren't going to stop Myth from existing and I'm excited to see them interact. I think IRyS helped me get over my apprehension about it. She seemed so different from Myth at first, but now she hangs out and collabs and interacts with them as if she had been there from the beginning. I don't think all of the Council girls will be hits like what happened with Myth, but if they interact well that's good enough for me.

>> No.9287642

I think they're not going to have many more for a while.
Though ID3 auditions were recently announced.
I'd imagine they'll stop recruiting after that and maybe an EN3.
That's 8 more members, and maybe another Vsinger.
They really should sit back and focus on what they have right now.
And right now with 7 JP gens, 2 ID and 2 EN, things could get pretty tight.
Avoid bloat like Niji, just cut it off for a bit until maybe some girls start leaving.
Don't do a JP6. Hold off on ID3 and EN3 for a year or so.

>> No.9287831

Go away Kiara, your subs stagnated after the 1m race proving the pity subs rrat.

>> No.9287987

I disagree on culture, but area is bang on. Look at how hard it is to arrange a full group collab for EN. You've got Gura, Ame and Ina on GMT-4 (-5?), Kiara on GMT+2 and Mori on GMT+9. EN is even worse.

>> No.9288035

This is small time thinking. You're thinking about this as if the vtuber market is mature and as big as it will ever get. Truth is that it's growing and will continue to get more mainstream. That's why a new agency pops up every 4 seconds. For better or worse the market is expanding and the talent pool will continue expanding as well as more and more people realize that vtubing is a viable way to make a living. That talent is going to go somewhere and if it's not Hololive it'll be somewhere else.

>> No.9288146

Outside of Ina and the one she did with Maori, she hasn’t had a collab with anyone else in Myth. Kiara seems to hate IRyS, Gura is too shy to ask, and Ame simply doesn’t care about anything anymore.

>> No.9288436

Imagine a gen that all lived in NYC or LA or something. Imagine the kino of a full offline gen collab like a sort of broadcasted lan party.

>> No.9288590

With the amount that shit gets timelooped in here wouldn't really blame him for thinking about it.

>> No.9290512

Julius and Augustus are inevitable. Rome cannot remained republic forever. With trump and other demagogue emerge around the world in recent years, I’m start to think all republic will end up with emperor at some point.

>> No.9290639

yes, that's the exact point of his post. Are you retarded burger kun?

>> No.9294658

Americans do have a distinct culture, but most of what gets transmitted abroad is just exported degeneracy and politicism

>> No.9296553

depends how "small" you mean.
they could totally do 2 more gens

>> No.9297493

The pace they are releasing new gens is fine. Another EN gen would give them enough people to hold tournaments, cover more time zones and give the girls more leeway to take time off without significantly affecting available content.

>> No.9298173

>the language barrier
Gura (and Ame, Calli is a lost cause) have had a year to improve their Japanese and have failed to make any attempts to do so. They only have themselves to blame

>> No.9300300

They probably shouldn't expand much more than they have, market saturation isn't healthy.

>> No.9300390

>Gura showed up briefly in the MC collab
>Gura raced Rrat in Mario Kart despite the collab ban
Gura and Ame love Gen 2, and Ina got at least two of them their jobs in Gen 2.

>> No.9300890

It's over tranny

>> No.9301166

Lmao, get back in the cave grug.

>> No.9302276

It's not called Gen 2 you fucking imbecile it's called Holo Council and Gen 1 isn't called that either but Holo Myth. Jesus you fucking newfags need to lurk before posting

>> No.9302769

t. omegaalpha

>> No.9303119

You seem to have hallucinated that I said products. Can you see how you added the "products" in even though I never said that. Examples of American culture; music, electricity, flying, space exploration and internet. Even anime and manga are in existence because of american culture.

>> No.9303189

yes even though I didn’t want EN2 but now I love Kronii.

>> No.9303257

seething nigger. myth will forever dominate compared to any other group.

>> No.9303369

I just wish they didn't hire that tranny for Kronii. EN2 would be 100% better without her (him).

>> No.9303459


>> No.9304148
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Omega faggot, imma fucking shove dick down your throat you fucking twinky twig

>> No.9304223

EN 2 is already better gen by mere virtue of having Kronii

>> No.9304532

>Ame already snuck in a Sana collab

Which stream was this?

>> No.9304687

America's total fertility rate is sub-replacement. In simple terms, they don't enough babies to sustain their population.

The only reason the population is increasing is immigration.

>> No.9313928

Ame in the am

>> No.9315108
File: 97 KB, 640x900, 7wEVevAKc5l2NzIqlPP17i_6EzAJGKmpprL8ab9h58U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HoloEN only needs one
>pic related, the most talented of them all

>> No.9315224

so much this

>> No.9315543

Im kind of new around here, but what happened with Iofi?

>> No.9316095


>> No.9316228

do your archive reps.

>> No.9316236

nah, Kiara doesn't like Gura being more proactive, she sees it like a treath, she will passive-agressivebly make her feel bad about it till she stops

>> No.9316289

we need another gen, more lbgt oriented

>> No.9316340

come on kfp, have some faith in Kiara, not everyone is a threat

>> No.9316387

Yes, but it’s too late

>> No.9316415

No, I feel like the EN branch should never be exist. Just transfer chicken and irys to the JP branch and graduate others.

>> No.9316542

He's shit posting about a incident on last year's AmongUs collab setup by Roboco that had JP+ID+EN members. Gura was in it and it was so bad for her she had not played the game since. If you see the Amogus references in Gura's streams (especially Henry Stickmin), that collab is what it's about.

The Story:
>Roboco, Luna and Aki got together and called a few people for a collab
>ID girls get invited
>Somehow ENs get invited as well
>Iofi decides to point out that people had expectations on her being go-to translator for EN, and acknowledges her role on Twitter
>come collab time, Gura wasn't having a good time being basically insta suspect due to how good she was on her previous AmongUs collab
>Iofi, who was expected to translate, does so but changing the meaning or intent of what the ENs are saying or outright not translating at her own convenience (not entirely her fault because it was a bit chaotic)
>after the stream ends, one or two zhangs complained about Iofi's translation efforts on her stream
>Iofi goes full drama queen on Twitter about people complaining about her translation and apologizing for it, then deleting the posts (including the post where she acknowledges her translator role) and then tweeting more, making it look like she's being harassed to gain the support of her immediate peers
>anons on this thread refuse to shut up about it even though Gura has already collabed with both IDs and JPs ever since

>> No.9317389

why are kfp like this?

>> No.9317507

No but I do wish for a do-over of EN2 with better designs and talent.

>> No.9317798

Kiara stop posting shit takes and finish reading “How not to take all my emotions out on chat - A Self Help Guide “

>> No.9319869

EN2 > EN1

>> No.9320052

This is my post. I meant to say "worst"

Kronii is a Korean hag

>> No.9320237

They should away without boyfriends but we all know at least a fourth of the crew gets porked by their SO/husband.

>> No.9320617

but you ignore branding because it's not your area of expertise. Hololive was all the family feeling it had, you would be eager to get more family members but now it feels like some distant cousing keep joining your house. In a way they are getting very close to Nijisanji, then you will have only fresh debuts getting 20k viewers for the first week like that one sharkredhead from niji and it will die down to a couple of thousands, what I mean is people will hype new Hololive content not the actual talents.

>> No.9320793

Theres still a few niches out thereI wanna see filled in the EN chuuba market:
>retro gamer
>fightan gamer
Don't really care if they're Holo or not by this point, but I think 1 more generation for HoloEN might be cool if they're as different to what they have already niche wise as Council were to Myth. In fact, since most of EN are comparable to some JP girls, here's the JP girls I wanna see EN versions of:

>> No.9320831

Kiara would agree with this, she hates EN gen 2

>> No.9320875

As long as everyone can maintain a minimum of 2k consistent liveviewers there's nothing to really worry about. There are also some dead hours to fill (like right now for instance), though maybe that will be ID3's job (who also have the added bonus of having less pressure on them for 4 digit viewer numbers and a million subs)

>> No.9320991

Anon, the issue is viewer numbers. Vtubing has broke mainstream yet in the west we've pretty much got what we're gonna get with regards to Hololive in English in terms of viewer numbers. The only real growth area left is the twitch audience, which only vshojofags want.

>> No.9321070

If vtubing gets more mainstream in the west, idolfags will matter less and less. When that happens and you have hololive members openly discussing their boyfriends on stream, I will start my own pure seiso idol industry and rake in all your supas. I can't wait.
