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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 409 KB, 220x220, gigi-gigi-murin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
92612506 No.92612506 [Reply] [Original]

*enters the catalog*

>> No.92612583

*exits the catalogue*

>> No.92612737
File: 467 KB, 1024x1024, 1729087322848275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Enters the catalogue*

>> No.92612828


>> No.92612864

No! Let her cook!

>> No.92613035

*Chews watermelon loudly*

>> No.92613384

Genuine question. Do we have a list of confirmed vtubers that browse vt?

Sorry for being a newfag.

>> No.92613446

I want her so bad!

>> No.92614099

All of them as long as they speak English.

>> No.92614143

>Do we have a list of confirmed vtubers that browse vt?

Almost everyone. Where else would they go? Plus they're all from here anyway, where else do weebs end up

>> No.92614203

Tackles gigi rips off her panties and rape her wearing a horse mask and doing horse noices.

>> No.92614607
File: 296 KB, 691x602, steamnames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't have it on hand, but there's a giant compilation of several chuubas from Niji, Indie, and holostars who slipped up and showed a tab with /vt/ on it.
Most of NijiEN up to Xsoleil is clearly here, as they participated in Millie's retarded "Secret GC" stream where they pretended to be 4chan and slandered everyone else, including exposing several insecurities that /vt/ didn't know about, like how Pomu's 3D model was dogshit and she was upset about it.
Notable members include Finana, who for a few days in february was doomposting /here/ bad about how nobody would ever forgive or even give Niji a chance because of the selen thing, crying that it was the fans/4chan's fault that Selen and Zaion got pushed away from their "friends."

Reimu had a hilarious thing where after Claude had his "WE COULD ALWAYS JUST FUCKING ASK" spiel go viral, she bought a second play button from her alt (which already had one and thus could buy another) and took a picture with the names conveniently censored by the shelf. Everyone could see she was clearly implying that she had one for her PL and one for Reimu. Oh also and she's one of the people in the compilation. She not only had /vt/, but also warosu, a 4chan archive site in her "most visited" on the new tab page of chrome.

Enna once spent a whole night shittalking and arguing with people. It was confirmed her because the next day she was so tired from lack of sleep that she skipped the collab she was a part of.

Millie is 110% /here/. There was a stint around her 3D as well as when she made an AI written letter of thanks to her fans. The membership post asking people to post superchats during a portion of her 3D debut for a skit got taken as her being desperate and grimy, so she took to twitter to yell at 4chan for posting it. And the fan letter was being torn apart /here/ (and only /here/. Nobody on twitter, reddit, etc. gave a shit or even knew about it.) She got annoyed after what might've been her trying to deflect off it for a few hours and just yelled on twitter admitting that she used AI.

Raz confirmed in her document that Luca was constantly /here/ and constantly obsessing over this place, even making a tweet with the letters "RENT L FREE" hidden in it as capitals. This also confirmed Selen was here as Luca blamed her for introducing the site to him.

Rosemi did a shill tweet /here/ on her PL that was so sweet that people flat out told her not to come back to avoid the schizos.

For Holo, we mostly have past cases that weren't /vt/ in particular. Mori was some kind of 4chan person. I can't remember exactly which board she was a part of, though.
Fuwamoco (as well as Pomu from Niji) were confirmed to be regulars at /cgl/ (cosplayers & lolita fashion). Pomu in particular was an idiot who posted nudes there once, but she was flat out underage. We know about these because some desperate, angry /cgl/ crabs got angry at Pomu for getting big so they dug them up and threw them everywhere they could. It's not talked about much because it's literally CP. Most of Fuwamoco's most vicious antis come from /cgl/ too.

On a sort of lighter note, there was a point during Selen's suspension where she started changing her steam name to random jumbles of letters, but they were actually youtube links. She used those letters to send dragoons funny videos she liked (usually involving dragons or some kind of animation meme). Every time the dragoons posted about it in /doki/, she'd change it a few hours later. She was completely silenced on all other forms of social media, so this was likely her way of still making the dragoons laugh and interacting with them.
...We also can roughly estimate when the second suicide attempt happened, because that's when she stopped changing them for a few days.
Somewhat scarily, someone posted in /doki/ a fake name change that they photoshopped that just said "help." My crackpot rrat is that one was also her being desperate, but it could've easily been a shitposter fucking with the emotionally vulnerable dragoons.

>> No.92614661

*enters her anus*

>> No.92615147

Thanks for the MI6 briefing.

>> No.92615231
File: 401 KB, 843x575, shiny@hinatsu_sd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, a newfag wanted the deets, and I'm bored enough to write them out.

>> No.92615721
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>She used those letters to send dragoons funny videos she liked
>We also can roughly estimate when the second suicide attempt happened, because that's when she stopped changing them for a few days.

>> No.92615782
File: 1.20 MB, 3072x3954, CunnySpats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex the brat.

>> No.92615859

>No Gigilia, leave the Land Before Time boots on
>Anon... I...

>> No.92615869

>Mori was some kind of 4chan person. I can't remember exactly which board she was a part of, though.
She dreww some shit on/a/ and people dug it up when she mentioned in on stream. She didnt know archives exist lol

>> No.92615877

>as they participated in Millie's retarded "Secret GC" stream
To this day I don't understand wtf was going through her head to rationalize thinking it was a good idea. What a fucking retard, lmao.

>> No.92616054


>> No.92616103
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>> No.92616155

Her laugh always makes me think of the laugh of a middle aged Spanish radio talk show host

>> No.92617632

Mori used to be really into kill la kill and you can even distinguish her voice on an /a/ sings

>> No.92618641

>what is the entirety of Vshojo

>> No.92619547

Nothing is beyond his reach

Any confirmed /here/ from Phase Connect

>> No.92619904
File: 126 KB, 1235x692, flips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at this point it would be easier to make a list of vtubers that don't browse /vt/

>> No.92619999

>Any confirmed /here/ from Phase Connect

>> No.92621413

I like how everyone gets 'caught' browsing /here/.

>> No.92621525

Jesús Christ, thank you so much for the detail anon. I love vt and this awesome community that shares knowledge to newfags like me.

>> No.92632117

>mfw every time she shows me the panties on her tight little catgirl butt

>> No.92638344

Did anyone catch who she went to see sonic 3 with? She brought it up during the NY countdown watchalong with Justice.

>> No.92638389
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>> No.92638577

A male friend of hers, apparently

>> No.92639456

Every single one that you are feeling like they could differentiate SEAnig having melty and constructive criticism. Anyone else bounced off

>> No.92639946

Mori browsing /a/

>> No.92640780
File: 90 KB, 2340x1080, oujfnce0eac41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a sort of lighter note, there was a point during Selen's suspension where she started changing her steam name to random jumbles of letters, but they were actually youtube links. She used those letters to send dragoons funny videos she liked (usually involving dragons or some kind of animation meme). Every time the dragoons posted about it in /doki/, she'd change it a few hours later. She was completely silenced on all other forms of social media, so this was likely her way of still making the dragoons laugh and interacting with them.

>> No.92642734

pomu must be so messed up and stupid my god

>> No.92642827

as all things in /vt/, things can either be black or white.
either they're all /here/, or non of them are /here/.

>> No.92642919

I'd like to enter Shiorin's catalog, if you know what I mean

>> No.92643185

they're all here. where else would they be? the vtuber subreddits are trash and twitter is twitter. what else is there? the internet is so tiny nowadays that of course they're here. they have to be since there's no other place where vtuber discussion takes place on this scale

>> No.92643300
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>Every time the dragoons posted about it in /doki/, she'd change it a few hours later. She was completely silenced on all other forms of social media, so this was likely her way of still making the dragoons laugh and interacting with them
>We also can roughly estimate when the second suicide attempt happened, because that's when she stopped changing them for a few days

>> No.92643412

reddit and shitty groomcords

>> No.92643885

not to state the obvious but peeba but its annoying since half her fans now larp as /vt/ users

>> No.92644689

Was she actually confirmed to be underage? If so, I've got to scrub some images off my machine.

>> No.92646197

For Hololive, there's also Kiara (/cgl/ hitlist), Ina (/i/+/ic/ drawfag, linked her pixiv once), Mumei (gore enthusiast) and of course Shiori (writefag on /cm/ + /y/ with AoOO links).
That's just the ones with proof.

>> No.92646508

Where did this gig creature come from? She just started appearing in my hololive content

>> No.92646591


>> No.92648254

>Mumei (gore enthusiast)

>> No.92648402


>> No.92648426

Ask her yourself im 90% sure Op or someone in this thread is gigi
i myself could even be gigi *barks*

>> No.92648473
File: 584 KB, 1513x884, 1673662581000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and holostars who slipped up and showed a tab with /vt/ on it.
That was funny watching it live. Dumb dingo.

>> No.92648533
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>> No.92648825


>> No.92648841


>> No.92649224
File: 223 KB, 512x512, 1701504171660439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's named because I edited it earlier today.

>> No.92649308


>> No.92649348
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>> No.92649489
File: 69 KB, 500x500, artworks-lrpzrYe9zhC8xoGg-eJlrFw-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now pull down your pants

>> No.92649504

mori probably browsed /a/ in like 2013 and now doesn't because she's got better things to do
like anyone who was browsing /a/ in 2013


>> No.92649635


>> No.92649790

the fuck did i do

>> No.92650226

for some reason nijiEN is terminally /here/ despite the whole board keep making fun of them 24/7
its like self harm at this point

>> No.92650337

YOURE MORI !!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.92650868

only 2 ? must be a slow day

>> No.92651152

yes some of us have friends to celebrate new years with

>> No.92651193

do the math

>> No.92651229

4chan has been mainstream for years now anyone that spends time online has at least visited.

>> No.92651419

i know enough normies that havent

>> No.92651547
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>> No.92651773

she reads BL tho

>> No.92654035

Do they not know she has niji friends? Clippers are so retarded

>> No.92654101

FWMC and Fauna are huge reddit nerds

>> No.92654185

man dont fucking ruin gigi for me
are her niji friends atleast not part of the obsessed faggot group

>> No.92654815

why are xisters like this
why do normies act like xisters too

>> No.92654890

Uki and elira

>> No.92655056


>> No.92656857

It's funny to watch them attempt to damage control, though. It usually doesn't turn out so well.
Focusing so hard on this mongolian basket weaving forum really can't be healthy.

>> No.92657983

thank you. have a good day and keep the good work, longpostfag anon

>> No.92659667
File: 3.92 MB, 4800x4986, chuubasherecompilationLowQuality.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>92614607 (me)
I found the compilation again. It's too big to post properly so here's a catbox

Also here's a webm of Reimu accidentally showing 4chan AND the archive site on her most visited websites.

>> No.92660343

Strangely enough Gigi was a sister

>> No.92661044

Not that strange, given her personality

>> No.92661284

>For Holo,
Raora is here, based on "Here to capture (you)r hearts! ~ "
Shiori as well, there is a /shig/ exclusive audio.

>> No.92663589
File: 70 KB, 804x765, sus peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rather than vt
what chuubas browse trash

>> No.92665644

The only ones who have never been here are the ones from JP and korea

>> No.92666539

I have suspicion that there are some English speaking indies and even corpo Vtubers who have their own niche and are not overly concerned with growth and etc. and stay in their own lane and out of drama that wouldn't post here. Most Vtubers are not that, they want growth and a bigger audience so browsing /here/ is value for that because you have an honest pulse on the community where you don't actually have a place full of haters nor a hugbox which is for the most part you would find everywhere else. X is somewhat the next best thing if you aren't big enough or only see a thread or mention once in a while but it can get tipped to go one way or another.

>> No.92666680

True but I think she embodies the good aspects of a niji

>> No.92666705

You dont have to be in the drama to post here. I know for a fact Ina visits /wah/ occasionally and posts there anonymously but it doesnt mean she participates in the catelog slop drama the thread shitters are into. But yes, this place is a good litmus paper for the general opinion for their character(even though most of it is biased towarsd the negative)

>> No.92666873

>good aspects of a niji
Doesn't exist, sister

>> No.92666893

If i was a vtuber I would never visit here because the amount of venom outweighs anything fun or constructive that could be said about you. It would be bad for my health and my perspective on the people that watch vtubers

>> No.92666990

How do you explain gigi then

>> No.92667006

Mumei's been banned at least 40 times.

>> No.92667244

She's shit, like the rest of niji

>> No.92667697

Appreciate that you at least aren't a hypocrite and are willing to stick to your guns .

I think she's great and has reinvigorated en.

>> No.92668453

Sorry, I should've meant browse. I think very few Vtubers post, you generally shouldn't do it unless you actively want to have fun shitposting or you want to seed an idea to get feedback. It's kinda easy to see when a chuuba asks something in their own general but you humor them and give honest feedback. Usually, I only ask the hard hitting questions or questions I want answered during when they stream and livepost so it doesn't get mixed up.
Most people aren't actively anti posting you here 24/7 especially when you have a general thread to belong to which is the case with most corpos. Catalog threads for the most part invariably are bad 99% of the time. If you aren't that and can only get some talk in /corpo/ or /lig/, then yeah, it can get pretty bad and probably not great for your health and you should stick to X.

>> No.92668473

The highlights in her eyes make her look like she's constantly in tears.

>> No.92671573

Great. Now I can't unsee it.

>> No.92672059

That stream was the point of no return for nijiEN

>> No.92675920


>> No.92676318

doesnt she just browse her porn tag all day

>> No.92676430

Holy shit
Holy fucking shit

>> No.92677150

>Mori was some kind of 4chan person. I can't remember exactly which board she was a part of, though.
She most likely browsed /v/, /co/, /a/, /jp/ and /tv/ honestly.

She literally watched Boss Nigger with Gura

Dokibird is 100% here as is Fulgur. Doki sent Vox a fucking post that was ONLY here that Fulgur read out loud on stream literally word for word.

Pomu, FWMC, and Nerissa were also /here/ at one point (You can hear them on multiple siivagunner songs)
And theres a HUGE chance ERB browsed /mlp/ in it's prime.

>> No.92677351

>she was flat out underage
that's fucked, because you can still find them in Google images

>> No.92677514

Will say there is a difference between occasionally visiting this place at some point and being /here/

>> No.92678141

Ken Ashcorp and Nyanners and basically ANYONE who voiced ANYTHING in newgrounds between 2006 - 2014
That also includes Kirbopher

>> No.92678363
File: 1.86 MB, 374x220, goslinglook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On a sort of lighter note, there was a point during Selen's suspension where she started changing her steam name to random jumbles of letters, but they were actually youtube links. She used those letters to send dragoons funny videos she liked
ALL over a music video... what the FUCK

>> No.92678478

You actually had me revisit that flintstones snow halation video and I swear I could hear Nerissa.

>> No.92678881

>Every time the dragoons posted about it in /doki/, she'd change it a few hours later. She was completely silenced on all other forms of social media, so this was likely her way of still making the dragoons laugh and interacting with them.
>We also can roughly estimate when the second suicide attempt happened, because that's when she stopped changing them for a few days.
I now understand why she has so many marriage proposals.

>> No.92678939

FWMC and Nerissa are the hardest to pick out, usually you can hear them around the mid section of the song after the first chorus.
They get drowned out by 20 women all singing with the worlds shittiest mics

>> No.92679031

I know Gigi pisses HARD AF and got some recoil

>> No.92679322

Yeah, into my mouth.

>> No.92679834

*enters the gremlin*

>> No.92679928

do you think gigi is a pillow princess, or is she constantly gonna be shit talking you and your technique during sex?

>> No.92680042

It was more than just that. The MV was merely the tipping point.

>> No.92680053

Def not a pillow princess that would be cc

>> No.92680141

Yeah I remember a series of similar problems that drove her nuts before

>> No.92680149

>ao3 links
I wanna read

>> No.92680172
File: 631 KB, 755x806, 1730418180735083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the write-up, anon.

>> No.92680222

she would shit talk you but you would be able to tell she's just trying not to cum in pleasure while doing it. after she gives up she would just give in and go wild

>> No.92680224


Agreed hell of a summary thanks anon

>> No.92680329

>Any confirmed /here/ from Phase Connect

>> No.92680332

Don't forget
>Mumei friends with Doki
so they 100% probably send eachother unhinged rrats and r34 of eachother

>> No.92680506

i would assume most of them, its probably how fishman finds them, there's no other place to find pure concentrated mentally ill people consistently

>> No.92680508

ah yes i also send porn of myself to my coworkers

>> No.92680646

Every indication is the bullying had been bad for a long time before that. This is just 100% speculation, but I strongly suspect she had already decided and the MV was intended to be her note.

>> No.92680768

uh... bro?

Also Shiori and Nerissa send eachother's rule 34 too lmao

>> No.92680779

Ina was also originally in the /vg/ XIV Free Company when ARR dropped.

>> No.92680878

how do you know? did she post her character/a vocaroo or something?

>> No.92680887

im sorry im wasted from new years

>> No.92680962

She won one of the early art contests or at least had a shoutout and she was on Cactuar and iirc she was also in the FC. Was back before she changed her name to avoid chuuba doxxing.

>> No.92681199


>> No.92681255


>> No.92681409

They are all here and they are all lucky this place programmed them to avoid the most embarrassing culture war pitfalls that alot of normal streamers and terminally online people fell into.

>> No.92681552

Remember when rosemi came here and was immediately called a nigger?

>> No.92682054
File: 1.05 MB, 1263x1703, 1617447541698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92682256

Wow how the fuck did I mix those two up in my head

>> No.92682293

no the same thing happened to Rosemi too

>> No.92682509

can you truly say you have interacted on 4chan if you haven't been called a nigger at least once

>> No.92683134


>> No.92683977
File: 632 KB, 1560x1833, 1729718658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enters the catalog
Displays her cooch.

>> No.92684072
File: 75 KB, 665x358, 8r1gm5oeenw71-3686535085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.92686585


>> No.92687179

>sees GG
*pulls out erect cock*

>> No.92687526

shoots a blowdart at this grem's balloon

>> No.92687538

Team Fistwatch

>> No.92687584
File: 123 KB, 1086x821, P6M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the record, this is the time notRosemi tried to self advertise /here/

>> No.92688009

i post good things about my oshi ergo youre a fagget

>> No.92688283

But I am your oshi and you just called me a faggotn

>> No.92688392

proof or your both a nigger and a faggot

>> No.92688455

specially of Dizzy. I want her to read my posts about her tits. (and support of her)

>> No.92688732

Also that one time Gura posted her Calender tweet on /ggg/.
>Fuwamoco were regulars at /cgl/
Really? How do you know?
>Ina being an /ic/ drawfag
>tfw she could have drawn a pic of Megumin for me there
I'd believe it. I can't believe /xivg/ had general that didn't just do rp and shitty character pics though.

>> No.92691636

>rapes you cutely

>> No.92691783

>Really? How do you know?
Anon we got tabs on them going back decades at this point.

>> No.92691972

you have forgotten how scary the internet is when they are motivated, they will dig everything they can up. all past accounts, nudes, real self if its been somewhere public it will be found.

>> No.92692343

>Ctrl F Risu
>0 results
She made this thread didn't she

>> No.92692433
File: 49 KB, 332x222, Cheebs sock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*gets her sock stolen*

>> No.92696087

I honestly completely forgot that ID existed

>> No.92697288

Don’t worry Risu, I think you’re great

>> No.92700315

After watching Gremlings with CC now you have to watch Critters to eastern with her.

>> No.92705871

sexually, of course

>> No.92706435

I'm kind of happy, even though I don't watch her. Fuzuki's story is sad if she just gave up.

>> No.92706499

Very cute and naive of her and perfectly in character

>> No.92706576

Calm down, Jurard

>> No.92707348

4chan is new Reddit. Fucking normalfaggots redditors.

>> No.92707403

You faggots are worse than seaniggers pagpag eaters. Nothing better to do in a new year celebration.

>> No.92707568

What do you expect from trannies jannies Holokeks. Now you can ban me trannies jannies. I don't expect better from this reddit echo chamber for holocucks.

>> No.92707611

Just want to document for posterity that you are responding to yourself. Don't mind me.

>> No.92707617
File: 75 KB, 240x240, YPJlYbqoGMPQgwPqnZ34Bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about? That post was made in the mid afternoon and was talking about how the chuubas keep coming here despite KNOWING how venomous this place is.
Take a walk, dude. The only people who'd be offended by it would be... organs.

>> No.92709174

anon, if you're gonna samefag, at least be less obvious.

>> No.92709271
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>> No.92710763


>> No.92712298
File: 3.42 MB, 553x258, fuwamocolook.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably all of them, those that speak english at least,

>> No.92712604

I wouldn't be surprised if Miguel Gato even comes here to see her threads.

>> No.92713053
File: 292 KB, 1700x1184, GremlinAss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.92715344

Someone get her an inhaler
