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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9258772 No.9258772 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9258800

toasting epic bread

>> No.9258814

the best of EN2

>> No.9258871


>> No.9258890

I like Fauna but I'm not sold on Mumei

>> No.9258905


>> No.9258911

how original

>> No.9258927

Cuck idol GFE is now acceptable, just remember that next time you paypig

>> No.9258949

lesbian sex when

>> No.9258970

absolutely basado

>> No.9258982


>> No.9258991 [DELETED] 

cry more incels

>> No.9259021

Don't join an idol company if you want to have a boyfriend, it's that simple

>> No.9259044
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>> No.9259073

they all have boyfriends

>> No.9259104

Then they're just as guilty and should be treated as badly as these two

>> No.9259172 [DELETED] 

This but unironically

>> No.9259174

Are their bfs current or just exes?

>> No.9259209

Cornudos todos ustedes retardados

>> No.9259212

never fag

>> No.9259225

They never tweeted about breaking up with them and Fauna last publically declared she had a bf two months ago sooo

>> No.9259267
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>> No.9259268

meant for >>9258949

>> No.9259295

they kinda ruin hololive for me

>> No.9259303 [DELETED] 

Don't have a boyfriend.
Don't have a girlfriend.
Don't have sex.
Don't get married.
Don't make babies.
Simple as.

>> No.9259317

I'm currently dating both of them yeah.

>> No.9259333

Mumei is the smartest holo

>> No.9259353

Okay but lesbian sex when

>> No.9259356

digits confirm

>> No.9259366

There are quite a few mean girls in this world who enjoy making Incel depressed, and I'm sure more and more of these girls will join the hololive in the future.

>> No.9259408 [DELETED] 

Selen-sama... I kneel....

>> No.9259474 [DELETED] 

seethe and dilate incel they will continue fucking and will never even know you let alone love you

>> No.9259594 [DELETED] 


>> No.9259692

Just assume that all women have a boyfriend unless proven otherwise

>> No.9259740
File: 101 KB, 249x249, 1628875028699.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time you made this thread the purityfaggots and unicorns got BTFO, do you want to repeat that again? After that the shitposters became a bit less annoying
Estos maricas se pondrían a llorar con tan solo el hecho de estar en presencia de una mujer hispana

>> No.9259750

boring nyanners clones
boring canadians

>> No.9259758
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Hey there cuties, are you here with your boyfirend? Wanna come play with us?

>> No.9259769

Mumei is just made sweet sweet love with him on February 14 2021. If you check their social media you'd see how in-love they are.

Their favorite is diaper roleplay. Owlcucks think that tellytubby came out of nowhere but it actually is from her deepest feelings for him.

>> No.9259826

Hey guys, me here, AMA

>> No.9259851
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Are you dorks gonna do this after every collab?

>> No.9259856

Don't watch virtual anime girls when you wanna have a girlfriend, it's that simple

>> No.9259863

when can I join?

>> No.9259891 [DELETED] 

How does this dude look like an IRL anime character?

>> No.9259908

>implying they don't do this before every collab.

>> No.9259923

Highest superchatter gets to watch in the corner at the end of every month, so go akasupa!

>> No.9259938 [DELETED] 

Me here as well.

>> No.9259994

by force it is then

>> No.9260078

I'm 6'7 and jacked, I wouldn't try anything

>> No.9260116

I don't give money to vtubers.

>> No.9260147
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they based anime off of him.

>> No.9260286

I suppose you're not wrong, but still, it is kind of a sad showing at this point. Not that I'm really complaining since it seems like everybody in the generals have learned to ignore their bait, they have no choice but to shit up the catalog, only to be bumped off by ORANGE WOMEN BAD

>> No.9260758

Looking pretty confident for someone at low HP

>> No.9260840

>don't have a girlfriend
Now hold on.

>> No.9261245 [DELETED] 

No one should have relationships. We must voluntarily depopulate the Earth by refusing to have sex.

>> No.9262395

Not true, a couple of them have girlfriends.

>> No.9266550

cutely RPing dorks. would watch more collabs.

>> No.9267015

too much work ill just stick to the ol all vtubers have cocks until proven otherwise, makes it hotter that way

>> No.9269522

where’s the cuck stuff coming from? that’s not Mori in the OP

>> No.9269582

i hope fauna will collab with me i still like her even after she snaked me

>> No.9269725
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>> No.9269793

Is this the next thread? Are the proofs here or do I wait for next thread again?

>> No.9269992

Do you have a source for that?
*I tried looking into s******u twitter but it is currently locked right now*

>> No.9270046
File: 10 KB, 480x360, E03F7323-420F-4D3B-8248-6AA177AC1EA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neck yourself diaperfag

>> No.9270165

Eddy introduced me to lily/fauna but she snaked me :(

>> No.9270183

Nijisanji energy

>> No.9270299

Even members of mainstream idol groups have boyfriends behind the scenes. Fact of the matter is that you unicorns have never been welcomed in the idol fandom; at best, the rest of us idol fans merely tolerated you.

>> No.9271022

Ntrcore chuubas

>> No.9271511

You aren't an approved follower? She must have not trusted a rando like you.

>> No.9271651


>> No.9271802

Cuck and cucker

>> No.9273427

Ohoo. Now ain't this a new rrat. Idolfags are also cucks?

>> No.9273624 [DELETED] 

A couple of KEKoos

>> No.9273748
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>> No.9274042

You can't talk about their fans being cucks, OP. The meido's gonna ban you now.
Literally the only reason why this isn't brought up every 10 minutes is because of them

>> No.9274212

You will never date a vtuber

>> No.9274391

yeah, me.

>> No.9274409
File: 1.11 MB, 1063x557, 1613249640423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vented about how bullshit shitposting about cucks is and how it's so hard getting anybody to bite the bait because the generals don't give them attention anymore
>egghead said something to the effect of "that's why i just spam the catalog with shit instead" and said that egghead probably has the right idea
>is extremely bothered by (the implication of investment meidos is putting into actually doing their fucking job) but literally nothing for dramafags or support for anyone else
>cuckposter said it didn't bother him because it's nothing new
>Is now sniffling, says there's "really nothing anyone can do"
>it's an "internal matter" and not about the attention or lack of meds
>says he's just going to play Fall Guys with discordfags to cheer himself up since he saw Kiara doing it in a member's only stream and that it looks far more fun than playing with randos
>wants to finish Yakuza next week no matter what

>> No.9274473
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It's just not the same...

>> No.9274625
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>I'm 6'7 and jacked
Do they really expect her to dump this just for simp bucks?

>> No.9274719

speak human, nigger.

>> No.9274752

I found gold/10

>> No.9274822

Whats with the kevinposting? Is this lutherposting but for fauna? I dont get it

>> No.9274867

Your mom is not a virgin

>> No.9274933

>implying /vt/ fag have enough money to throw superchat
faggots here will throw $50 at best, and cant afford to buy food for a week

>> No.9274963


>> No.9275017

I assume it's Kevinposting because the cuckposters use Eddy

>> No.9275019

La ciudad se llama Duke
Nuevo Mexico el estado
Entre la gente mafiosa
Su fama se a propagado
Causa de una nueva droga
Que los gringos han creado
Dicen que es color azul
Y que es pura calidad
Esa droga poderosa
Que circula en la ciudad
Y los due??os de la plaza
No la pudieron parar
Anda caliente el cartel,
Al respeto le faltaron
Hablan de un tal Heisenberg,
Ke ahora controla el mercado
Nadie sabe nada de el,
Por que nunca lo han mirado
El cartel es de respeto
Y jamas a pardonado
Ese compa ya esta muerto
Nomas no le han avisado
La fama de Heisenberg
Ya llego hasta Michoacan
Desde alla quieren venir
A probar ese cristal
Ese material azul
Ya se hizo internacional
Ahora si le quedo bien
A Nuevo Mexico el nombre
A Mexico se parece
En tanta droga que esconde
Solo que hay un capo gringo
Por Heisenberg lo conocen
Anda caliente el cartel,
Al respeto le faltaron
Hablan de un tal Heisenberg,
Que ahora controla el mercado
Nadie sabe nada de el,
Por que nunca lo han mirado
A la furia del cartel
Nadie jamas a escapado.
Ese compa ya esta muerto
Nomas no le han avisado

>> No.9275030

Seething EOP

>> No.9275127

unless you are jesus

>> No.9275588

Yeah but nobody cares as long as it's hidden behind the scenes, you retard.

>> No.9275697

I swear most of these doxxcord spammers are women, their posting reeks of jealousy.

>> No.9275747

Yes, I deflowered her myself.

>> No.9275786
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>> No.9275877


>> No.9275948

the indie crab mentality is real, which is a shame because orcschizo 2.0 was pretty talented herself and unironically it's much harder to enjoy her old stuff now that she showed her true self

>> No.9275953

>all the proud cucks are spics
who could have guessed

>> No.9275970

Dudes Rock

>> No.9275978

Who's the sequel?

>> No.9276085

Still seething

>> No.9276121
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You wish

>> No.9276131

Why would I seethe about your thirdie shithole lmao

>> No.9276214

You mean America? It's on it's way to being third world but not quite there yet. Cope lmao

>> No.9276217

Virtual idol company.
Where the Virtual Idol does not have a boyfriend. Your first mistake is to mix up the real world with the virtual one.

>> No.9276339

Don't bother even doing your reps and giving them more attention than they're already getting from dorks. She's just a jealous schizo who hopefully took her meds.

>> No.9276365

>implying I am a new worlder at all
keep coping spic cuck

>> No.9276484

Ouch that struck a nerve, didn't it?
You will never be first world. lmao

>> No.9276601

>owlfags and naturefags have derailed the thread by turning into an /int/ fuckfest

>> No.9276658

my country isnt an HDI-let unlike yours lol

>> No.9276709

They stream in my time zone and I’ve been able to catch every stream so far.
Both are doing their best and it’s like watching the awkward Myth debut phase all over again, and watching them grow as streamers is fun.
Great additions to council.

>> No.9276714

just want to shitpost without having to go to redd/int/

>> No.9276774

Funny that you're afraid to say which one. Really makes you think. lmao
