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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9163042 No.9163042 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9163093


>> No.9163099

And thanks to her collab with Mori she's not even the best singer on her channel

>> No.9163141

Oh boy! another singer thread

>> No.9163160

What is this lazy-ass retreaded bait thread? At least come up with something new OP!

>> No.9163162


>> No.9163272
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>> No.9163344

Yes and by far

>> No.9163385

Yes. Anyone who disagrees is a angry number fag.

>> No.9163536

I can't believe it's that easy to trigger deadbeats.

>> No.9163659
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>> No.9163670

deadcucks take the rope to cope

>> No.9164281
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Hell naaaa

>> No.9164761

ugly potato

>> No.9164946

Mogged hard by Risu

>> No.9165027

She could be if she actually put some effort into it. Everyone keeps linking to early karaoke streams to sell her skills, and they really were great, but for the past few months nothing good came from her singing. She needs to find her SOVL

>> No.9165546

Don't make your life hard, just pepeJam

>> No.9165570

Why are her hands so small in this picture

>> No.9165756

Senchou thinks so and she objectively has more qualifications than literally anyone else on this website in that she actually has some amount of formal training and has a successful singing career.

>> No.9169820

Good ranking

>> No.9169902

No. She's untrained and has just ok technique. With real training her natural given gifts would catapult her into the stars

>> No.9169941

yes, it's not even close

>> No.9170026

She has the best vibrato of hololive.
Her singing's pretty good too.

too technical. Its boring. Sorry. Lots of skill, but no potential to be a frontman.

>> No.9170065

>polish it till its featureless
Ok tastelet

>> No.9170231

Depends on the song but Moona is generally better.

>> No.9170392

Mio is the best.

>> No.9170425

I'm actually the best

>> No.9170827

she actually might be. it's very rare to find a decent singers who can rap at this flow

>> No.9170868

> Gura
"Life sucks, but let's focus on the positive parts."
> Okayu
"Life sucks, but so what?"
> Suisei
"Life sucks, but I'll keep fighting on."
These three are very talented that you can somewhat grasp their lore and personality from their singing.

>> No.9170882

Not sure who can be the best Holo singer.
There are many ways to measure best so it will depends, but Gura is my favorite.

>> No.9170971

holy shit, her singing is so attractive

>> No.9171003

can confirm

>> No.9171030

based gura tootin her own cock

>> No.9171094

Goddamn. Thats amazing. The feeling in her voice. Singers who can sing right from the heart in such a feral way and at the same time with complete emotional delicacy are absolutely rare.

>> No.9171126


>> No.9171138

even /rrat/ sings better

>> No.9171148

Skillfully, not in the slightest. But if you particularly like her voice and like her as a person, no one else will compare, the soul is strong.

>> No.9171187

No, because Noel is in Hololive.

>> No.9171199

>the soul is strong.
>Skillfully, not in the slightest.

anon, there appears to be a contradiction in your logic

>> No.9171210

>pic unrelated

>> No.9171220

skill != soul. In fact, sometimes the former can impede on the latter.

>> No.9171268

for a particular definition of skill, I guess.
Whatever special definition you are using for this case

>> No.9171276

It will always depend on who’s your favorite so this debate doesn’t really matter because everyone has different tastes

>> No.9171277


Training will only make her do what she already does well better.

>> No.9171312

The most common definition used on /vt/ is the one where Noel has the most soulful singing in Hololive, make of that what you will.

>> No.9171375

Singing everything in a soft voice and like you're about to cry at the end of every line gets a bit old if you're not emotionally attached to the person or her voice.

>> No.9171377

>I have a crystal ball, I can see the future
nice speculation

>> No.9171566

Sora with her limiters off mogs the fuck out of what Gura is capable of (watch the archive of her classical music stream) but she's also had several years of training at this point. I'd be curious to see how far Gura could go if she took it that seriously but it comes with a sacrifice.

>> No.9171701

I'm not calling her unskilled at all, just that there's more skilled singers in Hololive

>> No.9171725

Tower is the best.

>> No.9171855

She has a clean tone when she sings, can tell not a cigarette smoker. I like it.

>> No.9171913

Educate yourself you uncultured swine. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xB8y5jZPAsA

I spit in your general direction.

>> No.9171975

It's a shame English is so hard to pronounce for JOPs.

>> No.9172276

She might not have any formal training but she puts more emotion into her singing than most singers I've listened to.

>> No.9172461
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>> No.9172465

I hate her model so much

>> No.9172501

She's the singer with the most talent and potential by far. People love to say that "nah she's not the best, look at X" but the ones she's being compared to have always taken singing lessons and shit for years while Gura has never had a single lesson.

>> No.9172556

Mori butt singing better than the stinky shark and you can TAKE THAT TO THE BANKS

>> No.9172567

>gets singing lessons and vocal training
>still worse than a completely untrained Gura

>> No.9173666

It's not like vocal training even matters that much unless you're going into opera or some origin specific singing style. You just learn to sing from diaphragm and hold a note relatively on pitch, maybe even learn where your strongest register is so you can practice around it.

>> No.9174055

Okayu is the best. Her voice is incredible.

>> No.9174285

Gura stop shitposting and go to bed

>> No.9174657

risu pls

>> No.9174760

i like this more than anything she sang in her edgy gawr stream

>> No.9174969

and to think she used to be so insecure about her voice. i really love the sound of it too.

>> No.9178388

I don't know about best, but check out her Bardcore stream. It was quite enjoyable.

>> No.9178752

not even the best singer in her gen, get this shit out of here

>> No.9179833

She is not the best singer but when it comes to slow or acoustic songs no one can beat her. Her voice is charismatic and has something that different from other


>> No.9183989

Was meh to me, needs to be deeper if you want to match the Chairman of the Board.

>> No.9185377

Fucking treerrat sing for us damnit

>> No.9185984
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>> No.9186342


>> No.9186518
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>> No.9186601

No this is https://streamable.com/kajf2b

>> No.9187730

who's better, noel or ame?

>> No.9189477

Thanks for linking members content. Who knew Chumbabies are this easy to fool rumao

>> No.9189630

whoever says otherwise is in very, very heaviy denial

>> No.9192023


>> No.9192214
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>can't sing classical Opera
You're all so cute

>> No.9192280

ITT: Everyone completely forgets Suisei exists

>> No.9192396
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no, this one is

>> No.9193681
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Sora is not the only one who can do opera. Yogiri is pretty decent at it too.

>> No.9193891 [SPOILER] 
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not even close

>> No.9195314


>> No.9195913
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Thoughts for EN?

>> No.9196618

Ame and Mori are too high and I don't know anything about the EN2 girls.

>> No.9196755

Mori is a rapper, not a singer.

>> No.9196780


>> No.9197021

Suisei, Moona, Kanata, and Towa come to mind.

>> No.9197508
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Well... she was pretty decent.

>> No.9197519
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>> No.9197792


lots of people in hololive, like Gura, have cute singing voices and people like that.

Suisei is basically on a league or her own as an actual professional singer who knows what she's doing with her voice. It's almost unfair to compare her to others just doing karaoke streams for funzies.

>> No.9197934

There are some mashups on youtube of Suisei, AZKi and IRyS singing the same song and it's hard to say that one is clearly better than the others. She probably does have the best original songs though.

>> No.9198071 [DELETED] 
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No, others definitely sound better, but she is the only one who I listened to regularly everytime I'm going to work

>> No.9198217

She's not even the best singer of her own multiple personalities

>> No.9198359

this is god tier holy shit

>> No.9199243

Her voice works well for a lot of slow songs so even if she's not sure how to approach the song her voice will still carry that performance, when she gets into more dynamic songs like Ado's odo without a clear approach in mind her performance kinda falls apart. She's fucking amazing when she knows how to though as seen here >>9170827

>> No.9200542

It’s all cumbuds are capable of

>> No.9200620

>a smokah
>still have better voice than glorified shark

>> No.9200998

She was a bit sick in this stream even. That gave her voice some kind of ASMR feeling that make it more kino.

>> No.9201548

Thanks for the Member only content Cumbuds!

>> No.9203483
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Unironically yes.
Yes, even without autotune and the voice changer.

>> No.9205773
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Don’t kill her off. She’s still alive and doing well. She still want to become an idol after all that happened. Her wish to become an idol is truly genuine unlike most holos who are in it for the money. I consider her and Sora to be the top 2 singers in hololive.

>> No.9206341
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Would you be of the opinion that she should still be considered "in Hololive"? I'm not opposed to the idea, just curious what others think, given that Cover has more or less retconned her branch.

>> No.9206538

She sucks. She annoyed me with her half-assed attempt of singing Seikan Hikou during her debut. It's my favorite song. At least Ame and Noel have soul. Sana, with the rest of HoloEN 2, can't sing shit. "Idol company" my ass.

>> No.9206589
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>> No.9206899

not even close

>> No.9206969
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Not even close.

>> No.9207296

I don’t know. Hololive treated them like shit but I still want to remind people that there used to be a talented singer among holo members. I would feel bad if I exclude Yogiri from the discussions about who’s the best singer in hololive.

>> No.9207333

when did mumei sing live?

>> No.9207356


>> No.9207431

No, it was recorded. Her singing is mediocre anyway. I don’t expect much from Mumei.

>> No.9207448

oh, take her off the chart then.

>> No.9211366

how the fuck did i miss this, i fucking love this song

>> No.9214217

unironically yes

>> No.9215799

If Suisei and Nene didn't exist then possibly
Aqua is also getting up there but she is stuck on moe songs but sounding better on ballad type songs

>> No.9216181

Lets just accept it that Gura got the mainstream appeal. I can totally see her on a facebook viral video.

>> No.9216191

I prefer Moona personally but because of her low proficiency in both English and Japanese I can understand why some doesn't consider her

>> No.9216308

>damn dude. I like towa's singing but her first notes didnt even hit properly.

>> No.9216775

t. EOP who watch EN only

>> No.9216821

they are worse than:

>Risu, Moona, Azki, Suisei, Towa, Watame, Aqua, Kanata, Pekora, Marine, FBK, Ayame, Haachama

so no.

>> No.9216842

otherwise I agree with everything else

>> No.9216983

Pekora was great at holofes, fuck anyone who disagrees

she is the best.

>> No.9217036

She randomly lets out a few lines of songs almost every stream. She had a couple lines of unravel slip out during Passpartout today and imo there was some serious potential there.

>> No.9217210

Yes and it isn't close.

>> No.9217274


>> No.9218180 [SPOILER] 
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Chumkeks will defend this

>> No.9218445

even as a hoshiyomi Suityan still impresses me
the best part is that Suityan literally autismed her way to being better at singing by going to karaoke booths alone and practicing for hours

>> No.9219391

No one is as autistic as Suisei when it comes to singing, Moona comes close though

>> No.9220155

Best singer? No.
Best voice? Yes.
Best voice to hear sing? It depends on the song.

>> No.9220340


>> No.9221347

By far, people denying this are just contrarian hipsters
