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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9148962 No.9148962 [Reply] [Original]

>hacker phase
>goth phase
>wigger phase
>weeb phase (still ongoing)
How can one person be some many shades of dork?

>> No.9149300

She's vulnerable to anything that presents itself as 'cool'. She likes the idea of being a cool badass, in whatever form that takes.

>> No.9151156

but that's what teenagers do, she's an adult

>> No.9151260

Mori Calliope is cool!
Cool and cute!

>> No.9152401

>Mori thought vtubing is cool

>> No.9152546

/vt/ is a containment board for people who cannot grow up from watching japanese children cartoons.

>> No.9152736

Mori is what happens when you watch The Matrix as a child.
Gura is what happens when you don't.

>> No.9153066

>grow up from watching japanese children cartoons.
Imagine having such a mindset that you believe ignoring a piece of media you find appealing is growing up, that means a lack of maturity and just following what society expects of you
Live your own life and stop giving a damn about the opinions of those that judge you for things unrelated of your ethics. Happiness is found in those that live their day doing what they truly want

>> No.9153150
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>There are few things that are truly badass. There's me, Mori Calliope, the Wappanese Badass. There's Hololive EN. MMMMMMMMMM You don't wanna mess with them! There's the NWA, Hot Topic, hacktivists. . . and there are the Deadbraps. To the man, they're bad to the bone.

>> No.9153200


>> No.9153239


>> No.9153439

Ok lmao kid whatever you say. Let me pat your head

>> No.9153481
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anon it's bait
do not give your (You)s away so easily

>> No.9153740

deadbeats being the most cringe and reddit fanbase continues as they label anything that is cringey, retarded, stupid, and pathetic as "dorky."

>> No.9153809

Sorry, I watched the Matrix watchalong and I got too much inspiration

>> No.9153910

Hope vtubing isn't one of those phases...

>> No.9153922


>> No.9154180

If I had the aka money I would superchat her to read this

>> No.9154595
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>> No.9155750

I'm crying

>> No.9155823

>hacker phase
She installed Gentoo?

>> No.9155904

American Badass Mori when?

>> No.9156009

It feels like she had a crush on a nerdy boy at her school who was a computer nerd and tried to impress him by learning about hackers, repeat with goth stuff, but the weeb and rap stuff seems genuine to her

>> No.9156033

this is mori's ideal man

>> No.9157062

not my oshi, but chuuni "i wanna be cool too!" dorks are adorable
t. teamate

>> No.9157946

already exists in HFZ

>> No.9160309


>> No.9160459

Cope. This majority of people stop watching anime and playing video games as soon as they graduate college and get a real job. Notice how 90% of people online who like the same things you do are zoomers? That's a sign that you're too old for that shit and need to move on.

>> No.9160507

Actually based post. I'm pushing 30 and I still like all that stuff, but that's because I'm a fucking loser who will never have sex. Don't be like me.

>> No.9160641

>"Premiere Hacker movie"
>Not Wargames
>Not Hackers
>Not Sneakers
Can she even hack the gibson?

>> No.9160715

But I am you.

>> No.9160721
File: 518 KB, 1536x1024, I see hacker people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Premier hacker movie

>> No.9160735

how many skateboards does she own?

>> No.9160745

I think she means the aesthetics. I doubt she knows what sudo is

>> No.9160759

Now "Voodoo People" is stuck in my head

>> No.9160781

She's so fucking CUTE I can't take it

>> No.9160844

As much as Matthew Lillard is now seen as Live-Action Shaggy, he'll always be 'HACK THE PLANET' guy to me.

>> No.9160869

CAlli if you're here being a braphog is super cool

>> No.9160873

Do you think that what originally brought her to 4chan was her believing the whole 'hackers on steroids' thing?

>> No.9160913
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How can woman like this still exist?
How has she not gotten ruined by modern world?

>> No.9160946

Shit, you might be onto something
>Woah... So this is where all the cool people hang out... Yeah... Hehe, nigger

>> No.9160978


>> No.9160991
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>> No.9161012

She is like this precisely like this because the modern world did ruin her. Do roommate reps, but be aware, that ain't a happy story.

>> No.9161030

I legit forgot about rollerblade

>> No.9161201

How? They were xtreme to the max.
You knew because they had 'blade' in the name.

Do you think people would really be interested in rollerskates and spinning tops otherwise?

>> No.9161210

Then what do you do when you are not working? Contemplate suicide?

>> No.9165051

asmr blowjob phase when

>> No.9165120

white girl wiggers are the worst

>> No.9167634


>> No.9167690

quick rundown?

>> No.9167756

my god.

I wish I was her father or older brother and protect her from all the evils of this world.

>> No.9167783
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Finner based!

>> No.9167855

That no one backed her up fucking kills me

>> No.9167991 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9168249

Wiggers are subhumans

>> No.9168316

>hacker phase

>> No.9168491

how adorable

>> No.9168553

This but unironically

>> No.9168573

Observe the "I'm not like other girls" mating strat in action. I guarantee you that Karen wants a Japanese rap enjoyer hazubando. Has she told us what her "type" is?

>> No.9168997

Remember that she was bullied in the past, maybe it's just her insecurities' manifestation

>> No.9169246


>> No.9170040


Her type is hairy manlets. She literally wants to fuck a fantasy dwarf.

>> No.9170158

Small penises

>> No.9170853

Holy shit
She's literally Sawako-sensei

>> No.9172101

she is a fucking idiot.

>> No.9172239

Don't say that about yourself Mori

>> No.9172903
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>I'm deeply nsecure and let other people peer pressure me into doing things I don't enjoy, all in a desperate attempt to fit in with a culture that doesn't care whether I live or die
That's a good submissive attitude. I'm sure the men you dated had quite a fun time.

>> No.9173137

>I've never touched a woman in my life. Let me tell you how to be a man.

>> No.9173161

I think she's pretty cool personally

>> No.9174011

you forgot
>bimbo phase

>> No.9175897

Is it really a phase if it lasts her whole life?

>> No.9176031

Anon you're dorky.

>> No.9176243

do you not do that while working?

>> No.9176363

im 5'3 but white
is it over for me, i want her to destroy my pelvis with her 6'4 body

>> No.9176437

I'm a 5'5" flip
Do I have a chance deadbraps?

>> No.9176468

wheres the option for my daughter to grow up normal instead

>> No.9176517

>Has she told us what her "type" is?
Yes. A fake one.

>> No.9176518

The one you fuck.

>> No.9176598

bullied and mindbroken by white 6'2" chads

>> No.9176655

I dont even watch anime. You're thinking of /a/

>> No.9176766

>pain peko.jpg

>Mori replies to this thread

>Probably Gura, Ina, or Kiara.


Isn't Mori only 5'6 in reality? I do remember once having a dream where I met her in person though and she was like 6'10. Meanwhie, Gura was even shorter at like 3'10 and needed to catch rides on everyone else's shoulders.

>> No.9177137

>in order for Mori to love me I must make her believe I'm cool
coolbros how do I start?

>> No.9177261

model your life after afro samurai and yasuke

>> No.9177323

If you need to ask if you're cool yet then you aren't

>> No.9177368

Who even watches anime anymore lol

>> No.9177845

just b urself

>> No.9177977

Gura honestly is fairly normal, she's just an airhead.

>> No.9178035

>Maybe if you're truly cool, you don't need to be told that you're cool
>Of course you do. How else would you know?

>> No.9178718

Choose actual attractive hobbies.

"Attractive hobbies" means:
Something that the hole could see herself benefitting from.

- Gym / fitness / sports "wow he is active and not get fat, good body and will last in bed"
- Travel "wow, he is self sufficient and has money"
- Dancing "wow, we will look great at the ball, he must be good with girls"
- Woodworking - this one is ACTUALLY GOOD "Wow, he will know how to fix his way around the house"
- Cooking - "nice, we can make tasty foods together"
- "Mechanical keybords" - this is just autism. It's a stupid hobby that she has 0 benefit from. Nobody gives a fuck about you, it's about the other person. Remember this if you want to succeed in life. The only way to manipulate others is to let them think you will somehow add a benefit in their lives. If you focus on yourself, you will be ostracized.

learn the subtle signals and the words not said, don't take everything literally. Don't list too much or it will send tryhard vibes. Women pick up on this INSTANTLY. It also shows you lack dedication to one thing. Serious people can't afford to juggle 10 hobbies.

The coolest hobbies are:
- Boxing / kickboxing
- Sailing
- Travel
- Music (guitar or singing, not some incel instruments)

Don't go beyond these if you don't want to be incel

>> No.9178792

>try to be the coolest person there ever was
>actually become a huge dork
I just skipped to the second part. Less work.

>> No.9178828

Who the fuck cares about women

>> No.9178859

>do these things if you dont want to be an incel
>calls women "holes"
all that effort got wasted by your personality lol

>> No.9178923

> Wargames
> Hackers
> Sneakers
> hacker movies
vt never fails to make me kek.
> film adaptation of cathedral and bazaar
now that's a hacker movie

>> No.9179233

This seems like a guide on how to attract the most basic white suburban girl in the universe, the kind that you will divorce after 7 years and 3 children and to whom you will have to pay alimony for the rest of your life.

>> No.9179234

yeesh talk about tryharding

>> No.9179726

>go to SEA, find a girl and say you'll be able to take her away from all this
Works every time

>> No.9183664

he was jacking off to her voice

>> No.9183786

dragon maid last episode was fire

>> No.9183843


>> No.9183855
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This is true but incels here will seethe anyway because they don't want to accept that playing videogames is not a real hobby and of they want to get a gf they're going to have to make some real changes in their life to become more appealing.

>> No.9183901
File: 121 KB, 328x313, 1604998261510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why must she be so perfect?

>> No.9184085

Anime is so much better when you only watch a couple of shows a year that you actually enjoy instead of shoveling down tons of seasonal garbage. I'm more into anime than I have been in years, despite the fact that I barely watch anything these days.

>> No.9184365

So this is the infamous hacker 4channel...

>> No.9184653

>hobbies are videogames, guns, and violin
>have gf anyway
just bee yourself friend

>> No.9197624

Anyone can get a girl with a gun anon but I don't think that counts as a real gf

>> No.9197837

Is that why she lost it when Kiara said chuunibyou?

>> No.9200914

normalfags and ironic weebs trying to get in with the crowd

>> No.9205508

some people take longer

>> No.9205828

Hey Mel poster have this (You)
There's a ton more where that came from kapu kapu~

>> No.9205894

I understood that reference.

>> No.9206317

No one cares faggot

>> No.9206749

You know, adults come from teenagers. Unless she had all those phases in the last 5 or so years this was all when she was from 8 to 19~. Explains her being an MCR fan.

>> No.9206823

My little reaper can't be this aDORKable

>> No.9212044
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I hate the real me and I hate the fake me.

>> No.9212316

Are... you alright, anon? This entire thing reads like someone who only does things for the sake of outward appearances. If that brings you joy, more power to you, but did you decide that you like any of this for your own enjoyment?

>> No.9213558
File: 2.04 MB, 455x455, 1605855898393.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything I do is for the sake of getting a gf. I refuse to become a wizard. I will either have sex or kill myself the night before my 30th birthday. Self-improvement chads LETS GOOOO. I don't even watch vtubers anymore and I only come here to shitpost during breaks between sets at the gym. I will sacrifice it all the achieve my dream.

>> No.9213644

Lmao you will regret it. Trust me.

>> No.9213745

Women like confidence, anon. This screams "insecurity". If you're being honest... I'd recommend writing the note and picking out a good location now, because you'll be lucky if you get someone who would just exploit you for some pocket change.

>> No.9214000
File: 30 KB, 478x416, iw48b1o8fn361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calliope Mori was brutally raped in the ass by three Christian boys in the back of the church in the sweltering hot summer of 2012.

>> No.9214858

Unearned confidence is the definition of cringe. It's literally what we mock people for all day.

>> No.9215201
File: 641 KB, 701x972, calli happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, she has retracted into herself to stay happy.
I want to protect this dork.
>Sent from the capital of rap, so you know I’m a thug
But Asian men get me higher than American drugs
also who's Karen?
She was born this way anon.

>> No.9215255

>Women like confidence, anon.
Literally true. I was a lardass creep who showered once a week and got a gymnast gf at 16 but everyone thought I was smart in school when I attended it once a month
It's either that or I'm insanely lucky.

>> No.9215313

Then earn it, 4head. It's not easy, but nothing worth doing ever is, cliché as that sounds.

>> No.9215494

NTA but stuff like Cooking/Traveling is always going to be fun. I have never really met someone who hates doing these things.
The only people who say they hate cooking can't actually cook.
And the people who say they hate traveling usually means they were forced to travel and has never done so on their own free will.

>> No.9215574

>cares about her fans phase (passed)

>> No.9215622

>doing hobbies because he thinks it'll impress women rather than improve his quality of life or himself as a person

>> No.9215779

nigger who the fuck do you think you are fooling? you're posting on 4chan, on the board dedicated to fake animu waifus. You're one of us.

>> No.9216089

And we're all virgins too. I think I see a correlation here.

>> No.9216291

Seconded. I'm a cringe ass loser but I still got some girls to sleep with me because I was upfront and confident about it.

>> No.9217242

isnt that a way to out yourself as a fag

>> No.9217639

leave it to burgers to think exercising is a "hobby" wtf

>> No.9217873

well it is, mate. not just a burger thing either. health benefits come as a bonus, not all hobbies provide that luxury.

>> No.9218148

Single life post 30 isnt too bad lmao

You also eventually lose that desire if you devote yourself to other things like work, family, etc

>> No.9218524

those two don't mix too well, unless you like being that uncle you only see at weddings

>> No.9218968

>Imagine having such a mindset that you believe ignoring a piece of media you find appealing is growing up
This abortion of logic betrays your juvenile nature. It's not that you start intentionally ignoring something, it's that you naturally get different interests other than cartoons. There is no intention at play, it's a brain developing naturally. Yours didn't (and mine didn't to an extent.)

>> No.9219029

I guess in the west it doesnt

But it's kinda the norm here to have the eldest handle family affairs and usually they'll be too busy to start a family of their own

>> No.9219130

You guys call her a dork meanwhile this combination of interests, skills, and personality traits helped shape HoloMyth the global phenomenon that it is, and made her into an extremely successful and popular creator. Why bother criticizing someone who so clearly has it made doing exactly what they like?

>> No.9219200

Make a more cringe one and I'll superchat it to her

>> No.9219225
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Actual cool hobbies:

>Flight sim or flying real aircraft
>Free solo rock climbing
>Playing RPGMaker porn games
>Anime figure photography (bonus points for hotglue)
>Composing quality rrats
>Spamming chat for vtubers you hate

>> No.9219271

It's just a shitpost newfag, they also like shitposting about themselves you know everyone has been in "that" phase. No mental stable person makes fun of a person's teenage year all the while having worst than them

>> No.9219308

when is the cyberpunk phase?

>> No.9219384

>more cringe
How? All it needs to be aka'd to her is to turn deadbraps to deadbeats, because it'll either confuse her or cause her to skip the whole thing because she knows what it means.

>> No.9219468

That's why I said make a more cringe one, the cringier it is the more she will try to read it coz she felt bad not reading supers specially if the message is kinda long

>> No.9219480

Anon, deadbeats like her because she is a dork. It ain't insult.

>> No.9219728

But she is my oshi precisely because she is a cute dork, cute dorks are one of the most adorable things in the world. And the fact that she is so skilled and successful and she is still such a big dork is incredibly endearing.

>> No.9220001

You know every brony subsists on this exact thought?

>> No.9220032

I've watched a few of the classic films and series but it's so much easier to find quality mango.

>> No.9220269


It's fun to watch a cute girl like the same obscure shit you do and be really good and competent at it

>> No.9220342

>implying she didn't become a vtuber for the visa and to avoid English teaching in Japan

>> No.9220369

Can I fuck that fucking idiot?

>> No.9220441

Are you a neotenous manlet hapa the average 13yo shut-in would consider cool?

>> No.9220455

>avoid English teaching in Japan
I don't know, sometimes she seems to even miss doing it but that could be just because she likes teaching children.

>> No.9220960
File: 156 KB, 296x850, Ya boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe the kids were cute like in Let's speak english

>> No.9221063

>for the visa
Speaking of which, how did COVER sponsor her? They couldn't sponsor visas a while back, so I doubt Mori joined for that, she saw it as a side job.
