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9115680 No.9115680 [Reply] [Original]

>Cover bans Mumei from doing streams about ancient history because of "politics"
>Yet allows their talents to openly discuss getting the vaccine
What gives?

>> No.9115772

>Cover bans Mumei from doing streams about ancient history because of "politics"
source? the voices in your head don't count

>> No.9115796

Her last drawing stream.

>> No.9115838

only retarded burgers think a vaccine is fucking political

>> No.9115931

>getting the vaccine
Yes, those are not the same thing, what is your point?

>> No.9115953

who talked about vaxes?

>> No.9115973

>history is part of her lore
>banned it because it might get political

>> No.9115983

She know history? I thought she’s retarded.

>> No.9115990

Getting a vaccine is considered political, we truly live in a society

>> No.9116021


>> No.9116022

You just couldn't help yourself

>> No.9116035

Vaccines aren't political except if you're a retarded American. In which case, *everything* is political.

>> No.9116038

Moona said she felt a little ill today after taking the 2nd dose in today's stream. I don't really know why that's political though, she wasn't exactly saying people should (or should not) take it just explaining why she sounded tired.

>> No.9116041

Meanwhile Kenmochi played Civ Revolution and nuked China in it

>> No.9116045

It is when they make it political by enforcing proof of vaccination for certain services and rights. Depending on country, of course.

>> No.9116092

oh no, I'm sure the fact checkers will be on that to tell us how the side effects are minimal and safe

>> No.9116111

>no history streams
what about shit like the history of agriculture or art or something? god damn it we really had a chance for a /his/ chuuba but now it's gone

>> No.9116119

OP is a faggot but when governments enforce discrimination of unvaccinated people the vaccine is absolutely related to politics.

>> No.9116128

Seems like common sense to me but hey you do you

>> No.9116150

Likely isn’t one. It’s made up,

>> No.9116163

Of your chuuba talks about astronomy or evolution you will scream POLITICS too?

>> No.9116164

2:04:00 - Mumei considers playing Construction Simulator 2015 again.
2:05:18 - Mumei starts talking about how ancient (human) history lessons may be implausible over the near future.
2:08:04 - ...and not even the history of the humble potato is safe... D:

>> No.9116204


>> No.9116206

That's like saying asking your driver's license is political because the country don't want you to kill other people.
Vaccine is not political, only Ameritard think otherwise

>> No.9116242

Everything I hear about him sounds based but I can't into Japanese

>> No.9116268

Vaccines are only political if you're completely retarded

>> No.9116300

vaccines are public health not political dumb ass

>> No.9116343
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PLEASE post cunny

>> No.9116364

>Choose to be a willing threat to society and engage in bio-terrorism by willingly getting infected with a highly contagious pathogen and allowing it to mutate among the unvaxxed to create a new strains that mitigates the vaccine
Pick 1. Only 1.

>> No.9116376

>Cover won't allow talk of the potato famine
Irish bros?

>> No.9116385

Well yeah, the chuubas shouldn't really be talking about whether driving licences should be more stringent/loose/abolished/mandatory for bicycles/whatever the fuck else is wandering into politics. Which is why the Holos have not gone any further than saying they have had the vaccine and not "anyone who doesn't have the vaccine should be excluded from society".

>> No.9116449

Why are americans so fucking retarded

>> No.9116491 [DELETED] 
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you are neither white or japanese so your opinion does not matter. stay quiet dirtchild.


thats what i thought.

>> No.9116542
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Fubuki is Q

>> No.9116545

Cover supports hiding Britain's attempted genocide of the Irish and I will NOT stand for this.

>> No.9116551

Being a smart ass in politics is the only for them to compensate for not being a skilled special kid.

>> No.9116568
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You have to be american to consider vaccines political.

>> No.9116614

I was waiting for the ww1 and ww2 discussions tho

>> No.9116620
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>> No.9116616

Every school I've ever went to from Kindergarten to College has required me to get a whole host of vaccinations. This isn't different.

>> No.9116658

Only murrisharts would make a vaccination a bipartisan issue.

>> No.9116677

White male here. >>9115838 is right now go back

>> No.9116692

This isn't political because only Mutts are dumb enough to believe that a vaccine is government poison tracking device mind control serum.

>> No.9116712

This is a retarded take. Everything is political.

Think of one thing that you can't make politics out of. You can't and everything is politics if you discuss it.

>> No.9116726

Oh no...she got a terminal case of double autism...

>> No.9116728

I'm a /his/ tard who would love for mumei to do history, but even I know that it's a yab gold mine and would only invite literal schizos to the streams who will end up harassing her for not sharing their views

>> No.9116751
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>> No.9116779

Political as in bringing to mind Republican vs Democrat. Which isn’t something many want VTubers to engage in.

>> No.9116798

shit thread, shit opinions.
Germany isn't much better regarding vaccination.
It's not just burgers.

>> No.9116851

I've literally seen cases of American academia acting like kangz and black jews were a thing just to not trigger the woke crowd. There's literally no period in history that wouldn't trigger crazy people left.

>> No.9116852

why are south canadians like this theres nothing political about a tiny vaccine what it has tiny chips? stop using the internet if you're so worried first

>> No.9116944
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Mate what's the fucking point of building up this retarded amount of lore if the civilization girl can't bring up historical facts time to time and the rrat wont act as chaotically as intended?

At least I hope she gets permission to play AC2 in the future

>> No.9116994
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how did this human civilization persona even made it out of conceptualization stage if cover is too pussywhipped to bring out hard hitting political history streaming

enjoy your lobotomized preschool owl

>> No.9117007 [DELETED] 

Huh? I thought you were safe?
Why should you care if the vaccine is so good, hm?
Also the vaccinated are the ones putting evolutionary pressure on the virus.
Are you still salty about the texas stuff?
I just want to live my life man, fuck the government for making me go outside and shit.

>> No.9117048

>not sharing the same views as them
It's like...actual history.

>> No.9117056
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>> No.9117111

Holy shit learn punctuation, but you're right. Anyone who worries about nanobots or whatever and carries their phone with them everyday is genuinely retarded. Not to mention that they're probably on a list from posting here anyway. A bit late to worry about that now.

>> No.9117166
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Black Jews were a thing, it's pretty famous really after Hadrian scattered the Jews to the ends of the earth some ended up in Ethiopia and they became black over time as any kang/Jewess mix was a Jew by Jewish law. Some of them got saved in the 70s by Israel, who then sterilized them all but some are still there.

>> No.9117278

>History experts agree on something but it upsets my /pol/ sensibilities so they should change their peer reviewed papers
This is why I never want to hear shit about history from 4chan faggots

>> No.9117304

I meant black supremacist saying they were EXCLUSIVELY black.

>> No.9117363

>Taking black Israelites, literally the butt of everyone's jokes, seriously

>> No.9117389

He is talking about that "Jesus was black" bullshit, not Ethiopia.

>> No.9117419

Have actual Historians done that? Feels more likely it was just one of them pretending to be a Historian (or one who was an actual Historian in a completely unrelated field) making shit up to support their own views. That's usually how these things go.

>> No.9117541

Looks like the mods are letting this thread get push off to the archives instead of deleting it.

>> No.9117554
File: 735 KB, 1449x813, ITS REAL HOLY SHIT (no photoshop).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black jews are actually a real thing. Look up "Kingdom of Simien"
Kangs were also kind of real, but they're heavily over stated by African nationalists. Ancient Egypt probably was some variety of Black, as were the Nubians, and there were actual notable African kingdoms (see Mansa "Drippiest Nigga to Drip" Musa) but the majority of Sub-Saharan was still a disease rife hunter gatherer shithole.

I agree with what you mean though. its impossible to discuss any part of history without causing some mouth breather to throw a hissyfit. Yes, I'm referring to you /pol/ cross poster currently writing an angry reply to this post.

>> No.9117616

No one mentioned muttpolitics though

If you think antivaxx, anti-greencard is American only then you are pretty ignorant.

>> No.9117825

Someone's been making vaccine threads lately after a clip of Boton saying she got vaxxed was posted, which brings the pro Trump virus people out of the woodwok. So might as well contain it to a thread like this.

>> No.9117826

wtf is this real?

>> No.9117968
File: 234 KB, 1280x720, A nice holiday location.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its real! it even says "no photoshop" in the file name!

>> No.9118121

Excessive media exposure and all the junk food I think. If only mindless consumer was just a joke...

>> No.9119107

I'm surprised they didn't throw a shitfit when Ame and Gura mentioned getting vaxxed.

>> No.9119150

Would it be acceptable for a holo to say that they have a swastika hanging on their wall, but not that "anyone who is jewish should be excluded from society"? No? That's what I thought. Saying you got the vaccine is a political virtue signal. Botan should've done the proper nip thing and just kept her medical history to herself.


FYI, I don't need to know if a chuba had a headache and went to their doctor for migraine medication. Some things can actually remain private when it comes to GFE streamers. Just not getting railed off stream by their boyfriend, for obvious reasons. Lying whores deserve the rope.

>> No.9119230

It's probably a good thing though, I really don't want to hear a vtuber talk about how white people are evil and black people build the pyramids

>> No.9119335

/his/ rise up

>> No.9119338

>Would it be acceptable for a holo to say that they have a swastika hanging on their wall

>> No.9119376

You actually, genuinely, need help.

>> No.9119393

Just kill yourself already you subhuman garbage.

>> No.9119921

why is the skin color of the ancient egyptians so important to you anon?

posting on 4chan makes you subhuman by default

>> No.9119994


>> No.9120089

This is what unmedicated schizophrenia looks like kids

>> No.9120668

She discovered the truth about ancient history.
Things that can't be mentioned to the masses.
Some people stepped in.
Said "no"
If they said those things openly, they would be banished from all platforms.
They would be wallpapered over to such a degree that you wouldn't even remember that hololive was a company.

>> No.9121078

When did this happen? Tried doing reps didn't see anything.

>> No.9121481

she wanted to talk about how prehistoric japanese people originated on the korean penisula and thats a big nono

>> No.9121848

Next thing they'll forbid me from driving a car just because I don't have a license! Do you know how many people die because of driving school lessons?

>> No.9122077

haha. Thats pretty fun.

>> No.9122359

More like "everything can be made into politics", but you would be retarded to do so.

>> No.9122492

Can we just ship all anti vax retards to China and nuke them along with it? A new generation of peace and prosperity would surely be ushered in as a result.

>> No.9122970

trust the experts! Thats how you KNOW someone is benevolent - that they're an expert.
Experts would never do anything against the interest of the masses. Thats why they're experts. They're infallible.

>> No.9123405

why china is the only country handling covid appropriately, libtard

>> No.9123560

>he doesn't know
