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File: 802 KB, 1049x824, 1704669004357093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
91121148 No.91121148 [Reply] [Original]

And just like that, Scarle now holds the record for the lowest viewed 3d debut, taking the crown from Reimu who hit 13k

>> No.91121218

Scarle is still the only good Niji, regardless

>> No.91121247

Unironically how. Niji is going to shit but she literally is the SC queen over there.

>> No.91121352

wait for aia or aster

>> No.91121423

>Thinks Aster will survive long enough to debut

>> No.91121613
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>> No.91121805

And how much did she make in superchats?

>> No.91121807

whatever she's doing it does seem to work in its own way, she probably made like 50 million dollars in SCs off this stream somehow regardless.

then again it's probably that she simply got lucky and got some serious oil barons on board and they're literally the only thing holding up her career. if they leave she'd suddenly be rather unsuccessful. then again she seems to know this which is why she is careful about operating in her own little bubble away from the general EN drama meta.

>> No.91122006

it's also 15 minute short btw, almost like they had to cut off Iluna's appearance

>> No.91122504


>> No.91123470

something fishy about this. Scarle gets decent numbers and makes bank on SC. She is by far the most coomerbait in niji, and 3Ds are notoriously coomer fiestas. What else was going on at the time? Was it a bad time slot?

>> No.91123500 [DELETED] 

the branch is still declining over time

>> No.91123733

Maybe her fans don’t want to support NijiEN as a whole but solely her. Don’t know, just guessing.

>> No.91123735

The only thing I can think about is Iluna getting massive debuff due to the molAster.

>> No.91123818

How much money did she made? Her and Aia are the only ones left that have a realistic chance of surpassing Pomu's 3D debut supas.

>> No.91123823

Ok, where are they literally right now? This isn’t some collab.

>> No.91123882

Maybe they all took a nap together

>> No.91124444

>Scarle gets decent numbers
That is easily 20 times what she usually gets

>> No.91124489

you only need 1 saudi prince in your fanbase

>> No.91124531

We both know not getting 5view in a corpo as big as Niji is shit anon, let’s not fake it.

>> No.91124565

i hope they still air his though
imagine the shit show and how hard they have to moderate and how low the numbers will be

>> No.91124622

Not disputing that, I'm just disputing the claim that the other guy made about Scarle "getting good numbers"

>> No.91124675

maybe. Would they really not show up just because they thought Aster might be on the program? Still seems weird

>> No.91124755

They're called an oiler for a reason. You only need 1 to equal 500.

>> No.91124787

true, and I'm not saying it wasn't good. Hell all the holokeks going LUL you didnt get 50k+ for your 3D! are disingenuous faggots. 99% of chuubas will never, ever have a 9k stream.

>> No.91124880
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>and I'm not saying it wasn't good
that's where you're wrong buddy, even fucking Reimu got 13k on her 3d debut. Anyone who say 8k is "good for a 3d debut" is huffing copium up the ass

>> No.91124928
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>> No.91125002

>99% of chuubas will never, ever have a 9k stream.
I don’t think the goal of NijiEN was to do anywhere near these noombers, but alright.

>> No.91125183

the disingenuous part here is pretending 9k is good for nijisanji, which has had several streams well over 100k the past couple months. 9k isn't even good for nijiEN 3D as the OP says. if you want to treat niji like a premier corpo then you can't be like "oh my pro athlete sucked this time and blew it.. but don't worry he's still way better at sportsball than you, I'd like to see you do that"

>> No.91125194

you know how many indies and small corpo girls would sell their soul for a 9k 3D stream? Almost all of them. For a "dead" company with "zero" fans thats pretty impressive.

>> No.91125207

>less than Pomu
Oh fuck, if not even Scarle can beat her then there is no hope of anyone doing it. Crazy how a graduated nijien will remain the one with the biggest 3D debut supas-wise.

>> No.91125211

He never said what currency he was talking about when he said that. Maybe 114k yen is worth $50 million in his thirdie shithole.

>> No.91125261

nobody thinks they're a premier corpo anymore. They're RC Cola, they're not coke or pepsi. They're not in some direct competition with hololive, haven't been for years. They never were, other than 5 minutes when Luxiem was hot.

>> No.91125270

Too bad we are not talking about indies or small corpos, we are talking about Nijisanji the supposed competitor to hololive. Leave your small corpo expectations at the door, the big boys are talking

>> No.91125303

shush the adults are talking

>> No.91125402

high chance Aster got handy with her possibly due to the recent backlash

>> No.91125520
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Her superchats for her 3D debut were terrible.

>> No.91125569 [DELETED] 

not much

>> No.91125603

Crazy how the one with the worst model made the most money, and yet management couldn't be assed to fix it after a full-on year, and ended up being one of the many things that caused her to leave.

>> No.91125630

This can't be right. It's fucking impossible for Scarle to make so little. She should have done better than Pomu, she was the last hope for beating her SC record.

>> No.91125662 [DELETED] 

Pomu crushed it, strongest girl

>> No.91125787

The one thing about Scarle is that's her low end, her preview of the 3D live and after talk both made more money because she gets he Supas for zatsuing and big events.

>> No.91125804

Do any of you transexuals watch Scarle at all or your sole purpose is to jerk off your 2 inch microdick to charts tonight?

>> No.91125821 [DELETED] 

She gets a lot of superchat, but she gets them from a small amount of people. Literally like 5 people.

Those people are addicted to attention. She gives them immediate feedback on every SC and totally panders to them, so her streams are their personal playground. It makes her streams almost unwatchable for someone who isn't in that group.
These people are addicted to immediate feedback on their messages. So they hold off the majority of their donations until a different stream when they can get the attention rush they want.

>> No.91125831

Fuck, that looks grim.
It does make me wonder if we'll see any EN 3D at all after this.
Forget comparing to JP 3D that could be recorded in that time, is 760 bucks even enough to cover the running costs(electricity, staff, etc.)?

>> No.91125881
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I was surprised too. Had to check both Playboard and Hololyzer to make sure one didn't crap out.

>> No.91125883

What the fuck? Did she said something like “boycott” is secretly? That is way too low no matter how you look at it.

>> No.91125933 [DELETED] 

Answer the question numbertrannies >>91125804

>> No.91125950

Because Reimu kept on leeching other people during her debut. She even leeched Hololive just to pad her numbers

>> No.91125955

>500 dollars
I think this is the lowest a scarle stream has ever made in SCs.
That afterparty or whatever her next stream is is gonna make an absurd amount, though.

>> No.91126030

The reason she makes so much SC per month is because she typically streams every day, sometimes multiple times a day. She makes a lot because she streams for so long, not because she creates content that the masses love.

>> No.91126097

I mean she's the only one that straight up did an OG song for her 3D.
What an interesting way of immortalizing Pomufication

>> No.91126147

The afterparty is going on now, and it's not anything crazy. Less than 1000ccv, and only $1.4k in superchats. Still pretty low overall.

>> No.91126223

that probably is all of them, honestly.
her ccv has always been low, but she makes ridiculous amounts of money from those few people. Same with Aia.

>> No.91126230

I'm telling you; the Aster stuff with Scarle being a part of it in some matter or another had an impact.

>> No.91126297

>Tries to defend objectively shitty numbers overall no matter how you fold it
It’s not some “she had 5 views less than X rumao”, objectively this and her usual streams don’t match up AT ALL. It’s like the MolAster effect truly hit full force.

>> No.91126314

Ah, well that's funny then. It's basically just a normal month for her, and it'll still blow out everybody else, 3D or no 3D.
She'll be fine.

>> No.91126380

What a sad and pathetic life you have, worst of all you are no doubt a poorfag as well

>> No.91126444

Honestly at this point Scarle should just leave and go indie with a legally distinct looking model. She makes enough from superchats anyway and would be much better off without kurosanji taking a 35% cut.

>> No.91126521

calling it right now, niji will use that to fire her for not sucking up the creepy fuck
they'll say she colluded with her top donos to send the money directly to her instead

>> No.91126538 [DELETED] 

Scarle generally isolates herself from the rest of NijiEN, except her wave. So while it's not unusual she didn't include random branch members, it's a bit of an eyebrow raiser is that she didn't have a moment with ILuna. Notice her 3D debut seems short. It's almost like 15 minutes for ILuna was clipped out.

>> No.91126559

Sounds like a skill issue with scarle

>> No.91126651 [DELETED] 

This is what everyone has been saying. But she refuses.
These girls don't leave because they're absolutely addicted to chatting with the males on discord. Hearing Luca acting like a retard every day is too engaging for them to leave. It's crazy when you think about what they're giving up. So much money, and career momentum, potentially their entire future, just so they can hear this barely-functioning retard giggle into his microphone

>> No.91126656

Those cut are never the talent choice when it comes to corpos. If Kurosanji cut Aster from it, 100% he’s getting stealth suspended.

>> No.91126709

this, she just needs to inforn her simps of her new persona so she can take em with her when she goes.

>> No.91126837

I don't buy it since she hardly interacts with anyone anyway, but if retarded males are all she needs theres plenty in the indie sphere.

>> No.91126877

Eh I kinda get her. Avoid all contact with shitty gen, keep milking the oil baron, ignore Kurosanji until the oil baron is dry.
Now that it seems dry, we will see.

>> No.91127152
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Was she as hot as people were expecting her to be, considering the whole sexy latina thing?

>> No.91128101

I only coom to spread-sheets

>> No.91128235

the current NDF cope is that she somehow forgot to ask even though this shit is down months and even years before the actual prerecorded live stream

>> No.91128423
File: 773 KB, 1630x1061, timmy prayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aster's 3D would have been next weekend, but he got suspended for a week because management couldn't keep his cuntery under wraps. Between that, Scarle somehow managing to roll a nat 1 on her Money Farming skill check, and the Q2 report coming out in either 3 or 4 days, I think it's safe to assume that the rest of Iluna's 3D debuts will probably be "postponed" due to "covid" or something. Also this wet fart of a revenue draw will probably hasten the merger, especially since the C Suite assholes will see that the EN branch's supposed top earner earned less than 42% of what had previously been the branch's lowest-grossing debut.

And depending on how much Niji spent to make the Iluna 3D debuts happen, this could result in the EN branch having negative gross revenue for Live Streaming in Q3's financial results, kinda like how the AX cancellation resulted in negative gross revenue in the Events category. Obviously it's extremely unlikely they spent THAT much, even if you assume the company will reimburse the livers' travel and lodging costs, but picrel.

>> No.91128794

Let's just say she looks good with makeup.

>> No.91129024

Especially if it's my white fluid on her face.

>> No.91129066

He already was suspended. The cooking stream he delayed was originally scheduled for the day before yesterday, yesterday's stream was cancelled without notice; and according to Holodex the stream he had scheduled for today, a membership stream which was meant to have started about 10 minutes ago, hasn't started.
The cooking stream was delayed until next Thursday, and the delay was made shortly after False's YT video finished (with "Aster" saying in pre-stream chat that he was missing some stuff). He got suspended for 7 days, and he is 2 days into that suspension.

His suspension finishes in 5 days, but the Q2 report will come out before that.

>> No.91129355

>with "Aster" saying in pre-stream chat that he was missing some stuff
I really want to draw attention to how "Aster" literally finished his chat message with:
>Thank you for your understanding

>> No.91130146
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The hell? she made almost 3x more in her stream after than the actual 3D debut. Whatever she has always been an anomaly.

>> No.91130233
File: 12 KB, 351x125, jRwMcVPWFLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy balls you're right. Hell, I even took a screencap of the message Thursday night, and I was so flabbergasted by the "missing some stuff" part that I didn't even think to give manager-san's signature a second look.

>> No.91131665

Evidently Scarle's oilers couldn't give a fuck about 3d or other events and just want to hear her talk to them.

>> No.91131999

But wait nijisanji shills told me she was one of the best NijiEN's?

>> No.91133596

yes, and?

>> No.91133897

Why dont you watch her?

>> No.91134058

Sister, what the fuck did you even type there?

>> No.91134326

"One of the best NijiENs" doesn't mean she's worth watching.

>> No.91134691
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Scarlesisters have been very loud in the catalog these past months. They forget who was the queen of gachikois in her prime.

>> No.91134816 [DELETED] 

She's fucking terrible anon. Watch some other vtubers stop watching this garbage.

>> No.91134829

what about Maria

>> No.91134878 [DELETED] 

her fans are addicted to attention, so they hold their donations to the stream when she can give them instant-reactions to their donations.
Unfortunately this makes the stream utterly unwatchable for anyone else and just makes it the personal therapy session for the donors involved.

It's actually a sad thing when you consider the mental state of those people

>> No.91134912

In EN but that record goes to Asuka but her debut was different...Scarle doesn't collab with anybody so this was expected.

>> No.91135362

She won't wear the crown for long, because from here on out, every subsequent 3D debut will have worse numbers than the last...if they happen at all

>> No.91135465

Anon, there’s only like two people on /vt/ who actually watch Scarle

>> No.91135810 [DELETED] 

Look at who is coming

will certainly be in Japanese, in the Japanese timeslot, with Japanese guests. Doubtless will outperform this.
probably won't even happen
nijimale privilege, he will be significantly higher since he's got fujo ships to his name.
will certainly take the crown

I think the lowest is gonna be Aia or Ver or something. Depends on if they manage to bring on popular JP's

>> No.91135967

shit yeah I forgot about Maria, she does have pretty good popularity in EN and JP, as well as having a spot-free record

I'm not sure about Ren, he seems like a cool guy, but I've never seen much fan energy around him. He reminds me of Sonny, just a chill guy doing his own thing in the background.

Of course, if Astergate blows up bigger in the coming days, it could really sink everyones views

>> No.91136013


>> No.91136045

Do they even understand English?

>> No.91136091

Good for her. Let her milk that dying branch while she can with those glorious chocolate milkers

>> No.91136241

>Repeat of -8

>> No.91136386

I can see Ren doing fine. He seems generally well liked and he’s a singer, so his fans should be excited about seeing him perform in 3D. The rest will probably be around the same as Scarle though.

>> No.91136465 [DELETED] 

>having a spot-free record
She's trying to be a "cute idol girl" but her content is completely infested with males. Management even shut down twitter spaces for a while because Maria did one with males in the background relaxing on her bed. Offcollabs with Luca of course, she totally sabatoged her career

>> No.91136475
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she should have performed cinema

>> No.91136517 [DELETED] 

Does he have fans? I don't even know his fanbase name.
Pretty sure whatever fans he has are just generic fujos who want to see gay shit they can beat off to

>> No.91136785

Eh, he seems to have significantly more than Scarle, although that’s not exactly a high bar

>> No.91137017

Forgot about the Twisty 3d in 2077

>> No.91137949
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>>91136785 (me)
He had an outfit reveal this year that did better than her 3D, so I'd imagine his 3D will still end up ahead of hers.

>> No.91138146

Oh yeah the reason for ren breakout.

>> No.91138288

Did Aster appear in her stream in some way?

>> No.91138317

No, she didn't want to invite anyone

>> No.91138388

Interesting. It would be funny if her stream was the only one without Aster and now management is wondering what the fuck they should do.

>> No.91138471

i can see a pattern, she made it ig

>> No.91138693

>Scarle knew that shit was about to go down

>> No.91139146

Honest question, why is she still even in Nijisanji? She clearly doesn't want to have anything to do with the other members. She clearly has her own oilers who would follow her out.
Why is she still tolerating a Nijinasji taking a further cut from her super chats?
There is no growth left for her if she stays there, the EN branch is dead and will stay dead. At least with going indie you can try to network out.

>> No.91139404

>She clearly has her own oilers who would follow her out.
That's unclear. GFE and GFE adjacent viewers are the most emotionally unstable tempremental lunatics you can find on the internet. As such a vtuber you can't risk ever making the slightest change to your content, in case they all chuck a giant melty over it. The biggest risk in this case is they all have a meltdown because the new model isn't sexo enough.

>> No.91140373

Yup. People need to understand that even if Scarle gets some really good SCs, her actual audience is incredibly small, and she doesn’t even get support from other communities. Considering how little merch she gets, all the money she makes must be concentrated in a very small segment of her fans

Making the indie jump would have been the right choice back when Mint came back, but now it’s just too late for Scarle to get any real support boost from the community. She’d have to rely on her current audience following her and hope she could grow it somehow by interacting with the indie sphere. She could succeed, but she’d need to make some changes to her content to attract new people, and there’s also a good chance her current whales only like her so much because of the attention she gives them right now

If the Aster stuff is real and things are about to blow up, this would unironically be her best opportunity to get out and ride the drama wave. But considering she’s been hiding in her own corner since the Black Frame Stream, I doubt she has any intention of doing anything drastic. She’ll probably just keep milking this job until the branch gets merged

>> No.91140635

Stay and rot or leave and risk it all.

>> No.91140637 [DELETED] 

>Making the indie jump would have been the right choice back when Mint came back, but now it’s just too late for Scarle to get any real support boost from the community.
you are so full of shit it's unbelievable. It seems like people try to think of any concievable reason for why making an obviously-good move is somehow "actually bad!".
Mint still has all her top donors from when she was an indie the first time, she kept ALL those people. The people donting thousands of dollars to Scarle are clearly getting some kind of attention or validation (it's kind of sick when you think about it) so they'll doubtless follow her.
>She could succeed, but she’d need to make some changes to her content to attract new people
No she doesn't, simply not being in NijiEN is a massive boost to any female content creator. Get out of the toxic sludge and you'll be amazed at how your health starts improving.
>this would unironically be her best opportunity to get out
Her best opportunity was at the height of the Doki drama. If she left back then she'd be huge today and brushing shoulders with Holos. Now she's trying bargain for whatever scraps she can on a sinking ship.

>> No.91140835

>Comparing Scarle's audience to Pomu's
You are a fucking retard

>> No.91140859

Grimmer than the cut theory. Basically she has zero interest in her own gen, not a good sign for the group at all.

>> No.91140924

>she’d be huge
No she wouldn’t? She’s not popular as it is, so leaving Niji won’t suddenly make a bunch of loyal fans flock to her. She’d get a small drama boost for the first few post-Niji streams and maybe be where Quinn is after a month, at best

>> No.91140984

Good for her but bad for the company. Niji has basically screamed more and more to investors this year that 3D is a waste of time if it’s not for concert. This is a ton of bricks in the wall for a sharebro watching the numbers.

>> No.91141108 [DELETED] 

You know how many hololive fans are curious about her, but won't watch her right now since she's in Niji?
>she’d be huge
She would have been if she left at the right moment. But now she's forced to bargain.

>> No.91141208 [DELETED] 

Everyone hates Niji, it's nearly universal. I'm sure most of Scarle's fans hate Niji too.
Having the Nijisanji brand on her back is like having a huge status-debuff on her character in a game.

>> No.91141298

>You know how many hololive fans are curious about her, but won't watch her right now since she's in Niji?
None? Most hololive fans have no idea who she is

>> No.91141308

at least that i know personally.
yea they do hate niji as a company.

>> No.91141425

>Holofans are curious about Livers
On how they are still alive maybe.

>> No.91141618

>You know how many hololive fans are curious about her, but won't watch her right now since she's in Niji?

>> No.91141677
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>You know how many hololive fans are curious about her, but won't watch her right now since she's in Niji?
Barely anyone knows she exists, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.91141739 [DELETED] 

When your audience is the size of a pea, a tiny fraction of a watermelon looks like a mountain to you.

>> No.91141828

Even human garbage like Enna have more "hololive fans curious about her" than Scarle, if only because Kiara mentioned her a couple of times

>> No.91144476

Please don't name the bird in this thread, the schizo is in here.

>> No.91144633

It's already too late. The signal has been lit.

>> No.91145652

Is there any other ILLUNA 3D debut announced? Any bets on Aster making an appearance?

>> No.91147321

if what his supposed cooking stream announcement. he should be the next one.

>> No.91147921

Oh boy. I doubt there's anything stopping them from changing the order of the announcements. So if no one else announces theirs while Aster is hiding, something must be going on.

>> No.91148271

kys retard, how's it smell down in mommy's basement? going to move out someday?

>> No.91148444
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At least they have 3D shows unlike Hololive who can't get 3D engineers, maybe try paying your artists so people are willing to work with you.

>> No.91148550

I find it unlikely they'll delay the Iluna 3Ds at this point. More likely than not most of them are finished or at worst 95% finished considering they're done week to week.

Now is XSoleil gonna get 3Ds? Genuinely a 50/50 at this rate.

>> No.91148967

>I find it unlikely they'll delay the Iluna 3Ds at this point. More likely than not most of them are finished or at worst 95% finished considering they're done week to week.
I think it will entirely depend on how much credibility they give to the allegations and whether they’re concerned about someone actually coming forward to accuse Aster. If they believe there’s a chance this could blow up in their faces, they’ll likely want to distance themselves from him as much as possible. And if that means delaying the other 3D debuts or cutting him out entirely if he makes an appearance, they’ll probably do it. If they forced him to postpone the announcement for a whole week, then at the very least, they’re worried

>> No.91149022

Even without the Aster allegations, NijiEN has been in a death spiral since the Selen shock, this is not surprising in the least

>> No.91149347

So this was all the same guy?

>> No.91150750

uh oh ligger melty

>> No.91151140

>3D's are prerecorded
>Niji SC fags are so pathetic that want direct attention from a Liver
>donate after the 3D where she does read your message

>> No.91151571

You don't need a lot of people to give out big supers. She usually hovers around 300~500 viewers. Her viewers are dedicated.

>> No.91151653

You don't understand the appeal of Scarle if you are surprised that her supers are so low on her pre-recorded 3D stream, or what her audience is like.

>> No.91151677

nobody understands her appeal outside of the handful of people shoving money in her direction

>> No.91151690

She gets so many supers because they use them to banter with her. You can't banter with a pre-recorded video.

>> No.91152610

how many finanas is that?

>> No.91152986

But enough about how Pomu had to wait a full-on year for 3D model fixes that never came.

>> No.91153031

Xsoleil will get 3D because 2 of the 4 members are pretty much NijiJP anyway.

>> No.91154451

Kept afloat entirely by a small handful of whales

>> No.91154670

bro they literally just broke the "IN CASE OF EMERGENCY" glass and announced the JP dog 3D for next week instead
