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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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9101947 No.9101947 [Reply] [Original]

Fun streams are over, are ya'll ready for at least a month of every single stream being derailed by superchats?

>> No.9101987

Cuck superchats, at that.

>> No.9102044

Kiara indirectly exposed the new whores as people who joined for easy money so it was to be expected. notice how the EN Amber literally refuses to stream until her channel in monetized

>> No.9102077

I don't know why i marked it with red btw, i'm retarded

>> No.9102109

Gonna need a source and a citation on that one chief.

>> No.9102147

Good. Now they won't be hampered in the youtube subs department anymore.

>> No.9102173

>as people who joined for easy money
I think Baelz joined for a different reason.

>> No.9102209

do you really think a single one of them did this for any other reason? None of them want to stream their lives to a bunch of losers,but it's easy money

>> No.9102237

Kiara was just trying to bignote herself as usual. She's spent the entirety of her first year whining and crying about numbers but has the gall to talk about how you need tough skin in the industry, what a joke.

>> No.9102292

anon people were mean to her on /jp/!!!

>> No.9102308

Legit, pretty sure Gura just wanted some non-toxic friends and to have a slightly bigger audience, and Ina wanted something to do for fun outside of her roommate conracted stuff. None of the EN gals were expecting the sheer size of the audience they'd end up pulling when they first auditioned, and it really wasn't until the twitter followers and SUVs blew up that they realized just how big their debuts were really going to be.

>> No.9102341

I wouldn't be surprised if Sana was in the same position Ina was: has a stable enough income from her artist work that she is less reliant on streaming to support herself and is doing it to share her interests in gaming and astrology.

>> No.9102346

oh please, all of them knew there's money to be made here. You can't possibly think Gura did this to make friends lmao

>> No.9102353
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>> No.9102420

Not just to make friends, even I'm not so idealistic as to believe that, but it was definitely to get away from the pit she had dug herself into with a bunch of people that were there more to watch a potential trainwreck more than anything.
The fact that she completely cut herself off from one of her (former) friends who modded her discord (which she also nuked) indicates as much.

>> No.9102429

Sana joined for fun, she makes as much as Ina does working on gacha game art and she never showed off her drawing skill on stream, she doesn't want to be known as an art holo.
Rat joined so she could molest Roberu.
The other 3 are in it for the money

>> No.9102452

Wow, I must have imagined the months of confident, near-unanimous predictions on /jp/ that EN1 would struggle to break 100k subs and end up around the same level as holoID. Somehow these five girls managed to out-predict everyone else who follows hololive before audition. Amazing.

>> No.9102482

How can I tell you're just a debut fag who's only sample of information is watching the reveal streams and getting drip-fed information here by sodomites?

>> No.9102517

Green Lamy has already made enough on-stream semi-obscure hololive references to be assured that she’s a relatively long time fan and probably not a clipwatcher/threadreader like (You)

>> No.9102531

She's speaking from experience, because if you don't have tough skin you end up menhera like her.

>> No.9102573

Basically we need to remember EN1 was not guaranteed a success at all before debuting, and given the track record of every non-JP Holo branch up to that point? There were no obvious signs it was going to be a smash hit. The people who signed up for it back then were way way more likely to be actual Holo fans (Kiara/Ina/somewhat Gura as well) or otherwise applied on a lark not expecting much (ame/mori). I recall one of Ame's goals in her debut was to "get 100,000 subcribers within a year" or something like that, some laughably lowballed number that you could tell must have been pre-rehearsed and indicated what they really though EN was going to be capable of - not much.

Now that it blew up and everyone knows what it is, naturally you get a march of actual ethot golddiggers all wanting in with their tryhard cute uwu voices, you know the fucking ones. And Cover was real fuckin' stupid to not screen those out way the fuck harder with extreme prejudice as a couple got into EN2.

>> No.9102627
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Supachat reading segments/streams exist for a reason. Baka thread.

>> No.9102654

>It's OK when the Japanese do it

>> No.9102744

That's /jp/ in a nutshell though, mixed with a little bit of davido-kun and people who can't speak Japanese.

>> No.9102841

Honestly, I think she did it to help discipline herself, to establish some kind of structure to the content that she was putting out. That's why I think she works so well with Ame, whose consistent work ethic was likely the reason she was accepted into EN1.

>> No.9102963
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It's a time warp. Myth literally went through this same shit in their first few months. Or do you forget the Gura doesn't deserve it shitposts.

>> No.9103524

Gotta remember that most of this board wasn't around for before /Vt/ existed or bothered to do reps.

>> No.9107189

This sounds right.
Once a creative property becomes enough of a sure thing
that money could be a motivator beyond just enthusiasm and fun
it loses a lot of its charm.

>> No.9107276

Imagine she starts doing dicksucking asmr, all dem simps going "yeah she's great".
Little do they know she's sucking eddy's cock

>> No.9107322

You are pretty spot on buddy

>> No.9107442

This is the best post in the thread.

>> No.9108103

>>9102044 >>9102237 >>9102531
You guys are talking about this clip right?
Do any you guys remember that clip of her from ages ago talking about how she didn't want new hololive members.
I've been looking for it for ages and can't fucking find it.
If it is real and I'm not going crazy, it might be good explanation why she made such a negative video right after their debuts.

>> No.9108867
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>> No.9108936

I think I remember her talking about it in one of her early minecraft streams before she played on the EN server

>> No.9109025

money is the last thing you want motivation as a streamer unless you're a psychopath/autistic.

>> No.9109451

She mentioned it in one of the early HoloMyth full collabs - I think the Japanese snack tasting one.

>> No.9109916

She probably gets drunk off one beer, with how short and skinny she is. You could literary pick up her up, and throw her on a bed.

>> No.9110036

>Rat joined so she could molest Roberu.
Show me that rrat real quick anon.

>> No.9110091

Am I supposed to pity people when they're being showered by money while doing the most talentless of hobbies, being showed by supas from lonely faggots from /vt/ and reddit and twitch who know instead of using said money to be a better person themselves, giving money to said woman giving him a parasocial girlfriend experience while they actually don't mean what they say, since they're fucking the real love of their life (applicable to both) post streams

tl;dr you do realize this is a sad cycle of women exploiting lonely men right? why should I pity them? they knew what they were in for when they applied with hololive

>> No.9110125

real numberfagging begins

>> No.9110138

my son can't keep getting away with this

>> No.9110225

happened with the JP branches of HoloJP and Nijis too. They got golddigging whores who only got in for easy money like Meiro and Aloe

>> No.9110246

That would be the most hilarious shit ever.
The funniest part is that because we all know its confirmed, rrats regarding it is 100x easier to spread since it'll be so believable.

You know, I don't wish ill will to anybody, but I feel that a "ultimate yab" situation is extremely possible with her within the next few months.

>> No.9110341

>I don't wish ill will to anybody
It's okay just give in to your subconscious desires and post away. We are here for the fun ride after all.

>> No.9110386

When did she imply that?

>> No.9110390

Legitimately don't understand the mindset of superchatters.

>> No.9110439

This is going to be an issue for Kronii with the 3 hours stream time limit. If she decide to read super chat she'll be unable to reach the end unless disabling super chat every 2 or 3 stream and doing no tangent super chat reading.
No idea how she will get around that

>> No.9110447

I don't, really.
It's like watching the stock market. You just KNOW it's gonna crash to the ground because the signs are there, a little spark is gonna cause it to unravel. Someone autistic enough to make a narrative so intricate and cause mass sell offs. I don't want that to happen but its so easy to see in foresight that its funny and the shitposting is inevitable.

Same situation. Just change what I said above from "Stock Market" to "Fauna"

>> No.9110491

Please pray tell what the "ultimate yab" could be, and then take your meds

>> No.9110517

>ughhh i need money....
>ohh i knowww!!! i'm gonna become a "vtuberrrr!!!!!
first thoughts after debut
>why did no one came to my debut???
>people said it was easy money
>vtubers suck
just do it because you love streaming, or want to try streaming

>> No.9110520

I don't know. But it's likely to happen.

>> No.9110560
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I'm ready for "y'all" to fuck off back to twitter.

>> No.9110567

man you guys are just fucking lame sometimes

>> No.9110623

I think the mindset of superchatters is:
"I want to interrupt this stream we're all enjoying so people can pay me some attention."
Or maybe they're delusional
"If I send money to this streamer with a female avatar maybe their avatar will show up in my bedroom one day."

>> No.9110624
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Oh no no no no, by all means, describe in great detail what this ultimate yab could be. Could be worse than the permissions arc? The Aloe arc? The China arc? Coco graduation arc? The entirety of Matsuri's career? Please inform me what it could possibly entail at this point?

>> No.9110697

Anon, Hololive has survived so much shit that it’s probably too big to really “fail”. Even if it never reaches the same heights Holomyth had in its honeymoon period and numberfags just numberfag, it’s still making cash and has a dedicated following. Plus, people don’t really care about “yabs” at the end of the day, they just want to watch their favorite streamers entertain them. This has always been the case, dramafags on discord and twitter are the only ones who really care.

>> No.9110702

what reason did she join for?

>> No.9110722

>of the rrat

>> No.9110728

Keep malding

>> No.9110741
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i 'member

>> No.9110785

as someone that only knew gura's shitposts and all, how were the people around her bad?

>> No.9110794

>instead of using said money to be a better person themselves, giving money to said woman giving him a parasocial girlfriend experience
I'm a hairlet with an egg shaped head, it was over for me the day I started balding. Might as well give $ to girls who aren't genetic dead ends

>> No.9110814

Maybe it'll be big enough to affect Hololive. What I do know is that it is likely be because something related to Fauna, which in my opinion is a red hot "Yab" zone

No idea. We'll see.

>> No.9110832

>he thinks you can predict the stock market

Saying a crash is coming is like saying it might rain soon in Mojave Desert. It does and will happen, but good luck telling when exactly. Hololive will end and the simp train with it, but god knows when. Not this year but next year? the year after? who fucking knows.

>> No.9110870

>the rrat is gonna cuck thousands of fujos at once

>> No.9110903
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But wait! There's more! Amepocalypse, Jaypocalyse, enthusiasm arc, egghead, Haachama hiatus, Haachama/Matsuri 2021 Conflict, NKODICE developer chimpout arc, doujin author chimpout arc, Chileanon arc, TT arc, the Ongoing Connor Crisis, and many, many more classic "ultimate yabs!" All for the low, low price of not taking your meds! Act now and maybe you'll get something resembling a mild annoyance!

>> No.9110980

>No idea. We'll see.
Could you at least use your fucking imagination you mouth breathing faggot?

>> No.9111050

>Roberu fujos
>Didnt go for an onee-san character
Goodfucking luck to her
>Gonna cuck people
She's the one getting cucked right now by Animare

>> No.9111155

Anon, the streaming scene is a male dominated one. Literally all those lonely men are mostly sending their money to other men who used to be like them but now they are even married and making a living of them.
The whole thots are living of their simp's money is an missused meme because even the top male streamers are living of lonely men money.
However, Vtuber unironically shaked the scene. There is a reason why a lot of camgirls raged at Projekt Melody hitting big on chaturbate, the sacred place of ethots.

>> No.9111213

Yep. You can find all kinds of enjoyment in this board. Even your delicius seethe.

>> No.9111244

Answer the question you faggot. What is the ultimate yab that you and your fellow band of schizos fap to every fucking night?

>> No.9111320

The one that keeps you from sleeping

>> No.9111351

Leave 4chan Nostradamus alone. He used up all his divination energy predicting the last 4 Gura Killers

>> No.9111408
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For this to happen

>> No.9112053

A lot of this sounds like western fans are cuckolds who will take whatever you throw at them without complaint.

>> No.9112170

If hp gets another branch in the future, I fully expect error-chan to get in. That girl can fucking sing.

>> No.9112227


>> No.9113634

...or be like Ina. Keep SC open but do not give a fuck about them.

>> No.9113850

>Thread has nothing to do with Kiara
Why is kfp like this?

>> No.9114446

She's far bellow the other hololive EN superchat-wise, reading them or at lest caring have an effect.
I'm not sure kronii joined hololive only to have preferential position for collab or for friend.

>> No.9114588

Why can't I be Roberu. I want that rat

>> No.9114839

Ina discouraged superchats because she makes enough money without them

>> No.9115113

Is she de first one to get monetized?

>> No.9117046

I like you.

>> No.9117136

>tfw everyone watching this stream is seeing eddy's tendie money come in

>> No.9117271

Anon....I'm sure its great fun, just...make sure you don't break containment okay? It'd be a shame to find out someone else who didn't take their meds found out you were saying shit about their Oshi and....you know...

>> No.9117441

What did you do with Roberu's eyes?
Winning son isn't blind.

>> No.9118343


>> No.9121476

There were 3 instances that Hololive almost died. Nothing can kill them.

>> No.9121539


>> No.9121647

I want her to fuck Robert then have a chill zatsudan right after

>> No.9122061

eggchama dont lose hope look at old pics of elon musk if there was hope for him there is hope for you save your money for it

>> No.9122137

superchats is how they make a living, complaining about it is delusional.

>> No.9124991

>just look at this multimillionaire bro

>> No.9125458

Yea, it's rewind time...

>> No.9126501

I don't pity either side. The vtubers are doing exactly what I would do if I could. If it's so stressful, they can quit at any time.
The lonely whales could get the same exact experience I do for a few membership fees. They're just wasting their money, and they can also quit at any time.

>> No.9126729

It doesn't count as getting cucked if its winning son.

>> No.9126875

just think, if it weren't for superchat cucks we would get better content geared for members or better merch or something. I legitimately do not understand these people who give money for nothing at all

>> No.9127205

>Flower cucks
>T-They're evolving!
>Flower cucks evolved into Super cucks!

>> No.9127471
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So this is the power of Fauna antis...?

>> No.9127607

Create your own vtuber company

>> No.9127875

This stream will really test her professionalism.
Alcohol often makes you say more than you should, so we'll see if she can avoid talking about THAT topic.
This will likely be her final hurdle involving this topic, so good luck to flowerbros I'll be watching from the sidelines.

>> No.9127926

It was fairly early but it was almost definitely in the EN server. It's hard to recall because I had that stream on in the background but I'm pretty sure it was when she was building the KFP branch with wool. Might have been the superchat readings afterwards. She verbatim said she didn't want people joining for the money.

>> No.9127981

Well all vtubers care about is money so reading supas is profitable


>> No.9128216

While I agree that you shouldn't pity chuubas for getting exposed and shat on for their fuckups, do you expect people to pity those lonely men they exploit?

Imagine pitying lonely faggots who are so delusional that they blatantly ignore how the world works, rather than either doing something about it and getting a gf irl or just filling the need by other, less exploitative means. They too knew what they were getting into, or at least they should have, so they don't deserve your pity.

>> No.9134526

ASMR superchat reading streams may be the key for me to finally give a shit about them, just hoping managment isnt as retard as always and let her pull through with it

>> No.9134827

There’s no guarantee these girls aren’t genetic dead ends too. In fact, there’s a much higher chance of streamers who don’t show their face being ugly losers.

>> No.9134916

All of EN makes enough without SC through membership alone. Ina is just the only one with enough integrity to admit it.

>> No.9135060

Or like Ame who kept them off so much youtube took them away for her and had to have management have youtube turn them back on

>> No.9135850

I don't know about the other girls but you can see kiara's membership streams in a playlist and I think that the likes on the video can give you a good idea on how many people have joined the membership.
Some jp girls have 1.8k and 2k likes per video and most memberships are like 5-7 bucks right? That should give you a good idea on how much money they're making unless I'm completely wrong

>> No.9136385

My guess:
In normal vtuber videos about 10% of viewers will like the video. Ratio might be a bit higher for membership streams. So 2k likes is probably something like 100k a month in revenue. Granted, not all of that is take home income.

>> No.9143048

Source on this?
