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9089143 No.9089143 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9089202

Whoa there. can you even back this up?

>> No.9089214

Fuck off numberfags. Isn't one thread enough?

>> No.9089275

She wasn't chaotic enough

>> No.9089467

I'd like to have her on the bottom I know that much for sure.

Also she is trying to fit a character she doesn't really seem 100% cast for by being loud and genki. Sometimes it comes across alright sometimes it's like she is too loud and trying too hard.

Compared to Mumei, who also you would think is supposed to be a wise intelligent person inspired by the owl and yet.. is not that at all? Mumei never tried to put on a guise of being an intellectual etc and basically it quickly became clear that was just for irony points if anything and people like her just for being cute.

The rrat can be really cute to me in a genuine way actually unlike mumei's embellished kayfabe but she seems more concerned trying to live up to her image. I guess all the >chaos aspect >is not chaotic at all type posting got to her although I think she should have just said fuck it and doubled down on being cute and natural.

I did want her initially to be an EN Pekora or a Holo Pippa (with the actually-insane parts toned way down). She is not that and oh well, but I could get used to the rrat just being a sweet girl and would prefer that to a wannabe Ollie.

>> No.9089608

This is honestly why overly elaborate chuuni lore sucks. Creates too much hype for the character, so it's disappointing for them to underperform at expectations.

>> No.9089735

oh no she got bad views on a debuff game, shocking

>> No.9089860

Hopefully they just drop the forced personality traits eventually as they get more settled in. Kronii feels really awkward whenever she tries to work in the narcissist lines.

>> No.9089871

Also if rrat wants some instant kudos she should /here/whistle a bit if she can. We fully anticipated she might be here and she just seems so fucking distant and disregards so much besides "lol muh Roberu" and trying to split an EN/JP audience. The JP audience so far has never stuck around long, they will dwindle within a month or three when ballz is no longer just a novelty to them but just another EN girl. After that point if she has still failed to really latch into the EN audience she may be kind of screwed IMO. Despite many people saying she is improving in likability she pulled rather small numbers in the bayo stream today; she doesn't have that "it" pull. It is not easy to describe her personality or why exactly to watch her besides her model. She is like a very safe feeling Saturday morning cartoon character, a PG-rated Holo.

>> No.9089985

You guys keep pushing the bella angle with the roberu thing and you might not get what you want.

>> No.9090026

>kiara 3.0
>ollie 2.0
you tell me

>> No.9090167

Who's Kiara 2.0?

>> No.9090261


>> No.9090376

you can't win against paizuri hag, that's a well-known fact. This game was rigged from the start

>> No.9090644

At least Rat didn't force a ship with her genmates and doesn't chase e-celeb dick and she's not a leech, she's only bad at being chaotic

>> No.9090649

Thinking she's either of those when her voice is far less aggravating to listen to...

>> No.9090729

Wait until collab ban ends and she can interact with homos . . . .

>> No.9090891

Oh so you're one of those...

>> No.9090930

Homos are afraid of interacting with holos much for fear of losing their own fujo gachis as it is. If a Hilo who outright states she is into roberu approaches they are going to be extremely mad if he entertains making it a thing

>> No.9091013


>> No.9091798

Bae's viewers understandably dipped today because she was still gaming even after Mumei and Kronii started streaming. Even Mumei's numbers were kinda low for her because of the split.

Also I pray for the girls' sanity that they never come here ever.

>> No.9092306

Kind of too late there for the last bit. Really the reputation this place has is overblown by actual snwoflake whiteknights trying to gatekeep the girls for themselves to keep them in their bubble of naivete for grooming.

>> No.9092679

this, I thought they had that shit on lock after en1 but i guess the characters designs matching their personalities there was a fluke. None of the girls besides green lamy seem to really match their personas. Kronii would probably kill to just be in a hoodie, mumei sure as shit isnt wise or smart (no offense to her), baelz isnt chaotic at all besides making up retarded phrases, and sana is the farthest fucking thing I've seen from a gyaru. Ever. And I like her

>> No.9092746

>t. doesn't watch any of these VTubers

>> No.9093110
File: 199 KB, 851x328, Capture5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey RRat before debut is predicted to be the leader of Gen 2, the next Gura. Notice how she was always placed directly in the center of every group shot.

After debut she lands squarely in the middle of the pack.

A week after debut she is scraping the bottom along with Sana.

Meanwhile the autistic owl cinnamon roll is quickly shooting to the top of the viewer and popularity rankings.

>> No.9093264

Gura killer bros... Not like this...

>> No.9093366

She's too loud for me. But I'm sure in time she'll calm down and lets go of her forced chaotic persona.

>> No.9093420

We ourselves liked the rrat because it fucking looked like she was /here/ as hell, and that with the chaos theme = we expected an outrageously witty, funny wildcard type. She is NONE of those things and is basically bland vanilla with a little bit of spice sprinkled on top from her attempting to be "chaotic" aka loud and annoying. Like literally her voice is turned up for no reason. It ain't helping.

Complete fucking miscast. I would say she is a disappointment in potential for sure, either that or management thought most of what she was planning to be like was too yab so gutted her completely before debut. It's like they love failing or something.

>> No.9093757

>we expected an outrageously witty, funny wildcard type
Unfortunately even out of all the JP Holo there are very few who are chaotic in that kind of charismatic, witty way and I'm not the least surprised that Bae ended up being just a normal girl trying to be chaotic by being loud/energetic. What I am surprised about is Cover's decision to make her the "center" of HoloCouncil when her design is the least "god-like" of the five (a red, sporty rat is supposed to be the avatar of chaos?) and the staff knowing her personality predebut. At least Ame as the only "normal" human in HoloMyth made sense as the center from a purely lore point of view.

>> No.9093806

Did youtube fuck her stream? I was watching her Bayonetta stream, but the numbers seem too low.

>> No.9093941

Debuff game + overlapping with Owl, Sana, Ina, and Gura and it's the usual time she streams in

>> No.9094192

Well she is Australian, she thought she could keep it up, and many aussie streamers and vtubers are nutty.

But clearly she's too tame for that, red gura from prism would shut her down just from conversation alone

>> No.9094289

>Fujo gachis
You really think the dude who doesn't shut up about liking oneesans and has a large amount of males on his audience would be mad at him for collabing with a girl?

>> No.9094476

Her stream didn't even show on my feed, so who knows.

>> No.9094636

He only says what he saw from the threads pleas andastand

>> No.9094858

I've never heard this term in my fucking life in the context of vtubers. All that ever mattered was casting likable girls. "Theme" has always been irrelevant window dressing, yet you set rigid expectations based on it. You played yourself. Even if we humor the idea that lore matters
>outrageously witty
What does this have to do with chaos?
