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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 335 KB, 1908x1080, Marineisabitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9049946 No.9049946 [Reply] [Original]

>Topics of conversation are limited to sexual stuff, boring life stories, her bad taste in anime and manga (we will get to that) or her colleagues. Most other chuubas can talk about more than that.
>Utawakus involve the same handful of songs over and over again (If you don't believe me you can verify this with Jetri or Holodex)
>Only ever plays FOTM or garbage (Portal, r*dditnautica), Touhou streams only happen once in a blue moon.
>3D streams are boring and uncreative (especially compared to Nijisanji)
>Taste in anime and manga is either extremely popular shit or fujo bait shit. Seriously it is laughable that anyone thinks she is an otaku, even her knowledge of old NND memes is very limited compared to Mito.
Beyond this she doesn't really do anything else. She is popular becauase if her coomer bait thing and thats pretty much the only reason.

>> No.9049974

How are you today Marineschizo? Feeling well? Remember to take care of yourself.

>> No.9049994
File: 386 KB, 2000x2000, 1624826937866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but that summer model though.

>> No.9050008

Drink more water, shizo. I guarantee you that it'll make your life a little better.

>> No.9050011

>implying Touhou shovelware isn't the most reddit thing in existence
>implying you've taken your meds today

>> No.9050036

I cannot handle so much truth concentrated in one place!

>> No.9050064

If Touhou shovelware is so bad then it only adds to my case dumb ass.

>> No.9050098

if you get (you) to marineschizo it means he's correct

>> No.9050099

Have you completely given up on debating any of my points.

>> No.9050129

Oh wow you're totally right and not a schizo who posts the same threads over and over with your schizo friends. Won me over today.

>> No.9050153

Yeah pretty much. There's only so many times you can get enjoyment from blowing out a flat earther until you come to appreciate their quirky ways and just want them to live their life. You're wrong, and objectively wrong but you're not going to give up so you can have your belief because it makes you happy.

>> No.9050154

Marine's portal play through was kino.

>> No.9050185

HAHA seethe peasant. jealous cause you dont ahve any charisma.

>> No.9050190


>> No.9050257

Here's a (You) from >>9050098

>> No.9050273

Which one of my points is wrong? All of them are objective facts, only the 3D streams one is kind of subjective.

>> No.9050279

You don't have to watch it, just close the browser and go outside

>> No.9050282
File: 144 KB, 430x462, 1630467691618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't debated you anal slut. i just pass by and say something to you sperging about a japanese girl pretending to be a pirate. how about use some of those time doing reps, or socialize huh?

>> No.9050319

All your points are completely correct.
Those anons are just retarded Marinfags who cannot distinguish reality from their disgusting fantasies.

>> No.9050323

marineschizo is a marine fan

>> No.9050326

That just furthers my case, all the interesting stuff on that show is done by FBK.

>> No.9050338

Well you see....

Ooooh you sneaky snake, you almost got me there Marineschizo!
