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8952826 No.8952826 [Reply] [Original]

has there ever been a better 3d debut?

>> No.8953285

Not in Holosphere

>> No.8953352

Literally every Niji 3D debut.

>> No.8953374

In Hololive? No

>> No.8953619

>Hologirls 3d streams
>4/5 prerecorded and scripted with managers ready to pull the cable if they see something they dont like
>Holostars 3d stream
Just boy having fun and going to the bathroom mid-stream

>> No.8953646
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>> No.8953716

>Ibrahim 3d
No the fuck it wasn't. Some of the lesser known members had some "meh" 3Ds. Good but lacked soul at times. Aruran's kept my ass glued to my chair and watching until the very end. Only other 3D debut that did that shit for me was Coco.

>> No.8953731

Hologirls 3d debut are boring as fuck for the most part. I liked Luna's 3D debut just for the piano part and the last song. Pizzanigga's debut was way better than that to be honest.

>> No.8953761

Aruran's 3d was pretty good
My favorite 3d of all time is Hayato's however
The amount of energy and creativity he brought was incredible.

>> No.8953765

Holy Kino.

>> No.8953776

Potentially Coco, but I'd say they were more on par with each other.

>> No.8953798

Watch the whole thing. He becomes a gunslinger at some point and even fights off some swat team guy.

>> No.8953814

Was the camera failure partway through a tech issue or did someone hit a camera while they were blindfolded?

>> No.8953948

I was completely caught off guard by how good it was. He's set the bar pretty high for the homos coming after him.

>> No.8953964

I'm saying this as a Nijifag, that was a really fun debut. I love the house and the Taliban takedown sequence. The spinning around blindfold part was funny too. I know Temma is a blackbelt so I'm ready for his debut if it's next, I want to see some more takedowns

>> No.8954027

Then he fights a giant pizza monster and loses. Aururan's by far the most creative holostar, it's a shame that as an EOP I basically have to settle for this, his great DJ sets and his insane shorts:

>> No.8954151

I WILL marry this old man.

>> No.8954333

You're going to have to get through the whole family and somehow not get dad zoned to pull that off.

>> No.8954555

Maybe, but big chunks of Niji's 3D debuts are pre-recorded, while Holostars debuts are live.

Mashiro's debut was kino, for example, but it was 100% pre-recorded and scripted.

>> No.8955694

Watch me.

>> No.8955758

No, and don't let salty Nijiniggers tell you otherwise.

>> No.8955819

Did roberu appear?

>> No.8955830

I never understood the problem with pre recorded segments.

>> No.8955850

I think we can all agree
Boys 3d > girls 3d

>> No.8955929

Oga and Shien did.

>> No.8955931

It's hard to top the production value Kagami's had, but still, Aruran's was plenty fun to watch.

>> No.8955982

Actually no, this was very kino, and I don't even watch homos

>> No.8956010

overproduced corporate garbage

>> No.8956043

Oh, i rarely watch holostar. So have cover fix roberu 3d model?

>> No.8956083

>Boys > girls

>> No.8956113

Time stamped it. Check it out.

>> No.8956139

>I hate pre-recorded things

>> No.8956143

So you are gay?

>> No.8956156

I could do it. Easily

>> No.8956290
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Thanks anon, i'll watch this when i come home.

>> No.8956331

>I liked Luna's 3D debut just for the piano part
I may be remembering it wrong, but I don't think Luna played the piano on her 3D debut. She just played Holo invaders, had some Darks Souls parody and screwed around with Matsuri

>> No.8956426

Do people really still complain about this holy shit.

>> No.8956443

Not in HoloPro. Shien's was pretty good as well.

>> No.8956511

They are streamers not video creators. Streaming feels like a more honest approach to the formula

>> No.8956517

Roberto shoulder is still fucked up when raises his hands

>> No.8956578

Based boys rule girls drool

>> No.8956625
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Retarded post detected. They are on a video platform. If their creative vision includes prerecorded segments it's entirely permissible.

>> No.8956854

I never said I thought it was the case, just thats generally how people feel you fruit. They call themselves livers, if every stream with production value was prerecorded most people would feel cheated in an autistic albeit understandable way

>> No.8956964

in the RP sure, he did personally pay for the entire thing himself

around 10k usd to pay for the whole thing and made back

>> No.8957003

Pizzachads can't stop winning

>> No.8957128

>tribalfagging the lads
How to spot a newfag, Nijimale bros and Holostars bros are comrades.

>> No.8957454

Speak for yourself. I watch Holostars all the time and I would never watch any male (or anybody else) from Nijishitty.

>> No.8957527

Yeah, we cool

>> No.8957658

>#1 sc in the world for that day
Based Pizza dad can't stop winning!

>> No.8957882

Hey, Nijibros, Holobros! What should I do with this piece of trash? It was sitting right here in a corner for a long time already, stinking all the time and spoiling our pleasant atmosphere. I think we should get rid of him.

>> No.8958351
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>> No.8958595

Then you must be new because no one acts like that in the stars general, /jp/ starsbros are also fine with Nijiguys.

>> No.8958747

I think you are new if you are ok with them.

>> No.8958985
File: 42 KB, 540x302, 1613069051752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we all know what needs to be done

>> No.8959027

Most male vtuber fans are pretty open minded, supporting nijibros, homobros, and JP indie bros, at least overseas

>> No.8959092

Why are boys so much fun...

>> No.8959129

I don't necessarily support others, since I don't watch them, but it's extremely retarded to have negative thoughts about things you don't engage with, and letting them live rent free in your head. Reminds me of videogame wars children.

>> No.8959157

>Reminds me of videogame wars children.
so basically literally every single american.

>> No.8959237

Imagine living in a country where you could relatively easily afford more videogames even with shitty jobs and still choosing to become a tribalfag over it instead of just buying another platform if you want it.

>> No.8959501

I want Temma to stab someone with his sword, they die, and then the stream ends

>> No.8960937


>> No.8961399

Oh fuck, it was the 3d birthday stream nervermind

>> No.8961531

Coco was fucking good, but this wasn't bad.

>> No.8961742


>> No.8961769

Coco’s is still the best, and i’m willing to die on that hill.

>> No.8961806

It's like lip syncing. The audience would get a better experience if the celebs could sing and dance live. Though authenticity is not a big factor in the entertainment industry, but they do enhance the enjoyment. Like, "is Santa real?" "Kinda."

>> No.8962276
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often 30-50% pre-recorded 70-50% live

>> No.8962364


>> No.8963780

The effect/animation are pre rendered and someone else could do the motion capture. Doing it live meaning a chuuba must handle if there's problem like jank animation, bad capture, effect not playing or other problem and still make the stream entertaining. For example when Pizza dad gun refused to came out and he keeps firing with his finger

>> No.8963920

then you probably hate 100% of the music they produce since its pitch corrected and treated as fuck

>> No.8964292

I fucking loved that stream

>> No.8965032

There are some Nijisanji 3D debut streams I thought were better, but this was the most entertaining 3D debut ever in Holopro, why are the Hologirls 3D debut all so fucking boring?

>> No.8965343


>> No.8965452

Who's the clown and maid?
And are the two others supposed to have the same face?

>> No.8965656

>all best 3D streams are just bois having fun
it do be like that, they won't admit but it do be like that

>> No.8965698

Joe Rikiichi and Chaika (his channel)

>> No.8965751

The EN translated clip of that 3d live

>> No.8965852

OP haven’t seen the best 3d lotion curling competition before

>> No.8965932

3D debuts you illiterate fucks

>> No.8965999

Not really. Some Gamebu stuff and Hologra for example are skit videos, HimeHina and Kizuna Ai makes gameplay highlights. Sure they stream, but outside of that of that they dont have the obligations to go live, especially concerts or 3D debuts where they won't even react to chat

>> No.8966465

Might as well make this a thread about 3D in general. How much has Hololived utilized their 3D models anyway?

>> No.8967967

why do the males tracking looks so much better than the girls or is it because they don't move as much as them?

>> No.8967987

The Fujos are growing stronger.

>> No.8968018

Aren't these all the latest 3D models so they have the most work put into them?

>> No.8968156

Never mind...it updated.
No, bros are uniting!
The guys have less accessories and shit attached to them. Most of them are just wearing suits/vests. Plus 3D and 2D models are always upgrading so they got the latest stuff from a competent 3D artist.

>> No.8968480

... yes? why? you are looking for a bf?

>> No.8972726

I wish Hololive would do some straight up variety show stuff like Nijisanji did.

>> No.8980411

I hope they never do that cringe shit. There is a reason I don't watch Nijishitty.

>> No.8980567

I want him to stab the viewer... Or karate chop (You)r throat and the screen turns black and ends

>> No.8980793

If this was Hanakishi or MaFia or something then sure but who the hell ships Aruran other than literal whos on Twitter

>> No.8980862

That's why hololive copy Levergacha and made it cringier and shittier with Maruyama right?

>> No.8980902

I want to lick her armpit

>> No.8981165

They're newer models, after all
Even Gen 5's 3D models have better tracking than that of the other gens since theirs were released this year
The older models just need to be upgraded to work better with whatever current tech Cover is using for their 3D now

>> No.8981414

Look at her go.

>> No.8981865

I'm not gay but something really attract.me to aryan as a homie. I admit in an eop clipwatcher, bit he seems so fucking genuine and fin. If I keep doing my reps does he still hold up?

>> No.8981951


>> No.8982020

Niji did that two weeks before, and was actually fun because it wasnt just one guy.


>> No.8982120

Why do you have to compare everything? They're both cool.

>> No.8982135

It being one guy is what made it kino, though. Otherwise it's just a 新宝島 performance. Which is still great, don't get me wrong, but hardly original.

>> No.8982211

You don't have to be gay to appreciate him, he's a really genuine guy and I do recommend doing reps because clips don't really do him justice , I dislike a lot of Holostars EN sub clips.

>> No.8982221

>It being one guy is what made it kino
no, its souless.

>> No.8982263

Absolutely, been with him for about a year and I think I'm starting to gosling.
Where do you get your Aruran clip fix, by the way? I'd love to have stuff to recommend to others. He's very receptive to english speaking viewers, but it's hard to convince people to join a mainly japanese stream without giving easily digestible reasons to.

>> No.8982470

>has there ever been a better 3d debut?

>> No.8983187

Fair enough.
It's really from all over as I am sure you're aware they dont have nearly the presence as their femme counterparts. But what I appreciate the most is the lack of clickbait titles.

>> No.8983301

Yeah, true, the few I've seen are definitely laid back about it. They just want to show their chuubas, not become the center of attention themselves.

>> No.8988765

Are those actual dance moves or something prerendered

>> No.8988815

His actual dancing, it isn't a hard dance anyway.

>> No.8989756

I'll never find out because I watch cute little japanese girls I don't understand. I can hang out with guys speaking english any time.

>> No.8989841

