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File: 186 KB, 315x315, 1713242300799159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
88437060 No.88437060 [Reply] [Original]

>Kiara hints that there are more graduations incoming in the next months in a memberstream
>KFP spills the beans
>It's heavily implied it's Gura, Mumei or Ina
>Streamable of the clip pops up
>Gets deleted after an hour
>Everyone memoryholes it
So, we're now pretending Gura isn't graduating this year? Or does nobody care anymore?

>> No.88437213

/xhlgg/ can't stop winning

>> No.88437222
File: 509 KB, 897x896, 1728827411486878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Ame give her tears back yet?

>> No.88437273

there's no way that it's not gura

>> No.88437290

Forced meme

>> No.88437327

Gura is the most likely one to graduate after ame
she practically never streams and probably will go out the same way as ame did, remaining affiliated

>> No.88437346

Ina on the EN side
Choco on the JP side

>> No.88437365

The illusion is breaking... Cover going public and being more restrictive was a terrible idea. Fucking take me back to the good old days

>> No.88437386

Does anyone have a new clip of the doomposting moment?

>> No.88437467

I can already see /xhlgg/ drooling in anticipation

>> No.88437546

Those 2019-2022 Hololive days were something special…
I believe it was a members stream

>> No.88437604

gonna need sauce on that one
else ill be filing this under sister post

>> No.88437640

you're trying too hard sister

>> No.88437666

I think she's gonna get forced out since she clearly isn't interested in being there

>> No.88437701

yeah I know but surely someone can clip it again

>> No.88437702

The streamable is gone. It was the last membership stream

>> No.88437769

I can see Ina leaving due the BS she has gone through recently.

>> No.88437830

>brown twitter thread

>> No.88437872

She already said she almost quit due to that but her friends convinced her to stay

Ina will eventually leave, just like everyone else down the line. But she won't be leaving due to the visa shenanigans, at least not until HoloEN 3rd concert or some extreme yab happen in the future

>> No.88437886
File: 2.46 MB, 1280x720, 1729635444811901.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara hints that there are more lesbian sex in a memberstream
>KFP spills the beans
>It's heavily implied it's Gura, Mumei or Ina the next target
>Streamable of the clip pops up
>Gets deleted after an hour
>Everyone memoryholes it
So, we're now pretending Gura doesn't have 2 sharkcocks? Or does nobody care anymore?

>> No.88437941

We are inevitable

>> No.88437942

I saw anons talking about the streamable in that thread and none of them talked about graduation

This is clearly another attempt to use Kiara vents for fear-mongering

>> No.88437948

do you know the timestamp? i forgot that i got a gifted memb lmao

>> No.88437970
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>> No.88437981

No such thing happened btw Kiara said that a few days ago "one of my worst fears got confirmed" and that she noticed it at that time but it was going for a while and it shocked her, then she elaborated it's not about her physical health, cats or anything irl but that doesn't make it 100% confirmed that it's hololive-related Kiara have many fears perhaps some cosplay/idol event denied her requests because she was "too old" or something, she also wanted to organized something with her irl idol oshis from back in the day a cover or invite them to her live but so far every project failed for unclear reasons.

>> No.88437999

Seems like all she said is that she was very sad about something that she couldn't talk about.
You know Kiara, there's a million different reasons why she could be sad. And a million different ways Cover's bureaucracy could depress her.
Could be a /xhlgg/, but I wouldn't bet on it

>> No.88438017

there's still a catbox

>> No.88438019

we might see Myth become two person gen grim

>> No.88438050

Kiara never said or hinted anything about any other holomembers. Just something that was disappointing and that it didn't involve her own health. Can you dipshits at least watch streams?

>> No.88438069

ugly ass art lame as fuck

>> No.88438097

>Can you dipshits at least watch streams?
the rrat is from a member stream and i will never sub to orange woman

>> No.88438119

Based if true, Kiara is such a stacy for keeping the fans informed

>> No.88438160

she also said its not work related which makes this thread completely useless

>> No.88438177

>Can you dipshits at least watch streams?
>Asking brown dramafags to watch stream
Nice joke anon

>> No.88438320

it was very weird desu might imply some serious behind the scenes drama or management shenanigans Kiara wanted KFP to know she's in pain on many reasons but was very careful about how much she actually disclosed about the reasons but with how she talked about it doesn't sound like it's about another member graduating, not directly at least.

>> No.88438335

always has been

>> No.88438364

It’s over…

>> No.88438416

Like >>88438160 said, it's not work related, so throw any Holo related stuff out of the window

My guess is either the police let the stalker go or some irl shit that was bad but she can't talk in fear of being doxxed

>> No.88438420

she was more dramatic about it than usual, both dramatic and careful at the same time implying it might be a sensitive issue NDA or not.

>> No.88438467

yeah, it's wild how gen that has it the easiest is the most whiny, I get now why people hate calli, she is the only one myth who has a work ethic.

>> No.88438489

Ina is gonna graduates that's why her bff Sana suddenly comes back

>> No.88438552

You’re stupid if you don’t think it’s Gura. Sana only came back for a one off to play that new shadows game

>> No.88438582

Link then, so we can mirror it.

>> No.88438603

Fuck Kiara seriously what's wrong with her??

>> No.88438629

CC broke her spirit.

>> No.88438639


She said the opposite "it's nothing about the place I'm in atm or even irl related" heavily implying it's about holo and nothing to do with stalkers are whatever.

She said nothing about disappointment or any feeling at all other than being more depressed than she usually is due to "one of her worst fears" getting confirmed, honestly it might be management giving her a short stick or even personal drama with other members there is simply no way to know because we don't have enough data.

>> No.88438647

I'll buy a rope to build a swing in my backyard If Gura graduates

>> No.88438668
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>Guys, this thing totally happened.
>Proof? You see, KFP is so powerful that they managed to delete everything, even from the archives.
>But I swear it happened and surely is about [Holomember]'s graduation! This time for sure!
Then, he proceeds to samefag until page 11.

>> No.88438676

always makes them seethe kek

>> No.88438701

This tard: >>88437222 keeps making these threads where he lies about how Kiara said X on her memberstreams and then replies to himself for hours. Someone copied his thread with Mori and it got deleted. See: >>88346705
This board is a shithole.

>> No.88438731

does it even matter since these cunts never stream at all? they may as well get it out of the way and just graduate. so fucking annoying how they're so lazy.

>> No.88438797

Shark refused to do anniversary this year, therefore she'd be the most likely to go.
Ina need the job until she can live in jp by herself
Chicken and Mori still need holo

>> No.88438849

She never said this. OP keeps making threads where he fucking lies about what Kiara said. He can't even post a clip you fucking retards.

>> No.88438856

No. Just buy membership fucking poorfags she's having member streams almost every week it's how we first got confirmation that Omegay is gone among other things so it's a good investment even if you don't care about orange woman.


>> No.88438867

Thank you for clearing it up. That is Kiwawa I know

>> No.88438875

Are kfp jealous at the other girls being more successful than kiara again

>> No.88438877

yep lets all congratulate mumei finally graduating from college

>> No.88438913

why would anyone waste money on kiara

>> No.88438947

piss off SEA chama

>> No.88438991

i'll bite just because it's kiara and she runs her mouth, BUT
multimillionaire. why would she quit when she can just ghost the cumbies and still make money? she also doesn't care for streaming/content creation. that past is long gone.
knows this gig wont be forever and is preparing for an actual job.
already an established artist outside of hololive. hololive is her part time gig that pays.

>> No.88439068
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>> No.88439073

Kiara just couldn't help herself. So much for professionalism she just really give out other girls information like candies.

>> No.88439096

catalogue is always full of garbage and 3 world facebook/discord warriors trying to push their bullshit nothing new

>> No.88439224


>> No.88439309

post concrete proof as
>wallpaper engine upload
>bilibili upload
>tiktok upload with subway surfers or gta car racing
>rplay free tier members archive upload
>5 part rapidgator mp4 zip download
otherwise fuck off rratmen

>> No.88439324

Hopefully HoloEN downsizes by half or at least gets rid of half the first two gens.

>> No.88439335
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kfp and self loathing, name a better duo

>> No.88439372

Pretty much half the girls should go. Kiara, Mori, Kronii, Nerissa, Shiori and erb

>> No.88439404

Do people truly believe that Kiara's vague "biggest fear" was about another member instead of herself with all her "ME ME MEEE" tendency?
She probably realized that Bae is getting a solo live before her or something similar

>> No.88439413

gura already graduated

>> No.88439418


>> No.88439461

>before her
>implying kiara will ever get one
failed idol failed virtual idol etc etc

>> No.88439486

I mean you could say the same about Ame really Gura following her into affiliate whatever status when she can still get merch bucks with 0 obligations and rebrand as part time react-slop twitch streamer when she gets bored sounds perfectly possible Ame kinda paved the way here for girls that want out but feel like they have too much to lose. Nothing to do with what Kiara said, really she sounded more like wife that found out her husband was cheating on her or something but she also said she will work behind the scenes to resolved whatever is going on atm so it's a situation that can be fixed it seems, doesn't sound like a graduation in fact nobody implied Gura might be gone girls tend to also ignore her lack of activity.

>> No.88439527

>her husband

>> No.88439566

holo EN collapsing would her hurt just like everyone schizochama anyway it's not Kiara's fault that 60IQ shitposters came up with their own hot takes.

>> No.88439588

no white person would seethe about orange woman this much or any other hololive member for the matter you're either SEA or a jealous femoid, perhaps both since that's just sisters for you.

>> No.88439635

yes, me. I was cheating on her but we're trying to set things right for our daughter's sake.

>> No.88439709
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keep projecting

>> No.88439754

Holo EN can't "collapse"

>> No.88440075
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>> No.88440161

Honestly wouldn't surprise me though. Gura might bail just to escape responsibility and be an indie with Doob. If she thinks life will be easier though... she'll have constant Collab requests from every fucking leech of a whore on the planet.

On the plus side maybe she'll finally get to play with Vinny.

>> No.88440216

I think this entire thread are just a bunch of KFPiss advertising "super secret information" that somehow NO ONE was able to record in order to trick retards into getting memberships.

>> No.88440235

Gura said "2025 is going to be quite the year" or something like that a little while ago. I mean would anyone be surprised considering she streams like 4-5 weeks out of the year now?

>> No.88440236

Is kiara doing that badly

>> No.88440240

at this point it's not worth it bro, just ignore it, retard who believe are not fan anyway.

>> No.88440279
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9257 average ccv this month.

>> No.88440283
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>> No.88440321

that's with constant collab/buff streams? grim

>> No.88440340

Why does Kiara attract such vicious schizos? How many mentally unwell people are seething at the orange anime woman? I don't get it. I don't touch grass but I might as well be a normie compared to how permanently triggered these people are.

>> No.88440366

>Why does Kiara attract such vicious schizos
she panders heavily to them because normal people can smell her bullshit from miles away

>> No.88440372
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So that's why you're seething these days, huh? "Kekaroo"

>> No.88440400

Cope and seethe kek

>> No.88440620

smells like bvtm in here

>> No.88440644

kfp can't help spreading their stench

>> No.88440714
File: 15 KB, 200x230, wawa love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEAnigger here.
I absolutely adore Wawa,
so fuck you and your lazy generalizations.

>> No.88440807
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>> No.88440941

Oh yeah, those days where these bitches simply didn’t listen to management and ran roughshod on schedules and felt free to openly show their contempt for the fans and each other really are something to look back fondly upon.

>> No.88440976

>thinking Gura and Mumei will ever leave the gravy train of their own volition
It’s Ina, she actually has a second job.

>> No.88441044
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>> No.88441071

Love this fucking meme

>> No.88441091

>"something I realised a couple of days ago but has been going on for a long time and that shocks me, just sucks being me right now."
>not irl related
honestly none of the rrats are satisfactory to me. somethings up but its not a graduation.

>> No.88441105

Kiara is such a retard holy shit, a literal chicken. Bawk bawk bawk.

>> No.88441186
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>> No.88441191

There's a nijisanji-tier clique within Hololive and Kiara learned about it just now. That's also the reason for Kronii and Fauna fallout.

>> No.88441239

what else ya got

>> No.88441242

>>It's heavily implied it's Gura, Mumei or Ina
Hopefully all three of these shitters leave. They should also take Kronii with them.

>> No.88441263
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>> No.88441313

>nijisanji-tier clique
ironically kiara would be part of it, she even idolizes enna

>> No.88441340

they don't want her in the clique, because they hate her voice and attitude. And despite all the noise she makes around her, she's pretty weak-willed.

>> No.88441354

Having seen all of her statements, the only one that would make sense is that there is some kind of group chat / clique that is going on without her, potentially even talking badly about her and she found out about it.

That would satisfy every single thing she said in those ~3 mins.

>> No.88441387
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There I no way I can ever see Gura leaving anytime soon. As much as people meme about gura, she still has a gigantic cultural foothold in the mainstream, especially in Asia.
Cover knows that losing Gura would put the entire company's reputation on the line, and even doing it the Ame way could do irreversible damage to the brand. So they will bend over backwards to give her literally anything she wants. And on Gura's side why risk what is essentially free money for an indefinite amount of time? If gura didn't quit 2 years ago then I don't seeit happening now.
Only possible candidates I can see are Kronii, Mumei, and Ina as a big stretch.

>> No.88441428

Yeah I could see that. What about something like management trying to push out older talents?

>> No.88441475

Seems unlikely, what reason would cover have to do that at all?

>> No.88441479

Gura next

>> No.88441495

The only one with the status to pull a niji tier clique is Mori and why would Kiara be mad at a Mori clique? Just join it

>> No.88441498

The fear Kiara mentioned on stream was about her being left behind. For instance, if it's established that Gura received her first sololive. Mori has a major record label deal and Gura has popularity (and a good singing voice), whilst Kiara has neither and is only getting a pity prize (World Tour nobody cares about).

>> No.88441522

Who would even be in Mori's clique?

>> No.88441560

>been going on for a while
nah, wouldn't make sense

>> No.88441563

Mori seems too nice to do something like that

>> No.88441566

Just Bae KEK

>> No.88441570

The clique that compromises of Gura, Kronii and Mumei (but she's too dense to realise it's a clique). I think Gura is a mean girl behind the scenes, especially after she name dropped Ame's irl name offhandedly on one of their collabs (not reposting here because I don't want to be lynched, go look at the archives)

>> No.88441572

All of EN

>> No.88441736

>Kronii and Mumei
I know it's supposed to be schizo ramblings but at least try to be realistic

>> No.88441738
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>A random Kiara picture/webm is posted
>Retard OP samefags just after
>He doesn't want to let these be the last thing posted
Thats good to know. Kek

>> No.88441776

It's kinda common in idolshit, no? Maybe she's getting passed on for opportunities due to her age (which isn't even that old lol)

>> No.88441884

Gura seems too aloof to be a mean girl, even Ame suggested she likes to keep to herself.

>> No.88441970


>> No.88441988


>> No.88442000

I love you

>> No.88442063

This bitch is so dramatic,it is probably something stupid

>> No.88442081

Kiara explicitly said it's not related directly to her

>> No.88442100
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>> No.88442103

>KFP were trying to damage control saying she didn’t say anything.
Man wtf could possibly be going on behind the scenes?

>> No.88442144

Nerissa and Shiori are dating

>> No.88442233

It's Jenma leaving the company.
Kiara knew for months that Ame, her genmate and someone she worshipped, would stop streaming and she held her mouth shut. I don't see anything that would be different this time around and would make her blab about someone graduating.
Jenma this summer has relinquished Kiara's management to a new hire, that's what made Kiara suspect the change happening. Furthermore, she and Kiara are particularly close, going back to the debut times, whereas basically every other EN has had a new manager or two. Her leaving would put Kiara in a sad mood for sure. Jenma is not someone with stream or social media presence, so there wouldn't be an announcement if she were to leave, hence why Kiara would feel comfortable with hinting at it.

>> No.88442234

Kiara would hint at identities if it were the case

>> No.88442236

Probably something like
>All of myth is in a group chat together (including Ame)
>They didn't add Kiara
>She found out
>oh ya my life is over sucks to be me

>> No.88442255

She sounds like a man when depressed

>> No.88442260

Nerissa is fucking Fuwawa

>> No.88442290

Huh, so it really is the clique rrat.

>> No.88442293

Poor Kiara suffering from a mild success.

>> No.88442296
File: 25 KB, 557x550, me when any gura thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rrat thread
>the clip in question is nowhere to be seen

>> No.88442321


>> No.88442324
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>> No.88442338

believable rrat
let's hear some others

>> No.88442350

Scroll up retard

>> No.88442351

i like this theory the most so far desu. there would be at the very least a hint of indignation were it the clique rrat.

>> No.88442383

yeah thinking about it a clique excluding her is not far fetched

>> No.88442469

Kiara would be more offended than sad. It's Jenma leaving.

>> No.88442503

The rrat-o detector confirm this rrat to have a 90% of probability to be real

>> No.88442525

/xhlgg/ status?

>> No.88442563

I don't understand why people are sad about the graduation of a vtuber who doesn't work.

>> No.88442576

>It's something that I realized a couple of days ago but it's been going for a long time and that shocks me and I just feel like shit right now
Yeah, no, this isn't /xhlgg/ status, this is some woman drama

>> No.88442605

It's the only thing that would make sense if she was suspecting it for a long time.
A clique would make her mad and Gura leaving wouldn't make sense with how she worded it.

>> No.88442630
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>> No.88442661


>> No.88442702

I have no idea how valid this rrat is but it honestly wouldn't surprise me.
I have a hard time believing that a company full of girls that requires getting the attention of many people (mostly male) and there wouldn't be any hint of jealousy or clique like behavior.
I'm sure this happens on the JP side too, but JP are experts in hiding things like this and it's a lot more subtle whereas EN is a lot more blunt.

>> No.88442745

but mori said everyone passed the vibe check

>> No.88442806

Everyone... But Kiara.

>> No.88442815
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>> No.88442822

I don't care. I just hope Gura does graduate since it would be funny.

>> No.88442854


>> No.88442892

Sounds like a clique thing

>> No.88442953

So who's in the clique?

>> No.88442969
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>> No.88442979

There is a 0% chance she's going to stay "most people fit the vibe check" or even give the implication that there's any dissension going on.
It's like when HR asks you if you get along with everyone at work or if you have any problem. You're not going to say anything else.

>> No.88443051
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>> No.88443074

It's Jenma leaving, only sisters think it's a clique

>> No.88443118

But why did she sound like she found out she had cancer?

>> No.88443131

based on literally nothing

>> No.88443130

Good to see Ayame is still a true patriot. Drive those gookdogs out, my goddess!

>> No.88443142

She said it has nothing to do with her health

>> No.88443158

>I realized a couple days ago
>But it's been going on a long time and that shocks me
This is 100% NOT about Jenma.

>> No.88443178

If were a clique, we would have more proof other than Kiara being sad. And if Kiara is anything like anons in this thread think she's like, she'd be more offended and drop names.

>> No.88443207

mori doesn't pass the vibe check herself, trusting her is dumb

>> No.88443267

she should be depressed all the time, she's actually tolerable to listen to here

>> No.88443283

I don't know why are you guys saying this dispels the graduation rrat. Been happening for a while just means that person is already inactive/unmotivated for a long time.

>> No.88443320

>source: dudes just trust me, it was a member stream and it got deleted, and there's no timestamp and no one else archived it, honest, plus you don't know her and she lives in Canada, but it was totally real!

>> No.88443321

naming anybody would make her look bad and if she suspected for a while I can see her being more sad than angry

>> No.88443326

Counterpoint: Mori is a dope and has a history of trusting people who end up using her. She's just not a solid judge of character.

>> No.88443339

She already looks bad enough to most people and doesn't seem to care

>> No.88443369

there's been constant HoloEN anti bait on the catalog for like a month

>> No.88443393

scroll up

>> No.88443402

>Found out recently and it shocks its been going on for a while
>Sad not angry, so it's unlikely a member/group antagonizing her
>Specified that its not HER having health problems
It's another member having some sort of health problems

>> No.88443411

inb4 it's Gura's health

>> No.88443434

Not directly name, but hint at their identities. IMO if anyone is graduating, it's Nerissa... It'd line up with this tweet:

>> No.88443435

>Kiara hints that there are more graduations incoming in the next months
>It's heavily implied it's Gura, Mumei or Ina

>> No.88443495

kiara pestered gura until she told her the details about her condition she alluded to before that doesn't allow her to stream

>> No.88443512

I'd buy it. She honestly sounded miserable in every twitter space she did while in Japan.

>> No.88443513

It's more likely that she discovered that the people who relocate to Japan get extra opportunities that they aren't allowed to disclose to other members

>> No.88443522

Why do people think Nerissa, of all people, is graduating?

>> No.88443557

people liking her family more than her for one

>> No.88443559

Why would that shock her tho? She herself has already admitted in the past that people in Japan have it better in terms of projects and shit.

>> No.88443576

What if she only found out about the Israeli genocide towards the innocent Palestinians?

>> No.88443582
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That's a solid rrat

>> No.88443598

Maybe they got an opportunity for something REALLY big
considering her slacktivist past this is also likely

>> No.88443606

Hey you know what. This kinda make sense but it should be obvious to her though.

>> No.88443644

Membered to all EN so listened to this
A couple minutes past this moment >>88441970
Kiara talks about how her winter 3D live got delayed so they have to scrap the custom winter-themed stage
Goddamn Cover is so incompetent at times

>> No.88443662

Anything more substantial?

>> No.88443682

I don't buy it but I can believe that she sounds depressed in Japan with all the meetings and how soul sucking it is from a work standpoint.
It's not a coincidence FWMC's quality nosedived as soon as they moved to Japan.

>> No.88443686

>it came to me in a dream

>> No.88443733

Maybe she read this news article https://edition.cnn.com/2024/10/24/middleeast/palestinians-human-shields-israel-military-gaza-intl/index.html

>> No.88443764

Her 3d live getting delayed has nothing to do with why her “worst nightmare became true” though I do agree that Cover can be so incompetent at times

>> No.88443790

You could've not given away that you're a jealous kfp seething at fuwamoco doing kiara's idol thing better and being way more successful

>> No.88443803

>lying is only okay when I do it

>> No.88443820

Yeah I'm not saying it's related, but fuck, now she's had 3D lives delayed 2 years in a row, and this time they wasted time making 3D assets that apparently are gonna be scrapped cause they were winter-themed

>> No.88443828

>worst nightmare became true
so it's a nothingburger and she's being overly melodramatic as usual

>> No.88443854

>And on Gura's side why risk what is essentially free money for an indefinite amount of time?
She's been radio silent for months.
She's not on hiatus, she's just not there, and at some point something has to give.

>> No.88443862
File: 556 KB, 2448x756, schizo response.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your (You)
Now fuck off.

>> No.88443910

>She's been radio silent for months.
why the fuck you lying

>> No.88443922

The good thing is that Gura quits, she WILL talk and it won't be pretty. Fubuker gonna need to work her ass off to soften the backlash.

>> No.88443965

she was also in the bae live

>> No.88443975

>kfp opinion
>stolen screenshot
>look guys totally not kfp
only your kind is retarded enough to fall for something like this

>> No.88443984

Shows how little you understand clique dynamics. kiara would (or is) the girl who wants to be in the cool crew but none of the clique likes her so they use her when it's beneficial to them or when they have no real choice but otherwise ignore her as much as possible.
I've long suspected there's a clique or two in holoen because of how obvious it is kiara was shut out of every single group back when it was just myth and council.

>> No.88443991

>He actually thinks Gura will stream if she quits

>> No.88444026

Yeah who the fuck would want to be in a group with her lmao

>> No.88444030

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.88444038

Remember the last time KFPs were doomfagging and it turns out that it was just Kiara's costume being delayed or something? Retards don't learn she's just an attentionwhore.

>> No.88444045

meanwhile FWMC get 3D studio for a random indie collab and people say favoritism isn't real

>> No.88444080

Maybe she found out through Nerissa? Nerissa seems to be the type to get involved in cliques

>> No.88444105
File: 4 KB, 261x193, ratdetective.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that she 'discovered' - this rules out it being a graduation because this would be something everyone would just get notified about
>not irl related - nothing to do with her non-Holo activities or personal life
>not health related
>it's been going on for a while but she only just 'discovered' it now
>"sucks to be me right now" - even though it's not directly related to Kiara herself, Kiara is still the subject of it
>"one of my worst fears" - it's something that Kiara has suspected for a long time
...having thought about all this criteria and specifically about the 'discovered' part I've put it together and come to the conclusion that the only thing that makes sense is that it's about another member in Holo not liking her, this is quite literally the only thing that would be where Kiara is the subject of it, it's something she suspected, has been going on a long time and could be discovered/confirmed in a non-update from staff kind of way

Thinking about how this could be discovered and why now: what avenue/method of discovery could Kiara have? What could have tipped her off now of all times? Is there anything Kiara is doing right now that could accidentally inform her of this?
That's right - the Mirage dance shorts involving other members. Think about it:
Kiara suspects for a long time X member doesn't like her. She sends out invites to all ENs to record a dance for the Mirage shorts with her. All/most except one accept - the one that just so happens to be the one she suspects of not liking her. They don't respond to her about it. Kiara then privately in another discord chat or on call with one of their friends brings this up - they confirm that X member really doesn't like them. Kiara is soulcrushed by this because she really didn't want it to be true.
Something like this could have happened.

Considering this, we can actually figure out who the member is by narrowing it down.
>very unlikely to be Mori as they are plainly besties and Kiara and Mori have talked at length about how much they like each other
>unlikely to be Gura since Kiara said she's like a sister and Gura still positively spoke of Kiara when she last streamed
>unlikely to be Ina
>can't be IRyS
>can't be Kronii
>can't be Fauna
>Justice are too new
>Kiara described Shiori as a 'cool loner who doesn't need friends (and respects this about her) so unlikely to be Shiori
>definitely not Nerissa

Thinking about who almost never collabs with Kiara, who people /here/ have rrated about before, who never appears in each others' lives - it's very probably Bae.
If not Bae, then Mumei (less likely but still possible).
Only other candidate is Fuwamoco (in which case it would be decades old beef or something) but for some reason I doubt it.

>> No.88444111

Gura had cirrhosis from her alcoholic past, but kept it under control. After she relapsed back into the habit somewhere in 2023, it got worse and now Kiara learned it's gotten terminal.

>> No.88444124

Just like how no one wanted to be in a group with Selen

>> No.88444176

I actually watched the clip, I don't get how shitposter holoan are so retarded as to jump to graduation beggin from it.
Or maybe they're that plus ESL.
You don't say
>it's been happening for a while
for someone graduating, or for talking about someone's general feelings that would lead them to decide to do so.
"it" + "happening" implies continuous action.
Hell, even the clique stuff being peddled ITT feels like a huge reach with her word choice

>> No.88444219
File: 27 KB, 125x125, 1724682507439300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what i've been refreshing the thread for.
however you've unnecessarily ruled out ID and JP.

>> No.88444268

it's not favoritism if they deserve it for working hard

>> No.88444349

What is this monkey talking about?

>> No.88444426

And Kiara doesn't work hard?

>> No.88444484

What if Fauna told Kiara what really happened between her and Kronii? The "sucks to be me" could be referring to her feeling stupid over blindly chasing after Kronii

>> No.88444495

It's Peko, isn't it

>> No.88444546

>Why would that shock her tho?
It would be a shock to discover that you'll never get a sololive as long as you don't live in Japan.
Heck, let's push the rrat one level deeper and it might be that as long as you aren't JP or Gura you'll never have a sololive

>> No.88444557
File: 2.79 MB, 498x498, rrat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all rrats but if i were to believe a graduation rrat it would be gura's

>> No.88444619

So you want me to not only waste money, but waste like 2 hours of my life watching a membership stream just for answers? That’s absolutely not happening

>> No.88444664
File: 365 KB, 766x651, GIGr_pKakAAlpqF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's some good shit right there

>> No.88444672

My predictions for graduation were Ame, Mumei and Gura in that order.
If anything (and based on complaints etc) it's more likely to be Mumei than Gura at this point.
Honestly speaking does current Mumei even have any goals or ambitions that can exclusively be done in Holo?

>> No.88444763

Well maybe Kiara should stop vagueshitting

>> No.88444841

I don't think Mumei dislikes Hololive or being in Hololive. What bothers her is Hololive taking over her life and hindering her in doing other things like finishing her education. She is more like to take a sabbatical like Haachama to finish her courses than graduate in my opinion.

>> No.88444946

Fuwamoco, because I doubt they really like anyone on the ID or EN side.

>> No.88444969

>Nothing IRL related

>> No.88445042

no? lmao

>> No.88445115

>>88444219other than Ollie, Anya and Reine there isn't really anyone else in ID that Kiara has much of a relationship with and she hasn't interacted with/cared much about interacting with JP for ages now

it's someone in EN
you're still living in 2020, Kiara moved on from Pekora years ago

>> No.88445144

Mori has lung cancer and Kiara is dead worried about her

>> No.88445183

Mumei is the one leaving.
I can confirm.

>> No.88445192

I don't think Kiara would be that shocked or upset about Fuwamoco so I doubt it

>> No.88445222

It is not out of the realm of possibility that she could find out someone is graduating or thinking of before an official notification.

>> No.88445229

Rrat: Gura/Mumei/etch is graduating, but what makes Kiara sad is that the "affiliate" thing was not automatic but something given to one who uses one of their 1M subs wish for (Ame's kept getting refunded cause her wishes were too small). Now she realizes she can't become an affiliate until she hits 2M while others like Gura, Mumei, Kronii, etch still has a wish to burn.

I will never take my meds.

>> No.88445239

Why not JP?

>> No.88445377

this isn't congruent with it being something that has been 'going on for a long time' and that makes Kiara say 'sucks to be me right now' implying it's about her in some way
a graduation is too impersonal and not Kiara-centric and isn't an ongoing thing
the way she described it doesn't sound like graduation news

>> No.88445386

she's too jealous of JPs to be this affected by misfortune befalling them

>> No.88445407

Kiara isn't particularly close to anyone in JP these days

>> No.88445418

Yeah no, affiliate was more for Cover sake than Ame's

>> No.88445482

>more for Cover sake than Ame's

>> No.88445519

what if the clique isn't among other members, but management, and jenma told her they're all in a group chat making fun of her.

>> No.88445528

It's actually Yagoo. He regretted hiring Kiara.

>> No.88445589

this is the most plausible thing in this entire thread

>> No.88445602
File: 846 KB, 877x1000, 1675397758468783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Threadly reminder that Kiara called Mumei her darkest fear that one time in a collab just like what she says in the clip.
Orcschizobros, we're so back

>> No.88445643

The affiliate thing is just another "milk it" for what is worth tactic that serves to kill two birds in stone. There's two things cover are afraid off is this US FTC going after them due to not shutting down the Amelia account and making money out her of voice with out paying royalty fees to her which by us law they're obligated to so having a affiliate program to rectify that make sense, and the second one is they are the undisputed king of vtubing in Japan but not in the west they cannot afford let's say gura quitting on them then signing with vshojo as example. So is better to give them an extra option rather than to lose them to a rival corp. So why not utilize the girls to shill merch and give them a small but decent cut from profit. To keep them as indies and not the new corp sensation where all eyes will be place upon on

>> No.88445696

Could be graduation negotiation with Cover that started a while ago. Also, Kiara is not devoid of empathy.
"Sucks to be me right now" could just be referring to her being in a sad state.

>> No.88445699

>old meme.
What's curious, is the unexpected liver to leave Niji.

>> No.88445770

this actually makes a lot of sense as to why Cover did the affiliate thing with Ame especially considering how Gura has been making moves in the direction of Vshojo and graduation

>> No.88445818

in the past whenever Kiara talked about or hinted at graduation news, even with Ame, she never described it in such a personal way

>> No.88445837

my rrat is kiara found out gura is kiaraschizo

>> No.88445883

NTA but it benefits cover much more to say someone isn't graduated and is on hiatus than saying she's gone. When we know the latter is the case and she's not coming back.

>> No.88445901

>Gura has been making moves in the direction of Vshojo and graduation
do people believe this

>> No.88445913

do your reps, newfag

>> No.88445923
File: 9 KB, 226x221, GGkmILhXwAAdPxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara discovered /vt/

>> No.88445989

this doesn't sound like a graduation to me. it could be something like talent favouritism. Kiaras nendo is the only myth nendo that still hasn't been finished yet, and she probably wont ever get a solo live. Maybe she got denied an opportunity?

>> No.88446042

newfag post, Kiara used to look at /hlg/ / /vt/ and her split regularly back in 2020-21 and has directly named 4chan on stream before

>> No.88446106

Kiara, if you're here ... stop being such a loser.

>> No.88446134

woah really? damn she... really shouldn't lol

>> No.88446191

why do people even suggest favoritism when she's the laziest EN by miles

>> No.88446214

now post the banshee meme

>> No.88446266


>> No.88446272

how the fuck is she the lasiest when she streams the most consistently in EN and is always pushing to get lives and things
man Kiara antis really just say anything

>> No.88446281
File: 491 KB, 898x584, Elder Banshee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88446308

Damn, really? Visiting this place just sounds like an easy way to get your self esteem shattered if you're a vtuber.

>> No.88446327

Case in point

>> No.88446345

We're not talking Gura though

>> No.88446379

She unironically used to ask for advice here and accidentally referred to herself in first person once

>> No.88446384

Kiara is strangely tough in some ways but also really sensitive in others, somehow having a lot of antis doesn't phase her but getting the wrong impression from a random co-worker makes her spiral

>> No.88446391

To be fair she used to be a regular on /cgl/ before Hololive and the antis she got from that period are worse than /vt/ antis because more of them are seething women.

>> No.88446405

If she can't accept her faults she's never going be happy, why she chose to do the horrible chicken voice instead of her old sex voice is beyond me. I think even the mememe shtick would've been more tolerable like that

>> No.88446457

Not exactly an objective assessment of her faults though is it...

>> No.88446481

>the antis she got from that period are worse than /vt/ antis
they're literally the same people lol

>> No.88446502

those are the biggest ones though, the insufferable voice and the shameless narcissism

>> No.88446552

it's a meme you dipshit

>> No.88446592

Kiara is anything but narcissistic but this place isn't ready to accept it

>> No.88446613

>bringing up random chuba
i know you faggots talk about these Twitch whores a lot in /#/ but let's just keep each others connected by talking about Holos only. Which what matters.

and before you ask, no I will never watch anything that isn't Hololive or not named Dooby/Sakuna

>> No.88446635


>> No.88446703


>> No.88446732

Based beyond belief

>> No.88446735

this is the biggest problem, there aren't any kfp who actually love her enough to bring up the faults that are holding her back to her and even if anyone did the rest of the lemmings would relentlessly bully the poor guy out of the community while reassuring kiara that the world revolves around her

>> No.88446879

based as fuck, offtopicfags that wanna shoehorn in their unrelated bullshit to any discussion are so fucking annoying

>> No.88446890

The most dedicated ones, yeah, but she definitely picked up some extras.

>> No.88447043

>picked up some extras
yeah me

>> No.88447134

>Ina literally tweets she isn’t going anywhere
>Bonked herself for being so negative about the visa thing and worrying people
>Excited to show what she’s been working on
>Recorded a let’s play to have while she’s away
Hm yes certainly the behavior of someone out the door.

>> No.88447163

Kiara just realised that she is unlikeable

>> No.88447194

How would you fix Kiara?

>> No.88447218

KFP have been hating on Ina for having just a few more subs than Kiara for years, they'd love it if she left

>> No.88447221

EN is literally in shambles right now. Good.

>> No.88447284

literally just drop the voice and the narcissism, that's it, ame's graduation was one of the worst mememe incidents in a while

>> No.88447337
File: 79 KB, 819x168, vunerablenarcissism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara IS narcissistic but she's a vunerable/covert narcissist, not a grandiose one; this is a point that both KFP and her antis don't understand
The symptoms of it literally describe Kiara's entire personality, behavior and thought processes to a T and this is coming from someone who has watched Kiara since she debuted and sat through hours and hours of her content like supachat tangents, Zelda streams etc.
Unlike grandiose narcissists, vunerable ones are unconfident, anxious and fearful in their outward behavior, constantly put themselves down and act victim-like rather than hyperconfident, self-aggrandizing and egotistical and are preoccupied with a fear of rejection, ridicule and an underlying enviousness of others

The cause is probably having a lack of father figure in her early life + emotionally cold/distant mother who didn't give her much attention and having an introverted predisposition by default rather than an extroverted one
she only seems like an extrovert due to interacting with others so much but once you realize this is because of an underlying need to recieve praise and attention from others rather than an actual ability to form bonds and interact with people confidently it makes sense

>> No.88447348

Something something future niji/phase yabs soon.

>> No.88447441

Her flavor of narcissism is irrelevant, she's still insufferable

>> No.88447445

The False guy is hyping a huge niji yab in november

>> No.88447696

The last time he hyped something up it was barely anything compared to everything else happening at Niji, so I'd take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.88447759

it's not irrelevant, it's useful in understanding and predicting her future behavior

>> No.88447798

False has been a fucking disappointment, the last thing he hyped up went nowhere and Niji is still standing (in absolute fucking shambles but still)

>> No.88447826

using her type of narcissism to predict her behavior doesn't solve the underlying issue of her being annoying as fuck

>> No.88447845

The clique which is called management have neglected most of the EN branch because they're too busy babying their cash cows Calli and Gura.
Ame started to plan her leave as soon as she realized they were the ones who made Kronii backtrack on seeing eye to eye with the kronies.

That said, I think Kiara was just unhappy about finding out her dad or grandpa was a wife beater or something along those lines.

>> No.88447902

when did I ever say I wanted to solve the underlying issue? She's fascinating to observe as a case study
stop being such an emotionfag and getting triggered by good content

>> No.88447911

Man, anons on this board collectively agreed that Kiara is a Me!Me!Me! girl, but kept forgetting it when something like this happens..
And also, people /here/ cant even finish the video.
>"It has nothing to do with the Live, that now its delayed"
>"its actually kinda blessing in disguise, cause i was gonna be so stressed-out again"
>"i felt that i could use the extra time at home, instead of rushing to Japan again"
It has something to do ONLY WITH HER.
Either a collab, extra work, or an event that includes her, thats in the works for a while, that it needs her to go back to Japan early.
But got cancelled/declined/or she's removed.
Now she's depressed

>> No.88447973

She's talking about the election.

>> No.88448004

you're replying to a concern troll

>> No.88448009

hopefully she got removed from holofes so I don't have to mute as much

>> No.88448075

have fun with that I guess

>> No.88448123

people said the same about niji EN

>> No.88448145

or maybe it is Ame
maybe Ame told everyone she will redebut as Doob except Kiara, because she fears Kiara might be a blabbermouth about it
which is why Kiara was the only one being so clingy in the soft graduation stream
Kiara not receiving trust by a person she thinks is a very close friend to her (Ame helped Kiara a lot in the past) was propably crushing and could very well be one of her greatest fears

>> No.88448176

niji had deep underlying issues that have been discussed to death here

>> No.88448225

actually really good theory, she definitely tried very hard to stop clingy people at the door with dooby

>> No.88448246

retard, when she's talking about the live being delayed and 'it' a blessing in disguise she's referring to the live being delayed as the blessing, not the thing she is intiially sad about
rewatch the clip again and follow the flow of what she's saying

she's saying that the live being delayed is a 'blessing in disguise' IN RELATION TO the thing that she is depressed about i.e. the reason it's a blessing in disguise is because she would be EVEN MORE stressed and depressed about rehearsing for the live WHILE this other depressing thing is going on that is affecting her

therefore it isn't necessarily something 'only to do with her' but is more likely some other thing she came across found out about that involves her somehow

>> No.88448328

this almost makes sense except for teh fact that Kiara hinted she already knew about Ame's plans before because she said before this on stream something like 'when Ame explained what she wants to do I think it makes a lot of sense for her and I wish her the best etc etc'
so it can't be about that since she already knew

>> No.88448617

>because she fears Kiara might be a blabbermouth about it
This rrat is so retarded
>Ame tells everyone but Kiara
>But also, Ame posts her Dooby twitter on 4chan so people start following her
>Also, Kiara's RM follows her soon after

>> No.88448652

>Ame posts her Dooby twitter on 4chan so people start following her
She didn't do that

>> No.88448734

doesn´t have to be exactly about this, but could be related
like not telling her about the extend of whats happening or since she said she found out recently, depending on how u stretch that term it could still be about it, like maybe she only found out 2 weeks ago

>> No.88448808

I hope Kiara breaks down and cries on stream because I get a hard-on from crying girls.

>> No.88448810

>can't be Kronii
>can't be Fauna
Actually that could make a lot of sense, we know Kronii has been ghosting Fauna, and it's possible Kiara thought one or the other was lying, and she believed the wrong one and the other was at fault all along.

If FWMC hates Kiara it's because she was behind them being forced into reacting to summer outfit males on stream with Bae.

>> No.88448848

Kiara already knew the extent of what is happening and hinted as much more than 2 weeks ago and is following her so this is a retarded stretch just to make it work
it's not about Ame, it doesn't add up with what we know, what's happened and the way she described it

>> No.88449013

see here:

>> No.88449028

>she was behind them being forced into reacting to summer outfit males on stream with Bae
this is the most retarded thing I've ever read
Kiara is like the last EN second only to Fuwamoco themselves who doesn't give a fuck about the males

>can't be Kronii
>can't be Fauna
>Actually that could make a lot of sense, we know Kronii has been ghosting Fauna blah blah blah
'it can't be Kronii/Fauna' was in reference to the fact that they're in her Mirage dance shorts, dumbfuck
why would Kiara even be so personally upset and torn up about this Kronii Fauna thing anyway? Doesn't make any sense, Kiara has had less of a sad reaction for things that affect her more in the past than some random petty girl friend infighting like this

>> No.88449084

why the fuck are you reposting a transcript of the clip that's already been posted in this thread? Retard

this doesn't change anything and this Dooby angle is forced and retarded

>> No.88449130

When are we going to find out the real answer?

>> No.88449240

it is Kiara

propably some obscure underground idol she follows did a yab or whatever

she is like this every 2nd member stream and it is most of the time a nothingburger

>> No.88449321

>>Kiara hints that there are more graduations incoming in the next months in a memberstream

Kiara hinted something happened that changed her view on things. Its rather obvious its in regards to Ame and how she redubeted like a month after leaving.

>> No.88449398
File: 48 KB, 227x222, 1707240697056243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.88449415

it's not "obvious" Kiara already knew of Ame's plans and why would she even be against this/upset by it

>> No.88449474

maybe it is something political. like she slowly realizing that her leftwing views are wrong and the recent terror attack by a refugee in her hometown made her realize that her worldviews were wrong all along

>> No.88449489

>My worst fear got confirmed.
>Not something IRL related.
>A couple of days ago I realized.
>Sucks to be me right now.
>Not related to a live.
Jenma leaving Hololive would certainly be a huge negative for Kiara and they generally hate it when they lose a personal manager. Hololive talents don't have any say on which manager they get and if the new one is strict on Cover rules it's like getting a prison guard.

>> No.88449513


>> No.88449691 [DELETED] 

It could really be related to the U.S. election, you know, she said this less than a month away from it. Maybe she just found out that they're gonna rig it.

>> No.88449746

Something is rotten in the state of Hololive.

>> No.88449761

I don't think it's riggable at this point, kamala made sure nobody sane would vote for her

>> No.88449896 [DELETED] 

Trump literally just threw the whole election with that NYC rally and the Puerto Rico joke

>> No.88449904

I think Americans have a rather over-inflated view of how many non-Americans care about their politics.

>> No.88449946

Why are discounting the possibility that its's Niji related? didnt Kiara have dinner with the Niji clique some time ago?

>> No.88449960

Meant for >>88449761
I'm not American, I've never been to America even

>> No.88450078

What happens if it just ends up being another huke outfit situation?
>Kiara mentions bad news one(1) time in a members only stream that she can't mention until summer
>Schizos immediately assume the absolute worst and use it for shitposting, doomposting, and dramafagging for the next few months
>The bad news Kiara mentioned one(1) time was that Huke wasn't able to design her new outfit
>People shit on Kiara for "causing drama" and cope about how the Huke outfit thing wasn't what Kiara was actually talking about and that it's actually some super secret drama that will end hololive, aka a graduation since tards aren't creative

>> No.88450088

good to see trump derangement syndrome going strong

>> No.88450112

I'm confused now. No fucking clue what she's talking about

>> No.88450128

Not even her papa loves her lmao

>> No.88450203

That easily means she found out about a graduation that was in the works

>> No.88450226
File: 329 KB, 1236x1139, 1730097476527404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it might be about Ame but not for the reason you've given because Kiara likely knew for months, she said they didn't talk with each other since the graduation about 10 days ago. Perhaps Kiara wanted to talk with her like a friend and ask how to solve her ISP issues (kek) and got hit with pic related pay me up bitch I'm not doing "Vtuber consulting" for free no more!

>> No.88450297

Yes and for good reasons like her following the vshojo ceo out of the blue

>> No.88450311

I'd start watching dooby if that was it lmao

>> No.88450395

while funny, i doubt Ame could ever be this bitchy

>> No.88450409

>something she discovered
She discovered that someone else has been planning on leaving for a while(Gura)

>> No.88450412

You said the same about Aqua and Ame.

>> No.88450427

>this is the most retarded thing I've ever read
Absolutely, that's what it'd take for FWMC to hate her though.

>they're in her Mirage dance shorts, dumbfuck
Holos still interact for business jackass.

She would be upset for doing something retarded like trying to meddle and causing both of them to distance themselves while pretending to be on good terms.

I like the rrats about Jenma leaving or Ame only being nice to her for business reasons though.

>> No.88450458

Very likely what's going to happen considering that it has happened before like three times by now.

>> No.88450533

why are kfp trying to accuse fwmc of bitchy kiara behavior

>> No.88450549

She said it's not about her so it can't be the outfit and there's no reason she would vague post about that

>> No.88451006

She just said it's not IRL or has anything to do with her private/personal life. And I brought the Huke outfit situation up since it's a pretty similar situation, Kiara talks about bad news in a membership stream once, and schizos use that to shitpost about how everybody is graduating, or how there's nijiEN cliques in holoEN for about 3 months straight.

>> No.88451075

She has history with FWMC going back to her teenage years could be old grudges coming back. Maybe they've been sabotaging her opportunities behind the scenes

>> No.88451081

She would just say it's her outfit if it was that simple, she's mentioned outfits delayed or done by others before. She wouldn't call it "shocking" She also said it wasn't about her.

>> No.88451190

She was separated by a mix of hours she was active in and living in Europe of course they had "cliques" in holo EN SNOT being the most prominent one but it doesn't seem to be active since 2022 and nothing really replaced it, for a time the main issue was the girls weren't even on discord most of the time so it was painfully hard to organize anything at all and Kiara was among the few ones that still tried that's not really a clique situation.

>> No.88451246

>Check thread
>Same old "nijiEN cliques in holoEN!" shitposting
>Same old "They hate eachother!" shitposting
>Same old "Gura is graduating next week!" shitposting
>People arguing about American politics for some reason

>> No.88451351
File: 33 KB, 637x706, RRAT FESTIVAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embrace it to the point of entertainment. Turn the schizos on their head by making a day of indulging them whenever Kiara vagueposts.

>> No.88451379

recorded months ago
