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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8837699 No.8837699 [Reply] [Original]

So, now that the dust has settled, let's sum up (sorted by relevancy)
>Kronii: self centered bitch, found her own niche. Doesn't feel like an Holo though
>Mumei: cute retard, will attract the same concernfag that loves Aqua
>Sana: actually good, nerfed hard by bad design
>Ceres: green Lamy, if you have trouble sleeping, even after watching an Ina stream, give it a try
>Bae: inferior Ollie, nobody cares
It's truly hopeless? Or they will improve?

>> No.8838104


>> No.8838193

What's hopeless? Sana is good and her model is good, her accent is what's turning people off (because it's hard to understand, not because it sounds bad). Mumei is a Gura that doesn't sing, Kronii is unique and has her niche, Ceres does ASMR I guess, and I haven't watched the rat. Overall it seems they'll do just fine.

>> No.8838229

Sana falling behind the owl in subs is unfair.

>> No.8838399

>because it's hard to understand
Fuck no it isn't, ESLs like me have no trouble understanding her.

>> No.8838443

It's Ebonics First Language that have troubles

>> No.8838605

Mumei feels like Aqua, but instead of gamer autism... it's not clear what her pull is. It's still too early to be concerned since it's only been a week.
Sana seems alright, but yeah... her accent makes things awkward for me. This is the same reason that I watch Reine most out of the IDs; she has basically no accent.
honestly, ESLs are better at understanding awkward pronunciation. kind of like how Moona was really good at understanding Pekora's broken english.

>> No.8838631

EN2 is really fucking boring right now but it's possible they'll improve with experience. If they're still this boring 6 months from now that'll be a problem.

>> No.8838891

Do any of you people ever look back and think about what you said and speculated about practically every debut since Myth? I say Myth since i highly doubt anyone has been around longer than that on this board.

>> No.8839136

Do accents make you uncomfortable? Lol come on lad.

>> No.8839186

don't be retarded. it just takes longer to decode aussie. you can't fucking pretend that you can listen to a welsh person speak and not have to pause.

>> No.8839311

You are a retard m8.
Her accent is bringing people in.
No one wants to hear more disgusting Mutt accent after the whole Mori incident. Her design is meeh but the main problem is she is not really a gamer. No one will fucking watch a dumb chick talk about astrology for 2 hours niggga.
OP is right about the rest of his point.
EN2 was as much a mistake as EN1

>> No.8839333

Sana's accent is not even strong, you're just allergic to foreigners.

>> No.8839397

Sana and the rat saved this region new gen.
Unless you enjoy watching your oshi fuck with her boyfriend.

>> No.8839425

>not much of a gamer
you don't even watch streams

>> No.8839433

Sana boyfriend was also confirmed tho.

>> No.8839465

t. hasn't watched a single sana stream after debut

>> No.8839520

Faggot bae is the most determined out of the other EN2 maybe even the whole EN

>> No.8839597

None of these chicks will break 10k views after this month.
They are just so fucking boring.

>> No.8839620

>you're just allergic to foreigners.
bro, i'm on fucking /vt/. it's the accent.

>> No.8839697

nta but generally yes. I'm not saying all accents do it but enough of them do that I'd prefer none over some. Sana filters me even harder because of her design though. Why brown? Why those colors? Why those fucking gloves?

>> No.8839700

That anon is kinda right. If Sana's basically valley girl Aussie accent is too strong for you then you have no chance in hell understanding anyone with an actual accent.

>> No.8839935

Sana is my least favorite, I really don't get why people like her except other ausniggers that support their own.

>> No.8840151

>its not the model, is her accent
>its not the accent, is because she's brown
>its not because she's brown, is the model.
stfu retard.

>> No.8840199

Calm down Bae, don't take it personally. And btw "determined" doesn't mean shit

>> No.8840634

That was inspect element'd, the post it was edited from said girlfriend.

>> No.8840806
File: 421 KB, 896x779, 1620811531742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the whole Mori incident

>> No.8840881

Let this shit thread die.

>> No.8841117

>Trying to create controversy within EN2
I WILL watch all of then. You can't stop me

>> No.8842528

What you said, except fuck that boring ass, no fun allowed, owl bitch

>> No.8842597

so sanatards are just reverse kiara-hating fags?

>> No.8842786

What are you even talking about? All of them are boring asses. That's why they'll be way below HoloEN1 in viewers after 1 month from debut.

>> No.8846638

I bet you believe the mumei rrat too

>> No.8847107
File: 69 KB, 1013x1230, 20210827_094617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant even be mad at you for not knowing how kino sana streams have been. I have yet to see a clip of sananana by herself ._.

>> No.8847224

>All of them are boring asses.
oh fuck, now brace yourself for 20 selenfags trying to sell you the sluring nigress

>> No.8847484

wtf, Sana not a gamer? she and Kronii played the toughest games of their group this week and all with 0 whining. Sana was even already willing to call out Nintendo's bullshit handling of their IPs and put a cap on shitty zoomer Among Us memes. clippers don't know what to do with her yet because she's too real.

>> No.8847766

northern brit or back alley lower class scott chuuba when?
they can do a trainspotting watchalong and provide translations
and then some clipfag can do translations of the translation
but because it's the typical seanog clipfag you'll have to check the comments section for the addendum done by a native speaker clearing up the issues in the clippers translation of the translation
