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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8823120 No.8823120 [Reply] [Original]

Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy stream
How long do you think she will last?

>> No.8823388

Wouldn't be unlike her to go all gamer god an ace this game

>> No.8824365

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All my cute Terumi images, gone

>> No.8824761

Just give some of your sweet money to Hiroshimoot anon

>> No.8825375

Nobody will miss them.

>> No.8826395
File: 235 KB, 321x424, picklejuice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lemme get some pickle juice

>> No.8828075

Teru is surprisingly composed after the big slide fall

>> No.8828179

>Got back up to this part just to instantly fall again

>> No.8828207

I don't get why people get so pissed off about the Voice Overs. When I was playing it myself, I fell down a few times on purpose to trigger more of them

>> No.8828238

You didn't have to entertain an audience, tho?

>> No.8828267

Only my friends who were watching along, hoping I'd rage. But even then, what does that have to do with the audience.

>> No.8829327

Teru with the 10 million views

>> No.8830981

>voice overs prevent audience entertainment
you listen to it, make some snarky comment back, there you go. it's basically a free chat message in your stream you can respond to.

>> No.8831035

Guys this is making me very hard

>> No.8831379

God Eclipse please be quiet.

>> No.8831451


>> No.8831487

Cute hag/10

>> No.8831506

suffering / 10 but cute angy teru at the end
don't push yourself to stream meme games, terumi, they're all designed to piss streamers off and create clickbait clips. just do what you enjoy and the teruneets will follow.

>> No.8831538

I missed her over the break/10

>> No.8831639

I love her voice/10.

>> No.8831641

I wish I could get more angry Teru because it's peak content/10

>> No.8831674
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I love this woman/10

>> No.8831751
File: 283 KB, 1300x1848, 1629569296623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That short 30 min pre-zatsu was enough to rejuvenate me. Wonder what we'll get for the wildcard.

>> No.8832404

With the YT viewer count being busted it's hard to properly tack growth now

>> No.8832759

>With the YT viewer count being busted
that only really applies when you're talking about hundreds or thousands of viewers. when you're at 25, it's accurate.

>> No.8833780

When did it start giving faulty numbers anyway? Because if it's always been giving the same numbers then that still means her growth is currently stunted.

>> No.8833839

>Because if it's always been giving the same numbers then that still means her growth is currently stunted.
that's because her growth is stunted, anon. you think she's been steadily gaining viewers over the past month but for some reason, it's only the same 5 people active in her chat?

>> No.8834171

Nah, before she got out of AG she did saw a small but noticeable growth. Ever since she has small spurts of extra viewership before going down to her usual numbers.

>> No.8834260
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Terumi's squeaky giggles are getting to me

>> No.8836624

Same, i think i might be starting to develop a crush on her

>> No.8839637

Teru Love? Teru Love
Do you guys think she'll actually pick this game again?

>> No.8843573

/lips/ love!

>> No.8843904

pathetic. i've been a teru simp since she started.

>> No.8844388

What was there to Simp at the beggining?
Also why do you call yourself simp? She doesn't like that word y'know.

>> No.8844487

>What was there to Simp at the beggining?

>> No.8844920

Oh yeah that. It's what made me check her out.

>> No.8846192 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1200x1000, stealherlook_sleepyteru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only thing I hate more than this thread is myself.

>> No.8846339

Man that's adorable. Make sure to post it somewhere were she can see it.

>> No.8846434 [DELETED] 

No thanks, then Teru would compliment me. As usual, anyone is free to steal it and post it though.

>> No.8846497

Eh, to each their own

>> No.8846593

Don't reply to me ever again sperglord. Or I'll steal your socks and spill capri-sun on them.

>> No.8847312

same. saw that posted somewhere on /vt/ a long time ago. been hooked since.

>> No.8847440

You fucker, you deleted it before I could save

>> No.8847539

Is this a tranny or a twonk? Nice voice lol

>> No.8847976

Just go to warosu anon

>> No.8848061

flipdogs can't stop losing

>> No.8848308

Doesn't 4chan x save it for some time?

>> No.8853194

Teru Love!

>> No.8855635

when is terumi streaming again?

>> No.8855691

Got annoyed and posted it on twooter, didn’t think anyone actually wanted it.
