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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8724760 No.8724760 [Reply] [Original]

>Still the single most forgotten English speaking hololive member.
>Even Anya has more saviorfags
What went wrong?

>> No.8725032

That's Hana. Used to be the staple of the english vtubing scene, now almost almost as if she never existed

>> No.8725125

but I love Iofi very much and I will save her myself

>> No.8725277

OP says Hololive
You aren't wrong though

>> No.8725351

For me, she always sounds disingenuous even when she is clearly being genuine. She also never has had a gimmick, like Moona with her autism and Risu for her /our girl/ personality. And finally for being an art themed chuuba, she is pretty mediocre at art in general. Even her polished pieces look kinda bad.

>> No.8725381

What's Anya's gimmick?

>> No.8725481

Unironically Kuso Games and Idols. She said so in her debut.

>> No.8725592

Oh yeah my bad

>> No.8725659

True, Hana very stubbornly split herself into her (understandably) Indog audience and her EN only viewers. She never committed to being a full time EN streamer even when it was clearly her forte and now that the EN watchers have full time English Niji streamers, they don’t need a split language oshi.

>> No.8725691

As if EoPs knew the difference back in the day.
Hana might as well have ben Holo Jp and EN Gen 0 with Pikamee, she was that popular in those circles.

>> No.8725696
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yung money yoppers

>> No.8725724

I will learn japanese to watch Anya

>> No.8725755

Anya’s gimmick is being “the black sheep of Hololive and everyone knows it”

>> No.8725847

It's kinda sad she's a supporter who helped make many connections, I'm glad a lot of holos and non holos wished for her to get well when she got covid

>> No.8725899

"What went wrong" is that some holo fans forgot that there's going to be the most and least popular Holos regardless because that's how ranking people works and Iofi is still one of the most popular ID chuuba and it shows. Go back to numbers thread with the rest of you subhumans there

>> No.8726045

Too normal

>> No.8726119

>Holo Artist
>Get mogged by Ina
>Ina brings in more pro artist friends
RIP Iofi

>> No.8726120

I don't know.
I liked Yopi most out of HoloID for a long time, her art and language streams were very enjoyable, though mostly in Japanese and ID.

Maybe it was the little things, that made me slowly stop watching her regularly.
like how she never got a good mic and kept blowing my eardrums when she laughed,
how she was the worst offender of "explain everything again in the other languages, which kills the flow"
Also, she's probably the least clipped of any IDs right now. Those help to get some hype for streams.

>> No.8726172
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She always streams during JP primetime. I like her a lot but 90% of the time when she streams there's some MAJOR 3D concert or some major collab happening.
Anya gained a bit of viewers by streaming during the night (jp time) and Reine streams during a lot of different timeslots which works out for them.
The thing is, she can still easily surpass 1000 viewers during drawing streams despite this. Which is something Anya can't.
Also the reason she never has threads here is because as soon as seaniggers wake up the entire thread turns into "WHORE" spam. Even when she had covid.

>> No.8726717

She used to be extremely popular, but then people started to leech of her by making youtube content with "lofi" in the title, some anime girl image in the video and some quiet-ass music in the background.

Since then, nobody is able to find the real Iofi through the search anymore.

>> No.8728804

Having a funny face.

>> No.8728949

Having big tiddies while also hating them with a passion.

>> No.8729031

Who is that?

>> No.8730574

Why does Iofi get big luscious tits in her fanart when the model doesn't have them?

>> No.8730678

her mama drew her with big tits so it's canon to me

>> No.8730731

She barely qualifies as English speaking, she does it so rarely.

>> No.8730736
File: 69 KB, 494x1200, Airani_Iofifteen_Dakimura_Illustration_by_Yano_Mitsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It does have them, this image and
are by her designer.
they're just covered by her overals. Hopefully her new outfit will show off her fat tits.

>> No.8731477

They're hidden. If you go over Choco's medical exam, she talks about it. The oversized t-shirt in her default design

>> No.8731522

I look forward to her daki coming in I want to cuddle it

>> No.8731941
File: 774 KB, 765x1200, EfjNoNqVAAAg7YX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, didn't post my share of bb Iofi.

For how many artist friends she has, they haven't been making many great fanart of her, most is from her og.

>> No.8732074

Anyone know how a Deviantart tier small-time Vtuber from Indonesia managed to become friends with people like Pochi? Did they just want an in with Hololive or is there something we're missing about her?

>> No.8732418

Having the lowest sub count. Even Lofi can't beat her at that

>> No.8732423

Pochi seems like a genuinely nice person and she also seems to be genuinely obsessed with vtubers.
I think she truly considers Iofi her friend, and I don't think there were any ulterior motives.

>> No.8732739

>her talent was a drawing, but reine's versatility surpass the only one of her talent
>fake gimmick about being a Polyglot

>> No.8732913

She kinda got fucked over with the whole Amogus debacle.

As an EOP, I was hoping she'd act as a translator while playing, just like Kiara did in the previous session. Unfortunately, she didn't get the memo. So that's my main memory of her, fucking up the collab and driving a permanent wedge between EN and JP.

>in b4 t. chumkek

>> No.8733276

didn't she the most populer among gen1 when debuted?
if i'm right, she able to collab with hachama and fbk that time

>> No.8733337

There is no wedge between EN and JP.

>> No.8733375

honestly believable rrat, apparently there were a lot of hate comments about this, so much that Moona / Iofi tweeted stuff out unable to ignore those.

in retrospect, even in those early days, AmongUs JPxEN collabs shouldn't even exist. train your talents until they're fluent bilingual before any AmongUs collab, because AmongUs is literally about communication. Otherwise play literally every other shooter game out there that don't require much talking other than laughing, or party games.

>> No.8733556

We Hanafags are still around. I even learned some indog to understand her more often. I'm hopelessly loyal at this point.

Also she's collabing with Ollie in a few days, that's pretty cool.

>> No.8733657

This. Lofi had no schtick beyond knowing multiple languages and drawing, all of which en viewers get with Ina. But Ina doesn't usually act as a linguistic bridge like kiara, which is why lofi could've still filled the unity niche. Especially now that Coco's shitcanned.

Unfortunately, she and risu fucked that up by going sicko mode in a children's party game, driving a wedge between the branches that's mostly bridges by overlapping audiences who tend to prefer moona's autism, reine's mommy milkers, Anya's dorkiness, or even Ollie's constant self inflicted yabs.

Maybe 3d will redeem lofi, but she and the Niji indos will probably always struggle to compete with more westernized chubas in the en sphere. En chubas can pander to ironic weebs better, while unironic weebs often go for the more popular holos from en or jp. As of now, lofi, risu and anya are effectively sans niche. This is the worst position for a vtuber to be in, and the only way to get out of it is by branching out and taking risks. Otherwise nothing will change. If they're happy where they are then so be it. Nobody knows what the future may hold. But I wouldn't put money on conventional indos inclining by much over the next couple years if they decide to stay the course.

>> No.8733788

sure there was, but most of it was between management who did not want to risk golden goose Gura to lose momentum

>> No.8733886

i think she had alot of hated after respose those negative comment not because she was being a translator for gura.

>> No.8734130

It looks outright inviting. Even nene's couldn't pull it off.

>> No.8734155

When I discovered that holoID were in fact holoESL, I went to check them out. Risu and Moona were a great find, but almost every time I tuned in to Iofi's stream, she was talking in Japanese or Indonesian and I was filtered.
t. filthy EOP

>> No.8734288

>what went wrong
she didn't do cover a favour and die from the rona.

>> No.8734307
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Spunk and spite. She's nicer nowadays, but mostly because most backseaters and retards have already fucked off.

>> No.8734323

>I like her a lot but 90% of the time when she streams there's some MAJOR 3D concert or some major collab happening.
i didn't know Iofi was Risu

>> No.8734341
File: 618 KB, 1512x2552, EFFEA84A-AF05-47D3-92DD-FEDECAF65D31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8734563

Uh, no. Gura just didn't want to collab with her senpai. That's fine, her choice and all.

>> No.8734614

There's a big difference in how Anya and Yopi do multiple languages. Hip hop beats would speak entire conversations in Japanese or Indonesian lasting minutes for a time, then summarizing the conversation in English. Anya just repeats herself twice in two languages, or in one language twice. The effect being here the viewer tends to feel like a clueless observer instead of a participant.

Plus, Anya responding to you in a different language than what you used to talk to her will never not be funny.

>> No.8734687

I always laugh when ESL show off their superior English ability to fucking retarded EOPs.

>> No.8734724

If you watched her at all you'd know she's 75% Indonesian language

>> No.8734789

Wasn't it more that Iofi realized mid-game that live translating is hard as fuck and gave up?

>> No.8734939

moona and some of jp senpai was trying to protect her even they didn't know what just happen

>> No.8734956

Died of rona

>> No.8735043

She only got $2,000 in superchats upon her return after getting the rona. Of course there is streamlabs but I don't think it could've overtaken superchats by that much. She mostly hovers above $200 a stream but with the recent string of streams, she barely breaks $100 in superchats, even going as low as $11.

Yet, Kiara does it fine.

>> No.8735065

ESL correcting other ESL on their English, sasuga SEA

>> No.8735318

Iofi and the chink are both ESL

>> No.8735457

I'd be much more likely to watch Iofi streams if she had an outfit accentuating her bouncy large tits.

>> No.8735468
File: 123 KB, 828x1682, hehehe iofi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a rrat about her
she wanna liberate hololiveID branch from cover
and making a new company

>> No.8735830

The owner of holoID aka Reine will stop her from doing just that

>> No.8736092
File: 77 KB, 629x594, 1611806893502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The owner of HoloID is biding her time before she can wrestle ID from Cover. The MK tournament is actually a secret pact between Myth, Hope, and ID to stay together despite the changing times. Ame doesn't want to leave Cover that's why she tried to weasel away out of the tournament, but Kiara had her tow the line for a New Horizon.

>> No.8736162

imagine she graduate and join id3

>> No.8736277

Her name isn't Lofi and she doesn't have naked overalls

>> No.8736536

>gets more live viewers than 99% of ID vtubers
what went wrong is retards outside of number threads have no sense of scaling

>> No.8736573


>> No.8736809

Lyrica joins ID3 and HoloID rebrands as HoloSEA.

>> No.8736990

Would be awesome desu.
>Ever getting accepted in Holo
She ain't passing first round

>> No.8738908

Hana in HoloID would be more yab than Ollie.

Which now that I think about it might be why they're collabing.

>> No.8739272

Double dipping fujo.

>> No.8739846


>> No.8740000

Sharp-tongue loli. Also ironically being the "bottom of the barrel" is a claim to fame

>> No.8741904

>What went wrong?
Her face.

>> No.8744690

being a pile of shit

>> No.8745042
File: 453 KB, 1576x2048, 1620836636329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What went wrong?
You mean what went right? The girl is part of my harem now. That's a high achievement.

>> No.8745186
File: 332 KB, 1080x1920, 20210827_143714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She is pretty mediocre at art in general
She's not even the best artist in her own branch, Reine can draw better than her.

>> No.8745258

She sounds really annoying when she talks

>> No.8747032

Watched some clips of her swearing and decided never give a chance to this whore.
