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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[SPOILER] No.8698359[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

you're not ready for this

>> No.8698389

its upside down, and fauna should be lower

>> No.8698412


>> No.8698433

The only correct tierlist on this board

>> No.8698563

Yup, it's based

>> No.8698610

dangerously based list

>> No.8698633

Kiara should have her own tier down at trash

>> No.8698684

>kpop nigger rat
>vaguely anything approaching good

>> No.8698739

But why is the most shit one at the top?

>> No.8698783

Why isn't Kiara at the top?

>> No.8698786

Move IRyS to B-tier, Sana to B-tier, move everyone but Kiara up a tier or add an F-tier and move Kiara down.

>> No.8698795

Why don't people like Fauna? That voice is max gosling.

>> No.8698821

Move Gura and Baelz down to E and Irys down to D then it's a good list

>> No.8698989
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>> No.8699188
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fixed it

>> No.8699187

Once again OP Kiara is too high on the fucking list

>> No.8699278

>he fell for the gosling voice

>> No.8699761 [DELETED] 
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why are mumeicucks like this?

>> No.8699942

No Haachama in SSS tier. Do better next time.

>> No.8699954

>That voice is max gosling.
just reflect on your statements before posting

>> No.8699977
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People obsessed with either Mumei or stupid rrats and online "cuckoldry", please gtfo. You're the worst cancer the new generation has brought upon this board.

>> No.8699983

irys above ame? kys

>> No.8699989

Because kronii exist on the same gen

>> No.8700008

Thank you Polka for always being based.

>> No.8700034

yeah because it wasn't a thing before with gura and ame? what are you talking about?

>> No.8700086

>SSS tier
Ame, Gura
>ASMR tier

>> No.8700090

move ame and ina up 1 and we good.

>> No.8700092

>Thanks for the akasupa!

>> No.8700143


>> No.8700198

Was there anything proven more hilariously wrong than HOPIUM posting? Has Mumei done anything to stand out from the 20 other "comfy dumb girl" Holos?

>> No.8700415

I didn't say this board was healthy before. It's merely the newest outgrowth, but a nasty one nonetheless.

>> No.8700445

Holy based

>> No.8700486

Anyway I'm rangebanned from posting images but my simplified tierlist goes:







>> No.8700545


>> No.8700662

> no Haachama in a tier 10 above everyone else

>> No.8700670

>Faggots putting a EN2 already in a high tier
You are retarded

>> No.8700930

they we're always looked down upon and knew they were trash, it's new that they feel comfortable enough to think it was always accepted.

>> No.8701002

>OP is trend chasing faggot

>> No.8701101

They don't think. They just post hoping to get any response and maybe to fool newfags.

>> No.8701113

based but kiara should be lower

>> No.8701201

Kiara mogs everyone below her. I think she's fine right in B tier

>> No.8701355
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>> No.8701563

Based and owlpilled

>> No.8701608

I used to have Kiara lower but my opinion of her has risen in the past couple months, especially with her mogging nyanners and EN management. She's far better than Mori.

>> No.8701723

No and why would she need to?

>> No.8701851

I don't think Kiara should be lower, but Sana should be higher. She has more magnetism and a slightly broader appeal, even if both are acquired tastes.

>> No.8701948

imagine unironically liking the rrat. rumao

>> No.8701966
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>> No.8702018
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Imagine not wanting to embrace owlgirl every living second of your life

>> No.8702083

I find it strange how often the topic of "cuckoldry" presents itself in /vt/ threads. Think it says a lot about the fan base

>> No.8702189

Reminder that any tier list that doesn't have Gura at the top is objectively wrong and anybody who makes a list like this without her at the top is just a seething number fag.

>> No.8702290

>t. deadbeat

>> No.8702387

Tier lists aren't about numbers, Gura is a mediocre vtuber in the same way that marvel capeshit are mediocre movies

>> No.8702866

>you're a numberfag for not putting the biggest number at the top

>> No.8703229

Number fag detected deploying countermeasures >>8657062

>> No.8703308

Anonchama..... they mean that people don't put her at the top because she has high numbers and they are mad.....

Ok that got a chuckle out of me

>> No.8703314 [SPOILER] 
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there's too many god damn vtubers out there for me to give half a shit about them all

>> No.8703440

It's literally Rushia a.k.a. GFE incarnate in English

>> No.8703607

They're all F tier except Gawr Gura, who's in the D(unce) tier by herself.

>> No.8703688

Why are kroniggers so delusional

>> No.8703842

>ara ara and hi honey in debut stream
thats why. krofags are retarded

>> No.8703952

Who knew that Teamates we're so annoying and would instantly drop Ame when they found a new twitch meme to repeat 6000x over?
Nobody could have seen that coming.

>> No.8704067

Why can't they understand why Suisei's "Hi Honey" was so great. Just repeating the words with a forced tone isn't up to par. JP I can understand why they wouldn't fully appreciate it, but for EN talents seriously wtf.

>> No.8704226

She literally only has her voice, if it's all that matters to you then sure, but honestly can't get invested with just that.

>> No.8704407

Idk why everyone judges these girls do y hard in the beginning, they're still learning and getting comfortable. I don't expect them to be stellar entertainers at first. Gura's first streams were really boring. It took some months before she adapted and settled in with her audience

>> No.8704438

Ame should be two tiers up
Kiara another tier down

and we Gucci

>> No.8704482 [DELETED] 

Very based and true. But move IRyS down, Gura and Ina up, and Mori up.

>> No.8704512
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are we still doing this one?

>> No.8704541 [DELETED] 

She's chaotically pure. Unlike the 2 whores and the nigger. Also how the fuck can you not like a RRAT?

>> No.8704543
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>> No.8704589 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know about Eddy
kek lol oh no no
Maximum cuckold cope
No one likes Ame here, Teacuck

>> No.8704640 [DELETED] 

Based until I found out you're a Teacuck
He's right though.
>chaotically pure genki girl
What's not to like?

>> No.8704660

Anyone who mentions cuckolding this much is definitely a cuckold

>> No.8704687

You just described Kronii though

>> No.8704689 [DELETED] 

Then go back, cuck
Why are Owlphaggots on maximum levels of copium?

>> No.8704729

No, I think I'll stay and laugh at your projecting and seething

>> No.8704731 [DELETED] 

>t. Projecting cuck
>hating SEX

>> No.8704765 [DELETED] 

You will always be a cuck. A small-souled cuck. Just repent before it's too late.

>> No.8704789

>n-no u
Ok, though your fragility is showing

>> No.8704799

How to be a top-tier chuuba according to /vt/
>have deep voice
>have big tits

>> No.8704847 [DELETED] 

>cuck calling others fragile
kek this will never not be funny

>> No.8704895 [DELETED] 

Or be cute and funny. Best of both worlds, nigga

>> No.8704991

/vt/ has done nothing but shittalk the cute and funny ones for the past week

>> No.8705054 [DELETED] 

But we love Rrat and Gura

>> No.8705067 [DELETED] 
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Based and this

>Only real Gamers

>> No.8705082

>Is the only one that can't stop mentioning cuckolding
Ok man. I still think you got some insecurities around your masculinity to sort out

>> No.8705110 [DELETED] 

Who's your oshi? You sound very Low T yourself.

>> No.8705204

Kek, thanks for proving my point holy shit

>> No.8705259 [DELETED] 

Either an Owlphaggot, Deercuck, KFPhaggot, or Teacuck. Maybe an IRySaviorcuck or Sanasaviorcuck


>> No.8705352

what a pathetic fucking post

>> No.8705413 [DELETED] 

>what a dangerously based post
FTFY cuck

>> No.8705500

Ok this is surprisingly based.

>> No.8705526 [DELETED] 

kek, this is another level of based. Cucks, especially Owlcucks are seething

>> No.8705542

Idolfags were always the core audience in vtubers threads on 4chan, it's tourists who swarmed this board recently who can't grasp what it's about and spam their twitter lingo calling everyone "incel" "virgin" "touch grass" and so one signaling themselves as the newfags they are.

>> No.8705619

calling yourself based is peak cringe

>> No.8705640 [DELETED] 

>thinking normal people who don't like whores are idolfags
This is maximum cuckold cope

>> No.8705685

Seek help

>> No.8705689

>normal people who don't like whores
Lol, bruh, not a single normal person thinks a girl with a boyfriend is a whore

>> No.8705744

Kek, I see /vt/ is getting it's tiny dose of reality for today

>> No.8705784 [DELETED] 

Normal people know that the thots who sign up for this profession for the sole purpose of this are whores and don't belong in the profession. They're just 2D e-girls in the end. Remember no e-girls, never.

>> No.8705822

How would you know what normal people think?

>> No.8705823

This guy will get crucified RIP

>> No.8705842 [DELETED] 

Just concede, cuck. Normal people here don't like thots one way or another. And this board is telling your kind to get out of a place you don't belong in. We'll keep reminding Owlphaggots and Deercucks of this and sooner or later they will kneel to the truth.

>> No.8705846

>he lacks critical information

>> No.8705879 [DELETED] 

Because I've read The Bible and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. You need to do the same.

>> No.8705894

kneel to the only good HoloEN2 or stfu nigger

>> No.8705923 [DELETED] 

Why are Owlphaggots on peak levels of copium?

>> No.8705971

>SSS tier
>S tier
>A tier
Kronii, Ina, Ame
>B tier
Rat, Calli, Sana, Irys
>C tier
Kiara, Mumei, Fauna

>> No.8705979

So did Jesus tell you the 2d girls you worship are false idols?

>> No.8706008

normal people haven't read the bible for a hundred years

>> No.8706106 [DELETED] 
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>Acts 2:38
>Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.

>> No.8706169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8706327
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>look mom i posted the funny word again haha

>> No.8706350 [DELETED] 

Only cucks get triggered at being called cucks


>> No.8706519

Hello Teamate

>> No.8706576 [DELETED] 

So which is it? Owlphaggot, Deercuck, KFPhaggot, or Teacuck?

>> No.8706582

Nice tier list anon. Looks like you worked very hard on it. Good for you tho!

>> No.8706764

People care too much about roommate activities. I like ASMR and don’t care about GFE, so I like her

>> No.8707033

Do you guys actually see anything in her or is it just the big tits and reddit memes that replaced her really shoddy debut? She's boring as fuck

>> No.8707127 [DELETED] 

>a Reddit meme
Go back already. The owl is littered with PROTECC shit that Redditors spew way more than anything you're imagining Krochads to be making up while you seethe uncontrollably that no one likes your whore of an oshi and Owlphaggots like (You)

>> No.8707332

I haven't watched Mumei at all, schizo. You faggots are the newest worst thing on this fucking board.

>> No.8707436 [DELETED] 

You sure know a lot about her if you're filtered by SEX or rrat, Owlphaggot

>> No.8707470
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>> No.8707471 [DELETED] 

We've always hated whores here though. newfag.

>> No.8707511
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Touristchama......we'll accept you fine if you just be yourself...

>> No.8707542


>> No.8707753

Kronii is better

>> No.8707783 [DELETED] 

Thanks for proving this board has reclined hard the past 4 days and that Redditors (Owlphaggots and KFPhaggots) flooding the board is inescapable.

>> No.8707810
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If that's the case then why don't you go back?

>> No.8707828 [DELETED] 

>Kronii managed to turn the most forced Reddit meme into /ourmeme/
This is why I love my SEX clock

>> No.8707868 [DELETED] 

You're a Nijibro, why aren't you joining in?

>> No.8707939
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It hurts to see tourists trying too hard to fit in putting down my new holo toy.

>> No.8708012 [DELETED] 


>> No.8708764


>> No.8708818

I, for one, think whores are fun

>> No.8708910

You're on a good path, but still stuck on one of the outdated versions of Abrahamic thought. Read the Quran. God is great!

>> No.8709023

This board has been taken over by normies, sadly. You're valiant, but this place is lost and not worth the effort.

>> No.8709057

gura, sana, ina, irys
kronii, kiara, baelz
mori, fauna

ame is just the cutest
gura, sana, irys and ina are streams i regularly drop others to watch and they are funny
kronii, kiara and baelz i'm watching if nothing is on. Kronii and kiara are both probably going to move up: Kronni is getting better at her dead airs and i'm watching more Kiara and she is funny and has lots of topics
Mori i only watch if it's a special stream. I like her music but not that much. Fauna has yet to make me want to watch her stream but i'm still checking it because of the new toy buff
Mumei NEEDS to start talking and be less awkward while streaming. She is cute tho

>> No.8709138 [DELETED] 

OK cuck. Just know you're literally no better than a simp for Pokimane.
Catholic-Muslim alliance is more needed than ever to free the world of Judaic terrors.
They're normalfags, but also coping incels once exposed to the truth. Just know this.

>> No.8709163

her voice is cute, but her streams are frankly just boring

>> No.8709188 [DELETED] 

Only a Teacuck has an opinion this shitty.

>> No.8709248

Objectively based list

>> No.8709300
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>> No.8709311 [DELETED] 


>> No.8709366 [DELETED] 

YWNBAW, Bunkertranny

>> No.8709603

You should get out, get some fresh air sometime

>> No.8709671

cope faggot, Kronii mogs every other HoloEN2 for a reason

>> No.8709693
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>> No.8709749
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>hakos so high up

>> No.8709778

Kroniifags are the most annoying reddit cancer on this board. Take your ara ara and hi honey garbage and fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.8709914 [DELETED] 

Owlphaggots literally embody Reddit. They spam PROTECC and defend her for being a whore. Take your unironic Twitch thot and fuck off back to Plebbit

>> No.8709915

Her voice is wasted on her design. The design is a milf and her voice is cute gf. How did they fuck this up?

>> No.8709963 [DELETED] 

Don't use my oshi to shitpost, Owlphaggot

>> No.8709989
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>> No.8710003

Go back, Kroniitard

>> No.8710051

Why does the rat have a big ass

>> No.8710124 [DELETED] 

>Holo that literally lurks/posts here
You out first, Owlphaggot

>> No.8710227
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>> No.8710288
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Christ, if that's the case I hope she doesn't see the absolutely god awful posts her "fans" make.

>> No.8710323 [DELETED] 

She probably loves them. Watch her.

>> No.8715189

Something something boyfriend.

>> No.8715257
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There is nothing who can top her, everyone else saying she doesn't deserve to be the top of HoloEN2 is coping faggot

>> No.8717046 [DELETED] 

This is true

>> No.8719941


>> No.8721175

IRyS > Fauna > Mumei > Kiara

>> No.8723100
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I think they are all equally good, also if you are interested why Kiara and Mori so high, for Mori I kinda like her songs even as DD, and for Kiara I just ignore the shitpost and enjoy her normally.

>> No.8723179

>for Kiara I just ignore the shitpost and enjoy her normally.
Based KFP, I'll forgive your obvious fetish.

>> No.8723266 [DELETED] 

>owl ss
Ok cuck

>> No.8723371 [DELETED] 

The voice is a filter for anyone that has more than a couple leaves rattling around in their brain

>> No.8723502

I don't really watch EN desu, this list is mostly based on design + voice, also I think people who stick with Ina's art streams (or her streams in general) are cool and I respect them. Gura's singing is cool but she should try speaking more naturally, she sounds like a cartoon character and not a good one.

>> No.8725581

I can't get over how disgusting the avatars are for EN2. Was the budget 200 yen or something? Rookie artists? They feel so off for some reason. It doesn't look like hololive but some bootleg chinese agency. Or just Niji.

>> No.8732720

whoa look, its the only objectively correct thing ever posted on the internet, neat.

>> No.8732806
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I love my non-binary waifu

>> No.8733847

honestly this. I like Fauna as a streamer and I cum to her voice, but she should've gotten Mumei's design or something. what the fuck is hololive doing?

>> No.8734076

Would be too dangerously based for this world if irys was higher up.

>> No.8734271

Objectively shit list

>> No.8734751

Wait I thought kronii niggers were just a joke. You actually believe what you're saying? You actually think that a palette swapped fgo character is the best thing ever?

>> No.8736386

Range banned from posting images because hiroshimoot thought doing this on the biggest ISP in the country would be a good idea.







>> No.8743747

West coaster?
