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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 201 KB, 364x425, image_2021-08-25_231533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8645157 No.8645157 [Reply] [Original]

Why is she allowed to seem uninterested in the game she's playing,but Mori isn't

>> No.8645204

Because her boobs look like they're about to fall out of her top.

>> No.8645213

Because she isn't Mori.

>> No.8645228

Shiny new toy

>> No.8645240

Because Kronii is hot and Mori is not

>> No.8645250

Because she's a semen demon, and Mori's not.

>> No.8645314
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>Mori isn't
says who?

>> No.8645315

What’s the matter, 2.0 schizo? Last 5 threads didn’t get as much attention as you hoped? Rough morning, huh

>> No.8645356

Because Mori is the embodiment of a faker.

>> No.8645364

It's an act. Give a month or two and she will gradually forget about it for 90% of her streams.

>> No.8645362

Because her boyfriend got covid and all the timecucks are worried shes gonna be single soon.

>> No.8645384

what does that even mean

>> No.8645398

I am just happy to spend time with these two girls

>> No.8645619

Clock Thot showed weakness during her debut and chat now knows they have a pliable whore to exploit while Mori has standards and refuses to hand out the Aey Are Aeys.

>> No.8645671

Her in-stream banter could use some work, but that's a sign of an inexperienced streamer, not a disinterested one.

>> No.8653190

kronii being disinterested is part of her kayfabe; mori hates being a vtuber so it not as fun seeing that.

>> No.8653377

Because people here are the biggest fucking hypocrites ever.

>> No.8653459

She's not. She's boring as fuck, same as Mori.

>> No.8653581
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why you haff to be mad deadbeat? is only 4chan

>> No.8653620

Because her voice is hot

>> No.8653622

because mori antis really want another reason to hate the deadbrapper.

>> No.8653702

Because some of you faggots are really so retarded as to relate vocal pitch to interest completely outside of context.

>> No.8654812

Because Mori is allowed to seem uninterested in the game. The real question you're meaning to ask is why are a lot of the people on this board such bitches about it when it comes to Mori but not for others. And the answer to that question is Tribalism.

>> No.8654873


>> No.8657017
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>the most successful in the group is a boring hag
It's a testament to how fucking inferior EN2 is to EN1

>> No.8657102

Because Time cares and she's just a low-energy "cool" personality, while Mori actually doesn't care.

>> No.8657438

The chick is 20s something. How young are you nigga?

>> No.8657510

Mori is a wigger, it's cringe

>> No.8657528

If you're talking about her 12 minutes stream, that game sucked but Kronii was great in it

>> No.8657596

because the boyfriend sneeze

>> No.8657654


>> No.8657726
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>Kronii: Sounds disinterested, still plays the game well and keeps up the convo
>Mori: Sounds disinterested , plays the game poorly and disengages with the chat because she can't focus on 2 tasks
Just tell Mori she can graduate already, we'll all even put in 5% into her going away stream and sound disinterested in her half-assed thank yous

>> No.8657751

She is a 30 year old woman. She expired.

>> No.8657758

mostly cuz shes new and boobs. And also cuz it isnt awkwardly uninterested i guess

>> No.8657771

I'm pretty convinced that kroniggers are just a bunch of rabid fatefags, they're more toxic than chumbuds

>> No.8657807

Says Mori 5% Calliope herself

>> No.8658158

5%, e-celeb enabler. Good thing 5% visits /vt/ and knows she's getting thrashed on that's why she stopped enabling the shitters. >we live in her head rent free

>> No.8658205

incredibly fucking based, the savior of EN2

>> No.8658344

I wish her titties were small so the fucking brain dead coomers would go away

>> No.8658448

She has the social skills to make the best of the experience, while Mori seems like she doesn't want to stream at all.

>> No.8659192
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>Well that wasn't very interesting, but I had some fun.
>Haha ye bois that was a cool game but I'm pretty bad at it hehh I'm going to go make some dank music you are all so cool yeeh remember to check out my soundcloud

>> No.8660449
File: 1.92 MB, 10000x10000, 1608676073643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Kronii would let me lay on her lap and feed me with her tits.

>> No.8660524

According to some doxx website on here, she is in her 20s.

>> No.8660783


>> No.8661696

>She has social skills
This is what social skills look like to /vt/

>> No.8662963

Compared to Mori, a hunk of shit drying in the summer heat is more appealing and slightly more social

>> No.8663172

It’s all in the delivery.

>> No.8663372

I didn't know /vt/ was one person.

>> No.8663513

Why do people pretend they watch Mori at all just to shit on her? How was she sounding bored or disinterested during Everhood? Bloodstained? Omori? Blasphemous? Crash? Idol Manager? Guilty Gear?

Hell, even during fucking dogshit games like Shadowverse, Night Delivery, and that shitty Bleach game she was really into it. Not saying that Kronii sounds bored either, she doesn't, it's just that the comparisons between the two are so fucking forced.

>> No.8663594
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>> No.8663679

It's all just Mori posting it herself since she has a secret degradation fetish.

>> No.8663759

>taking the bait

>> No.8667968

What's this 5% thing everyone keeps repeating? I don't follow Mori threads, I just wanted to see if someone posted more clock tits

>> No.8668225

An out of context clip shared by clipniggers that has taken on a meaning all of its own through the Chinese whispers gossip mill this board has become.

>> No.8668499

Because Mori tries to force herself to sound enthusiastic while Kronii is just being sarcastic

>> No.8668649

Honeymoon phase, give it some time and /vt/ will hate her

>> No.8668729

Because Mori has all the charisma of a rag soaked in piss.

>> No.8668798

Because she has a personality.

>> No.8668818

He’s mad that someone is calling out how boring Kronii is.

>> No.8668968

She showed off her social skills in the Council meeting you’re telling me you don’t think
>*awkward silence*
Are great social skills?

>> No.8669024

>"well this game sucked, we'll play something more interesting next time."
>"wow that game was so fun, but ya boy is not so good at video games haha"

It's the difference between a cool personality and an autist pretending to be cool.

>> No.8669064

.t didn't watch the super hot stream, she was having a ton of fun and actually played to the end. 12 mins was a pile of shit and she broke the game twice, i would have closed it after the first time

>> No.8669453
File: 2.23 MB, 1052x1754, 1629735005582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/thread every thread on this board

>> No.8670044

>Hates being in a "bubble"
>Hates streaming
>Pretends to like her genmates
>Pretends to like her seniors
>Every collab is a disaster, always the first one to find a way out
>Enjoys collabing with e-celeb shitters
>Is only in Hololive for clout so she can collab, and interact with her favorite e-celebs

>> No.8670149

Are the only 'arguments' Mori antis have tired copypasta or something?

>> No.8670283

Refute it? It's literally the reason why they hate her.

>> No.8670294

Because Kronii is honest about it.

She's an honest narcissist, and the confidence is hot as fuck.

>> No.8670434

Women lie on the internet anon, ironmouses kid is 13+ years old

>> No.8670798

>Hates being in a "bubble"
She was specifically referring to EN as a bubble, the proof being that after making that statement she started collabing far more with senpai as well as other vtubers like Milky.
>Hates streaming
Both last week and the week before that she was either the first or second out of all 6 ENs when it came to streaming hours, with multiple endurance streams (Everhood and Bloodstained). If she hated streaming, she'd only stream a couple of times a week (if that) like Mel or Shion, or just not stream at all like Ayame.
>Pretends to like her genmates
>Pretends to like her seniors
Utterly retarded statements. If you think Mori is 'pretending' to like her genmates after that HoloMyth collab yesterday, for example, then you're even more autistic than she is.
>Every collab is a disaster, always the first one to find a way out
Do I have to list every good Mori collab or something? Because it's a long fucking list.
>Enjoys collabing with e-celeb shitters
Yeah, it sucks, I'm just glad it's not that often.
>Is only in Hololive for clout so she can collab, and interact with her favorite e-celebs
Again, this is a retarded statement. How does writing lyrics for Mumei's original song help her interact with e-celebs? Or animating multiple things for Kiara (such as music videos, stream animations, her debut stream intro)? Or organizing a whole TTRPG campaign to play with her genmates? Why would she do any of that if all she wants out of Hololive is to suck off e-celebs or whatever it is you accuse her of?

Also, it's ironic that you're asking me to refute garbage copypasta when the copypasta doesn't refute any of the posts it was replying to.

>> No.8670994

I concede.

>> No.8672618


>> No.8672838

Based and samepilled except I don't mind the occasional e-fag collab, sometimes they're good at getting my boy out of her shell

>> No.8673045

I'm not, I just have to accept that the person I like has flaws. I also take her advice and just won't watch them if it happens again.

>> No.8673105

>uninterested in the game she's playing
Motherfucker WHAT?
Do you just type the OPPOSITE of what you see on stream?
I'm genuinely baffled. What alternate universe was this post made in?

>> No.8673116
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>> No.8673166

Okay, I get it, this is a bizarro /hlgg/ thread.
Even still, fuck off.

>> No.8673272

Kronii actually wants to be a vtuber and Mori literally counts down the minutes until she can stop streaming

>> No.8673395

Lmao Mori has more collabs with Gigguk than Korone

>> No.8673497

Deeper voice means they're exactly the same type of streamer, anon, didn't you know?

>> No.8673838

If having more collabs with someone means you care about someone more, then by your argument Mori cares about all her genmates, Ollie, Watame, Coco, etc more than him. Or that Kiara cares more about Gigguk than half of Hololive since she was in a collab with him as well. I don't know what point you're trying to make here?

>> No.8674100


>> No.8674290

She does sound bored

>> No.8674834
File: 461 KB, 1065x510, whatthe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while Mori seems like she doesn't want to stream at all
You should watch her recent streams. If anything she has gotten into endurance run streams recently for some reason after her Everhood stream.

>> No.8674989

You're not allowed to post that, it doesn't align with my narratives about her.

>> No.8675097
File: 41 KB, 436x425, Animated_e04556_6105611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii is basically pic related.

>> No.8675362

You clearly dont understand the post

>> No.8675479

Change the filename to this

>> No.8675654

Its a miracle that korone even collabed outside her circle of close friends

>> No.8675764

Hell yeah. Perfect comparison

>> No.8676560

Fucking this.

>> No.8676784

the most based take in this entire shithole of a board

>> No.8677710


>> No.8678277


This. Kronii is based as fuck for shitting on a broken repetitive game. Better than when chubas pretend the game is fun no matter how obviously shit it is

>> No.8678348


>> No.8678581

Mori is reactionary
>that's pretty crazy
Meanwhile kronii actually makes stuff happen and she actually seems engaged.

>> No.8679616

Mori sounds like she's pretending while Kronii sounds like the real deal.

>> No.8679904

Now that you mentioned this i have another comparison
>Mori is moona if she is pandering to her paypigs
>kronii is moona if she wasnt autistic

>> No.8680108

kek it works

>> No.8680568

Kronii is starting to look like the smartest EN so far, doing better than Botan in this game.

>> No.8680645

She's already played it.

>> No.8680915

Correct. This isn't a blind playthrough, and it's not stated that it is. That, and the prevailing rrat on who have was pre-holo is correct, it's just that the roommate skillset threw everyone off because she's a skilled enough voice actor.
Shit, that's....hrm. Much to think about with this.

>> No.8681316

>Also, it's ironic that you're asking me to refute garbage copypasta when the copypasta doesn't refute any of the posts it was replying to.
it's your fault for coming to this shithole
bait is the only purpose for /vt/, if you are stupid and take this board at face value you'd think everybody hates every VTuber and VTubing in general

>> No.8681721

this ~ pretty much

>> No.8681802

Honest interest vs Faked interest much?

>> No.8682509

>Why not both

>> No.8682992

Anyone got the image? The ‘Can get away with anything’ one that was making the rounds in March.

>> No.8683037

Pretty much. Kronii is only acting disinterested, Mori actually hates streaming.

>> No.8683126

>hair vents in 2021

>> No.8683225

yeah, im glad theyre back too

>> No.8683313

>Mori actually hates streaming
Says who?

Stream hours 2-8th August
Mori 25h 52m
Kiara 23h 17m
IRyS 23h 4m
Ame 19h 36m
Gura 13h 50m
Ina 4h 11m

Stream hours 9th-15th August
Kiara 25h 53m
IRyS 23h 12m
Gura 19h 56m
Mori 18h 14m
Ame 17h 45m
Ina 14h 16m

Stream hours 16th-22nd August
Mori 24h 32m
Kiara 22h 30m
Ina 17h 42m
IRyS 13h 10m
Gura 7h 44m
Fauna: 2h 13m
Baelz: 2h 12m
Sana: 2h 03m
Mumei: 1h 59m
Kronii: 1h 57m
Ame 0h 6m

>> No.8683372
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>> No.8683386

Who was she?

>> No.8683523

does this include member streams made public?

>> No.8683577

It includes all member streams from all holos, but only the ones that were actually streamed that week, not old ones.

>> No.8683630

>Sex design
>Sex Voice
>Indulges chat
>Not Calli
Handful of reason plus fuck deadbraps.

>> No.8683671

Because she actually has competency in games and shows she's paying attention through gameplay

>> No.8683859

She already streams longer than mori does on average and it hasn't even been a week, Mori barley streams for an hour and a half on average without "something coming up" she may be deadpan but she's not trying to avoid streaming like Mori is

>> No.8683889

Did you even read the thread you retard, are we back in September

>> No.8683926

See >>8683313

>> No.8684106

>Because she actually has competency in games
So does Mori. She is really is only bad at FPS games and god i hope that after she beats the Doom nobody ever suggests an another FPS game ever again.

>> No.8684157

>mori on a slight upswing
>leaves country next week
Like clockwork, get it?

>> No.8684344

>mori beating doom

>> No.8684476

She also did the same with Omori

>> No.8684574

And Crash.

>> No.8684786

She wants to clear her backlog so she can play that Spongebob game. I much prefer to watch her play platformers than FPS game.

>> No.8684971

Because Mori is isn't just disinterested, she's also dishonest. She'll pretend she's having the time of her life all the time but then when she really is it shows. Then she'll complain about how bad she has it when she compared her previous lifestyle to living in a prison. Then she'll pretend she's a bad bitch even though she doesn't even have the guts to show herself disinterested in a videogame.

>> No.8685192


>> No.8685222

>Doesn't use the special attacks, plasma rifle always red
>Doesn't use the super shotgun
As a doom fanboy that plays a shitload of wads always on ultraviolence I can only say AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.8685345

The cross-migration of deadbeats into the Kronii fanbase is getting rampant by the way. I need to build a wall.

>> No.8685384

a wall of coom

>> No.8685394

Condolences clockbro. Deadcucks are cancer incarnate. Try to gatekeep as much as you can otherwise your threads will start with cringe like "A thread for Kronii and members of her extended universe"

>> No.8685416

She’s playing a character who’s like sexily uninterested, mori is just some slightly fat chick who is genuinely uninterested

>> No.8685452

She is a voice actress, I doubt it would be hard to search up her info like her age if someone really tried.

>> No.8685696

So what is your problem with deadbeats?
Are you deadbeat as well because there is no one else that hates deadbeats more than deadbeats themselves.

>> No.8687819
File: 124 KB, 1200x795, 1629193618569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the fuck out of our thread before I got back and make sure your dad leaves you in your moms ass instead of her cunt
