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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8608053 No.8608053 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is about vtubers that play a lot of FPS and/or compete in FPS tournaments (Vspo, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v are common so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, KNR, 芸人旅団, etc.) is also on topic.

Upcoming events:
Battlefield Japan Streamer Cup (BFV) 8/30 21:00

Apex Festival Summer Camp 8/28 18:00 (scrims start 8/24)

Previous thread: >>8459932

>> No.8609713

Nose twitcasts are pretty spicy. It's how I found out that her parents are divorced and that excessive red bull consumption is causing her to miss periods. If that's not enough of an advertisement I don't know what is.

>> No.8610137

Who is Noah playing with?

>> No.8611605

mabodofu and nyantako
mabo is an utaite pred

>> No.8612193

Which one has the sexy as fuck husky voice?

>> No.8612247

mabodofu and nyantako

>> No.8612465

mabo, she smokes a lot

>> No.8612569

damn that some sad shit i know that she usually go full menhera on her sub sometimes, also i did want to member nose but im an eop that knowing she did a lot of talking memgen doesn't help much.

>> No.8612642

It's just five bucks a month bro.
Oh, and learn japanese. You won't regret it once you've grown to be a middle-aged man and realize you're still a weeb.

>> No.8615388
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>> No.8616554

She's amazing

>> No.8616564
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>> No.8617454
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will Reid ever win a vsai?

>> No.8617525

jesus fucking christ looking at this is sad

>> No.8617708
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He may be eternally 2nd place, but he has already won.

>> No.8617735

I'd happily take second place every time if it meant I got to fuck Kanae.

>> No.8618778

>Why does Sumire make so many of her archives member-only?
>Sumire was the first numbers-focused member of LVG. Not surprised that she does this but man.. even the annual LVG PUBG stream?

what in the fuck? this is some real small-time shit. half of them are collabs you can see the other povs still up too. i don't get it

>> No.8618982

>excessive red bull consumption is causing her to miss periods
think she has anemia too which i imagine doesn't help + being 45kg or whatever

>> No.8619029

my queen

>> No.8619041

Bora team for the BFV tournament coming up

>> No.8619156
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Su-chan gonna Su-chan. I'm really surprised that she gated the annual PUBG stream though. Cash monies aside I don't watch her much so I can't tell if it's because she doesn't like some interactions with chat or some odd quirk with her old rigging. I'd believe it, Nazuna's old model always constantly winking and blinking issues.

In other news, Goslings in the Uto thread have been losing it. It's a "first-time" tournament for her and it sucks to whataboutism but everyone gets messed up by tournaments, no amount of practice can get rid of nerves. See also: Noah.

>> No.8619395

wtf is happening?

>> No.8619404

They're practicing how to call for a medic properly

>> No.8619446

>See also: Noah.
yeah, noah really comes into her own in rank where she has about the right level of nerves. guess that's why sports psychologists exist

>> No.8619678
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Damn, no wonder Utofags been going insane. Unlucky. but also I don't think there was any correct play to be done in her shoes at that point.
>Sprint out and Void = Void might not pop before the star explodes on her and possibly the Caustic if he doesn't run back in

It's all hindsight/preventive. Don't peak if a team mate is trying to get back in.. but then again that means you're not covering his retreat...

>> No.8619783

man, that uto thread's a trip. i was wondering where all the templex hate in this thread was coming from during the tourney. kinda confirms my theory that this thread is one of the most chill because all the (((males))) shit is priced-in already

>> No.8619887
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Has anyone made like a picture to illustrate which vtubers managed to win a tournament as well as how many they may have won? Be a good way to keep track as well as show who're are actually accomplished.

>> No.8619972

>Uto thread
That shit was always a mess, i guess being cute attracts shizos like a magnet.

>> No.8620062

just pest control things

>> No.8620367

reading more of it, i don't mean to gloat but the meltdown over her apparently transitioning away from eop pandering is something else. her streams always gave off such a weird vibe to me that i just noped out after watching a couple

>> No.8620494

noah's team for this r6s thing

>> No.8620644

First of all, "all the tempplex hate" is exaggerated. Second it was clearly that one autist (and maybe a few others) who got mad about that one time Temp did something cringe to the point of harasssing him in dms and posting them here etc. This thread has its own share of schizos, no need to blame everything on the outside.

>> No.8620761
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Nazuna's time to shine... Unless she decides to pass the ball again. The most experienced lineup for R6S would be Nazuna and then either Toto or QP. My money is QP will steal the show, she's hungry for victory. Would like Toto in but she doesn't pull viewers(and that's OK.. she's participating in other tournaments).

>> No.8620823

>waaaaa フロントメモリー100万回再生ありがとう!!!!1年経たずして達成だ~~

>> No.8620857

Wokka has always been my favourite Vspo.

>> No.8620976

That shocked me, it didn't seem like a regular poster of these threads would dm him an essay then gloat about it here

>> No.8621031

yeah, what templexx did was pretty cringe but that dm was somehow even cringier.

>> No.8621073

Ultimately it's just schizo's jealous Templex even has the ability to go be cringe to Chihiro or whoever else.

>> No.8621192

I miss noahs old model. But I’m not surprised she changed mamas. Volcanic burst or whatever his name is seemed to have completely disappeared and that’s why Noah struggled to get any costumes.

>> No.8621234

What meltdown? Most of it is one troll stirring shit.

>> No.8621583

I like how right now he is scouting all males in CR cup song. 3:15:00 on vod

>> No.8621827

I only "hate" tempplex for letting them bang their heads against the wall and not switching duties. Feel like I've said this before, nothing against Uto and Temp but they could've gotten more mileage out of wraithchi

>> No.8621833

epematsuri is the most unbalanced thing ever. anyway, watch qpi!

>> No.8621995

i just want to be good at apex but no amount of practice will fix my shit reflexes and slow brain

>> No.8622012

i was never really that attached to noah's old model but i get where you're coming from cause i preferred miko's old model even though i recognize the improvements in the new one (or would if i still watched her). i think noah's new one is certainly more expressive and an improvement if only because she can use it during apex streams. it could've been a lot worse given the change in artist

>> No.8622060

That's not on him, it was a team decision. If you want to blame Uto for wanting to challenge herself to play a difficult character she likes in a competitive setting so be it, but her team was okay with it and supported it from the start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkCJKuRj9uQ

>> No.8622630

Beni has passed the pre-2 kanji kentei test. Pretty smart, for a vtuber.

>> No.8622631

about time

>> No.8622684

Does this increase or decrease her sex level? Asking for myself.

>> No.8622783

For me, it inrcreases it.

>> No.8622880

>it was a team decision
and that's where coaches come into play, isn't it? but whatever, what's done is done

>> No.8622912

Coaches should force the team to change their composition against their will?

>> No.8623287
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Beni team champ

>> No.8623347

yes, actually.

>> No.8623511

If you say so, mr. backseat coach.

>> No.8623541
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There's that disparity between her normal playstyle and tourney performance. She gets bogged down unless her team is equally skilled and has less "responsibility".

Even in pro scenes team can overrule coach or managers. Very recent example is Cloud9's decision to replace knoqd which caused quite a stir. Their coach had to go out and say that it was not his decision but rather a team decision.
There's a fine line between doing what you want as a coach vs giving the players some freedom. Uruca insisting Noah to play Wraith for example.

Totocchi for variety.

>> No.8623591

they came in 19th, lol

>> No.8623703

Okay? What makes you think they would have done better if they switched from their practiced composition halfway in while also killing Uto's confidence even more?
You think result is the only thing that matters but that's not the case in vsaikyou.

>> No.8623807

they were doing terribly in scrims too, and if uto's confidence was so weak that a fucking comp switch would have killed it, she should stop playing competitive games altogether. result in vsaikyou doesn't matter unless you are literally scraping the bottom barrel of all twenty teams and humiliating yourself and your fans by even showing up. unfortunately, that's where uto's team ended up.

>> No.8623941

Which team was 20th?

>> No.8623945

Whatever you say, aspie. The fans who have actually been following this team loved it despite the disappointing result.

>> No.8624086
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This is what I forgot to mention. As a coach you have to put some trust in player decision so that they'll also have the motivation to play. I doubt that Temmplex didn't lay down other comps and ideas for the team to consider.
Lets also look at this from another point of view:
Uto picking a character because she wants to get coaching for that specific character. It's a rare opportunity after all.

>> No.8624133

that's not what i see in the uto thread lol. people don't like watching their oshis being shit on endlessly by what they thought were worse players and having mental breakdowns, who would have thought.

>> No.8624301

Thank you for being a reasonable voice.

It's funny that you think a thread with 20-30 IPs on a schizo site is representative of the whole fanbase, especially with all the rampant false flagging and shit posting that was going on throughout the tournament.
>people don't like watching their oshis being shit on endlessly
No shit, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the overall journey.
>what they thought were worse players
No one is delusional enough when the tournament is full of masters and players who participated in countless competitions when it's Uto's first.

>> No.8624486

>No shit, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the overall journey.
yes, i enjoyed the tournament a lot more when i closed chii-chan's perspective.
>No one is delusional enough when the tournament is full of masters and players who participated in countless competitions when it's Uto's first.
you weren't here in the threads before vsaikyou, i suppose?

the fact that you didn't mention the fact that the entire team was playing with mental destroyed most of the tournament means, i suppose, that you enjoyed watching that? I find that hard to believe.
Youjo senki's team comp clearly was not working, and its the coach's responsibility to force them to change off it when that is the case. Do you think most of the gib players in the tournament actually enjoyed playing gib? they are in a tournament where people are actually trying, not pubs, in which where anything goes.

>> No.8624644

>It's funny that you think a thread with 20-30 IPs on a schizo site is representative of the whole fanbase, especially with all the rampant false flagging and shit posting that was going on throughout the tournament.
not that anon, and i have no interest in whatever this coach discourse is, but there seems to be quite a difference between that thread and here. no idea if it's representative but i don't want that shit coming here even if it is just the odd schizo, that's all it takes

>> No.8625137

idk why people are upset with various teams' performances but it's clear that the two biggest factors in the tournament were tournament experience and IGLing. It's inevitable that players with experience playing tournies are going to have a big advantage over ones that haven't. It's also clear that teams with a strong in-game shotcaller are going to do better than ones with mixed or uncertain comms. Don't need to blame anyone for failing, that's just how it is.

>> No.8625157

Yes, I know you haven't actually followed the team. There was far more to the tournament than just the scrims and results, they were practicing long hours before and after, bonding together, improving, cheering up after not doing well etc.
>you weren't here in the threads before vsaikyou, i suppose?
I was. Some people were overrating her based on some cherrypicked clips (they were not Uto fans btw). I was saying it will be rough because she gets nervous easily and it's her first competition.

Shitposters go where they think they will get a response. Most of the regulars in the Uto thread don't even care about apex.

>> No.8625223

what even is against the will? Is that too heavy of a task? just a day of trying something different wouldn't hurt too much. And btw I'm the main guy you're replying to. Let's put this into perspective, ok?
>Chi wraith in s1: they got 3rd despite being dia only team (1st place was M-M-D1, 2nd place was P-M-p1, 4th place was M-M-D3)
>Chi wraith in s2: they got 1st, another dia only team (tied 1st with P-D4-plat, 3rd place was M-D2-D3)
>Chi wraith in CR cup 4: 6th, dia only team in the same lobby as Selly, Ras, Mondo, and CPT

>> No.8625357

>Yes, I know you haven't actually followed the team. There was far more to the tournament than just the scrims and results, they were practicing long hours before and after, bonding together, improving, cheering up after not doing well etc.
actually i was, which made their subsequent shitting of the bed in the tournament that much more hard to watch even if there were some cute moments in practice. I don't know what sort of sadist enjoys watching so much expenditure of effort and getting destroyed in the actual tournament, which better coaching could have fixed.

>> No.8625920

qpi finally got the better of niru

>> No.8625999

I might be mistaken, but I think reid was a diamond during s2. Pretty sure a master and 2 dia is over point limit.

>> No.8626221

This is turning into a timeloop so I'm out. You seem to have a hard time to look at anything beyond results and to consider any circumstances. Frankly I don't care what you think about this team or whom you want to blame.

The ranks are all over the place, I assume he used current ranks for some reason.

>> No.8626272

I mean I don't get it, every other team had a coach and lots of other teams were pretty strong, including some teams that people had previously written off (Matsuri's team ended up doing much better than anyone here had anticipated after all). Nobody can win them all.

>> No.8626615

Exactly, it was very competitive and the other teams were more experienced (not sure if any other team had a first time tourney participant?), on top of having one of the worst landing spots. They actually did well on the last scrim day, it just didn't work out on the tourney day.

>> No.8626856

>Exactly, it was very competitive and the other teams were more experienced
chii has been in almost every major apex tournament to date, including every vsaikyou and cr cup.
>not sure if any other team had a first time tourney participant
several did, fuck off tourist.
>on top of having one of the worst landing spots

>> No.8626945

Yes, results matter, they did shit in scrims and did not have a very fun time. I did use the current ranks because as I said "to put into perspective" and it happened before the ranked system changes and the tightening of the ladders. And before you use the argument about "oh Tempplex is a pro and you are not", remember that the matches I mentioned were under Yukio's coaching :)

>> No.8627218

>chii has been in almost every major apex tournament to date, including every vsaikyou and cr cup.
A team doesn't consist of one player, retard.
>several did, fuck off tourist.
They probably weren't on Wraith and igl. And the vast majority had tourney experience. Also calling me tourist when you put Qu as pred lol.
What's so funny?
Yes results matter but they're not the only thing that matters.
>did not have a very fun time
How about you don't speak on their behalf, especially when you weren't watching them?
Anyway, you're an autist of the highest caliber. Out for real now. Sorry for shitting the thread, should have ignored that retard from the start.

>> No.8627409

>A team doesn't consist of one player, retard.
yes, that's my fucking point.
>They probably weren't on Wraith and igl. And the vast majority had tourney experience. Also calling me tourist when you put Qu as pred lol.
So, should the coach have put uto on wraith and igl? thanks for making my fucking point for my. Also when the fuck did i bring up qu?
>What's so funny?
you tell me.

>> No.8627633
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Damn. Y'all need some Totocchi in your life. Stream when~

>> No.8627927
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>> No.8628146

this offends my good taste

>> No.8628268

lmao Kanon's with Hikakin

>> No.8628517
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Toto is summer. Most dedicated Lifeline!

>> No.8630035

Not black enough

>> No.8631968

Slavnigger already playing with chi-chan

>> No.8632057

wait uto was igl ? i didn't get to watch their pov much cause i was watching like 3 or 4 other teams. that's a waste and kinda unfortunate if that's what happened then.

>> No.8632211

probably in it for the clout

>> No.8632569

Even if he is, this shit looks fun as fuck to participate in.

>> No.8632716

doesnt he play for a japanese org? such encounters would happen eventually.

>> No.8632858

there's plenty of japanese orgs that don't really interact with vtubers.
rpr is sandbagging, last i checked he was only shooting restya. leaves a bad taste.

>> No.8633022

Boy, you can go take a nap while adults are having fun

>> No.8633093


>> No.8634096

Is this all I need to do to interact with a vtuber? Just become a pro apex player?

>> No.8634160

if he was just into vtubers for clout wouldn't he have picked a more popular oshi than Towa? Or at least one who is better at apex.

>> No.8634380
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Get back to me when this Slavnigger plays Apex with a real WOMAN.

>> No.8634422

he started watching towa in his review when she heard that she was in hololive, which someone in chat told him was the biggest vtuber agency on youtube, so

>> No.8634486

not saying he doesn't genuinely like her btw, but the vod is archived so you can see for yourself.

>> No.8634612

Chi-chan using my boy rpr to play with the pro players, waht a bitch >>>/jp/36256677

>> No.8634722

the niji /jp/ thread is the most "no fun allowed" thread on this entire website.

>> No.8635137

Wtf is his movement.
I have a same feeling watching him as with csgo surfing maps. That shit is so fluid.

>> No.8635534

I asked a question once and got bitched out of there promptly because I used the word niji and that made me a holoshitter or something. I genuinely had no idea what I did wrong at the time.

>> No.8635600

you didnt lurk before posting

>> No.8636014

Hinano, Lisa, and Kamito APEX rank stream

>> No.8636797

Lurking is for boomers.

>> No.8637475

God I wish I was Kamito.

>> No.8637982

qpi knows enako? makes sense i guess

>> No.8638153
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>> No.8638528

That smug bastard is mocking me.

>> No.8639090

watching uruca play rank it's kinda fucked that they have to play on NA servers cause i guess cheating is too bad on asian servers. twice in the same match and taken apart by whoever this is: https://www.twitch.tv/guhrl (on the east coast even?)

>> No.8639237

Stop advertising your e-whore in a vtuber board.

>> No.8639397

braindead apex is best apex

>> No.8639421

lol, calm down mate

>> No.8639939

noah rampage

>> No.8640183

Does Noah have a droopy eye or something going on? The right eye on her L2D seems to be spazzing out most of the time.

>> No.8640343

They have a very good reason to dislike outsiders and newfags. Besides, /vt/'s niji thread is the designated spoonfeeding thread, go ask there instead.

>> No.8640664

maybe, but i think it's just too sensitive or the camera is pointed at her face from an angle. nazuna and sumire's old models had it even worse and reid's does it too. i think she should just set it to lock the eyelids together as nazuna's new model seems like it is

>> No.8640834

>They have a very good reason to dislike outsiders and newfags
not trying to start shit but is there a reason beyond stopping what happened to hlg etc?

>> No.8642294

Kamito out, now with Beni

>> No.8642502

I wonder what time she went to sleep, given she just woke up. Also how fucked up her sleep schedule is.

>> No.8642873

rejected by qpi

>> No.8643083

I wish my choices were Qpi sex or Beni sex.

>> No.8643169

I want to see what Beni said now.

>> No.8643727

Whatever it was, I'm sure it sounded incredibly sexy.

>> No.8644480

On that subject - has anyone bought the VSpo summer voice packs?
Beni's is here:

>> No.8644846

I bought Beni's just now for science. It should come as know surprise it's sex. But now I have to sit here and know I'll never get to have Beni questioning whether or not I was looking at other girls in their bikinis during our beach date.

>> No.8646207

Don't give up. You just need to become a pro apex or valorant player.

>> No.8647112

Apparently one of the squads they fought was Kanae and Leona lol

>> No.8647270

They are definitely fucking...

>> No.8647355

Did they all work at lawson?

>> No.8647827

seems like it

>> No.8647863

Vspo bunter is just god tier. Do i need to sacrifice someone to get same casual atmosphere in hololive?
Didn't get it fully but i think so, plus does Beni mama has some crazy hair color? Imagine to fuck them at the same time.

>> No.8647949

>plus does Beni mama has some crazy hair color?
I think she said she's blonde now

>> No.8648194
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APEX and competitive game bantz just hits different especially if there's no pressure to perform. Probably because it requires some focus and makes people more honest in comparison to Minecraft or Marshmallow collabs. It's also more freeform compared to a focused game like It Takes Two where some vtubers want to comment on the setting and game.

Good reference point being Holo's COD collab streams where the atmosphere is much lighter. Luna trying to figure the game out and do decently vs the usual babby act.

>> No.8648600

Indeed she did, i just forgot that for japan blonde hair is a riot.

>> No.8650351
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For my EOP homies:

>> No.8650480

You are right on COD collab, and I think Vspo has this thing where girls are reletevly close in age and skill level so it doesn't create this strange power dynamic in group colabs so they can discuss some shit and banter more freely.

>> No.8653075

Clip from when Kamito showed up

>> No.8654318

pretty sure just a weeb and an apex autist creaming himself when he found there's an overlap between his two hobbies

>> No.8656045

Honestly, this whole board is enough reason to me.

>> No.8658993

Anyone know what's the story behind Kamito being former Pro? How long he played as pro and what team, tours.

Btw I think he's skill will improve a lot when he's in proper environment after moving out.

>> No.8660485

Any interesting timestamps in rpr last stream?

>> No.8660620

Basically he's watching vsaikyou, Towa's team name (Pastel Sour) caught his attention, then someone linked their streams and he really liked Towa's original songs. Then he started playing with Restya to teach him japanese, and Restya is friends with Tempplex and Chihiro. Apparently Ollie reached out to him too, so there's that.

>> No.8660996

Tempplex can make custom lobbies so he invited Chihiro and I think it was that Restya dude that invited Rpr and they played arenas, Fragment only BR, and viewer participation BR. Shit was mad fun, even Chihiro's sister played with them. It really sucks that EA/Respawn doesn't make custom lobbies available for everyone.

>> No.8661204

is custom lobbies available for limited only or all time access when given once.

>> No.8661646

Idk but he's been making custom lobbies for Chihiro's team during Vsaikyou practice. It's probably limited, maybe a few weeks or something.

>> No.8662579

According to Restya, he can gave his custom permission to other people(in this case, Chihiro).

>> No.8671543

>excessive red bull consumption is causing her to miss periods
Is red bull Reid and Kanae's duo name?

>> No.8672273


>> No.8675793

IIRC Noah, Nose, and Hinano have never played R6S before right? Gonna be exciting to see them go through all the newbie frustrations (spawn peek, c4 traps, peek holes, etc...)
Imagine wanting to raise Nose's baby.

>> No.8676990

Hinano isn't new, not sure about the others.

One of the better VSPO arcs

>> No.8677612

Hinano has, actually. She even entered R6S Streamer Cup 1. The team was Nazuna, Hinano, Toto, Sena, and Qpi.

>> No.8678574
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I'm gigahard for this sena art

>> No.8681051

They’re keep Nose distracted while I take Met for myself.

>> No.8681440

nose still at 6point, nice balance ojiji

>> No.8681469
File: 3.33 MB, 1920x2194, E8-zATeVkAgfIm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Met babby!! Raised in Nose's filthy room with red bull in the baby bottles!!

>> No.8685606

Vspo waiting room

>> No.8685723
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Wtf bros, I thought she was good!?

RT it's funny to see people struggle with non-thermite Rampage. It doesn't function like most automatics but it becomes retarded accurate with almost no recoil under ADS.

>> No.8685798


>> No.8685917

sumire definitely got the coof

>> No.8686371

Next clip was gold

>> No.8686417

Oh no
Qpi might have to take her place again

>> No.8686475

>ywn catch the coof off Sumire
Why even live?

>> No.8686895

you can just click the mouse and get a similar fire rate with a perfectly predictable kick

>> No.8686938
File: 26 KB, 600x277, nisemeto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you even respond to this?

>> No.8686959

>both get coof at the same time.
M-maybe they were kissing?

>> No.8687101

it's not quite the same thing but i've seen a few vtubers (e.g. gorilla) tweet when they hear someone is impersonating them and say like "hey, that's not me doing the finisher cancelling" etc. gotta protect your image. just seems like met is going a bit further and responding directly

>> No.8687366

>what happened to hlg etc?
what happened to the old /vyt/, they are basically oldshits from 2017 thread, the trick to not being called out is just don't use any hlg's meme

>> No.8688455

bora ganbare!

>> No.8688480

Who are 8th team members in shibuhal custom?

>> No.8688586

john_manjiro etc? don't recognize any of them

>> No.8688649

seems to be invted team.

>> No.8688789

Only found on out of 3 streams.
kurisent twitch, d4 player

>> No.8689478

Poor Cpt, was having fun and ending so early

>> No.8689615


>> No.8690039

Who is the 2nd girl? Bora?

>> No.8690168

most likely, all the replies seem to think so

>> No.8690263
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>> No.8690808

Need people who knows their vtubers nail polish color to be sure thats Bora

>> No.8690986

Bora aim this days is a bit..

>> No.8691130

the hair is a dead giveaway

>> No.8691235

she needs to stop changing her mouse sensitivity

>> No.8691362
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I had to rotate it for my sanity.

>> No.8691422

As long as she’s having fun its alright.

>> No.8691689


>> No.8691978
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Some things are universal, no matter the language

>> No.8692099

Bora new outfit is in workings

>> No.8692428

is your keyboard broken

>> No.8692566

was a little excited, happens

>> No.8694581
File: 1.79 MB, 1920x1080, E9TmXMzVUAkPTb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tested a bit, you can't just spam left click since recoil will factor in(same deal with marskman rifles) and it takes a significant ROF loss to fire it in bursts or single shots for control.
In the clip you can see some unlucky shots veering to the right wildly as her target moves left and hipfire with controlled bursts is not ideal in the situation even if Rampage's recoil is "predictably upward and to the side". The only way to go would have been to aim the center a little towards where the target is moving rather than centered or going into ADS in the middle of shots instead of the usual crouch spam+hipfire.

Rampage is very fun though as someone who enjoys marksman rifles. Getting the option to go Spitfire is nice and it's p good at stealing kills at range.

>> No.8694660

New hair!!

>> No.8694905

No wonder Bobon is good with Wingman, he is Desert Eagle main in CS:GO Also he is former Pro?

>> No.8698153

what happened? i wasn't watching her pov

>> No.8699699

Qpi is going to play with slavnigger right now

>> No.8700264

No Qpi stream no care.

>> No.8700354

oh look at that

>> No.8700446

Literally popped up right in my favourites bar on Holodex right as I hit post on that.

>> No.8700806

Gyaru power

>> No.8701194

He's so lucky

>> No.8701422

True, and I actually like him too. Guy seems nice...

>> No.8701495

5ch fear the eop

>> No.8701516

I'm going to quit my job and get good at Apex so I can get noticed by anime waifus, preferably Reid.

>> No.8701602

Hasn't she already had a few english streams before?

>> No.8701661

she had a couple of duolingo streams i think

>> No.8701729

which server are they playing on? qpi's ping is like 180

>> No.8701816

Oregon, but i think isn't it closer to play on some malaysian server or something?

>> No.8701901

yeah that seems dumb, both will have shit ping. maybe cheaters are too bad even in malaysia

>> No.8702316

rpr would still have ~300 ping there...

>> No.8702507

yeah looking at his stream they both have around 180 ping so it's probably the best compromise

>> No.8702631

so if i wanna play with Qpi I just have to win a tier 1 apex tournament?

>> No.8702773

Not so hard i guess...

>> No.8702784

Yep, it's that easy. In fact you could play with all of the VSpos that way.

>> No.8702930

I was thinking his closest gateway would be Selen, now he's playing with Qpi. Guess you can do everything if you win an S-tier ALGS

>> No.8703148

They have sweaty lobbies, wtf

>> No.8703200

Gekidan pochi terraria
Kanae https://youtu.be/_cGR4dwhEPo
Met https://youtu.be/Su-kZqtgKo0
Nose https://youtu.be/noPmxthRAro
Reid on mildom... https://www.mildom.com/11534859?ts=1629995261434&from=pcShare

>> No.8703269

Why would someone not in the vtuber apex scene be a useful gateway? If anything it was the Templex Chihiro connection and probably his JP org helped as well.

>> No.8703412

Hal playing the game he was born to play.

>> No.8703859

Reid and Hal really are the faces of kimo otaku in vtuber world.

>> No.8704384

>Qpi: Do you like Monster Energy?
Is she sponsored or something?

>> No.8704458

She's an addict

>> No.8704501

I would say, all of the vtuber world in japan addicted to energy drinks

>> No.8704513

Hope it's not stopping her periods like Nose's Redbull addiction apparently is. Would be hard for me to make her the mother of my child if it does

>> No.8704523

>Do you want me to send you some (gfuel)?
He's even soliciting her address...

>> No.8704609

Seems to just be gaming content creators in general. If they are trying to push Gfuel it's some other energy drink.

>> No.8704632

He already knows where Towa lives, he is going to fuck her instantly when Covid is over

>> No.8704665

Rule of the thumb is that if you shill a product hard enough, you might actually bag some sponsorship deals. Take Reid and Base Bread for example.

>> No.8704673
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She's a Monster addict.

I'd laugh but Nazuna had some "hellish" CS:GO streams. 85% of the time manageable and then there's the 15% where one or two dudes start backseating in English non-stop.

QP is more accommodating, no need to win a tournament. Just get matched with her, pull your weight, she MIGHT use voice chat to give some comms in English. This happened with another dude streaming on twitch, both chats provided their stream urls and she instantly gave him a wrench.

>> No.8704702

Qpi is so fucking cute, how does she do it?

>> No.8704771

Upbeat without any menhera.

>> No.8704887
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>> No.8705080

I love this gal

>> No.8705284

Reid... I know you have a quota but...

>> No.8705318
File: 3.43 MB, 1264x1422, VSPO 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF Hal...

>> No.8705341

incredible gyaru power

>> No.8705414

>he doesn't know

>> No.8705418

Is he wrong?

>> No.8705432

Is he wrong?
Let him believe.

>> No.8705460

Tell us anon

>> No.8705472

What am I missing?

>> No.8705520

I love menhera, but only as a spectator.

>> No.8705827
File: 313 KB, 510x690, survey says.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to fans and VSPO manager(voted for Ichinose) he is.
But the dark truth is... they're all equally crazy.

I miss Nazunews.

>> No.8706177

Kanae can tease Nazuna but he had to run away from Su-chan

>> No.8706808
File: 149 KB, 1280x1280, E6mWJyTVcAAInYo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Teasing is different and an RPS situation. Su-chan's "uncomprehensible" language technique combined with ganko nature is a bad matchup for anyone.

>> No.8707188

Kamito too? He's only one step away from Hinano now.

>> No.8707253

Sumire can crush me any day...

>> No.8707800

"im gonna take a shit" that's a nice phrase Qpi!

>> No.8707999

I enjoyed Qpi's stream today

>> No.8708069

are na lobbies just that much more competitive or is it mostly the lag?

>> No.8708201
File: 1.27 MB, 1389x1965, EuQ3aD6VgAMLHmC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA region is known to be highly aggressive though my guess is it's just a farcry from the JP server. Playing on any other Asia server and you'll find most teams are on a jihad at Fragment even on ranked.

Bora image since I'm hoarding Bora pics.

>> No.8708343

oh my gah

>> No.8708375

I want Bora to groom me like she groomed Towa...

>> No.8708408

I haven't caught up much with their playthrough. Are they doing RPG class builds? Like, is someone using summoner weapons, someone melee, someone on guns, etc. That would make for some awesome fanart.

>> No.8708597

Don't forget about the R6S event in the next OP, there's VSPO and lots of familiar faces there.

>> No.8709341

Hinano joined in, at some point

>> No.8709789
File: 3.96 MB, 1408x1970, vggc-hero-all-w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a VSpo only doujin event in a few months.

>> No.8710205
File: 750 KB, 2048x1240, Kfc8f4Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something is missing...

>> No.8710390

So this event was made by fans for fans? Wow, that's so cool!

>> No.8710470

Yes. There are tons of these for all sorts of topics.

>> No.8710606

Now Beni has arrived.

>> No.8710635

Say no more.

>> No.8710685

She didn't even say it on twitter. There would be no way of knowing if I wasn't already watching the stream.
Why do you make things so difficult, Beni?

>> No.8710729

Beni is a classy lady, she makes you work for the sex.

>> No.8712030

Dragon tousita!

>> No.8712299

sucks noah get motion sick from minecraft

>> No.8712448

hang on, how long have they been able to have more than one l2d working?

>> No.8714855

Hal replied to slavnigger twit, might be interesting to see were it goes.

>> No.8717347


>> No.8718091

I remember last year Hal was determined to learn English on stream after playing with Albralelie, and that arc lasted a whole 1 month.

>> No.8718643

who's considered the best vtuber playing apex? hal? gorilla?

>> No.8718905


>> No.8718988

He is not a vtuber

>> No.8719238

he is now :)

>> No.8719738

No, he is a streamer with 2D model like Hikakin.

>> No.8719961

He doesn't consider himself to be a Vtuber.

He'll be OP IMO when he has a good environment for playing. Right now, he knows how to take positions but his aim is unstable.

Right now, it will be Gorilla in JP at least. I haven't watched Selen but people saying it could be she.

>> No.8720238

- has a 2D model that moves
- has an art tag that is well used
- collabs with vtubers all the time
- is clipped all the time by vtuber clippers
- acts like a vtuber
He just doesn't call himself a vtuber for whatever reason. But he is.

>> No.8720284
File: 464 KB, 1200x630, external-content.duckduckgo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl then

>> No.8720887
File: 420 KB, 3840x2160, E53un5eVIAEzsbI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn she's bad at this... cute!


>> No.8720891

>He doesn't consider himself to be a Vtuber.
He didn't consider himself a vtuber cause he has no lore like others and do things like other vtubers do

>He'll be OP IMO when he has a good environment for playing. Right now, he knows how to take positions but his aim is unstable.
Indeed, watched his gameplay in his pro gaming era. He was so good at aiming

>> No.8721906

He isn't a vtuber because he did all the things that a vtuber doesn't allow to like tweet IRL's face on his main account, doesn't play a character. Everyone asked Hal will Kamito appear in Vsai, and he clearly said he doesn't consider Kamito as Vtuber, and the person himself also agreeds. Next thing you tell me Uruca is a vtuber, and I will lose it. May as well put non-pro Apex streamers with 立ち絵 like Arisaka, Daruma in vtuber category because sooner or later they will have 2D gig like Kamito, lol.

>> No.8725028
File: 3.79 MB, 480x480, heem.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dunno wat ur talm bout b. Uruguay is a b-b-beast of a vtuber

>> No.8731265


>> No.8731628

Any videos of his pro time? I haven't seen it yet.

>> No.8731734

I regard him the same way utaite with Live2D are, just doing it on the side instead of creating a whole vtuber gig.

>> No.8733560

hal and gorilla are definitely the first I would think of. selen has not gotten pred for at least the last seven seasons if the rumors about past life are correct, so i'd wait to see her play in a tougher environment to make any judgement. kamito got his vtuber model after he was already a normal pro and streamer for a while. would we consider imperialhal a vtuber if he suddenly got a model? don't think so.

also reminder that sirius from virtua real still exists, still is pred, and still should at least be mentioned when people bring up vtubers who are good at apex.

>> No.8736425

kawase is the best apex vtuber
shanai shanai naifai donmai tsugi ganbarou

>> No.8741100

>Naifai intensifies

>> No.8743124

I hope someone do an updated vtuber apex rank video like this one.
Better if the indies and sub 100k vtubers would be included as well.

>> No.8743195

you can find all the nijisanji current and highest apex ranks on the nijisanji wiki, but i don't know if theres an actual resource for anybody else.

>> No.8743622

damn i wish they were vtubers
imagine darusaka 3d debut

>> No.8745507

>sirius from virtua real

>> No.8745769

Hilarious because Daruma himself said in his latest collab with Naraka that he considers himself a vtuber.

>> No.8746018
File: 418 KB, 1536x1152, E8GEk4dVIAc5oC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You wouldn't expect them to be champion material until you hear their comms. Matsuri putting the brakes and restraining the team + herself to hold strong positions, no downtime on reports and constantly communicating their objective. Kotone and Wat also constantly sharing info on what they want and where things are, what they can do based on existing resources. Only issue was her batting partially exposed, getting knocked and not committing to the cell with less than a second left because she decided to use throwables and keep pressure up but considering the situation and her role, I don't think it's unreasonable.

Bonus Wat and Kotone crying during the interview, especially Kotone.

I haven't felt this excited for vtuber IGL since the last time Nazuna was serious about a game.

>> No.8746052

their comms sound identical to most other teams this vsaikyou.

>> No.8746247

pastel sour...

>> No.8746553
File: 275 KB, 1801x1116, E3ByLzGUYAIj3N6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top teams have it + better individual play but also the other half of comms is receiving and keeping it going.
For example in a few of Noah-Sumire-Nose's practice matches, Nose is told that there's someone on the roof, just above the door that she is guarding. She spaces out for a bit and then opens the door and peeks a bit(not even up on the roof, peeking ground level on the horizon) and gets 1-clipped immediately.

In an old PUBG collab with Sumire and Nazuna, Nazuna is trying to get Sumire's attention as she is wandering away from the team after checking a care package and has to repeat herself.

The most common issue with strong teams is that they do a report and then that's it. They won't say if they'll push or hold back, they expect each member to be able to auto-pilot, look at the minimap and anticipate their actions and act accordingly.

Another example is in this V-saikyou 's scrims, Sumire's team decides to attack a house after Yashiro scans. No one comments that there is a Caustic, Nazuna asks if they should use a jump pad, Sumire hesitates and then lays it. They attack the house, Sumire and Yashiro retreat after not being able to breach the top floor. No one tells Nazuna to withdraw and she commits to the push from the first floor and dies to gas.

Comms might sound similar but I think Menhera did a good job of keeping it tight with few gaps.

>> No.8747246

qpi tarkov

>> No.8747880


>> No.8748181

Having good coaches and a willingness to learn helps a lot. Wat was making these lessons learned tweets after most scrims.
If you're interested, go and compare and contrast with their 1st two days of scrims. Some of their trash performance then can be attributed to getting shit locations to hold, but one thing in particular that stood out to me was on iirc day 2.
They were in one of the houses off Thermal, closer to the ring and the route through the mountains while Astel's team was in the other, perfect position to gatekeep them right, and going by comms they even had superior shields too. Then what happened was as the ring was closing in Matsuri mumbled something about moving to ring and then just shot off leaving her teams behind without checking if they could or would follow. Next thing I knew Wat was cracked, trying to batt and then her and Kotone was downed.

>> No.8748232

Kamito is playing with rpr now

>> No.8748322

No cringe coms, what a waste

>> No.8748568

Nijisanji Pred and...thats all I know. He's Chinese

>> No.8748689

Whats her popular song? Didn't know there are more Utaite preds besides Amatsuki.

>> No.8748765


This set her on the road to quadrupling her subs this year. Winning the "singing while playing cod" kouhaku uta gassen.

>> No.8748836

Exactly. ToMaSu you could feel the tilt but Pastel Sour just had bad teamwork.

>> No.8748902

A more recent utaite I guess? I only know a few old ones.

>> No.8748949

I’m glad that Noah Towa and Ars seemed to have fun at least.

>> No.8749165
File: 1.06 MB, 1277x725, brgfsbetyneyn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant believe the former prime minster stepped down to hunt neets personally in their play ground

>> No.8749942

All the teams for R6 Royal Flush tournament have been anounced.
Team Ibrahim: Ibrahim, Kuzuha, Kanae, Uruca, Ex-Albio (Coach: Kenki)

Team Kurumi Noah: Noah, Nazuna, Hinano, Qpi, and Uruha (Coach: Wokka)

Team Enako: Enako, Daruma, Arisaka, k4sen, and Kinako (Coach: CrazyPapiyon)

Team AlphaAzur: AlphaAzur, Kamito, Alelu, BobSappAim, and Uge (Coach: Melton)

>> No.8750005


>> No.8750307

I love that in the image Hinano is Queen of Heart and Kamito is King of Heart. Even though it would suit his color scheme more if he's King of Spade. I see what they did there.

>> No.8750536

She doesn't count as an Utaite. She's just a singer and streamer on youtube.

>> No.8750601

Thanks hatsume for ruining my harem. Hbd btw

>> No.8751479

So what kind of cup it will be? massive scale with a lot of streamers?

>> No.8751542


>> No.8751804

10q, but Nazu-chan doko

>> No.8751966

why would she be in this?

>> No.8752111

Half of Vspo is here, but i guess i lack critical information

>> No.8752289

teams were decided by the team leaders, and nazuna has a lot of stuff lined up for other games too.

>> No.8752738

>teams were decided by the team leader
So Cpt chose Beni because he's a coomer?

>> No.8754726

Beni is mama

>> No.8757459

Sex is always a pretty good option to be fair.

>> No.8757706
File: 2.15 MB, 1200x675, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play against your favourite players to potentially win a prize.

>> No.8758811

300 ping ikuzo!!!!

>> No.8759094

Is Beni sex a prize by any chance? Asking for myself.
