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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8575348 No.8575348 [Reply] [Original]

The HoloEN management is so up in their own ass with the lore shit that they've assigned "thematic" games to each member according to their lore(all of them shitty debuff games) to stream after their debut.
Jesus Christ where the hell these retards came from?

>> No.8575847

Holomyth did the same thing their first week.

>> No.8576492

Tsunderia did the same thing

>> No.8576586
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>debut week is shit every single time
wow its almost like its a pattern and you should only start judging them a few weeks after debuting, dumbass.

>> No.8576776

debut week is where chuubas put their most effort in getting the audience's interests. if someone is shit in the first week they will remain shit

>> No.8576810

Or maybe management should learn from the previous shit debuts and make the new ones not shit, which is literally their fucking job

>> No.8576958

>debuff games
Why do you care if they're debuff games? Would you rather they only spammed "popular" games like Apex and Minecraft and Henry Stickmin and Chillarts shit?

>> No.8577000
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>if someone is shit they will remain shit forever
>he forgot ame had the most cringe debut of all cringe debuts and now has goslings up the ass
mhm sure man.

>> No.8577069

Fauna seems like she likes Spore and has played it before.

>> No.8577265

what should they be doing instead?

>> No.8577548

>Asking for alternatives
Anon you think that complaint was made in good faith?

>> No.8577632

I'm pretty sure aall the girls have final say in what game they stream as long as they have permission.
The problem is these girls are well girls. They have terrible fucking taste in vidya especially the JP cast.
These new girls also picked the games they wanted to play and surprise surprise they are all fucking awful.

>> No.8577682

Ame's debut was kino tf you're on about

>> No.8577712

no, but just in case it was I figured I should ask!

>> No.8577811

>surprise surprise they are all fucking awful.
Spore is pretty soul kino

>> No.8578037

Also Spore is a reasonably entertaining game for a stream in the first place.

>> No.8578250
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cringekino at best, maybe i should watch it again after almost a year though.
t. teamate

>> No.8578373

Sorry they're not all immediately playing Minecraft and APEX to entertain your smooth zoomer brain, faggot

>> No.8578393

Theming is an easy way to give a general direction to content while a new chuuba finds their feet

>> No.8578409

it's honestly funny to me. I watched the debuts isolated, and Ame's was the only one I thought had any personality to it, and she became my instant favorite of the five. Then I come to /jp/ and all anyone talks about is how cringe it was. It was the only good debut

>> No.8578438

What, you wamt them to start playing MC and APEX right out of the gate?

>> No.8578652

12mins was only entertaining because Kronii was a bitch to her wife. Journey is watchable because Mumei is so autisticly endearing. She was fucking cute. Like disgustingly cute like a puppy. Spore right now is so entertaining because Fauna loves the games. She has played this already quite a lot. Look at her masterpiece evolve. I haven't watched Sana yet. I don't like Astrology and I don't wany to watch fucking Celeste again. I will watch Bae play rat simulator later

>> No.8578770

COPE and seethe. Spore is actually nostalgic and a fun thing to stream that also happens to be on theme.

>> No.8578914

I'm sorry. We can't save them.

>> No.8579355

Reminder that IRyS had only a single game related to singing (One Hand Clapping) and she pretty much does what she wants to do now, aside from obvious management fuckery.

>> No.8581182

All games are debuff except Minecraft and apex.

>> No.8581675

>korone's debut

>> No.8581693

Sana genuinely loves astrology despite knowing it's not scientific by her own admission. Her first stream was just a joke because she could backpedal if people really didn't like it since she always got made fun of for liking it.
She also loves astronomy, especially cosmology, genuinely, I think her own character fits super well with her interests.

>> No.8582146

Ame still does cringe streams. She just does whatever she wants and isn't afraid to try out new ideas - and sometimes that turns out cringe and sometimes it turns out kino. It's part of what makes her endearing and worth gosling for. It's what makes her the most soulful and genuine vtuber in hololive. Her debut was no exception, it was just super jarring because we didn't know her at the time.

>> No.8582234


>> No.8582239

It's almost like you're retarded and don't remember Gen 1.

>> No.8582327

Yeah just play league apex minecraft and get big numbers

>> No.8582415


>> No.8583028

It was the case with Gen1, Ina had tha cthulu game, ame that puzzle game, gura the shark chasing game (it was terrible) etc.

>> No.8583112

Just two days go, they complain that after several weeks they will forget the lore but now that they play things that go with their history, they criticize them too? go to your vtubers no one knows or nijisanjiEN's funny sex jokes

>> No.8583140

Every gen has done this since JP4.

>> No.8583205

They did the same thing to Sana but honestly hers was the only one that grabbed my attention

>> No.8584512

Shh, JOP's hate it when you point out the JP chubas flaws

>> No.8584570
File: 195 KB, 521x482, AMECH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all of her post-debut adventurous streams are kino, what are you talking about? maybe im too far gone of a gosling to not find her kino though.

>> No.8588319

Maybe if they could utilize the potential of minecraft better than just poking zombies with a stick.

>> No.8589470

Things like this aren't really fun to build though. These things are built in editors, not in-game.

>> No.8589871

Stupid newfag
