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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8507339 No.8507339 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they called Vshojo? Is the owner of the group a retard that doesn't know that 処女 (shojo) and 少女 (shoujo) are not the same thing? Or did he really want to name the group fucking V virgin?

>> No.8507416

It's just an alternative romanization :).

>> No.8507663

Why aren't Tokyo and Osaka spelled Toukyou and Oosaka?

>> No.8507764

> Shōjo (少女), the Japanese word for "young girl", often romanized as shojo (without a macron)
Get destroyed, holonigger.

>> No.8507872

V-shojo - virtual virgins
V-shoujo - virtual girls
bi-shoujo - beautiful girl

It was intentional, anon.

>> No.8507967

>Or did he really want to name the group fucking V virgin?
Wouldn't surprise me, they like ironic humor.

>> No.8508073

V stands for virtual and virgin. Shojo was used because it means virgin but will be misread as girl by people who don't know japanese. It's a double entendre meant to poke fun at retarded weaboos

>> No.8508191

but arent they all white roasties which would make them weaboos too

>> No.8508269

Yeah. They do poke fun at themselves a lot as well.

>> No.8508312

Well, yes. I think that's what they wanted to convey. I think most of them are weeaboo's at heart.

>> No.8508336

kinda cringe desu guess white chicks aint shit if they aren't trying their hardest to be asian

>> No.8508970

Could just be tongue in cheek. Like "Haha, look at these seiso virgin girls ;))"

>> No.8509245

Next time just skip the premise and announce that you're a retard

>> No.8509867

I mean they are so it makes sense. None of them have been fingered on stream or had za hando happen to them compared to the supposed virgin group.

>> No.8509987

How is it ok to do that with Japanese? So many words change meanings if you switch one letter including this example.

>> No.8516921

>just learned hiragana and katakana tables
>starts making stupid ass threads like this
You're still an EOP

>> No.8522250

it's because the word is actually 少女 and whatever romanization you use will forever be an approximation and wrong in some sense

>> No.8522371
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that pink bitch spends her free time masturbating furiously, scratching her pussy and stroking her fat tits thinking that they are all pedophiles and that she is a helpless loli about to be raped. and she denies it and carries it because it is her lowest instinct. just imagine.

>> No.8522535

>pedophile spergs out about nyanners out of nowhere again
They truly fear the Pink Cat.

>> No.8523630

but you can't deny
>pink bitch spends her free time masturbating furiously, scratching her pussy and stroking her fat tits

>> No.8523854

kami (紙) = paper
kami (神) = god
kami (髪) = hair

you're making a bad point here even if you don't consider words with the exact same romanization

>> No.8523866

>her fat tits
That part can definitely be denied.

>> No.8524291

I'm ok with this, i just wish she'd let me watch her touch that sweet cunt of hers

>> No.8525577

Irl i mean boi
just imagine

>> No.8525899

Is there a third layer to that joke where the pun is that they're actually all whores?

>> No.8526109

Virtual essentially means not real, fake. They're fake virgins.

>> No.8526616

Keep Virginity
(fucking complete and total absolut fucking comedy gold) And
Enjoy The Show
And Beating That Heartful Hot Strong Bone
After Making Yourself A six star world class cup of joe

>> No.8527045
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I think it's merely because people would be more likely to mispronounce "shoujo" or "shoojo", if the long ō was represented in those other typical ways. Or to confuse the macron in "Shōjo" for an umlaut or something. In any case an ō isn't something you'll find on a computer keyboard.

Keep it Simple, Stupid.

>> No.8528075

EOP detected

>> No.8530408

I think it's a tongue-in-cheek thing, because he knows damned right they're all whores.
>call your group v-virgin
>hire no virgins

>> No.8530625

>incorrect information on wikipedia
>destroying anyone
>much less the "holoblacks" that live in anon's head

>> No.8532592

Imagine being 20+ virgin hahaha yeah..

>> No.8534140

Because some would read it as show joe. ..Wait, they could read it like that anyway.

Japanese doesn't have letters. Any attempt to transcribe it with a letter-based system is flawed by default. Also be glad you're not familiar with Polivanov's system of transcribing it with a Russian alphabet.

>> No.8534278

Yeah because they're all totally getting fingered on stream like Ollie amiright? :^)

>> No.8534628
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>> No.8534674

It's irony, you'll figure it out when you're older.

>> No.8536728

Melody gets fingered on stream. I mean it's by herself but still.

>> No.8539374

The inability to pick up on puns is a telltale sign of autism or ESL. Either way, you are a faggot.

>> No.8540495

>he doesn't know
