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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8504498 No.8504498 [Reply] [Original]

>posts to /vt/ personally to notify that she's going to be one of the members
>personally comes to threads and even does underground ama
>/vt/ starts mocking and belittling her
>starts to get even more anxious and demotivated
>have shit debut after the fact

She expected you to have her back /vt/, what happened

>> No.8504530


>> No.8504550

cute owl

>> No.8504582

Sorry, I want a boyfriend free girl.

>> No.8504587
File: 33 KB, 200x162, 1629598554111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The moment she did that underground AMA was the moment I had a feeling that she's an attention seeking bore

>> No.8504590

>She expected you to have her back /vt/, what happened
i forgot

>> No.8504620

Next time clean your roomate better you dumb whore, it's the basics...

>> No.8504627

the rrat meme was stronger, even tho the rrat is x100 worse than the owl

>> No.8504689

>supporting used goods

>> No.8504695

I love this owl

>> No.8504700

I have her back but whoever made those posts clearly wasn't her.

>> No.8504712

context on this one?

>> No.8504723

>Mumei actually has a boyfriend.
>They’re high-school sweethearts.
>They got together after he nervously confessed to her one day.
>He’s awkward and a bit of a geek but Mumei finds it endearing.
>She wasn’t sure about the relationship at first, but thought he was sweet and cute.
>He always did silly things to try make her laugh, always said she looked cute, took her to see new places and showed her interesting things.
>After spending several years not quite fitting in she appreciated the validation.
>They spend some tome together and get to know and trust each other.
>After highschool they try moving in together with a shared flat, just the two of them.
>Mumei applies to join Hololive while her boyfriend goes to study a joined degree in the humanities.

>After awhile it’s not enough for Mumei.
>His silly antics are no longer funny, they’re just silly.
>His compliments come less frequently and always come off as being thoughtless.
>He’s far less outgoing than she thought he was and his interests are shallow.
>Her boyfriend is sweet and kind but she feels like he doesn’t try hard enough to push their relationship further.
>Mumei begins to think he only asked her because he just wanted a cute girlfriend and not she herself.
>When he does share his time with her Mumei gets bored with his fake friends, his fake behaviour and his need to be validated by these people who obviously look down on him but he tries to impress anyway.
>When he’s alone with her he’s a dork, but it’s cute.
>When he’s with his friends he’s a fool and Mumei can’t help but find it painful to watch.
>”Staying home would be better.” She thinks to herself.
>His habits and quirks which she once found gross before they dated, then charming as begun to date, she now finds frustrating.
>He always worries about being “uncool” infront of his “friends”.
>It was embarrassing, now it’s irritating.
>His grades have begun to slip as well.
>She can’t help but feel annoyed when she sees him.
>“Why is he so childish?” She thinks to herself.
>They begin to grow distant.
>They’re just boyfriend and girlfriend.
>Not partners.
>Not friends.
>Just boyfriend and girlfriend.
>Living together.
>She hates it.

>Mumei starts her streaming career.
>She’s nervous at first, she’s naturally shy after all, and she’s always been the odd girl.
>She’s worried the people watching her will see through her character, strip down all her words and habits and expose her as socially inept wierdo she really is.
>After all, that how it’s always happened.
>Mumei looks at the chat and only sees adoration for her.
>”Cute voice!” One says.
>”New best girl.” Writes another.
>Mumei knows it’s silly to be pleased at such things, they’re superficial comments, they don’t really mean anything and the chat doesn’t really know her, but she can’t help but smile at the praise.
>People join in or get filtered as they may.
>Eventually a steady fanbase of followers is formed.
>Mumei can’t wait to stream, being with chat is the highlight of her day.

>Mumei excitedly prepares tomorrow’s stream.
>“Chat will love this!” She thinks to herself with a self-satisfied smile.
>Recently Mumei has been fascinated with the prehistory of the Pontic-Caspian Steppe.
>It’s kind of niche, but exactly the kind of thing her adorable and insightful chat would go mad after.
>Chat loved the Mycenaean Greece Stream she did as celebration for superchat monetisation afterall.
>”This will be a great way to open the new channel membership.” Mumei thinks to herself.
>She hums happily, continuing her work with renewed dedication.

>The first membership stream starts.
>Mumei is flattered by all of the green tags.
>She thanks chat for following her on her vtubing journey before she stops for a moment,
>”It couldn’t…” She mumbles, before checking the list of new members.
>She gasps when she notices (you) have joined the membership.
>”A-Anon…” She’s blushing.
>”I didn’t expe-, no, I’m sorry. Thank you for joining the membership, Anon.” She says, (you)r attention bringing the unusual feeling of fulfilment to her.
>After the stream ends Mumei dm’s (you) an invitation to her home.

>(you) knock on Mumei’s door.
>You hear a muffled “coming” beyond the door following by rushed footsteps.
>The door opens,
>”Anon come on i-“ Mumei says before noticing (you).
>She had invited you over ostensibly because she appreciated your contribution to the stream’s /his/ and /lit/ discussions.
>So she’s never completely seen you before.
>She didn’t know you were /fit/
>She wasn’t prepared for you to be /fit/
>Mumei swallows audibly and then regains her composure.
>”C-c-come inside, Anon.” She says, gesturing you inwards.

>> No.8504761

She started ranting and coping on that one thread about how anxious she was and how she's scared about numbers, I don't know why she wants a hug thread here desu, plus that means she's a numberfag

>> No.8504782

This is mental illness and exists only in your head.

>> No.8504796

>(You)’re sitting on Mumei’s couch.
>In the next room over is the kitchen where Mumei is making hot chocolate for the two of you.
>(You) look around the room, seeing pictures of Mumei with a man(?).
>(You) do a double take.
>It is indeed a younger man, lying happily with an equally younger Mumei cuddled into his arm.
>”If only trannies could look as effeminate as this guy…” you ponder “… maybe they really could become real women.”
>(You) ponder again then chuckle.
>”Trannies will never be real women.” (You) say aloud to no one in particular, but confident that somewhere (You)r perennial wisdom has stood in defiance against communist subversion of the glorious West and possibly caused a suicide.

>Mumei enters the room with two cups of hot chocolate.
>”Anon.” She calls. “Here’s your drink.”
>(You) accept the cup, nodding thanks before taking a quick sip.
>It’s perfect. Somehow better than even Miomama’s chocolate.
>”Anon, I invited you over to talk about your reading stream ideas.” Mumei began.
>”The Human Accomplishment by Charles Murray stream did really well and the Turner Diaries Stream was really popular among the hooligians.” Mumei stopped for a moment. “And Ayame fans somehow.” She muttered quietly.
>”I was wondering.” She continued. “If you could help with something more esoteric.”
>”Recently I’ve been reading Julius Evola like you suggested and I’ve been wanting to read the Rig Veda-“
>(You) had been trained for this moment, years of racist trolling had honed (You)r skills to a razors edge.
>”Based.” (You) reply instinctively.
>”I was wondering if you could help me with the script?” She asked.

>Mumei sighs, tired after a long night of research and script writing.
>”Thanks for your help today Anon.” Mumei begins.
>”Anon I’ve been meaning to ask, how are so /fit/ when you clearly spend so much time studying /lit/erature and /his/tory?” She asked.
>(You) grimmace a little, you feared this question would come up eventually but (You) had begun to hope Mumei wouldn’t raise the issue as the night wore on.
>(You) knew (You) couldn’t tell her, (You) understood well enough why women were not permitted to know the ways of the sigma male grindset.
>Think of the consequences if such power were to be used so irresponsibly.
>(You) ponder the issue, notice Mumei growing impatient as you stall.
>(You) settle on telling a half truth, hoping it will satisfy Mumei’s ravenous curiosity.
>”It’s all due to peak Aryan genetics.” (You) say.
>(You) pray that Mumei doesn’t notice (You)r bluff, she’s intelligent and should notice the incomplete nature-nuture duality of your explaination.
>Mumei stares, biting her lower lip.
>”Makes sense.” She says.
>”A-Anon.” She mumbles before trying again.
>”Anon. I would re-reallg like it if you were to c-come back tomorrow.” She says, stuttering despite her great effort.
>”Sure.” (You) say.

>Standing across from the mirros in the gym’s cross”fit” hall, (You) look at yourself in the mirror after your daily /fit/ness session.
>T-posing, (You) position yourself to obstruct the cross”fit”’class as much as possible while observing (You)r gains.
>Despite being on a bulk consisting of 4700 kcal of chicken tendies alone for the past 7 years, (You)’ve maintained a body fat of 6% with a total weight of 90kg whilst being 6.4 feet tall.
>tfw peak aesthetic
>Jeff from Atheleanx(.com) would be proud.
>(You) remember that Mumei is doing her reading stream later today.
>(You) put (You)’re pants on then head out.
