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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 521 KB, 1280x720, portada_kiryu-coco-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8476656 No.8476656 [Reply] [Original]

coco was never good, but you guys will never get it

>> No.8476718

Your mother is dead

>> No.8476732

Care to explain why? If not, die Bugman.

>> No.8476780

She wasn’t im glad this shitter is gone from Hololive, Gura is better

>> No.8476850

so true

>> No.8476930

Coco has done more for hololive than any single branch has, she's a great friend, amazing streamer, and creative and if you want to numberfag she was the top SC earner on the platform.

>> No.8476995

Her Fallout streams were pretty fun, but that's it.

>> No.8477011

The character was better than the ethot.

>> No.8477042
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Wrong. She peaked around February~May 2020 that's all.

>> No.8477128

kana is much better than gura

>> No.8477157

Get my oshis name out of your shitposting mouth, whore.
Coco was, at one point, good. Both as a character and as a member of hololive. She started falling ~2020 and the taiwan shit exacerbated it.
Now, however, she cares more about milking her paypigs than actually doing anything interesting.

>> No.8477160
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Too much soul for corporations to handle

>> No.8477328

stopped watching Holo anything because of her, even well before the politics retardation
she would've suited BANs though

>> No.8477342
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The January to May or so in 2020 was legendary. Then AsaCoco got nerfed, 2 times and just became some meme review and from that point on Coco felt just too sanitized, the chink shit was just the last straw.

>> No.8477374

Coco was great, she was a symbol to follow. Fought for those that couldn’t, supported and helped her genmates, was the symbol of freedom, the zhang destroyer and has by far the most viewed Vtuber stream. Kson well she just another twitch slut ........... the dragon ment something

>> No.8477518

this, coco was really fun for a while but watching her fall sucked ass. unfortunately her fanbase of rabid redditors cannot handle anything negative, so you'll just get called a bugman.

>> No.8477654

AsaCoco proved she could milk her fanbase with fake Fear of Missing Out and honestly she always seemed to be VERY much not only a numberfag but a Money Numberfag where superchats profits mattered more than anything.

Don't get me wrong the product skits were often funny but when you saw the sheer outpooring of supers during those which performed far better than her solo streams you had to start wondering.
AsaCoco itself was running out of steam. She was running out of ideas for the main moneymaker (the commercials) and the Taiwan thing was a convenient excuse to really terminate it as it was just too much effort compared to the payout even though the commercial segments was HUGE.

But as you said she really only cares about those people who will line her wallet because she's going lower and lower effort since she knows she's got them so deep into following her they'll do anything.

>> No.8477866

Really this Kson thing is kinda retroactively ruining my memories of Coco as it makes me cynically wonder if Coco was just there to create a rabid fanbase she could exploit afterwards.
Since people would actively spread the Kson = Coco thing around and due to Saviorfag mentality having multiple angles to hit on (CHINA BAD! and COVER BAD! being the main ones) she'd get them to follow her doing everything and saviorfags are like whales are to gacha games. They'll dump tons of money on ANYTHING they get waved infront of them.

>> No.8477908

You're right, she's great.

But you'll never get it

>> No.8477970

Coco is not good, but I love her big fat tits.

>> No.8478530

the majority of them only cared when she became an effective tool to make the bugmen piss themselves with rage, after all.
she wasn't even tolerable untill they forced her to get her shit together. for a while I almost started wanting to watch her regularly instead of just defending her for the fact that the bullshit the zhangs were giving her was unjust and undeserved... and then in the end she decided to triple down on everything that made me avoid her to start with.
if I wanted crass, cringey highschool-tier faggotry I'd watch vshitshow. I don't watch vshitshow, because I don't want that.
whether she meant to or not, she still ended up with that kind of rabid followers. for as much as ex-tats stroke to how "creative" she supposedly was, it seems like that all went out the window the moment she got the option of e-thotting it up with an avatar as a mask when she can't be assed to run a comb through her hair. yet this too, according to them, is "kino" "creativity".
rather than defending her, they're blindly worshipping her now. I am reminded of /a/ with kemonofriends, going from justified anger at kadokawa for kicking out director tatsuki to furiously flailing at literally everyone else involved in the IP and insisting they all conspired against the great tatsuki.

>> No.8478771

Never forget, one of the best moment of Coco.
She really saved Watame.
She really lost that later in her career, but she really had months where she carried Hololive hard and changed things.

>> No.8478831

That's with any fanbase, if some people talk shit about a chuba others will defend it, that's how it works.
I remember even watame fans signed up a zhang Anti to the army.

>> No.8479153

g*ra is trash too.

>> No.8479235

No one is gonna challenge you on that because it's true.

>> No.8479287

i appreciate what she's done for hololive but she wasn't that fun to watch
(btw taiwan is a country)

>> No.8479335

wtf was Coco thinking? What did she think was going to happen if she showed this in AsaCoco?

>> No.8479405

It's already settled, Coco/Kson gets a pass even if she finger blasts herself live on stream and gets a tranny flag tattoo on her forehead. Next time you zhangs behave yourselves

>> No.8479429

The first part really made me wonder just how much of her growth after the Taiwan incident was STICK IT TO THE CHINESE!! and how much was organic growth. But yea a lot of her stuff which wasn't collabs just was pretty hard miss after a while. Honestly the reason I watched Meme Review wasn't for the shitposts or memes but the interaction with the other members.
Her nongaming content just was megh like the infamous shaving streams which I to this day cannot find why people watched outside OMG THAT'S SO NOT SEISO!!1!
But the Kemono Friends fanbase I know had gone insane but I didn't realize it got that bad on /a/. I guess they didn't get their Mighty Number 9 moment which breaks the illusion that the "Legendary Creator" who was "BETRAYED" wasn't exactly special

Yea she had some real good moments but I get a feeling most of those moments aren't the ones the people who think she was REVOLUTIONARY think of. After all they never cared until she was suspended and they could go CHINA BAD!! So their memories really start with her return and Shitpost Review unless they're willing to clipfag back a while towards stuff like conversation during one of her Raft collabs.

>> No.8479435

Hard disagree

>> No.8479497
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Testing limits. Unironically like that moment, but I used to watch mostly Eilene so I guess I like edgy humor.

>> No.8479689

I don't hold her accountable for the post-taiwan content becoming stale, when you're de-facto collab banned from the entire company and only allowed to do non-gaming content if the company thinks it will sabotage you then there's no choice. If cover knew reddit review was going to be a hit they'd have denied it and made her look at pictures of literal feces for an hour

>> No.8479781

It wasn't a suicide joke, she made the same joke with other hololive members before and it only looks like a suicide joke because of kanata's scarf/whatever she has on her neck.

>> No.8479828

I hate her, I wish we we still had CH.

>> No.8479832
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All that shitstains like op can do now is creating Coco hate threats here.
Can't spam her chat, can't spam her DM, can't do anything. Even when you try to desecrate her old corpse you keep blowing and making fun of yourself.
I ALMOST pity you.

>> No.8479894

But she did not grow after the Taiwan incident if anything it killed her growth badly. She was stuck doing membership only streams and that destroyed her numbers. This incident led to tighter management restrictions which killed things like asacoco which she known for and left her with meme review to survive on. The chick could not get any projects off the ground so she was just left with meme review and solo membership stream for a while which flitter her fans to only the hardcore one being left for solo and tourists with meme review.

>> No.8479963
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Imagine having your first gunpla not being either Char's Zaku or Grandpa RX-78-2.
Not that I expect much from someone trying to chase the trends of gunpla thots.

>> No.8480007
File: 216 KB, 549x398, 98753450495820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CEO please i wanna be a fucking slut whore please don't limit me
>cockson you need to understand that this is an idol company

>> No.8480053

Well if she was an American in the 90s the first ones over were the 1/100 Gundam Wing kits but if her first is was a HG Turn A which from what I was told she snapfagged tells you a lot about her character

>> No.8480062

we all killed her
a shame it had to be done but it had to be done
no regrets

>> No.8480063

>After all they never cared until she was suspended and they could go CHINA BAD
This seems weird to me, I'm sure she had a good following even before that, I was in hlg threads and she got quite a few fans, especially number fans since she got those rains of SC when she finally got monetized.

>> No.8480072

Your mother is dead

>> No.8480093

She asked on Twitter what she should build. That's what the fans wanted.

>> No.8480119

>zhangs still seething even after shes gone

>> No.8480155

I don't enjoy her or her content but respect what she did for Hololive.

>> No.8480162

You expect that chink larpers here would even check that

>> No.8480258

She was good! ...When she was in hololive and interacting with the other holomems
Asacoco was the thing that got me into hololive and meme review was able to be bearable because of her guests even though the content being reviewed was garbage, I think Coco had some real chemistry with her coworkers and was a really hardworking girl.
As kson I won't complain about her content since I don't mind twitch thots in the first place as long as they aren't entitled or feel extremely fake-seductive but it's just not content I want to watch, really. I really hope she has some actual plans in the making and the streams she's doing right now are just filler until she can get the stuff she wants realized.

>> No.8480291

I fapped to her bare butt the other day

>> No.8480409

>Extremely fake-seductive

Anon chama...


>> No.8480545
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>> No.8480620

Nah, I'm aware about the ass incident. I think it's crass and scandalous but it's not what I mean with extremely fake-seductive forced shit lmao. This kind of stuff is something I'd expect from Coco's avatar, even.
I'm talking more about putting on fake seductive voices and acting like you're in a porno with your body movement, else I could make an argument for her showing tits on stream as well. It's just because I find it cringy.

>> No.8480695 [DELETED] 
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at least she was better than CN snakes,
and i bet your oshi was one of them

>> No.8480747

Cocofags are more obsessed with china then china is with Coco at this point

>> No.8480782

How is she different from Alinity and pokimane?

>> No.8480967

Will it ever be possible again to say something bad about coco without getting called a chink by redditors?

>> No.8481040

slit eyes

>> No.8481057


>> No.8481056

Then why chinks larpers and other twats creating daily Coco (or her roommate) hate threats?
Who is the one obsesed?

>> No.8481103

you can say that about any woman streaming ever and your argument would still not make any sense
>its a girl so its must be [Random twitch thot]

>> No.8481149

>Then why chinks larpers and other twats creating daily Coco (or her roommate) hate threats?
because you faggots are so incredibly easy to bait

>> No.8481198

sure, everyone who doesn't like your redditor e-girl is a chink larper

>> No.8481225

So you admit that you are obsessed with her?
Rent free

>> No.8481271


>> No.8481313

>chinks larpers and other twats
Learn to read twat

>> No.8481323
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I love Coco!

>> No.8481375

Out of 49 Hololive talents from the past year, Coco was only like 47th to me. Coco's fandom was just like look at her she's yabai and edgy idol huehue, the only girls worse than her are Marine (no comment needed) and Choco who has zero memorability to her

>> No.8481456

are Tatsunoko trying to beat chumbuds in being the most obnoxious fanbase?

>> No.8481499

EOPs really are a blight on this hobby

>> No.8481555

Tatsunoko don't create x+1 threads shiting on everyone.
Those are Artiafags

>> No.8481556 [DELETED] 

>"i don't like it, therfore it's shit" The thread

>> No.8481569

yeah, they made Coco and EN popular

>> No.8481809 [DELETED] 


>> No.8482227

She was good before greed took over and became money hungry

>> No.8482964

Coco was great. As Kson though, she's exuding powerful auntie energy and I don't think I dig it

>> No.8483178

pretty good animation though, and it's kinda funny because it's katana "flying" since you can't see the noose around her neck, since it doesn't mention suicide, or that she died, but the image clearly makes it look like that.
Too bad too many people took it out of context, and are too thin skinned for dark humor.
We will never see the hachama lore finally because of this.

>> No.8483475

>Don't get me wrong the product skits were often funny but when you saw the sheer outpooring of supers during those which performed far better than her solo streams you had to start wondering.
The hell are you on, those were some of her lowest earning streams in terms of SC. Outside of celebrations the ones she got the majority of them from were zatsudans, singing streams, and really any stream where she'd do an SC reading section.

>> No.8484107

In case you were wondering, none of the negative posts about Coco are made by people who know what the fuck they're talking about.

>> No.8484295

i'm not even the guy you were responding to, but you retards will respond to literally anything, be it shitty chink larping or just shitposting.

>> No.8484514

>We will never see the hachama lore finally because of this.
and thats a good thing

>> No.8489383

Isn't it easy to bait on /vt/, in general?

>> No.8489522

>Wouldn't bang auntie hag kson
ngmi anon

>> No.8490060

The only arguably bad thing about that is her meme'ing while your creaming and that would depend on who you're asking.

>> No.8490198

Jesus falseflagging newfag. You never even watched CN stop pretending to be a bug enthusiast.

>> No.8490562

not false holocucks have low standard

imagine simping for this disgusting uggo whore can't be me

>> No.8490719

I admit I'm a little annoyed that she got the entire HoloCN branch axed and then just decided to leave right after. Also the fact that HoloCN is now a taboo subject now and the other members act like they never existed now.

>> No.8491331

CN had every chance to save themselves but half of them decided to feed the zhangs inside info, then the innocent ones folded to pressure from the rest of the branch to graduate together instead of growing a backbone. I'll miss yogurt but artia and civia at least deserve the memory hole

>> No.8491539

The Chinese did sperg out. Mention a YouTube statistic. Chinese sperg out. Visit a Japanese war memorial. Chinese sperg out. Mention Taiwan when advertising your action movie. China spergs out.
You're blaming the victim instead of blaming the spergs.

>> No.8491609

no they didn't have a chance to "save themselves" it was a no-brainer business decision that the girls, who made barely any money, had practically no input in. Hololive was melting down over there and it wouldn't matter if Artia literally crucified herself in support of Coco, the brand's name was anathema and no one in china wanted to work with them anymore

>> No.8491763

There aren't even any Artiafags left at this point because she decided to disconnect and touch grass or some shit. There ARE falseflaggers though because some people still find pretending to be a Chinese anti fun

>> No.8491806

coco was a very solid girl for what she brought to the table.

>> No.8491864

The branch was getting shuttered no matter what but all the CNs had a choice to get shoved into JP or null their contract

>> No.8493352


>> No.8494145

>she got the entire HoloCN branch axed
No, she didn't. You are blaming one of the victims.

>> No.8494354

>then just decided to leave right after
>couldn't collab with ID or EN despite HoloEN being her idea because of being ghosted by EnMa
>could only do collabs with them AFTER she agreed to graduate

>> No.8495024

she is a person who is too selfish, if only hse was quick to apologize during the taiwan drama the situation wouldn't be this bad, he destroyed the dreams of his co-workers just because of high self-esteem, different from Haato who immediately apologized and stayed away from the drama

I can imagine the feelings of Chinese fans at that time, their access to Hololive was lost, Holo CN disbanded, their Oshi event was canceled.

I don't care about antis, they will still exist even without the drama but Chinese fans are big and they love Hololive, I'm sure many of them are begging while crying for Coco to apologize immediately when the drama happened because they know the nationalists will act

I don't completely blame her but the management who have let the talent solve their own problems

>> No.8495078

I've been saying this all along since well before the china incident, but ever since that's the perfect scapegoat for literally any criticism.

>> No.8499405

Love her or hate her, she was pretty influential in Hololive's success from a global standpoint. Her influence is still felt today with her handing the keys to Shitpost Review to Haachama who has since made it her own and is better in some ways namely a better overall flow thanks to her not being as fluent in English as well as the overall lack of long-winded charts/graphs. The commercials are also a nice touch and something that Coco's Shitpost Review could have used (perhaps some Asacoco style infomercials inbetween the memes).

>> No.8504031

she apologized in writing at the same time as haato and also in her first ¡LIVE! stream, you don't know that because every time they were uploaded to Bilibili your schizo brothers nuked it.

>> No.8504527

Saying chama meme review is better is a huge ass stretch...
There's no premise, whole show is just a shitfest, barely intelligiable

>> No.8505321

I like Coco's shitpost/meme review, but I do think Haachama's is better because it has the similar feel that Coco's has but at a better pace since Haachama is selecting as many long charts/graphs and the commercials do a good job at giving us a breather between memes.

>> No.8505395

*isn't selecting as many long charts/graphs

>> No.8505570

based taniGOD

>> No.8505792

Haachama memereview is better because it's less about reddit's cringe idiotic memes and more about her interpreting them in weird yet cute Haachama fashion

>> No.8505912

Marine schizo!!

>> No.8505970

Is that why it gets 1/3rd of the views it used to get? yeah people clearly agree with you

>> No.8506075

Numbers doesn't always equate to quality.

>> No.8506137

the reason it gets less views is because Coco's meme review was about showing reddit memes to JP chuubas and seeing their reactions but Haachama's is just her kinda scrolling through the hololive subreddit

>> No.8506441

She hurt the feelings of chinese people

>> No.8506871

Numberfag, big numbers have less to do with quality than with EOPs and normies not showing up, which is in itself a great thing.

>> No.8507058
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"Legitimate" complaints are drowned out by nationalist hate.
Sorry Coco haters, but Zhangs ruined """""discourse""""" about her and her roommate because any criticism can be motivated more by pure chinese hate, and so is ignored.

>> No.8507071
File: 400 KB, 735x642, 15B4F087-B424-4CC5-907F-F3C849535A31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s weird. I was one of the people that would defend Coco when someone attack her. But now that she is no longer 2D, I come to realize that she is no different from your average twitch thot and vshoujo whore. I don’t know why I even bother protecting her. The fact that she is an actual lesbian disgust me even more. I should’ve had join the Zhang side. I don’t even like Reddit.

>> No.8507079

Sound based to me.

>> No.8507152

Her model was the best thing about her. Now that it's gone, I won't bother with her indie account's content.

>> No.8507203

she wasn't that bad, but she did help create holoEN which is a big enough sin to warrant the zhang assault

>> No.8507222

Hey you're going to lose social credit, bro.

>> No.8507240

Was I the only one who felt disgusted towards her after the Reine collab.

>> No.8507288

Why are teamcucks like this??

>> No.8507439

It's like people forget why female streamers with cartoon avatars are such a booming trend in the first place. Take that aspect away, and all you have left are the people who would simp for Twitch thots regardless of 2D/3DPD-ness of their appearance and the newcomers who got slippery-sloped into that.

>> No.8507504

I wonder, if one poster got banned, how many posts would disappear, half, 1/3, 1/5, I'm truly curious.

>> No.8507598

vtubers were never good, but you guys will never get it

>> No.8507732

Yes, Reine enjoyed herself.

t. RoyalTea

>> No.8508192

No, everyone thought that was fucking cringe and disgusting except redditors whose dragon could never do anything wrong.

>> No.8508259

She enjoyed herself

t. Redditors

>> No.8508439

I think it's kind of nice to see the person behind the avatar.

I know 2D is superior, but I can still say that she is easy on the eyes.

>> No.8508559

I think you mean, you and your schizophrenia

>> No.8508601

obviously all the people that disagree with you are one person

>> No.8508676

If she wasn't good, why she was most superchated in the platform, had over 1mil subs and loyal, dedicated fan base?

>> No.8508746
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Coco was good and did some enjoyable stuff on asacoco. She had great interactions with the nip girls
That being said she isn't as good with EN girls besides Mori, because Mori actually played the straight man. Also Kson has been boring.
>tfw you actually thought copyrights was holding meme review back

>> No.8508791

Most of replies are obviously made by the same person, time intervals are constant in many cases, I'm just curious.

>> No.8508814

Yeah isn't it so funny to see someone abuse their power on someone who clearly is uncomfortable with talking about certain things? I disagree with the idea that coco was never good but she wasn't the perfect funny vtuber that you idiots think she is.

>> No.8508894

Haachama blew that shit out of the water ASAP and nothing happened. She is good but extremely overrated.

>> No.8509095


>> No.8509143

screw the chinks and fuck their women
btw Coco was good, kson is just another e-thot

>> No.8509205
File: 138 KB, 600x566, 184-1847797_post-bwahahaha-anime-clipart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Was most superchated
Because of all the emotional baiting with her graduation? If anyone in holoEN graduated and did a last stream they'd no joke triple those numbers and you know it.
>loyal, dedicated fan base
You mean the two or three schizos that post here every now and then? Such dedicated fanbase indeed.

>> No.8509229

I wish e-thots were like Kson, this world would be a better place

>> No.8509284

ITT: People who pretend Mel and Noel roommate dont exist.

>> No.8509431

The fact that you don't enjoy her streams because you can't stop jerking off to her cleavage doesn't make her an ethot, it just means you're pathetic.

>> No.8509441

How could you forget ZA HANDO

>> No.8509445

I didn't judge Coco for her ethottery when she was in hololive, I would feel the same way about Noel or Mel if they left hololive as I do about Kson.

>> No.8509446

you haven't watched a single one of her streams have you?

>> No.8509493

the only legitimate e-thots are the ones who have only-fans and are in the porn industry, essentially just milking their audience with ASMR, bath, and just chatting streams.
almost all vtubers make sexual jokes (sora and others are exceptions) and coco isn't the largest offender, she doesn't even do ASMR.

>> No.8509564

Yeah, no.
Learn to shitpost, then come back.
She was most superchated long before Taiwan.
Also, using Mongolian basket weaving forum as overall representation of a fan base pool, are you retarded?

>> No.8509648

It's the opposite, i watched them all.

>> No.8509662

Wonder if you will say the same about vShojo.

>> No.8509693

This might be the wrong place to post this so sperg away. For those who don't get Coco here's a perspective. Hololive was just JP vtubers doing games and stuff. Suddenly management says they're idols. Not everyone likes it but being JP they don't stop it and instead fights it passive aggressively. Haachama goes crazy in kangaroo land. Aqua becomes the face of Resistance. Marine wants to be the horny one to get the coomers. CN branch is doing okay. Coco applies to be staff but instead they want her to be vtuber. She agrees but doesn't like being a vtuber and the whole idol thing and decides to become the foil/toilet of Hololive to attract viewers who aren't into the whole seiso/idol thing. It works, becomes highest superchatted vtuber in history and is a huge success. Everyone else sees her success and stream more yab moments. Her success affects her and enjoys it way more than she thought it would and starts to think she can be a vtuber idol like everyone else. Realizes untapped market of EN and pushes for new branch. Taiwan happens. Expose the bugmen for what we already knew what they were. Shit spirals fast, CN branch btfo, bugmen become clowns. Management is JP cucks and don't like losing CN and outspoken girls, starts to passive aggressively bully Coco until she quits. Everyone else knows Coco became the line in the sand and saved the entire vtuber world from zhang invasion without even knowing it. The things she was able to accomplish in her situation as a fucking vtuber is the stuff of legend and you'll never see something that great again, at least not until the next zhang push except this time they might win.

>> No.8509717

Holy mother of newfag, lurk more.

>> No.8509718

>Literally just a JP screaming MOTHERFUCKER and making lowbrow humor trash.
Speaks volumes about the people that like her and the kind of garbage fan she brought in.
Now she's being a 3D whore while pretending to be upset at people that make horny comments.

Those memes that flanderized all the holos are still around btw.

>> No.8509760

nice fanfiction

>> No.8509856

i watched coco to relive urban atlanta life as a kid, when she talked about how every girl was pregnant in her shitty redneck accent it really took me back

>> No.8509907

literally b8

>> No.8509928

>she talked about how every girl was pregnant
that includes her

>> No.8509983


I know, I'm the father of her child

>> No.8510043

Kson's boyfriend got her pregnant late 2020. She made up her mind to graduate after finding out. The graduation live was pre recorded so she could give birth and recover in the hospital a few weeks before graduation. The stream she did a week before graduation was her first stream after getting back from the hospital. Kanata's break was so she could take care of her friend's baby while she was making arrangements to have a baby sitter while she streams. She will soon move in with her fiance.

>> No.8510107

Yeah. Her fanbase is comprise of coomers and redditors.

>> No.8510172

Incorrect. Kiryu Kazuma always pulls out.

>> No.8510296

speaks more about the japanese who boosted her and how fucking sterile the scene was that she'd be the one to shake things up

>> No.8510373

Tawain is a country!

I'm very disappointed that kson is just coco but with more of the sluttiness of her 3d streams.
I was really expecting her to try to be something more, although it might be to early to judge.
She still has her new 3d modell on hold, so maybe she'll do something different then

>> No.8510382

>Literally just a JP screaming MOTHERFUCKER and making lowbrow humor trash.
Only an EOP would genuinely believe this.

>> No.8510440

Get some new materials.

>> No.8510576
File: 130 KB, 439x290, 1627894864541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chinks fervently perpetuate a harassment campaign for over a year
>"why do I get associated with chinks when my opinions align with theirs?"
You tell me

>> No.8510839

awww, the seiso idol that doesn't wear panties and shaves her pubes on stream now turned too slutty for you after she showed her 3D body?
aw, that's sad... poor you...

>> No.8511505

It's weird, but i always found her more of a cute genki character, so when she did something "sexy" i found it unironically cringe unlike marine

>> No.8511561

They got themselves axed by participating in a harassment campaign against their coworker, while being dead weight, right as a hugely popular new branch had just launched. They shot themselves in the foot and did it at the worst time possible. Of course other members don't mention them, they're fucking pariahs.

>> No.8511790

still mad? let it go Zhang

>> No.8512129

ctrl+c ctrl+v
es gracioso pensar que guardas esto en un .txt en tu escritorio, muestra que todavía lastima tus sentimientos :´(

>> No.8512460

>Lying about data that's easily googled.
This is some "reality can be whatever I want" shit.
Definitely a Zhang.

>> No.8512560

>they got themselves axed by participating in a harassment campaign against their coworker

if that mattered they'd have been fired, not given the option to graduate

they axed the CN branch because Hololive had no future in china and would be a money black hole, not because artia might have been a bitch once on her private account or because civia unfollowed coco on twitter

>> No.8512861

You're a retard, Cover choose to not make the scandal bigger, having your own employees being part of an harassment campaign is a fact and they got memory holed exactly because of it, no point in making it more public than it already was.

>> No.8513067

give >>8509205 a pass, poor guy is probably using a very limited VPN

>> No.8513098

You have no proof and there has never been proof presented the alleged actions of a couple of HoloCN members led to their termination

>> No.8513162

I wish they had kept Yogiri somehow

>> No.8513352

They watch wolf warrior and laughed watching it during the suspension. That's proof enough.

>> No.8513689

I was there when Civia and Artia made that post about Aqua's song on twitter, all the replies they got where from people telling Coco to die.
They knew exactly what they were doing, i'm glad those chinks are gone and will never be heard of again, rice farms and getting their organs harvested fits those worthless whores better.

>> No.8514225

>Lying to fans about keeping the avatars to put pressure on Cover
>After cn branch leaked aqua wow song, they were first to post on Twitter tearful, praising posts, again on to pit pressure.
>Artia discord
Overall behavior was typical of failed backstab, and salvaging anything they could just to not be found.

>> No.8514394

>Only 5 direct replies to OP are muh bugman zhang are the only ones who hate her
Pretty good only 5 redditors.
Literally anti-chinese racists "putting it to the man" by giving her money make up a lot of her fans. There's a bunch of her fans don't even like her, they only supported her because of the whole taiwan shit, never watched a single stream and said she was their ooshi.

>> No.8514545

Oh look, you posted again.
Take your meds

>> No.8514601

that had fuck all to do with coco and is not "proof"

>> No.8514697

Do you even understand what the Wolf Warrior movie means to west Taiwan?

>> No.8515062


>> No.8515089

All of the girls were given the initial info by their management that they'd keep the avatars, and Artia literally admitted that she fucked up when posting the LoL song and just retweeted it because she likes both Aqua and LoL

and none of this shit has yet to be proven to be related to cover's decision to pull out of china entirely

>> No.8515667

Yeah and being associated with the term "wolf warrior diplomacy" isn't proof that they were watching the film to rally their retard army to action

>> No.8515763

Management never said they'd let CN keep the avatars, that was them being so far up their own ass thinking CN weight had any importance that they thought they had any leverage to negotiate in their termination. The song was uploaded to Bilibili when before it was released by Aqua herself meaning someone leaked it either in Hololive or Bilibili management and became the rally cry song for zhangs against Coco and the company itself. You don't know shit

>> No.8515825

Artia discord faggot ( Andy) still spam Fubuki yesterday.

Who have right mind want to hurt friend?

Artia discord faggot should be burn in hell.

>> No.8516000

Right and there's nothing wrong with watching Birth of a Nation because you enjoy the good plot, nothing racist about it. gtfo you faggot

>> No.8516109

He told the truth. I also watched that happen in Bilibili side.

>> No.8516249

> Birth of nation !

Hello ! Chink warewolf warrior in NGA.

>> No.8516421

Kill yourself, chink.

>> No.8516697

(You) shoud shut your mouth.

Do you really think we are not understand your Chink culture and your pathetic " the bottom line" ?

You know nothing but we know about your mindset everything.


>> No.8518220
File: 150 KB, 848x1200, ElrOE4TU0AAwGCU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget
>Aqua had a halloween graveyard themed stream ending art done by a chink artist who, unbeknownst to her, added Coco's name in one of the tombstones (the one on the left).
Coco was getting attacks from all ends.

>> No.8519745

I think cover let their contract expire instead of firing them.
Sadly we do not have the contract to tell whether or not a harassment campaign on a personal account will void the contract, or if hololive didn't want to escalate the situation and feed hatred into the antis.
All I know about the contract in hololive is that you cannot have relationships with coworkers (this is common in many jobs, and rarely enforced, probably to prevent sexual harassment), and that they cannot advertise personal accounts (you never see coco mention kson).

>> No.8520348
File: 9 KB, 227x222, 2263E4DE-51C9-43B6-BECA-C9CD97261AFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope, artiafag

>> No.8521805
File: 1.33 MB, 1366x1536, You can say that again shion yo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco was always a whore.

>> No.8521952

Learn the word whore before posting. Where to learn? Look at your mom.

>> No.8522440
File: 1.22 MB, 3186x4096, C3A19CAC-652C-47BE-853D-7AF22E10C600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t you touch my oshi with your disgusting hand

>> No.8522621
File: 84 KB, 512x512, 1629173116601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful bait thread
>90 IPs 200 replies
never change, /vt/

>> No.8522668

fuck off dirty zhang

>> No.8523013
File: 143 KB, 1080x1247, D4EE6349-809F-4EE5-8B25-F68313E98753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Artia discordfags posting for social credit points.
>Can’t think of any higher quality baits

>> No.8523102
File: 777 KB, 1366x636, 1589504813673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad and stay bad Coconiggers, your oshi is a talentless whore and will always be a talentless whore.

>> No.8523206

>no new IPs
Pathetic, coconiggers.

>> No.8523316

This board is a mistake, whenever I open /vt/ whenever I think 4chan is even worse than reddit. At least reddit doesn’t allow samefags.

>> No.8523475

>imagine hating someone this much
You mom must be proud of you.

>> No.8523560

I mean, your mom is more talented in terms of sucking my dick.

>> No.8524173

>Le mom joke

Very creative. Sasuga Coconiggers,.

>> No.8524464

Not as creative as Artia who fucked up her job in cover, her co-worker’s job in cover and the entire hololive fanbase.

>> No.8524604

How were the camps Artia?

>> No.8524712


coco was the only entertaining person in hololive everyone else is shit newfags need to do your reps and watch eilene
like >>8479497

>> No.8524798

are you retarded?

i guess all coco haters are literal newfag cumbuckets.
like holy shit how does no no one remember asacoco around march to june she was literally peaking she was already among top 10 in japan during that time and inclineing and she even had a bunch of chinese fans, the taiwan incident destroyed her momentum completely

>> No.8524838

kill yourself redditor

>> No.8524858


>>8490198 literally half of all these bait posters are from newfag cumbuckets who literally joined after coco graduated and want clout so bad

>> No.8524905

Kson isn't playing her """wholesome""" idol act because she never really liked it. That much should have been obvious.

Honestly, showing a bit of skin isn't even that bad considering she cannonically confirmed her avatar always has a buttplug in. Antis really well do anything to make it seem like Kson has done some horrible sin when it's not even that bad.

>> No.8524960

you kike sponsored zhangs really should be gassed.
good thing its gonna happen soon as chinks are pissing off the whole world

>> No.8525029

are you retarded?
she was top 1# for 8 whole months..........

>> No.8525087

>you haven't watched a single one of her streams have you?

you don't even have a mildom account

>> No.8525158

>t. I am so edgy my posts would be banned on reddit, which is why your non-edgy posts prove you are a redditor

>> No.8525197


HAHAHAHAH NEWFAG doesn't even know who eilene was and calls me /r/edditer (she was literally 4chans sanctioned vtuber since 2014 even talked with moot before)

>> No.8525354

She’s the Reddit queen, only redditor a like her and her shitty “jokes”

>> No.8525373
File: 12 KB, 186x272, 0804A027-56B1-496F-80B8-BCDF9E19E9B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is a retard, anon

>> No.8525433
File: 8 KB, 225x225, D463D890-D5BF-4914-94B8-DFC83ED9E933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8525579

yeah, stupid useless waste of air whore

>> No.8525608
File: 35 KB, 480x480, 9DBC45ED-2F90-46DF-8065-083D4EA935AA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually I am chinese and I still like coco

>> No.8525727

You know you can change your IP with vpn right, samefag.

>> No.8525779

Wait, I thought she was the 4chan queen.

>> No.8525875

Anal with kson...

>> No.8526203

why are you so envious for people who enjoy something that you don't?
what's wrong with enjoying a "joke"?
can give me a vtuber that can make a better "joke" than coco/kson?

>> No.8526341

you didn't really watch the redditdragon, did you /vt/?

>> No.8526446


Your mommy doesn't love you.

>> No.8527210

haha newfag

>> No.8528661

She was basically a VShoujo member but everyone gave her a pass because reasons

She also opened the gate for hordes of Redditors

>> No.8528703

Based coco.

>> No.8533392

>>8504031 #
Fuck you and never comeback

>> No.8533454

That was a message to annoying EOPs you dumb fuck lol.

>> No.8533460

yeah post it on youtube where they can see it and hopimg someone upload it to Bilibili lol

they wait 3 days on twitter, and Coco doest even care until everything is too late
fck you and never comeback

>> No.8533547
File: 1.09 MB, 939x745, Extermination.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>227 post
Tatsunoko are the dumbest easier fanbase to troll on the earth, guys just ignore this shit and stay in the Kson threads, nothing the bugs stay will keep her from being successful but you make them successful by repling to their Wumao shit

leave the Chankoro alone let them rot. Learn from the Fesitval and Lulu fuckers

>> No.8533621

Cope, faggot

>> No.8533647

It's ok when asian woman does it!

>> No.8533674

>Coco doest even care until everything is too late
She literally said she was not allowed to apologize sooner.
>fck you and never comeback
"Subscribe if you like it, and If you hated [my stream[, fuck you" is a joke that she said multiple times. You chinamen should have watched an archive or two, you probably wouldn't have embarrassed yourselves then.

>> No.8539147

>g*ra is trash too.

>> No.8539178

Doesnt matter, she made the bugmen seethe and cry, and for that I will always kneel.

>> No.8539215

Look you fucking retard, nobody is getting baited here, look at the time between posts.
Ignoring it doesn’t even make a difference when OP keeps bumping the thread, might as well spam it so it doesn’t stay in the catalog for days

>> No.8539316

Don't shill garbage here anon, this is a vtuber board

>> No.8539365
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>> No.8539403
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>> No.8539412
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>> No.8539430
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>> No.8539438
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>> No.8539459
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>> No.8539469
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>> No.8539488
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>> No.8539501
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>> No.8539521
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>> No.8539530
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>> No.8539547
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>> No.8539562
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>> No.8539584
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>> No.8539595
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>> No.8539611
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>> No.8539622
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>> No.8539641
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>> No.8539655
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>> No.8539668
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>> No.8539680
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>> No.8539702
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>> No.8539714
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>> No.8539736

This one is cute

>> No.8539737
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>> No.8539748
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>> No.8539756
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>> No.8539772
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>> No.8539785
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>> No.8539794

>Coco has done more for hololive than any single branch
Ok I love Coco but you are retarded if you believe this ...

>> No.8539796
File: 40 KB, 622x692, IMG_20210823_102533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I have no life. My credit score is in the negatives. And the Zhang pretenders on this board are an embarrassment to real Zhangs like me. KYS IMMEDIATELY.

>> No.8539803
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>> No.8539813
File: 178 KB, 1350x1839, EvUmnLCVEAIb_oT.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8539818

>ok I love coco

>> No.8539829
File: 3.58 MB, 1819x2294, B817F8D6-996B-4C67-A6F1-2AF4BE92000C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8539832
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>> No.8539846
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>> No.8539864
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>> No.8539867
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>> No.8539881
File: 749 KB, 4096x2350, 1626542395886255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Single handedly carried hololive to what it is now.

>> No.8539896
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>> No.8539899
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>> No.8539911
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>> No.8539918
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>> No.8539923
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>> No.8539928
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, 1549039345281021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit thread made by a brainless retarded ass nigger

>> No.8539952
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>> No.8539959
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>> No.8539965
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>> No.8539976
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>> No.8539992
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>> No.8539994
File: 286 KB, 1350x1350, 162654239588626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fastest JP member to a 1million. A walking trailblazer.

>> No.8539995
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>> No.8540003
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>> No.8540038
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>> No.8540040
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>> No.8540045
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>> No.8540064
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>> No.8540065
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>> No.8540083
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>> No.8540092
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>> No.8540097
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>> No.8540124
File: 100 KB, 360x360, 1626542395886662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only abortion survivors and /vt/ Zhang pretenders hate her. Shame.

>> No.8540128
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>> No.8540131
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>> No.8540145
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>> No.8540149
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>> No.8540153
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>> No.8540158
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>> No.8540184
File: 556 KB, 504x700, 091A9B02-2531-427C-B8F4-9DA3E5A5D326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540191
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>> No.8540224
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>> No.8540232
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>> No.8540250
File: 89 KB, 565x850, E0Jet6GXIAImyAI.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540256
File: 397 KB, 2048x1536, 1617331206801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, there's also "that" kson thread

>> No.8540264
File: 88 KB, 822x617, 6D6C26DE-3460-42D6-8619-B2064BDB726F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540274
File: 318 KB, 1798x2048, 1626542395886296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AsaCoco, Meme Review. Supremacy. Unparalleled creative mind.

>> No.8540286
File: 493 KB, 2008x2490, 1625370904683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540302
File: 463 KB, 723x668, 28DD8C30-C7CD-450F-A515-B6B34D260706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540356
File: 154 KB, 2048x846, 1626542395886334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has the best feet in vtubing. Sorry but that's just the truth. Anyone saying otherwise is an abortion surviving turd.

>> No.8540399
File: 200 KB, 1044x2048, 1789875644377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8540452

Teeth. Calluses.
Slurp. Toes.
Deepthroat. Feet.
Bitch. Chad. Feet. God.

>> No.8541527

Coco wasn't good.

She was GOAT.

>> No.8541654
File: 193 KB, 1250x1098, 20200827_161943.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8541883

> entire world hates Zhangs
> only thing keeping them from reducing Beijing to ash is Xi dismantling clown shit from the inside
Be real careful not to pop out too much Zhang. The entire world is watching you, and yes, they know where you live.

>> No.8542530

With all the "oh man Coco sure was great but that kson is just a common ethot" thing that's being going on in the thread, i wonder where the fuck are all the "The Vtuber is not a character or a persona is just an avatar that allows the girl to show her real personality slightly exaggerated " well, which is it? shouldn't kson be the exact same as Coco going by that logic?

>> No.8542792

Yes. Remember they'll have three or more threads about Coco/Kson at all times and be all the same thing all the time.

That was just awkward and not in a good or funny way.

Marine going sexy is funny because she's so god damn bad at it. It's like the gag of the obvious virgin going on and on about sex.

Also the revisionist history around Coco is hilarious. You guys are worse then the KFPs

>> No.8543062

This is hilarious for a variety of reasons, guess you never watched Marine on nnd, lol.

>> No.8543681

My fags, fellows, I must tell you; Kson was always Coco, and most will deny it but they liked the sexy IRL woman before the symbol you speak of. I'm not even being a filthy Chi-lean-nese bug here but merely speaking the truth.

>> No.8543802



>> No.8544182

Based post ITT.

>> No.8544640

We all do, anon.
