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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8464761 No.8464761 [Reply] [Original]

>can't sing
>don't speak japanese
>don't play video games
what CAN they do?

>> No.8464818

ntr roleplay

>> No.8464870

These girls can work together to kill Gura.
Gura Killer is a heroic story, not alone, but accomplished by everyone working together.

>> No.8465574

they want the BLM / cuckold audience

>> No.8465913

You didn't watch the rat? She can speak Japanese, can sing (not that good), can dance, actually interested in being an idol

>> No.8466116
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I'm excired for Mumei song

>> No.8466137

Ya'll really need therapy. A lot of it.

>> No.8466201

I remember the exact same words uttered as gen 1 debuted.

>> No.8466243


>> No.8466245

got lost, tourist?

>> No.8466306

Good point
It's spelled y'all

>> No.8466380

>can draw (sana)
>can make my pants drop with her voice (kronii)

>> No.8466421

>what CAN they do?
Cook for their boyfriends

>> No.8466444

>don't play video games
Anyone can fucking play videogames, fucking idiot /v/tard

>> No.8466446

But they DO have a fulfilled social life, so they must be good at collabs right?

>> No.8466473

Fact .

>> No.8466626

Suck mane-san's cock like nobody can.

>> No.8466771


>> No.8466817

It's obvious that Cover is looking more for those who are experienced in the arts in one or more ways.

>> No.8466863

Don't know why you posted all 5 when Kronii was the only one with absolutely no talent.

>> No.8466948

You didn't watch the streams, did you? Or at the very least, you probably only watched Kronii.

>> No.8466967

Worst gen, worst debuts BY FAR.

>> No.8467033

The tree will pretend to suck your dick in time.

>> No.8467257


>> No.8467343

>You didn't watch the rat? She can speak Japanese…
OP is Niji fan

>> No.8467374

Contrarians just like you said the same things about EN 1.
Go be a faggot somewhere else.

>> No.8467452

Holo rebranded to virtual entertainers. Only Gen1 could be considered as idols and even then, the EN branch is for a different audience altogether.

>> No.8467473

You fags are unironically retarded. They all had way better debuts than EN1.

>> No.8467512

JP side is for the idols.
EN is for the creative like drawing/ASMR other stuff.

>> No.8468598

Sana can edit her own videos and shitpost.

>> No.8468658

>worst debuts BY FAR.
Where the fuck do you people come from?

>> No.8468750

Fpbp as usual

>> No.8468877
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Steal my heart and make me smile

>> No.8469281

Calli and Ame can't sing. can't speak nip and aren't good at vidya, aren't good at drawing.
Ina can speak nip. and can draw.
Gura can sing.
Kiara can speak nip.

They weren't exactly wrong to say that.

>> No.8469519

>Calli can't sing. can't speak nip
Doesn't she literally rap in nip? Her songs have tens of millions of views.

>> No.8469594

Gura can sing... Lmao.

>> No.8469602

Go have a conversation with her in nip then.

>> No.8469637

rat is literally discount ollie except ollie is funnier

>> No.8469773

Ollie is more energetic. Neither are funny.

>> No.8471431

They have one talent that everyone watching them doesn't have. They have boyfriends so they can have sex whenever they want.

>> No.8472640

They suck cock really well, their boyfriends can attest to that

>> No.8473509

Rrat is the only salvageable one. She's perky and entertaining without being cringe. Even she's gonna get mogged by WHITE END.

>> No.8473603

/biz/ here. I Just made my second million usd and was searching for the most pathetic 4chan board and found it here.
Just a reminder to stop simping for a while and to buy btc before we hit 100k.

>> No.8474822

Yeah they won the genetic lottery and were born girls in the western world. Life on easy mode. All they have to do is pretend to have weeb interests and they can get millions (See coco) from simps.

>> No.8475604

> what CAN they do?
make you seeth.
i respect them for that

>> No.8476699


>> No.8476884

Ame... Kiar...

>> No.8477026

they can
>have boyfriends, they'll probably not stream much like gau goomba
>get in through nepotism
>do things that are NOT gaming nor singing, the two things hololive is most known for

no but seriously how did they fuck up so bad lmao

>> No.8477081

>with her expensive microphone

>> No.8477097

That's why I feel bad for rat. She wants to participate in the idol stuff, but it'll never happen because she's in holoEN.

>> No.8477140


>> No.8477152

Faggot Hololive got this big on AsaCoco, memes and clips. Gaming and singing has shit to do with any of it.

>> No.8477245

>don't speak japanese
Neither do (You)

>> No.8477285

>Come to virtual vtuber board
>Doesn't watch vtubers
>Makes up shitty threads out of pure spite
Seriously, what are you fags even doing here?

>> No.8477414

do deadcucks really think Calli can speak japanese LOL

>> No.8477445

You think dramafags watch vtubers?

>> No.8477461

>can't sing
Didn't stop Noel, Choco, Amelia, Anya, etc.
>don't speak japanese
Didn't stop Moona, Amelia, Gura
>don't play video games
Everyone in the company plays video games.

>> No.8477578

>Didn't stop Noel, Choco, Amelia, Anya, etc.

Graduate these useless whores RIGHT NOW.

>> No.8477737
File: 272 KB, 850x1169, BFF7C141-C4B4-47A2-9D93-BB56960D0EB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara can speak nip.
Kiara’s talent is her understanding of men and Germanic autism. Once you accept and understand this, she becomes wonderful to watch.

>> No.8477758

>Can't sign
>Don't speak Japanese
>Don't play videogames

>Can do everything

>> No.8477907

I'm honestly baffled, so much effort went into these debuts and most of the girls are meh.
They seriously took random generic girls from Twitter and gave them $5000+ dollar in models, rigging, artist and music mixing.

It seriously looks like I'm watching indies with less than 10 viewers, what exactly was the mentality here?

>> No.8477981

Stop fucking jinxing them, you fags kept saying gura killer now look how they turned out, all fucking mediocre.

These girls are IN hololive now like a boring tumor

>> No.8478062

Her singing was the only thing good about her, 90℅ of her streams will be the awful voice and kayfabe
She is NOT gen lead material, she's like a shit version of polka, Ollie and ironmouse

>> No.8478073

It's been one stream

>> No.8478125
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you niggers complained when the EN Vsinger only sang in Japanese and people brought up the "Japanese company lol!" excuse, now this?

>> No.8478188

LITERALLY making shit up, is this what passes for bait now?

>> No.8478273
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>what CAN they do?
Inspire Haachama to make a kino stream ridiculing them.

>> No.8478296

Unlike other gens, they've had the most amount of predebut grooming and effort put into the debuts
This is who they are.

The new manager that was rude to gura needs to sudoku for cursing hololive with these normalfag women

>> No.8478381

People's biggest complaint about Irys is the well deserved complaint about her ugly, unfitting model

>> No.8478413
File: 735 KB, 999x747, TAKE YOUR MEDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd never talk to them even if they were single, you para-social schizo. You're on the same level as those dream stans on twitter.
Either seek help or neck yourself already.

>> No.8478450

Ok for the owl and deer one. Still 3 others.

>> No.8478452

>Kiara’s talent is her understanding of schitzos

>> No.8478471
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>don't speak japanese
Thanks for exposing yourself as a faggot that didn't even watch the streams.

>> No.8478496


>> No.8478506

>thinks 2 million is high
>fell for the btc meme for the fifth time
enjoy being poor, keep dreaming about your fantasy coins

>> No.8478654

Go back.

>> No.8478695

>easiest (you)s of my life
oh how ironic

>> No.8478770

you forgot to give him a (you)
here i did it for you

>> No.8478798

>can't sing
procced to sing
>don't speak japanese
like EN gen1?
>don't play video games
that's literally what they'll do... all the fucking time, mostly fucking minecraft surely
c'mon anon, try harder, this attempt was lazy

>> No.8479362

New manager complained about gura asking for too many game permissions, told En gen 2 not to be like their senpai, gura talked about it

>> No.8479426

There any juicy past life deets on these chicks yet?

>> No.8479602

Drink piss.

>> No.8480003

I'll drink Mumei's piss because she has a small bladder!

>> No.8481507

>>get in through nepotism
It has always been this way. The girls recruit their friends and always have especially in early Gen's. The same way artists recruit artists (Iofi is a friend of Pochi and got her the design job for ID2). The entire entertainment industry works like this from Hollywood to pro wrestling to Marvel comics. A referral from someone on the inside goes a long way.
