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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8452276 No.8452276 [Reply] [Original]

everyone!!!!!!!! TOO MUCH FIGHTING now........
SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
im sick of it!!!!

>less connection with audience
because they have a MORE IMPORTANT social connection in their life than audience.....
talking to chat is just a JOB to them!! because they already got their social needs met!
>less time to streams
>feels guilt inside and they entire life, they live a lie
ALL stories you hear from a vtuber with bf? oh, fake.... they might say something like "I went to store today and this happened blah blah", a cute/funny story, but they would have to focus on HIDING INFO than telling fun story. meaning story is LESS FUNNY!!!

now lets compare if a vtuber has NO BF
>more connection and form relationship with audience
THIS IS HOW VTUBER SHOULD BE!!! the chat should be their boyfriend. its simple! you can not compare the atmospheres in the chats of a BF having vtuber, and a SINGLE vtuber. the SINGLE VTUBER has the best chat experience!!!!!!!!
>more time, more freedom, more funny stories
>vtuber with no bf can live care free and guilt free
these vtubers feel HAPPY they arent deceiving their fans. they dont have to worry about if their BF so much as coughs, and its picked up on mic? their career is OVER! single vtuber DO NOT have to worry about this. because they are hiding nothing!!

in short,
SINGLE VTUBER = more comfy, relaxed, fun, love their audience and is truly FRIENDS with their audience!!!
BF-HAVING VTUBER = tense all the time from lying, resents audience, not fun, HATES you!!

and inb4 someone says incel... notice how i explained all this without mentioning sex??? JUST USE YOUR BRAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8452324

Please stop shitposting with my oshi.

>> No.8452375

*talking to superchats

>> No.8452407

It was just a complex bait and not an esl, mystery solved

>> No.8452452

OMG stop stalking me from thread to threads!!!!! and you even say im weird because i want vtuber with no bf. hahahahaha

>> No.8452495 [DELETED] 


>> No.8452536

You're overcomplicating matters when it's much more simpler. Having a boyfriend means two things:
1. He should be the one to support her financially, not the viewer.
2. She can't be found relatable by virgins because she's not a fellow virgin.

>> No.8452593
File: 156 KB, 447x447, He told them the truth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based schizo. Normalfags get out.

>> No.8452599

>he financially supports the women he dates before actually marrying them
bro...what the fuck? lol

>> No.8452611
File: 652 KB, 762x690, 824534598645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 of them just saying "ahhh, i prefer to spend time with my bf than stream..."
why so many dont see whats wrong here??? OMG
someone help us..... vtuber finally getting final yab from normies!!!

>> No.8452644

Classy of you to not mention the coomer debuff.
Its really obvious with owl girl, unable to remember basic things.

>> No.8452861

I'm glad I'm not mess up in the head enough to fall for the fake parasocial relationship stuff. Vtubers are merely entertainment akin to watching a comedian or musician performing on stage or watching an actress/actor in a movie.

>> No.8452946
File: 60 KB, 800x700, 1556728840517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BF-HAVING VTUBER = tense all the time from lying, resents audience, not fun, HATES you!!

>> No.8453050

explain how the niji en coomer is debuff immune then

>> No.8453543
File: 102 KB, 800x597, E6joltQX0AEoXZ5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8453849

Instead of lying to fans why don’t they just admit they have a bf? Maybe even bring him on stream?
Might lose unicorns but numbers can be made up with casuals or even females. I know lilypichu has a bf and half her viewers are girls.

>> No.8453889

These reasons are actually all true and based.

>> No.8453927

Ame is quite entertaining though.

>> No.8453968

She used to be. She's gotten lazy nowadays

>> No.8454003
File: 20 KB, 200x146, fuck_you_trolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfathomably based
keep it up schizochama
don't let the trolls tell you otherwise

>> No.8454002

Why did you repost this UNDERAGE shit from the global?

>> No.8454062
File: 929 KB, 3013x2963, 1629695659245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8454175

wtf bro?
