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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8369204 No.8369204 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite backstabber? What is more egregious: Backstabbing your best friend, backstabbing your community or backstabbing your company?

>> No.8369277


>> No.8369302

>Changing jobs makes you a backstabber
Include Luna while you're at it.

>> No.8369359

I know you are jealous cuz it wasnt you shadow but move on already

>> No.8369388
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backstabbing your company for sure

>> No.8369460

we already getting rrats for the green chick?

>> No.8369461

If you're this bitter about it, you belong here.

>> No.8369570
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>> No.8369684

Doesn't seem to be a rrat

>> No.8369794

I hope OP likes working at McDonalds for the rest of his days.

>> No.8369801 [DELETED] 

yes? go on...substantiate it

>> No.8369884

i don't know shit about the rrats, but i will comment anyway
>best friend
can't be a good thing, but pretty sure the rrat is still in development
nyanners wanted to move away from the loli shit, so who cares, i'll just stop watching.
lol, company/brand (((loyalty))) is a exclusively consoomer mindset.

>> No.8369920

not him but I will in fact work at McDonalds for the rest of my life just to spite a bunch of strangers on the internet

>> No.8369959

Fauna's case is some completely unsubstantiated vague shit with no receipts or details and is utterly not worth caring about until further notice.
Rosemi's decision was ultimately the correct one to make. Tsunderia has its own slew of problems and I really can't blame her for not wanting to deal with that baggage.
Nyanners has no excuse.

>> No.8370003
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>> No.8370022


>> No.8370037

make sure to spit in the burgers too

>> No.8370049

ogey rrat

>> No.8370064


>> No.8370153


>> No.8370211 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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boyfriend twitter senzawa sachiowo sachi0w0 twitter boyfriend rrat namie namgoreng irl doxx rrat face reveal roomate room mate roommate lemonleaf namirin

>> No.8370225

t. fallenshadow

>> No.8370330

both shadow and her applied for EN2, she got acccepted while shadow got dropped. shadow got jealous and slandered her like a karen

>> No.8370349

Luna was forced out though

>> No.8370436

fuck you indog

>> No.8370483

Don't believe everything you read on /vt/.

>> No.8370487

kill yourself

>> No.8370485

fucking nigger its the second time today
fbi is going to kill me at this rate

>> No.8370512
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>> No.8370559

What did rose do?

>> No.8370564

it has to be nyanners because she still makes you faggots seethe over half a decade later about tired old internet drama. People can barely remember internet drama from the beginning of this year.

>> No.8370690

She changed jobs from Tsunderia to Nijisanji. That's literally it.

>> No.8370737 [DELETED] 
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Here's the greens rrat

>> No.8370760

Does abandoning your friends after you get popular count as back stabbing?

>> No.8370809

What happened to her

>> No.8370815

>HOW DARE SHE land a job opportunity that makes her more successful than me instead of forever wallow in obscurity as a 2view beneath me
>HOW DARE SHE do the bare minimim to adhere to societal standards so that she doesn't get blacklisted from every industry in the future
>HOW DARE SHE not slave away for months in a company that can't provide her with any growth or semblance of future stability and instead of gambling on a corpo, chooses one that is guaranteed to pay out; employees should be company property

>> No.8371069

gomen, abayo...

>> No.8371121

Imagine getting yourself epstein'd trying to protecc your oshi from criticism. Just kidding. It's probably a glownigger. "Rules for thee but not for me" amirite.

>> No.8371269

She took the Tsunderia job knowing she was heading for NijiEN and then proceeded to give absolute minimal effort while in Tsunderia.

>> No.8371524

in woman world backstabbing is anything which leads to the happiness of the the side. Can be safely ignored

>> No.8371602

It is also human nature to abandon appreciation.

>> No.8371963

>I was used as a stepping stone
who does she think she is?

>> No.8372076

Yes. And?

>> No.8372834

Someone who doesn't like people being more successful than her, easy as that.

>> No.8373255


>> No.8373464

I love all of them

>> No.8376062

This except shadow would've never applied to Holo, way too menhera to have enough confidence to do that

>> No.8377999

Pardon the ignorance, what did Rosemi do?

>> No.8378582

Change jobs
/vt/ takes corporate loyalty very seriously

>> No.8378799

>corporate loyalty
>in 2021
That's a good fuckin joke. Thanks, anon

>> No.8379161
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>> No.8379498

backstabbing faggot fury warriors and hunter bitches

>> No.8379733

>backstabbing your company
Holy based fuck corps. Source?

>> No.8379734

Realizing you don't owe anybody anything, you only have so long to live and shouldn't waste it doing stuff you don't want to do to make other people happy, and that you have to take care of yourself.

>> No.8379869

Anyone who hates you for getting a better job than them isn't your friend.

>> No.8380073

Who's shadow? Is that a friend of ceres?

>> No.8382292

Former friend. She's an ASMRist who associated with Ceres prior to Hololive. She's a mentally ill perma pre-debuter

>> No.8382396

People should be slaving away for only one company until the day they die

>> No.8385724

>backstabbing your company
huh, can someone explain, im rarely watching niji

>> No.8386155

The fuck did Nyanners do?
Not defending her, I just never cared about her enough to know anything about this

>> No.8386345

Backstabbing a corporation is objectively based.

>> No.8386494

shit on lolicons and had a SJW episode 5 years ago.


>> No.8386645

okay, thats kinda disgusting

>> No.8386661

Thank you for explaining, S-train.
Have you stopped trying to molest the talents yet?

>> No.8390243

One thing she DIDN'T do was backstab her community by ditching 4chan, as she was extremely hated here years before the lolI shit described in >>8386345

Basically she did voocaro commissions, was constantly shat on before being doxxed, location tracked and shown the defiled grave of her sister. This effectively pushed her off the site, wherein it is assumed she went to Tumblr to pull herself together. No rrats here. You can maybe find more details about the whole grave thing if you dig deep enough.

Here's a thread about it

And here's a clip with here pretty openly addressing the 4chan thing herself

>> No.8393008

rose playing the poor me card to justify her shit attitude in tsunderia when she didn't have any real interaction with this fag

>> No.8393602

Didn't get into Holo

>> No.8395090

Nice conjecture retard

>> No.8395131

Fucking hell, is Fauna lemonleaf? Did she even graduation?

>> No.8395770

I love Nyanners for how much seethe she brings to /vt/ while still being more influential of a streamer than even "muh numbers" holofags. Rosemi hasn't done anything worth while as of now and I don't even know what Fauna is doing here

>> No.8396289

Out of those three it's gotta be Rose, OP. She's super based!

>> No.8396334

who is shadow

>> No.8396856

how is Nyanners "influential"

>> No.8397002

Poor girl

>> No.8397534

She was friends/acquaintances with another ASMR indie who took it as a personal betrayal that she went to hololive because she has a massive hate boner for corporate vtubers and it's unforgivable for anyone to not wallow in obscurity forever with her

>> No.8397857

Each of them is my favourite in their respective group!
Backstabber LOVE

>> No.8398766

The other ASMR chuuba is mad because she got ghosted by green Lamy. Where does the anti-corporate rrat come from?

>> No.8398810

she's wiped everything and her twitter is privated with the handle changed to include 'HIATUS'.

>> No.8399295

>she's wiped everything

Not her ASMR channel.

>> No.8400080

Shadow's dramatic as fuck so I wouldn't be surprised if it's just her raging. However I really fucking hate this thing of vtubers abandoning their community to flock to Hololive so I'm not gonna give fauna the benefit of the doubt
all her vids are still up, shit she's even still retweeting stuff on her twitter from as soon as 2 days ago. Really strange, maybe she'll do both? That'd be kind of a first for Hololive, where a vtuber does vtuber adjacent content on the side/

>> No.8400495

Why would she delete it, anon? She's still gaining ad revenue.

>> No.8401199

>That'd be kind of a first for Hololive
You CAN NOT possibly be this new.

>> No.8401889

i read it on /jp/ tho
that makes it gospel truth

>> No.8402851
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>changed shit company for a better one
>on her way out slapped slugma's ass so hard she's still salty
I love this dork

>> No.8402970

Typical foid shit

>> No.8403053

>Rosemi backstabbed her company
>Tsunderia is still around and growing
>Kronii backstabbed her company
>they are literally shutting down at the end of the month because of it
Really makes you think...

>> No.8403090

She uses twitch. All the content on her twitch, including the clips have been wiped. A few of her YouTube stuff are still up though (like 6 videos).

>> No.8403205

Fuck off. Bigger faggot than Nyan.

>> No.8403546

meds. now.

>> No.8403664

if you can't search stuff up you don't need to know

>> No.8403672

stop simping

>> No.8403766

this is some rrat type shit

>> No.8404060

are people gonna forget how she set up a patreon and did literally nothing for years milking it.

>> No.8404070

>Fauna's case is some completely unsubstantiated vague shit
It's VERY obvious who Fauna was in her previous incarnation, based on voice. Shondo and Vivivi really helped signal boost her when she was smol.

From what I've *seen*, the upset from Shondo is that pre-Fauna went no-contact and announced a 'hiatus', after saying 'my cat got hit by a car, don't know when I'll be back'. Shondo's post (49 hours ago) was a bit shit, but everyone knows it links to. Bibi's post in her discord saying "don't mention preincarnations"... I can't tell whether it's a 'be nice to her' or a 'fuck you!'

>> No.8404091

I think they're all based as fuck and you're all a bunch of whiny pussies

>> No.8404179

Rosemi literally did nothing wrong
>new opportunity comes
>take it

>> No.8404331

TBF, shondo's bigger on YT by ~20k, smaller on Twitch on ~8k followers. Don't know sub numbers though.

>> No.8404565

Unless you go to the ASMR youtube page anon.

>> No.8404662

>Kronii backstabbed her company
Red pill me... who was she before?

>> No.8404724

Pink cat hypocrite

>> No.8404732

>She's still gaining ad revenue.
She's turned off her patreon, but didn't turn off twitch subs, because she's doubledipping

>> No.8406757

>first for hololive
Newfag much?

>> No.8414687

Dangerously based

>> No.8414933


>> No.8415221

>I want to fuck all of these girls
Do I have a type?

>> No.8415293


>> No.8421906


>> No.8423788

context on rosemi's history and roommate please?

>> No.8423966 [DELETED] 

fallenshadow is just a lazy a bitter person who felt betrayed because fauna's roommated started doing better than her because her content wasnt just ugu loli shit and actually had ambiotion behind it

>> No.8424392 [DELETED] 
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Not even trying to hide it

>> No.8424682

kinda of pathetic from shadow ngl

>> No.8425392

>a vtuber does vtuber adjacent content on the side
>kind of a first for Hololive
Tell me you are new without telling me you are new.

>> No.8425530

I don't know about my favorite one, but my most hated one is RetARdTIA

>> No.8425698

but also to be expected

>> No.8425705

lmfao it's that shadow? didn't she keep shooting herslef in the foot nerine style

>> No.8425783

>backstabbing your company?
Literally impossible.

>> No.8425822

I mean, we only have her word to go off, and if she isn't lying, just being left on a blank after being friends for so long must hurt a little

>> No.8426190

Auditioned for Niji EN, Tsunderia, possibly also Holo EN. Got accepted both Niji and Tsunderia, debuted in Tsunderia and streamed for about 3 months before getting released and going back to her pre-Tsunderia indie channel, then retired her indie channel to debut in Niji EN's second wave.

>> No.8426304
File: 123 KB, 1100x172, shadow asmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, so you're telling me this guy is a girl?

>> No.8426377


>> No.8426401

I don't watch every single vtuber in existance, so I don't really know her voice.

>> No.8426462

vivi retweeted Fauna art so I don't think its a fuck you shes probably scared of drama or something she's notoriously shit at moderating her server

>> No.8426680

Wew, so this chick makes a video every one or two months (last video is 2 months old) and she's mad that somebody went into a company? That's pretty retarded, but then again, the whole internet age has been like that.

>> No.8426721

You are all bitching about petty shit, meanwhile im just happy there's no apparent sjw in holoENgen2

>> No.8426913

I mean, she streams as well, since the long 3 hour vid, and the main pain for her is that she has known and been friends and helpful to Ceres for ages, her video amount doesn't matter though anyway

>> No.8426969

havent paid her any attention in a long ass time but i remember her being a lot more active and getting good channel growth and then i think she just went menhera and threw it all out. pretty sure she deleted a lot of the old videos that made her popular. she has herself to blame as much as anyone else and this whole tantrum seems like some insane cope.

>> No.8426970

She is like a vtuber twitch streamer who occasionnaly uploads on youtube. Was friends with Fauna before she was Fauna but i guess she got left on read when Fauna got into hololive

>> No.8427072

Moruru was the smartest NIji ever, she quit in the highest point of nijisanji females livers, and joined holo when it was still below niji, and now she is above all of the female members in ex-gamers in views SC and subs

>> No.8427317
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everybody knows about nijisanji corporate bulllyin practices to their livers, don't try to deny it

>> No.8427386

Getting ghosted by a friend sucks but you shouldn't air that shit out in public

>> No.8427518

Where did you get that? Is the discord link public?

>> No.8427728

I saw the tweet a few days ago, and nobody knew who it was about at the time, and assumed it was Shadow venting frustrations with no name and no obvious links, but then Ceres.
It's in her public(Maybe sub) discord

>> No.8428191 [DELETED] 

Kek. A vtuber lolcow? Sweet.

>> No.8428519

Unless she genuinely has been having trouble contacting her friend, taking this kind of shit to the public and during a very high-profile event is just asking for trouble. At best she's just really pissed off and made a horrible gaffe in the moment, at worst she's genuinely malicious and toxic.
Hell if anyone happens to remember the Holobass fiasco during ame's charity stream, he probably would've gotten people on his side if he didn't go all "it's not like I wanna DMCA this charity stream or anything"

>> No.8428647

shadow is menhera as fuck, sour grapes or no she stands no chance getting hired by a big corp

>> No.8428656

>It's in her public(Maybe sub) discord
she tweeted about it

>> No.8428755

I assume it was genuine, but also assume she got pissed off and fucked up

>> No.8430001

Unironically have never seen anything from or about her. How is she influential in any way outside of your schizophrenia induced episodes?

>> No.8432012

based ambitious girl

>> No.8432178

Anyone who thinks they'd choose different is delusional or really fucking stupid.

>> No.8432298

Amongus backstabbers collab when?

>> No.8432311

Highschool tier drama. People move on, sure it hurts. Sometimes they just grow apart. I think most friendships end like that honestly, there doesn't need to be some drawn out long conversation or ending. People just stop talking and get on with their lives. Why get bent out of shape about it. Just move on.

>> No.8432833

to be honest i think its just bitterness since she mentioned that she helped faunas roommate with her asmr channel
the thing is, the rooommated was way more ambitious and did more content along with asmr collabs meanwhile shadow only did videos once god knows how long with the same ugu cute loli schtick, only later she realised that onee-sans are also popular and started doing that too.
she even had an unarchived youtube stream where she bitched about her life in general and not having a larger audience even tho she barely posts (i dont have the archive so it might sound like a rrat)

>> No.8433229

I reckon they are both in the wrong really, shadow is a little salty on the matter, and Fauna should have at least not just said nothing for months

>> No.8433492

>That'd be kind of a first for Hololive
Who's going to tell him?

>> No.8434582

Nyanners isn't that influential with Vtuber shit. She was one of the first to make shitty anime meme videos and sing weeb parody songs though. There's a reason people call Senzawa "Blue Nyanners".

>> No.8434860

Absolutely stabbing your best friend. There's some shit we probably don't know about what happened with the company but the friend shit is pretty plain and simple

>> No.8438057

it's not nyanner's fault that you cannot get laid, chud

>> No.8438133

Don't about what that anon said about her being more influential than holos but she is influential on Twitch in the west. Seen quite a lot of newtubers say she got them into it the last year. Coincidentally she also gave Fauna's uhh... ancestor(?) her biggest day on Twitch through a raid that really helped her channel grow.

>> No.8438301

I thought green didnt do anything and this friend is just seething

>> No.8438617

Influential to cucks

>> No.8440599
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Based Department with another based delivery coming through.

>Backstabbing friend
You mean a twitter "Who?" got jealous her online friend was chosen instead of her. Much backstabbing, big who gives a fuck. I'd be ecstatic if my friend was chosen.
>Backstabbing Community
Two faced bitch pretending none of her past happened.
> Backstabbing Company
Only a literal retard holds loyalty to a company. Change companies every few years whenever you can and argue/demand better pay. I actually respect her for that.

>> No.8441000
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what the fuck is this? how do you even have this? wtf am i reading

>> No.8441346

Sounds like she just needs a good dicking to cure her menhera

>> No.8441543

>backstabbing friend
Based sigma female, humans are to be used as tools
