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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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835484 No.835484 [Reply] [Original]

pic related

she's tries her best and still does videos and streams even if not many people are watching her

(at least compared to other vtubers out there nowadays with loads more viewers)

>> No.835498 [DELETED] 

She's always been kind of meh. She had an audience back when English vtubers were a niche but nowadays...

>> No.835663
File: 194 KB, 1400x1000, 20210221_145321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Adorable as fuck model
>Swears a lot (cutly)
>Works hard
I love this dog more than korone and Im not afraid to admit it

>> No.835991

flip whore

>> No.836094

I'll rescue her from her third world shithole, she speaks good english at least

>> No.838645
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Still, kinda sucks that people just abandoned her for the new hotness...

She didn't really do anything to deserve that.

>> No.838819

Well it wast just a side project of Eilene and like always he put little money and too early in everything, he just used her old sub channel, give it to a random twitch streamer and made comdost her manager by paying him pennies.

>> No.839628

I unironically want to bang her in every hole after seeing those sexy dance vids

>> No.840397

>swears a lot
does anyone actually find that attractive or entertaining? it's fine when done sparingly because of the novelty of a japanese girl saying "fuck" or "shit" but gets annoying quite quickly.

>> No.840997

i watch a bunch of asmr vtubers to calm me down

>> No.841057

So to clarify she does it in bursts, some days she doesn't at all and others she's dropping f-bombs in rapid fire and its super cute. The way she and Kana call viewers "stupid" when we chat something silly is also super fucking cute

>> No.841190

Her content made me wince sometimes. It was just vaguely cringe enough to make me not want to continue, like her Yandere ASMR or whatever. The character breaks, while humorous, tore me out of it, combined with her tone of voice. I don't think she's bad by any means, but I don't think she's for everyone. Very memey.

>> No.841228
File: 30 KB, 240x240, otome oto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cute af
>great voice

>> No.841502

The best video was this one:

There's a new 360 ASMR though (well, recent): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsuV8-TURz0

And then there's this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxcRBO1ggD4

>> No.841991

I think it's really cool that she makes 360° VR videos. I plan on binge watching them all once my VR headset comes in.

>> No.842673

Unfortunately, that's the way of the business. The currently popular girls will eventually fade into the background for something new and shiny.

>> No.843429


>> No.843477

yeah fuck comdost

>> No.843563

she's very boring, went from uploading small game videos to either 8 hour streams of talking or collabs with trandost
last I watched her she was doing a movie night on Twitch watching some public domain movie and talking about the differences between it and the book

>> No.843939
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she only did like one or two of the public domain movies, everything else has been streaming a game or talking about stuff once in a while, she was doing three or more streams a week on twitch

and she doesn't really do stuff with comdost in terms of collabs, in fact comdost said on their anniversary stream a week ago that they stopped working on Moe's videos months ago because of YouTube revenue going down the toilet

dunno what your gripe is with comdost but if what they said is true, moe is having to do everything herself now to keep stuff going, including the 360 videos, doesn't sound too good....

>> No.845244

These aren't too bad so maybe I was too harsh at first. She's still pretty cute.

>> No.852013

She replaied to my comment once so she's based in my book

>> No.852165

Worth noting that Moe is also very skilled in legal and technical sides of streaming and helps A LOT other indie Vtubers. It's even pretty rational rrat that she helped Melody mediate with DigitrevX when he refused to make Mel's model when she asked him for the first time.

>> No.852259

Did someone say "fuck comdost"?
Yes, please, I wanna fuck Commy in all of her holes!
I might be addicted to Commy's cummies!

>> No.852477

I seriously doubt she had anything to do with the Melody shit. And even if she's friendly with Melody, she has enough common sense not to be tied to her and her clique. It wouldn't have done much for her.

>> No.855227

disgusting white savior

>> No.855292

Sell us your oshi, anon. What makes her worth our time?

>> No.856229

>What makes her worth our time?
three words my friend: drug dealer asmr https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEOASieavBA

>> No.856435

Fuck off Commy.

>> No.857404

I really liked namahoshichan's streams, but she barely streams in her channel these days.
I think she does collabs with DWU more regularly but I haven't watched those really.

>> No.860631

Anon's fat wife, Yuri Mei.

>> No.863425

How come a 427k subs Vtuber can't even make 20k views? What happened to her?

>> No.863598


>others don't pay much attention to
>427k subscribers
Can you go fuck right off?

>> No.864519

They are all dead sub who run away to Vshoujo and Holo.

>> No.865446
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Only has like 30k on Twitch and that's what she does mostly nowadays.

Speaking of, Resident Evil 4 on right now:

>> No.866205

her downfall was when she started streaming on twitch in early 2020 and other factors like melody debuting in feb that went viral, some other en indies debuting in between, and then the grand holoEN debut in September which made moe irreverent nowadays.

>> No.866297

she needs to redebut with a new model and get rid of that digi shit. Changing costumes or adding props doesn't count.

>> No.866375
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>> No.866401

she said late last year / earlier this year on stream that she wants to get live2D and 3D models with a brand new design so you might get your wish this year because I seriously doubt she'd give digi work again

>> No.866431
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Shes fine. Personally I am more worried about bat and bread freezing to death or being killed in a anti Asian hate attack

>> No.866522

Dude, both Melody and Moe are in pretty friendly relationship and Moe know Digi pretty damn well. Obviously probably Melody cashed a bit for it, but i can totaly see Moe being a mediator here.
But desu it's irrelevant rn because of shitstorm between Melody and Digi. But that's a pile of crap too big to explain easily and better to leave it to them. They both are worth each other and deserve what they fucking got from each other.

>> No.866525

>brown hair/eyes dog
>assymetrical socks
>yellow jacket with one bare shoulder
>flute laugh
She is Great Value Korone and you can't tell me otherwise

>> No.866560

>flute laugh
Purin has let out a few laughs that sound more like Marine than anyone
