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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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83456960 No.83456960 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as rival nations fighting bitter battles or beginning wholesome friendships for the glory of their oshis.

Thursday edition

Previously: >>82917811

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:




>> No.83457010
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.83458584


>> No.83458713

Ah, the best day of the week!

>> No.83459057
File: 1.01 MB, 1364x1598, joshu happy xD Left.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was so scared you were gone forever...

>> No.83459509

anon, your object permanence reps...

>> No.83461280

Good afternoon. Today's special is dutch oven roasted honey mustard pork chops and root vegetables. Kosher is beef steak. Low carb and vegan is salad. Mayonnaise is a side condiment.

>> No.83461422

can I just have a bowl of mayonnaise? I'm doing a keto thing

>> No.83461666

Sure. The steaks are dry aged with only butter, salt, and pepper. And the salads are leafy greens, tomatoes, and whatever you want with vinegerette dressing.

>> No.83462915

Hey OGsuner! I got a chest filled with a pocket dimension inside. Which means you can have an entire world just for Meeta's customers... I mean toys. You like it?

>> No.83464897
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>> No.83465169

man I love this cat

>> No.83467635
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I wonder if deadbeat corpses decompose after death since they live up in the freezing mountains. It'd be ironic if deadbeats never became proper skeletons.

>> No.83467637
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>> No.83469414


>> No.83469981

So I guess I wait for OGsuner on the proposal. In the meantime I guess I'll hammer out some Loreli lore. We can talk about defenses if you want. And I don't mean Loreli's own privateers. I mean any alliances between nations to protect or preserve the island.

>> No.83471353
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a fate worse than death...

>> No.83471592
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Oh, that's a topic that has been sorta breached in an entry (https://rentry.org/morig-zoology-story#waste-not-want-not).). There are specialized micro-organisms in /morig/ who use antifreeze substances to keep potential sources of food liquid even at low temperatures, and those can act as a slight tenderizer, so stuff can actually decompose faster in some parts of the /morig/ mountains, even if the temperature is far below 0C.
Though it would be kinda funny if some kind of mummification treatment was used as a post-death punishment, since it would stop your body from reaching its perfect skeleton form as quickly. Maybe something used on heretics or blasphemers who have been executed.

>> No.83472086

I forgot to ask about deep freeze marinades. You could cover marinated meat in a layer of fat. The fat will insulate the meat as it tenderizes. As long as the meat doesn't rot it's edible.

>> No.83472853

that's a good idea, fat is pretty good at keeping oxygen away from stuff that might rot. Maybe those cold-adapted microorganisms should be purely aerobic, so that stuff that is insulated from the atmosphere decomposes very slowly, this way the preferred preservation method is confitting.

>> No.83476268

is this world building https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OnMxjFRlywA

>> No.83476377

this is worldbuilding of the highest degree. Time to analyze the individual shots to glean factoids about the setting where this is happening.

>> No.83476653

The farm dodos have gotten more comfortable around the joshu. As long as Joshu don't wao too loudly around the dodos they're fine. That said the wild dodos have been a little less friendly. A wild dodo almost pecked a joshu. She escaped only losing a tuff of fur. The breadogs are much more intimidating due to their medium dog size. The wild dodos have no trouble bullying the much smaller joshu.

As for rock turtles. They have no problem biting anyone be it dodo, breadog, or joshu. So breadogs learn to aggressively flip rock turtles on their backs then kick them like shuffle stones. The smaller joshu don't have the weight to pull this off well. But the joshu do have the dexterity and thick fur to avoid bites most of the time. Barking and waoing turtles have no effect.

Just some random dog observations bump.

>> No.83478791

So is this a game, an anime, a manga, or what?

>> No.83479201
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Quick note, it feels so weird now being called my old name. Why the fuck did i take risuner and just put "OG" in front of it? Knowing me, its very possible i thought of it while jerking off to Risu at the time.

And now for an answer to >>83462915
Pocket dimensions? Sounds plausible. Meetas customers would definitely not escape if it meant doing dimensional space stuff. Funny enough i've been watching that star trek parody, the orville (its surprisingly good at least compared to newer star trek shit) so i have been thinking about stuff like time travel, dimensions, paradox alternate reality shit, yeah you get the idea.

Anyway I say do it. Adding a dimensional barrier I think would really solidify the futility of the customers being able to escape her witch store. That and it just sounds pretty cool.

>> No.83479386

yes! please look forward to it yoroshiku

>> No.83480035

I was thinking of keeping it simple. Meeta opens the chest. She can pick up or place toys in the chest like it's a toy box. But for the toys placed in the chest it's like being dropped off in another world by a giant pair of hands from the sky. Only Meeta can add or remove customers and toys from the pocket dimension.

But it's not all bad. The toybox dimension is like a miniature paradise filled with lush green fields, forests, and beautiful vistas. Though it does have volcanic badlands and deserts. However the insanity of the toybox comes from its rulers and those who follows them. It's an inmates run the asylum situation.

These are just ideas I have. Thoughts?

>> No.83482487


>> No.83482724

I would have to ask vnugboi about it desu. He is the actual rep and I do believe at one point he said something along the lines of not wanting the actual chuubas in the world? Memory is pretty hazy on that.

Speaking of which, where the hecc is he? I miss that sexy bitch.

>> No.83483498

Well then we'll have to settle on location and whether or not people are toys.

>> No.83485390


>> No.83486667


>> No.83487889
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oh shit, were back
bump before bed, will read logs in the morning

>> No.83488655

Fauna 4.0 driving faunas 1 through 3 around in the truck was super cute

>> No.83490757
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>> No.83491239
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wao! observation bumps love!

>> No.83492637
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>> No.83493172
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I don’t really remember what I said on that matter but I feel maybe we should only include their flesh-and-blood body in the world when they’re proven to be /here/ instead of just inferred. That said I don’t really have a strong opinion on that so you can include them if you wanna do something with them

>> No.83493865
File: 30 KB, 128x128, KoyoriPrayBlush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a lot of stuff to do so wont be around please dont die im sad when you arent around

>> No.83496463


>> No.83497896

wait don't actually die

>> No.83499983


>> No.83501732


>> No.83502573

that sounds about right. have any of the girls been confirmed here? The only one I know if Serafi but she aint there anymore so she doesnt even count.

>> No.83503133

So forget about the toy chest. We can have a tiny world filled with living toys inside of a building. Anyway that's all I'm going to contribute to Meeta. OG will have to figure out everything else. I'm done.

>> No.83504068

>>83503133 (me)
I should clarify. The idea was meant to be a springboard for OG to start with for Meeta lore. So I'll leave the details to him for now. If he wants my help to clarify more ideas he can ask me later. I'm hungry. I need food.

>> No.83506265
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>> No.83507723

Fuck dead morning hours...

>> No.83508969
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>> No.83509198

The Sanallite manhunt was successful. The "squirrel eating shitposting" has been arrested. He was hanging out at sea fishing where the satellites captured footage of him. We sent drop troopers to the surface immediately when he was returning to shore. This Sanallite has already admitted guilt. He will be sentenced to two weeks of solitary confinement followed by five years of hard labor under probation. All access to Sanallite communications will be revoked until further notice.

Contrary to popular belief the gaslighter is not a bread dog.

>> No.83510136

Seems like the imperium from warhammer with how late they are but better late than never I suppose.

>> No.83510548

We are talking about a space Austrailia prison colony here.

>> No.83513004


>> No.83514477


>> No.83515888

board got fast...

>> No.83516268

So to combat board speed I guess I need to write about cute girls doing cute things. Let's see how Baker-chan is-

>The flying bakery is combating the massive storm.


>> No.83516917
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>> No.83517292

Captain Charolette isn't doing much better. But she is getting off to riding the storm. Feel sorry for the poor sailor who has to relieve her after the storm.

>> No.83518218

So Holoplus suspended registrations and log-ins because of a raid. They should have paywalled the app.

>> No.83518985

It's bubble bath time with joshus!

>> No.83519010

its merely miiverse tier right now

>> No.83519073

was it a raid or just people posting porn a lot

>> No.83519234

I dunno. Just skimmed the catalog to find out where the storm is coming from.

>> No.83519312

whew, Viti is a little bit safer now

>> No.83520021

So who wants a capybara ranch on Loreli Isle? Remember the cappies are edible livestock.

>> No.83520878

fried cappys...

>> No.83521867
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>> No.83523096
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>> No.83524386

Capybara are a delicacy in South America. We used to eat horses in the US until we started doping them for sports.

That said you can still pet the cappies.

>> No.83525580

yeah but which country though
I thought it was peru but thats guinea pigs

>> No.83525806

Venezuala and sometimes Brazil?

>> No.83527130


>> No.83527167

Well let's not worry about eating capybara for now even though I just found a carribean curry recipe. /wah/ visitors might not like the idea of eating cappies. I think capybaras would be a sacred animal in /wah/.

>> No.83527443
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wah o!

>> No.83527645

Just remember capybaras needs lots of grazing land and lots of fresh water to swim in. Fresh water. Not sea water.

>> No.83528008
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>> No.83528081


>> No.83528553

I guess the land is Libestal. I'm still confused if this is a VN/RPG/Manga or what.

>> No.83528688

its some event with streams and shit apparently
probably will be revealed after the concert

>> No.83528843

Man I wanted a tabletop RPG setting.

>> No.83530574


>> No.83531179

>Actual worldbuilding in the worldbuilding thread

Same, brother.

>> No.83531583
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Let's see, predictions:
All the way up the river, in the mountains, probably where the mining and cave shenanigans were happening. Looks like continental orogeny, not volcanism or an old plateau, given how sharp the mountains are.
Down the river, some kind of fluvian location. It's nice to see they didn't make the river randomly bifurcate, that's a common error, though a delta would have been acceptable where the river meets the ocean.
The land to the lower left, looks like it might be some kind of coastal elevated plateau, could be either green rolling hills, or slightly drier highlands depending on the altitude or climate.
A pointer in the ocean, clearly where Atlantis is, I guess Gura finished it off-stream.
Another pointer right in a forest, the texture gives me a deciduous vibe, likely to be where Fauna is from.
The Big Fantasy City (tm), seems like it has some kind of amphitheater and a palace of sorts surrounded by a moat. The HQ of HoloEN, probably?

>> No.83531831

Now the question is the landscape abandoned where there's only the EN members or will there be other npc people?

>> No.83531928

People were literally posting porn and dox. It was bad.

>> No.83533470
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>> No.83533846


>> No.83534956

im more interested in how literal gods and a time traveler get sent to an isekai world for no real reason and how that world effects their overall capabilities

>> No.83535655

I don't think the Council are actually gods, they just work under the gods but their abilities muddles things. Also the possibility that Libestal is actually another timeline and there are 2 Ames is something that will not be explored and that will disappoint me.

>> No.83535879

The promise lore has actually been retcon'd to lower their power level, and now I wonder if it was in preparation to this whole thing.
Funnily enough, this means that Sana's lore is the only one that hasn't been scaled down, making her the most powerful Council technically.

>> No.83536242

the fuck do you mean they scaled down the council's power
For what purpose
This only makes Ame the strongest in EN

>> No.83536334

NTA but they went from being the keepers of the concepts themselves to just being empowered schmucks guarding those concepts.

>> No.83536402

What if I told you there were infinite Amelias?

>> No.83536582

that is actually so fucking lame
what is this? league of legends retconning?

>> No.83537169
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Have a look.
Most of /vt/ celebrated the changes, but I thought it was kinda lame... The new versions are a bit better written but also vastly less chuuni and imagination-stimulating.
also it makes mori the strongest EN obviously (no prep time)

>> No.83537289

Once Omega got fired Promise got demoted. I bet if Sana was still here she'll lose her ability to grow sun-sized. She might still grow kaiju-size for convenience.

>> No.83537454

holy shit this shit sucks
like actually who liked this shit. EN was the token chuuni branch. If I wanted generic uwu anime girl lore I'd read about the JP members
Like what the fuck did they do to Bae's lore? This shit works for myth because they weren't really super beings but just cryptids that hang out

>> No.83538704

In retrospect I wonder if this Holo Enigmatic thing is actually why they changed it. Cover is known for having plan that take a long time to be put into motion. The Myth entries haven't changed at all since debut.

>> No.83539949

Who wants to visit Atlantis in Libestal? I'm going for the sea food. Assuming there's someone there to cook.

Speaking of Libestal. Would it be funny if a one-off background character became so popular she becomes an official Hololive vTuber later?

>> No.83540675

Now I'm thinking of alternate lives for EN. Sure Gura will sink in Atlantis. But would Fauna be chilling out in the forest. Would Kiara run a KFP tavern? Ame probably will be the least changed in this world.

>> No.83541878

I wish we could get an anime chuubas in Viti someday.

>> No.83541891

I'm curious about the underworld lore in that setting, that's been a mainstay of hololive lore since the start. Maybe if you dig deep enough in the mountain you get to it.

>> No.83543569
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>he doesn't know about the alternative evil ames

>> No.83543665

I think I'm out of places to worldbuild again.

>> No.83544264

I just had a brain fart. What if there's an aligator Ame around somewhere in /awat/?

>> No.83544639

any alternative version of ame usually congregate in watropolis which exists in the world between timelines

>> No.83545301

I guess whether or not there's a gator Ame in Viti depends on of Viti is alternate timeline Earth.

>> No.83547103

i kinda like these!
im a fan of simple lore that gives room for adventures!
like a cute dog that worksin a bakery or a cute koyote who lives in a koyolabo!

>> No.83551787


>> No.83555975
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>> No.83557815


>> No.83558713

irys literally cannot beat krillin

>> No.83560312

whats wrong with this joshu

>> No.83561294

>kronii talks about actually working for someone who's in control of time
I hate this, I hate new cover lore
She's supposed to be a warden of time and ame is supposed to be her bugs bunny. She's supposed to be Narutaki to Ame's Kamen rider Decade

>> No.83563023
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>> No.83565311


>> No.83565357

hes a fire elemental joshu!

>> No.83566438
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He looks fine to me!

>> No.83566498


>> No.83566954


>> No.83567351
File: 244 KB, 1662x1080, raora chattini chatinshu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chattini trying to sneak into the lab...

>> No.83568380 [SPOILER] 
File: 999 KB, 2160x2160, koyo joshu bento cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no dying!

>> No.83572889


>> No.83575149

bump again

>> No.83577196

Morning bump again. So how's your projects going?

>> No.83577222

Why would you make food that looks like uncooked food

>> No.83577993

pretty sure it's just rice

>> No.83578407

Before importing capybaras we need to fence off the ranch. The orchard might be a good place because of all the loam soil around it. There's also the sandy grass around the rock palms. Though the fungus at the roots is not good on cappy stomachs. Cappies will also snack on reeds and water plants.

>> No.83579855


>> No.83580744


>> No.83581797


>> No.83582586
File: 345 KB, 1423x2048, happy joshu koyo b&w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cute koyote is wife not food!

>> No.83583838 [SPOILER] 
File: 287 KB, 1600x1200, 1723818201776473 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83584549

Now we have a new experiment. Can joshus learn to heard capybaras?

Really I have nothing else to worldbuild right now.

>> No.83586173


>> No.83586222

like a sheep dog?

>> No.83586286
File: 15 KB, 600x600, koyo joshu kun shiren pixelart こよん+助手くん武具.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sheep koyote!

>> No.83586356

Like a sheep dog. Except cappies aren't as big or stupid as sheep. So they should be manageable by joshus.

>> No.83587803
File: 427 KB, 2048x2048, joshu training journey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

joshus are smart!

>> No.83588018

>joshus smart
>drops all his vintage javs

>> No.83588182


>> No.83589545 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.83591329
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>> No.83591592

Would there be a coffee trade in the continental ravine?

>> No.83594294

You bet, /nasfaqg/ and /inf/ would be very coffee hungry so there'd be a lot of coffee being imported through that sea, maybe as far as from the phase lands.

>> No.83597471

I was thinking there are islands along the ravine that can be used as supply caches or supply depots. Loreli can have islands around it for the locals to camp on long fishing trips. The bigger islands can be used as trading centers. Loreli airships can ferry goods from main island to supply depots. And since the air currents in the ravine are mostly predictable airship travel would be ideal.

>> No.83600316

page ten?
not on my watch!

>> No.83601560

Could write world building instead.

>> No.83604254

but breaking dimensions soon!

>> No.83604497

busy but I'll have shit to write later

>> No.83608359

not if the bread dies!

>> No.83608617

I would write if I wasn't at a party right now. Friend of mine celebrating his son's 1st birthday so you know what that means. Flirt with all the single women and try to get laid :)

>> No.83610812

good luck!

>> No.83611556

congratulations to the child!

>> No.83612790

I just put a half teaspoon of mayonnaise in my salad dressing and my mother tried to eat it all.

>> No.83614841


the concert began too!

>> No.83617401

Shit. I didn't know the concert was today.

>> No.83622493

its on right now!

>> No.83622723

Well I guess I can try to keep the thread bumped on a fast board if you don't mind listening to dinner musings.

>> No.83623048

please do!

>> No.83625631
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safety bump

>> No.83627134

Apple cider vinegar dressing is best on sweeter things. Basalmic vinegar is best on greener/blander things. I tried creaming up the apple cider vinegerette with mayonnaise. It was a good dressing. However it didn't work on a mostly wilted green salad. If it was a garden salad with mushrooms, carrots, cucumbers, and sharp cheese then it'd be great.

>> No.83631628

I am not a fan of sweet onion barbecue sauce. My tastes are probably too Anglo but I do not like all the flavors mixed together. I can't stand everything bagels. They taste like salt.

That said will the girls earn themselves a mango-melon parfait after this show? That sounds stupid good right now. Oh and we should figure out the supply islands around Loreli later.

Safety bump.

>> No.83634927

For the toybox world. You can still do it without Meeta. I was thinking of a trap/place to live for customers. I still think I wrote enough to get started at least. You can have it a box or an actual in world location.

Another safety bump.

>> No.83639029

>page 9
I just went to get a drink of water.

>> No.83639109
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>> No.83640031

How's the concert so far?

>> No.83640435

No sex at the party but I did goon to Meeta.

>> No.83640748

Speaking of that. Do you like the toyland idea at least? Even if it's not a toybox dimension it's still possible to put it inside a shop.

>> No.83641311

I think a toybox dimension is the neatest rendition yes.

>> No.83641778

Well there's a start. I do have ideas for the world layout. But first I'll let you take a crack at writing the details. Ask if you need anything. Otherwise good luck.

I do miss collabing with some /risu/ lore in the old days. Like the nut wand that you shake. Even if that idea was a dud in favor of gemcorns.

>> No.83643412

There needs to be more stories about Cinnamon and Pepper, the red-headed ginger twins from /uoh/. Perhaps they had their way with an age-reversed Baker-chan who was an oppai.

>> No.83644801

extremely based coomermaxxing
What do they look like?

>> No.83645713

Mirror images of each other. Side ponytails. One long kneesock. One fingerless glove. Booty shorts and camo vests over a red leotard. Both are petite and flat. However they are well toned assassins. The twins speak in ways to confuse you. They love whispering in both of your ears at once before killing you. They may or may not have their way with you before murdering you.

>> No.83649198

it was really good!
join nasfaq tommorrow and watch with us!

>> No.83650874

What services are you looking forward to in /uoh/?

>> No.83650968

wait when did /uoh/ show up

>> No.83651222

Only once a while back. In the old world.

>> No.83651560
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m..my lawyer recommended not to post about this...

>> No.83651892

Going to be frank. /uoh/ back in Vitubia days is not the same as /uoh/ would be in Viti today. So I'm going to research more before even thinking abiut writing.

>> No.83652120

they are in viti

>> No.83652380

Don't know if they have a spot on the map yet.

>> No.83652774

>>83652380 (me)
Correction, they do not exist in Viti as they do not have a spot on the map as I can see. So we'll wait for an /uoh/ rep first to stake some land.

>> No.83653785

I've run into a problem. My problem is I want to write. However I need to stay in my lane by writing only for Loreli and flying bakery stuff for now. I feel like I've been a problem to this thread trying to keep it going but I push people away who want to write what they want. Just how I feel lately. Maybe another two week vacation is warranted.

>> No.83654998

Due to the spiked crag in the shallows most ships sailing around Loreli cannot hold heavy cargo without sinking so low ships hit the spikes. So where does most of the trade cargo go? Perhaps not only islands but maybe there are dock towers ruins built in the crag? It's a stretch but it is plausible with the library ruins. Maybe extinct lava tombs can be used as tunnels to haul stuff from the dock towers to the main island? The tombs wouldn't be too long or deep. Thoughts before bed?

>> No.83656915

Wish I can post images again because I really do need to make a local map of Loreli. I also need to make a crag map with the reefs and tidepools. I saw Loreli on the world map and I thought maybe there's an underwater mountain under the island. I do need to try to sleep. Have a bump before bed.

>> No.83659808

You can always upload it to catbox or something instead.

>> No.83662321
File: 1.20 MB, 1876x1478, Paquerette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83664154

survive the night

>> No.83664482

>those names
Wait a minute

>> No.83666419


>> No.83668080


>> No.83669079


>> No.83670468

Shut up.

>> No.83671761

Well I'll bump in the mornings. After this it's time to rethink my approach to worldbuilding.

>> No.83673300

thse names got quite some meat to them i would say

>> No.83675277


>> No.83677095


>> No.83678565

feel free to write about mayo and holox too!
also i don't think you do, im a big fan!

>> No.83679380

It's called burn out and staying in my lane. I'll help if people ask. But I really should limit my scope in writing stuff.

As for mayonnaise there's three things to keep in mind: citrus juice, egg whites, and oil. These are the three ingredients to mayonnaise. You want egg whites to be as fresh as possible. And then you want a high citrus juice like lemon or lime juice. Then you blend it all with oil into a cream. The best oils to use that are healthy is olive oil and avacado oil. Mayo in the US is made with basedbean oil which is an estrogen poison. Rapeseed oil and canola oil are decent alternatives. Don't know about peanut or corn oil. Though peanut and corn oil is for deep frying. Palm and coconut oil might be too thick because those oils are solid at room temperatures.

>> No.83679981 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.70 MB, 640x360, koyo joshu mayo animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh don't burn out i love reading your stuff!

wao you forgot the most important ingredient!

>> No.83682230


>> No.83683755


>> No.83685436

been super busy to write things this week

>> No.83685526

If everyone's busy then I'll see you next week.

>> No.83687638

personally a lot of things needed to be taken care of that are coming up but should be fine when all of it starts

>> No.83689369

I say as a reminder to hug breadogs if you feel stressed.

>> No.83691824


>> No.83693984
File: 281 KB, 900x570, snekjoshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83696178

what brand of joshu is this

>> No.83696861
File: 3.89 MB, 1900x2465, 1683036718957930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riri brand!

>> No.83699570


>> No.83699631
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, koyoball joshu cheer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very nice!

>> No.83700041

whats in the desl behind the mic?

>> No.83700384

Is Virtuvius supposed to be Vitubia?

>> No.83701635

unchi a surprisingly recurrent topic during her streams.

>> No.83702047

wao okay!
i like our bread being up even if nobody is actively loreing!
its how new people see it!
we even survived yesterday!

>> No.83707817

I'm just going full retarded again trying to bump the thread with pointless soliciting. Thus it's time for yet another break.

>> No.83708273

just relax and enjoy our time together!
concerts on c9me watch at nasfaq!

>> No.83723246

I'll check it out after a big plate of spaghetti and meatballs.

>> No.83723353


>> No.83724546

I want to brush a Koyo.

>> No.83725931
File: 1009 KB, 2480x3508, koyotail joshu brush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get in line!

>> No.83726457

Look at that stray dog.

>> No.83729022

What do you think Vtuber lore should be like, overly mary sue like old Council or down to earth?

>> No.83729184

>mary sue like council
Time duo lore is serious business

>> No.83729734

>Council lore
Billion years old supreme ultimate god deity of eternity that controls the very concept of death and life
>Council content
"And yeah my mom told I couldnt get ice cream because of tommy ache... anyways welcome back to my minecraft letsplay... oh noes I hurt a poor npc... ;~; "

>> No.83730231

I think it most of all should match the energy of the vtuber to let them make stuff that expands and enriches their lore with fun content and activities, Ame, Mori, Ina, Sana and fwmc do (or at least did) that really well despite having really wildly varying levels of chuuni.
I think that's something Sana did really well... The kinochuuni aspects of her lore were juxtaposed with all her lighthearted shenanigans, but they were weaved into them with her themed game picks and special streams.

>> No.83730418

You do not want to be on the wrong end of a breadog attack. Trust me.

>> No.83731342

As MAry Sue as the Chuuba wants it to be. Like, an official baseline is nice but it's down to the talent to buff or nerf themself. Watching someone be OP is fun when it's stuff like Biboo giving herself a super cool awakened form that's cute girl Vergil.

>> No.83732208

vtubers need to take a lesson from the book of wrestling and keep up the kayfabe a little

>> No.83734399
File: 286 KB, 900x626, HappyBreadbakershu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83735786

You should check out the vtwbg chuuba

>> No.83737946
File: 314 KB, 1588x2048, FmGzoN3akAE_hl-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83740579

Waking up from a food coma bump.

>> No.83742691

Just a question before bed: Should I expand upon Loreli Isle's underground lava tombs as tunnels to the main land? The catch is most tunnels don't have air anymore. And it's risky putting in air vents without the tunnels flooding.

If only there were people with suits that can breathe without air that are familiar with pneumatics.

>> No.83744262

Maybe the tunnels were expanded by the librarian order eons before the current day, when they had access to some stronger magic?

>> No.83744607

The tunnels were certainly reinforced back when the library was made. I've been tinkering with the idea of making an off-island dock with a tunnel that goes to the main land.

>> No.83747037

I like it! Would make some resupplying easier once it's restored.

>> No.83749100
File: 648 KB, 2066x2066, GVuqxybWQAAHa_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83750702
File: 2.14 MB, 360x640, Koyori_bibidiba[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffwlp0p.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83752482
File: 2.13 MB, 720x900, KoyoWAO[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fkfmd91.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83753785
File: 218 KB, 640x336, KamenJoshu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83754480


>> No.83755112

Just follow the dodos. They know where the tunnels lead. 4 AM belly cramp bump.

>> No.83756942


>> No.83758952


>> No.83761177


>> No.83762707
File: 1.20 MB, 2928x4096, koyo joshu cute beach happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we live!

>> No.83762710

I'm going to be out this afternoon. FYI.

>> No.83763427


>> No.83764546

have fun!

>> No.83764572


>> No.83764936

not so fast kwabber!

>> No.83766541
File: 440 KB, 400x400, catwheel joshu fast.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83768019
File: 436 KB, 1600x1300, 1690059035756017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83768826
File: 351 KB, 1500x1816, koyo livealive chibi cute fullroster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83769060

So the dodos know where the tunnels go. To where the best tide pools are. Some tunnels are flooded but are deep enough you can ride a small ferry. Some tunnels are dry you can walk through. Though you have to be careful. Tunnels can collapse any time and some are airless. The Sanalites who landed there went on a voluntary expedition in the airless tunnels. There's talks about installing air vents in the airless tunnels. Though the tunnels maybe too far under water that unpowered vents will not work.

>> No.83769705
File: 500 KB, 2064x1457, koyo sleep joshu sleepover party.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahhh be careful little guys!

i kept our bread safe!
must charge now!
lets make bump!
keeo the world safe!

>> No.83770151

The dodos have been here longer than we have. They know where to go.

>> No.83772154

Dodo pet bump.

>> No.83773401

dodo smell

>> No.83774088

Capybara invasion!

>> No.83774788

Good morning!

>> No.83775971


>> No.83777790


>> No.83779522


>> No.83779947

I have something for later once I finish this one thing

>> No.83781066


>> No.83783062

well okay!

>> No.83785177
File: 431 KB, 600x600, 1694770061206105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did ancient people deal with boners?

>> No.83785684

I think they fucked grapefruits?

>> No.83788809
File: 430 KB, 2331x2083, 1646414409705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83792111
File: 3.52 MB, 2480x3508, Wakinigiri Reine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83794714


>> No.83795558

>This breadog has been archived.

>> No.83796983

Good evening. Today's special is pudding. But not the kind of pudding you're thinking of. I'm talking old 17th-18th century puddings where you mix flour, buttered bread, eggs, and berries together into a cloth bag and boil it.

>> No.83799577


>> No.83800760

Mayonnaise pudding is... Not as uncommon as I thought it would be. Mayonnaise puddings were very popular in World War 1 where fresh eggs and cooking oil was scarce.

>> No.83802825
File: 135 KB, 890x890, joshu mayo bottle happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds delicious! post recipe!

in exchange, lore!
the legend of the copyjoshu!

>> No.83802840

A quick search shows there's a lot of recipes for mayonnaise chocolate cake. First I find bread fruit. Now I find this. What's next?

>> No.83804315
File: 58 KB, 937x937, joshu wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amongst the wandering joshus there are many legends... of the brave joshumin whose memories are cherished by all... of kain, the dragoonshu who served the darkness until koyo smacked him in the head and dragged him back... of jumbo joshu, the titanic joshu whose every step makes the earth tremble and atop whose back entire civilizations are said to reside! amongst them, a remarkable one, is that of the copyjoshu!

when asked, no joshu ever has a straight answer on who the copy joshu is, what he looks like or where he resides, yet all joshus agree about his existence, despite no two of them being able to agree on just what a copyjoshu is! why "copyjoshu!" exclaimed loudly while pointing and laughing at each other is a common, and traditional joshu greeting!

nobody knows how this began, but it might have been something like this: one day while wandering the lands, two joshus ran into each other! the two being artists, proudly showed pulled out their newest piece to show each other... but , they found both pieces perfect replicas of each other! the exact same down to the smallest touch and the least obvious mistake! their pieces perfect copies of each others!
surprised, they pulled another frame from their travel packs... but again, the sharpest eyed hawk would not have been able to tell a single difference... increasingly flustered, they did it again... and again... and again... with the same result!
copyjoshu! they both exclaimed, pointing at each other before bolting off to tell the bizarre tale!
how did this happen? did it even? the only thing that's known for sure is that joshus believe it did, and like wildfire, tales of similar happenings spread... did joshus copy each other by accident? on purpose?
alas, we may never know... yet the tale persists...

>> No.83804383


Does this count?

>> No.83805224
File: 159 KB, 900x810, joshu happy blush hug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good enough! i shall try it!

>> No.83806200

Ohh like artistic dopplegangers... spooky. A dark magic must be at work.

>> No.83808216

>"Josh'wa sweetum. If ye keep distrat'in Bakie with ya tail we can'nit get thee job done lassie!"
>"But boss! She's got fluffy tail. I like fluffy tail."

>> No.83808639
File: 151 KB, 2048x1536, iroha joshu holox mascots fluffy tail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fluffy tails!

>> No.83810873
File: 551 KB, 1200x1600, koyo thief fa cute chibi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83813068

dogs are color blind

>> No.83813725
File: 3.80 MB, 2600x3260, koyover cute mayover koyori sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83815085

do you have nation specific holidays

>> No.83817086

love koyori day!
stream day!
konkoyo24 day!
hmmm... most of these are every day...

>> No.83819283
File: 49 KB, 1000x1000, koyo joshu cosplay sleep cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83820119
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally had time to write something
- Every January 6th is a day of celebration for /awat/ as they celebrate the birthday of Amelia Watson. Streets in the main city are decorated in yellow and brown
- Special gluten free cakes are made and given out to the workers at Watson Industries and to the people passing by the front gates
- Local businesses within the city also have various Amelia watson themed items and foods
- Also every 13th of September the entire nation celebrates the founding of /awat/. It is considered a government holiday as well so most businesses close for the day but some like groceries stores are open for less than half the day.
- Most gators celebrate with grilling food such as meats, chicken, fish, vegetables
- A lot of gators gather around with their friends and family to celebrate the day. At the end of the day there are fireworks displays in multiple places as well as residents setting off their own in celebration of the day
- December 25th is called Snow Day, a holiday similar to christmas where you receive presents from an unknown snow being who rides around in a sled
- Gators usually start decorating for the holidays around the last thrusday of november, the decorations are similar to those you would see around christmas such as pine trees, presents, colorful lights, reindeer etc.
- During this month /awat/ gets a slight increase in tourism due to the holiday being a very unique thing to them. Many tourist come to see the lights, festivities and take part in the merriment

>> No.83821585


>> No.83821713
File: 1.94 MB, 1357x1920, koyo joshu wave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well we hopefully will make bump! i likely wont be around to see it so congrats and bye in advance! see you next bread! i had fun!
we even got some lore in! wao!

>> No.83822238
File: 1.76 MB, 2895x4096, c5262d85fa749da53d104b3acbd8ac40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822284
File: 1.18 MB, 638x794, DUVETGODS WE WON[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Favpk9l.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822326
File: 668 KB, 2480x3508, 1721770462832860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822362
File: 190 KB, 724x1024, 1715911768200650m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83822398
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, GTK9_20aIAAhnI_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822474
File: 553 KB, 564x754, c08fa7d29458e583ed56a05cf2d559b8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i guess we are making bu p limit then! ikz!

>> No.83822520
File: 1.74 MB, 854x480, koyo mumei bae irys 3d.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822542

joshu...your sound post...

>> No.83822554
File: 536 KB, 439x560, 111784654.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822572
File: 479 KB, 815x816, eto_SHIMADA_couple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822614
File: 659 KB, 238x238, transparent-bleeding-joshu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can hear it perfectly!
i met a bear! i met a bear,a i met a bear! duhduduh duh duh duduh! dudududh dudududhduh!

>> No.83822736
File: 3.93 MB, 720x1280, fubuki ride lewd ブーッキー - ⚠️ ⚠️ みんなが待っていたアレ… 最終バージョンは総検討して明日! やっとラビットホール地獄から脱出...[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fhdsul5.opus].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.83822810
File: 1.24 MB, 902x1706, 97993325_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.83822924
File: 710 KB, 1000x1000, koyo angry fire uoooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was making bump limit part of your plan?

>> No.83823205
File: 502 KB, 680x392, GVzT42AXwAE52rq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well i was hoping to come back and be pleasantly surprised the bread was still up but i guess this works!
see you all next time!

>> No.83824407

See you soon friends.
