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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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8179523 No.8179523 [Reply] [Original]

So why is Mori hated for the 5% thing but Gura somehow gets a free pass even though she's streaming LESS OFTEN and for LESS TIME than Mori?

>> No.8179820

That's because Gura fans consists of 14 year olds that loves attention and also dead brain. Hence why there's no hatepost about her other than /vt/

>> No.8180354

Gura's fans are children who only watch her. So they're oblivious to how other Vtubers act.

>> No.8180525

Is there really people who don't understand why other people wouldn't like her?

She went way past tomboy to being a bro, people who like rap have a high standard for it and while I enjoy cringe humour, it's basically the worst experience of it.

>> No.8181047

>people who like rap have a high standard for it
as someone who had a black roommate for 2 years in college, I can only tell you how bad it is to know the truth

>> No.8181301

Because, even though Gura is lazy you can tell she has a lot of respect for the company her senpai built up and realizes she wouldn't be making assloads of cash playing video games if it wasn't for them.
She never did half assed collabs where you could clearly tell she didn't want to be there and didn't do collabs that were just thinly veiled attempts to shill her RL friends like Calli did.

>> No.8181403

The issue is that any kind of music has its share of elitists. However, the barrier to entry for R&B is considerably lower than other kinds of music, because someone who is tone deaf or a terrible singer is immediately obvious as they can't hit notes, but anybody with a drum machine or knows how to sequence a kick snare can pretend like they're an up and coming rap star.

You end up with the R&B elitists being more obnoxious because they have to put up with hearing so much amateurish shit that it's like a self defense mechanism.

>> No.8181425

when she collabs shes doesn't sound liked she would rather be anywhere else.

>> No.8181471

Because regardless of their actual output, Gura didn't put a number on how much she invests into Hololive.

This was Mori shooting herself in the foot and trolls taking advantage of it.

>> No.8181533

This is it. Regardless of what she actually feels, 5% or otherwise, she exudes "I don't want to be here" energy during any collaboration. She only gets excited talking about her music career and moistcr1tikal. That rubs off the wrong way.

>> No.8181579

Because people are scared shitless of mori shattering their perfect idol paradise illusion so anything that can be used as an attack is absolutely welcome to them. Gura (and anyone else really) gets a free pass instead.

>> No.8181617
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Streaming less is better actually

>> No.8181732

Because Mori constantly destroys any goodwill she's built up due to her tendency to say really stupid bad sounding shit like "I don't care" and the "5%" remark which of course trolls love. She gives them infinite ammo, is very stubborn, and sounded really disinterested in Hololive as a whole. Not knowing who Rushia was, seeming more excited for eceleb faggots than senpai collabs, plus she's still really rough as a streamer and has dead air. She would improve and then regress and people got tired of it. She's been on a roll though since the TTRPG intro streams, hope she keeps it up.

>> No.8181733

Gura is an austistic sperg like most people here. Mori is an austistic normie.

It's as simple as that.

>> No.8181898 [DELETED] 
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Mori's roommate is based so she always gets a pass

>> No.8182161

i'm pretty sure you don't know what sperg means.

Don't watch Mori a lot, but i got the impression that on average she has a lot more low energy streams. Could be because she is tired from side projects (e.g. original songs), that she doesn't give a shit about the company or anything in between. Whatever the case, trolls latch on and start up shitstorms. At least that seems like the most probable scenario to me.

>> No.8182265

Have you guys seen any recent collabs with Mori? She clearly has gotten better at it.

>> No.8182423
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>Gura somehow gets a free pass
Gura doesn't get a pass on anything here, where did you get that idea

>> No.8182442

>you can tell she has a lot of respect for the company her senpai built up and realizes she wouldn't be making assloads of cash playing video games if it wasn't for them
I don't know why people think Mori doesn't have huge respect for her senpais or that she thinks highly of herself.

>> No.8182485

Mori has improved on her last streams and it shows, Gura is actually regressing.

>> No.8182535

Die seething ESLchama

>> No.8182563

What is 5% thing, good sirs?
