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[ERROR] No.8120305 [Reply] [Original]

Who has the worst rigging and why is it Anya?

>> No.8120391

Why did you take a screenshot of a reddit post and post it here

>> No.8120451

You are correct but also go back

>> No.8120464

this place is reddit colony now

>> No.8120473

The fact that reddit is even complaining about it shows how much that rigger fucked up.

>> No.8120537

here you go, redditbro

>> No.8120597

Exactly. The rigger was also the one who rigged Coco's first model (the one without the nose).

>> No.8120602

I dunno it's pretty hard to beat debut Matsuri or debut Coco. Anya looks like a mask when she turns her head but debut Coco couldn't turn her head independently of her body and her body couldn't really turn that much in the first place.

>> No.8120606

Damn Reddit actually not sucking cover cock for once? Or its fake screenshot? Answer us OP

>> No.8120660

Same rigger, all of them.

>> No.8120690

>Coco first model
Does that one has awful rig too?
They probably kept him for rigging for one reason, cheap service but at a cost of awful rig

>> No.8120726

Real. https://www.reddit.com/r/Hololive/comments/p5ip4p/not_to_be_overtly_negative_and_i_love_anyas/

>> No.8120769

yikes. fire him immediately

>> No.8120782

They can probably hire some random rigger in twitter and they'll do a better job than whatever the fuck anya's rigger did

>> No.8120965

I hate how they must preface it with "Not to be overtly negative". They cant just say they cant just give a straightforward critique or complaint. Fucking hell.

>> No.8121176

It’s really pathetic, and you when point this out they claim the only alternative is saying “this rigging is absolute dogshit whoever made it needs to die” when in reality posts that are too negative consists of “this rigging is bad”

>> No.8121394

Without saying that they'll get downvoted to hell because reddit can't take any criticism of Hololive without freaking out

>> No.8121396

He did:
Anya Melfissa (all)
Gawr Gura (all except Walfie model)
Natsuiro Matsuri (Casual Outfit 2020)
Kiryu Coco (Debut 1.0, New Year)
Inugami Korone (Cake model)
Kanade Izuru (New Year)

>> No.8121545
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>> No.8121602
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>> No.8121612

>Korone cake model
No wonder that rig is fucking awful

>> No.8121662

Back to your shithole, reddit nigger.

>> No.8121725
File: 108 KB, 1200x1008, 1622723416505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cover already saw reception from Coco's 2.0 on how everyone enjoyed her much more fluid rig from Keffiy and how they hated Shin Umiushi's rig
>still decide to hire Umiushi to rig Anya's and Gura's new costumes instead of giving them over to other, more experienced riggers like Keffiy/Tou_ilie/Jujube

>> No.8121855

maybe the rigger is yagoo's bastard son or something and that's why he's not getting rid of

>> No.8121877
File: 2.52 MB, 498x365, Gura.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the shitposts had a greater quality than the Gooru rigging.

>> No.8122008

you forgot the IT WAS ME, HAACHAMA!

>> No.8122011

Someone in Gen2 probably has worse rigging. Except Sana since she showed hers off.

>> No.8122197

If anyone it'll be notAmber, but the new ID2 and EN2 models were probably made around the same time so hopefully this rigger was too busy to get to touch them

>> No.8122533

>holobronies coping that their rigging is shit

>> No.8123508

They are going to fix this, right?

>> No.8123535
File: 44 KB, 680x550, 1590121058520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not to be overtly negative

>> No.8123583
File: 53 KB, 275x308, anya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her rigging reminds me of this

>> No.8123605

It was always a holoredditor board

>> No.8123694
File: 224 KB, 487x532, 1629122107501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew, even the ledditors hate it

>> No.8124204


>> No.8125989

Rariemon and Shin Umiushi are hacks, I pity the gen 2 Holos nigged by him, it'll be an instant debuff.

>> No.8126081

Rariemon is fine, it's just that Redjuice's art model was unsalvageable.

>> No.8126149

Incompetence is no reason to sack someone in Japan, apparently.

>> No.8126344

Shuba's rigging is so fucking bad she might just as well stick a jpeg of her model on her streams and it wouldn't change much.

>> No.8126464

worst rigging, worst new skin for worst holomember

>> No.8126702

Umiushi must give the best blowjobs in existence for Cover to keep hiring his ass

>> No.8126877

Why do they keep hiring this faggot? I hope Gura's new outfit is getting a total new rigger revamp and that's why she hasn't streamed with it in 2 months. She knows it's shit. Wtf is Cover doing

>> No.8127188

OP, you are a fucking rigger

>> No.8127349

Permission perhaps ???? Vei is live and she just talked about getting new rig for her outfit cause she need to wait a year to get keffiy to rig it, so she decides to just get new model and new rigger too, i joined half way so i didnt catch the whole thing though so thats might be wrong

>> No.8127947

How this even work? Why wait whole year?

>> No.8128061

WTF is rigging?

>> No.8128282

That post is wrong about Coco's 1.0, he only edited it for her New Year's costume so by that time Cover didn't know about the horrors to come.

Not like it matters though, the fact that they kept him after the rhombus fiasco is enough.

>> No.8128383

There's a wait list obviously.

>> No.8128406

Imagine your body. All the squishy bits are your live2d, your skeleton is your rig. Umiushi loved giving his skellies cuboid skulls

>> No.8128436

didn't realize it's all made by same person kek
cover should just fire him at this point

>> No.8128509


>> No.8128529
File: 21 KB, 400x400, the butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is it Anya
no refunds

>> No.8128671


>> No.8128769
File: 61 KB, 562x301, 8zo4ohsypbv01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's gonna backstab medic and heavy

>> No.8128840

She is a big girl

>> No.8128871

I've gone on a few subreddits for info on some specific topics and I've noticed ANY dissension from the approved position is met with mass downvoting. They're more hivemind than 4chan at times.

>> No.8128973

Good aren't easy to find. All the good ones are high in demand

>> No.8129023

Probably because there's more than one person who wants it, retard

>> No.8129424
File: 13 KB, 210x172, 1619162183404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i didn't know they were so busy with work
thanks for answer, faggot

>> No.8129740

Untrue there was another thread that was more popular titled "Why the hell is Shin still allowed to do rigging" and it got way more traction and positive feedback.
I know LEREDDIT BAD but it's really not too much different from here .

Apparently even the mod is mad that it happened again because they are the reason Gura got any fixes the first time.

>> No.8129810

Fucking kek the ear got me

>> No.8129868

I have to wonder if the guy is an actual cover employee. If he is, than according to Japanese law they can't fire him.

>> No.8129942

>If he is, than according to Japanese law they can't fire him

>> No.8129994

holy fuck that looks worse than before.
and she now she lost her tits. I don't understand, why does anya love debuffing herself to much.

>> No.8130084

Can they at least give him a different task next time?

>> No.8130753

He's full of shit.

>> No.8131261

Isn't that rigger a freelancer chinese woman?

>> No.8131308

Based on his poor quality works in the past up until now with Anya's new outfit, it is likely that he is likely under a contract, probably for +5 years or something, since the start of whenever Coco and Matsuri first joined

>> No.8131445
File: 15 KB, 250x250, E38C49CC-04DC-48AA-9A0A-3AE64E85B61A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, I’ve got a lot friends I have to speak like that around. You have no idea how easily some people can be offended or have their feelings hurt.
>Those all look good, but
>Mhm, I can understand all those views, but
>Good point, you know though
It’s a lot like management.

>> No.8131452

Anya is following her heart too much but in the wrong ways, imitating Fubuki by friendzoning her chat so early and rejecting a part of her that fans liked aren't good examples of expressing your uniqueness, sometimes fanservice is king.

>> No.8131666

He did some of the most popular vtubers of all time so he can't be that bad

>> No.8131937

so 8+ rigging models under his belt and he hasn't improved at all?

>> No.8132191

He's a freelancer, cover doesn't hire riggers.

>> No.8132255

Umiushi is a hack, he has not intention or reason to get better because he keeps getting contracts regardless of how shitty his job is.

>> No.8132281

you don't get it man, it's his style!

>> No.8132368

I don't know specifics but in Japan its actually pretty hard to just fire someone, its generally easier to get employees to quit rather then to fire them.

>> No.8132379

Her rigging has always been this bad.
You don't notice it with her original outfit because her mass of hair changes the shape of the head you see behind her "mask" so it isn't so obvious as it is now.

>> No.8132566

My rrat is they were already contracted to rig Anya's new model before Gura's new model was unveiled, so it was too late to drop him and find someone else.
Still shitty of the rigger to fuck up the model again though. I think they just genuinely don't care.

>> No.8133788

This is happens on the more hugboxy subreddits, like r/Hololive. An important reason why I don’t comment there anymore.

>> No.8135046

Go back faggot.

>> No.8135333
File: 7 KB, 404x95, ss (2021-08-19 at 04.45.06).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's going to be her 2nd most viewed stream...

>> No.8138954

>Not to be overly negative
Fuck reddit I hope it gets nuked

>> No.8139005

Exactly. Having cred by being the one who rigged Gura overshadows how bad his rigging actually is.

>> No.8139062

I know. He's fucked up 8 outfits now across 4 holos.

>> No.8139090

He did debut Matsuri too and that sucked.

>> No.8139097


>> No.8139110

is this rigger related to yagoo or somehting?

>> No.8139389

she's actually been getting worse for a couple of years

>> No.8143662

take that mask off

>> No.8143718

He got worse.
He went from rhombus to a plate face

>> No.8143722

>the ear
every time

>> No.8143780

rig deeze nuts

>> No.8143799

Cover should just stop cheaping out and hire a full-time rigger.

>> No.8143800

redditors always cover their asses when they express their opinion

>> No.8143836


>> No.8143859

Looks fine from that screenshot

>> No.8144208
File: 293 KB, 538x1636, FalsePraise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well. They'll continue to get shitty rigging. Probably the only reason they might be forced to change the rigging is if someone else does such a good job at rigging and shows it off to completely shame that sorry excuse of a rigger.

>> No.8144782

4chan is not a hivemind
this website is diverse af, multiple races and opinions

>> No.8144820

Ey what up rigga?

>> No.8150687

Better riggers exist literally fucking everywhere. The only thing that'll change it is if someone who can do better comes along for cheaper because money is the bottom line.
