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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8116171 [Reply] [Original]

I got into this hobby by Guŕa, and I liked her a lot, but as I started to branch out and try more vtubers I found my interest in her dropping rapidly. I find it hard to go back to her at this point. She feels like a starter vtuber, really simple and easy to get into but also really basic. Not a lot of memorable traits to her once you start learning about the more complex ones. It's like when you play video games and you start with Mario and it's amazing because you don't know anything else, but then you start to branch out and play more and more and it's hard to go back to Mario because it just feels so basic. Did this happen to anyone else?

>> No.8116197

Also why would you ever admit to being a new fag?

>> No.8116233


>> No.8116237

I think a lot of us here started with Gura.

>> No.8116416

No shit. Most of the people here are tourists and newfags literally trying to ruin the hobby. We all know that.... Just look at Teamates as a whole on this site.

>> No.8116421

It happens, Gura is an entry point Chuuba.

>> No.8116511

Would you PLEASE dilate already?

>> No.8116517

Lmao nigga typed all this shit nobody cares go get some bitches instead of analyzing virtual lolis go suck a shotgun fag

>> No.8116553

Why, what's wrong with teamates?

>> No.8116565

i dont know, whats wrong with CHUMFUCKS is a proper term

>> No.8116590

If I were Ame I would have gone with Teamsters. That would have been a better fan name.

>> No.8116596

Nijiniggers really need to get better false flaggers. This isn't even convincing.

>> No.8116598

You will return to Gura in the end. Being casual is ideal. Believe me, you don't want to waste your entire life in this hole. Gura's shallow hole is the best.
t. Casual Chumbud

>> No.8116794

I started from a couple months after gen 4 debuted, I would consider that the cut off for being a newfag

>> No.8116852

Found Hololive through Matuli and now my fav is Suisei. Also who you currently is your fav now

>> No.8116893

I've played so many games at this point, and I still go back to play the Mario games sometimes. Because they, like Gura, are fun in their simplicity. It's really that easy.

>> No.8116898

was the opposite for me. at first I thought Gura was simple and basic, but then I learned how perceptive and thoughtful she is, her great sense of humour and how wholesome she is compared to many others. she really grew on me. she's my go to for when I don't want to worry if I'll like the content.

>> No.8116919

Pretty much, yeah

>> No.8117055

Please I try not to think of this depressing fact

>> No.8117056

hey faggot it's ok to leave, just don't forget to tune in to her karaoke streams.

>> No.8117085

Kek, the absolute state

>> No.8117141

Still hard for me to accept that it's the common profile here. A "newfag" in vtubing was to me someone who got it after the 4 heavinly kings hit big, just as vtubing went fom production value to barely animated 2d avatars with an iphone as only investement. Eielen, Azuma lim and the likes were the typical non-mainstream yet popular vtubers. Anything that came after just feels so recent yet going so fast.

>> No.8117249

I don't see the appeal of "wholesome" overly postive vtubers. I guess that forced positity everywhere in life no matter where I go, you HAVE to be positive and smile and pretend you're happy so you get somwhere in life. It's so shit, I can't trust anyone's word. At least with vtubers I found some using the anonmity and freedom having an avatar gave them and started being really themselves, that they couldn't do with their real identiy.
So yeah, fuck nice and sanitized vtubers.

>> No.8117387

Before Gura snuck into my recommendations and fucked my algorithm I was aware of vtubers but thought they were all just ripping off Kizuna Ai and riding the novelty of the technology. So for me she was more of a way to correct some misconceptions than an "entry point"

>> No.8117546

That's probably the case for a decent number of people. As you said popular and relatively plain things tend to serve well as an entry point and then people are free to explore the rest of they choose to do so.

>> No.8117627

Imagine caring about who is and isn’t a newfag on a board that posts almost entirely about HoloEN

>> No.8117843

>Complex ones
Youre a faggot op as simple ad that

>> No.8117898

Gura anti thread trying to bait negative Gura comments. Nice try faggot

>> No.8117961

there's no people on this website that discovered vtubers with HoloEN people came here early 2020 at worst

>> No.8118073

got into holo watching ayame last year when I had a lot of time
went through having several oshis before returning to her now that I don't have a lot of time to kill
it's good being a cuck

>> No.8118094

you’re either baiting or this is interesting levels of cope

>> No.8118118

Same but pikamee

>> No.8118116


What did the original poster mean by this?

>> No.8118126

I started with Gura, I watched the rest of HoloEN and from there Hololive, then I came back to Gura and she became my oshi

>> No.8118127

she will mate with the viewers

>> No.8118153

rolled r

>> No.8118401

Entry level holos
>Miko (nigger). Inclined because she's entertaining
>Fubuki (scatman). Reclined
>Matsuri (bandaid). Reclined
>Aqua (44.5). Reclined
>Korone (eekum bokum). Reclined
>Pekora (numbers). Inclined because she's entertaining
>Coco (Asacoco). Graduated
>Gura (1st big EN). Reclined

>> No.8118586

I mostly watch JPs but I think Gura is one of the most entertaining and interesting to watch grow. She does keep it simple and it would be cool to see her do more complex stuff though, perhaps today's karaoke was a step in the right direction. I don't know why I'm replying to shitty bait.

>> No.8118732
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>cumbuds seething everywhere
based OP making ESL subhumans seethe

>> No.8118865

Kinda weird to see them so upset by an innocent thread.

>> No.8118969

Other than they are mostly twitch fags and the biggest false flaggers on the board by a massive margin and containment breach literally non stop?

Nothing I guess.

>> No.8119016

Is that why she's pregnant?

>> No.8119270

Why would you even admit this? Have globalfags lost all sense of shame?

>> No.8120650

Takos ruin this board for me, even more than Chumbuds or Teamates. I wouldn't miss them if they were all gone.

>> No.8120758

Now that's some bait

>> No.8120800
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Yes, Takos are the most obnoxious fanboys still sticking around here

>> No.8120833
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>check front page of 4chanel.org
>this thread is on it
>people are already gatekeeping and calling each other newfags and tourists over a relatively new entertainment medium

>> No.8120873

Its /vt/

This is like normal outside of general

>> No.8120974

that's a very accurate description anon

>> No.8121426

Nobody here bothers to gatekeep anymore desu

>> No.8121573

She needs to go back to being an alcoholic

>> No.8121690

>It's like when you play video games and you start with Mario and it's amazing because you don't know anything else, but then you start to branch out and play more and more and it's hard to go back to Mario because it just feels so basic.
I don't understand this example. Mario is a staple. I would never have a hard time playing it.

>> No.8121988
File: 241 KB, 884x1200, 1622820305318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was like you as first but in the end I still came back to gura cause i realized how must i want to pound child's vagina

>> No.8122203

Lol, I started watching vtuber just because of Miko saying nigga and Mick Gordon on Hana stream

>> No.8122326

And here I am thinking I was a newfag when I started with Korone when they announced Gen 4

>> No.8123051

Imagine falling for the meme that takos do anything at all.

>> No.8123089

>it's hard to go back to Mario because it just feels so basic
mario speedrunners would like a word with you

>> No.8125775

no one on this website discovered vtubers before the TT episode people came here after connor and the animeman made vtubing popular

>> No.8126916

Things are popular for a reasons anon. Most of the time the most popular and the most entry level products end up to be the one with less problems in the long run. Liking more obscure alternatives is fine but made sure you really like them for what they are not just because you need to show the world that you have unique taste.

>> No.8127098
File: 18 KB, 240x240, Uohhhhhhhhh [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Feqvzcv.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura's shallow hole is the best.
