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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 17 KB, 1920x544, Hololive_Production.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8085248 [Reply] [Original]

This is a Japanese company where anime girls from the overseas division are the main draw that gets all the hype from anymore. You only have to look at how hard Gen5 flopped in comparison to EN1. We're in a state where english speakers are more successful at being anime women than actual Japs.

>> No.8085390


>> No.8085439

gen5 isnt for you globohomo faggots. you can enjoy only globohomo garbage.

>> No.8085490

Gen 5 is a stronger gen than 4, now that Coco is gone.

>> No.8085502

EN1 gets mogged by Lamy and Nene in superchats. I don't know where you get the idea that gen 5 is a failure

>> No.8085560

>this thread
You can fuck off schizo

>> No.8085572

gen 5 schizo go back to jp

>> No.8085597

>he's never seen Lamy's superchats
Do your reps, faggot.

>> No.8086558

Gen5 is the domestic market's beat offering. Gen6 is coming.

>> No.8086679
File: 736 KB, 749x859, 1601382859102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Embarrassing. Mori contributed more to the hololive brand through her music and she has more talent in her wet fart than all of gen 5 combined. The wigger, Ina and Gura for example, actually deserve their success while Gen5 and 4 look like talentless parasites in comparison

>> No.8086828

Gen 5 members have better overall chemistry than EN1, just saying

>> No.8086899

>What honestly went wrong
>Most popular company that managed to break into the worldwide market and make vtubers mainstream.

>> No.8086983

Hololive already has 30+ talents who speak Japanese, many of which stream a ton. So adding more Japanese talents has diminishing returns compared to expanding the foreign branches.

>> No.8088312

Honestly, good. The less english speakers there is in the jps' chats and the less they cannibalize their own chuubas, the better. I hope they start releasing 1 gen/year and focus on quality over quantity, at least in JP, where they already have quantity.
