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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 455 KB, 1200x1198, 1200px-Europe_orthographic_Caucasus_Urals_boundary_%28with_borders%29.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.8056675 [Reply] [Original]

Is any of the new holos a yuropoor or are they all burgers?

>> No.8056686

Hopefully neither. Europoors and burgers are scum.

>> No.8056693

Pray to god none of them are french

>> No.8056748

Pourquoi pas?

>> No.8056772

3 burgers, 1 canadian, 1 latinx
I'm gonna guess Colombia

>> No.8056786

No entiendo pinche cabron

>> No.8056804

Would prefer some Euros over more Amerisharts

>> No.8056859

If the rrat is ky0resu she will be spaniard/russian, idk about the others

>> No.8056904

HoloEN Gen3 Europe please

>> No.8056940

They've already hired the most annoying European they could find, so it's all uphill from here if they have more.

>> No.8056955

You're right. We do need an AUS/NZ holo

>> No.8056962

>last tweet at 5:58 CEST
Doubt it.

>> No.8056970
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latinx is cringe wokespeak

please just say latin american or some shit


>> No.8056976

1 african

>> No.8057001
File: 172 KB, 400x400, bXVavMQC_400x400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard this one is portuguese.

>> No.8057035

She's not black or Latin, we've been here before, remember when everyone think ame is British, I bet that blackgirl actually white as fuck

>> No.8057057

I just want one that will stream after I get home from work. It's either 12 till 6 in the morning or in the middle of the day. If even one EN can take the 7-10pm hours i'll be happy. Be it an Aus/NZ Vtuber or not.

>> No.8057090

>I bet that blackgirl actually white as fuck
I don't think that would fly with the woke crowd. The other way around? Yeah I'd see it. But a brown character outside the JP sphere?

>> No.8057120

I find that gen 1 and Irys tend to stream at pretty good times for AUS.

Mori is live rn, for example.

>> No.8057165

You can't guess a timezone based on that, some of these chuubas have absolutely fucked sleep patterns

>> No.8057171

You know that is exactly why he is using it.

>> No.8057187

Cover is Japanese company, the illustration also Japanese, they won't give a fuck how en sjw would respond.

>> No.8057205

They've already burned the Chinese bridge, they won't burn the western one as well.

>> No.8057214

nobody here use it for woke speak, just bait speak

>> No.8057218

Mori normally streams at 12am, but yeah, out of all of them she's the only one I can even think to watch live. Which sucks because I like Ina the most, but she streams at 6 in the morning and fuck that.

>> No.8057237

If we're right about Kronii then we have another German speaker although where exactly she lives is not certain.

I've seen kyOresu thrown about as being the rat but theres nothing solid just speculation based on being meme savvy. If true she is a Polish immigrant living in Spain so that could be 2 yuropoors.

Really we won't know much until sunday unless they make a "mistake" on twitter like that one girl did.

>> No.8057261

You think those people actually watch Hololive? The fact it's a company that allows lolicons to be talents already filters most of them. They just like to complain about things they don't consume not being inclusive, the same as they did with a lot of videogames, comic books, and other forms of media.

>> No.8057290

Who made a mistake and self-doxxed early?

>> No.8057329
File: 331 KB, 530x876, chrome_2021-08-17_04-58-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the original english voice actress (white or white-ish or whatever) for ramlethal valentine (brown) from guilty gear xrd stepped down from voicing her again in strive because she has brain damage and thinks

a) brown/tanned skin = always black
b) voice actors have to match the ethnicity of the characters they voice

i wouldn't be surprised if this sort of shit happens with holoen gen2 but i think most auth social leftists don't pay attention to vtubers thankfully

>> No.8057332

All of them had their announcement at 3:00 CEST, but their debuts will be since 19:00 until 1:00 CEST which are pretty EU prime hours, also the posibility of having their sleep fucked is there (I was awake at 5 a.m today because the announcement)

>> No.8057351

They were never in a good term with en sjw to be begin with, en sjw hate gura loli design. Just because they make some sjw angry doesn't mean they destroy entire en market.

>> No.8057418

Irys. People already had a good idea from roommate account follows but then she "accidentally" tweeted from the wrong account.

>> No.8057498

WW1 is a mistake

>> No.8057989


>> No.8058477

If it really comes down to it, yes they will.

>> No.8058616

But French accent is hot and I'd like some french girl especially if she keeps swearing in French in the middle of her english sentences

>> No.8058686
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no, yuropa will kneel before kfp

>> No.8058833

>But French accent is hot

>> No.8058894

Nijisanji took the french rrat

>> No.8059560

they will eventually. soon cover will KNEEL to SEAnigs

>> No.8059609

In your dreams darkie

>> No.8059645

Please clean your ears

>> No.8060211

>especially if she keeps swearing in French
Nobody wants to listen to your retarded language. Let alone your accent. Especially not those watching English speaking Vtubers.

>> No.8060355

As a french guy I rather not.

>> No.8060498

if is negro who in the fuck cover would use the list gotta be small as fuck cuz guarantee it ani't going to be some woke fuck the they dont STFU about yabi shit

>> No.8060647
File: 607 KB, 461x680, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are some indies known to be black who don't say anything yab ever.In fact most woke shit is from white people thinking minorities need to be defended by them. I'm pretty sure there's even a black girl in wvt, charlotte bear or something (a black bear of course)

>> No.8060671

No. They are all SEA

>> No.8060709

Still butthurt lol

>> No.8060738

>no u lol

>> No.8060790


>> No.8060800

Absolutely devastated

>> No.8060861

I hate that so much. Say anything else.

>> No.8060967

If the guesses are true, then we'll have an aussie, a russian, and german.

>> No.8060996
File: 604 KB, 1920x1080, 164678124687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want me cheeky vtubing brit slag... But I don't feel like one of these new girls will be one. We don't really have anyone good enough here to be in Hololive. Fellow bongs are free to prove me wrong.

>> No.8061013

owl is the german anon that hated kiara.

rrat is the russian senzawa.

>> No.8061046

Why did she hate kiara

>> No.8061101

It wouldn't matter anyway. Bar a select few, almost every Brit into vtubing likes to put on a fake American accent when streaming.

>> No.8061456

Only black IRL vtuber I know of is Nanoade. I sure as fuck hope it's not her. Don't think she's good enough to survive the auditions anyway.

>> No.8061513

If there were yurops we'd probably have to treat them fairly in a working environment by law. With a full team of Americans you can abuse the shit out of them. Trash work hours, hostile work environment, shit pay, then you can fire them at any time for no reason if you need to.

>> No.8061554

Haachama is the best you're gonna get, frankly much cuter than any nasty British subhuman too

>> No.8061629

>almost every Brit into vtubing likes to put on a fake American accent when streaming.
I hate it

>> No.8061710

>Black one is actually white
BLM is gonna HoloCN this one for blackface

>> No.8061751

>blonde with yellow eyes
very black indeed
i have to assume blackmail

>> No.8061871

>German hating an Austrian
I think it's pretty obvious

>> No.8062287

The gig economy made its way to the old country too and European labor laws and standards have been systematically eroded for the last few decades. And even that aside, chuubas are essentially freelancers in theface of the law, so their protections are nonexistent to begin with. Thanks burgers.

>> No.8062539

This is why I can't get in to Froot. It's cringe af. MilkyQueen used stream with a cute British accent, but even she's gone all yank now.

>> No.8062592

>everything sounds sexier in french
Don't fall for this TVTropes meme. French sounds like douchebag, French is the language of douchebags, and even the word douchebag itself came from French.

>> No.8063154

>British subhuman
Fuck. Just the thought of it gets me hard.

>> No.8063328

You can even add Veibae to that. At least one of her parents is foreign, and she's lives in the UK (for most of her life?). But her accent leans heavily towards the typical American roastie. With a few strange quirks slipping through every now and then.

>> No.8063382

I like that one response where the guy was asking when is Chie getting a new voice since she is not Japanese

>> No.8065898


>> No.8068160

had enough of those failed artists

>> No.8073027

My guess is Kronii is a brit

>> No.8073059
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>> No.8073398

what about french canadian?

>> No.8073439
File: 273 KB, 1367x1367, rrat3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I wonder

>> No.8073525
File: 16 KB, 156x229, risu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? do you want more muslims on board?

>> No.8073584
File: 115 KB, 218x271, 1622711667708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being both fr*Nch and c*Nadian at once

>> No.8073644

I only want a British or Scandinavian girl tbqh.

>> No.8074444

???what made you think british women are attractive

>> No.8075276
File: 12 KB, 320x320, 1613647748820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your mother

>> No.8075892
File: 138 KB, 1082x1084, globe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are a few out of work streamers from this part of the world...

>> No.8076553

What EN2 needs is someone with the voice of Lieutenant Masterson from KF2 just yelling “WANKAAAAAAH” every other minute

>> No.8076609

Killing Floor might actually make a couple good collabs

>> No.8078757

>Fauna is Bosnian
>Sana is Croatian
>Baelz is Albanian
>Kronii is Greek
>Mumei is Serbian

>> No.8079045

not enough weeb pajeets to make it worthwhile, their sexless autists are only into 3D (white) women

>> No.8079201

God I hope one of them is a Slav.

>> No.8079303

You motherfuckers want a British vtuber until you do and she's fucking Sky Rizzy.


>> No.8079373

>Fauna is Bosnian
>Sana is Croatian
>Mumei is Serbian
What's the difference?

>Baelz is Albanian
>Kronii is Greek
What's the difference?

>> No.8079409

You say that now but when a cute girl starts shouting putain you'll change your mind.

>> No.8079434

>t. b*lgarian

>> No.8079457

You geard wrong. She’s Sugondese.

>> No.8079502

Their first collab after introductions is from 10:00 to 11:00AM JST. That's 3-4AM Europe time. Seems doubtful that any of them are in that timezone.

>> No.8079619
File: 2 KB, 244x226, fgtb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha, just pretending!
Retards are retards are retards.

>> No.8079876

>t. r*manian

>> No.8081279

Avec un accent du sud

>> No.8083824

Bruh she sucked ass voicing ram in xrd so im not complaining

>> No.8086259

Baseado and lusitanopilled

>> No.8086361

Would be fine if they don't leave in an apartment or have no neighbours to worry about.

>> No.8086529

too many amerimutt faggots unironically saying this trash slang on this board prove mutts are actually getting faggier and faggier

>> No.8086681

How can owl keep on getting more based

>> No.8086750

Based if true

>> No.8086902

Ayaaaa putaing

>> No.8090079

>>Kronii is Greek
She's gonna call out Gura's lack of Greek knowledge eventually, so probably not. Same with Ame and an actual Brit

>> No.8092020

Jesus Christ, a french one would already be too much, a southern french one would be as vile as a french canadian.

>> No.8094516


Get the fuck out with the cuck lingo. Not even real latinos use that cucked shit.

>> No.8099514

isnt that just Saurei?

>> No.8099619

SEAnigs are poor except Singaporean
t. SEAnigs

>> No.8101905

shut the fuck up, gringo

>> No.8109307

