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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.8047981 [Reply] [Original]

Trying to survive edition

Previously on /poi/: >>7753496

YT Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCUKD-uaobj9jiqB-VXt71mA

Latest stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT0cdgTDL7c

Newest song cover: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoDuE5v4a08

Newest original song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npVP58NvdQ8





>> No.8050646
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/vt/ is sure active today

>> No.8051847

New rrat dropped, Hololive is doomed

>> No.8053000
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>> No.8053701

you're still to blame for letting the thread die

>> No.8054958
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>> No.8055794
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You fucks better keep this thread alive, regardless of how active the board is right now

>> No.8055833

Sorry I'm busy keeping the Lamy Transformation Fetish thread alive

>> No.8055887
File: 3.56 MB, 498x498, 1613594440776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.8056318

Does anyone have the image 'Botan is lion and cute' but in a Baba is you style?

>> No.8057210
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This one?

>> No.8059204
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>> No.8059479
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After watching that CoD cold war Zombies collab with SubaChocoLuna I'm thinking of buying the game myself, is it worth it for the Zombies mode alone?

Is this the power of potential Vtuber marketing? or just Botan being too powerful, cause I felt like this with the Payday 2 collabs too.

>> No.8059596

>wanting to buy CoD
>even after the shitfest the game's performance was on collab
there's no hope for you
also you need friends to play games like these

>> No.8059910

If you want to play with 3 other freinds against AI, then pick something like Vermintide 2, it's unironically good. If you want play some arcade shhoter and be able to hop in a random game mode with a friends from time to time - CoD could be a good choice. I just don't think that it would be worth it for zombies alone.

>> No.8060082

>Vermintide 2, it's unironically good
imagine going on the internet and just posting outright lies

>> No.8060466

The fact that faggots from Fatshark are retarded and have no idea what to do with a game, doesn't make Vt2 a bad game. It's a fun game about killing rats, and great game if you have a group.

>> No.8060712

go back to /coopg/ ratclicker, your game is shit

>> No.8060950
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Haven't been there, not going to.
Also, if you trying to turn this into /v/ at least post more Botan.

>> No.8062638
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make me

>> No.8063936


>> No.8065554
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we need another singing collab

>> No.8065831


>> No.8065960


>> No.8066102
File: 596 KB, 877x1240, 1617719761435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need another hag collab
I fixed it for you

>> No.8067426

everyone is getting beaten up

>> No.8068454

This whores were asking for it.

>> No.8071701
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>> No.8074678


>> No.8076768
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>> No.8077748
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>> No.8079865
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>> No.8081970
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>> No.8085811

Stop doing that, thanks.

>> No.8087762

Not bad at all

>> No.8087767


>> No.8097086


>> No.8100471
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>> No.8100815
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Cute, we need more pics of Botan getting head pats

>> No.8105440
File: 207 KB, 1273x1056, 1629013202783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could headpat Botan...

>> No.8107807
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I wish Botan would headpat me...

>> No.8108476
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>> No.8110915
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>> No.8111385

I'm saddened there haven't been any SSRB plushes yet.

>> No.8112129

You think I can get Botan to play Call of Duty World at War?

>> No.8113241

Splinter Cell Blacklist tonight

>> No.8113961

wow time to watch Botan utterly failing at stealth again

>> No.8116575
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>> No.8118953
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>> No.8119196
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delet this

>> No.8119941

post more

>> No.8120520

Shishiro "stealth is optional" Botan

>> No.8121399

surprise collab

>> No.8124188
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>> No.8126895
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>> No.8128856
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>> No.8128992

If you like Shishiron so much, why don't you marry her?

>> No.8130214


>> No.8134738

Because i'm not Lamy

>> No.8134960

not with that attitude

>> No.8135151
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you will never be Lamy
no matter how many degenerate threads you will make

>> No.8135825

[News] Botan loves cats.

>> No.8136013

not news

>> No.8141509


>> No.8143513
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>> No.8146501


>> No.8148912

button pls my reading speed reps

>> No.8151547
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>> No.8154595

Shuba tonight

>> No.8157816


>> No.8159463
File: 531 KB, 1160x650, 0BCB571F-A494-469B-9639-52FA0CE9F7D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Call in to Anya's stream
>Say you prefer ramen over udon
>Refuse to elaborate

>> No.8161092
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Best lion strikes again

>> No.8162952
File: 290 KB, 1689x2048, E9E-rC5VEA8uYCT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8163568

Love this hag like you wouldn't believe

>> No.8164904

Don't forget bullying Anya into picking up minecraft.

>> No.8165265

good, indogs must suffer

>> No.8166874

Watame announcement has botan shadow

>> No.8169994

I don't know shit about vtuber, but a friends showed me this lion, and i think she is cute. Should i watch even if i don't understand jap?

>> No.8170227

no the lion already has enough worshippers, go watch some ENs

>> No.8170448

They don't look as cute thought.

>> No.8170568

too bad, deal with it, you're late to the party so you have to get whatever is left

>> No.8170712

Laughter and headshots cross all language barriers.

>> No.8171417

headpat emote up now

>> No.8175778
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>> No.8179128

Just stick to clips. She's incredibly based as a person but it can't be helped if you don't know Japanese. You can also look up whether she played your favorite games, because she did a bunch of western stuff vtubers usually don't, but that's about it.
She used to do streams of Trials Rising (corporate Happy Wheels clone) and TABS which were basically her laughing at ragdoll physics and shit going wrong, which don't require any language skills to enjoy, but she didn't do any for a while. You can check the old ones out.

>> No.8181310

>he thinks you need japanese to enjoy streams

>> No.8183936


>> No.8187372


>> No.8189933
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>87 replies
>25 posters
Gotta keep that general pure

>> No.8190648

25 ips not posters

>> No.8191866


>> No.8195313


>> No.8197680

I'd love to see her play some different shooters like arma or tarkov too. I get that its a permissions thing but a homie can dream.

>> No.8202608

Looks like she got an advance copy of No More Heroes 3

She'll also be on another pre-launch broadcast with Suda51.

>> No.8204505

Almost at 1 mil comrade

>> No.8204640

cute grandma

>> No.8209128

I hope she actually plays it shouldn't even be a big game considering both previous games were 10 hours each to beat fully

>> No.8209815


>> No.8211792

no other vtuber is gonna be based enough to play NMH mark my words

>> No.8211866

>English language with JP subs
I really appreciate when the JP holos do this, shows they care about their kaigai niki viewers.

>> No.8211884

Isn't that because No more heroes doesn't have a JP dub?

>> No.8211942

Doesn't it? It's a JP game so I just assumed it would have

>> No.8212463

yeah man good luck watching super chat reading streams if you don't speak a lick of japanese

>> No.8212517

i never played No More Heroes but it reminds me a lot of PS2 God Hand

>> No.8212697

>i never played No More Heroes
then do it, both wii and switch are even emulatable so you have no excuse

>> No.8212842

every day this cute hag lion and her giggles gives me the motivation to do my reps and understand what the fuck she's giggling at

>> No.8213046

>watching SC reading and zatsudans
lol no

>> No.8213053

To be fair, you would have to watch a lot of Ultraman and cheesy kaiju stuff to grasp the depth of the parodies in NHM3.

>> No.8213064

>No More Heroes
I know it's on steam but don't you need the wii controller to play it?

>> No.8213093

if steam version exists and is the same as switch remakes then it's perfectly playable on normal controller

>> No.8213205

>if steam version exists
the port seems to be pretty shitty though

>> No.8213835

>japanese made port of the console game is bad
nothing new here really
but again if switch remakes are the source then it should be perfectly playable with whatever controller steam supports i beat both games without any motion controls whatsoever just fine

>> No.8217845

>Moona is already streaming russian duolingo
Botan... hurry up please

>> No.8218099
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Unfortunately, there is only English-Russian version of duolingo, so she would need to learn English first.

>> No.8220866

no shitty languages allowed

>> No.8220953

Yeah, it doesn't look like there are many resources for learning Japanese in Russian. Among the handful of Japanese-speaking Russian people I know, all of them can also speak English.

>> No.8224523


>> No.8226570
File: 81 KB, 216x245, 64547656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do i get it correctly that she's gonna taint herself with visiting EN minceraft server?

>> No.8227302

She probably will, but for now they will be creating fancy portal between servers.
