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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.34 MB, 3511x4096, 1704157197481959.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79899414 No.79899414 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>79892553

>> No.79899423

Why the fuck is Watson randomly playing Minecraft at 11AM on 4th of July

>> No.79899455

Incredibly blatant.

>> No.79899463

>13k EU box with debut buff

>> No.79899481
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>> No.79899484
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


>> No.79899490

more like 10-15 people

>> No.79899496
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>> No.79899493
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>> No.79899498

>Cecilia doesn't like that they show the faces

>> No.79899515
File: 193 KB, 680x496, 1719345820798730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I think I am falling in love with CC
She is the best thing that has happened to En since FauMei(IRyS debuted before them)

>> No.79899519

>not hag wolf op

>> No.79899534

>GG carrying the collab
ERB is so fucking grim

>> No.79899539

>CC understands the appeal of masked characters
Whew, she's not gonna flesh out

>> No.79899541
File: 69 KB, 668x142, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESRB bros what is this? Keep in mind this is 3 hours earlier than GG's timeslot and she's the runt anyway

>> No.79899543


>> No.79899547

The masks are way cooler.

>> No.79899561

What the fuck is this game?
Why is GG laughing like that?
Am I in hell?

>> No.79899566
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Watame is currently commiting war crimes against her kin.

>> No.79899568
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>> No.79899576
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I went back to the Santa Anita Tokyo Japanese Lifestyle to see what's changed.
Last visit was at >>74252208

>> No.79899579

Why are you watching it instead of CC?

>> No.79899582


>> No.79899584

>15k box in EU hours
Worthless fucking country

>> No.79899586

At least he's cute

>> No.79899592
File: 2.93 MB, 4000x3000, 1720116084648371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop in young one !

>> No.79899591
File: 1.15 MB, 1000x1000, うめうめ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs

>> No.79899594

There's still one thing he hasn't tried; a mixed gen.

>> No.79899603
File: 1.10 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_5051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next time yagoo, debut them during the hours where they will stream and buy fucking ads when you know you dont have a huge audience in that time slot

>> No.79899606

his wife ERB is there

>> No.79899614
File: 803 KB, 4080x3072, 1699273025278023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I didn't take a photo of the figures last time

>> No.79899623

Maybe unicorns were right

>> No.79899625


>> No.79899628
File: 540 KB, 900x900, 1719729371714393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some EU cope:
US viewers are still the majority of the viewer base, despite this timeslot.
There are tens of thousands of potential watchers at AX now not watching. Also it's around mid-day in the US which is when you do 4th of July stuff with family.
The current EU box is lower than usual because it lacks the American support!

>> No.79899629

ERB is hard carrying this collab, GG is just yelling and being annoying

>> No.79899639

people say EU debuff but even FWMC Morning episode 236 can get 8k+ and it's second debut week

>> No.79899643

I wanted to at least check what's up.

>> No.79899650

Why homobeggar doesn't watch stream?

>> No.79899655

GG is 3 hours outside of her slot. Even Ina beat Gura twice cause of that.

>> No.79899658
File: 246 KB, 720x720, 1683919573514294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hologods win

>> No.79899657


>> No.79899660


>> No.79899666


>> No.79899669

Giggers + ERB is the GRIMest EN will ever get

>> No.79899673

I'm watching the VSPO girl playing CS, she's pretty good and knows some russian

>> No.79899678

Today, I will remind them.

>> No.79899684

Jesus ERB can't fucking talk in a collab. GG has to hard carry.

>> No.79899689

God I hope he does, imagine getting the grim disparity within Globie but magnified my Holo numbers

>> No.79899699

There is an 8k stream going on right nowm what the hell even is your point?

>> No.79899701

Ad is for da boiz only

>> No.79899743
File: 135 KB, 616x353, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play Garou. It's a good game.

>> No.79899750
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, one person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, they look identical

>> No.79899749
File: 170 KB, 329x399, 1686528127198496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch CC, are you gay or something?

>> No.79899759

And considering she works better when she has someone to back and forth to, this is a fucking numbers nightmare.

>> No.79899762
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>> No.79899767
File: 102 KB, 270x256, REAPER RANCH[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fwcssqt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mori!

>> No.79899775

this is what happens when the burgers are too busy preparing for a barbecue to prop up their numbers

>> No.79899781

you'd have to pay me to watch that game and ERB, have you seen the artstyle

>> No.79899793

Uh...bro? Were you living in a cave or something? And why the insane cackling and samefagging

>> No.79899800
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>> No.79899804

I mean, it's an improvement over the previous EU box with only Kiara that was 6.5k at most.

>> No.79899817

>Talk shit, get hit
Why is CC like this

>> No.79899821

ERB and GG are incompatible
holy fuck
this stream is a train wreck

>> No.79899822

>isn't even close to her timeslot
>not even 1k difference
This is more GRIM for ERB than GG

>> No.79899840
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Justice isn't that bad after all.

>> No.79899845
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Watame is enslaving other sheep for lambvegas.

>> No.79899847
File: 146 KB, 435x485, Screenshot_20240704_112226_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhh dollkeks, this is your oshi?

>> No.79899859

>ERB got 9-10k viewers on undertale last night
>this has barely 4k
the problem isn't debuffs it's a lack of interest in certain games
that's why the karaoke streams get the most views

>> No.79899861

that rushia thing must cost thousands buy it ! that's a scalper dream

>> No.79899876

It's a homosister, they're not all there upstairs

>> No.79899883

>shitposter falseflagging as a /#/chad on global is fucking PERUVIAN

>> No.79899884

CC and GG need to be forcibly glued together and made a duo like FWMC. They buff each other by 500%

>> No.79899890

She is getting so fucking debuffed by not being an experienced streamer, she is struggling to play and talk but is (correctly imho) prioritizing talking and entertaining chat

>> No.79899901

I'm going back to her. Just gave it an honest shot first. It's really night and day compared to GGCC.

>> No.79899903

damn those relaxtime things look good, are they figures? should have grabbed that Mel one.

>> No.79899904

The retarded thing is management will see the poor sales for the ambassador merch and low attendance for the holostars panels and instead of blaming the homos they'll come to the conclusion that the market for holo in the west is not growing

>> No.79899912

good streamers buff games not the other way around

>> No.79899935
File: 751 KB, 663x928, 1745456755465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D today, but what game?

>> No.79899939

Is she compatible with anyone?

>> No.79899940

If we compare it to Raora being in her slot and CC being WAYYYYY out of her slot then the both of them are giga grim

>> No.79899946

Give GG a chance otherwise, collabs with Herb are NOT indicative of her collab or solo ability.

>> No.79899979

Yeah I'm sure she could destroy everyone if she just focused on the game, but that wouldn't be entertaining at all.
I think she'll have a decent fanbase for herself, if she keeps up the consistency and improves her streaming skills.

>> No.79899995

Doesn't help that they're actively blacklisting the "big" holoEN's because they aren't cocksleeves and won't want to be next to the money-drain sex pests (Fagoo's priority #1)

>> No.79899998

that's bullshit and you know it. no one is going to watch a stream about something they have no knowledge of

>> No.79900002

>t. Downs w/ high IQ

>> No.79900008

ERB? bet CC would make it work. hopefully we'll never find out

>> No.79900024

Her karaokes are botted
No other explanation for getting 16k at 2AM

>> No.79900026

Might as well link the vspo stream

>> No.79900035

>up to 20k kareaokes
>4-6k solo
nice bots

>> No.79900040

99% Wii Sports Resort
1% chance IRyS figured out her Mocopi wifi issues and they do Switch Sports collab

>> No.79900041

Yeah they're Banpresto figures
I'm not a Kapumin though...

>> No.79900045

It's over.

>> No.79900056
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>> No.79900062
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>> No.79900066

> wants to collab with s1mple

>> No.79900091

By the suprised reaction when mori giving the ticket queue number, yes they will.

>> No.79900108
File: 3 KB, 182x50, 1692226135593.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay the fuck out of global

>> No.79900119

CC you dumb whore end your stream

>> No.79900127

What poor sales? Why are you fags having a spazz out that no one is just staring at Cover's booth? It's cause you saw Vshojofags standing in line (of 30 heads) to...actually watch a vshojo panel? Which Cover has yet to have?

>> No.79900129

How soon until we get good membership/superchat data for Justice? That will prove whether they are DOA or not

>> No.79900137

meh, 15k box on the weakest fucking set of streams so far isn't something to piss your panties about
we're having this arguement every night, no matter what the numbers are it's made out to be a disaster when it used to be 0 to 6k depending if Kiara was streaming

oh and just FYI, last night the EU box was bigger than the NA box

>> No.79900142

They all look so good too, that subaru one in particular

>> No.79900148

We're all euros here

>> No.79900162

you can't always have america bail you out man

>> No.79900163

I knew there were Peruvian fags here

>> No.79900165

>i am white

>> No.79900167

>I respect worker rights
CC, you are going to make Cover corpo bootlickers angry.

>> No.79900170

Neon White has way too much talking holy fuck.

>> No.79900176

>2k moved to gigi and erb
that's disgusting

>> No.79900178
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>> No.79900199

Probably could have hit 10k if she had 2 hours uncontested

>> No.79900211

Why, shill? I'm not gonna fucking watch gaypex

>> No.79900212

>I hate ERB she's a dumb whore
CC... you can't just say that even if it's true...

>> No.79900244

I'm sorry but GGs screaming is unfucking bearable

>> No.79900248

we aren't even past 2 hours yet, let alone her usual 3

>> No.79900251

Saw that one at my local vidya store in my small yuro town for 30€ which is a surprisingly sane price

>> No.79900257

Disgustimg 2k homobeggars

>> No.79900258

I'd watch GG but I'm not gonna watch ERB. No chance.

>> No.79900266

Its counter strike

>> No.79900285

I miss CCGG

>> No.79900287


>> No.79900290
File: 89 KB, 615x615, Mogged Council too.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Council didn’t do as good as expected

>> No.79900301

I'm not clicking, fuck off

>> No.79900309
File: 611 KB, 1329x749, new # faq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

helpful for newfags

>> No.79900311

She's loud as heck. Hopefully she learns to turn it down for something big like crab game

>> No.79900312
File: 142 KB, 1000x1000, 1688648550340773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro collabs are okay, r-right

>> No.79900327

why would we post on global? it's a shitposting schizo, why would we go on global to numberfag when we're already here.

>> No.79900331

I'm actually convinced it's Cover telling them not to. Because there's no fucking way

>> No.79900335

She sounds like that DJ niji

>> No.79900341
File: 2 KB, 309x48, Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 14-29-06 The World Clock — Worldwide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You all are so easily led

>> No.79900344
File: 1.63 MB, 1909x1072, 1691293910681873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, GG is streaming!
>Collab with the homo whore
Yeah, no thanks. I like GG, but I'm not watching the redhead cunt.

>> No.79900347
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>> No.79900351

Worst part about this is that some Chicago monkey is gonna successfully shitpost against Gigi whie posing as a monkey from here.
t. actual peruANO

>> No.79900352

she'll fit right in with Bae and Biboo

>> No.79900360


>> No.79900374

15k now but in half a year it will be back to 6k just split between them

>> No.79900375

Is there a reason globalfags act as if numbers shitposting wasn't there from day 1? It literally never went away yet to this day you fags seem to think it's some sort of raid from a younger thread than yours

>> No.79900386

Then dont watch. As it is I am also watching CC. However some anon mentioned vspo en and I dont mind giving the free publicity if it means Brave replacing Anycolor

>> No.79900392

ERB needs to make content that she doesn’t have to immediately remove 1st. If she already failed the Review then it’s gonna take another month bro

>> No.79900407
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I mean it's VSPO, idk if anyone would watch them WITHOUT expecting eventual pro collabs.

>> No.79900423

stay in your thread schizo

>> No.79900429

>overlapping CC
Sorry VSPO EN CS girl but no can do

>> No.79900439

Both Biboo and Bae aren't this loud in collabs right now

>> No.79900444
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>> No.79900450

kys falseflagging faggot

>> No.79900461

>le box!
EU box was always going to be weaker, why are having such a tizzy over it. The idea is to cover these hours and not send 4 more women to murder the NA box.
>b-but it's lower than the NA box
And NA box is actually WAY lower than the JP box. So? Why is the NA "failure" of not matching big bro ok, but the EU one is a shame and blight?

>> No.79900463

This chick and the loli are doa
They have to put their faith in the apex titty lady

>> No.79900498

Nijifags are trying to prop her up.

>> No.79900507

>East coast retards

>> No.79900527

CC is more GFE than Mumei and IRyS somehow.
Only Shiori beats her

>> No.79900530
File: 343 KB, 491x738, Ain’t gonna suck itself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get flash backs from NijiEn fags, Phase fags and Idol fags doing the same. So for all your “OMG at least it’s not Niji” you urself aren’t acting any different

>> No.79900555
File: 151 KB, 373x286, lost kitten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i guess we'll have to wait and see
plenty of members got shit on for bad numbers at the start and grew when they found new audiences

>> No.79900557

You can blame Sana (and Omega's horrible mishandling of IRyS) for the figure delays. Her leaving threw everything for a loop branding wise and the formation of Promise also changed things internally.

>> No.79900560
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>> No.79900571

Apex titty lady needs to collab with v4mirai

>> No.79900575
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>> No.79900602
File: 69 KB, 694x169, gee gee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh why is GG catching up

>> No.79900607

Promise cope

>> No.79900613

East coast CHADS bring the average IQ of this board up, you should thank us.

>> No.79900615

>the colored people
CC nooooo

>> No.79900616
File: 33 KB, 291x318, 1672720271366352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I have to stay up to 3am to watch streamers I wont support

>> No.79900624

>4 girls
There are 2 girls in the EU box, no Kiara doest count since she starts streams when people are at work

>> No.79900632

She won.

>> No.79900644

She'll get better with time. All entertainers do since multi-tasking is a trained skill as opposed to a talent.

>> No.79900648


>> No.79900653

Her perspective is more fun.

>> No.79900660

>fagoo poster
Go back, nijisis.

>> No.79900668
File: 168 KB, 1080x803, Screenshot_20240704_113327_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every stream ERB gets closer and closer to being the runt.

>> No.79900670

Fair. I just would like to see some other corpo replace Kurosanji in the number 2 spot. Brave seems to the closest to overtaking Anycolor.

>> No.79900671

It's been 2 years.

>> No.79900680

There are 3 streaming right now you twit, what a useless interjection.

>> No.79900685
File: 219 KB, 1500x1500, 1719960967684327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aieeee, Gigi's numbers!

>> No.79900688


>> No.79900719

>I like GG
Kek nice falseflag

>> No.79900721

>oh and just FYI, last night the EU box was bigger than the NA box
Because barely anyone streamed you retarded nigger. You had Biboo (doing well), Mori (always gets shit numbers) and Kronii (always gets mediocre numbers) and that was it, vs people boosted by a fucking debut buff. Kill yourself with your no context numbers.

>> No.79900732
File: 870 KB, 1664x286, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rare to see so many streams at prime time

>> No.79900730

En outsold JP fes concert

>> No.79900744

Yeah but you have to remember that Cover abandoned EN for those two years. They only just started trying again last year.

>> No.79900745

I love watching the EU gen fail this miserable

>> No.79900753

I said nerissa would get better too, never happened

>> No.79900771


>> No.79900782
File: 491 KB, 2273x4096, 1705298225782372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We love cute boys here

>> No.79900783

>just would like to see some other corpo replace Kurosanji in the number 2 spot
In EN vshitshow is already there. In JP no amount of linking VSPOEN (lol) streams is ever going to tip the scales for brave.

>> No.79900784

kek isnt mouse also peruvian

>> No.79900815

GG should collab with Kiara

>> No.79900821
File: 1.87 MB, 2499x2499, 1719883383389843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only a few hundred off defeating the british slag!

>> No.79900834

>Also it's around mid-day in the US which is when you do 4th of July stuff with family.
Unfortunately, that's lightly off-base. You're forgetting the night time fireworks and firearms blasting. Independence Day is America's true New Year's Day.

>> No.79900848
File: 3.66 MB, 1000x1545, 120010894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC love

>> No.79900851

No it didn't, that isn't even a statement that makes sense.

>> No.79900859

It's been like 20 minutes since I tuned to CC and this game is still just VN stuff.
At least she is saving it with German humor.

>> No.79900858

So you want another Rice loli arc to prove that point or ...

>> No.79900911

>Dragged erb down to the pits of grim
I kneel

>> No.79900912

we need to exterminate peruANUS, disgusting indio filth

>> No.79900918

but it's ok to take NA numbers with JP/SEA inflation as face value uh

>> No.79900940

>CC streaming cringekino puzzle game with long ass VN intermissions
>GG and ERB two POV collab of some shit game (holy mother of grim)
I mean...

>> No.79900946

It's also doing levels real fast

>> No.79900951

I want to lubricate all her joints with my semen.

>> No.79900962

hololive night is a major breakthrough in the stateside for hololive production.

>> No.79900971

She's carrying the collab.

>> No.79900980

Gigi isn't even EU hours normally. Raora and Cecilia are killing it. ERB is one trick pony karaoke.

>> No.79900989

i had an intention to write something like "justice without raids is just sad" but after reading the thread i realised that grimgang doesn't even need my help anymore
we won
we fucking won
en5 is never fucking ever and thank god for that

>> No.79901002

UStard having a melty huh
you retard do worse thing every day but one time it didn't work out in your favor you start sperging out

>> No.79901011

Yagoo says no more HoloEN girls unless they make some of the bois next

>> No.79901034

En had 20k tickets line

>> No.79901049

You guys are forgetting how debuff this Tango game is, other ENs played and also got horrible numbers.

>> No.79901067
File: 516 KB, 1592x1778, 1709377684456302.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, vshojo is not even in the race for global number 2. I know you want to pimp out your whore corpo, but its really small in the grand scheme of things. Brave is currently the global number 3. If vspo en takes off and niji keeps fumbling, Brave would have a good shot at global number 2.

>bu-bu muh EN

Phase is fucking larger at number 4. And even Brave is bigger than it globally.

>> No.79901072

Oh shit actual gameplay moment.

>> No.79901077

I am very curious to see what a ERB CC collab is gonna look like since they're so different

>> No.79901083

Will have to see the collab with Raora later but so far CCGG is the best duo of the group by far

>> No.79901088
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>> No.79901090
File: 445 KB, 1880x2048, IMG_2431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Argue as you will, but remember that Justice's three shitters will never compare to Pink Cat.

>> No.79901094

I honestly want to see that now.

>> No.79901100

More, the line was limited to 20k. Anyone after that was not accounted for the line

>> No.79901105

>>CC streaming cringekino puzzle game with long ass VN intermissions
If she didn't have a debut buff (or raided waiting room) her numbers would be as low as she's playing this shit game

>> No.79901115
File: 767 KB, 2490x3510, 1710479313019287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a whiff, sister, maybe you'll calm down.

>> No.79901116

so what's actual reason promise never gets anything like nendos

>> No.79901126

Compare in terms of having a cancerous voice?

>> No.79901134

You agree that debut buff ends at the same time as the collab ban is lifted, yes?

>> No.79901136

>streams in sea primetime
well no shit

>> No.79901142

Burger bro maybe you need to lessen with the burgers, also I can taste the salt pouring out of your pores, your BP might be a bit too high

>> No.79901145

she's very sexy

>> No.79901148
File: 515 KB, 1024x1024, 114074856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sisters having a melty
watch streams, closet dykes

>> No.79901149

/vt/ wasn't wrong. What an awful thread.

>> No.79901165

Get better bait, retard.

>> No.79901166

As low as Ame

>> No.79901169
File: 2.65 MB, 852x480, 「ホロライブ」 うみしーでチピチピチャパチャパ 宝鐘マリン がうるぐら[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Favq6ml.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After debut month is over, I will skippa skippa the EU time slot again.

>> No.79901183

Sure. Also monetization

>> No.79901185
File: 447 KB, 701x729, 1719766525416508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AI sloppa sloppa in MY numbers thread

>> No.79901188

Pretty much.

>> No.79901200 [DELETED] 

It's a good game you tasteless dumb nigger

>> No.79901202

Cover literally hates them because they didn't shill homos enough.

>> No.79901208

Is it just me or is ERB's model (or rigging?) ugly. That face is like a poorly drawn 2000 anime fanart

>> No.79901211

Go back, Globohomo

>> No.79901212

>2 hour waiting room raid
>t. retard

>> No.79901214

If only Gigi looked like this and not the huge turn off jacket. I would say hey maybe she gets a SEX buff if she gets another costume like Kanata but her voice is pretty bad anyways

>> No.79901215

Yeah I don't know why people are ignoring that. Game is ultra debuff

>> No.79901222

Explain Cecilia then

>> No.79901231

>I like watching paint dry
Cool. /#/?

>> No.79901232

I don't. Hope CC never do it.

>> No.79901242
File: 88 KB, 473x590, 1719415838767877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79901249

I thought of checking this thread for once. The absolute fucking state. Holy schizos. Stay here in your containment thread numberfags.

>> No.79901252

nah he's kind of right, there are a lot of shitters in here, especially since nyfco died.

>> No.79901254

Yes, she is ugly

>> No.79901271

Cecilia is peak, simple as.

>> No.79901273


>> No.79901283
File: 694 KB, 532x610, 1714963098871125.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NAbros all out on holiday or AX
>numbers crater during "EU hours"

This is all I needed to see.

>> No.79901289
File: 205 KB, 1024x1280, 20240702_214606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901293

They are planning to do it next week but they were meant to do it this week

>> No.79901294

How do you from 10k one day to 4k the next? Is ERB botted?

>> No.79901296

Based. Those people are insane.

>> No.79901300

You realize that Fauna's waiting room got raided and she has the highest SC reading she's ever gotten, right? Do you think that's because every single person who fucking got raided into the damn stream were actually there to leave?

>> No.79901312

Is she playing tango? No

>> No.79901313
File: 38 KB, 680x710, GIrCW1KXUAAAEoI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901314

>Retard comes in and posts retarded things.
>Pretends it wasn't his stupid ass.

>> No.79901322
File: 3.09 MB, 2494x2960, gura dodgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you watch the Dodgers collab? Some boomer cable service?

>> No.79901328

I bet ERB fucked something up and that's why they didn't do it
Also where the fuck are the monetization streams???

>> No.79901329

>you cunt

>> No.79901345

>fauna gets good numbers with bad game
>game is now buff
>cece gets good numbers with bad game
>game is now buff

>> No.79901344

Worst news i've heard all week.

>> No.79901353

No, but RR is

>> No.79901356

>poorfag can't afford cable

>> No.79901371

I want a phasmo collab but erb is bad at vidya and that's a problem because game choice effects ccv.

>> No.79901380
File: 115 KB, 686x675, 171904837388595017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yummy yummy seethe

>> No.79901382
File: 35 KB, 500x500, 1707059839838137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Built for sitting on uncle's lap.

>> No.79901392
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>> No.79901397

SOOOO who is gonna be the star of this gen? Cus Liz aint looking like she gonna even compete with the 8k ccv group outside of Karoake. CC idk i think she settles at 6kish and Raora 7k ish. GG..................... oh dear GG i think she will unironically be holoID teir.

>> No.79901402

Wait for the hwikky video.

>> No.79901403

I dunno, im assuming it's impossible as a bong

>> No.79901404

>noo it's not fair to compare us to JPbox that's x3-x4 as big, our 15 fucking talents COULD NEVER keep up with their box!
Also NAfags
>heh your obscurely advertised as EU gen with 3 talents streaming in EU has a box only HALF our size? what a fucking FLOP

>> No.79901409

Imagine wasting money on cable

>> No.79901418

You'll see the botting when Ennacuck(you) bots fwmc to beat Fauna today

>> No.79901420

Not like if the rest of the entire board is much better, lol.

>> No.79901425

Do you have any measureable data on how many stay and leave? Did you count the waitng numbers before the stream? No? Then you have no argument

>> No.79901437

GG love

>> No.79901439

I have never subscribed to ERB. Whenever I see ERB in a GG stream, I unsubscribe, dislike, and ignore her, simple as that. Why am I like this? Please cure me, doctor. Is this some kind of disease?

>> No.79901445

I'm sure one of the usual sites will have it

>> No.79901454

Why is KFP like this?

>> No.79901466

Realistically it's either Raora or Gura saves one of them like she saved SNOT/Kaela

>> No.79901470

>3 streams vs 3 streams

>> No.79901476

Imagine having cable at our Lord's year of 2024
Not me

>> No.79901477

>already below 10k
>already below 5k even
>padding ccv through raids
justice is the least successful EN gen of all times

>> No.79901482
File: 47 KB, 680x672, btra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I dunno, im assuming it's impossible as a bong
It's bloody over mate, no Gura for bongs innit

>> No.79901520

They never have a response for this.

>> No.79901538

It was 2.4k an hour and a half before the stream started and wasn't going down at all. You are fucking braindead if you actually believe everyone who gets raided is an active watcher

>> No.79901540

This script is too twitter

>> No.79901568

What are you, 50?

>> No.79901572

>eu hour
sister and shitter larping

>> No.79901573
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>> No.79901576

It's crazy that HoloEN peaked in 2020 with Myth. Gura, Ame, and Mori had multiple 20-30k streams in the first month or so. Every gen after has been declining. It's a real shame.

>> No.79901582

MLB.TV ... basically just get the free 7 day trial and cancel afterwards. Could go look for some illegal link too. Only gonna be broadcasted to LA and Milwaukee area from the looks of it, everyone else has to find other sites who do per subscription crap

>> No.79901585

ERB sounds too fucking OLD. OLD OLD OLD. Not HAG, but annoying aunt patronizing you old.

>> No.79901609

to get into x3 range they need Gura (JOP) otherwise it's not even x5

>> No.79901613
File: 189 KB, 1280x2255, 1711884084720422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79901611

You mean Ironmouse? She's Puerto Rican.

>> No.79901618

it's easy to find an illegal stream

>> No.79901623

No shit.

>> No.79901633
File: 136 KB, 1170x1271, 1719335003827303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it great? She's like an aunt I would never fall in love with. But she makes me feel comfortable and loved...

>> No.79901637

How are fags always in possession with info about Myth's debut buffed numbers but never seem to know about the 2020 numbers change that killed alt tabbing, embeds, muted tabs etc?

>> No.79901639

Shame that Myth burned that many people on vtubing so no one else can win them back…

>> No.79901640
File: 256 KB, 1441x2000, 1711057613472677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Riri sexo

>> No.79901653

Mr. Japan went and hired 4 Sanas

>> No.79901657
File: 24 KB, 520x269, 1714847585203108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901664

This game is dogshit and this duo isn't really that good either

>> No.79901674
File: 73 KB, 300x275, 17596179531174.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901677

You won't see much, if any of the collab stuff on any broadcasts. You'll have to look for crowd recordings.

>> No.79901681
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>> No.79901684
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>> No.79901689

>EU hours
>ENseethe all over the thread
Because that would ruin the ENseethe

>> No.79901694

So we can admit Gigi is the runt now right?

>> No.79901698

stop i dont even watch this Riri but she makes me hard as fuck........

>> No.79901700

And a virgin

>> No.79901703

To be fair with every following year YouTube itself gets more and more retarded with culling numbers. At this point I'm not sure if we see even half of actual CCV.

>> No.79901710

>no defense arguments
If you're a Justicekek that means you're the newfag lmao.

>> No.79901718

Go to /sp/ and find a link like everyone else.

>> No.79901728
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>> No.79901729

I think Mori's mom sounds younger than her

>> No.79901732


>> No.79901734

>culling meme

>> No.79901737

This duo just proves ceci was hard carrying Gigi in their Collab. Gigi just is not hitting the same right now.

>> No.79901742

Kill yourself. None of the locals here likes being in Global. Why would we go shitpost there?

>> No.79901748
File: 46 KB, 1024x768, 1714877451490003m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>discordnig hours

>> No.79901752

Patriotism buff.

>> No.79901760

>4k is bad now

>> No.79901762


>> No.79901768

Anon posted the council numbers, Kronii had 40k average in the first month and Fauna had 29k

>> No.79901781
File: 431 KB, 1613x2150, GPJuq_KaAAA77h9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MLB.TV ..
I'm from EU, can we also that shit?

>> No.79901780

Not sure why Kiara likes GG the most out of every Justice member, but the collab is pretty much confirmed after the collab ban ends, just a matter of time if Kiara is still in Japan when it ends.

>> No.79901784

And how much was the waiting 1H/30M/15M prior the stream? Do you have any receipts of your claims, there people who forget to leave but they wouldn't have a high bearing

>> No.79901790


>> No.79901794

Literally no one thought gigi was the funny part of ccgg anyway, so this is a retarded post

>> No.79901796
File: 1.20 MB, 769x952, Shiorin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Shiori got shit on for it then Justice should too.

>> No.79901800

I'm assuming so at least, I don't think any channel shows stuff like the World Series nevermind regular baseball games

>> No.79901804

ERB's been shit in every collab though?

>> No.79901805

>first month
retarded nigger can't even read charts, color me surprised

>> No.79901828

justice didn't do as good as they expected

>> No.79901835
File: 18 KB, 102x98, 1687521262743526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901842 [DELETED] 

ENcucks are melting down...

>> No.79901850

I will never forgive Liz.

>> No.79901853

Another homo karaoke rebroadcast kek

>> No.79901854
File: 391 KB, 552x446, 1719865934677421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901860

Why is CC so cute? I thought Germans were evil.

>> No.79901861

>Shiori is on the level of Gigi and ERB
I don't think that's good for her, novelite...

>> No.79901865

This is the part where we pretend Covid never existed just so we can seethe at EN right?

>> No.79901877

Erb is doing fine this collab. Gigi just sounds like a spaz. Gigi doesn't adjust to her Collab partner. She just goes full retard and hopes for the best

>> No.79901883
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>> No.79901892

Im pretty sure? I mean i used to use British sites to watch Soccer like 10 yrs agoo too. I think there are Complete blackouts (what we call sport events that dont get televised at all) but from what i remember it was shitty islands like Guam and other shit.

>> No.79901906

They were both great in that collab. And neither of them would be able to save any collab with ERB.

>> No.79901918
File: 27 KB, 680x383, IMG_1944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vstats for Twitch vtubers

>> No.79901926
File: 440 KB, 635x512, 19064446774331572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefag hours

>> No.79901931
File: 257 KB, 934x694, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious if when Watame ends how much will funnel to Justice

>> No.79901933

no, erb ruined the collab.

>> No.79901936
File: 1.76 MB, 3000x4000, 2B1E0BC5-DCF6-43F5-88D8-D258D2F8DB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79901942
File: 614 KB, 640x744, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CC has severe retardation + autism noises

>> No.79901952

It's hard to quantify but people never talk about how youtube changed the algorithm for clips as well, completely removing normie exposure

>> No.79901953

No one wants to see a Gigi Elizabeth collab.

>> No.79901956

It's okay to have sex with your married aunt?

>> No.79901965

>>>>>>>hours watched

>> No.79901972

Ceci would be able to because ceci actually knows how to bounce off people. Gigi doesn't

>> No.79901981

t. samefag

>> No.79901982
File: 78 KB, 236x214, ISHYGDDT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>niggers responding to bait

>> No.79901987
File: 847 KB, 1061x547, Shiori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks GG and ERB are done reclining
anon they are still in debut buff. Shiori is 3-4k with shitty debuff games and these girls already close to hitting them.

>> No.79901992

Kiara is a saviorfag confirmed

>> No.79902000

So that's why discord sperging out

>> No.79901999

>30k eu box
not bad

>> No.79902003

Her Germanic blood runs deep in her autism

>> No.79902016

Oh, and Tango is buff game?

>> No.79902029
File: 86 KB, 405x720, A37D097F-9402-4471-B1E9-7DC2718ACB93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79902032


>> No.79902038

I'd say dicksword raid hours. Some other thread is engaging in minor talks.

>> No.79902039

People are going to say the same thing about the Gigi raora collab, too. Maybe Gigi should've just aimed for phase

>> No.79902049

>CC liked Mirror's Edge

>> No.79902063


>> No.79902067

Do your pubs ever show baseball? I guess not eh? Last time I saw the Dodgers destroy Toronto was at my local haunt. But I'm Canadian so there's that.

>> No.79902068

Yes, always been the case

>> No.79902073

Surely the first few collabs count in the debut buff. Just to see how they fit in with the other members

>> No.79902086

It's funny, I never saw reports of any of those changes happening to Niji clippers but there were scores of Holo clippers that had their channels nuked.

>> No.79902100

>he doesn't know Watame is living in Serbia

>> No.79902114

Shiorin last stream was 9k

>> No.79902124

Well what stat is that Vstats chart using then?

>> No.79902125

She wasn't getting those numbers on her second week though

>> No.79902128

Gigis main audience is American doing freedom things where are the Brits for red?

>> No.79902131
File: 873 KB, 900x1200, 1706357319562821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79902133

No? Retard im saying this game shouldnt debuff them THIS much when they are in debut buff. Shiori is getting those numbers almost a year in having already grabbed 2-3k core audience. The new girls arent even 2 weeks old.

>> No.79902149

The fuck do you think we've been watching during this timeslot
No, it wasn't Kiara

>> No.79902154

Numbers inflation happened. Back in the day Fauna hitting 7-8k was DORYAAAAAAA, now we call that absolute grim numbers.

>> No.79902153

what really sucks is now they lost the BIG monetization window for their streams

>> No.79902161

you wish, phasecuck

>> No.79902176

These are grim numbers for all of justice. I don't want to know how bad it will get once debute month is over

>> No.79902189

Don't ask watame what she did in bosnia back in 1990

>> No.79902191

only if she's not fat and ugly

>> No.79902192
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>> No.79902201

Why the fuck is CC still bleeding

>> No.79902210
File: 670 KB, 603x936, 1697637672305163.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79902220

>Is it just me or is ERB's model (or rigging?) ugly.
Something seems a bit off when she moves.
Not sure if it's the rigging or the art but I think it's her forehead/brow

>> No.79902222

The ERB and GG collab is so awkward…

>> No.79902244

Thanks to ERB spamming Karaokes that have to be removed and then Rebroadcasting them even. 80% of her streams were shit she wasnt supposed to be doing in YT's like no shit her acct gonna get rejected until she has actual content on there.

>> No.79902252

it won't let me register

>> No.79902260

She is bleeding them to GG.

>> No.79902270

She should join hololive with her current model

>> No.79902279

>free stickers
lucky bastards

>> No.79902298

The cat is performing well.

>> No.79902301

What's wrong being a phase fan holokek?

>> No.79902314

She is the second least popular justice anon

>> No.79902327

she is back to 9k, not feeling this beed you guys are talking about

>> No.79902329
File: 86 KB, 585x165, numberfag prime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder is any of the actually competent numberfags in this thread can find a way to make an accurate estimation of the "NA box"
i tried looking back on vrabi and it's pretty rare to exceed 25k in the past few weeks, unless Gura streams and brings it close to 50k, but that's with Advent in Japan
i assume it's close to 40k?

>> No.79902353

Wait does Yagoo have nendroid too?

>> No.79902365

I think so too, she probably gonna have the most Gachis too from the looks of it.

>> No.79902368
File: 121 KB, 1354x154, Screenshot 2024-07-04 at 12.03.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79902375

>gets cucked every week
>supports homo branch
need I list more?

>> No.79902377

>she is back to 9k

>> No.79902378

You can't get a good estimate until you can get at least half the branch streaming at the same time.

>> No.79902391


>> No.79902405
File: 769 KB, 1551x1239, 1672938925594451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even if I only had a measly 5 minutes with Friend then someone blew my brains out it'd be worth it.

>> No.79902409

Everything, you're worse than sisters

>> No.79902423

How's Internet Explorer in 2024?

>> No.79902432

>HoloEN minus Cecilia
Need I say more?

>> No.79902438

Innit will get more views on karaoke than collab games, that's a given.

>> No.79902443

>eurodogs arguing instead of watching streams
classic lmfao

>> No.79902461

bar events 40kish need all 3 gens online and Fauna redirecting into primetime, you need the individual gen boxes online to cap over high 30k

>> No.79902464

Its been 40-50k for like a year + now with Gura overlapping and bringing like 15-20k herself. Anything over that is 3D or Advent debut.

>> No.79902466

numbers were glitched to me, I refreshed the page and it updated.

>> No.79902471

Phasefans are Gigi fans so maybe stop with the hate, /our/ girl made it into hololive

>> No.79902482

why can hololive not get a model like this

>> No.79902515

We called them homobeggars before for a reason

>> No.79902531
File: 371 KB, 1006x667, 1682748251128365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79902536

They should put all Brave group together not just VSPO for this graph

>> No.79902538

?? the only bad ENs are Bae and ERB, the rest are god level compared to any phase slop ant, yes even Mori and Kronii.

>> No.79902540

that doesn't really matter
what i'm looking for is the average peak amount of people holoEN can pull in NA primetime (8AM-2PM JST)
the theoretical number of people they could pull if they all streamed is just pure speculation and is pretty useless

>> No.79902541

Heads up if anyone does use MLB.tv if you live in the teams states/region there's blackouts.
t. MLB.tv user.

>> No.79902544

>Not sure why Kiara likes GG the most out of every Justice member
Orange and Kiara wants another small genki holo that she can pretend is her daughter. But the real reason is that she's the justice member that Kiara has talked to the most by far, and they have similar tastes in games they like.

>> No.79902559

jesas, the phaseshits really feel so threatened by gigi they feel the need to bring her down to their level to feel better

>> No.79902561

Buy more monitors poorfag, so you can watch streams while you shitpost

>> No.79902563

She is just old and fat

>> No.79902577


>> No.79902579

>Nah, this would be too hard
>She goes and does it next second

>> No.79902616

>watching /v4m/
>interacting with /v4m/
maybe vsmp will change things but HOLY KEK

>> No.79902624
File: 1.36 MB, 2100x2800, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79902630
File: 135 KB, 450x275, 1799284746372839472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching watame over everything else
t. Euro

>> No.79902638
File: 2.99 MB, 540x350, 1705130839086405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss her

>> No.79902645

What the fuck is that Fatgur stream?

>> No.79902651

Israel isn't EU

>> No.79902664
File: 1.07 MB, 690x864, 8074054855045572421.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79902675

That's her piss mist spraying on my face

>> No.79902676
File: 389 KB, 989x794, 1681121535542712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79902687


>> No.79902688
File: 241 KB, 1326x2048, 1693039680436921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to overdose on Fauna's pheromones

>> No.79902694

iirc was a VN with the other faggots doing VA, I feel dirty typing that

>> No.79902700


>> No.79902711
File: 212 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand the Phase hate tbqh

>> No.79902720

I miss the good old days... mid 2022 early 2023 was the best time...

>> No.79902721

They can't just not do it. That shit is poison for what Hololive stands for.

>> No.79902734

I blame mostly pippa

>> No.79902748

Add Gigi to the bae and ERB list and I'd agree

>> No.79902749

>feeling horny
i never understood how Cuxiem never got demonetized when they had shit like cum, bussy etc in their video titles. i can at least assume youtube doesn't know about the rape ASMRs but algos would find that shit real quick

>> No.79902767

minecraft portal area building my beloved

>> No.79902777

It does because you aren't going to get a good estimation of the average peak without drawing all the boxes in like >>79902461 said. That's why I said half, not all.

>> No.79902781
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I want to have sex with IRyS.
How much do I need to pay her for 1 hour of exclusive sex with me?

>> No.79902782

>pippa griftkin

>> No.79902796
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Nikke spamming Play store ads was obnoxious but damn did it work

>> No.79902804

They're probably not shilling actively enough so they come off as "satisfied with what they get".

>> No.79902811

It's a company whose most prominent talents are grifters who pander to dramafags and /pol/troons and their content reflects it, how can you not hate them?

>> No.79902815

cute muted wife

>> No.79902820

>need to bring her down to their level to feel better
Gigi is doing that fine on her own though

>> No.79902828
File: 681 KB, 2048x1536, ax_zeta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres holo audience before zeta starts

>> No.79902831

it's plappa and her legion of drama vermins

>> No.79902840

Obnoxious talents (Pippa) and obnoxious fanbase.

>> No.79902845

obnoxious fans

>> No.79902857

BVTM funneled all the SEA bro types to Phase

>> No.79902870

Idk how they never got demonetized, but Vox did get rammed by Youtube for the rape asmrs eventually.

>> No.79902874

It's pretty much only Pippa, Hime, Lia
While you guys have ERB, Bae, Kronii, Mori
And if you're going to talk about Shiina, look at your entire talent list for EN

>> No.79902877

that's a healthy audience considering it's Zeta

>> No.79902883

Unironically the algorithm is so much more tuned to female moaning so porn produced by males are pretty much untouched by the algo
Hell ASMRtist are getting bonked for breathing nowadays

>> No.79902891

probably a couple of custom keyboards

>> No.79902911

Not bad actualy considering it's ID

>> No.79902919
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Where's the Fauna tweet?

>> No.79902923
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Annoying fans.

>> No.79902929
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god fucking forbid
Fauna and Kiara kept the whole branch afloat almost singlehandedly

>> No.79902938

why do SJWs hate women

>> No.79902940

I’ll save her from Indonesia

>> No.79902947

Youre funny

>> No.79902958

Uhh Vshojokeks? I thought you said holo was cooked?

>> No.79902965

>be me
>minding my own business in a non phase thread
>suddenly shitposting
>shitting on the vtubers and anons
>hey guys this phase talent is really great just like so and so

Every fucking time

>> No.79902966
File: 74 KB, 980x854, fG9X8vECVeGXbGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow I hope you support Justice just as much as you support Watame

>> No.79902972

cover bots lizzos streams to make it look like people are okay with homocollabers

>> No.79902974

Post when the homos show up

>> No.79903000

horrible fucking fans and a couple of girls, including the top talent, that pander to them

>> No.79903019

So Ruffians are all 6ft 5 with super wide shoulders? Damn ruffians are giga chads then

>> No.79903020

Imagine a small corpo, smaller than the one you follow
Now imagine their by far biggest and main talent talking about doxx shit to shit on talent of your corpo
Now imagine fans of that corpo all constantly shitting up your threads and trying to anti the girls in your corpo both here and on other sites
And then factor in the fact that the talents most likely share the opinions of their fans to some degree at least

>> No.79903036

>link you wish tshirt
>Milf hat
>sapling plushie
>a couple holo hawaiian blouses

>> No.79903045

doesn't even matter who is botting her
bots don't buy merch

>> No.79903044

My angry german wife cussing me out

>> No.79903050

Some people really never saw actual GRIM. Now you can regularly get bigger overlap than streams total in that era.

>> No.79903063


>> No.79903064

Pippa is one of the main reasons dramaniggers feel welcomed in the vtuber scene and they're the biggest cancer we have, worse than niji, phase, or any other boogieman.

>> No.79903078

Advent really fucking saved HoloEN. Most of the girls had mentally checked out.

>> No.79903096
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And no, I will not be SCing because I don't want the attention.

>> No.79903134

You fucking niggers had a 500 post meltdown because someone took a picture next to the booth (like right next to it) and there weren't 30 people there like with vshojo.
What the fuck was wrong with you? Did you forget even ID is popular? Did you forget there'd be a FMWC karaoke there? How can you accuse Cover of not knowing how popular their talents are when you pull this shit.

>> No.79903148

>So Ruffians are all 6ft 5 with super wide shoulders
just a bunch of fat ojii-sans

>> No.79903149

last night i saw a Phase fag asking Gura artist to do "Pippa X Gura feet" when he asked for suggestions for shark week. I Hadnt been as disgusted as when i saw that for a long time.

>> No.79903178

By the way, Niji booth is still dead as fuck

>> No.79903190
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Advent fortunately filled the schedule back up with streams, which was what was badly needed. Biboo alone covers 6+ hours of primetime almost every night.

>> No.79903192

No one was having a meltdown and certainly not for the reasons in your head.
Its a joke schedule and an ugly booth, it has nothing to do with the people at the booth.

>> No.79903194

wdym, their talents and fans are assholes, aren't they?

>> No.79903200
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>SC matters

>> No.79903203

>Europoors never donate
Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

>> No.79903240


>> No.79903249

??? Are you retarded? Everyone shitting on Cover for bringing homos, Regloss and ID for a American convention has a fucking point retard.

>> No.79903250


>> No.79903267

Barely anyone buying. No lines to take pictures of the scales, no lines to buy anything.

>> No.79903270

>grim winter
eh this was when all of EN was in JP arc without PC setups to stream recording OBP+CtW and no EN3 to cover the stronghold, not really checked out because Yagoo was already sitting in meetings, that would be autumn of 2022 where we got close to self-destruction.

>> No.79903271
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>> No.79903282

we'll see if they go down the tummy hort path after their Japan arc

>> No.79903301

What? You're lost and you're dumb. Why are you like this?

>> No.79903306

If she's pretty and gets your dick hard from looking, then I guess? I'm using anime logic here.

>> No.79903307

>Believing /#/ shitposts
ngmi faggot

>> No.79903311


>> No.79903337

Does it matter though? Con goers are just happy there are people from Hololive there.

>> No.79903353

What's wrong with ID and ReGloss? You gusy bitch when the ENs get overloaded with con schedules, and now you're crying if they use the other branches to fill in. Some people do watch JP and ID and are happy to see them.

>> No.79903370

>sololive was almost 3 years ago
time flies

>> No.79903371

>6+ hours of souls slop
Monkey paw...

>> No.79903391
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i don't think there's any arguing against that, or that anyone challenges that notion
10 girls to cover all of the EN market for over 2 years, fucking insanity
they really must have thought the Homos would pull so much more weight than they did

>> No.79903401

Korone playing obscure 80's NES games.

>> No.79903402

thats a 16 year old philippino btw

>> No.79903420

CC talking about body horror.

>> No.79903452
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I miss her...

>> No.79903455

Yeah it still shows Brave as 3rd largest corpo. I may be corrected on phase connect, but Vspo outdoes vshojo there. And thata just vspojp.

>> No.79903463

What? I only shat on the out of place homos.

>> No.79903483

FWMC already hit the wall, Biboo seems fine but she's a no-lifer, Nerissa and Shiori both seem to pace themselves fine. I think Shiori in general enjoys streaming, idk about Nerissa.

>> No.79903493

Even con-go'ers dont go to the homos to the point where at multiple events the hololive camera was zoomed in to not make it seem empty

>> No.79903496

how can you guys watch Elden ring crap every day............. I still have half of IRyS's 9hr elden ring stream to go................

guess im not as much of a PARASOCIAL FUCK as even twitch fags since i think 3-4 4hr streams are enough a week.

>> No.79903503

Oh no, another anon with no object permanence. There there, you'll be okay

>> No.79903505

All this talk of gifts reminds me that ERB fucked up monetisation for the rest

>> No.79903534
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>> No.79903552

Fuck off ERBschizo

>> No.79903574

It's Koroneschizo

>> No.79903582

>defending ERB of all fucking people
disgusting behavior

>> No.79903592


>> No.79903628
File: 9 KB, 128x128, Korone_Listener.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love when Mr.Koro does a 80's game endurance stream like the transformers one

>> No.79903636

We have a Koroneschizo?

>> No.79903637

I don't, but she can get a 7-10k audience depending on overlap so obviously some people like it. I don't think Biboo's audience is overly parasocial, I think they are genuinely there for the gameplay unlike with many vtubers where the fans are just there to hang out with their favorite. She has a somewhat unique audience.

>> No.79903648

Look above you

>> No.79903651

I usually fall asleep after the first couple hours of IRyS' streams. I just play the vod while I'm at work the next day.

>> No.79903672

Nerissa seems to enjoy streaming mostly when she plays some comfy grindy game. Stardew Valley, OSRS, with those she can stream for 8 hours, most other stuff she rage quits after like 2.

>> No.79903693

It's an ironic title from early 2023 when I took part in an argument and wasn't supportive enough for a beggars taste.

>> No.79903695

Is there ACTUAL proof that it was ERB that caused the monetization streams delay or?

>> No.79903708

>DN but horse
>fucking RIDER
all this fucking plague comes from the same fucking place, phasecuck.. and you can tell how much shit there is in the catalog for even small corpo shitters but barely anything for phasewhores yab-ing

>> No.79903720


>> No.79903721

Possibly, it's just a guess. Management approved her debut schedule at any rate, so if too many unarchived videos really did jack up their monetization it was news to everyone.

>> No.79903727

Ah fuck my ceiling is kinda dirty

>> No.79903733

Anon? It's been a year, Biboo has a core fanbase the watch her for her. Just like every other Holo girl. This is a weird angle to push

>> No.79903737

>CC now 6K

>> No.79903755

At peak optimal performance it's like 70k.

>> No.79903761

Yeah, Scottish guy who is still seething to this day that Korone had that old singer guy on her Live.

>> No.79903769

Seriously, why did they made Ina so sexual in that group outfit??

>> No.79903772

That's not nice. I'm just an ordinary watakoromatesuki. Not the schizo

>> No.79903775
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>> No.79903780
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15k Justice box at abnormal hours, though it is a holiday for US.

>> No.79903783

my proof is that I made it the fuck up

>> No.79903786

Well every schizo was shitting on her when she did the SF tourney

>> No.79903790


>> No.79903801
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>> No.79903804
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>> No.79903819

Not seething, I was correct in that it was a bad decision.
If you watched streams, you'd know I show up in her chat

>> No.79903838

The voices in my head told me so

>> No.79903840
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>Pretending Nijinigs don't exist anymore
The absolute state

>> No.79903842

There hasn't been that much consistancy or overlap in that timeslot to test it lately with everyone busy.
getting over 25k seems pretty common and easy, just quickly skimming it.
The day with Myth one block and Fauna Darksouls was over 40k

>> No.79903856

It's 6.6k right now, go check the stream instead of the graph

>> No.79903858

Why am i being accused of being (you)?

>> No.79903864

I don't watch chat

>> No.79903873

Literally manager issues. Kronii they others day confirmed she has to fight for her voice pack.

>> No.79903875

you need a Gura karaoke with 2 member per gen online with and decent games but I can see that peak around Guraslot +1

>> No.79903880

see >>79902038 then see >>79806557 and >>79808115

>> No.79903885
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Its the most possible reason since no one has ever spammed unarchived stuff and removed as many videos from their channel to start off. Cover hasnt had any issue even getting the homos Monetization for a long time.

>> No.79903894

The funny thing is that majority of the obnoxious phase fans are Yuros and South American.
Many of them revealed their demographics and analytics back in 2022.

>> No.79903930

>not partaking in holo vs holo is a discord raid
Go back

>> No.79903937
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I dunno. I try to reuse the same images in this thread so people know, like this

>> No.79903938

She has core audience, but the bulk of her numbers are more tourist soulsfags.

>> No.79903939

Initial Popularity:
Myth > Advent > Council/Promise > Justice

Entertainment value:
Myth = Council/Promise = Advent = GG/CC/RR > the red thing

>> No.79903943

It's 6.7k right now though? She has been hovering on this level ever since she went away to take a piss.

>> No.79903954

>karaoke relay

>> No.79903958

I think they were mostly phase fans falseflagging for the past year.

>> No.79903976

>nijinigs existing means we have to tolerate phaseniggers

>> No.79903998

Council was definitely stronger than Advent at debut get ya head checked

>> No.79904000

>Why don't people like phasefags?
Says the annoying phase-avatarfag

>> No.79904010

Yeah it's going between that and 6.6k so I'm right

>> No.79904030

yeah >we felt the difference in having real sisters back itt when nyfco died

>> No.79904044

Can anyone at AX compare the foot traffic of the Hololive booth vs the Nijisanji booth

>> No.79904042

Why doesn't ERB have another easy 10k as per usual?
You told me she was a star, numberbros...

>> No.79904045

>"we love erb here" anon is a wojak poster

>> No.79904048


>> No.79904049
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I'm starting to get vspoEN clips in my recommended

>> No.79904055
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Because 3 yrs in and their gen consists of Fauna and Mumei who dont do anything that they arent forced too and Kronii who complained about any they asked of her. Bae the only one who even tried for 2yrs, now Kronii wants to try but to managers Council is the gen that never wants to do anything not even Voice packs.

>> No.79904073
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Cull cull cull

>> No.79904076

Nor the vtubers.

>> No.79904082

>Kronii has to fight for her voice pack
So Fauna doesn't do them because her shitty manager won't even mention the option to her?

>> No.79904092

>subbed to ERB

>> No.79904100
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>> No.79904099

>why do everyone hate phase?
>proceeds to act like a phasenigger
Zero self awareness RUMAO

>> No.79904123

Fauna doesn't do them because she's lazy

>> No.79904131


>> No.79904137 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.86 MB, 2560x1440, 1719699897741853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres a huge amount of Nijifans at AX but they're all in hiding because the roving gangs of dragoons are beating up anyone they see wearing niji merch or walk up to the booth.

>> No.79904140

When is the possible date for monetization? CC needs to upgrade from that 1080 (no TI).

>> No.79904138

>So Fauna doesn't do them because her shitty manager won't even mention the option to her?
I mean she did it once but likely no she probably isn't given a heads up about it because her dogshit manager who didn't even shill her birthday goods when she was sick is, well, dogshit. I wish someone would SC her about it to see where she actually stands on this shit

>> No.79904144
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Dramafags and retards constantly attacking hololive always end up being connected to them in some shape or form. Combine that with sisters falseflagging and you can understand why the animosity exist.

>> No.79904183

Go back phasefag

>> No.79904187

oh before someone gets it confused its 100% managements fault because its their job to ask. IRyS says she is desperate for a IRyS PC case but she is too chicken shit keep asking management. She already asked Management but she didnt get a response .

>> No.79904191

Fauna has no spine and never actively tries unless is told to
You guys have been letting her coast for years

>> No.79904224

That's literally because of 'gura box'. If gura was collabing with any of the justice members in EU hours and she advertised it or has her own POV, you would easily get 20K+.

You need to test the holoEN box when gura is not streaming or in a collab.

>> No.79904236

Be less obvious vermin

>> No.79904238
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>> No.79904243
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I miss her too sis

>> No.79904260

>Stephen Curry just shoots 3s. He's been shooting 3s for years.
>You guys should ask him to start dunking. You've been letting her coast for years.

>> No.79904285 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79904289

No but repeating something over and over again hoping someone eventually believes it is the strat of about a quarter of the posters here

>> No.79904291

why does this look like you guys went to meeca to see the big black cube

>> No.79904297


>> No.79904306
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>> No.79904337


>> No.79904340

There is a sizeable population of flips working and living in Singapore. It's a possibility. Also that falseflagger is a mintfag.

>> No.79904355
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>> No.79904361

Posture check.

>> No.79904360

>all whites and asians
which holo does the hood watch?

>> No.79904375
File: 1.00 MB, 1920x1080, GPbinZ8aEAAD8e0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And your change sir

>> No.79904391

>All of Justice losing to Watame streaming Minecraft on 4 AM JST
What do you call this?

>> No.79904413

The funniest thing is that Bae’s one was between Mumei and IRyS which means 3k audience refused to watch Bae and rejoin after IRyS started.

>> No.79904416


>> No.79904423

Do they have any type of schedule like Hololive?

>> No.79904430

I left IRyS out because she has gotten SOME stuff before. She herself is also one of the ones who hasnt done a voice pack in yrs as well just like Mumei and Fauna. Kronii used to be that way until she killed her paypigs with the homos thing. Now she does almost all of them and is actively trying to take things but Management does care anymore.

>> No.79904436

Being the dedicated garbage collector.

>> No.79904439

He is german btw and most of these publicly holoanti phasefans on X and yt are yuros.

>> No.79904443

I call it nothing to be ashamed of. Watame is the GOAT. The GOAT.

>> No.79904445

I don't have to pretend. Nijiniggers on /vt/, when it comes to EN, were only of two different flavors:
-Post Luxiem sisters (now mostly gone and busy seething at Doki rather than Hololive)
-Lazulight contrarians (Transferred over to Doki, Mint and Phase)

>> No.79904446

Off topic

>> No.79904480

On topic

>> No.79904494

Your oshi will never be ballin.

>> No.79904497

I knew she was male, it explains why im so attracted to her

>> No.79904498

Nah dude, it'd be 50k. Gura would just blackhole all of them and suffer herself for it (struggling to get 30k).

>> No.79904518
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>> No.79904529

Hit dont recommend? If not then you are just stealth shilling and pretending you arent

>> No.79904532
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Sorry the hood watches v4mirai, the only corpo with a Black chuuba and she is the daisenpai

>> No.79904539

>Watame is the GOAT
she is a SHEEP sir

>> No.79904550

All these years calling Kiara a shitter and it actually turns out that yurokeks don't want to watch holoEN.

>> No.79904554

CC end your stream dumb bitch

>> No.79904571
File: 236 KB, 3148x810, beeg smol relay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Bae was in any other position, the relay would have hit 20k

>> No.79904572

Gigi STILL hasn't hit 4k
Is she just cursed?

>> No.79904588

Fuck off, homonigger.

>> No.79904590

They watch their 1view hood rrat indie friends.

>> No.79904600

She bled half her viewers already, give her a break

>> No.79904606

Just rename the thread to /falseflag/ or /larp/

>> No.79904608
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>> No.79904609

They will probably pay them off from the revenue generated from ads/premium (unless that's also out, which would be scummy) and whatever sales are made from the standees.

>> No.79904613

erb STILL hasn't hit 5k
Is she just shit?

>> No.79904617


>> No.79904619


>> No.79904622

kill yourself already
