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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7980869 [Reply] [Original]

How is she so creative?

>> No.7980956
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>> No.7981114

She definitely browses.

>> No.7981178


>> No.7981545

She probably just takes time to brainstorm non-game streams or googles ideas and then adapts them to Hololive. Since she has some tech knowledge she can presumably pull this off with little outside assistance.

Not trying to downplay what she’s done, I hope she keeps innovating but it isn’t rocket science

>> No.7981629

Wow so creative. Never seen that one before.

>> No.7981702

It's less about being creative and more about being capable of executing her ideas on her own. Most holos are really bad with simple computer stuff, Rushia needed to learn how to copy and paste from Coco, for example. Any of them wanting to execute on similar ideas would need to commission like ten different people, which is a pain in the ass, and also probably not worth the cost.
What I admire about Ame is less the ideas she has and more the fact that she just goes and does it.

>> No.7981728
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>> No.7981819

this is literally just a copy of Asacoco and Nijizip

>> No.7981897

loserbait helps her come up with ideas while they're fucking

>> No.7981930

Yeah and ame joked about it on stream. What is your point? It is just the en version of asacoco, still great in my opinion. The only thing that saddens me is not being able to see asacoco vs ame in the am. Would be fun to see the two new shows goes against each other.

>> No.7981975

that's the joke
good job you got it

>> No.7982031

Did they have commercials or a reporter?

>> No.7982072

Anon, your reps...

>> No.7982092

Have you ever wonder why coco is the most super chatted vtuber in the world? You are now getting a straw as to the reason why. It is legit following the same format as asacoco. The only thing different is that it is in English. Ame even joke about it on stream.

>> No.7982276

If it's just copying something then it's not being creative.

>> No.7982277


>> No.7982341

>It's another Teamates jerk themselves off about Ame tying her shoes thread

>> No.7982618

What matter is the execution of the show. It is basically ame taking over asacoco. What matter is how she do the skit and make people entertain with her ideas.

>> No.7982929

Copying isn't being creative though. Everything Ame does, many other vtubers already did so spamming "oh my god so creative" when she does a thing is really getting stale. But yeah she's entertaining, creative just isn't the right word.

>> No.7983230

Ame once again revolutionizing vtubing

>> No.7983319

>Copying other's ideas
So creative

>> No.7983834

Ame has achieved peak creativity. While Gura is busy slacking off, Ame is out here pulling out unique ideas out her ass. More reason why Ame will always be know as the most creative vtuber of all time. And Gura will fade into obscurity and will be buried by EN2 hype.

>> No.7983896

EN bandwaggoner spotted. EN bandwaggoner spotted. How new.

>> No.7984153
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>> No.7984263

Ideas are worthless, an executed idea is gold. Definitely agree.

>> No.7984638

simple as

>> No.7984673

She's not funny. They have classes for that.

>> No.7984883

>More reason why Ame will always be know as the most creative vtuber of all time.
Why are teacucks so delusional?
Your oshi is a typical twitch thot, her only saving grace is that she's tech savvy and can implement ideas stolen from others.
It may seem creative by hololive's standards, but it really isn't. Despite doing that stuff, she's still declining, so it's not even working.
And no, I'm not a chumcuck. I hate those pedos.

>> No.7985329

Congratulations, you figured it out!

>> No.7985469

It was creative, but nearly as bad as her debut stream. She has a natural knack for comedy, but mostly when it's off the cuff. There are some really good books about joke writing that she'd really benefit from - especially if she wants to make this a regular thing.

>> No.7985487

>How is she so creative?
This makes up for her singing

>> No.7985612

>Amelia Watson
Like water and oil

>> No.7985788

it's kinda humorous how being creative became the default descriptor for Ame when it's mostly revisiting existing ideas
there's arguably a more creative person even within EN, if we actually apply the definition for generating original content

>> No.7985851

Isn't this just Asacoco? Oh wait this is EOP normalfag central

>> No.7985939

Asacoco was just powerpoint shit. Unlike ame, her scene is really soul. this is better than asacoco

>> No.7985948

Hang yourself deadbeat

>> No.7986020

I guess that one stung

>> No.7986072

Our greatest ally...

>> No.7986135

>this is better than asacoco
Teammate delusions sure are a sight to see huh. This is what surviving abortion does to a person. They end up like this retarded anon nigger.

>> No.7986166

Stop making these threads, Ame anti.
You're pathetic.

>> No.7986357
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>influenced every vtuber in Hololive
>set record live viewership
>made more money than any other Holo
>every Holo ripping off her ideas

Best girl will always be best girl.

>> No.7986373

Haachama adds her own personal touch to meme review - features all manner of random things, like comments and videos, and needs her guest to explain the meme to her. Makes things more fun and chaotic.
Meanwhile, Ame's "creative vision" is a literal cut and paste job of Asacoco. Silhouette interviews, advertisements with even the same background style, etc.
Is it that Ame doesn't actually have a distinct "voice"? She went the laziest possible route, and I wouldn't be surprised if Coco was disappointed Ame didn't showcase her own unique spin on the format.

>> No.7986422

>every Holo ripping off her ideas
>Cocofags actually believe this

>> No.7986568

Watch streams.

>> No.7986578

Just for those who don't know, Coco literally passed on the mantle for Asacoco to Ame.

>> No.7986606

Try harder, schizo.

>> No.7986628

La Creatividad......

>> No.7986692

and yet where is she now....

>> No.7986706

Unironically Coco would hate every single comment saying Ame is ripping her off when she literally passed the torch to Ame, and Ame would hate every single comment saying hers is better than Coco's because she has nothing but admiration for Coco and seeing her "fans" disrespecting that would make her angry

>> No.7987061
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Idk, the classical music concert was pretty cool

>> No.7987241

not saying that it wasn't, but on the other hand we have Kiara running her own semi-regular talk show (with her trying to spice up the formula depending on the guest), Ina being a professional level creator that does shitload of art and designs for merch and the like, and Mori, a songwriter, track maker, indie animator and also a DM to a seemingly fairly massive TTRPG campaign
and none of those three were really ever praised on their creativity, despite the massive original input in those types of projects

>> No.7987446

Look anon, Coco isn't around anymore, so someone has to take up the torch.
I can't believe I crawl out of my rock after mourning my kaichou for way too long and the first thing I find if your stupid ass. Fuck you.

>> No.7987716

what about the ones saying that even though the torch was passed, ame did a shit job and her version was creatively bankrupt, like pretty much everything she's ever done.

>> No.7987804

>ame did a shit job and her version was creatively bankrupt
according to who? (You)?

>> No.7987826

>Coco isn't around anymore, so someone has to take up the torch
Terrible take. Just because her content was popular, doesn't mean that someone has to continue it no matter what. She was generous enough to not stonewall others from picking up the baton, but that doesn't justify the audience to demand a continuation for it no matter what. Entitled viewers should be mocked and ridiculed, not encouraged.

>> No.7988014

read the thread, it's not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.7988087

I hope she doesn't try to do it every week. That's how coco got burned out doing asacoco. When she's streaming or on Twitter and she thinks she close to finishing a ame in the morning she should say I think I got enough tips for ame in the morning

>> No.7988177

the positive reception was overwhelmingly larger than the negative one, hell in this thread alone it's 50-50 and this is supposed to be a thread shitting on it. there's plenty to improve and there's already people pointing it out but saying that she did a shit job and saying it's not an unpopulae opinion is just cope.

>> No.7988712
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>read the thread, it's not an unpopular opinion.

>> No.7988873

>retarded amefags think youtube likes/dislikes mean anything
god you're even dumber than i thought.

>> No.7989025

>Completely ignores >>7988177 because it's easier to deflect the other anon

>> No.7989068

>retarded deadbeat thinks him and 10 other anons whining about ame on a mongolian basket weaving board means she's widely disliked
No u

>> No.7989459

anon, not even /hlg/ liked Asacoco 2.0 or 3.0 particularly well, why would people here like 4.0, that's even further watered down
it's not like it even has the advantage of no language barrier because Coco subbed herself

>> No.7989493
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literally why would anyone give a fuck about what /hlg/ thinks

>> No.7989580

because /vt/ experienced maybe like 2 months of Asacoco between Coco getting put in chink baby jail and getting burned out then graduating
90% of the board doesn't even have a scale to compare

>> No.7989702
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again you're asserting that ame in the a.m. was widely disliked, which is patently false even if you ignore the 0.001% dislike rate, since the only vocal complaining has come from half a dozen deadbeats and /hlg/fags on this board like you while /hlgg/, 5ch, and every other hololive fan community overwhelmingly loved it

no one cares what you think and no one would mourn your death

>> No.7989762

>b-but le hugbox!!
>s-silent majority!!

>> No.7989779

if you want your chuuba content and discussion alike to have all the edge sanded away, I suggest going back to r*ddit, it seems more up your alley

>> No.7989875
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i don't actually care what you personally think about it, i just care that you're blatantly lying about how popular your position is. /vt/ is a shithole dumping ground for contrarians and even here you can only get half a dozen SEAniggers/deadbeats/KFP to agree with you.

>> No.7989961

sure my dude, enjoy your asacoco 4.0, hopefully someone from EN2 actually pulls the quality of original someday

>> No.7989994

I'm sure Tyrone would appreciate you defending his girlfriend like this

>> No.7990032

at least i'm not a fucking deadbrap like you

>> No.7990061

Deadbeats coping now


>> No.7990092

>calling yourself based
that's pretty pathetic anon

>> No.7990099

Mutt's law

>> No.7990109

show on the doll where the deadbeat touched you

>> No.7990178
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You'll be right one day deadbrap

>> No.7990182


>> No.7990228

I'm not a deadbrap, I hate all the EN whores except for Ina, she's alright I guess

>> No.7990257

Now that I can respect. Not agree, but respect.

>> No.7990258

>I'm not a deadbrap, I hate all the EN whores except for Ina, she's alright I guess
wow real original never heard that one before

YWNBJ, 5ch loves ame, and everyone in japan would laugh at you for autistically hating your own language

>> No.7990363

I don't hate my language, I don't even hate EN vtubers for that matter. It's just that hololmyth are all a bunch of bitches and whores (except for Ina)

>> No.7990401

Nijinigger stop falseflagging as a tako

>> No.7990406

>retarded thread taking an even more retarded nosedive once teamates and takos join

>> No.7990469

>IP count didn't go up
Ya ain't slick

>> No.7990481

I wish Ame would be pure like Matsuri or creative like Choco

>> No.7990541

there was like 10 minutes of actual discussion, congrats on shitting it up I guess

>> No.7990647

How is she so cringy

>> No.7990714

As far as i know nobody was forcing Ame to continue Asacoco (aside from people memeing about it after Meme Review), Coco willingly gave Ame the option when she "passed the Asacoco Recipe", and Amelia followed up on it, thats what this is about.
