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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79684807 No.79684807 [Reply] [Original]

This copyright and perms bullshit is why no one uses YouTube. What a load of shit.

>> No.79684842

you know the same rules apply to twitch and kick right?

>> No.79684931

youtube will actually ban you for watching other people’s content in stream and reacting to it lazily, twitch dgaf

>> No.79684959

>react content
>react content on yt
is this really the type of chuuba anons love?

>> No.79684980

Twitch will ban you as well if the owner bitch about it.

>> No.79684987

React slop.

>> No.79684989
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>steal other people's content
Yes, grifting leechwhores truly can only thrive on twitch.

>> No.79685060

>Can't do react slop
>Instantly runs back to Twitch
Thank god for that, and stay there

>> No.79685076

Maybe people should stop stealing content from others?

>> No.79685123

Twitch "bans" are not the same as bans on any other platform, given they are never more than a day or two.

>> No.79685238

reaction streamers are leeches who deserve to get fucked over.

>> No.79685290

This is why civilization is a mistake. Law and civilization is offered as an alternative to violence. Then those in power act contrary to their own laws and promises to deny you justice, leaving you with neither the law of civilization nor the solution offered by violence, and you have become a slave with no hope for escape. Only anarchy, true and total, can save the world.

>> No.79685314
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>no one uses YouTube

>> No.79685334

And even then often times no one gives a shit about it. The problem is that Youtube's hardcore rules and copyright scouring comes from a time where every company/celeb/mother screeched at the top of their lungs about how it's gonna kill their business and dragged Youtube to court and the "dude it's physically impossible to check all the content uploaded on our site" excuse only worked for so long.

I remember the whole Gordon Ramsay piracy saga, everyone was confused how Twitch did absolutely fucking nothing to curb that. But at the end of the day, if no one tries to sue them for letting that happen, nothing's gonna happen.

>> No.79685369

If she really wants to cause drama, she should bring up the explicit rape threats he's made to women on stream.

>> No.79685380

Kill yourself OP

>> No.79685387

>do react content
>owner/creator of said content strikes the reactor
>somehow the claimer is in the wrong
really how much original thought can one person add to watching a racing car?

>> No.79685395

Shut up, Chaosfag.

>> No.79685477

That's not how fair use works retard. Only a judge in court can deem fair use.

>> No.79685557

twitch can only copystrike when the owner of said content submits one. yt at least has an automated program where it compares new content with previous, owned content.
that's how twitch streamers can also get away with putting the same movie or series but in a different language, because then it would be the owner of the distribution rights of the content in that specific language

>> No.79685666

>ordinary gamers
Why would you appeal to him? Isn't he a lolcow?

>> No.79685671

>Kirsche might get banned because of this
Actually you know what, I'm perfectly okay with the Youtube system being completely broken now.

>> No.79685678

She shoud open a website to host her videos. I suggest the name "The Girl With The Glasses", no need to credit me.

>> No.79685707

Assman is proof that reaction content can not only be done ethically, it can be a boon to the original creator

>> No.79685740

>no one uses YouTube

>> No.79685774

If Speed tells twitch to copystrike her there as well she's getting suspended for 7 days min

>> No.79685934

I fucking wish

>> No.79686075
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>> No.79686106

On one hand, Youtube's copyright policies are a trashcan, on the other hand, react content is also absolute garbage. So at least they match.

>> No.79686181

No pity for react whores.

>> No.79686745
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>grifter gets copyright claimed for "reacting" to youtube video

Good, total fatass death

>> No.79686821

why the fuck do these people think they're entitled to get paid for a reupload of reacting to someone else's video??

>> No.79687139

get that political grifter away from my vtubers

>> No.79687257

Kirsche sucks but this is a valid complaint. Unfortunately Youtube doesn't care about fair use or actual copyright law, only reducing their liabilities to zero by over-enforcing even frivolous claims without review. If you lose out on monetization, tough shit.

>> No.79687361

lot of butthurt retards itt lmao

>> No.79687566

A 3 view I watch recently got indefinitely banned with no explanation or reasoning.

>> No.79687695

YouTube has a video editor can't she just cut the segment out of the VOD? and get rid of the claim instantly

>> No.79687795


>> No.79687901

It seems more like one of the policies they implement selectively. Bigger reaction channels or channels Youtube promotes almost never get hit.

>> No.79687937

yeah I'm sure you think so mr. goldstein

>> No.79688117

Go back to /pol/ kirche you unwashed landwhale.

>> No.79688232

No one on Twitch bitches about it because it is free advertisement.

>> No.79688233

>putting the screeching nigger on your stream
he's a protected species on youtube, thought people knew that. you don't interact with astroturfed channels such as mr beast or anyone tied to night media.

>> No.79688288


>> No.79688350


>> No.79688538

You don't understand that's too easy how else is she going drama bait and try to clout chase SomeOrdinaryGamers?

>> No.79688612
File: 326 KB, 1920x1080, kirscheisfat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fat Kirsche

>> No.79688642

Kirsche's fat and a soulless grifter with no thoughts or opinions of her own

>> No.79688718

>steals copyrighted material
>cries about it when she learns it's illegal
Why are women like this?

>> No.79688831

Good. React streamers are a fucking blight on the internet.

>> No.79688926

Maybe this grifting whore should actually put effort into real content, rather than copying the Pipgrift strategy.

>> No.79688976

>A 3 view I watch recently got indefinitely banned with no explanation or reasoning.

>> No.79689057

Good. The platform already has enough lazy react channels, we don't need more.

>> No.79689272

Go file a report then.

>> No.79689339

Why would you want /pol/ grifters advertise your channel?

>> No.79689354

Isn't Faunas model way higher quality than all the others in EN? How is this fair?

>> No.79689505


>> No.79690225

burn in the deepest circle of hell, whore

>> No.79690718


>> No.79691189

her chat acted retarded and told her to add that

>> No.79691280

twitch will ban you if you show 10% sideboob(if you're a Vtuber). Both have their bs.

>> No.79691710

I don't have time to report all the react tubers I don't like, which is pretty much every single one.

>> No.79691850

I think indefinite bans are usually for viewbotting. It's completely random who it gets enforced on though.

>> No.79691954

A Twitch "ban" is usually a "suspension" but they call it ban for some reason. It's just a difference in terminology, like memberships and subscriptions.

>> No.79692296

Youtube can nuke your entire channel overnight and you will get manually denied by some indian intern.

>> No.79692373

Asagi mama, she's a pro

>> No.79692404

She attracted a lot of grifters and LARPers by showing up at offkai so I don't have much sympathy for her.

>> No.79692591

But really tho, are stream vods safer in twitch than in youtube from copyright claims or other kind of strikes?
Asking for a friend

>> No.79692884

the american copyright system is an utter joke

>> No.79692919

Twitch only keeps vods for 14 days normally.

>> No.79692960

Pretty sure unless you are streaming live NBA games the worst that can happen on twitch is VOD being removed

>> No.79693118

You're not wrong, but in this case it's Youtube's fault for enforcing their own flavor of superseding policy. The copyright regime on Youtube has very little to do with copyright or DMCA outside of protecting Alphabet shareholders from it.

>> No.79693173

Everything everywhere is a joke.
Find somewhere on Earth where the whole damn social and government system isn't shit on a stick.
Then tell me where it is so I can move there.

>> No.79693199

And he would still probably get a 20k sponsorship for playing a game for an hour lmao streamers get payed too much

>> No.79693270

Are you sure? I've seen some channels with 2 years old vods tho...

>> No.79693306

Just fucking cat that part out, it's not difficult. Always making mountains out of molehills.

Also fuck react streamers.

>> No.79693317

The VODs can stay up for years, it's the only example I have in mind but Billy Mitchell has videos that have been there for 6 years.

>> No.79693323

It's 3 months

>> No.79693406

>Leech is seething they can't leech
Make your own content you lazy whore.

>> No.79693418

There is always a reason, they are just refusing to tell you because they were likely doing something wrong.

>> No.79693647

Hi kirsche! still wanting on the receipts you said you had on offkai

>> No.79693651

I'm still impressed how nobody seems to know what a grifter is, since they keep calling random people who are not engaging in scams "grifter"s.

>> No.79693723

Tell me where you learned this. I want to find patient zero of this epidemic and pull his fingernails out.

>> No.79693785

I'm sleepy. Paid.

>> No.79693799

/vt/ is filled with ESLs anon

>> No.79693930

This is not an ESL mistake. This is a "born post-9/11 and raised by Twitter" mistake.

>> No.79694012

vods are kept for 14 days or 60 days if you give Twitch/Amazon money
Or you can just highlight the entire video and that won't be deleted

>> No.79694168

dramawhores gonna exploit drama shit.

>> No.79694292

You have to enable that manually, and many streamers don't give a fuck about that

>> No.79694316

Most chunas are ESLs, makes sense to me.

>> No.79694330

you should not be able to monetize this anyways, this is lazy content

>> No.79694421

Does youtube still have the 3 strike system?

>> No.79694558

good fuck this kiwitard whore

>> No.79694566

The fuck is a chuna

>> No.79694615


>> No.79694738

thats real convenient for them isn't it?

>> No.79694780

wtf i like ishowspeed now?

>> No.79695297
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>> No.79695937


>> No.79698345

Is Kirche involved in some stupid drama every week?

>> No.79698469

Based speed

>> No.79698560

Chinese chubas. Also known as "canadians".

>> No.79701108

Chumbuds, do you really want the channel of your oshi banned just because she wants to make reaction content?

>> No.79701335

React streamers and their viewers deserve the rope

>> No.79702429
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is this one of those doxx groomcords?

>> No.79703125

That is indeed why Twitch is the superior platform. I could get mad at Speed because he's definitely a retard abusing the copyright system over the most minor of offenses, but because it's Kirsche who got fucked this time I'll let it slide.

>> No.79703133 [DELETED] 

Yep. But she got triggered and left because someone called her fat. The guy who got fat got banned by her biggest simps

>> No.79703279

Yep. But she got triggered and left because someone called her fat

>> No.79704641

yjk she will go into a war with speedtomos and will include pippa and big chuubas(obviously not those on twitch)

>> No.79706377
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British tuner tuna, i blimey reckon wot wot

>> No.79706583

apparently SOME Scandinavian countries, but you need to be white. If you are brown, they stick you in one of the ones that are just as fucked as the rest of the EU

>> No.79706673

Just you wait she has receipts on Ishowspeed that he'll have to remove the claim they're coming soon TM

>> No.79706767

They are both subject to copyright law but it is NOT the same thing at all.
YouTube's system is extremely strict, extremely exploitable and extremely nebulous. Not to mention blatantly unbalanced enforcement and being run predominantly by barely-functional bots.

>> No.79706774

How did IShowspeed not get permabanned from YouTube for showing his dick to kids on stream

>> No.79707124

The clip in question is an interaction Speed has with a guy selling a sports car, who repeatedly refuses to sell the car to him or even entertain the idea of it. It was a fairly clear instance of racism (assuming Speed was too poor to afford it because he's black).

So there is stuff to talk about, and anyway her description of the reaction does fall under the typical understanding of Fair Use.

>> No.79708133

You just described twitch's bans system as well though.

>> No.79708236

Seems like karma after Offkai, maybe she should just quit altogether

>> No.79708684

According to Twitch they don't use bots for bans/suspensions.
I don't believe that's entirely true, but it is true that it's monumentally easier to get in touch with a real human at Twitch if you have an issue.

Insofar as copyright is concerned, they are obviously much more lenient.
Example, you play a popular song on stream. On Twitch, that segment of the VOD gets muted. On YouTube, they kill your stream as soon as the bot detects it.

YT's failed abortion they call a copyright system is exhaustively well-documented over the last 15 years, so honestly this shouldn't even be a comparison to make.

>> No.79708718 [DELETED] 

>buy an ad

>> No.79708745

Twitch doesn't enforce rules on you if you're one of their golden geese. Heck, they'll even coverup crime for you if you're popular enough like Dr Disrespect.

>> No.79708954

>no reasoning
Were they dressed like a whore

>> No.79709230
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>> No.79712160

The fire rises

>> No.79712492

He's a drama youtuber that's much bigger than her, she's trying to get him involved to get her strike removed and also gain more clout.
