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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 277 KB, 1632x2048, gem girl cute pjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79681872 No.79681872 [Reply] [Original]

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@KosekiBijou
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kosekibijou

Next stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_jOVM1AvDk
Previous stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVV7VFpCcfU
Debut stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpAQib0T5v0

>Shorts/music/unarchived streams


>Intro/starter newpebble guide

Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.


>> No.79681893
File: 316 KB, 2000x2000, gem girl painter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schejewel TBC, busy week confirmed.
MON - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST
TUE - Busy day - no streams
WED - Streaming something, time TBC
THU - -Advent- Collab - Oldschool Runescape at 8 PM EST | 5 PM PST | 9 AM JST
FRI - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SAT - Busy day - possibly no streams, or short streams in the morning JST
SUN - ???

>> No.79682047
File: 3.41 MB, 1280x720, did you do a good biboo [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ffsdb59.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79682153

Origin of the soundpost? Couldn't find it in any of the Biboo Moom collabs

>> No.79682220


>> No.79682290

Malenia is a lot easier to dodge roll, yes, even Waterfowl.
The main problem with Radahn is that the dodge roll timings and even more importantly the directions you need to roll in get very fucked in the 2nd phase with his lightshow going on.
At her current level of survivability getting clipped by anything means she will get 2 shot by most things, and he really doesn't give you any obvious openings where you can chug so she's gonna have to play nigh perfectly.

Pekora beat him after 5? hours earlier today and she had a much better build for it with shitloads of survivability. And even then she didn't really start getting close until she gave up dodging and started just tanking hits with blocks.

>> No.79682399

Every week you come here to talk about Pekora's run, don't you have anywhere else to talk about your funny rabbit?

>> No.79682596

If biboo is still playing at skibidi 18 or lower she's essentially fighting a pre-patch final boss

>> No.79682744

She should get better armor since it actually matters for this fight
Respec and get enough END for medium rolls with heavy armor. Theres some really good sets for this fight in particular
Also use damage negation amulets
Doing enough damage + good survivability goes a long way for this fight, and she already has decent damage.
Knowing Biboo she'll just bash her head with the same build for many hours though

>> No.79682866

Why post this when you know she's doing her cute cosplay build. Stop analyzing it so much and just enjoy the show.

>> No.79683364

She's not going to abandon her Vergil LARP at the last fight of the challenge anon.
It's going to be a long one but she is absolutely going to grind it out until she wins, and when she finally does it will be glorious.

>> No.79683666
File: 1.48 MB, 1447x2047, GRZjkB7aMAESPH1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

biboo cute

>> No.79683679

I hope she doesn't get gaslighted by chat into summoning the NPC because it makes the fight considerably harder. Its a trap
Dies earlier, does shit damage, boss HP goes from 30K to 50K (mimics and spirit summons don't boost boss HP, but NPCs do in some fights)

>> No.79683835

Mohg's most loyal retainer Ansbach threatening Miquella and doing his utmost to place (You) on the Elden Throne is kino though.

>> No.79683898

she should at least get to phase 2 once with the summons for the dialogue

>> No.79685048
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>> No.79685793

Need more Biboo

>> No.79686658

Need Biboo more

>> No.79686771

Need Biboo Biboo

>> No.79687180

Biboo Biboo Biboo

>> No.79687404

Biboo Tax Tax

>> No.79687466

I remember in every other souls game where you could beat the whole game with any weapon and armor you want. Elden ring is balanced like shit.

>> No.79687527 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.86 MB, 3840x2160, 【MV】Loveit? | Koseki Bijou (Cover) [NfhJK602XdE].webm_snapshot_02.10.906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kimi wa warui ko na no

>> No.79687576

I mean you can
You just need to be really fucking good
Its still possible to do hitless radahn prime with a +0 club

>> No.79687668

You're probably missing his point, he's talking about the game being balanced, not "being possible". It's possible to do hitless whatever you want while naked (IRL and in-game) and blindfolded, but that's very far away from the average skillset of a gamer

>> No.79687877 [SPOILER] 
File: 452 KB, 1000x999, 1699908517631382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo erotic

>> No.79687920

I agree, fluffy onee-san.

>> No.79689333
File: 173 KB, 1080x1350, coffee poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the whole coffee x tea is funny but also silly. Just drink everything, you dorks.

>> No.79689381

ina... pls...

>> No.79689714

Just beat the final boss with moonveil, it didn't feel harder compared to other bosses but he does so much chip damage that you gotta use all the defensive options that you can.
I think Biboo can beat it in a single stream if she optimizes her build a little

>> No.79689861

Nigga, leave her build alone, she's just enjoying her cosplay LARP. She's having fun, you don't need to overthink it

>> No.79689917

If Biboo doesn't play as I want her to I will piss myself

>> No.79689945

what a fucking lebbep

>> No.79690054

I don't think her talismans are part of the larp, nigga

>> No.79690279
File: 59 KB, 427x500, 1694396783674365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone should let Biboo know that she can step up her cosplay by only using Talismans that vaguely resemble Vergil's necklace or other DMC mcguffins and macdoodles that you use to open doors

>> No.79690471

If I ever see your burunyuu~-ass face around here again I swear to god I'm going to burn the whole place down

>> No.79691070

wrong thread

>> No.79691172

I kinda don't want the ER to end since she loves it so much and I love her streams of it, but dang it can't I wait for this to turn back into /gem/ instead of whatever this thread is called on /vg/

fuck off

>> No.79691197

>thread starts with spam
>continues to be bad with fromautists

>> No.79691267

Irony: the post

>> No.79691345

ok, so what would your ideal /gem/ be then, be specific

>> No.79691371

talking about Biboo, you stupid fuck

>> No.79691458

>soundpost of mumei talking to/about biboo who is in chat "isn't about biboo"
>discussion about biboo's build in ER "isn't about biboo"
then what is?

>> No.79691470

You know you can post about Biboo instead of complaining

>> No.79691506

Oh yes a cute Biboo interaction with Mumei is surely not /gem/, afterall this is the Eldenring Thread.

>> No.79691546

Ignore him. Any game she's playing is fair game to talk about

>> No.79691650

Fuck off, talk about HER playing the game, not your endless autism about other people playing the game or build X or build Y
That's why you /v/tards are insufferable, you think this is an extension of your fucking board
Wanna talk about videogames? we have TWO boards for that, fucker
>open /gem/
>90% of the posts aren't about Biboo nor about Biboo stuff
Fucking kill yourself

>> No.79691823
File: 1.75 MB, 1665x1665, 1705503595221612.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes people larp as a fucking janny?

>> No.79691859

Newfags lack the concept of self-moderation, that's why the board is shit

>> No.79691995


>> No.79692058

kill yourself mumei shitposter

>> No.79692124

>nor about Biboo stuff
nice of you to include that so you can keep posting about your other hos

>> No.79692192
File: 2.31 MB, 4961x7016, 1700505158585099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's some biboo content for the biboo thread
feel free to post more biboo content

>> No.79692241

we hate biboo here chud

>> No.79692372

Janny being a useless malicious piece of shit

>> No.79692374
File: 227 KB, 313x412, 1704512422222793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some more Biboo content. This is her strongest canon form.

>> No.79692410

>no pacifier
you dun goofed

>> No.79692439

+pacifier and -hat is stonger

>> No.79692481

You can piss and scream all you want everyday, Biboo interacts with all those "horrid" people on and off stream, it's part of Biboos content and conjecture.
Being this much of a pissbaby over cute webm that even has Biboo in it is just a laughable hill to die on and why nobody takes you seriously.

Well he bans you often enough so he's doing something atleast.

>> No.79692498
File: 116 KB, 601x416, 129744799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself retard

>> No.79692519

>Do not engage with diggers (trolls, doxxers, holo vs holo baiters). Hide, report and rock on.

>> No.79692529

>Well he bans you often enough so he's doing something atleast.
Peak irony sis
Get some self awareness

>> No.79692646

Ah and the typical "NO U BUZZWORD BUZZWORD" because you are actually too retarded to make a single argument that isn't pissing and screaming.

>> No.79692689
File: 339 KB, 536x800, 1707238867873021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79692742

Uh oh, the commiefornian is having a melty again. He's gonna go cry to janny now while ban evading.

>> No.79692808
File: 919 KB, 2566x3955, 1693156242555255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79692989
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>> No.79693071
File: 174 KB, 440x430, BEEP the government[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F8isd2g.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79693161
File: 3.89 MB, 854x480, ISHIGORO GOROGORO BIBOO TAX TAX [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Frn3cx9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79693494 [SPOILER] 
File: 288 KB, 2893x4092, 1697409937390021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79693766

>shits myself

>> No.79693805
File: 621 KB, 768x768, 1700242473965209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread is Biboo now
You're welcome

>> No.79693881

Anyways, I'm interested to see if she can clutch it in 4 hours or if she's going to need 2 streams

>> No.79693985

She will get super lucky and beat him in 2 hours

>> No.79694149

I came in while she drew the cup, is this going to be some Automated Egg gatcha game?!

>> No.79694185

You know the drill, ojii-san-tachi. Two hours until Biboo's stream means I can nap for 90 minutes.

>> No.79694636

please stop spamming elden ring

>> No.79694721

she will stop when she beats it, autismo

>> No.79694741

timeloop harder

>> No.79696085
File: 278 KB, 850x1218, 591565154803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Biboo!

>> No.79696313

Less biboo, more Elden Wing builds.

>> No.79696449

hey me too!

>> No.79697064
File: 850 KB, 1924x928, biboo3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79697600

I am chillin watching GinoMachino before Biboo goes live.

>> No.79697741
File: 551 KB, 1725x2625, 1717763191381198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biboo's first outfit WILL have a bun hairstyle.

>> No.79697921
File: 262 KB, 2560x1440, 20220225161544_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second phase of final boss is kinda stupid. First one is actually easy. Second like wtf am I fighting The Flash or something? Jesus Fucking Christ.

>> No.79697995

Uhhh koseki biboo?

>> No.79697998

This outfit sold me on the bun, I think it would look good on her

>> No.79698062

I will not engage with you beyond telling you to piss off and read >>79691546
You are not the king of this general
Any mods want to chime in if they give a fuck please do

>> No.79698359
File: 712 KB, 2832x2736, bibooranni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It maybe ends tonight bros.

>> No.79698557

She either beats it super fast or gets a clutch win in the last minute

>> No.79698739
File: 433 KB, 1047x580, 1696427998751821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"ok lock in"
>yaps anyway

>> No.79698919
File: 66 KB, 221x220, smartbiboo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Locks in
>Perfectly dodges 500 attacks
>Gets boss to 10%
>Gets hit by 1 attack
>Panics and dies instantly afterwards
>"That was pretty good! We're getting really close!"
I love this untiltable rock.

>> No.79699077

kek, this will happen at least once

>> No.79700385

What action game do you want to see Biboo play once she finishes Elden Wing? I still really want to see her play Nioh1+2.

>> No.79700451

one of the biggest points of confusion when I first started watching biboo was realizing that "ok lock in" does not, in fact, properly align with her locking in kek
half the time it does actually correlate, and the other half the time she just quietly decides she wants to start playing the game properly halfway through a run
she's surprisingly good about not panicking at that point, boss will put her one pixel from death and she'll suddenly reveal that she actually does know how to dodge attacks for a while and calmly wait to heal just fine
it's the "the boss is at 10% and is in range, time to fucking mash buttons gogogogo" greed that really blows runs

>> No.79700488

Let it go.

>> No.79700502

Bros when are we gonna watch more Frieren

>> No.79700537

now what happens if biboo is at 1 health and the boss is at 5% and in range?

>> No.79700604

same fellow based pebble

>> No.79700685

Hopefully next week/sunday

>> No.79700769

God hand or dead rising

>> No.79700805

I can see why Biboo was a bit upset about not being able to participate in the Crab Game collab, it looks like Justice is able to participate and it will be their first collab with the rest of EN

>> No.79701368

dead space 2023 because im evil

>> No.79701371
File: 201 KB, 648x566, running rock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in here.

>> No.79701407

in October for sure

>> No.79701426
File: 471 KB, 804x565, 454242424422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

time to lock in

>> No.79701431


>> No.79701525

We Biboo today

>> No.79701555

cock the rock

>> No.79701566

she needs to do an RE4R challenge run in October as well

>> No.79701585

i forgot saint trina existed for a moment so i thought that was mike ella sparta kicking biboo

>> No.79701592

She sounds a lot better

>> No.79701594


>> No.79701713
File: 540 KB, 814x802, 3533332333322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why i posted it

>> No.79701772
File: 388 KB, 1385x1751, GRTQHFRbIAARsJI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip yandere knight waifu

>> No.79701811

Biboo will beat the boss in 30 minutes

>> No.79701839

time for endless pain and suffering

>> No.79701870
File: 905 KB, 666x888, GRQRZ3-WgAA8CD_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79701891

Schejewel correction:
WED - Elden Ring at 7 PM EST | 4 PM PST | 8 AM JST

>> No.79701898


>> No.79701943

Ansbach is such a bro

>> No.79702017

Yamatobos, we're IN

>> No.79702051

I want to fuck Thiollier's bussy

>> No.79702078

>lightly soiled loincloth

>> No.79702082
File: 424 KB, 750x421, ELDENRING_SotE_21_4K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79702092

that guy soiled himself

>> No.79702098
File: 125 KB, 1024x576, 1719698586729245m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mohgchads I kneel

>> No.79702121

best start dressing like a woman and soak your clothes in chloroform

>> No.79702184

>Biboo is into butts

>> No.79702188

Hornsent vs Marika is literally just
>Awful person says awful person did awful things to them

>> No.79702278

yeah, mine

>> No.79702300

you are a cute and little animal

>> No.79702340

Marika isn't that bad, she's just a ho

>> No.79702393


>> No.79702398

Given that she knows that's the only body part she can grow, she is openly and heavily invested in that topic. She never denied it. Even revealed it without being asked multiple times.

>> No.79702406


>> No.79702421

Oh shit it's Ganondorf

>> No.79702424

She is also a horrible mother.

>> No.79702449


>> No.79702458

She's already had a couple of good dodges

>> No.79702467


>> No.79702470

nice bibooscreams already

>> No.79702471


>> No.79702491


>> No.79702514

bussy game ridiculous

>> No.79702534

>she's just a ho
I do think it's funny how, as far as I can tell, it's canonical that she is actually just a MASSIVE slut.

>> No.79702589

If phase 2 is a 10 on difficulty phase 1 is a 1

>> No.79702617
File: 273 KB, 1278x2048, GRP7vmuaUAAs52m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why did he do it

>> No.79702642

yeah phase 1 is the applying of lube onto the Radahncock. Phase 2 is when he puts it in.

>> No.79702699

Mogh's nice body...

>> No.79702732

He wanted his half brother to split his bussy

>> No.79702736

>who know Mohg had such a nice body
Biboo wtf?

>> No.79702748

So in the lore, Radahn is apparently the one person immune to Miquella's charm or something. Radahn had agreed to be Miquella's consort, but then went back on the deal (possibly because he didn't like that Miquella was brainwashing people?)
So instead Miquella went through this whole ridiculous gambit to force Radahn to honor the deal, sending Malenia to kill him (that's what their whole war was about) and getting Mohg killed so he could place Radahn's spirit into a body, making him more malleable.
Miquella is a true yandere

>> No.79702811

really really gay

>> No.79702844

Pretty much, yeah. He is actually just a complete yandere with (I guess?) good intentions overall.

>> No.79702929

yeah that sounds like GRRM's terrible writing

>> No.79702937

Does this have a part2 like Malenia?

>> No.79702996


>> No.79703002

I'm going to go to the grocery store and see if she beat Radahn by the time i get back.

>> No.79703004

No second healthbar, but you'll see why everyone hates this asshole at %70~

>> No.79703006

Yeah Radahn gives Miquella a piggyback ride for part 2

>> No.79703028

The phase 2 starts at like 75% health and everything goes to shit

>> No.79703050
File: 3.04 MB, 2550x3300, 62316251_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a disappointing final boss. Gael will forever be Fromsofts peak.

>> No.79703085

this just makes all the characters involved really fucking lame in their motivations...fuck you GRRM

>> No.79703101

IRyS is going to cum when she finds out the lore

>> No.79703167

I just don't like that they reused Radahn.
I know people say it couldn't have been Godwyn cause Godwyn was ultra-dead but I honestly don't care. I would have liked it to have been Godwyn somehow, some way.

>> No.79703326

[Only Biboo]

>> No.79703335

yeah she aint beating him bros

>> No.79703350

Based, we love whores here

>> No.79703354

she's definitely not beating this in 4 hours

>> No.79703363

hey /gem/, ruffian here, do any of you know how long biboo's spent in japan in total? trying to calculate something but I don't have all the data I need

>> No.79703396

She will, but it'll take a loooong time

>> No.79703452

>all this backseating about talismans
will she finally gegt mad at chat?

>> No.79703557

I don't get why we couldn't fight Godwyn's corpse occupied by Radahn's soul. Godwyn's soul isn't needed. I also don't get why talking about lore and not Biboo's gameplay is okay with the threadshitter while she is streaming.

>> No.79703575

she could definitely do a no hit run, after 10 hours


>> No.79703602

Oh shit I'm late!
Has she seen phase two yet???

>> No.79703613

now the fight begins

>> No.79703617

Now the real fight starts.

>> No.79703619

She's absolutely going to end up with the pacifier for this, she might as well put it on now

>> No.79703622

Phase 2 already this wont take long at all

>> No.79703665
File: 341 KB, 1463x2048, 1719779809998837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79703671

ah yes the final boss
femboy feet

>> No.79703694

if Irys ever gets here she will literally cream herself

>> No.79703722

NOW it's time for eternal pain, suffering and fireworks

>> No.79703736

people hated gael on release

>> No.79703740

she's likes little boys?

>> No.79703744

I'm not one to doubt BUT

>> No.79703763

final boss is Lothric again
creatively bankrupt

>> No.79703778

I wonder if we'll see the special kill

>> No.79703796

I hope that biboo gets a chance to react to his light meteor

>> No.79703797

Biboo will ride my back and we will fight the world

>> No.79703800

Honestly the more I think about it, the more I don't even think I'd like Godwyn either. They couldn't tie it into the Fia questline without massive amounts of retconning. But I hate the Radahn thing specifically because there was no lore whatsoever suggesting Miquella ever gave a fuck about Radahn like that, barring some implications that he wasn't trying to revive only Godwyn.

I feel like it would have made more sense if Radahn was his Plan C. Plan A was reviving Godwyn, which didn't work, and Plan B was curing Malenia with the Haligtree which also didn't work. I was never one of those Miquella is hecking wholesome cultists so I don't care about him being an asshole or acting like a petulant child not getting his way. I just care that Radah being here at all is STUPID. But I guess we should have seen this coming when it was revealed you needed to beat Starscourge Radahn to access DLC for some reason.

>> No.79703825

I still haven't fought him, gonna get the DS3 DLC the next time it goes on sale and then do a new run

>> No.79703831

I guess because she's been simping for Miquella since she saw the trailer

>> No.79703834

just gotta get grabbed twice, I hope she sees it.

>> No.79703841

Will she spend more time in this fight than Pekora?

>> No.79703875

what's the name of that pool game where you ride on someone's shoulders and try to push the other person off?

>> No.79703882

Pebble, Consort of Biboo

>> No.79703904

wait how long did the rabbit spend on this?

>> No.79703923

I don't care

>> No.79703926

Except with no balance at all. Lothric was designed well and a standout fight in that game.

>> No.79703929

Chicken. That's kinda what I was thinking of when I first saw the leaks of this fight.

>> No.79703938

fucking pebbles

>> No.79703971

how long did Pekor take?

>> No.79703997
File: 134 KB, 292x396, 1718157862120731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's find out

>> No.79704016

The one thing I really hate about the DLC is story wise it's supposed to happen after you beat the main game, but only if you chose one of the base endings and not FF or Ranni. But it also isn't locked behind beating the game so stuff like you being Marika's lord doesn't make sense if you play it before beating the game

>> No.79704073

She completely forgot his attack patterns....

>> No.79704075

>When I use two light attacks in a row after dodging the boss's ten hit string
damn, got greedy

>> No.79704076

Isn't chicken driving two cars against each other and the first to evade loses? Can be applied to many challenges doesn't have to be cars.

>> No.79704087

I agree, and I don't even like DS3. That fight was excellent.

>> No.79704091

I doubt it, it's too easy to dodge
I fought him for hours until I beat him and never got grabbed twice in a fight, and sperged when I found out I missed a gesture

>> No.79704105

literally this fight in a nutshell

>> No.79704110

5 hours, 20 skibidi and broken weapon

>> No.79704134
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summoning ranni would have been peak

>> No.79704147

Also a DS3-disliker who enjoyed Twin Princes. Good fight, good timing on the attacks, cool concept.

>> No.79704200

Biboo probably will take longer, Pekora's build is just better for this fight in every way
Maybe if Biboo decides to start using the Golden Braid and Crimson Tear + 1 talismans, things can even out

>> No.79704293

weird biboo noises

>> No.79704294

I feel like the intended progression is to the the DLC after you beat Radagon/Elden Beast just before you pick an ending. By that point you're already lord as a crown is warranted by strength. So putting down Miquella and Radahn is just house cleaning before you take the throne.
It is but the pool game is called that too.

>> No.79704330

worst girl mention
ew ew ewwww

>> No.79704345

that whore only plays with men, Biboo

>> No.79704360

I like ERB

>> No.79704365

pebbles dot dot dot

>> No.79704369

oh wow that's quite decent, sasuga rabbit

>> No.79704410

didn't ask
now go back to /mans/

>> No.79704434

>those stat bars
God I wish.

>> No.79704435

from the :D ??? stream to the takoyaki collab and from the monhun stream to now

>> No.79704467

She sang gyatt for the rizzler and i cackled

>> No.79704474
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Not everyone chose the bad ending for the game so it would be impossible to properly implement. I wouldn't mind Goldchad riding on my back though.

>> No.79704496

nobody ever asks if you hate all of biboos friends, not counting ERB, before you sperg, either.

>> No.79704543

It could just be a summoning option outside of the door, not required

>> No.79704558

Goldmask would just stand off to the side and T pose

>> No.79704561

Get my wife's name out your mouth!

>> No.79704571

time for another melty, sis?

>> No.79704587 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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you like this?

>> No.79704620

get new material pants pisser

>> No.79704627


>> No.79704651

>they could have done this fight be explicitly post-game, and you get a different summon riding your back depending on which ending you got
>Ranni firing spells
>just a badass frenzy flame being cool and firing lasers
>Goldmask pointing at him
>Cacaman molesting you

>> No.79704661

she sing good

>> No.79704671
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its the same ending

>> No.79704707

>getting spitroasted by THE LOATHSOME and CHADahn
it should have been me

>> No.79704735

so that's a yes

>> No.79704756

She hasn't even seen his afterimage bullshit yet. Can't wait for her to go

>> No.79704812

>Every dude is taller than me

>> No.79704811

>every dude is taller than me

>> No.79704824

First time on /gem/
I'm not even interested in the game, I just want to hear his voice when I do stuff
Biboo Biboo Biboo Biboo Biboo Biboo Biboo

>> No.79704853

I'm not even the same guy that mentioned ERB but whatever, we are all the commieformiansisterglobaltroon for you anyway.

>> No.79704872

Biboo probably fits inside of a large suitcase. Portable imoutodaughterwife.

>> No.79704965

>his voice

>> No.79705008

try not to piss and shit yourself too much, sis

>> No.79705015

I don't think she needs the 2-headed turtle talisman for this, should swap for more damage
Braids and better heal are good though

>> No.79705088

she needs to live first

>> No.79705105

Will this take longer than messmer or shorter

>> No.79705122

>ranni's doll cunny pressing against my nape and thighs wrapped around my neck
Nah, I'd lose

>> No.79705159

I'm gonna say longer but she had a brain short circuit on messmer so who knows

>> No.79705162

longer for sure

>> No.79705218

Fighting him with these constrictions is going to break her.

>> No.79705227

I can't tell how much harder he is but I think Messmer tought her alot she wasn't adapted to back then.

>> No.79705244

If this takes longer then Messmer > Radahn confirmed

>> No.79705246

This reminds me that I still need to watch Pegora's vod of the fight

>> No.79705254
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>> No.79705285

She was doing 1.8K, why is she doing 1.5 now? I didn't see what she removed

>> No.79705288

She will win eventually but she will be broken.

>> No.79705311

meant shorter

>> No.79705318

Just watch her last round, she kills him in like 2 minutes
Her damage output is disgusting

>> No.79705363

>Victory...but at what cost?

>> No.79705414

5 int probably

>> No.79705428

Nothing, Moonveil just does extra damage and stance break if you hit with the actual sword and not just the blade beam

>> No.79705493

Can you ER tourists atleast not doubt the Biboo? She wont crack even if it takes a week.

>> No.79705526

>expecting /v/tourists to know anything about Biboo other than "le gamer rock"

>> No.79705540

I did too. I just gave up after 100 deaths respecced into arcane and bled/staggered him to death with the new turkey leg weapon. No reason to fight this disgusting boss with honor

>> No.79705554

Put Radahn into some spooky suit and she cracks immediately

>> No.79705609

I guess we agree on something atleast.

>> No.79705660
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You mean this?
Did you infuse it with blood too? Its so broken kek

>> No.79705683

Nah she also shredded RE2 bosses when she wanted to

>> No.79705689

not every poster is your boogeyman, retard

>> No.79705708

I remember with the leaks everyone thought it looked so bad there was no way it could be real. And then it was real. How this janky piece of shit fight made it into the DLC when all the other bosses are great is beyond me.

>> No.79705718

you guys legitimately need medication.

>> No.79705740
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you know you want to, biboo

>> No.79705771

I ended up just grinding through and killing him with a light weapon. He's actually not too bad after smashing your face against him enough, which is why I'm sure biboo will get him eventually

>> No.79705803

I will take my meds when you stop shitting the thread

>> No.79705911

She hasn't even begun to see phase 2's bullshit yet. She is going to struggle. And no that's not a /v/ take. Schizo, take your meds.

>> No.79705955

she won't break though

>> No.79705957

Kindly mikaella the rizzler

>> No.79706011

Your personal interpretation of what "break" means is not an excuse to post your schizo imaginings and shit up the thread.

>> No.79706027

>which is why I'm sure biboo will get him eventually
I have no doubts but it definitely won't be this stream

>> No.79706032

Is it possible to stagger this guy?

>> No.79706034

As final boss of the DLC and most likely of the series, no less. Baffling.

>> No.79706062

Platform 8 but every time there's a Radahn jumpscare

>> No.79706064

you're shitting the thread as much as him by continuing this retarded argument

>> No.79706069

your personal interpretation of what break means is not an excuse to post your schizo imaginings and shit up the thread

>> No.79706098

yes when I fought him it took like 4 melee range transient moonlights

>> No.79706099


>> No.79706161

Can't wait for Biboo to win and make the doubters in chat kneel, like she always does

>> No.79706165

The funny thing is how summons don't help much because they die just really fucking fast, even the two NPCs you can summon which don't help much and double his HP instead

>> No.79706173

Yea thought good luck depleting his posture bar before it refills itself

>> No.79706195

idk but you can parry most of his attacks

>> No.79706209

If you watch Peko's vod she does every other fight, but she's using a great sword

>> No.79706212
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Biboo please KEK

>> No.79706214

Yeah but it takes like 4 Lion Claws with a colossal.

>> No.79706233

buy an ad

>> No.79706291

We're getting lots of different BWEHs tonight.

>> No.79706324

My strat before I gave up and poked him with Mohg's spear was guard countering and it was working surprisingly well, you just need to risk it a few times and it can happen after 3 counters
And then phase 2 happens and every attack has a delayed beam so guard countering is impossible.

>> No.79706336

You don't seem to conceptualize just how much of a fucker this boss is. She can't even consistently get to phase 2. Phase 1 is actually easy. And she is struggling.

>> No.79706388

yeah that's the one and with blood infuse 80 arcane rest in str the fight became a joke.
My PC did not handle the second phase very well so that might be another reason i detest the fight. Miquella's hair is covering some of Radahns attacks in P2 aswell which also triggered me

>> No.79706392


>> No.79706429

Cute rock
Silly rock

>> No.79706519

Is miquella a boy or a girl

>> No.79706528

She's so fast, what the heck

>> No.79706537


>> No.79706538

a very pretty boy

>> No.79706549

Also it's tricky to even find an opening to summon mimic tear because he'll oneshot you with any attack after the HP loss. If you do it immediately after entering the arena he automatically does the spinny attack before you can roll.

>> No.79706569

She only had to mute my gulping.

>> No.79706576

So Radahn is gay???

>> No.79706595

>she pisses like a super soaker

>> No.79706606

he got groomed

>> No.79706614

Used to be both before discarding his love and alter ego Saint Trina

>> No.79706664

All hit run

>> No.79706670

gay and incestuous, as Miquella's his half brother

>> No.79706680

She didn't even get a single poke after entering phase 2

>> No.79706685

>Hey Pebble! Look how hard I can pee!

>> No.79706690

Phase 2 looks like the most cancerous shit

>> No.79706749

Did you see that guy who did the all hit run? pretty silly

>> No.79706758

Radahn es marica

>> No.79706787

The only time I could find to try mimicing up was during the opening nuke in phase 2, but you need to be really quick and the mimic will take a ton of damage from everything and die without helping much so I just gave up
And that was at 9 ash levels

>> No.79706790

It's mod-tier flashy bullshit

>> No.79706795


>> No.79706803

>My PC did not handle the second phase very well
Bro I'm terrified to see what this looks like on PS4. A base PS4 mind you, not even a Pro.

>> No.79706835

*kisses you*

>> No.79706865

besos para ti

>> No.79706875

>*window cleaning noises*
Which is why a lot of people thought it was a mod when the leaks happened.

>> No.79706915

this isn't the taco truck

>> No.79706919

Waterfowl dance is infinitely more bullshit than anything in either phase of this fight except the cross chop, which I'm convinced is bugged and fromsoft is in too deep at this point to admit it. But at least it doesn't delete you like waterfowl.

>> No.79707012

Is it possible for Biboo to beat this

>> No.79707052

you didn't beat it

>> No.79707101


>> No.79707123

Yeah, she just has to smash her tiny hard head into it for a couple of streams.

>> No.79707134

I hope she at least gets the heart stolen bit today
How generous were they to make you need to get hit twice for it to be an instant kill

>> No.79707135

not today

>> No.79707142


>> No.79707156

Waterfowl dance only deletes you if your build is shit, and is incredibly easy to dodge, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.79707164

Waterfowl is a cut Sekiro boss move

>> No.79707221

Reminds me a lot of one of Genichiro's moves

>> No.79707252

Waterfowl doesn't kill my fps and she can be staggered out of it with frost balls. It's not a fair move by any means but consort phase 2 is on a completely different level of bullshit.

>> No.79707313

I must be crazy then because Radahn prime is hard but not that hard, whereas with Malenia if she waterfowls in certain positions I just fucking die @40vig and decent armor.

>> No.79707319

I'm back, I see she still hasn't beaten him

>> No.79707349

skill issue

>> No.79707350

>"I'm not good at playing Elden Ring"

>> No.79707409

*teleports behind you*
heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.79707410

No matter what position she waterfowls, as long as you can live through the first flurry you can always dodge the 2nd and 3rd the exact same way

>> No.79707417

she gets completely destroyed in phase 2

>> No.79707419

>Enters phase 2
>Leaves phase 2 before even getting a hit in
every time

>> No.79707421

she's gonna say that multiple times during Phase two... this is just the start hahaha

>> No.79707458

But if I am and don't have trouble with the super unfair boss everyone is bitching about, I guess the majority of people are.

>> No.79707499

That's how mine went for awhile
>No hit him phase 1
>He no hits me phase 2

>> No.79707590

I'm just fucking with you, it's more about your build and how you approach it. Malenia was easy for me, but I got fucked by Radagon/Elden Beast so many times I wanted to break everything around me

>> No.79707617

>hasn't even seen Meteor 2 Electric Boogaloo yet
Many more Biboo noises to come.

>> No.79707628

This boss almost made me want to pull out a greatshield.

>> No.79707644

Radahn is hogging all the turns to attack. When is it Biboo's turn?

>> No.79707660

Radahn is way more of a build issue, Waterfowl is a skill issue

>> No.79707664

This is fair

>> No.79707673

that shit made me scream like a girl when it happened, I was blinded by golden light... then I was dead.

>> No.79707702
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>Biboo's turn

>> No.79707731
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>biboo's turn

>> No.79707732

Dunno if the naked Vergil roll is helping here, seems most of the damage she's taking is from just not dodging at all because she doesn't expect the real quick slash mid-combo or after one of his "windows", or because she chose to do anything longer than a light attack during an opening

>> No.79707746

Just like poke R1 every other roll

>> No.79707764

That's Elden Ring in a nutshell

>> No.79707774

>the reward for beating this cancer of a boss is a lazy 20 second cutscene of Miquella sitting in the void and revealing nothing new
What were they thinking? Such a weak ending for such a great DLC...

>> No.79707849

>that delayed swing
I love Elden Ring!

>> No.79707866

the Igon saga was the peak of the DLC anyway

>> No.79707928


>> No.79707962

Where's that one anon that posts a screenshot of him beating the boss before biboo

>> No.79707986


>> No.79708006

She actually staggered him, wow

>> No.79708029


>> No.79708043

Wow she staggered him then got executed

>> No.79708051

STAGGER! what was that? You couldn't possibly do that?

>> No.79708089

Is that John Shadow of the Erdtree or another boss before him?

>> No.79708092

oh I see why you guys were complaining about the visibility on this guy
those are some pretty big lasers on every swing

>> No.79708114

No one said you can't stagger him, he just has really high posture/poise.

>> No.79708134

too shiny and bright not to be the final boss

>> No.79708173

ER autists, explain to me what is light roll

>> No.79708241

It's a roll you get when you're under a certain weight threshold. It was a couple more i-frames than the medium roll does I think.

>> No.79708248

Your roll is different/faster/has more iframes depending on your weight limit. The more equipment you're wearing, the worse your dodge roll is (influenced by one of your stats)

>> No.79708261


>> No.79708270


>> No.79708272

You roll further when your equipment weight is below 25% of your maximum. In the older games you also had more ifames but I think in Elden Ring that's not the case anymore.

>> No.79708280

I want crab now! beep living away from water, all water meat here is garbage, overpriced, or frozen.

>> No.79708310


>> No.79708313

the one time she actually bothers to use and go get more consumables and it's to buy ten gigatons of kani

>> No.79708339

I see, thank you
Being naked has its uses

>> No.79708353

I checked the wiki, you are correct. I thought you still did.

>> No.79708355

good choice

>> No.79708376


>> No.79708384


>> No.79708390
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I love this focused rock

>> No.79708419


>> No.79708490

I kinda wish we got Godwyn the Golden instead of Radahn. I guess it might've made Fia's questline weird though.

>> No.79708508


>> No.79708545

he hasn't really used his mohg move in these runs

>> No.79708744

Apparently Pegora beat him.

>> No.79708754
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Maybe sexy biboo posting will help her focus.

>> No.79708848

yeah took 5 hours. She had a non-meme build and 20 skibidi

>> No.79708854

I think we're going to make good progress here today (120~160 deaths) and she'll beat him easily on wednesday

>> No.79708916


>> No.79708945

Non meme build but only 15 skibidi actually

>> No.79708968

Is the strat on this guy supposed to be stand back and bait out either of his gapclosers? Those look way more consistent as openings than rolling through his swings for 10 seconds just so he can end his combo by backing off or jumping into the air on his own anyways

>> No.79708994

What's her skibidi level?

>> No.79709045

The actual strat is to turtle behind a greatshield and poke him to death, he does very little stamina damage.

>> No.79709065

ponmised consort radahn
tripping midair like a baka
how kawaii

>> No.79709091

Yes, but sometimes he just won't do the ones with good punish windows

>> No.79709094


>> No.79709111


>> No.79709112

wuz diz?!

>> No.79709133

What's the debuff?

>> No.79709135

17 I believe

>> No.79709144

>in my souls game
oh shit

>> No.79709152

You dont even have enough stamina to roll through his 20 hit combo

>> No.79709168

what was that grab

>> No.79709171

Get grabbed twice and you die instantly

>> No.79709172

17 indeed

>> No.79709203

Get grabbed once you get marker, get grabbed a second time with marker and you get charmed which counts as dying

>> No.79709269

The actual strat for this boss (and the whole dlc in general) is just to turtle it with greatshield

>> No.79709278

Death by the big gay, got it.

>> No.79709300

she's quite rocked in today
I'm surprised

>> No.79709304

Adding to what the other pebbles said, you can clear it by using Miquella's great rune.

>> No.79709381

>it's a usable item
what the BEEP

>> No.79709388

New bread:
