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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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[ERROR] No.7966392 [Reply] [Original]

Girls are probably already chosen by now. Does somebody know a probable date of the first video spoiler and then a debut date?

>> No.7966475

Hololive rejects? Hololive rejects

>> No.7966556


>> No.7966652

Who the fuck cares about Niji when we're getting new Holos any day now.

>> No.7966796

No idea, but I wager October at the earliest, give their current ENs some time to build their presence

>> No.7967879

I want more pulls. Eventually we'll get an SSR. Or I'll suffer attention bankruptcy first and lose interest.

>> No.7968025

I fucking care I watch niji way more than holo
fuck off to a holo thread or something or get a job man

>> No.7968079

smelly man cant imagine someone liking another company more than another

>> No.7968144

Nobody cares, HoloEN2 was confirmed. The NijiEN vacation is over.

>> No.7968227

I think LL and Obsydia came from the same wave of auditions, these will probably be a little further down the line. Late 2021 is my estimate, and then the male wave early 2022.

>> No.7968301

smelly man #2 can't imagine people liking another company more than the other

>> No.7968310

nijisanji doing what they do best, oversaturating their roster

>> No.7968629

>ANOTHER girl with wings on her head

>> No.7968636

I like how you are a retard to not understand that it's a strategy to give options to the focused markets.

they are from the same audition yes

>> No.7968708

Its ok to like them but you have to read the room dude. Since you Nijiniggers all love baseball what youbare doing now is hyping up some regional little league game (NijiEN) when Major League Baseball (HoloEN) is about to start the World Series.

Nobody cares about the regional game now that the big boys are about to play.

>> No.7968731

too long

>> No.7968783

Nijiniggers are still thinking they will be relevant when Gen 2 of HoloEN is just around the corner?

>> No.7969360

yeah because this strategy worked so well by killing their main branch into the ground to the point where even some of the most dedicated niji fans can't keep up with all that shit.

>> No.7969497

I really hope they got someone good for the ghost girl.

>> No.7969569

I will not watch them but I hope fluffy tail is cute and gets a lot of art

>> No.7969592

You aren't supposed to follow all of them.

>> No.7969887

Those designs are considerably better than HoloEn's and the previous NijiEn's. I hope they managed to find someone good.

>> No.7969972

t. Holofag EOP
You're not expected to watch everyone. You watch your favorites and follow some of their friends if you want to. It's not a cult-like thought process like Hololive where you're expected to support and follow everybody.

>> No.7970011

Honestly as an indie. I'd rather niji than holo anyday. I'd actually probably just straight up reject hololive if they asked me unless I could swing extremely favorable terms for myself.

>> No.7970054

The witch & fox hats are going to block half the screen

>> No.7970080

this and en2 look way too overdesigned. hope it looks better with the full pic but damn please go with something more simple, only nips love this over the top bullshit

>> No.7970095

Nijisanji is going to oversaturate the market with these low quality tubers.hvgtg

>> No.7970433

You say "reject", as if it was possible to be hired by Cover in 2021 as an indie vtuber.
>three singers, a former corporate vtuber and a professional cosplayer with little vtubing expreience at the time
>a gamer, a former idol, a singer and two former corporate vtubers
>a musician, a cosplayer/failed idol, an artist, a livestreamer, and a memer who did a bit of vtubing
>a singer who didn't do any vtubing until AFTER the auditions
I bet there won't be any indies in EN2 either.

>> No.7970467

but you are supposed to find a vtuber you like and nobody but hardcores sit down and look through hundreds of channels to find out who they like. that's exactly niji's not pulling numbers.

>> No.7971319

Nice cope.

>> No.7971553

Goddamnit Niji's putting out ANOTHER gen already? What the fuck? Do they just snap up every Hololive indie reject they can find and toss some shitty Chinese gacha-looking model at them and then release them as fast as possible?

>> No.7971628

How dare they give me, the customer, more choise!? Fuck Nijisanji!

>> No.7971629

except their exposure is terrible. niji's market their talent like a week after debut and move on to the next batch. even indies are easier to standout.

>> No.7971851

You realize their official channel clips the smaller vtubers all the time right?
Also there's plenty of talk shows within nijisanji that will go out of their way to mention and bring on some of the smaller vtubers, though I doubt you'd understand it because its in japanese.

>> No.7973324

Unironically yes. That has been their business model for a while. Their chuubas suck but since there are a million of then the small views they get add up. This gives Nijishitty the facade of being a successful organization.

>> No.7973730

Noooo Nijisanji doing so bad, they BTFO'd to fucking Roponggi of all places!!

>> No.7973961

Official EN subs also feature literal whos in Puchisanji.

>> No.7974051

>"niji's market their talent like a week after debut and move on to the next batch."
>They have only have release one jp wave after almost year
>They pick both EN wave 1 and wave 2 from the same audictions.
>They slow down the debut pace of KR/ID Batch.

>> No.7974166

Probably the same as the others so 2 month carpet bombing of vtubers since the last one.

>> No.7975063

let me explain something to you. I'm not saying niji chuubas are actually bad but:
right now i know nothing about them which means they are all the same blank slate to me.
niji is inflating it's own roster steadily which decreases the perceived value of the talents and increases the barrier of entry because it is effort to find a needle in the haystack.
my time and emotional capacity is limited, yet to get into niji streams i'd have to invest effort to find a streamer (of perceived inferior value) i like, or i could just stay with the streamers I already know.

niji's biggest fuckup was not being the wests entry point to vtubing and not having a chuuba search engine.

>> No.7975525


>> No.7975746

Imagine wanting Irys or Kiara over Selen and Pomu.

>> No.7975820

>Selen and Pomu.
Rejects for a reason

>> No.7975846

more like Cover EN scouting is bad unlike their JP scouting (Pekora/Marine in one gen)

>> No.7975965

Kiara is friends with Pomu, so if you hate Kiara, by extension you hate Pomu as well.

>> No.7976004

I hate both of them.
Kiara is an annoying slut, and Pomu is a retarded ironic weeb.

>> No.7976278

LMAO, you can just take the first part of your message and swap "niji" with "holo". What would that hypothetical person do?

>> No.7976384

Girls - November
Boys - December-January

>> No.7977891

the ones that prefer watching "regional games" (nijisanji is huge in Japan) and never misses the games will answer to the fucking question I was wondering

fuck off and go read hololive room. This board is huge

>> No.7977909

I mean they're going to get mogged by EN2, so whats the point?

>> No.7977913

damn I thought that was her hair (ponytails)

>> No.7977949

they wil lbe able to take some accesories off for sure

>> No.7977971

October first would be best. Especially considering three of those designs would fit well for Halloween

>> No.7978007

>reddit spacing
>low quality posts

>> No.7978086

>they're going to get mogged by EN2
In viewers/subs yes, but those designs in the OP look better than the HoloEN2 designs imo, so I'd rather watch them instead

>> No.7978270

Hololive reject spammer also forgets that Pomu and Elira had literally no experience before HoloEN auditions, both of their pre-Niji indie personas debuted after the HoloEN auds closed

>> No.7978457
File: 95 KB, 1700x202, holobronies in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't brand worshipping holobronies comprehend the idea of not watching something for their popularity alone? Pic related is literally your 'argument', a logical fallacy. If the first few NijiENs were anything to go by they'll also be better than HoloEN2.

>> No.7979399

An exceptional singer with over a decade of experience singing, and that is just online. I'm sure she has been singing since KidRyS.
Is good at a shitty game that only the most autistic if losers care about.
Literally nothing, no talents, and no, being into weeb shit isn't a talent.

I'll easily take IRyS.

>> No.7979582

Being talented does not make one entertaining. For example, Pekora doesn't really have any talents, but she is VERY entertaining.

>> No.7979589

No, you wouldn't.

>> No.7979732

I would because my real job is far more lucrative than vtubing ever will be, and nijisanji would have terms that allow me to do that while cover is far more constrictive.

>> No.7980041

I'll take this statement as your concession of defeat.

>> No.7980429

>Show that you are work as a clown without saying it:
>An exceptional singer

Wow, if only I knew that flooding youtube with shitty anime covers for a long period of time will lead to a title "An exceptional singer"...
But jokes aside, you are a complete retard.

>Is good at a shitty game that only the most autistic if losers care about
Literary highest rank in the game + being top 50 in the world (It's actually even higher - search her previous identity for yourself);
Amazing personality - much better than all of HoloEN, possibly all of HoloPro;
Great at drawing;
Natural leader, always ready to take initiative in her hands;
Talented literally at everything she does. When she did her little 3 second rap part in BlackOut song, she nailed in from the first time, while she never did rap before, and It sounds much better than Mori's cringy rap.

And I won't even start describing Pomu, because Irys is already completely destroyed, there's no need to smash corpses.

>> No.7980449

Defeat from what? I'm just saying that being talented and being entertaining are not mutually exclusive. You can be talented but not entertaining, or entertaining but not talented.
For example, there are many talented artists who stream themselves drawing, but they are not entertaining in the slightest. Likewise, there are many people who suck at drawing, but are able to be entertaining while doing it.

>> No.7981332
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, D64qPvVWwAE6OJb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nijizhangji flooding the market with Hololive's discarded refuse behind shitty overdesigned models that look like something from a cheap gacha

>> No.7981740

>shitty overdesigned models
You've seen the holo silhouettes right? They aren't exactly simple and clean.

>> No.7981834
File: 96 KB, 252x255, seanigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>Nijizhangji flooding the market with Hololive's discarded refuse behind shitty overdesigned models that look like something from a cheap gacha

>> No.7982017

The loli witch looks cuter than any of the new holos

>> No.7982421

I expect around this time if Hololive does theirs in September-October. They're gonna want to wait for their hype to die down.
I also feel like Niji likes to have their girls to spend a lot of time together so their collabs aren't awkward like HoloENs were

>> No.7982745

You might as well just be an indie under those circumstances. Niji EN is structuring itself around career streamers, they aren't trying to have a bunch of random hobbyists that never stream like the JP branch. Especially if the male wave is only 3 people, one of them being a complete waste of space would kill them.

>> No.7983004

Really weird how people only do this shit in nijisanji threads. You never see these kinds of posts in the threads for any other vtuber group. I wonder why that is?

>> No.7983440

People who hate "less popular" companies do so because they are too scared of them getting more popular and challenging their deadsub monopoly.

>> No.7983502

If we look back to earliest day of nijisanji, their motto is "everyone can become vtuber/streamer" and they stay true to it until this day. It's not just having you the viewers as consumer, but for them the streamer also can be considered as their consumer. You can treat it as another different business model.
Their policy of no salary, contract within period of time, more lax & freedom, etc make more sense if you considered things above.

>> No.7983673

looks like someone hasn't looked at their other foreign branches.

>> No.7983756

>Girls are probably already chosen by now.
They told applicants to check their emails, so they're at least onto the later stages.
At least 2 of the girls fit a Halloween theme, so I'd imagine the end of October personally. Which would be 3 months after Obsydia and put Wave 4 (if it's also 3 months out) in January, so it makes sense to me.

>> No.7990709

>Halloween theme
That would be pretty sick actually I hope they can redesign the angel or switch her out for something more fitting

>> No.7991033

>Literally nothing, no talents
You don't watch NijiEN, go back to your containment thread

>> No.7992666

Yeah, I'm not sure how the bird or the fox would fit there. They fit TOGETHER, since I'm pretty sure the bird is a valkyrie and that and kitsune are both divine things, but they wouldn't really fit halloween like a ghost and a witch (outside also being magical).

>> No.7992965

>Girls are probably already chosen by now
Doubtful. It's only been a month.

>> No.7993184

>nijisanji would have terms that allow me to do that while cover is far more constrictive.
Not for NijiEN

>> No.7993325

Three streams a week, and that's because the branch is looking to get itself established. As time goes on and new livers debut, they'll loosen up restrictions like their other branches.

>> No.7993388
File: 147 KB, 684x696, E8uXqdLWQAIfgNn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>iRys is good
>/vt/ queens are bad
you dont even trying anon

>> No.7993489

Pomu is also a faggot, who SC baits a lot. No wonder they have a good chemistry.

>> No.7993850

>my real job is far more lucrative than vtubing ever will be
You make six figures?
