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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79617462 No.79617462 [Reply] [Original]

>catches you looking up her skirt

>> No.79617472

Rachel's Betrayal Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:06 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Stream
YLYL Saturday


>Previous Thread

>> No.79617571

Filian is based

>> No.79617602
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Let me inb4 breadpost just fricking once PLEASE

>> No.79617649

Get fucked neeeerd

>> No.79617658

non monsieur

>> No.79617702
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>> No.79617724

Point at him and laugh, he failed AGAIN

>> No.79617804

it's basically impossible

>> No.79617817
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i thought these were ahegao panties for a bit ngl

>> No.79617868

Zoom in. Enhance. Pan right. Enhance.

>> No.79617954

Starting to think she picks these outfits on purpose

>> No.79617990

i mean i guess they could always be, who knows what that design is supposed to be
we won't know unless she does a "show me your panties and give me a disgusted look" move

>> No.79618016

that was a beautiful week, before flippers learned to make the bake in a text file prior to posting the OP

>> No.79618039
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Only just thinking that now? She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.79618107

I mean, you could look for it in VR chat. You don't even need VR, you can do it on desktop.

>> No.79618208

Drumsy said it for us

>> No.79618210
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>doesn't bathe
>doesn't shower
>doesn't brush teeth
>doesn't wash bedding
>doesn't clean room
>doesn't throw out garbage
>doesn't wash hands after peeing
>doesn't eat good nutritious meals
>doesn't have kitchen utensils

>> No.79618370

So, when Filian started barking randomly like a dog,
she was actually indulging on her fetish in front of all of her audience without their consent?

>> No.79618375

In my experience, girls like this absolutely love the idea of room service in a decent hotel room.

>> No.79618432

i can be her room service

>> No.79618520

so female Asmongold but without the finance jew skills

>> No.79618567

to her respect, she hasnt had something dead in her room and done nothing about it
or anything dead in her room at all

>> No.79618660
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Filian? More like Smellian!

>> No.79618695

Wouldn't be surprised if all the partly eaten bugs and worms are still somewhere on the ground

>> No.79618723

Asmongold is an actual inspiration to me, the video of him baking his $2 pizza in the shittiest looking kitchen of all time is insanely based

>> No.79618767

i can't deny that one

>> No.79618931

this video pops into my recommended every so often and i laugh every time i see the thumbnail
incredible human being

>> No.79619036

the sad thing is
he'll clean his house before filian cleans her apartment

>> No.79619153

icon, I don’t even give af about his content but I will always respect him for the autistic penny pinching

>> No.79619432

is that why he does it? i thought he was just like, stupid

>> No.79619558

I think he just has a particularly virulent strain of terminally online that convinced him nothing in meatspace is actually worth spending money on

>> No.79619569

So does anyone actually have links to these alleged old videos of Filian acting like a whore that keep getting mentioned? I would like to see if they really exist and also I want to smack to them.

>> No.79619642

Is he wrong? I spent money on a nice house and now I constantly think about how much I'd have in my bank account if I still lived in my old cheap apartment.

>> No.79619654

She's just like me

>> No.79619694

It's not that hard. If you have message prepared, don't get cockblocked by captcha and are committed enough to spam f5 while on 4chan.org/vt/flip you will see the new thread being created and you can quickly post something. Did that before when I was bored one day.

>> No.79619722

there's like, the Mizkif date show where she uses a really cringe high pitch voice and jokes about "liking large orgasms" or whatever
it's very obviously for the bit, I don't know if anons are talking about different kinds of instances

>> No.79619839 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79619878
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Everyone likes large orgasms.

>> No.79619883

They don't exist. The gator's vods are pretty much all up on youtube if you care to look for yourself and there's nothing interesting in them with her, it's all just boring rp shit.

>> No.79619965

I mean I agree with him lol, I bought a nice watch when I first made some money and I don’t even wear it. it’s all just bullshit status symbols mostly

>> No.79620004

basically this
as opposed to her roleplaying her chat jacking off this year (twice), it's really nothing

>> No.79620266

If there was anything interesting it would've been posted here multiple times already desu

>> No.79620337

he’s been posting that shit without backing up his claims for over a year now
what a sad individual

>> No.79620338

I follow a few other chuubas on twitch, but recently I can't watch any of them. The lone thought of looking at more ER makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.79620396

like this one lol

>> No.79620429

I’m fairly certain I remember there being real anti’s in the OG >flips threads in the archives if you really feel like trawling for dirt on her, I don’t think anyone itt really cares either way

>> No.79620460
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>many of them starting over from the start of the game and not even the DLC

>> No.79620488

there isn't anything of value there either
it's the same stuff being said, basically

>> No.79620575

Imagine pulling down the panties and her bush is the same color as the bright spots of her panties so you're momentary confused but dive in regardless

>> No.79620859

I want to lap her up like a dog

>> No.79621242

Filian doesn't shower, that much we know, now though, there is another important, related, question – if she does finally take a shower does she wash her hair? I feel like it might be even rarer occurance...

>> No.79621389

i think she'd probably do it 1-2 times a week
which is admittedly as much as i do but my hair doesn't super greasy/dirty fast, so it's fine i think

>> No.79621610

Imagine the grime…

>> No.79621884

>doesn't wash bedding
Filian's piss, spit, and sweat covered bedsheets...............

>> No.79621981

she goons there too you know

>> No.79622004

I won't lie, I've only been watching Filian for like the last 6 months and her not playing the Lewd game like basically every other successful female talent on twitch did make her more endearing. The old roflgator clips people have mentioned did hurt my opinion of her, and the knowledge that probably even lewder vrchat parties are happening with Camila behind closed doors is pushing me away.

I'm not some parasocial lunatic who wants her all to myself. If she just had a boyfriend I wouldn't care, but these VR chat sex parties just seem so much more degenerate, it's hard to look at Filian the same.

>> No.79622221

Layna said she brushed her hair and put it in a ponytail for her, and that she's cute, like a little sister.

>> No.79622461

if it really bothers you that’s fine, but I personally don’t really care what people get up to behind closed doors in their spare time.

>> No.79622558

i find this to be weirdly doomerposting about something trivial
>The old roflgator clips people have mentioned did hurt my opinion of her
especially this part. why? as far as anyone has mentioned, there's nothing particularly special about them

>> No.79622937

it’s just people lizard brains in action, if they actually oshihen they’ll just have similar gripes with 99.99% of other chuuba’s out there

>> No.79622987

She is reformed, you can like for who she is now yk?

>> No.79623024

Filian being actually pretty good at the game made watching her play it pretty enjoyable. Watching some of these people struggle through it really tests my restrain to not start backseating.

>> No.79623099

I will enlighten you as a regular Asmongold stream watcher who was drawn in by an urge to understand the creature.
>despite being a misanthropic shut-in, he understands people very well and is an excellent actor and dissembler, to the point he can lie as easily as he breathes when an inconvenient topic related to his business associates comes up and the only way a viewer can tell is by noticing all the logical inconsistencies in his arguments, which is something he's usually autistic about being correct on
>also grooms his audience towards certain viewpoints, but again this is actually only visible in observing the results of his influence, as he frequently mocks and criticizes the very views he guides his audience towards; his main haterbase tends to be terminally online retards who don't actually consume his content and make the usual assumptions, while his content itself seems extremely centrist/old-school liberal, but the end result of his influence wraps around to being similar to what the terminally online retards suspect him of, if only accidentally; this isn't unintentional at all, and his real views are clearly harsher than what he lets on
>developed his very loose morals from a childhood as a scumbag poorfag with scumbag poorfag friends
>inherited his eating disorder-tier dietary limitations and hoarder mentality from his mother (he still lives in her house/his childhood house), only difference being instead of a fat fuck like his mother he's a twiggy fuck who eats one meal per day
>despite hiring editors who grow his brand by farming hateclicks with annoying youtube thumbnails and titles, he's internally sensitive to internet hatred; after growing up getting no attention from women and watching terminally online people make fun of how he looks, he genuinely thinks he's a disgusting hideous monster and not just very mediocre-looking
>these self-image problems are so bad that he's entirely given up on himself as a man a woman could love, and he has no real relationships anymore, only getting sex from e-whores willing to travel to his house and be featured on his stream for clout (unclear whether he also pays them, being a massive miser and all)
>his overall life goal/ego fuel seems to be being rich sitting in his own filth playing video games while wielding subtle cultural influence and indirectly showing off his business acumen with good investments that grow a fortune he'll never spend, as well as potentially bankrolling a dream game (he's been investing and involving himself in a lot of indie development lately, seemingly getting familiar with the process and the industry for more serious future projects)

>> No.79623133

Please I'm begging you people just one clip of Filian being an unironic whore I want to smack so bad

>> No.79623281

closest you'll get is fansly panty shots methinks

>> No.79623323

unironically almost as mentally ill as I am, good for him. his complete lack of scruples as far as making money comes out super obviously even in clips, glad to hear my hunch confirmed by someone else

>> No.79623343

He's pretty based. I don't like him enough to watch his streams but I watch his youtube stuff over lunch a lot. I should have filth and investment maxxed too.

>> No.79623354

more intense than i was expecting

>> No.79623399

Her getting outed yesterday about going to Camila's VRC sex parties would go against this "reformed"

>> No.79623437

"outed yesterday?" from what i recall it was literally stated long before that that she would attend camila's parties tired and all and just sit around and socialize

>> No.79623617 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79623634

sorry, I don’t really feel like leaking our sex types and the recent one has all these embarrassing pussy farts in it anyways

>> No.79623747

you're just going to torture him?

>> No.79623927
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>> No.79623988

I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt

>> No.79624078

I’m indifferent to her vrchat degeneracy it comes with the job, I’m more annoyed with her money hungry nature the last year or so, it makes her look greedy and less friendly.

>> No.79624097
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Based and same.

>> No.79624220

that’s a more legit criticism than any of the other bs people have been talking about imho. she’s already inclining like crazy, you don’t need to farm people this hard

>> No.79624438

>>79624220 (me)
but it’s also pretty clear from previous times flip has discussed this that a majority of her audience doesn’t care if she encourages (unironically) mentally ill losers to become paypigs so shrug

>> No.79624535

i would be more vocal about it myself but every time we have any discussion about this, flip spergs, so i just tell people to fuck off

>> No.79624707

obligatory Filian singing Cotton Candy post

>> No.79624835

prolly filian herself sperging out, literally not a single person itt can construct anything resembling a logical argument for why she hasn’t been making dubious monetization decisions lately

>> No.79624931

it spergs both ways, idc who says what, it's demonstrably not worth the time

>> No.79625120

nah you’re just protecting filian, one side has actual points and then the other side is just like duhhhh I know it’s bad and I just don’t care and then gives infinite (you’s)

>> No.79625217

i'm on the side of criticizing her, i'm telling you it's not worth discussing here, explode idiot

>> No.79625576
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>> No.79625669

it’s unironically 20x more deserving of discussion than what normally goes on here but fair enough

>> No.79625700

I guess I'm just a prude by modern standards, but talking about how much she loves small dicks with 2 random furries, talking about Zilverk railing her from behind, and her weird Cuck thing with Lucari.

>> No.79625951

"I know it's bad and I don't care" IS an argument, anon. Rather it's an argument-finisher. Argument doesn't mean "wrong people listen to me tell them they're wrong and then apologize and tell me I'm right". This is child/stunted narcissist shit.
PS I think the Filian parasociality farm is scummy and I don't like it because it makes her a less lovable person, even if I don't care much about the suckers who actually fall for it.

>> No.79625955

woman who literally makes a living e-whoring on twitch has probably had sex before

more breaking news at 11

>> No.79626105

compared to other stuff she's joked about, this is a non-issue to me, so i don't know what to tell you

>> No.79626154

This. Camila has stated that Filian has been present and is excited to attend again. Also, I've gotten the impression that Camila's vrc parties are just a place to socialize and some down bad individuals take the opportunity to engage in some more lewd stuff. Filian might be more willing to play along a bit when there isn't 5k people watching but I imagine she's mostly there to chat with people. Nothing particularly outlandish.

>> No.79626338

Cerber was literally paraded around on a leash just a couple days ago, and camila and vrchat are both about as degen as possible, it’s heavy cope to think the parties aren’t just esex orgies or close to it.

>> No.79626339

I think you’re being cynical, but if you don’t want to waste time explaining to retards in the 4chan trenches why they’re wrong that’s eminently understandable

>> No.79626414

I still think it's because the streamer awards costs
she doesn't wanna have too much ad time(oh baby kart game) like the first one, so she is seeking money from other venues before the event so it becomes a better viewer experience in the final product.
Of course if the next vtuber awards has even more shilling then this line of thinking is fully in the thrash

>> No.79626587

>Cerber was literally paraded around on a leash just a couple days ago
What? For real?

>> No.79626819

huh, there are people that know of cerber outside of /swarm/?
this video shitted 3 whole threads

>> No.79626863

Then just just be an ewhore. It's the fake ass Sieso shit she pretends to have that gets on my nerves. Stop screaming and collapsing everytime something even remotely lewd happens when 5 minutes after stream she's in in vrchat getting railed by rpr while camila pisses on her.

>> No.79626870

Are kids these days really hosting orgies in video games? And women actually play too?

>> No.79626921

that's been a thing for a while buddy

>> No.79626947

>Doesn't wipe after she pees
>doesn't wash her hands

This woman is so nasty

>> No.79626983

>camila and vrchat are both about as degen as possible
True but I seriously think this is exaggerating things. Some people probably do go there mostly for erp but that doesn't mean everyone does. I suppose we'll see in time where things settle as the attendees figure this shit out.
This is news to me too, even though I occasionally watch Cerber.

>> No.79626997

I'm not the other guy, that was my first reply. I don't care if anons keep arguing for or against it, I'm saying if someone is indifferent to it then there's no argument to have.

>> No.79627019

as far as what she (or layna) has said about herr time at degen nights it wasn't anything special either (esp compared to what they've both admitted layna did)
same goes here, there's nothing to work off of besides "it's a sex party supposedly hurr durr" and then people argue about air
there's nothing to work with so idc

>> No.79627152

yeah yeah, we’ve all read Alasdair Macintyre on the interminable nature of modern moral debates

>> No.79627238

You have a link where camilia talks about this?

>> No.79627282

I didn't have to read any such thing. These things are easy to learn intuitively just observing and engaging.

>> No.79627363

This generation is so fucked.

>> No.79627579

really? this was what finally brought about your epiphany?

>> No.79627652

vrchat is 10 years old my friend

>> No.79627857

I don't think this is a phenomena of only this generation, you cannot convince me people didn't do freaky shit on worlds.com on the 90s , i'd say every "second life" type of games that has a bit of privacy eventually encounters these situations

>> No.79627939

there were porn theaters back in the day (maybe there still are a couple), vrchatters getting freaky does not seem that weird in comparison

>> No.79628048

those still exist, I was in the red light district of amsterdam recently and you can watch people have sex for like $3

>> No.79628071

Back in the day you knew the cute girl you were talking to was actually a man. That they are now actually girls seems cause for concern.

>> No.79628148

this shouldn't have got me

>> No.79628250

People would do that even in fucking WoW lmao. Goldshire has had it's reputation for a very long time. I don't know how there are constantly people who are shocked to discover that other people really like sex.

>> No.79628337

group e-sex is kiddie shit anyways, catch me behind the dunes at a beach in france doing the real thing

>> No.79628369

how do you e-sex in WoW??
t. has never played WoW

>> No.79628552

Whispers, 3rd party voice chat, emotes, and a creative imagination.

>> No.79628755

i don't know if i should respect this or not

>> No.79628847

beats my first ERP experience (with sexual predators on kik)

>> No.79629045

This is the day Filian raided Camila after the Durian YLYL stream. Filian herself approached Camila for an invite and she stuck around until she was too tired to stand apparently.

>> No.79629088

First you /sleep and then she hits you with the /dance

>> No.79629234


>> No.79629271
File: 231 KB, 1080x276, 29ebe29c76bd161a8b1164f1156d3439415eb90ceab1b71484ca796b525a79b4_1_webp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am shocked I could still find this ancient meme. Presumably the e-sex came first kek.

>> No.79629365

Can't believe they let actual women be in todays e- sex parties, grim , atleast this place doesn't have any women

>> No.79629573

it was the worst, my parents found out and read all the messages and then lectured me about talking to strangers on the internet.

>> No.79629691

Put your tongue back in your mouth you dumb womanchild

>> No.79629722

Seems tame enough

>> No.79629761

like how you are doing right now? did you learn your lesson?

>> No.79629796

Woah there, Layna, we love tongue here

>> No.79629825

No women post here, but a number of plain faced gingers and unshaven slob girls do browse to feel wanted.

>> No.79629901

I’m simultaneously the most powerful and weakest human being on the planet. like the “alpha and omega” bit from fallout 3/da bibble

>> No.79630068

those are my favorite

>> No.79630115
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>> No.79630398

Like i said, why even pay for the "talk with filian" tier if she is gonna read everything here anyways, just imagine she responded to your posts by saying "mooods" or "that's sick nasty" depending on the content

>> No.79630591

The World's Most Versatile Gooner

>> No.79630610

the only people who would ever pay for the ai gfe shit are some combination of retarded/unwell and should be wards of the state, that’s what we’ve been saying this whole time brother

>> No.79630839

huh? why would my ex gf post here. I miss you Shannon…

>> No.79631294


>> No.79631396
File: 49 KB, 314x442, lol so real ye rizz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79631456

I had to unfollow her on YouTube b/c of these, she’s too blatantly targeting the 14 year old demographic and it makes me self conscious

>> No.79631459

She engages with memes exactly the same way that I do.

>> No.79631580

Really ought to fire whoever is posting these.

>> No.79631588
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>> No.79631596


>> No.79631813
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>> No.79631890

I was listening to the roast during a road trip and his whole bit was the funniest shit I ever heard. Woke me up from almost passing out at the wheel lol.

>> No.79632178

damn babe that’s crazy haha

>> No.79632219

How do we fix Filian being a total girlfailure

>> No.79632237

We don't it's one of her qualities.

>> No.79632270

70mg of vyvanse daily

>> No.79632357

I didn't expect him to go that hard with it

>> No.79632448

Polygamous marriage with me and Layna.

>> No.79632555

if she marries someone as equally irresponsible, she is doomed

>> No.79632774

did people realize that half the characters in oh baby kart are popular crypto twitter ecelebs and sperg out, or were they able to brush it under the rug?


>> No.79633034

i couldn't even tell you the identity of ONE character in ohbabykart

>> No.79633379

And I thought Filian's stream were twitch brainrot. KokoNuts is even worse.

>> No.79633531

I swear half my 3 view oshi’s nowadays just literally do watchalongs of their tiktok feeds

>> No.79633544

Every time Filian raids Megalodon I have a seizure, her brain is somehow rurnning faster and with less coherency

>> No.79633852

just brushed, people just assumed it was like a raid shadow legends sponsor, just another shitty mobile game, so many just checked their brains off without looking inside
Atleast Filian didn't went on stage and shilled a new crypto coin by name to 30k peps or some shit, now that's a PR disaster

>> No.79634371

>first article on website is about making rocket fuel with chinese chemicals and then blowing up the roof of a high school in dubai with it
yeah that sounds about right

>> No.79634668

it was an apartment building, not a hs

>> No.79634859

mello aka chongus_dongus is live and in VR
posting here because she sorta reminds me of filian sometimes. If all her adhd energy went into yapping instead of screaming and flips, also if she expressed actual sexuality.

>> No.79634947

I wonder with the joke repeating bit, whether Reckson had a list of roasts that he had written out for them, or whether they asked AI to for help. It definitely killed some of the feeling of authenticity.

>> No.79635037

I’m afraid of female sexuality, count me out.

>> No.79635397

He assisted a few people but didn't explicitly write their jokes afaik

>> No.79635784

I've seen her ass/waist appear on my yt timeline twice, including just right now
Perchance you should remove yourself from my walls, snacker

>> No.79636639


>> No.79637146

How did two people have literally the same joke then? Seems kinda sus to me.

>> No.79637312

This does sound like just normal VRC hanging out, which can lead to other things, just like a normal party or any other situation when humans interact with some degree of privacy/intimacy.

>> No.79637404

>>79637312 (me)
When knowledge of this kind of thing happens without an explanation, I think people's imaginations go wild and imagine worse or more extreme things than what happened in reality.

>> No.79637524

basically. I guess people are posting from territory controlled by ISIS or something

>> No.79637661

I doubt he would've given two people the same j one even if he did give some pre-written jokes

>> No.79637779

I'd assume 95% of watchers are incels. Normal well adjusted people aren't gonna watch scantily clad anime girls flashbang.

>> No.79637782

How did it happen then? I don't believe it was just a coincidence, it was word for word the same joke. Maybe just ChatGPT I guess.

>> No.79637824

I wouldn't put them past ChatGPTing some jokes
I wouldn't put Filian past it either ngl

>> No.79637860

The 'everyone debates about filians lewd past' timeloop gotta be one of my least favorites. The notorious cuck-snacker likes to exaggerate everything in order to achieve a stronger erection. It would be more entertaining if the goslings were in complete denial though.

>> No.79637902

Filian needs to brap on her microphone.

>> No.79637977

It’s vrchat and camila obviously wouldn’t say if there was anything suggestive going on, she’s supposedly not nsfw anymore. If you genuinely believe a vrchat hangout is a regular party you haven’t been on vrchat. Also as mentioned earlier there was petplay rp happening I’m pretty sure it was the same party lmao.

>> No.79638021

everyone loves a good mystery but yeah mostly a snoozefest

>> No.79638152

I bet I could shove my nose into Fillians smelly musky pussy panties before she can flip away

>> No.79638233
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>> No.79638425


>> No.79638429
File: 43 KB, 672x788, angry homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I, for one, am mostly pissed that I was retarded enough to fall this hard, this fast for the "cute, shy, awkward" act, and that I didn't realize it sooner.
Of course she's a whore. All her friends are whores, she's part of VRchat degeneracy groups, multiple times have collab partners mentioned/hinted about her doing lewd/suggestive shit offstream. Koko's story and the old gator clips just broke the spell.
I'll still watch occasionally because it's good content, but she's certainly going to the bottom of the list.

>> No.79638496

>If you genuinely believe a vrchat hangout is a regular party you haven't been on vrchat.

Yeah there's RP, and people are more degenerate and willing to try things they wouldn't do irl, but just because it's a party in vrchat, doesn't mean it's an orgy - which some people seem to assume.

Part of me wants to see what happens and what Filian is like at these parties, having fun and not having to act, but another part of me thinks she should just be able to have privacy/intimacy, time where she doesn't have to think about how her actions will be perceived by her viewers/the internet. I think she probably assumed that confidentiality was implicit, and that's why she was so shocked when Koko revealed the petplay lol.

>> No.79638517

VRC opened my eyes to pet-play, it's really so nice, people are sleeping on it. For me it's less about the power dynamic but about the simplified behavioural template, and the willingness to be cringe for each others enjoyment. Nothing washes away the complexity of life so strongly, for high-IQ people it is a truly cleansing experience. Nyah! (strikes paw pose)

>> No.79638570

Think it's more just a cycle of new people find her, get suckered in by her Sieso+flashbang shtick, then find out it's a bit and voice thier disappointment.

>> No.79638612

Ain't nothin goin' on but the money and power
Got one in the chamber fo' you trick ass cowards
And I'm tired of you niggas go saving these bitches
Stop saving these hoes, let another nigga get em'
I ain't try'na be a trick, I'm just sayin' my dog
Let a nigga get deep down in them draws
Take her over my dog, so we can do it y'all
Everybody can do it, let's just have a ball
Ain't nothin' goin' on but the money and power
Too many niggas out here cowards
They be saving them hoes, they be paying them broke

>> No.79638701

Kill yourself.

>> No.79638732


>> No.79638891

Prett much this.

>> No.79639068

I'd bet there were some angry DMs sent stream about that.

>> No.79639143

Anon, having a working sexuality doesn't make women whores. There's a wide range of behaviours that allow a person to express their sexuality before something even moves into what most people would consider sexual. e.g. flirting, non-erotic touch. These things are often demonstrated toward the opposite sex parents as a child, as part of their healthy development of their sexuality. Nothing lewd about it.

Now that she's an adult, sexuality normally does become more lewd, but that's also healthy. It would be more worrying if she just repressed her sexuality completely (as she probably did for a while), as that can lead to mental distress/illness. I for one am glad she can be herself and explore/try out things without the risk that comes with non-RP sexual situations. I want her to be able to have a satisfying and healthy romantic relationship at some point (as much as is possible for a 0% wife material, 0.8% husband material woman). The VR RP stuff could be seen as a kind of exposure therapy for some people, and she clearly has significant issues around intimacy.

>> No.79639162

*after stream

>> No.79639169

She's one of the least whores you will ever find in the modern world anon.
That's not saying much other than how bad things are. But she's less of a whore than almost all normal women and most chuubas.

>> No.79639278

Yeah I bet LOL. She really panicked.

>> No.79639334

>plain faced gingers
would as long as they aren't fat.

>> No.79639564

I don't think the petplay with koko specifically, happened at all.
Troons are duplicitous and deceitful by nature.

>> No.79639588

Yeah, I will say that I found that disorienting and confusing initially. I still question what her thoughts are about it. It honestly seems like a flirty behaviour that a young girl might do to get attention, but not too much attention or she gets embarrassed/panicked quickly. I wonder how much of it is conscious, I bet at least part of it.

>> No.79639603

as if the flashbangs for 7k people weren’t enough oh my goodness

>> No.79639675

*weren’t enough of a warning
it’s like eating a purple colored frog and being surprised it has toxins in it

>> No.79639858

girl who asks chat if the would "put it in" after seeing an assortment of holes is a perv
go figure

>> No.79639868

Fuck off. It's not about the sexuality, it's about the degeneracy.
I wouldn't mind if she were doing this with a partner or a few particularly close friends, as she never sold herself as an idol or anything of the sort. I do mind that she's doing it in fucking parties, with mere friends or complete strangers. Even if it's mere flirting or soft-ERP, this is abominable.
I know. Which is another reason why I'm not gonna drop her.

>> No.79639917

it's not so much that it's bad that she's like that, it's that she sells this fake personality of being shy and innocent to point of being shocked at the slightest lewd behavior. She needs to stop with this bit and just be herself.

>> No.79639924

fillyCollar fillyPaws fillyNyah fillyPounce fillyBite fillyLick fillyHardcoreSex fillyBackshots fillyTail fillyImpregnation fillyCumOverflow fillyPregnant fillyKittenLitter fillyMom

>> No.79639954

Maybe, Koko insisted in a fairly genuine voice that it really did happen though. But really, what is the big deal about it anyway? She's walking around pretending to be the owner, with a girl in VR wearing a collar. It could be more, but it honestly just seems like playing, which is what RP is anyway. Most RP/play involves some kind of power dynamic. That doesn't mean she forced her to perform oral sex on her or fucked her with a strapon lmao.

>> No.79640025


>> No.79640038


>> No.79640090

So how stretched out is filians vagina after taking miles of virtual penis?

>> No.79640129

at least 1cm

>> No.79640157

I'm gonna smack...

>> No.79640197

rumors say her hymen was destroyed by a gymnastics incident when she was 12 but otherwise her vagina is intact

>> No.79640224

unsurprising from the girl who broke her tailbone

>> No.79640354

on god I will find the balance beam that took filians virginity and chainsaw it in half

>> No.79640356

that gymnastics incident? me.

>> No.79640362

I don't think it's a bit. People aren't just one consistent personality. In psychology they call them ego-states, parts, or sub-personalities. If you start understanding people in this way, they make a lot more sense. This is why we can have a part that loves Filian and idealizes her, and another part that feels betrayed and deceived. Her case is more obvious, where she has a part that clearly is uncomfortable/shy about sexual stuff, and then she probably also has a part that is curious and wants to explore, experiment, and develop herself. It isn't so much of a contradiction, as there just being different parts involved that have different feelings/perspectives about it. That's my take anyway, since this is my field.

>> No.79640509
File: 3.22 MB, 540x510, fillysway.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute filians, I'm getting angrier the more I think about it.

>> No.79640540

no, I think there is something to that. you can have one personality associated with a certain digital identity subculture and then it’s completely at odds with their “normal” personality to the point of them being completely disjoint

>> No.79640664

It's abominable that she might be flirting with friends of friends at a party? I mean, I don't know what kind of friendships you have, but I don't flirt with mine.

>> No.79640682

>>79640540 (me)
as far as recent filian stuff goes, we know she related to when lumi was talking about how she has “two lives” and how filian has said she’s never told her irl friends and family what she does for a living

>> No.79640902

she's been saying no one in her irl life knows for a while

>> No.79641037

You're 20 IQ points short of the truth. Filian IS a whore, but she's a whore for fame and fortune.

>> No.79641039

Would you want your family to know, you slutted and clout chased your way up a ladder of degenerates to being an anime catgirl that flashes her panties for money.

>> No.79641083

so we know it’s not a bit, then

>> No.79641096

ok, thank you for your donations

>> No.79641152

surely that’s relatable, then. who hasn’t sold their life for some money?

>> No.79641198

she thinks that people think she edits or does onlyfans
she tells people a general vague description of doing stuff online from what I recall

>> No.79641271

ok cerber, you are just a furry with less steps

>> No.79641391

>It's abominable that she might be flirting with friends of friends at a party?
Yes. Although I despise parties and normalfag culture in general, so my bias is off the charts.
>I mean, I don't know what kind of friendships you have, but I don't flirt with mine.
"Joke" flirting between young/young-ish friends is normal, at least in my area.
I refuse to give anything but views in anticipation of exactly this kind of thing.

>> No.79641464

What does slutted mean anon? Maybe we're using different definitions.

>> No.79641492
File: 387 KB, 589x587, Screenshot_20240629-073027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79641518

I for one would respect my daughters will to power

>> No.79641682

Being Mizkif house slut for clout I would certainly say counts.

>> No.79641707

When it was just her time, effort and an understandable amount of hustle, it was an admirable amount of ambition. Milking her most fallen viewers with AI chatbot subscriptions and premium discord roles - while already making bank being one of the biggest indy chuubas around - has crossed the line from hustle to a level of willful sociopathy.
A good litmus test for the proportion of retards in the thread is how many care about this vs how many care about her doing VR ERP shit while networking.

>> No.79641777

Yeah tbf I hate parties and normalfag culture too. I just think flirting behaviour is normal in these types of situations, we are literally mammals after all. I think we get caught up in the language and the culture and forget that sometimes we're just wanting to connect with other humans and need an excuse to behave in a way that isn't 'civilized.'

As far as flirting with friends, I don't flirt with any of my female friends unless I have some intention or hope of a relationship. I'd be more open to flirting with randoms for the fun of it, but still not actually acting on it because I'm a huge prude lmao.

>> No.79641803

Very puritan for a site that continuously splurts their fantasies of Filian over text

>> No.79641913

>Slut: a woman who has many casual sexual partners.
You actually think this fits her? Even when she's being herself around her female friends, she goes quiet and zones out when the topic becomes too sexual.

>> No.79641926

"muh degeneracy" while a good amount of us participate in egregiously degenerate conversation regarding her is honestly hilarious

>> No.79641957

that’s what makes filian unironically interesting though, we get to watch her wrestle with her own worst impulses rather than watch some self righteous prick

>> No.79642089

>>79641957 (me)
and it’s all for real human stakes, too. those humans getting farmed are real human beings. as is filian.

>> No.79642184
File: 679 KB, 2280x1080, Screenshot_20240630-222543_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79642202
File: 87 KB, 680x929, xyz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In light of recent developments. I request a filian version of this image.

>> No.79642289

my bad

>> No.79642304

Agree. She's human and has made some morally questionable decisions.
This video shows she has less holding her back from making these decisions than most people, but I think this is mostly an autistic thing rather than sociopathic/psychopathic. Autistic people often have difficulty with understanding 'the other' and empathizing with them, and will also score higher on these tests than normal.

Yeah. I would pay to hear her genuine thoughts and feelings on this - whether she actually feels conflicted. I think she does, because she's visible stress/distraction whenever topics like this come up.

>> No.79642428

our resident artist hasn't posted in a while...

>> No.79642547

Watching a rising star who has relatively virtuous boundaries and some amount of earnestness is novel and sentimental. A rising star becoming an increasingly cold-blooded clout and money grubber has happened a thousand thousand times, it's actually the standard trajectory, and there's nothing warm and fuzzy about it at all. It only has trainwreck value insofar as the tragedy of lost integrity can make you rubberneck.
If I'm being overly dramatic it's because I suspect this is a trend that will continue and I've emotionally distanced myself already. I see it continuing because AFAIK she had no pressing reason to stoop like she has been, so why would it end here?

>> No.79642585

Right. I'll find something better to do.
I am aware.
Anonymous texts on the asshole of the internet are one thing, avatar simulation+VOIP are another, but this is just hypocritical cope.

>> No.79642600
File: 2.08 MB, 1080x1405, Screenshot_20240630-203225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79642826
File: 58 KB, 554x192, Donovan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me a little bit of that conversation on VA HALL A with the reporter, about how some people are more of a fan of the struggles of the person rather than the person itself,
although it's not exactly what you are saying i'm just brain rotted by this game atm

>> No.79642906


>> No.79642920

there’s a reason why some stories are classics even if they’re cliched.

>> No.79642973

Cute af.

>> No.79643088

That's an old one, I haven't drawn since the last time someone asked if I was around.

>> No.79643217

Hey atleast the SunnyV2 video about Filian is going to be good for procrastinating

>> No.79643293

more like I think the only relatable story is hardship, damnation, and guilt

>> No.79643406

What/who is that?

>> No.79643463

channeling my energy to tricky mega and lumi to have a good time together tomorrow (filian doesnt need any she's fine)

>> No.79643480

guy who makes videos about internet celebrities' 'downfalls' and such

>> No.79643628

I initially read this like Filian doesn't need to have a good time because she has already

>> No.79643636
File: 812 KB, 1600x900, brapian[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fbmk7xe.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79643733

She's just like me for real for real...

>> No.79643756
File: 643 KB, 1080x609, Screenshot_20231212-042141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79643755

Ah. Yeah, is he actually accurate? Or one of those people who misrepresent people to make it fit their narrative that a downfall is happening or to make it more dramatic?

>> No.79643812

he's a mixed bag

>> No.79643827

omg is this real i cant believe my seiso pure maiden did this, let me have an emotional meltdown in the thread real quick

>> No.79643869

you can contribute by beginning our daily goon sesh

>> No.79643907

what’s with the anti-whore sperging

>> No.79643920

personally, I think mint is the best for gooning

>> No.79643972
File: 602 KB, 762x822, Screenshot_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got you covered

>> No.79643988

/flip/ has gone approximately 24 hours without a filian stream and is rapidly approaching psychosis, please understand

>> No.79644025

Melody put that overlay over her without her knowing. She was wearing something sus, but not that sus. It's from chaturbate stream (CB stream on youtube)

>> No.79644089

she was wearing the bunny girl outfit

>> No.79644143

Will clip this later, but her reaction to Layna saying she's cute is so adorable. Initially happy, then flustered, then showing off, then flustered again.

>> No.79644153

it's time to goon boys
get cocked and loaded

>> No.79644208
File: 7 KB, 320x180, uh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we need is meaningless activities to fill the time!
uhhh... emm...
Complete the following:
Filian is ________!

>> No.79644231

I’m too drunk to goon right now, more practical minded smackers please go on without me

>> No.79644246


>> No.79644253

extremely gay (affectionately)

>> No.79644285

my wife (unironically) (no posters can claim this after I do)

>> No.79644290

currently gooning

>> No.79644307

I am you

>> No.79644338
File: 237 KB, 1242x849, IMG_1932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot off the press

>> No.79644363

party games lets fricking go

>> No.79644390

wait… today?

>> No.79644394

nice timezone pal, triangulating your exact coordinates as we speak

>> No.79644412

two truths and a lie
filian has a bush
filian is 5'0
filian is a blonde

>> No.79644438

gods strongest smackers have always been known to reside in PST

>> No.79644451

time zones bro

>> No.79644456

blonde is a lie ezpz

>> No.79644471

ding ding ding we have a winner

>> No.79644511

do i get to be tied up, bagged and raped repeatedly by filian now?

>> No.79644550

mods said we can’t do that cuz they’re Jewish and anti-fun and anti-GET spamming

>> No.79644559

not she uses you as her floor toilet so she doesn't have to walk all the way to the bathroom, drastically decreasing her Time Per Piss

>> No.79644597

Guess my shift is over boys.

>> No.79644670

can the 30 second barrier be broken with this technique? our most rational pissfags said it couldn’t be done

>> No.79644695
File: 1.80 MB, 1049x1080, YWNBAW[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fch2l8g.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79644718

if they slurp on her the they can perhaps increase the velocity and speed of piss

>> No.79644763
File: 1.24 MB, 260x260, skib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79644803

quagmire if he was from ohio

>> No.79644807

those are the most important factors other than DTR (distance to restroom)

>> No.79644996
File: 6 KB, 183x61, so true.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79645053

filian if she was from ohio

>> No.79645164


>> No.79645229
File: 1.24 MB, 1080x792, Screenshot_20240630-211943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mint Filian wearing only the overall skirt making sure you can see her panties and armpits

>> No.79645238

raped (by me)

>> No.79645261

armpits are necessary panties are optional

>> No.79645314
File: 720 KB, 2200x3300, ohio fil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be Filian in 2025

>> No.79645319

i wonder how big mint's bush

>> No.79645368

>download filian lora
>think "im gonna make some wholesome non-porn gens!"
>couldn't think of anything

>> No.79645369

checks out

>> No.79645426

why she so japanese tho

>> No.79645441

could go any direction tbqh. I wouldn’t doubt cleanly shaven, I wouldn’t doubt mini jungle

>> No.79645504

i need the mint bush to exist and be peppermint flavoured i think that would be pretty sick ngl

>> No.79645514

If I ever get back into it and do a Mint lewd I'll give her a small but puffy one with a purple streak or two

>> No.79645549

she would probably be in pain if you actually flossed with it though, kinda useless

>> No.79645551

that reminds me
she talked with Vedal about an upcoming collab, maybe it is Finally the Filian AI collab?

>> No.79645578

either that or D&D

>> No.79645600

she was talking about “collab of the century” the other day so I hope it’s something like that

>> No.79645665

filian is gonna automate her stream so she can spend all her time with me

>> No.79645678

dw she is a masochist so she'd enjoy it

>> No.79645708
File: 92 KB, 872x900, GRL_TjNacAAgN4o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flippers unite

>> No.79645735

filian is going to become a posthuman and date me until she becomes incomprehensible and then dump me never to be seen again

>> No.79645762

so fricking BASED

>> No.79645772

Why is her bitrate always red?

>> No.79645798


>> No.79645824


>> No.79645857

Brushing Mint Filian's fluffy tail and putting a bow on it...

>> No.79645863

I have her stream open in the other room (she gets embarrassed when watched live)

>> No.79645915

going adventuring in filian’s rainforest only to get an obscure disease and die without ever reporting my findings to the world

>> No.79645951

Alternatively I could make Mint even fluffier and bushier around her body to juxtapose with the seeming cuteness of the model compared to Rindo

>> No.79645957

truly, a real man's death

>> No.79645994

…until 4,000 years later when androids discover my skeleton among her pubic mound

>> No.79646098

Kissing with Filian after we got eachother pubes in our teeths stuck,
and then booping noses because they got tangled

>> No.79646149

getting filian’s pube’s stuck in my teeth and then her licking them back into her mouth in an intensive French kissing type situation

>> No.79646262


>> No.79646266
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1080, Untitled design.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79646268


>> No.79646374

I really really really really want to watch filian

>> No.79646420

filian >>>>

>> No.79646518
File: 17 KB, 413x279, cherry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then she hands you your pubes back tied like that cherry tongue knot meme
Now THAT'S real love

>> No.79647030

early-ish bake

>> No.79647209

yummy bred

>> No.79648412

She is so special…

>> No.79648667

Fuck this rpr dude, it’s so fucking tiring
