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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79503847 No.79503847 [Reply] [Original]

This is a thread for our cutest, coolest, autistic and earnest yet a little bit schizophrenic hagsmith of HoloID Gen 3

HoloH3ro 1st original song save our hearts

>Listen now
>Watch the MV

Kaela's 1st original song BACKSEAT

>Listen now
>Watch the MV

Last thread: >>79135211



>Last stream

>Stand by me, Stand by you /w Zeta
>Is There Still Anything That Love Can Do?
>365nichi no Kamihikouki / 365日の紙飛行機
>Angelic Angel /w HoloID
>Bebas /w HoloID
>id:entity voices /w HoloH3ro
>Terhebat /w HoloID
>1 Minute 1 Second /w HoloH3ro
>Playboy /w HoloID

Pejuang Senja
>Persepsi Hidup

>Kaenglish dictionary

>Kaela 101

>Kaela Archive

>Debut and Lore


/gsh/ commission https://mega.nz/folder/MqkUAYxQ#wQ4xgr3ABVY81MKz7Lg5cA

>> No.79504040
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Why bother

>> No.79504432

I'm not the usual baker but it just feels weird not having one while she's streaming

>> No.79505104

I'm just skipping all of this until the ID Collab (maybe even then, depending on the game)
I hope this is paying her really well at least

>> No.79505208

Huh there's an ID collab after this?

>> No.79505307

>>79505208 (me)
Nvm I saw the tweet fuckkk

>> No.79505517

ELA schedule:
june 29th: HoK play along
june 30th: HoK watchparty + play along
july 1st: HoK watchparty + TBA ID collab
july 2nd: TBA minecraft collab
july 3rd: catching up with work & leaving

>> No.79506271

imagine getting filtered by kaela's passion

>> No.79506763

hah I was about to say the same thing

... but I miss her tho...

>> No.79506820

I'm not comfortable being halu on global so I just wait for this bread...

>> No.79506866

I've been nutting to ela for the past 2 days...

>> No.79507942
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>> No.79510497
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I love Kaela
but not like this...

>> No.79511011

Granny Grape-sama

>> No.79513110
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there's really nothing to expect from the week

>> No.79513475

MC collab if it is not with other ID girls

>> No.79513795

So I'm guessing she's going to Japan on the 3rd

>> No.79513898

it's most likely the borobudur project though

>> No.79513899

she will be going there lot

>> No.79513961

last one was ok, she was left alone

>> No.79514049

Last time they told her to stop after 2 hours anon, that was not okay

>> No.79514131

Advent debut is coming soon then

>> No.79514814

you meant by 3D showcase?
she won't be doing solo stream during that

>> No.79514815

i memory holed it probably

>> No.79514976
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>> No.79515079
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Doot doot

>> No.79515190

Yes I meant 3D debut

>> No.79515218

they also need to really fixvher 3d, cover is no longer small corpo that can get away with it

>> No.79515435

so many hags on August
my wallet won't be able to survive unless I save up...

>> No.79516021

during olden days sex mostly happenned during early winter and fall

>> No.79517014

this horny hag, going apes when she sees girls pictures on others profile pics

>> No.79517559

chained game

>> No.79519461


>> No.79521480

I chose sleb...
ela doko

>> No.79525464


>> No.79529036


>> No.79531661

ID collab will be 4 hours plus someting one hour after it

>> No.79531801

five more collabs incoming later

>> No.79531979

MC collab did not seem to be big ID collab by the way she told about it

>> No.79532137

oh cool, so one watchable stream in a week

>> No.79535923

13 hours to next torture

>> No.79539263

I'm something

>> No.79540822
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>> No.79544149


>> No.79546759
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>> No.79549401
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>> No.79550831


>> No.79553395
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>> No.79554618
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listen to dekat di hati

>> No.79556894
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>> No.79558292


>> No.79559683
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well I suppose see you next bread?...

hard to halu in all this mess even though I wanted to...

>> No.79562879
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>> No.79564713
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You think next year she'll go the Fauna route and say no to all events so she can just chill and stream like the good old days?

>> No.79565399

I hope so... but she's inherently a moba addict and she seems to enjoy this...

also define good old days, what kind of stream are you taking about

>> No.79566230

The days when 3 streams a day or 10+ total hours of streams a day were the norm

>> No.79568748

she is yoo much of workslut to deny offered work

>> No.79570594

I miss her so much...

>> No.79571384

I miss them...

>> No.79571710

their model had me thinking, is Kaela actually tall irl?
her angle when they were on their respective L2D looks normal, but when they switch places Kaela (A-chan) is crouching while A-chan (Kaela) is stood up
is this doxxing? if so then nvm

>> No.79571945

She never said anything specific but she and other members have mentioned that she really is tall irl. Nerissa said she and Kaela were the only two tall girls when they met up with the other EN/ID members in Japan.
Also she was genuinely trying to become a basketball athlete when she was young so there's that

>> No.79572164

yes they do represent pretty closely how tall they really are, but for older gens it is not so as example Ina is really 10-20 cm taller than 3D Ina so there are multiple problems with her 3D too.
Gebwrally it is +-2cm or in freedom around +-1 inch

>> No.79573589

【WATCH PARTY】Honor of Kings Invitational Season 2 (GROUP STAGE DAY 2)
In 2 hours 20 mins

>> No.79573818

>sponsored watchalong of moba
no fucking thanks

>> No.79574789

glimpse of her past

>> No.79575808

I don't give a shit about her past

>> No.79577755


>> No.79579129
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>> No.79579443

truely wonder who was staff member that gave it, ok

>> No.79579779


>> No.79579789

That model is sex, the other one was the problem

>> No.79580386
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cute retard is back in an hour

>> No.79580436

where is shuba to arrest this criminal non-mastermind

>> No.79580546

That's not Indonesian. What language is that? I thought this is an Indonesian event?

>> No.79580569
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this is everything I never wanted on this channel, thank you Kaela, see you when you return from your break

>> No.79580606

She's been sick for a while yeah?

>> No.79580673

yeah almost two weeks, she came back few days ago

>> No.79580688

You guys are actually tuning into this shit?

>> No.79580732

Did she say what sickness?

>> No.79580737

Yeah. I'm not a fake fan.

>> No.79580742

the event is in KL I believe

I just goes in, said hi, and went adios before she shows the actual game

>> No.79580748

no, I opened it, saw picrel and closed it

>> No.79580834

Raora is also streaming Minecraft right now

>> No.79580929

how was she? I never really watched the EN girls

>> No.79580988

acquired taste

>> No.79581037

Very cute, very motherly, very ESL
If you like Ela you'll probably like her

>> No.79581040

sick throat, she was posting lot of voice tweets kek https://x.com/otonosekanade/status/1803017817614381070

>> No.79581147


>> No.79581167

euhh... maybe when they collab, I'll try to appreciate her...

>> No.79581255

Is it the accent? I got around to liking it the second day

>> No.79581938

i really don't think kaela 3d model height is anywhere near her real height.

>> No.79582100

She's probably only a few cm shorter

>> No.79582197

less than one cm shorter actually

>> No.79582297

ID team hot rekt hard
game balance issue or skill issue

>> No.79583452


>> No.79583719

Holy shit

>> No.79584617

not for me

>> No.79585429

oh it's done?

>another one
today's night truly the darkest night...

>> No.79585463

【Honor of Kings】ROAD TO GRANDMASTER HIYAAAAA【Kaela Kovalskia / hololiveID】
Starting in 69 mins

>> No.79585712

a week of darkest night...

>> No.79586588
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so wtf is that collab tomorrow? they sure made piss poor job of getting people exited for whatever that is

>> No.79586812

it will continue later when she will be at HoK main event in Malaysia too, physically or not still time wasted

>> No.79586907

Wtf i thought my dick was safe.

>> No.79587330

we've been blueballed since 6th of April

>> No.79587929

Then it was just for ID 4th anniversary no? they had merch and all. I thought that was over, now they're bringing it back for some reason

>> No.79588075

Everything is so boring

>> No.79588417

fuuuuuck I left for 10 minutes and Kanade died

>> No.79590416

it is for ID gen 4, sauce trust me

>> No.79590755


>> No.79591299

heavily autistic pemaloe here...

this is a rough time. i froth mobas, would watch ela play doto for hours, and I would begrudingly tolerate LoL.. but this openly CCP mobile shit is just reprehensible. almost certainly spyware/crypto mining, at the very least malicious data gathering; indirectly funding efforts of a foreign government to undermine the sovereignty of her own country - china in the south east asian sea.

>> No.79592876

hang in there...
I'm just glad Mio's back

>> No.79594582

poor choice of words

>> No.79594739

I thought LoL is Chinese

>> No.79595716

It is, tencent is even parent of Hok dev company

>> No.79596026

it is rare to find MOBA that is not linked to china

>> No.79597460

bless you, I don't have much problem with the moba part, it's more that this is 6 out of 7 sponsored streams of this shit in 11 days and her tehe please sponsor me more bit is not funny

>> No.79598025
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Why is your oshi a league player?

>> No.79598167

i am heavily autistic anon >>79591299

LoL is indeed now chinese owned, and I would never touch it for that reason.

that said, I would tolerate ela playing it because at least Riot (the developer underneath Tencent, whom is the chinese publisher) are NA based, ostensibly comply with NA digital commerce/software distribution regs and are closely scrutinised by a lot of people who are smarter than me in the infosec world specifically because of their ties with tencent.

it would be difficult to do something truly malicious with the client completely undetected, though not impossible, it is at least a mitigating factor. this doesn't mean it would be impossible, and I don't trust tencent or the CCP that owns them a fucking inch, but I can stomach the idea of her playing league if she really wants to.

wholeheartedly agree. it smacks a little bit of selling out, and even though I understand and am happy to see her make some easy caysh money it just doesn't feel good to be reminded that we (pemaloes, more specifically our clicks and eyeballs) are a product she is happy to sell on to some shitbags making a shonky mobile game.

>bro it aint that deep
I know. i'm mentally ill. life is pain bros.

>> No.79599882

Ela's HOK

>> No.79600700

If pemaloes cough up enough dough, we can have sponsored feet cam session
