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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79495874 No.79495874 [Reply] [Original]

>"the rise of vtubers"
>they skimped the OG Four and nijisanji era
>proceed to jerk off hololive & haha Yagoo XD funne CEO! for the rest of the video
I hate hololive so much for bringing in those normies, they ruined vtubing

>> No.79495935

>nijisanji era
The who era?

>OG four
Oh you're just a newfag sister huh

>> No.79495985

>OG Four

>> No.79496054

You could argue that from the EN perspective Hololive was the starting point. Of course, that ignores the indie scene and early EN corpos, but if we're talking about when vtubing broke into the internet mainstream, it would be Myth.
Either way, this grifter probably did minimal research, watched a few popular videos and only had access to english content.

>> No.79496059

OP, nobody cared about nijisanji until EN debuted. Nijisanji had to beg reaction channels to do videos on their members, it was that bad.
hololive made vtubing popular in the west, you can't deny facts.

>> No.79496079

This is less on youtube and more on nico nico dropping the ball

>> No.79496087
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Dragging up year old shit just to bitch and moan?

>> No.79496089

sister dumpster diving again. ssg

>> No.79496154

Nah, there was an EN scene before that. Kizuna had a translation team, Mirai Akari did for a time, Eilene, Nekomiya Hinata, etc. However it's true that the West more or less completely missed Nijisanji because it's not feasible to translate hours-long livestreams. Holo broke through in the West as people transitioned to the clipping meta instead, and the audience was already well-primed by the time EN debuted.

>> No.79496224

>they skimped the OG Four
For westerners, Sora and A-chan could represent the OG of vtubing.

>> No.79496233
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The fact that Hololive is going mainstream is just natural as they grow bigger.
Don't be mad with things you can't control, anonchama

>> No.79496241

Didn't that guy graduate?

>> No.79496293
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Don't forget Gura blowing it up into popularity even further with just a single letter.

>> No.79496331

Yes, we all know Holofags are the casuals of this interest.

>> No.79496356

>Holo broke through in the West as people transitioned to the clipping meta instead
I agree with this. If early clippers had been Nijifans instead of Holofans, we would probably still be living in a Nijiworld. I personally hold that Matsuri-clipper responsible for Hololive's success in the west.

>> No.79496397

>Kizuna had a translation team, Mirai Akari did for a time, Eilene, Nekomiya Hinata, etc.
That's not what "EN scene" means. Japanese vtubers translated doesn't make them EN.
EN means English is the primary language within the content itself.

>> No.79496400

The thing is that it's still hard to talk about the big 4. Because if you talk about them you have also to talk about how they have fallen, and then you have to talk about some unholly think like how much Ai was ruined, then how her corpse was brought up and desacrated again and again, until there were nothing but bones and it seem that those bones also will not know peace as Ai will have a premiere in like a few hours from now. So you can't talk about the big 4 without also talkin how they have fallen and it's not a fun talk.

>> No.79496414

>nijisanji era
Pointless era
>OG Four
I agree that was bad. But realistically only Ai and maybe Luna really deserve recognition.

>> No.79496435

Pretty sure NijiJP had EN clippers first, but Anycolor assraped them with copyright claims.

>> No.79496499


>> No.79496521
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>> No.79496564

Is that MatPat? I thought he quit youtube.

>> No.79496612
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>> No.79496646

>Kizuna had a translation team
Did they? I thought those were fan submitted subs.

>> No.79496677 [DELETED] 

Buy an ad
Sage in all fields

>> No.79496690

OP is seething over 1,5 year old video

>> No.79496707

very cool thread OP but this wont uncancel your concert, sister

>> No.79496721


>> No.79496722

nah your cancerous face reveal whores ruined vtubing

>> No.79496740

Back to your thread chumkek. Adults are talking.

>> No.79496809

Don't be retarded. Vtubers became a western thing solely thanks to Epic Games making GTAV free.

>> No.79496827


>> No.79496966

Autismchaama, although I know I will never convince you because you have autism, I will attempt to explain this to you in context.
The "EN scene" here specifically refers to the translators who were really excited about this new vtuber thing and rushed to translate everyone, often for free, bringing vtubing to the West. These same people, and the communities they fostered, became the staff, audience and in some cases talents behind the first ENtubers, who in turn got recruited to fill out the rosters of the big corpos. Many of those originalfags remain active behind the scenes in various roles. So yes, that was the birth of the EN scene, even though there were no actual ENtubers until Moe etc.

>> No.79497018

>December 1st, 2022

>> No.79497088

You're just redefining what "EN scene" means to suit your argument. When people say there was no EN scene you know exactly what they mean by that.
Translators are not the EN scene and never have been.

>> No.79497298

>There was an EN scene before that
>talking about translation and clippers
there was also actual EN vtubers back then, just the general attitude was
>English vtubers miss the point completely and are shit
was the general consensus so nobody watched them. Although honestly I'd consider memeshit like edgelord deat more vtuber than the current state of
>I'm a streamer but I just use a 2d avatar and that's the only different between me and a twitch thot

>> No.79497476

least obvious nijinigger

>> No.79497551

nice seethe sister

>> No.79497573


>> No.79497768

Imagine watching "CCs". lol

>> No.79497999
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>> No.79498006

Go back.

>> No.79498048

>If early clippers had been Nijifans
Niji literally forbid people from making clips back then anon

>> No.79498268

>Vtubers became a western thing solely thanks to Epic Games making GTAV free.
In other words the taboo popularity of racism greatly helped vtubing become popular in the west sooner than later.
Anons ill be honest with you... the "no ads" thing has been a big part of the eq for me too these years, and it's because adverts these years are filled with, well you know.

>> No.79500479

>Japanese IP autism was their downfall
Deserved, never understood why JP companies were so dead set against free advertising

>> No.79500607

Sister, you're seething so hard that you forgot Hololive predates Nijisanji

>> No.79502425
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>> No.79502483

A true history of Vtubers would begin with the Annoying Orange.

>> No.79502660

>nijisanji era

>> No.79502788

>If early clippers had been Nijifans
whos gonna tell him? nijifag are obnoxious retards like vspo now where they will shit on every single clipper thats why clipper leave them and clip holo instead, without realizing how important clip for exposure and algorithm, now many corpo paid clipper like idol,phase etc.

>> No.79502903

those nijifag are super anti clipper too, while yagoo knew that they can use clipper who literally make popular clip like miko, fubuki etc to get exposure for holo.

>> No.79503886

Learn english

>> No.79503960

Hololive board

>> No.79504212

This is you right now

>> No.79504302

Holo board. Holo hobby.

>> No.79504409

I watched this video but liked it cuz this guy was very professional and showed a certain respect for Vtubing.
Unlike that Twitch guy.

>> No.79504629

This is unreadable you third world faggot
Why are you on an English message board if you can’t speak English?

>> No.79505029

Reminds me of the nijibeggar days.
Every time I checked the comments back then, I would always see at least 1 nijibeggar comment begging others to watch niji clips too

>> No.79505091

As shit and cancer as Nijisanji is, you can't ignore them when talking about the rise of vtubers. Especially during the transition to live 2D.

>> No.79505118

Yes, we can. And we did.

>> No.79505215

Well sure, you can ignore them and deservedly so, but if you're trying to be accurate I suppose it's more correct to say you shouldn't ignore them.

>> No.79506418

they are documented as the black company by lots of youtubers with total of many millions of views. its a #gold

>> No.79506536

>watching a half assed youtube corpo produced video narrated by matpat
yeah you deserve the extra brain damage

>> No.79506563

>nijisanji era

>> No.79506712

>You could argue that from the EN perspective Hololive was the starting point.
The starting point of what exactly? There are objectively wrong and right answers depending on which variable is chosen. There is no "could be."

>> No.79506777

Buy an ad

>> No.79506795

The break into mainstream.

>> No.79506933

What's weird to me is that they are draconian towards YT but are perfectly ok with doujin circles which do the exact same thing.

>> No.79507041


>> No.79507208

This is a very Japanese corpo thing. Many of them go into an autistic litigation spree if you use direct footage from their content but if you create your own original works based on(emphasis on based on; things like modding do not count) their IP it's usually okay.

>> No.79507522

You say this, but didn't Niji ban doujinshi on DLsite or something?

>> No.79507721
File: 608 KB, 730x683, 1719430143891816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OG Four
Kizuna Ai is the only one who matters.

>Nijisanji Era
Roru, Rumao Even!

Listen Nijisanji is a FINE regional Liver Company. However their Global impact has been negligible. I'm sorry despite what China thinks they are not the whole world so they can get that Pre-Opium War belief out of their bug heads ASAP.

>> No.79507929

Og four who?

>> No.79508197

History is written by the unicorns.

>> No.79508678
File: 24 KB, 709x195, Screenshot 2024-06-30 at 00-23-11 (3) s h e e e e p - Y[...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79509144

So technically yes the doujin circle are breaking Japanese Copyright. However companies allow them to because it is free advertising and a sign of goodwill to their fans. They also learned a while ago DON'T FUCK WITH THE DOUJIN COMMUNITY!
I remember back in the day there was some IP that was on the rise and the studio closed the pool on doujins and interest just died over night.

This is also why I fucking hate Nijisanji because they wanted to McDonald's all of vtubing. They wanted to release lazy in-house models, with lazy rigging(I am sure the riggers work their asses off with Nijisanjis accelerating workload), they don't screen their talents for shit, they underpay their managers, they enforce soul crushing rules that change by the day, and their entire business model is too flood a market. Despite all this the most frustrating thing is how they squander every potential chance to do something great.

>> No.79509262

It is a disgrace OF4leeches try to cling on to Kizuna Ai so desperately.

>> No.79511794

>Shizuka Rin singing country roads went semi-viral
>She understandably filtered EOPs shitting up her chat
>Hololive came along and embraced meme bullshit and EOPs
>Hololive blow up globally
>Nijisanji try to play catch up and barely get anywhere
It's just weird to see that Nijisanji had the advantage early on, but fumbled hard. I'd feel bad for them if it wasn't now evident how shit of a company they are.

>> No.79512990

From company perspective (which is what the bootlickers on this board are fixated on to a suspicious degree) it was massive fumble but for the people actually enjoying their content it was god send.

>> No.79514738

>be a shit company
