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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 71 KB, 1024x552, 1719586522726408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
79433905 No.79433905 [Reply] [Original]

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for Vtubers to give and receive advice related to Vtubing.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someon do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clip?
DaVinci Resolve, Kdenlve, & CapCut if you don't feel like spending money or pirating, otherwise use Vegas Pro or Premiere.

>I have a question, is it okay to ask? Will I get real feedback?
Ask away! If no one responds, try asking again at a later time.

>Crabs are attacking an /asp/iring vtube, it is my dear friend! What should I do?
Nothing, do not feed the crabs, do not give them a (You).

Open company auditions:
Brave: https://bravegroup.co.jp/audition_en/
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en
Niji (Open indefinitely): https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1780415989332816307

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Tierlist: tiermaker.com/create/active--asp-ies-from--here--again-16631934

>Thread question:
If you are an introvert in real life, how did you come out of your shell, at least when it comes to streaming?
If you are an extrovert, what advice would you give to someone who is introverted, insecure, or shut down on themselves?

Previous thread: >>79403981

>> No.79434013


Stop wasting your time.

>> No.79434068


>> No.79434199

>If you are an introvert in real life, how did you come out of your shell, at least when it comes to streaming?
streaming means im not the third wheel in every conversation anymore and people seem to enjoy listening to what i have to talk about so it feels nice even if i still hold onto a lot of my thoughts sometimes

>> No.79434423

>If you are an introvert in real life, how did you come out of your shell, at least when it comes to streaming?
Streaming lets me skip the initiation phase of conversations that I don't really like. It also brings an audience to me instead of taking a coworker prisoner to tell them all about how much I love my autistic hobbies and whatever stupid hyperfixation I have this week that I'll forget about instantly when the next high hits.

>> No.79434446

What emotes do you think are essential to have ?
What unique emotes do you wish existed (within TOS of course) ?
What emotes do you want to have in general ?
I need to think of some YCH

>> No.79434556
File: 241 KB, 1055x625, glub.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how did you come out of your shell, atleast when it comes to streaming?
honestly.. just having a place where i can talk about whatever helped me
definitely things like:
- wave
- bonk
- heart
- smug
are ones that come to mind

>> No.79434588


>> No.79434683

I slept quite badly.

>> No.79434707

someone here paid me for emotes and the art I gave them I stole from another artist based in china. they can't sue me china laws hold no power

>> No.79434776

The alium returns....

>> No.79434860


>> No.79434922

If I have 2ccv, is turning affiliate worth it

>> No.79434984

No, putting your 2ccv through ads isn't worth it
>t. 2ccv chuuba

>> No.79435229

I have 0 ccv and have affiliate how do I turn ads off

>> No.79435308

There is one aspie I stan for and if they request to be taken off the tierlist I'm ending it all
t.fag jamie

>> No.79435335

I wish I could just fully let go and say everything I want to say to him, but I'm already pushing the boundaries and I know I eventually have to stop

>> No.79435367

Decide what it is you actually want to do with the tools given to you for accepting affiliate. Channel points are only useful when you have people collecting them and things for people to spend on them. Some channels skip point redeems entirely because they don't like being interrupted by chat making noises or demanding water or something. Ads mean content interruptions (you can dodge this by using Picture in Picture on desktop but mobile viewers are fucked). Emotes are only useful to followers and subscribers. If you have 2ccv (yourself and your phone) then nobody will use your emotes except you.

>> No.79435402

Turn it on ASAP. Channel points alone are worth it. The ads concern is overblown IMO

>> No.79435408

jamie is the haru poster...

>> No.79435417

You should probably kill yourself instead. You sound like a creep.

>> No.79435440

who the fuck is haru

>> No.79435480

It's true

>> No.79435550

>Channel points alone are worth it.
Anything you can do with channel points you can do with chat commands. Literally anything. Also, nobody is going to go to your channel specifically to collect channel points unless you're also offering something particularly enticing locked behind those channel points. If you have 2cvv, you're not offering something on the main plate. You're not going to be hiding something more exciting behind a points gate.

>> No.79435720

I'm not uninterested I'm just quiet and shy.

>> No.79435785

I've seen plenty of channels with chat commands and compared to built in points nobody uses them. There is no downside to affiliate. No, the ads don't count as a downside because they're on every interesting channel that viewers watch anyway so they're baked into expectations

>> No.79435917

i think im slowly becoming magni desmond and it scares me

>> No.79435952

please come back

>> No.79436163

We both know you're lying so why did you make this post?

>> No.79436409

Chat this girl is so fucking cute she drew me and said she loves me what do I do

>> No.79436545

What am I lying about? Why are you trying to discourage anons from taking affiliate?

>> No.79436640

Olga used to get a lot of use of chat commands before she went affiliate. Doing crazy shit like ragdolling her and launching her spinning into outer space. I haven't seen any other channel use chat commands quite as much as her channel did.

>> No.79436705

How do I set tits up to throw a object at ne whenever a specific word is said in chat

>> No.79436866

Emily should kill ximself!

>> No.79437128


>> No.79437234

Haru did nothing wrong.

>> No.79437445

life is worth it

>> No.79437525
File: 1003 KB, 2176x1097, hm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point does your layout become a hinderance to viewers cause I saw this while going through another chuuba's VODs

>> No.79437623

Haru is a piece of walking human garbage and deserved it

>> No.79437666

god this is annoying to look at

>> No.79437677

What has she done wrong other than not raid you?

>> No.79437768

the fuck?

>> No.79437771

so H___ IS FtM or just a crossdressing chuuba, and M___ confirmed it huh

>> No.79437799

You are ill and the only cure is suicide.

>> No.79437821

Even if Emily wasn't a two faced backstabbing pile of trash the fact that she is grifting so hard that she's larping as a femboy to get the gay /asp/ audience is pathetic

>> No.79437866
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>> No.79437939

- Ye' Now Gotta Make It-

-Stop Wastin' Yer time, there are a many things to work on still-

>> No.79437954

You realize she could just stream as a femchuuba and explode, correct?

>> No.79438037


>> No.79438059

Haru makes a good femboy which means she would make a terrible woman

>> No.79438104

fill us in who is this delta fag?

>> No.79438132

reminder that ftms have the highest de-trans rate

>> No.79438237

I love Haru and will support Haru no matter what

>> No.79438289

There's a good amount of FTM /asp/ies here surprisingly.

>> No.79438307

Keep an eye on her CCV and followers, watch them when she goes back to being female.

>> No.79438311

name em' sis!

>> No.79438315

name em sis!

>> No.79438383

Mami is based

>> No.79438395

name them, sister,

>> No.79438466

The overlay could be about 15% smaller and a little higher contrast but it's not too bad. She needs to fix that chat wrap and populate those boxes though

>> No.79438496

mami nobody fucking cares

>> No.79438549

Not mami

>> No.79438563

Doxxing Haru is fucked up. She's always been sweet.

>> No.79438582

trans rights are human rights. happy pride asp

>> No.79438680

So, somebody else knew about haru and leaked her name, or was it magyosen who went full schizo who said "I will always support you e___ no matter what"?

>> No.79438689

/asp/ supports trans rights!

>> No.79438798

what exactly are "trans rights"

>> No.79438879

I suspect Haru's leaks came from multiple places. Her name and gender came from Mami but I think the cosplay pics are from another person entirely she was close to.

>> No.79438902
File: 2.03 MB, 2559x1443, huh2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cropped out the giant title of her channel name that's above the screen. It's definitely not a bad layout, but holy crap is she forcing her viewers to look at a screen for ants

This is the full screen

>> No.79438967

Your month is almost over

>> No.79439028

>people using feminine pronouns for haru once they realize he is trans
>reminder that this is the reason he never said anything about it to begin with
>please don't let haru become a statistic i love his streams

>> No.79439070

>but I think the cosplay pics are from another person entirely she was close to.
They came from Vita.

>> No.79439073

i keep using his vernacular and i kind of want to make a starting screen like his. i also keep accidently brainstorming bits and have to go 'wait magni did something like that.' thankfully im not centering my content on popular hentai tropes so im probably ok. also im a girl.

>> No.79439125

Why would you still put yourself on the game screen if you have an overlay

>> No.79439156

We love our transgender /asp/ies!
Kuku Kaeru, Rachel WIPlash, Dorian Nox, Koko Melipan, Fuwacoco/Cocolust, Chaosfoundry Yuki, Fwofie, Haru Mizuki just to name a few on the tierlist!

>> No.79439170

neat ty

>> No.79439203


>> No.79439241

god what a twat

>> No.79439258

How did anyone not realize it before
The voice changer is extremely obvious and you can even hear it glitching sometimes

>> No.79439334

It's not a sexpest situation, it's just complicated

>> No.79439333

they surely come from someone Haru is still good friends with

don't be a retard

>> No.79439362

its not a voice changer he is on testosterone

>> No.79439368

Vita was probably seething that Haru is a ftm and not an actual boy

>> No.79439551

I don't think it's a voice changer either. Even if he's taking testosterone, I don't think he's doing his voice training reps. I feel bad for saying this but he still mostly sounds like a girl.

>> No.79439553


>> No.79439626

He still claims to be straight, I don't think he is actually gay

>> No.79439647

since when bacilly confirmed. stop making shit up sis

>> No.79439683

Bacilly had a phase but isn't trans

>> No.79439713

he confirmed it himself in one of the threads

>> No.79439716

A straight trans man is not uncommon. It doesn't make him gay.

>> No.79439875

Haru likes boys and girls. They meant Vita.

>> No.79439908

/Asp/ is packed with trannies which explains why there's so much drama

>> No.79439977

Today I tell you once again: Female antisocial behaviour is composed mostly of Innuendo - Reputation savaging - Gossiping.

>> No.79440117

I was meant Vita, but another thing I noticed now after the news came out is that I never seen Vita act gay or horny on Haru's chat like he does on other chats, I think he knew that Haru was FtM long before and that's why he always claimed to be straight.

>> No.79440200

I swear trannies live rent free in your heads.
Except for Kuku, none of them are actually confirmed trans though Chaos seems to be skirting the border.

>> No.79440289

Trannies, /wasp/ies and /wvt/ schizos
Combined I can name probably around thirty people that are in one of those categories and that's why the threads are so shit

>> No.79440367

I don't really like trans people but I have to keep pretending I'm fine with them because I'll get cancelled otherwise. I hate what this world has become.

>> No.79440394

Then you have /wvt/ schizos that were kicked out of /wvt/ for their behavior that come to /asp/ and try to convince people they're new /asp/ies like elfinpsyop aka mel and claudette aka boomslang

>> No.79440574

I just want to know if she liked it or not. I spent quite a bit writing, and I haven't read it in fear of seeing how utterly horrible it was...

>> No.79440610

Yeah, rope for you sis!

>> No.79440638
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Whats his opinion on trans people?

>> No.79440658

That would make sense if Vita confessed knowing he's FtM, but still claimed to be straight.

>> No.79440718

I'm cool with trans people, I'm just not going to be saying that every chance I get.

>> No.79440784

She said it was too long and didn't bother reading it bro

>> No.79440844

Ok so you aren't Scege

>> No.79440896
File: 1.01 MB, 900x1273, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could very well be true. It was a fucking lot of text I reckon.

>> No.79441069

>want to play minecraft
>realise i have to buy minecraft again just to have separate things and not doxx myself

>> No.79441099

Maybe the anti trans stuff is why Haru stopped following Scege.

>> No.79441144

Khubie is playing Sonic

>> No.79441145

>no Beryl, the most obvious

>> No.79441261 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.45 MB, 312x498, hello-chat-kaanözdil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trans are good for defenestration exercises.

>> No.79441344

here's my smut for gobb
>Me: hi gobb we should kiss
>Gobb: okay
>and then we kissed and cuddled and huggled and shared a peach ring like the dogs from the lady and the tramp and it was very sweet and cool
>we didn't have sex because sex before marriage is a sin and we kept our clothes on because we were shy

please rate

>> No.79441382

more concise than hers, thats for sure

>> No.79441392

Scege is constantly sharing pro trans posts
Haru is just a backstabber as bad as Gumpai

>> No.79441402

You can change your minecraft name (at least on java), if that's what you're worried about. I just did it last week to join friends without my shit old name

>> No.79441433


>> No.79441490

does anyone else think denpafish is trans?

>> No.79441560

>If you are an introvert in real life, how did you come out of your shell, at least when it comes to streaming?

>> No.79441573

Vita is so mentally ill and in so much copium that he sees Haru as a woman and that means he is totally not gay, ignore every other piece of evidence that shows he wants to fuck men

>> No.79441581

good evening gael

>> No.79441641

Hi anon

>> No.79441684

That female behavior is too legitimate

>> No.79441753

I can't believe the first thing I said to myself was "gael..."

>> No.79441764
File: 130 KB, 276x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to answer but I'm an extroverted when I'm with introverteds , and I take the backseat when there are extroverteds around, what the fuck does it mean? Is this just retardation

>> No.79441869

Huh, he unfollowed me on Twitter too as well as Twitch. Looks like it was two weeks ago according to Commanderroot
Wonder why

>> No.79441888

literally me i love bullying introverts because i am my own enemy

>> No.79441951

why wouldn't you shut up about how peggable kliff was on /wvt/ yesterday, got something you wanna admit to gael

>> No.79441971

and gael who turned into aldous
and glug guy who turned into sukadrii

>> No.79442003

I've seen her pussy, she isn't.

>> No.79442038

who the fuck is glug guy

>> No.79442092

I like to force introverts to talk it feels so good to hear them talk I love when they go on because I asked the right question and they get all excited to take without holding themselves back HNGGG

>> No.79442138

what would happen if we collided...

>> No.79442169

I applaud scege for the attempt at activism, but I don't think it was well executed.

>> No.79442183

peach rings anon are you ______

>> No.79442188


>> No.79442221

Is Haru the biggest grifter this thread has seen?
At least Kuku admitted his PL and just said he's transgender. Haru is maintaining the grift

>> No.79442260

no that would be denpa

>> No.79442295

>Haru is maintaining the grift
Is not coming out a grift now? Why does it matter?

>> No.79442307

i dont know anything about peach rings i just said it as like, a leitmotif or something i prefer pocky

>> No.79442317

Denpa is just psychotic
She's not smart enough to grift

>> No.79442339


>> No.79442395

lmao, he was a /wvt/ retard that made the thread unreadable for a few days after some retarded drama related to a tablet iirc

>> No.79442420

It would be a battle of wits to see who gets the other one to start talking first, sometimes it happens when me and my friends talk that we see who gets the other one to start rambling first, it's quite nice -w-

>> No.79442487
File: 151 KB, 1304x497, haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOT Smash bros with Regulus
NOT Mario Party with Kai G.
You should play ARMS with ME


Please do, I'd like to collab with Maguni.

>> No.79442523

oh wait was he the spanner guy that was related to charlotte van halen in some way? pretty sure that guy is american so can't be suka

>> No.79442525

this is evil, please never talk to me or I will end up crying

>> No.79442616

Spoonfeed me on Sukadrii's pl drama

>> No.79442628

some dude who was too deep into the parasocial with charlotte van halen (savehymn's artist)
also sent a full display drawing tablet to her (that he allegedly smeared his benis all over)

>> No.79442702

He owes it to us to tell us he's FtM so that we can sexpest him.

>> No.79442955

so all the leaked haru pics were from mami all along

>> No.79443108

mami was not even here when the first pics were dropped, it was one of his awoomfies who got blocked for leaking them

>> No.79443140

Why is everyone so concerned on who's trans and who isn't

>> No.79443173

there is none. just a perpetual sad boy.

>> No.79443189

They predate Mami, they're from Hanbun, Basil or Vita. Those are the only people Haru was close with.

>> No.79443260
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I just want to know if he'll transition or not.

>> No.79443338

no matter how accepting or tolerant you are, knowing someone is trans completely affects people's perception of them and how they communicate with them

>> No.79443346

I want to know who to unfollow and crab

>> No.79443345

Does it matter? You're not gonna watch him either way.

>> No.79443350

homophobes are worried they're gay for someone who isn't the opposite gender

>> No.79443359

>now smearing even more names
all of them are still friends with him so I think it has to be one of his old viewers

>> No.79443436

you can backtrack player names

>> No.79443443

He was known as Mrspanner, a /wvt/ schizo who sexually harassed Phase Connect girls and spammed hydrate redeems on cooldown in chats which is why he's called the glug guy. He probably has a fetish for swallowing noises which usually ties into vore fetish.
He eventually bought a tablet for one of his crushes who he modded for, Charlotte, and sent it to her, but not before wiping his smegma covered dick all over it. After finding out what he did, he was banned from her streams and exonerated from her community. He proceded to have on stream meltdowns about how nobody liked him and how he had nowhere to go. He then started posting himself on /asp/ in December 2023 but he didn't have a model.
Runespoon drew him a pair of scissors to use as a png and the rest is history.

>> No.79443530

That's not true, I watch him right now but if he does that grating FtM voice without proper training I don't think I could watch him anymore

>> No.79443560

>He eventually bought a tablet for one of his crushes who he modded for, Charlotte, and sent it to her, but not before wiping his smegma covered dick all over it.

>> No.79443575

acepcaAwooga is one of my favorite emotes, and it's my favorite look for "Awooga". Smaller eyes that go sideways just don't look as good.
'Emotes that do stuff to other emotes when next to them' are pretty cool and fun to use. Nosharko has that water spraying one I think, which works well when paired with others.
Hand grabbing towards the viewer also works great when paired with stuff.

>> No.79443584

Big if true and would explain why he hangs out with Cody Patchery Ineda and Pafu a group of drama obsessed sexpesting speds

>> No.79443602
File: 679 KB, 640x360, you&#039;re gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79443739

He's too nice to cut someone out.

>> No.79443766

He's notorious with a lot of 3 view and 4view chuubas because of this too. Some of them are just sitting on it letting the grenade cook. They think he learned his lesson and disappeared which is why they haven't said anything.

>> No.79443770
File: 3.31 MB, 1536x2048, 1714020216393156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A better question is if his artist is trans or not.
Isn't that the intersex gender symbol or whatever?

>> No.79443827
File: 754 KB, 2500x2500, asp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizos deserve the rope.

also, lil bro here!!! playing half life 2 episode one!!!! happy friday!!!!


>> No.79443860

you should rope too

>> No.79443870

>schizos deserve the rope
Lead by example then

>> No.79443940

What a pain.
Why does everything have to be such a pain

>> No.79444020

dont you call me schizo you fag

>> No.79444028

it's also linked to your microsoft account so you want to make a new one anyway

>> No.79444052

Does he really need to? One of the reasons why his models work for him is because he doesn't need to change his voice or change it much at all.

>> No.79444090
File: 178 KB, 778x1000, IMG_0938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, get blessed retard

>> No.79444124


>> No.79444128

Why are you debating a tranny chaser schizo like they're a real person?

>> No.79444191

oh cool another sexpest

>> No.79444226

If suka, the biggest passive faggot I know rubbed his cock on an art tablet and sent that to his oshi that would be legendary. I don’t think it’s true though

>> No.79444230
File: 369 KB, 1920x1005, 4563363232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>schizos deserve the rope
Ironic you say this when you were a part of this collab

>> No.79444301

for every haru and beryl i guess there's a stripedpantsu

>> No.79444335

My girlfriend said the art is cute so that's good enough for me

>> No.79444358

Define "schizo" without making yourself sound retarded

>> No.79444374

I miss you. I still miss you. Here but more distant than ever. Unreachable. Even if you hate me. I miss you. I always will.

>> No.79444399

If you have to ask him to elaborate it's probably about you

>> No.79444436

are you the vagueposter from yesterday?

>> No.79444446

No fucking way, Sukadiri is fucking Krestaline?

>> No.79444455

What do you think turned him into such a passive faggot?

>> No.79444470

Gumpai drew free art of me. Does that mean I made it now

>> No.79444472

I knew you couldn't do it.

>> No.79444480

no, I've been quiet for a while. sorry

>> No.79444503

no, you're going to die

>> No.79444548

the word is "excommunicated"

>> No.79444553

>thinking everyone who doesn't think the same way as you is the guy you don't like
ok schizo

>> No.79444625

Nta but you're clearly one of those four seething and since pantsu started it's probably not him

>> No.79444637

wiggle wiggle little worm

>> No.79444670

Sukadrii is runespoon. It was all a plan so he can get closer to his new schizo target

>> No.79444689

male aspies that should work in a maid cafe as the maids?

>> No.79444853
File: 1.17 MB, 594x794, 1695681635452473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haru. He needs training so he doesn't spill the orders.

>> No.79444865


>> No.79444871


>> No.79444876
File: 756 KB, 3500x6000, charleyvn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe working on an /asp/ VN... I don't know! I'm just doodling! Charley The Professor of Cheeseology.

>> No.79444923

If he went from mrspanner>runespoon>juventusluna>sukadrii 4 accounts in 6 months then he's crazier than I thought
Also it's obvious Khuubie doesn't like him and just tolerates him so maybe he'll get the hint someday

>> No.79444936

chaz'd to meet you

>> No.79444957

Shattered_violet (not saying shabby cause that's obvious)

>> No.79444979

NTA but,
Schizo (in the context of the thread) are malicious people who have an inflated ego, in this thread, those people will play nice when self identifying but are very known bullies, crabs and rrat spreaders. Cody, Ineda, Pafu, Patchey/Patchery are part of this group and I'd add many other people.

>> No.79445004

Awful design replicated by an awful artist

>> No.79445059

fungus is back

>> No.79445070

I think suka did shit things like threatening to kill himself but I do not see him doing anything that crazy. Suka is genuinely too passive aggressive to do anything that bold. Also there was no proof I could find other than her word against his.

>> No.79445099

Who would win in a fist fight: Trans or babis?

>> No.79445104


>> No.79445116

luna and sukadrii sound like two entirely different people right down to the nationality

>> No.79445126

what's the difference

>> No.79445218

That's just what he wants you to think to blind you from the truth

>> No.79445254

"Schizo means to have an inflated ego"
So you just made up a definition and attached it to a word. You might as well have said "person I don't like. Retard.

>> No.79445274

Include all the /asp/corders who smugly pat themselves on the back about how they're above thread drama and how it's easy to avoid being crabbed while simultaneously pretending they don't know what /asp/ is going "thread? what thread?" every time it's brought up

>> No.79445297
File: 96 KB, 839x924, IMG_3166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually post very publicly who I dislike, faggot.

>> No.79445325

Like who

>> No.79445381

Can you please od already so we can be rid of your overbearing hostility?

>> No.79445465

I wouldn't include Ineda in that, he's just autistic as fuck but the others you named absolutely

>> No.79445543

Tierlist them then, oh brave warrior of the west.

>> No.79445580
File: 240 KB, 750x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79445627

Luna is a girl and I will plap her

>> No.79445711

Shut the fuck up runespoon

>> No.79445722

One's trying too hard to be women, the other is just catfishing

>> No.79445765

Cute art. Did you draw it?

>> No.79445801

Qrd? I thought it's a different person

>> No.79445849

Prove it then retarded racist bitch

>> No.79445899


>> No.79445916

They're different people

>> No.79445999
File: 33 KB, 400x400, EqyCfXXb_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pafu change your fucking twitter icon this is horrid AI art

>> No.79446052

How many babis do we have now?
>Ainslie (forma de Scout)

>> No.79446073


>> No.79446089

Brickman, Sterling G. See OP image.

omg just like in John Wick...

>> No.79446175

this art actually makes you look hot for once. your design is fine but can you get a live2d that isn't total dogshit please.

>> No.79446173
File: 369 KB, 601x642, hi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

juventus luna = runespoon
spanner = sukadrii
they're two different people but you shouldn't interact with either and if you're a woman you should ban them from your community

>> No.79446181

Nigga learn how to read. Those kinds of people (like (you)) think they are above everyone yet do not dare to try to stain their reputation that they think they have. So, they don't shit talk people in person. (Not even Pafu does it >>79445297, she also hides behind anonymity). They will actually elevate themselves with the anonymity that this site gives when either nobody gives a shit about them, or they are laughed at.
Also this is simply just how THE THREAD defines "schizo" since it went far beyond what it actually means.

>> No.79446183

Name a chuuba. But also say something nice about them or I'll ignore you.

>> No.79446190
File: 179 KB, 2048x1195, IMG_3152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I would definitely be a faggot if I did not say it now lol. Damn my impulsiveness to respond did not have foresight to think about this.

I don’t like camui and since he has me blocked on twitter the feeling is mutual. I don’t have anyone else I have negative feelings towards.
I’ll smoke 6 weeds tonight and get right on that
Pittie did :) she based it off Cheen’s art I got from him

>> No.79446274

Link for Luna?

>> No.79446325

I want a pafu boob job.

>> No.79446351

Kyuu is mildly tolerable

>> No.79446375

Haru. He plays a lot of obscure, interesting games and I'm excited for him to come back to streaming.

>> No.79446448


>> No.79446540

>males that sacrificed their test to become soft uwu
>males that are just larping as women online, probably lifts offstream
I dont think theres any competition here

>> No.79446641


>> No.79446659

when will haru stream again?

>> No.79446678

Yes! The Virtual Asylum has a good synopsis of Spanner/Krestaline/Sukadrii for anyone curious. He was outed a while ago.

>> No.79446776

>midwest emo menhera got a vtuber gf before i do

>> No.79446881
File: 165 KB, 266x464, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad 0 view male

>> No.79446984

You don’t dislike Gobb who called you out for being racist?

>> No.79447015
File: 105 KB, 900x900, channels4_profile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more Camui's antis reveal themselves the more I find myself thinking he was right about everything because they're always the more schizo /asp/ies
I don't want him to be right
I don't want him to win
I want to believe most /asp/ies are good
Outlook grim

>> No.79447022

i found an ai music generator website and im making stupid fucking songs for my vchuuba and im cackling to myself

>> No.79447039

Looking for aspie GF
- Older than me (I'm 25)
- Hispanic/Latina or of heritage

>> No.79447047

Only thing appealing about Kyuu is that he is Japanese.
That’s it.

>> No.79447090

It's not safe to hate on gobb so she won't say her

>> No.79447271

3rdPT has a really cool theme and I love his stream assets (which I believe he made himself). Really nice and supportive too. I hope he's doing well, I haven't seen him in a while.
WIPlash is a hard worker and really professional and passionate about the content. Some of the people here need to learn a thing or two from WIP and organize themselves more properly (yeah; me).

Is your disliking of him from the YT days? I don't even remember seeing you guys interact and I was there. I barely watch your stuff though because it's not really for me so I must have missed some stuff.

>> No.79447276

There's literally nothing schizo about that post.

>> No.79447282

holy shit

>> No.79447291

Pafu are you really going to deny that you aren't on good terms with Gobbcubus and relatively other black /asp/ies like Sterling and Violet because you're an actual racist?

>> No.79447324

Denpa pls reupload negative affirmations, it was really good

>> No.79447325

WIP is a man

>> No.79447379

All she did was say she doesn't like him? She didn't even say anything mean. Are you sure you aren't the schizo?

>> No.79447378

>Only thing appealing about Kyuu is that he is Japanese.
dam... im really boring outside of that then huh

>> No.79447399

Is Gobb black?
Sterling is black?!
Do we have a list of black chuubas?

>> No.79447419

Nothing schizo in that post but Pafu is not put together by any means
She is homeless /pol/tard with a drug addiction

>> No.79447611

Keitaro and Ryuuta too

>> No.79447644

brickman's giggles give me life

>> No.79447675

Unironically funny considering she chooses to interact with Noriko now after she stops being a brown vtuber. She is still the only black woman that Pafu interacts with though

>> No.79447682

Keitaro is latino.
Ryuuta is black black.
Runoxi is also black.

>> No.79447698

I like Pafu

>> No.79447777

I dislike Pafu

>> No.79447820

Why does denpa keep making bait threads about herself? Is she just that quirky

>> No.79447875

I am ambivalent to pafu.

>> No.79447917

Pafu molested me at night in the walmart parking lot.

>> No.79447918


>> No.79447923
File: 476 KB, 655x592, churl__mouthclosed_CROPppp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

churl is having a bad day so go be nice to him please


>> No.79447979

>be nice
>to a male
Why would I do that? I want him to quit.

>> No.79448033

Babis should kill themselves

>> No.79448113

Schizos too! Do you need help picking out rope?

>> No.79448153
File: 75 KB, 739x675, basil dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lil brudda

>> No.79448154

Asp schizo tierlist?

>> No.79448188
File: 451 KB, 1463x1782, IMG_3313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m getting a new model! New artist and new rigger. Pic related
No one is obligated to like me. I don’t have an issue with her. and my “@ me if you’re talking shit” was towards the dude who said I deserved to be raped. I was banned on 4chan when that was posted
>anti this anti that
Bro we are both 30 years old, I just didn’t vibe with him. It’s not that big of a deal.
I don’t think we interacted much. It’s nothing to really read into. I didn’t even know he was on YT.
I’m not going to speculate on how people feel about me, they can tell me directly. >>79447419
lol, lmao even. I’m so glad there are people like you on the internet who believe everything I say to them.
Not that it matters, but most of my asp friends are not white or even american lol

>> No.79448209

Imagine being a man pretending to be a woman for views from fetishists
You'd be more normal if you were just transgender but you're scared of commitment

>> No.79448285


>> No.79448307

>I was banned on 4chan when that was posted
No proof and ban means nothing. Dumb bitch can't come up with a good excuse

>> No.79448324

honestly just google it, it's really not hard to find

>> No.79448343

>I just didn’t vibe with him
>I don’t think we interacted much
>but he's the only person I openly dislike
Just say Patchey told you what to think

>> No.79448425

lol this

>> No.79448461 [DELETED] 

Its okay you can just say youre useless and cant even kill yourself rightm here you go!

>> No.79448469

Patchey told Cody too

>> No.79448474

stop replying to crabs its not worth it you're digging yourself a deeper hole

>> No.79448493
File: 1.85 MB, 1972x1095, suicide fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browse twitch
>male pngtuber
>double digits of people watching him draw mediocre art
suicide fuel

>> No.79448501

wtf you on about

nuuu the fictional png of the virtual internet person has the wrong genitals!

I am on the internet too much!
oh nuuuuu

>> No.79448535

>both are 30
Man I cannot fathom how immature you two can be at that big age, and I say this as someone who is 21.

>> No.79448581

They’re vtubers posting on 4chan that’s how

>> No.79448662
File: 310 KB, 660x499, 01de3af5-cb8d-45e7-9569-aacc13caa3aa__01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In regards to Chibiibot (I will not elaborate)

>> No.79448680

opportunity for introspection. what does he have that you don't

>> No.79448694
File: 52 KB, 1080x384, No results.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that was a fucking lie

>> No.79448736
File: 58 KB, 247x571, vts-2024-06-27_17h48_59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right ! Bye Asp !

>> No.79448773

vro thats fuckin wild
snips m8 ur cracked

>> No.79448776

huge tits uoohhh wann suck uohhhhh

>> No.79448780

The other one quit
Get the hint and stay gone

>> No.79448809

How did you make it more ugly. Whoever keeps making your models needs to refund you and be shot

>> No.79448848
File: 86 KB, 979x720, 3596285749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you want to be a male vtuber? Maybe you already are one, and you're seeing zero growth. If so, this guide may be for you. I can't guarantee that you'll see any growth, any advice is better than no advice.

Don't be a male vtuber. I know you don't want to hear this but it's the truth.

There is objectively not an audience for you in the vtubing sphere. We see this right now with the current hatred for the Holostars for interacting with the new HoloEU talents. The majority of viewers are unicorns. The majority of viewers absolutely hate men with every fiber of their being. There is a reason many viewers were ecstatic when Magni and Vesper were fired from Holostars. It is why there was announcement like with Rushia, who was a beloved Hololive talent.

Normies think vtubers are cringe. They are going to think you're extra cringe. You won't make any inroads with normal streamer culture.

Still undeterred? I admire your bravery. I can respect it. Here are a few pieces of advice I've seen through the years.

1. Accept your place in the universe. The majority of viewers are only watching you until their oshi goes live. Enjoy their company until then. Those who would watch a male first are already watching Vox Akuma or Holostars. If you want to try to get an established audience you have to either be a femboy or go hard on appealing to yumejoshi or fujoshi. There's a reason all the corporate males look the same.

2. Don't actively chase or pay attention to numbers, ever. Check occasionally to track your growth, maybe every two weeks, but don't leave the number of viewers or followers visible. That will surely lead to brain worms when compared to any femchuuba.

3. Mind your niche. Overplayed categories have no way to be discovered. My recommendation is playing retro games and supplement them with challenge runs.

4. Be somewhat parasocial. Unlike the fems, you have to try your hardest to hold on to any viewers you may have. Anyone who willingly chooses to watch you over a woman who is doing the same thing as you should be cherished.

5. Invest in good equipment when possible. 2d or 3d Models over PNGs, audio interfaces over a USB microphone, the works. When a cute girl has a scuffed stream, it's cute and endearing. A femchuuba could have a still PNG on screen and will still have more viewers than you. When it's you, it's cringe and will cause people to !lurk. You don't want that.

6. DO NOT INTERACT WITH WOMEN. If they choose to interact first, respond. Do not approach. You will draw the ire of their community, as they see you as a threat. Along with that, they will almost universally have a bigger following than you. This could hurt you mentally if you have invested more than them. You want to avoid any controversy.

7. AVOID CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECTS! This goes for everyone, but I've seen so many male vtubers get canceled and ruined over takes and opinions that's called based when it's a woman. Pippa's entire fanbase is built on her being a creature that should have been canceled years ago, but she continues to be more and more popular. Vtuber ladies are immune to cancel culture. You're not. Be diligent.

8. Stream on Twitch. There is no discoverability on YouTube. If you use YouTube, make edited videos on your interests. Do not store VODs on your main channel. An objective truth is that no one watches VODs.

9. Avoid dead air. Yap constantly. A femchuuba can be quiet for hours and still have viewers. You don't have that luxury. Avoid narrating your actions in game though! Keep track of things to yap about while streaming.

10. Know your limits. More than likely you will never even come close to partner or joining a real vtuber agency. As a male vtuber, you will most likely hit your viewer ceiling at under ten viewers. Try your hardest to break through, but know there aren't a lot of people who want to watch males.

>> No.79448853
File: 778 KB, 1444x1914, meginostrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The inability to stick to a standard stream instead of going apeshit couple hours before stream thinking I have to stream something new
instead of sticking to the things I wanted to do

Wow just like advertised

>> No.79448970

Denpa is gone from the tierlist too? Damn

>> No.79448974
File: 112 KB, 1425x652, 1696006184977159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use the new site retard

>> No.79448994

She's lying through her teeth too. She was in Camui's chat when he played Postal. They were friendly with each other from what I remember

>> No.79449156

Patchy the puppetmaster apparently told dozens of people what to think because who else could come to the same conclusion?

>> No.79449176

>watching him draw mediocre art
Can you say you draw better than him though? Genuinely. Because that does not look mediocre to me.

>> No.79449220

he's a good streamer
i follow him, vvv chill

>> No.79449299

Reminder that chill means boring in malespeak

>> No.79449304

It must eat you up inside that nobody cares what you want

>> No.79449368
File: 808 KB, 2656x2656, 75906881897087258510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The people want it so I give it. Here is advice for the femchuubas who aren't in this thread!

You naturally grow so you don't have to think about it too much. I have never seen a stagnant femchuuba of multiple years of streaming. The only way forward is up and that's what you get by being a femchuuba!

1. Be cute! This comes naturally to you.

2. Lewdness isn't mandatory. You're not a male. You don't have to pander to coomers as a gay little femboy to succeed.

3. Play whatever you want! As a femchuuba, you're going to draw in viewers who want to see you play their favorite games for the first time.

4. Don't associate with males at all. Any viewers you have will hate his presence and not show up to those streams. Only stream with other femchuubas.

5. Find your niche! Unlike a male, you have the added benefit of being a cute girl. Niche doesn't matter, just fill it!

6. Keep calm and keep streaming. You will grow naturally. You aren't a male. You actually have an audience that isn't other male vtubers. You have the bonus of also getting other male vtubers you can string along for viewership!

>> No.79449383

nta but for me it means "i have a crush on him but i don't want to seem gay" :3c

>> No.79449417

hii thread .w.

>> No.79449420

people were coming to this conclusion before he even debuted

>> No.79449457

>The people want it so I give it. Here is advice for the femchuubas who aren't in this thread!
Literally nobody asked. Go back to /wvt/

>> No.79449508

hi sheep <3

>> No.79449507

Daily reminder that males are the problem
Do not interact with males or watch males

>> No.79449545
File: 139 KB, 609x787, image11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79449556

You just don't understand how fast patchy works. He's ahead of the present moment. He knows how to tell you not to like people long before you've even imagined they exist. Before you even know that HE exists.

He's just that powerful.

>> No.79449568
File: 884 KB, 1057x1500, 3d60ae6d6e689a3c4d1b45b383bcdb77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

howdy doo!

>> No.79449593

Enlighten me on who Pafu or Cody have ever sex pested retard. I won't let you slander my beloved racist chuubas

>> No.79449622

Just for that I will target your faggy little babi. I will make him quit by the end of the year.
He's a male. He is lonely. He will fuck you. Confess to him. Also, who is he? Pic is gone.

>> No.79449647

who's at the bottom?

>> No.79449658

nta but pafu is sex obsessed she just fits the bill
anon should have said porn addicts instead

>> No.79449664


>> No.79449677
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you can and should report anti-male spam as spam until the spam stops. Do your patriotic duty to the thread.

>> No.79449724

Somehow the anti-male spam is the only thing remotely close to advice that gets posted in /asp/ anymore

>> No.79449739

Lapin won't fuck you bro and she ain't gonna give you back those 800 Aussie bucks , let it go Rin.

>> No.79449750

>I will make him quit by the end of the year.
You've never accomplished it before so there's no reason to believe you can now you wimp.

>> No.79449880

you don't know what "nta" means, I wasn't the anon who posted about that particular streamer but I do call some of the streamers I enjoy "chill" to explain to IRLs and family members why I watch them lol

>> No.79449981

helldivers with /asp/?

>> No.79450061

>fwofie kissing grace
Wish someone would draw me kissing grace

>> No.79450075

Because all the males who infest this thread are the real schizos. I want them to either improve or stop entirely.

>> No.79450086


>> No.79450123

Grace doesn't want you anyways she's omega gay for Fwofie

>> No.79450145

I just want them to stop
Everyone should stop
Give up

>> No.79450161

Rin wasabi wishes he had a fraction of my power

>> No.79450184

i want to play games with other /asp/ies but i have 0 friends and 0 money to buy the games everyone has

>> No.79450219

just play dota

>> No.79450223

this is shocking but explains a lot

>> No.79450229

What about a free to play game, like Enlisted?

>> No.79450265

i don't remember typing this

>> No.79450266

what games do you have?

>> No.79450312

all hail Annie, King of Kangz!

>> No.79450339


>> No.79450343

Cry about it bitch baby

>> No.79450352

The fact that I'm even seeing either of these names means that /wvt/ has infested this thread

>> No.79450416

How new are you? That happened months ago.

>> No.79450481

She still will never want you dumb bitch

>> No.79450514

I'm seeing more mentions of Rin the diaper shitter, Annie the pedophile and his friend Abigail the senior citizen a lot more lately and I don't like it

>> No.79450516

Real women will start watching maletubers more. Checkmate.

>> No.79450548

https://store.steampowered.com/app/200210/Realm_of_the_Mad_God_Exalt/ We have like 11 people playing it on and off, there is a nice group there if you wanna join .3c

>> No.79450565

Just the males who show zero growth.

>> No.79450589

Mrspanner and Boomslang too
I left /wvt/ to get away from schizos like them
Is no place sacred?

>> No.79450635

Name just one they will watch lmao

>> No.79450643

Should I quit streaming to become a vtweeter :3

>> No.79450653

Hello Gumpai!
Quick rundown:
>She has alts and snitches inside of viewercord to keep tabs on people.
>She's currently shitposting about Denpa and Mond.
>Has shitposted about Lavandel, Rimaeri, and possibly Eira
>GenesisPrism is one of her cronies, she gave the viewercord mods an ultimatum and forced them to ban Denpa or else her and her friends would leave, which Germ wouldn't want because he's a big fan of hers, as well as the person who permitted Gumpai to have a secret alt in viewercord after meeting at Offkai.
>Shits up threads with dox and rrats pulled out of her ass then blames it on Denpa
>Other online handles include Zhuuba, anon_to_nona, and friendcel
>Psychotic, will decide she randomly hates you at any given point
>Hated her fanbase so much she deleted her old affiliate account and made a new account where she brags about having a boyfriend (FuzaKeruNah) to spite them
>Should be banned from your servers and chats

>> No.79450689


>> No.79450727

what a coincidence I wish someone would draw me kissing fwofie

>> No.79450742

Leonor Layla posts here and that's what she does

>> No.79450744

We catch the occasional schizo refugee from other threads or other boards (Herahera, Spanner, Mami, Boomslang) because they don't realize that in a high-opsec space like vtubing everyone is fucking paranoid.

>> No.79450804

Hi Denpa!

Your history of burning everyone you meet is well documented and despite you saying you want to change your shit behavior you continue to fuck up repeatedly

If you really wanted to change then you would at least pay attention to who you affiliate yourself with but the actuality is that you only care about your front facing public image and that's why you continue to associate with other bad people with no moral compass

How many times are you going to try and convince Gumpai that you're the victim just to burn her? You've already nuked your reputation in /wvt/ so you came to /asp/ to trick people that don't know any better, but they will learn after you burn them too

>> No.79450823

All females with less than 140iq and double d breasts should quit right now. You won't be able to compete with males any longer

>> No.79450869

>high opsec
>face reveal is trending again
>multiple chuubas posted faces
You fuckers went retarded from huffing your own farts lmao

>> No.79450896

Posting in /asp/ unironically is cringe

>> No.79450928

uwu and lcolonq are declining lmao

>> No.79450964

Iriya. Checkmate schizo crab

>> No.79451074

Real women are not touching Iriya with a pole
Only weeb girlfailures would watch anything he makes

>> No.79451077

The hell are these?

>> No.79451123

It's where the achuxos that are too schizo for asp go

>> No.79451145

what is an achuxo shithead

>> No.79451144

Real women like anime unironically. Get over it, chudette

>> No.79451180


>> No.79451268

Not all women that like anime are weeb girlfailures

>> No.79451289

>literal who

>> No.79451385

Who here revealed their face, retard

>> No.79451533

Incorrect opinion, I like my design and I love this art.

>> No.79451574

Why do you post here? You're 2 view and too good for /asp/

>> No.79451874

I'm that partially because of asp. I owe that to asp, there are still a lot of decent people trying their best here. I don't post much or advertise myself but I'm not too good for anything. I want to get back to drawing people more here.

>> No.79451919

Oh come the fuck on

>> No.79451922

love you charley, thanks for sticking around

>> No.79451990

love you buddy, see you for dota

>> No.79451996

>pushing the "/asp/ will make you famous" meme
I'm unfollowing you within the week because of this post

>> No.79452212

It's what speech to text generates when I sneeze while trying to post you ableist fuck

>> No.79452310

Your art sucks sorry to say

>> No.79452358

Denpa did

>> No.79452362

Gumpai should draw her boyfriend plapping her

>> No.79452515

I will draw gumpai gumping me in my jorts!!!
