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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79411624 No.79411624 [Reply] [Original]

>Previous Stream:【Rental】Let's Move Out!

>Previous Stream:【Pacific Drive】Hang Behind Me | #3

#ourokronii (General)
#krotime (Streams)
#kronillust (Art)
#kroniijokes (Memes)
#OKTK (Fanbase tag)
#krossets (Assets)
#kroniirotic (Unofficial Tag for NSFW Art)

>Handy links:
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@OuroKronii/featured
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ourokronii
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ourokronii_holoen
Free Chat Room: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnAY-x9AtNk
Debut VoD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3oVrq94mGM

【Original Song MV】Daydream - Ouro Kronii: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6W749jRBg-4&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Original Song 「Daydream」: https://cover.lnk.to/Daydream
【Original Song MV】Rise -【hololive English -Council- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHibTDJlTJw
【Original Song MV】 Our Promise【hololive English -Promise- Original Song】: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcVyYmVOi1U
Kronii's Latest Cover Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQbmiAo6_qU
Kronii's Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dP7cdf-EgI
Kronii's 2nd Zatsudan BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0SC9Qzs7VVI
Kronii's Game BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE3yq2GQQmk
Kronii's Member BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QUt_6oM9jI&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Birthday BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TXGPOaYp30&feature=youtu.be
Kronii's Anniversary BGM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z2OoITXJfAI&feature=youtu.be

>Current Schedule:

>If you can't do timezones, consult the following:

>Previous Thread:

>Current Bond Level: 7.0

>Fanfic Listing:

>Kronii's Stream List:

Remember to report and ignore schizos and Londoners. KRONII LOVE!
>Also report any Leaks or Defamation against Kronii to Cover using this link

>> No.79411683
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I adore Kronii

>> No.79411687
File: 919 KB, 480x270, kronii doko uhuhu [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0iz1of.oga].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79411692
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>> No.79411716

love bsf

>> No.79411788
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>> No.79411837
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Will they have sex and hold hands?

>> No.79411851

love love bsf

>> No.79411881
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>> No.79411891

I love my racist oshi!
Racistronii love!

>> No.79412581
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Does this mean Kronii doesn't know Ceci is German?

>> No.79412654

"Oh raora let me carpet dive your lasagna"

>> No.79412680

That Kronii didn't even know that Raora is Italian shows that she's the worst senpai.

>> No.79412759

Nigga they just debuted and they only met them in a meeting 2 weeks before the debuts
Go do that shit on the catalog or go watch someone eager to leech like mori

>> No.79412777

But what if there's another EN member that still doesn't know she's italian? That would make Kronii better than them.

>> No.79412945

Always one retarded subhuman to turn anything into an issue
Faggot show me one chat exchange from Justice with their "senpais" that reach this level of kino
You can't

>> No.79413011

If anything, it seems like it just shows how management has been slacking off behind the scenes with regards to Justice in particular between Kronii having to mod Raora in real time on her channel and Kiara mentioning how she wasn't whitelisted for any of the new girls for raids.

>> No.79413050
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imagine using the sex panther to shitpost instead of hornypost.
/∞/ has fallen. It's krover.

>> No.79413119
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Raora has superior hairvents

>> No.79413229

Yeah but she needs good vents to filter out all that cig smoke

>> No.79414476

No more Kronii and A-chan collabs. I'm going to miss her.

>> No.79415021


>> No.79415023

Raora is laughing at Kronii's accent

>> No.79415164

She loves Kronii's Italian accent

>> No.79415350

panther cooking for kronii and making her fat again

>> No.79416991

Fuck now I want Italian for a meal today.

>> No.79417443

the 4th fes TimeRys + A-Chan watchalong was so funny, A-Chan will be missed.

>> No.79417471

I cooka da pizza

>> No.79418518
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>> No.79418550
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>> No.79420779
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Dead kronies

>> No.79422159

Kronies are finally dead.

>> No.79422418

I miss kronii minecraft so fucking bad bros…

>> No.79423645

nigger it's 7am

>> No.79423699
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Did Kronii and Achan interact?

>> No.79423868

Go back and do your reps

>> No.79424272

I remember when she called Fuwamoco's fanbase "the baubaus"

>> No.79424986

A reminder that when the rest of EN were been told about Justice, IRyS and Kronii were sending memes to each other lmao

>> No.79426166

>Raora is still streaming
Well, I’ll look later to see if there’s anything more to the Kronii mention

>> No.79426709

she left shiorin seen

>> No.79426907

Hololive is only big enough for one person racist against italians

>> No.79428198

Two if you have ever seen a Mumei stream talking about The Sopranos

>> No.79428844


>> No.79428855

Kronii good

I'm a VOD watcher today, how was the stream?

>> No.79428943

molto bene

>> No.79429008

She was-a being a funny with the racism, you know? *capiche hand gesture emoji*

>> No.79429123

Kronii please say something to A-chan.........

>> No.79429157

To Italians and Japanese

>> No.79429166

And make it something racist...

>> No.79429308

I want to watch GTO with delinquentsmolronii

>> No.79429661
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>> No.79429928

>A-chan helped start Hololive and left before Yandere Simulator was finished

>> No.79429979
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>> No.79430060

That's not really saying much

>> No.79430181

>thinking Yandere Simulator will ever be finished
sweet summer child

>> No.79430291

reminder that all of holoEN happened after silksong was announced

>> No.79431025

It was short and boring with only 1 notable moment

>> No.79431207

The zatsu after the game was way better.

>> No.79431310

the game lasted 20 minutes, not that hard

>> No.79431639


>> No.79431737

Are you lost?

>> No.79432622

This was meant to happen, this is destiny.

>> No.79432641
File: 762 KB, 3527x1803, GRLP1UVbAAUpIc7.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes 2 European women she's charmed.

>> No.79432824

Schedule miss

>> No.79432841

Add a Spaniard and the collection of most talked European languages is complete (deutsch, italian, spanish; she obviously doesn't need a french as a Canadian)

>> No.79433364

Yellow fever hits hard

>> No.79435188


>> No.79435381
File: 428 KB, 1000x1000, Cheeb run.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79435986

*trips u*

>> No.79436380

Raora's voice is so gross

>> No.79436437

Be nice to Italian Towa

>> No.79436673

She will ignore it and instead respond to her favorite kronies

>> No.79437603
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They will hang out this time

>> No.79437667


You can go neck yourself now, faggot

>> No.79437715
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>> No.79437795

I think it's quite nice

>> No.79437897
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>btfo so hard his own mother felt it through her cunt
rope yourself fag

>> No.79437962

I'll miss her... her doing more stuff with EN was when things really started getting better for the branch in general

>> No.79438007

It's a less grating towa but in english, don't be a fag

>> No.79438103


>> No.79438108

The TimeRyS x Eugene watchalong was kino

>> No.79438265

yes, shit for ears faggot retard
not only it's less aggressive on the ears but also she seems like a sweetheart

>> No.79438367

I mean it's not to my personal tastes but it's not outright grating to listen to, especially compared to the british one

>> No.79438459

I hate bongs so much it's unreal

>> No.79438510

Elizabeth's voice is nice. The bad part is listening to her spout off zoomer discord ebonics slang in her English accent.

>> No.79438580

I really don't like her voice but she's italian and a sweetheart so i can let it slide

>> No.79438608

she sound like your average british boomer lmfao

>> No.79438668

there are very few vtuber voices I've heard that are worse than her's

>> No.79440342

Kronii will tell Suisei about how Bibidea kind of sounds like Skibidi and will end up explaining to her what Skibidi Toilet is.

>> No.79440424

whyis she black

>> No.79442649
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>> No.79443374

she doesn't give a fuck man stop coping

>> No.79443692

You must work for AMC because all you seem to know how to do is projecting.

>> No.79446194
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>> No.79446407

Smug mf

>> No.79447524

Man, no A-chan meets no cute JP office hag doing the introduction announcements during BtD concerts in 2 months.

>> No.79448026

I'm going to miss her sexy accent.

>> No.79449353

>"No, you cannut sink this accento is sexy, no?

>> No.79449506


>> No.79449685


>> No.79449698


>> No.79449738

I hate activity on Kroniiless days.

>> No.79449823
File: 237 KB, 1414x1000, qq9q34r9-1806610998947709335-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and Sexy...

>> No.79451780
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>> No.79452204


>> No.79452661

irystocrat (derogatory)

>> No.79452713


>> No.79453538

Kronii miss

>> No.79454659

Kronies are...

>> No.79454676


>> No.79454860


>> No.79456814
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>> No.79457114


>> No.79457477
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>> No.79457930
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>> No.79459555
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>> No.79459721

Is the MSQ good so far? I've been busy, so haven't gotten the time to play it.

>> No.79459971

Seems to be alright so far, granted I'm only hitting some of the first couple of story beats after you hit 91.

That and dealing with the fuckknuckles who seem intent on undercutting the leveling gear for the new jobs on the Market Board on my server by half already not two hours after the expansion dropped.

>> No.79460050

It's mostly
>go to play
>learn about locals
>wow now we know about the locals
>also asshole lizard

>> No.79460320

Don't forget about smaller and less of an asshole lizard that happens to share the same voice actor as Erwin Smith.

>> No.79460648


>> No.79460663


>> No.79460712


>> No.79460756

Sporadic activity HATE

>> No.79460818

Kronii did you eat today ?

>> No.79460933

protein celear

>> No.79462189

Is it radioactive?

>> No.79463011

your mom

>> No.79464525
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>> No.79464581

Not a single Kronie will get a ticket for Breaking Dimensions

>> No.79464972

It's cooked

>> No.79464983

>Number of users ahead of you: 12521
Fucking hell

>> No.79465184

I got a 6300 one but I think that will require a lot of people to miss their turn. RIP.

>> No.79465420

Part of me is hoping that this is a preventive measure to prevent bots buying up the tickets but man I'm on EST and if I hit F5 a split second sooner I could have had a viable queue number at this point, this blows.

>> No.79465683

Other cope is that a lot of people fired up a ton of VPNs so some of the spots will be abandoned. But I don't know what the max tickets per spot is.

>> No.79466997

Seems like it's over unless you have <2000

>> No.79467126

>people could buy multiple tickets for the same day if they got good queue numbers
Fuck you, Cover

>> No.79467257

I'm starting to see the appeal of the lottery system the Japs use

>> No.79467914

>Going to concerts

>> No.79467981

no one cares about your opinions

>> No.79468637

Will the sisters finally die?

>> No.79468851

What makes you say that

>> No.79468906

At this point, someone is just getting macabre humor out of playing around with their corpses like dolls.

>> No.79469095

>stupid discordfaggots bragging about getting EIGHT tickets for one day
We don't throw people into volcanoes like used over shit like this

>> No.79470031

Raora Kronii Memtion
- Raora was drawing while having Kronii's stream in the background
- She suddenly heard "Italian: in the stream and thought she accidently chatted or something
- Thought it was really funny Kronii did the Italian thing while she was lurking (She also laughed at the fact the tangent lasted 20 minutes) and loves when people imitate how they think Italians talk


>> No.79470130


>> No.79470335

Man now I just feel silly ordering the concert merch if this was how it was going to go down; least I'll be prepared for another concert maybe then lol.

>> No.79470382

There's no way they let people buy 8 fucking tickets

>> No.79470715

If the information I saw on how the site does ticket sales, it’s possible unless they changed things for this concert

>> No.79470850

It was 4 max but you could buy both days
Pretty cooked from the start

>> No.79471159


>> No.79471476

What a sad day

>> No.79472206

Also it shouldn't have to be said; don't write a diatribe about not being able to get tickets during the member stream tomorrow; she wasn't in control of the retarded ticketing system.

>> No.79472327

Fuck you, people have a right to vent over getting fucked over by scalpers and not being able to see Kronii.
In fact those supas will show how many Kronies wanted to go, but got locked out.

>> No.79472510

I'm saying there's a difference between saying "next time for sure" and wording it in a way that'll probably get the fuckknob mods to delete your comments.

>> No.79472671

As long as you don't attack another kronie or their group, I can't see it being deleted.
I have extremely low expectations of Kronii's mods, but it would be peak retardation if they deleted a supa complaining about bots and scalpers.

>> No.79472997

Nah, I can see them deleting complaints bots and scalpers because again, Kronii's in no position to be able to address that topic.

That would be something better communicated to Cover who I assume picked this venue because they didn't want to deal with Ticketmaster.

>> No.79474154

You reek of one of Kronii's mods now. I hope someone calls you on this.

>> No.79474234


>> No.79474440

Says the fags defending bots and scalpers.

>> No.79476366
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>> No.79477547
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>> No.79478535

Kronii doko

>> No.79479142

It’s Friday

>> No.79479310

when is the next Kronii?

>> No.79479347

>That would be something better communicated to Cover.
Credibility of source matters. Who's Cover more likely to listen to? Some upset fan who couldn't get a ticket saying they should change their system, or Kronii saying the same thing?

>> No.79479639

Members tomorrow at 9pEST

>> No.79480020

That argument would hold merit if this was a Kronii-only concert: realistically everyone else in Myth, Promise, and Advent is probably going to be getting similar feedback from fans too so at that point it's arguably more pointed if you reach out to Cover in particular rather have your complaint about the system added to the noise the girls are likely getting/going to get over the next few days (and I wouldn't be surprised if they got notice to expect people complaining about being unable to get tickets).

>> No.79480778

That means everyone should complain to Myth, Promise and Advent since if multiple talents complained, it would create a force multiplier for Cover to change how they do ticket sales in America.
You're making bold assumptions that Cover knows their system is flawed and hurts their real fans.

>> No.79481942

Kronii really did this? Jesus christ I love and respect her, but she deserves to be bullied by all of Holo Promise honestly. She's just too out of it sometimes.

>> No.79485310
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>> No.79485505 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.79485565

Enjoy the playing with Kronii tomorrow...I can't be there...

>> No.79486488
File: 122 KB, 1381x1439, 1706228757645074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder when Kronii will use her default outfit again.

>> No.79486801

Kronii sex

>> No.79487240


>> No.79488138

What game do you think she’ll play with members?

>> No.79488609

Yakuza Princess soundposts doko?

>> No.79488739

Make them yourself buddy, you just lost your last soundposter

>> No.79488870
File: 512 KB, 675x653, 1706576161553065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more fic writers
>no more artists
>no more soundposters
>no more Name
What do we even have left

>> No.79489068

Discord fags that feel the need to post more about who Kronii reads in chat than the stream itself

>> No.79489107

1 anon with 3 phones

>> No.79489135

>Implying anybody here still posts about the stream while it's happening
This thread is dead at all hours

>> No.79489172
File: 72 KB, 355x355, Chibrys proud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the first Kronii and will be the last Kronii
also the only chibposter here
among 36 posters, 6 belongs to me so I'm almost 20% posters here too

>> No.79489262
File: 522 KB, 1200x1200, IMG_5515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do post about streams but the namefags and the seethe they cause outnumber me so it’s like talking to the void

>> No.79489346

Anon, I think you meant Kronie

>> No.79489537

>36 posters
That's image count anon
They removed the IP count months ago

>> No.79489580

>Stupidest 'kronie'
>Irys poster
Checks out

>> No.79489626

Hm, yeah. If we still had it, we’d know how grim things really are. I remember us barely reaching into the 40s

>> No.79489741

It's even grimmer on other boards since you can easily hide samefagging and shilling now

>> No.79489776

>What do we even have left?
The breadbaker?

>> No.79489936

he will leave soon

>> No.79489963


>> No.79490042
File: 3.74 MB, 2894x4093, 1702277908950087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's even Muk!

>> No.79490130

It’s grim all around. As the one who goes browsing through archive mentions, honestly think I’d rather a dead thread than the constant seethe and anti-ing happening in other splits. Some of them are sometimes downright depressing.

>> No.79490357

It’ll truly be over then

>> No.79490396

It is annoying that the spreadsheet is now real with how Kronii treats some kronies differently to the point that she'll banter with by name without sending superchats to do it.. If she has to do it, at least start just naming dropping a bunch of kronies instead of the same 5 since if everyone gets name dropped, it's no longer special.
Or just stop doing it all together.

>> No.79490516
File: 118 KB, 824x1200, Kronii Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kronii Love

>> No.79490526

I’m not gonna say you’re wrong but I don’t understand the need to constantly point it out /here/

>> No.79490681

The worst part is that mods can still see IP counts, some fag just hid it for no reason at all

>> No.79490825

Saw rrats it was to hide the declining IPs numbers. Now, every poster can be counted as a separate anon to the uninformed to sell ads or some shit

>> No.79490923

Goodnight Kronies and Cheebs poster, have a good one

>> No.79490981
File: 161 KB, 971x1700, rediosokiut-1806959011134070835-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79491052

Probably to raise a stink in order to show it's a problem because if no one says anything, that's just condoning the behavior.
And no one will be mental enough to superchat this complaint to Kronii because you'd be committing suicide to the community and Kronii would make a point to say you shouldn't attack other members of her community, even if they're getting special treatment from her.

>> No.79491073

Why would people who'd hypothetically care about 4chan would give a shit about declining IP numbers?
Those who are already aware of 4chan still knows its notoriety, its still the top of the content pipeline despite the perceived downfall
The only dead boards on this site are ironically the /v/ splits and the failed /pol/ split which is /news/

>> No.79491406

Honestly what I find funny in a sad way is that if Kronii asks for help in a game or something, randoms in chat will spam the right answer and, 9/10 times, until some one specific says it, it’s like she hadn’t seen it. It’s whatever at this point though. There’s no real way to change it so I keep chat closed and enjoy watching Kronii

>> No.79491596

Read schizos schizoing out again. Nice.

>> No.79492790


>> No.79492918
File: 181 KB, 784x890, DasDokter-1806560624173846684-0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79494345
File: 819 KB, 2226x1457, OGGY_YOKOHAMA-1804399512070558033-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79495614

New to the whole /vt/ scene and have learned that being a fan of a Vtuber comes with them just looking over some or all comments. Why can't you Kronies understand this? Why are you all so needy for her to read your comments?

>> No.79495857

Some folks are touchy with mentions. Just roll with it. If you get read you get read. If not, well there were 5k other people in chat.

She might seem to read the same folks, but she probably recognizes them since they have been around forever or draw or clip her stuff so they stand out

>> No.79497183


>> No.79497570

Blue women love

>> No.79498021

Kronii good

>> No.79498249

Kronii miss

>> No.79498798

Kronii missing

>> No.79499146

Kronii sex

>> No.79499365

Is Kronii streaming today? I'm out of the loop.

>> No.79499474
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Let's discuss about Kronii's breasts that I miss.

>> No.79501095

They are very bouncy

>> No.79502103 [DELETED] 


>> No.79502215
File: 1.53 MB, 506x512, Kuroniichiwa.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79503174
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finding alive kronies

>> No.79504096

Kronii later

>> No.79506146

Kronies and not scrolling up. What an iconic duo

>> No.79507001

I’m awake, Kronii today!

>> No.79507566

I hate VODs...

>> No.79507836

Enjoy your plans for today

>> No.79507987

I won't, now

>> No.79508634

Immer has the worst art tag, I keep misreading it.

>> No.79508831

Clock soon?

>> No.79509404


>> No.79509965
File: 2.20 MB, 326x394, Damn[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7q90i3.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it gonna be a traumadump member's stream, a "please shut the fuck up Kronii just stop" member's or the rare actually chill stream

>> No.79510711

Damn, she really can’t win can she? Always have people complaining about everything

>> No.79510808

>Oyabun is back
Ah shit they're peddling her corpse again?

>> No.79510815

Why is she doing a member stream during dawntrail launch >:(

>> No.79510974

i can't stand it. she had a perfect ending, why won't they just let her rest

>> No.79511050

I have no idea what you niggas is up to

>> No.79511106

You already know

>> No.79511613

Think theyre talking about kizuna ai or some shit

>> No.79512921

Kronii will once again reveal to us the dark pasts of her family

>> No.79514969

I'm gonna miss the stream... Guerrilla week hate!

>> No.79516332

3d model next stream. I believe

>> No.79516639


>> No.79517068
File: 113 KB, 906x501, 1699880356812420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it.

>> No.79517498


>> No.79518428

Subway ruined it

>> No.79519667

should I apply?

>> No.79520006

Damn they're already looking for B-chan?

>> No.79520165

Know they're not going to keep anyone on long-term who willingly drops the ball if some sister gets the slightest stink the Stars aren't getting the same level of support.

>> No.79520242

>Hiring a western w*man as a replacement

>> No.79520784

>Nationality does not matter! All current team members are from outside Japan.

That is a very interesting revelation about the EN team.

>> No.79520899

Ads anon.

>> No.79521067

>Omega jerkoffs in the replies
What are these peoples thought process

>> No.79521289
File: 517 KB, 1170x1177, IMG_7146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EN specific
Hm, could this be a result of Kronii’s meeting with management?

>> No.79521319 [SPOILER] 
File: 35 KB, 942x607, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79521396

I wish

>> No.79522560

haha kronii you should stream in 3d too haha

>> No.79523305

I have to go now...have fun without me...

>> No.79523367

I cooka da pizza

>> No.79523915

i cooked pho

>> No.79524044

Pho is gross, I don't get it. It smells and tastes like paint and looks weird too.

>> No.79524390

The 2nd Green Woman is copying Kronii by making her fans little guys

>> No.79524391

Doing asian eyes at Kronii and telling her that her lunch smells weird

>> No.79524618

protein cereal is gross, she is better to eat chicken breast with brown rice

>> No.79524686

And they're cuter...

>> No.79525623


>> No.79525737

Kronii should do a stream playing Pizza Tower and talking in the fake Italian accent the whole stream.

>> No.79525889

And have a fake Mario mustache too.

>> No.79526353

much cuter than dumbronies!

>> No.79526666
File: 471 KB, 782x782, kroniiiiiiiiiiiiii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79526777

Ugly crying fuck

>> No.79526977

Rice President Ouro Kronii

>> No.79527829

And rewatch the last football match of Italian

>> No.79528776
File: 43 KB, 244x260, 1719030245246587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79528937

He's like our derpy little cousin.

>> No.79529013

that bullies us and calls us gay

>> No.79529845

Those are cuter than us

>> No.79529922

Dont they kinda look like saplings?

>> No.79530081

Apparently Rowara made them. They’re itallian

>> No.79530157

I read someone calling them the offspring of Kronies and Saplings, so >>79529013 we're the one bullying and calling him gay in this situation.

>> No.79530227

what if this and kronies breed?

>> No.79530284

>offspring of Kronies and Saplings
Why is that person so gay

>> No.79530320

I can see it

>> No.79530387

>Kronies and Saplings
so Tamago had sex

>> No.79532790

Kronies are finally dead

>> No.79533157

What the fuck is a Tamago?

>> No.79534483
File: 247 KB, 820x1080, 1610287216064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kronies made out with Saplings
>the offspring is the gay one

>> No.79534617

I fucked and got a femsappo pregnant

>> No.79534666

Kronii is gonna be running EX trials with members tonight, I hope you guys are ready.

>> No.79534916

Nah, that's Raora, who has already skipped to the ending of 7.0.

>> No.79536005

kronies aren't cute

>> No.79536673

Be honest with me, is it safe to go outside for 5 hours? As in no stream during that time?

>> No.79536718

She said a membership stream today, and those are almost always at 9 PM EST, so you got maybe 3 at best.

>> No.79537256

I though they start at 7.

>> No.79538403

whats the child support like?

>> No.79538635


>> No.79538724


>> No.79538805


>> No.79538822


>> No.79539929

that ruffian does cute art

>> No.79540288
File: 177 KB, 1562x1438, viscosity_2001-1806998011245167024-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79540555
File: 256 KB, 1170x552, IMG_7149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79540620

>my homework
Her homework is "gura"

>> No.79540648

Welp, guess you can do what you were thinking about doing now.

>> No.79540661
File: 166 KB, 1080x483, Screenshot_20240629_174547_X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>79536673 (me)
Sorry bros she decided to not stream today because I couldn't make it

>> No.79540821

Fuck, oh well

>> No.79540861


>> No.79540879

Fuck, I moved my house chores to today. Oh well, at least she gave a heads up

>> No.79541025

She misjudged how much MSQ she had so she wasn't ready for extreme tonight

>> No.79541115

At least she made a tweet early that there would be no stream.

Kronii if you're /here/, thank you for doing that.

>> No.79541121

Actually she's with me and we're trying to get the Starbird to drop for her. It's been 16 runs of The Dead Ends so far...

>> No.79541320

She hates us...

>> No.79541527

Will she make up for it tomorrow or next week?

>> No.79541782


>> No.79542566


>> No.79542573

the thing blocking me from watching the stream got canceled but then the stream got canceled too...

>> No.79542745

She's making up for it to me right now (in bed)

>> No.79542784

She's making up for it to me with now (with bread)

>> No.79543164

what kino streams to put on to fill this void?

>> No.79544421

Nothing in Hololive tonight unless you really want to jump in the middle of Nerissa's anime watchalong.
Guess I'll watch Mint's Metal Gear brain rot.

>> No.79544862

You're crazy if you think I'm gonna shill anyone in this thread

>> No.79545158

What compels that faggot to constantly shill his off topic non-holo whores here?

>> No.79545496

Stop being a little bitch.
