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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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793458 No.793458 [Reply] [Original]

Post , even if they only did once

>> No.793806

No se si sea porque mi primer idioma es el español pero ES vtubers me parecen cringe

>> No.793921

>self-hate for your own language
Shame on you anon, you're going to tell me you don't want an older señorita to sing you a serenata?

>> No.793965

Trying to sound "cute" in spanish sounds way more cringe than trying in english

>> No.794004

It's the same for all languages if you have that mindset

>> No.794329

yesterday hanamori healthy sang spicball Z latinoamerican OP and lia mitsurugi stepped on us using her 3D model

good stuff

>> No.794377

Si... yo igual anon, cuando escucho a vtubers en mi idioma nativo se siente muy cringe (al menos las que hablan español fluido), aunque cuando las de EN o JP hablan español si es bonito

>> No.794830

That's only because you understand the language, I remember some anon on /a/ complaining that he learned japanese to understand anime without subs and now half of them became dogshit overnight.

>> No.796544

Based, timestamps?

>> No.796581

Giv jap vtubers that actually learned how to pronounce shit in spanish

>> No.797283

Same here, I also hated hated hearing english songs and shows when I became decent at it so I don't know why I expected it to be any different.

>> No.797603
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Healthy deleted her VOD, sorry bud you missed it.

Warning: 100% WACTOR jank, but she tried.

>> No.800712

shit is true, i cant watch holo en for this reason
though the jp girls talking in en sound cute
so IDK

>> No.803831

If holoEs or nijiEs is ever happening I need one of the chuubas to go full Rio de la Plata accent.

>> No.803878

Hirasaka Mei is doing it as part of her efforts to go global

>> No.804939

Es que como ahorita solo son indies con esos titulos forzados de "hola onions una vtuber que habla español" se ve luego luego que intentan con todas sus fuerzas atraernos y se vuelve incomodo, espero que en holo en gen 2 haya una vtuber que ocasionalmente hable español fluido

>> No.804954

"hola onions una vtuber que habla español"*

>> No.804977


>> No.804998


>> No.805014

There need to be more latinx vtubers.

>> No.805040

Inscribete a mi canal

>> No.805528

¡Hola mis miaus!

>> No.806369

Why do spics love Aqua so much???

>> No.806382
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>> No.806495

Lo peor es que si alguna vez tenemos holo o nijis que hablen castellano serán latinos en vez de españoles como debería ser
>Sin acento raro que suena a telenovela
>Conexion decente en vez de tercermundista
>Fans con dinero en vez de Argentinos y Venezolanos
>Sin referencias a Dragon Ball
Que lástima...

>> No.807199

envidioso de que yo puedo mandar aka sc con menos de 7 dolares

>> No.807249
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>> No.807319

Prefiero todo eso al español de, dios me perdone, esp*ñ*.

>> No.807410

se dice castellano

>> No.807507
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>> No.807527

Tío con un VPN eso se puede hacer en todo el mundo

>> No.807601

Imagina una Vtuber con acento murciano. La Korone de HoloES

>> No.807674


>> No.810354
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How about some Russian?

>> No.811123
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>bilingual JP/ES chuuba
>they use the horrid lisp of espana

>> No.811186

To continue the tradition: chinga tu madre Nimu

>> No.811252

Any good Spanish ASMR Vtubers?
Would be nice for some fresh content.

>> No.811385
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>How about some Russian?
I got you


>> No.811435

I remember when korone said that lol


>> No.814366

Healthy's VOD is up again.

>> No.814737

healthy is the best one for me since she has almost native english

>> No.817885



>> No.822376
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Oh, shit. They're learning. They're adapting.
If they start singing that weird, old Caballeros del Zodiaco OP or start playing KoF, they'll conque LatAm overnight.

>> No.828186

Sounds fucking great

>> No.830447
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>> No.830603

amable recordatorio negrito.

Español Latinoamericano >>>> español de españa

>> No.831229
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>> No.831287


>> No.831495

do not call us that shit maldito sucio coño. no quiero que nos llames esa maldita estupidez de gringos

>> No.831517


>> No.831520

podemita FUERA!!

>> No.831848

Puta madre esto es hermoso

>> No.835129

Where the fuck is the doc of ES vtubers that anon said he would make
Why do anons keep lying to me

>> No.835339
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>> No.838862

>30 IPs + 1
Huh. La ultima vez que alguien hizo un censo en /jp/ acerca de cuantos spics habíamos terminamos siendo como 10.

>> No.838925

I'd never post on /jp/ their culture is too thick and I reallu don't want to shit up their board.

>> No.839028

You just needed to adapt. But EOPs and globalniggers couldn't lurk or use the archive

>> No.841020
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To be fair, those threads at /jp/ were complete shit. No one was talking about content anymore; it was all about individual cults of personalities relegated to 2-3 containment threads for the whole site.
This board was probably the only right decision Hiroshimoot has ever done.

>> No.841074

/jp/fags do a good enough job themselves at shitting their own board up.

>> No.841154

Drop the x. If you want to pretend our culture makes us sons of Rome, at least larp correctly
