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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79133849 No.79133849 [Reply] [Original]

Why are sister in hololive?

>> No.79133902

Why are you spamming threads

>> No.79133949

He’s just liveposting her messages, I see nothing wrong

>> No.79134131

There’s absolutely zero chance she won’t make the yumes go insane with all this.

>> No.79134182

oh no hahhahaaha
the most cucked fan base in the history of hololive

>> No.79134261

He's just trying to get the word out of the new EN member, let him do it, she's doing great in subs and ccv and views

>> No.79134310

Being an obnoxious homowhore aside, is this bitch just online 24/7? At this point i think i’ll be more annoyed from her spamming everybody’s chats and twitter mentions than all the homoshit

>> No.79134325
File: 1.17 MB, 1362x4958, 4IlgbBp7L6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.79134351

big if true

>> No.79134487

She has to have severe autism.

>> No.79134540

Why are thread OP esl?

>> No.79134543

Isn't this like really obnoxious for any chat?

>> No.79134561

Why isn't management wrangling her? They're usually good with tardwrangling

>> No.79134573
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grrr... damn hag calling my D small... need correction...

>> No.79134579

>number numbers numbers
You know, at one point Vox was pretty much mogging everyone in EN. Doesn't mean he wasn't a trash vtubers, with bottom-tier content and equally trash fanbase.

>> No.79134597

She’s a T-chan's nepohire

>> No.79134629

cute autistic aunt

>> No.79134639

Homo interaction is management promoted behavior

>> No.79134657

Thank god she stays away from my oshis chat

>> No.79134701

>voxsister spamming these holo anti threads
Of course LMAO
Your manwhore is a 3views nowadays btw
Is this the reason why he doesn't stream anymore?

>> No.79134716

i will now watch your bimbo hag

>> No.79134722

Anon, what kind of person do you think decides to become a corpo vtuber?

>> No.79134720

Homo interaction is the least of the problems here, this kind of behavior shouldn't fly anywhere

>> No.79134725

i can't stand her but i have to respect the autism kek

>> No.79134758

porn addicts with no standards will be the death of hololive

>> No.79134759

Israel, 111 chat all erb lmao. I can't imagine sisters sitting there watching all that open flirting

>> No.79134795

So she and the t-rex guy had to have known each other already right?

>> No.79134800

Kronii had the strongest start in Council, too.

>> No.79134803
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Oh no no no no sisters

>> No.79134809

wtf, you can't read or something?

>> No.79134835
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>> No.79134839
File: 79 KB, 360x300, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And people thought Bae and Ollie were bad.... hahahahahahaha

Remember. It can always get worse.

>> No.79134855


>> No.79134867


>> No.79134869

>12 messages
>111 messages >>79134325

>> No.79134923

Yumes are the biggest cuckqueans imaginable on the internet

>> No.79134940

>porn addicts with no standards
so... yuricorns?

>> No.79134992

i still remember that roberuyume's meltdown last year when he offpako'd with kagura mea

>> No.79135213

I agree with you. Im saying that since EN’s retarded management has been foaming at the mouth for these type of interactions with “da boiz!!!” I have little faith they will be proactive in stopping her from spamming up chats until it reaches a point where they are getting nonstop complaints

>> No.79135284

There's nothing wrong with this because she is not going to collab with them.

>> No.79135327

Bets on one of the homos telling her to knock it off at some point?

>> No.79135529

nah they love the attention.

>> No.79135547

Like zero percent

>> No.79135596

I really doubt any of them would care. If they don't want her to chat they just won't respond

>> No.79135633

I don't know I think it's mostly just the flips who do

>> No.79135987 [DELETED] 

the one with most gachi
so Beetel?

>> No.79136076

I am more and more convinced she's just on the spectrum and doesn't really care about the culture war or anything - she just doesn't realize what she's doing is wrong

>> No.79136137

it can always be worse

>> No.79136370

The most hilarious thing is that 3 of them got in. The other 2 were just smart enough to stop doing it publicly.

>> No.79136459

it can always be worse it can always be worse it can always be worse it can always be worse

>> No.79136467

Honestly I could see it be him or if she starts shitting up the dingo's chat

>> No.79136908

>100+ messages in one homo stream
>10 (ten) OH-HOHOHO's
I just don't know what to think anymore, If she is simply a sperg that's better than the alternative but still doesn't bode well for her being able to censor herself around the other girls when appropriate.
Taking over the homos slower chats for 30 mins at a time with constant chatting is surely going to annoy them eventually too, either the homos themselves or their actual fans.

>> No.79137003

Source? I’m p sure the talents are free to collab (or not collab) with the Stars, where do you get the idea that management is “pushing” for it? Also no, them being included in official hololive artwork is NOT a source.

>> No.79137095

It would be amazing if this gets so bad that Cover has to bonk her and ban her from chatting with the homos.

>> No.79137139

They need to tardwrangle her because this shit would be annoying in any of the girl's chat

>> No.79137157

Setting OP's ESLness aside, it's going to be funny when the sisters who have been trying to weaponize her end up turning on her because she's more /in/ with their precious boys than they'll ever be

>> No.79137211

she was(or is) a brony and created brony content

>> No.79137245

>sisters love it so much they are calling ERB their kamioshi in the homo's sc
Why should I be upset? If they want to get overshadowed let them
Weird to say that after 3 streams though

>> No.79137260

Cover has been hard-pushing stars for a long time now. They have been increasingly trying to integrate them into the girl's activities, mainly concerts. It's obvious they're trying to build that brand and any kind of engagement they can get from the girls would be considered a bonus

>> No.79137266

Holy retard

>> No.79137280

It's not about being upset I just thought it was funny

>> No.79137331

I genuinely never thought I'd see someone worse than Ollie. Ollie makes Bae look tame. And I absolutely never thought it would be an EN

>> No.79137397

>I am more and more convinced she's just on the spectrum and doesn't really care about the culture war or anything
Uh huh. Sure. And she's showing this insane enthusiasm for some reason explicitly towards Holostars, by pure coincidence. Drew mostly holostars and not one EN senpai except Nerissa (lorelol tie) in her debut.

>> No.79137433

>hololive streamer insults people's body proportions that they can't change
How do we cancel her for this? It's unacceptable

>> No.79137443
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>> No.79137471

are you the outfitschizo

>> No.79137525

Men love this type of humor so she's perfect

>> No.79137537

Bruh even holo on holo that would be called being obnoxious. First time i though it's a good thing she is a homobeggar, at least it's the sister problem to deal with her not ours.

>> No.79137542

Pretty sure Ollie is worse than Bae in terms of the actual behavior, Bae is just more visible since Ollie is an irrelevant retard

>> No.79137594

Why are you brown?

>> No.79137645

I'm gonna start calling her Lizzo. There's just too much potential there for me not to.

>> No.79137667

This say more about you than it does her. Imagine filtering and combing through thousands of messages to stalk her like this. What a bunch of creeps you unicorns faggots are.

>> No.79137703

Shinri. I'll still never forget the time he was trying to politely ignore one of the niji whores but she kept spamming until he finally acknowledged her. He's likely to do it.

>> No.79137755

Difference being that one us an organ and the other is a Holo (unfortunately).

>> No.79137786

There's an app for it retard

>> No.79137793

I'm stealing this

>> No.79137794

>Thousands of messages
How fast do you think a homostars chat is?

>> No.79137798

Holy newfag it's embarrasing at that level NTA btw i'm just gona laught at your retardation.

>> No.79137831

this woman is one of their patron saints. this is a joke in this context.

>> No.79137865

it's hololyzer retard. and I'm not a unicorn, I just think it's weird af for her to send over 100 messages

>> No.79137874

>constant chatting is surely going to annoy them eventually too
They're too retarded and afraid to speak up. Nothing will happen. Why do you think Holostars is so unpopular in the first place? They're basically used as a waiting room for the girls. The only ones who stay do it to "prove" that they have some fans but eventually they dip after 10 minutes.

>> No.79137901

I like that one but i'll stick to red. A lot easier to remember, don't want to bother too much of my brain with that post negligible niji reject.

>> No.79137920

>waiting room for the girls
not even

>> No.79137944

>using an app to see messages
>death threat toward Holofan, witch hunt attempts, multiple schizo episodes.
Yeah, no, we're not the same

>> No.79137969

As someone who was watching nijien before the Sayu yab, I watched it happen in real time. That's one of the main reasons Nina's page became the "main" niji page on nyfco. But homosister may enjoy the dude's attention being dominated by her since they beg for holo attention a lot more. But they got it 100x harder than they were probably expecting. I can't wait for the off collabs like with Kobo.

>> No.79137976

The fact you need to download apps to stalk her like this says how much of a beta energy loser you unicorns are. You fragile ego bozo. If only you placed all this energy in actually getting a decent job instead of being a obsessive schizo. You would probably find a woman and get laid. But you seem happy being a momma boys basement hobo. And want to drag everyone else to be miserable right with you.

>> No.79138027

I think this isn't a troll

>> No.79138032


>> No.79138034

>by pure coincidence
NTA but he didn't say it was a coincidence, the point is she is a homosister AND a sperg which would explain why she can't moderate herself and has gone full attention whore towards the homos the second she got in.

>> No.79138037

Even Ollie seems tame next to whatever this is... Jesus fucking Christ, ERB is going to live in the homo vc when the collab ban isn't she?

>> No.79138050

No... the creep is the one that sends 100+ text messages, retard lol.

>> No.79138070

They aren't even beating the obsessive stalkers allegations. Kys. I can tell all of you faggots are from sea.

>> No.79138095

The sisters want attention for their homo, not Holo's attention, it was just an excuse. But now that they actually got a Holo's attention without any added benefits they might start sperging out soon.

>> No.79138119

bit too many buzzy words there bud, try to be subtle next time.

>> No.79138137

>what she's doing is wrong
It's not "wrong" to anyone who isn't terminally on /vt/. Most casual vtuber fans have no idea about the "culture war" and just think talents can interact like any other streamers within HoloPro.

>> No.79138140
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>>79138037 (me)
when the collab ban is done*

>> No.79138152

If she's trying to piss off people, she better learn from how early Mori did it, with actual malicious intent. The way she's doing it makes her look autistically funny like one of those goofy cartoon villains (think Plankton from Spongebob or Doofenshmirtz)

>> No.79138158

>actually not pretending

>> No.79138159

Nobody is going to watch your homos Elizabeth

>> No.79138167

I keep seeing anons saying this but I don't believe they'll do anything

>> No.79138206

I'm starting to believe that herb yab is real

>> No.79138245

ah wait. I see now. This is a falseflag post that will take the replies and post them on twitter

>> No.79138289

>Download apps
Hello SEAster

>> No.79138348

EN "yumes" are spineless and won't do anything about ERB being an ugly bastard.
Men are incapable of acknowledging a white woman as a creep.

>> No.79138431

>with actual malicious intent
You're thinking of Kronii, not Mori.

>> No.79138473

>When Shiori talks a lot to chat it's le good
>When ERB does it it's LE BAD

>> No.79138499

Niji tier behavior

>> No.79138522

it is in a homos chat retard

>> No.79138530

I sense some resentment in this post.

>> No.79138555

>Homotroon tourist who doesn’t know how hololyzer works
LOL retardGOD. Fuck off back to beggar twitter

>> No.79138579

When has Shiori typed 111 messages in someone else's chat?

>> No.79138628
File: 22 KB, 220x167, xi kiss my ass club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Npc tier response
Stalkers hate being called stalkers lmao look at these impotent rage losers pretending they aren't antis, then they go and blame Nijisanji or phasekeks for the shit they do every fucking time somebody goes against the grain. You faggots are sad fucking creatures. And you all should seek mental help. Stalking Harassment and bullying is nothing to be proud of considering how much you faggots seethe about Nijisanji being bullies and seethed about chinks for 4 years over bullying coco and haato because of the Taiwan yab. You faggots are nothing but fucking hypocrite and you hate when you are being called out on it you people are no different than the chinks.

>> No.79138696

>stalker creep mad he's being called a stalker and creep.
Gonna cry?

>> No.79138707

I see through you bitch, you will never fool me.

>> No.79138721

nice paragraph, shame I’m not going to read it

>> No.79138740

kroni is lazy and talentless

>> No.79138750

what yab

>> No.79138829

I know you typed that out with tears in your little 41%er eyes

>> No.79138957

>111 messages
yeah I think the power of male autism is dwarfed by dorky hag autism

>> No.79139078

of fucking course.

>> No.79139133


>> No.79139163

Potential ERB screenshot earlier today/yesterday depending on your timezone

I ain't posting it though, since like 5 people got a vacation for participating in the thread and talking about it

>> No.79139172

She's going to have regular collabs with em and rape them when she can off collab
Her whole personality will be homosister

>> No.79139236

link to it in the archive

>> No.79139238
File: 47 KB, 325x161, whatautismlookslike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The location matters and not just the fact that it's autism.

>> No.79139243

Sister that's a homos chat it's not her channel

>> No.79139310

You mean the “mint” one?

>> No.79139326

IMO I'm more surprised EN hasn't already had a disaster pick like this, EN is basically ground zero for Cover trying to replicate a Niji model. Every year or so they seem to have a new initiative to try to force a transition, and it never works.

>> No.79139335

>talking to her own chat
>being in someone else's chat
You're retarded.

>> No.79139346

Holy retard

>> No.79139377

Are you actually retarded?

>> No.79139391

>Shiori talks to her own audience in her own chat
>ERB talks to another vtuber in their chat
>They're both the same

>> No.79139465
File: 10 KB, 347x141, autismdoesthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>>>>>>>The location matters and not just the fact that it's autism.
Again, so what? She's talkative and autistic, that's literally it.

>> No.79139551

Okay, so you are retarded, got it,

>> No.79139612

>A girl can't possibly talk so much.

>> No.79139629
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Actually disgusting behavior and precisely the sort of thing unicorns fight against. Say what you want about people like the rat at least she doesn't hornypost in their chats while completely and utterly shunning her actual colleagues.
This actually raises an issue I hadn't considered. with nijisanji en basically dead are we going to see more hires that deserve to rot in that corpo instead picked up by cover because their resumes look good? Will niji habe the last laugh after all?
Because as much as people like to pretend that EN was "saved" the reality is far more likely that several higher ups were axed by JP because en was tanking and a lot of the middle management that caused the problems are still very much employed and in power, just not in the positions where executive decisions are made now.
The types of middle management that were practically causing all the drama a few years back when kronii vesper and magni.
Nobody else like the talents are going to tell elizabeth off because it's neither their jobs nor are they interested in another internal fight, all over someone who will just crash and burn anyway.

>> No.79139634

She is so lucky to be born a woman

>> No.79139678

Offtopic but is it normal to have an oshi that you admire platonically, while you gachi another vtuber ?

>> No.79139752

I appreciate straight women.

>> No.79139762

I suppose? Probably more common than it seems on paper.

>> No.79139790

That's called Kamioshi and Oshi.

>> No.79139805

I don't appreciate straight women.

>> No.79139828

This is sexual harassment, no?

>> No.79139900


>> No.79139927

Modern society says it doesn't count when women do it. I wish I wasn't serious.

>> No.79140111

Jesus. This would annoy me if anyone did this to a streamer I was watching. She needs to chill and realize she's a public figure now. Not some 3 view

>> No.79140425

im starting to feel kinda bad for the dudes

>> No.79140426

>with nijisanji en basically dead are we going to see more hires that deserve to rot in that corpo instead picked up by cover because their resumes look good? Will niji habe the last laugh after all?

I think the problem is more centered around Cover believing they can implement a similar streaming model as Niji EN, just without any of the associated problems. They likely think they can pick up the Niji EN audience and get the numbers for both Stars and Hololive up. I think they have been fixated on trying to make Luxiem happen in Hololive.

Cover doesn't seem to comprehend that Niji EN'S core problem WAS it's model and that they were already in the process of losing most of their male fanbase. The bottom line is that men and women like different content, and you can't just mindlessly cram everything together and just assume you'll get equal balance between the two. Sooner or later one "side" wins out and the other leaves.

>> No.79140443

They weren't spineless when it was her pal Reimu doing it to vox

>> No.79140526
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>> No.79140547

Those were CN yumes

>> No.79140792

Yeah I mean what can they even do? It can get really awkward.

>> No.79140800

The nijification of HoloEN. Now that NijiEN has been put on life support, Cover's aiming for that audience.

>> No.79140994

This is genuinely fucking annoying. The unityshit was already a dead giveaway that this woman does not watch streams and is some twitter warrior clipwatcher, but I hope management can clue her in a little. If I wanted to watch her I would be on her channel, stop inserting yourself on other people's solo streams.

>> No.79141168

It'll likely end up as a repeat of Kronii's homo collab arc, where everybody involved just stops interacting across branches.

>> No.79141171

No it's "le dorky and autistic" xD. No normal person finds this endearing and people trying to twist it that way makes them look more unhinged.

>> No.79141216

God fucking dammit, this is absurd at this point, she definitely got into hololive in search for a dick didn't she?

>> No.79141354

My neurodivergent queen...

>> No.79141437

She is allegedly married IRL which would make her husband a cuck lol

>> No.79141545

You can see below the tweet it was a joke. She's an unmarried hag who got into holo to chase the homos lol, just wait till she can meet them irl

>> No.79141564

I saw this shit happen when the males debuted in wactor and the Niji girls started spamming chat. If they don't stop ERBsoon, she's gonna divide the holostars fandom

>> No.79141597

That's ultimately where I think we're heading. I expect her numbers will drop and she'll have a meltdown on stream. Given that she's a Twitter warrior, she will probably also complain she's being "harassed by chuds" and make the rest of Justice come out to support her against "harassment." After 2-4 weeks of this, it will die down, but the aftereffects will be be similar to what happened when Kronii blew up.

>> No.79141892

Well, that's why I said allegedly. But yeah, as soon as the collab ban is lifted, she's probably going to announce she's traveling and it'll end up being an off-collab with a homo.

And you just know they'll fuck afterwards like Kyo and Enna from Niji probably did that one time.

>> No.79142103

I mean, the only problem with this that I see is that the vtuber will have to communicate with the one visiting their chat instead of the viwers.

>> No.79143041

She is chatting way too much. It will piss off the viewers who want their oshi to talk to them in a solo stream instead of a chuuba or coworker who keeps typing in chat.

>> No.79143864

Elizabeth is really going all out with the unity but keep in mind that management is watching her chat with Jurard and see nothing wrong with a 100+ messages. The rules of interacting between Hololive and Holostars must have changed after Regloss and the only difference is they hired someone in Justice that agrees with Yagoo that all them are coworkers.

>> No.79143998

None of them are trolls
Did you only just realize that?

>> No.79144074

What a chatterbox and not the cute kind.

>> No.79144130

Bae is a genuine starmin. I never hold any grudge against her for the male shit except in two cases. This whore on the other hand is a beggar.

>> No.79144378

Yagoo hired her to appeal to beggars. It could go either of two ways. ERB gets passed around and used by every homo, sort of as a sacrifice to keep every other girl safe or ERB brings down at best her entire gen down, at worst everyone down.

>> No.79144411

I support this. She's hijacking homos streams and monopolising their attention away from their content and their chat. It's damaging in the long run which is a good thing if you hate the homos

>> No.79144421

Cute well intended retard

>> No.79144475


>> No.79144590

Cover fucked up hard with this one, and the rest of the gen except maybe Cecilia, but even her voice doesn't fit her model

>> No.79144689

Gigi is good, it's just nerves weighing her down
Let her get comfortable and you'll like her

>> No.79144706

but enough about gura

>> No.79144718

what the FUCK did Yagoo mean by this?

>> No.79144749

The first. She made her target demographic(beggars and sisters) clear from pre debut, the other girls had their chance and only focused their energy on other girls. She even contains herself in collabs with girls. She's only out to throw herself at the homos and take their attention away from their chatting viewers. It's based.

>> No.79144792


>> No.79144809

Nah, she was comfortable in her old agency and I always thought she sounded like a tranny trying to sound cute, sorry.

>> No.79144859

I think so too. I'll never watch her in a million years but if it keeps beggars and sisters entertained enough to not bother anyone else, I'm happy.

>> No.79144941

kek this is cute girlautism
it's not that serious

>> No.79144953

That’s cute and annoying at the same time. I can’t believe they really let a stars superfan into holo.

>> No.79145177

Cecilia is awesome. I'd wait and give the other two some chance before writing them off, though Yellow is admittedly struggling right now.

>> No.79145229

for study purposes they are trying to rehabiliate it

>> No.79145234
File: 56 KB, 804x864, 1655598968130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that one homo who appeared in Kaela's chat and did something similar to this only to annoy her. It wasn't even half as long as the red woman's list of messages here

>> No.79145355

Which chat?

>> No.79145536

of course she's struggling, she sucks

>> No.79145714

is it settled now which esl accent is cuter. french or italian

>> No.79145859

I hope she continues this obnoxious behavior to filter the good holos from ever interacting with her

>> No.79146624

italian cuter
french sexier

>> No.79146731


>> No.79146798

Nah she distanced herself from the fandom a while ago. Like almost every other brony content creator

>> No.79146920

holy cringe

>> No.79147343

I wonder if she'll ever chat that much with one of her gen mates streams

>> No.79147418

Lol 4 hours of chattings, whos the parasocial one now...

>> No.79147477
File: 1.11 MB, 902x1130, 1659330806180850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ

>> No.79147499
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i don't know but if this was a korean branch this would have been a taiwan level yab

>> No.79147530

Nah that’s your mom

>> No.79147835

She's a stout supporter of the cause, so I kind of doubt that

>> No.79147951
File: 171 KB, 463x453, grim[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzwsjel.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79148010

Which homo was it? Cause I’m gonna find him and castrate him for talking to my ela

>> No.79148098

I would hope not. Better she keeps it to the homos.

>> No.79148155

I don't know the names of the homos but I think it was the purple haired one right after he debuted like a year or two ago

>> No.79148173

How did Jurard respond to this?

>> No.79148277


>> No.79148307

He started moaning and whimpering for the next 15 minutes
It was really disturbing

>> No.79148504

reeks of desperation

>> No.79148535
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>> No.79148641

The Latino who's friends with a fucking Swede

>> No.79148691

>penguin senpai
always makes me cringe

>> No.79149445
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I honest to christ think she's just autistic and enjoys interacting with people. I doubt she's trying to be malicious at all.

>> No.79149538
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Even Ollie isn't this bad wtf.

>> No.79149599

>this doesn't count
>she posted more on a homo's chat
what else?

>> No.79149826

My schizo theory is that Jap hired Lizzo as controlled opposition to demonstrate how obnoxious the pro-homocollaber faction is to shift the overton window in favor of CGDCT.

>> No.79149902
File: 164 KB, 909x1011, 1719323112283720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny the girls rather hangout in Raora's chat(and without spamming dozens of times because they understand proper etiquette)

>> No.79149948

T-chan nepohire
Her background supports it

>> No.79149980

She's into social justice stuff and said she hates "bullies" in her debut. It's quite obvious what she's doing

>> No.79150020

How does this disprove that she has an agenda

>> No.79150309

Was it the bird homo calling her a penguin?

>> No.79150558

I don’t know why you all are so worried, let Elizabeth be the sacrifice to the unity altar while your oshis continue to prosper. It’s not the first time a Holo like this appears and it won’t be the last. I’m glad that people are actually calling out this behavior, gives me hope for a better future

>> No.79150730

It's a 9 hour stream so I doubt she was bothering the guy by showing up a couple of times to chat. Still pretty funny though since I don't think I've ever seen a Holo chat this much in any single stream before.

>> No.79150937

I find it endlessly amusing she is going full youtube fangirl and will likely sexpest the homos whenever they off collab. And unlike Kobo she didn't wait to build a fanbase outside being a homo fangirl before doing it. I'm glad she will never chat 100+ times in any girls chats too.

>> No.79151024

Yes, see here >>79148535

>> No.79151035

You're not wrong, this smells almost on the same as Enna type of behavior. could be as worse when collab ban is lifted. Red whore has yet to prove people wrong about her.

>> No.79151038
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>> No.79151053

>Stop saying hi to me ! I'm SECRETLY HERE RIGHT NOW!
absolute ME ME ME behavior

>> No.79151065

can you prove she's an agenda without resorting to using schzo theories?
no, she isn't. she just recognizes the homos as people and appreciates their work. much like the girls. she's being respectful, and you're looking too deep into the mindset of a british normalfag who is too autistic to come off as malicious intentionally.

>> No.79151129

i chuckled.

>> No.79151149
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Leave Cecilia out of this

>> No.79151357

She's very excited to be a part of Holo, which is understandable, and is awkwardly showing that excitement. Give it a few weeks and she will probably balance out or a senpai will politely tell her that she's unintentionally taking attention away from the one streaming.

>> No.79151529
File: 89 KB, 594x779, 1693856151503102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holos picking homos as their dildos
>now girls join cover to fuck them as well
penis won

>> No.79151781

until they see them IRL, some faggot doxxed the dino fag and I gotta admit It gave me a good laugh.

>> No.79152014

that one random post yesterday? I dunno, seems like made up by some seething tard. If it was legit I would've seen it in homothread 99x since that stuff gets posted there often.

>> No.79152086

Then for his sake I hope that shit's fake, because.... damn, goddamn...

>> No.79152377

At least they will be a good match irl

>> No.79152483

Ok I say this unironically, she might actually be the worst hire yet, this is just ridiculous coupled with everything else she's done in just some ~3 days. So many tweets, chats, singing their songs, drawing them for her debut etc.

>> No.79152484

kek holy shit, she has the potential to be worse and more annoying than ollie

>> No.79152658

What's the deal with pigs being enemies on videogames?

>> No.79152688

Reality is that if you are male and good-looking, there's no reason to become a vtuber at all. Just go on twitch and stream and you will most likely get a stable fanbase without needing the headaches of beggars.

>> No.79152780

I didn't say she's going to force anyone to collab with homos. I just think that she's trying to "save" the homos from mean bullies that don't like male vtubers by constantly advertising them

>> No.79152815

I can easily get a random pic about someone and post here and say ''look haha this her irl'' and a bunch of retards here would believe

>> No.79152855

Jesus Christ it’s 100% fake and literally just the usual discordtrannies trying to stir up their usual shit. How gullible are you people

>> No.79153226

Ok so why does she autistically call the homos senpai but regularly forget it for the holos?

>> No.79153244

Retard that ugly fuck was the blue faggot kek

>> No.79154041

>111 messages
Jesus fucking Christ. Not even Holos who are best friends with each other do this. Good fucking Lord.

>> No.79154344

Not even Ollie is this desperate.

>> No.79154698

ERB are now far and away the biggest cock fanbase to exist yet and will be mocked harder than any cuckbeat or Kronie ever was. Good luck fags.

>> No.79154880

Homos are all leeches just waiting for someone to open the door for them. None of them actually want to stay in their own lane and are desperate to Collab and interact with any and every girl they possibly can.

>> No.79155171

>Hahaha take that unicorns, she will relentlessly interact with the homos!
>Oh no, she's relentlessly interacting with our homos and taking all the attention from us!
Reap what you sow sisters. When you should have joined us in battle, you chose to follow the snake that is now stabbing each of you in the back.

>> No.79157756

why not?

>> No.79157819


>> No.79159262

Whoever oshis Liz should be named Lizcuck we got our ennacuck only homobeggar can produce subhuman like this

>> No.79160168

sisters, only two more ERB bait threads and we will have our concert uncancelled !

>> No.79162172

And ERB should really be called Lizzy the Glizzy Gladiator because of obvious reasons

>> No.79162568

you are retarded

>> No.79162862

Even if we look at this from a non-unicorn standpoint it is fucking awful.
>Jump into someone's stream and take all the attention acting like a regular chatter
Fucking hell, there is a reason the other girls don't park themselves in someone else's chat and just chat for half an hour straight.

>> No.79165103

oh so she's also sperging in the girls' chats too. that's not as bad I guess but still pretty cringe

>> No.79167142


>> No.79167354
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>> No.79167726

I have a feeling that the dino fag was the one who leaked his own identity in nyfco because there were a shit ton of evidence pointing out that it was him
then again, at least that guy is married and a doctor too. not to mention good at singing

>> No.79167830

Some people in /mans/ are also getting annoyed not because they're yumejos but because it looked like spam, and they think she's autistic for some reason

>> No.79168187

/mans/ are filled with the most vitriol part of anything with a holo name on it.
I doubt they even watch streams at this point and just complains about everything because of sunk cost after Mag and Ves happened.

>> No.79168362

nah, as someone who lurks there from time to time, they are liveposting.

>> No.79168608

Might as well apply for managerial position or something at this point

>> No.79168660

Liveposting about whom? You can't even post about a stream for 5 posts before a /mans/tranny complains or cuckpost with a homoship.
It's worse than /#/ unironically, at least that shithole is consistent in its #worship

>> No.79168818

They livepost any homostars streaming live with some shitposting in between, though the liveposting is slow

>> No.79168979

>not even any funny OC, just pure vitriol from sunk cost women and fujotrannies

>> No.79169037

Maybe stop posting about women in a thread called "mans" dude

>> No.79169229

Are you retarded? Who's saying anything about women?
Go visit /mans/ during stream hours and see for yourself what those "sisters" do with their own talents during streams.

>> No.79169262

They need to give this woman more things to do.

>> No.79170368

I fucking hate this uncivilised EN monkey. Don't fucking shit up subarus chat with your utter garbage. She's pretty much a spammer for jp fans and subatomo. Nobody in hololive jp does this.

>> No.79170877

why are sister spaming bord?

>> No.79171380

1 or 2 messages are fine
This is just annoying for the viewers, I was one of them
