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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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79067658 No.79067658 [Reply] [Original]

Where did they go?

>> No.79067824

In b4 its valorant cope, beggars went back to twitter alrdy lemao

>> No.79067990

To be fair who tf wants to watch valorant
>t. peaked 600 rr

>> No.79068160
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Unicorn bros... We did it...

>> No.79068244

the light turned green

>> No.79068246

It still baffles me why Homobeggars never learn: Hololive is CGDCT-central. male-female collab/content will NEVER be popular in Hololive. That shit belongs to Nijisanji. Its been proven time and time again and yet those homofaggots don't get it... Or maybe they just refuse to accept it.

>> No.79068317

literallt a pissing contest over single
digits with holo vs holo
this is stupid you faggots need to go back to your containment thread

>> No.79068348

Sounds like everyone needs to stop shitposting and actually watch these girls if people are bragging about low 10k on second stream for anyone. Missing the forest for the trees here troons.

>> No.79068395

Green is a pickme

>> No.79068400
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sisters doko?

>> No.79068480

Its so boring when unicorns get serious

>> No.79068562

homosisters...what went wrong?
did we get too cocky after only one stream?

>> No.79068610

we're not even serious at this point, we've barely mobilized yet. Wait until the Memberships and Supachattos are unlocked, that's when the TRUE POWER of us unicorns will be unleashed.

>> No.79068727

they will get hit by the harsh truth when monetization drop LMAO when unicorn actually showing their "supports".

>> No.79068826
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Thats still 10% of debut numbers sister.
While this poor girl has 1% of debut numbers, lmao

>> No.79068867

Rangeban all numbervermin

>> No.79068874

it's also telling some ultra tryhard effort attempts to rally a bunch of people up to try to own le unicrons sometimes but they can't actually sustain this because it's not actual fucking interest in the girl, it's interest in showing up literlaly just to spite the regular hololive audience. it's beyond pathetic.

you could see it also happen during some of the ame/kronii/mori homo collabs, IIRC kronii got like 21k with an uno collab and then immediately went back to her usual range afterwards. the maximum effort getting like 90% of the homo fanbase to treat a homo-enabler stream as a fucking life or death situation to show up to doesn't at all translate to actual viewership, it just shows how pathetically tryhard beggars are to try to virtue signal.

>> No.79068900

this but phasevermin

>> No.79068922

>paying for free entertainment
>paying a whore who won't even fuck you

>> No.79068933

>It's boring when unicorns get serious.
Mate, this isn't some kind of childish play pretend war.
Liz hasn't even collabed with a star or did something yab, and she especially hasn'T roped others into their retardation. The homofans are more pissed off than fans of the girls at this point, because the homos are the ones who get all of this unsolicited attention from Liz.
Why would anyone put more than miniscule energy into this non-issue so far?

>> No.79068945

Holy shit, go back to your stupid containment thread you fucking numberfaggots. It's like you make it a competition to see how much you can make an ass of yourself

>> No.79069030
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The SEA audience isn't awake yet. Her main audience will be asleep when she streams, unless they learn to stay up late like the EU audience had to.

>> No.79069037

is this how you feel when you send your mom money to improve her mud hut?

>> No.79069219

I agree, but only if you were saying the same thing when LIZ WON number threads were being spammed yesterday
Like I've said before, ban all homobeggars and unicorns and 90% of catalog shitposting dries up.

>> No.79069519

Too busy harrassing mcdonald workers.

>> No.79069725

You really think browns would watch someone like this? They like the Fauna types.

>> No.79069756

Why are you acting like it is all on her? All the stars she commented or posted to replied to her already. Doubt the stars has much to lose compared to a fresh debuted person.

>> No.79069843

>10k for a valorant stream
I mean even with debut buff still pretty good

>> No.79069915

9.1k as of now. it's shrinking.

>> No.79069945

Not about hololive or anything. Same reason in vidya the activist fags became devs and then make truly shit games. It's just about you and your good time, and they know you're enjoying something. Cancer needs a body to destroy and ruin, you know?

>> No.79070037

We need a new unit of measurement called "twisty". One twisty is equal to half a finana.

>> No.79070052

Why do all new EN hires always play debuff games during their biggest growth period

>> No.79070080

You're right, where DID they go? Green just had 20k yesterday...

>> No.79070272

You weren't supposed to point this out.

>> No.79070293

Python scripts aren’t loyal and don’t watch streams

>> No.79070304

because buff games are better for more growth once easy growth period ends.

>> No.79070398

to work in NA timezones
EU bros doko?

>> No.79070531

So... who's at fault here? ERB's homobegging that tainted the whole gen, Cover's rushed marketing, or the fact the gen came too soon?

>> No.79070622
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NijiEn looking graph

>> No.79070626

>ERB's homobegging that tainted the whole gen
it didn't taint gigi. she is unironically the most unicorn-friendly in all of holoEN besides perhaps gura.

>> No.79070727

Should be putting out all the stops to attract as many as you can during debut period. After that, it's hard to grow anyway.

>> No.79070817

i have never clicked a valorant/apex/overwatch stream in my life

>> No.79070859

I blame ERB. Same shit that happened with ReGloss with them replying to homos. At least JP girls bail out ReGloss especially Marine to AO, but I doubt Gura will be as kind with ERB

>> No.79071000

>second stream after debut
>barely 5views
EN vtubing is dead

>> No.79071088

Sisters how do we respond?

>> No.79071161

NijiEN is dying, they have no other option but to move somewhere else and transform it into the shit they are used to, like migrating Indians and the UK.

>> No.79071395

I wouldn't be surprised if Selen and Mint form their own corpo or group and invite some of the other girls' PLs when they flee the sinking ship.

>> No.79072017

ERB undoubtly, she turned what should have been another gen of hype and happiness into nijification and concern, specially when you consider how awful the first couple of months of tempus were with the whores pushing them openly.

Now take for example Shiori's debut, it was retarded but only for her and contained in her stream, ERB and the pink slut though were a disaster for the whole Gen because they openly kept and kept engaging with the homos even before debut, giving everyone a bad impression, not to mention how desperate ERB is... She really has the "I want a man and to cuck my fanbase" vibes hard, it's like all the previous fears about Shiori are represented in that justice slut.

>> No.79072165
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Like this

>> No.79072167

This would be great, Doki already proved that she can walk the talk too and it would be a seal of guarantee... Too bad she also engages with homos though, but at lest she isn't duplicitous about it.

>> No.79072260

Just seems like the hype around new Holo gens is deflating unless everything is absolutely perfect. If Elizabeth was floundering but Gigi, CC, and Rao were flourishing then it would be easy to conclude where the problem is, but the so called unicorn friendly options are struggling too. No one is putting in any effort besides faggoty shitposting because that's the extent anyone gives a damn about them as a whole.

>> No.79072287

>71 viewerrs more
>before CC started streaming
That is not the win you think it is

>> No.79072469

>coping against bronze valo

>> No.79072617

Raora didn't respond to homos at all. She's a good girl.

>> No.79072655

Don't care
>Western slop
Really don't care
Where are the good games?

>> No.79072669

So she is bronze? explain that >>79070622

>> No.79072780
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slit your own throat you catalogue faggottino

>> No.79072794

>Where are the good games?
Gigi is streaming BPM in 30 minutes. And then despite having zero yabs, she will lag behind these two because you cocksuckers can't be bothered to watch.

>> No.79072854

I'm not a believer of "clean states", but if I was wrong I apologize

>> No.79072896

Western slop
Where are the good games?

>> No.79072959

Name 5 good games

>> No.79072964


>> No.79072995

She's bronze. What else is there to explain?

>> No.79073030

The burden is on them and you to put a game forward to be judged.
Until then, there's nothing to discuss.

>> No.79073043

Hololive has never played a good game, and you cannot prove me wrong, so it's clearly not a game issue.

>> No.79073117
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Sisters, why aren't we supporting da cause

>> No.79073132

Woke cultists don't watch streams

>> No.79073147

>The burden is on them and you to put a game forward to be judged.
That's not how burden of proof works faggot. We have no proof that a single 'good game' exists by your standards

>> No.79073156

She keeps getting worse...

>> No.79073276

>Never played a good game
There was that one time korone played classic sonic and classic doom. That's about all i can think off the top of my head.

>> No.79073299

Won't be surprised if she gets fired

>> No.79073407

Hasn't Advent not even acknowledged the homos' existence outside the forced pre-debut twiter stuff?

>> No.79073425

If "unity/woke" people put their money where their mouth is, I'd gladly tell unicorns to kick rocks. But they don't, and I'm not gonna blame anyone for appealing to them

>> No.79073429

thats is a good lesson on why you can't be smug about something you have no control over

>> No.79073452

She will change holoEN by flopping harder than anyone else before kek.

>> No.79073467


>> No.79073529

I'm watching Cecillia on 5 devices.

>> No.79073540

homobeggars killed themselves seething

>> No.79073589

It doesn't even matter because advent is just a wet tissue as well aside from fuwamoco.

>> No.79073610

They are boring

>> No.79073684

That likely means that no one has yet to play a good game.

>> No.79073702

please do not post the graph under any circumstances okay we need to pretend this stream never happened

>> No.79073723


>> No.79073726

Bad players make kino streams, it's usually hilarious to watch someone that is terrible at a videogame

>> No.79073786

>Massive debuff game
>EU going to sleep
>Delayed schedule so no one had time to plan for the stream
>Huge buff game
>US primetime
>Early schedule so people planned to watch the stream
And yet Cecilia barely has more viewers. Keeping coping.

>> No.79073819
File: 3.03 MB, 1280x720, Authentic Little Sister Experience[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fa8cvjn.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's true

>> No.79073897

Holy cope

>> No.79073975

Depends on how bad and what game.

>> No.79074092

You really shouldn't inhale that much copium, Homobeggarsister

>> No.79074137

Browns are homobeggars

>> No.79074173
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>> No.79074350

Competent people have always been boring to watch. If i wanted to watch someone who is actually good, then i would just watch a pro player, speedrunner, or a tournament.

>> No.79074386

baufags have no right to be cocky kek

>> No.79074415

the whole forced replying to Stars kills a lot of the hype. Regloss is mostly fine as a gen and I guarantee that they would be doing better if Cover didn't mandate Stars interaction on twitter pre-debut for whatever retarded reason
It certainly didn't help that ERB was and still is spam commenting on anything and everything Stars related and then they had her debut first and include Stars references in her debut.

>> No.79074480

regloss is an idol shit unit so they will never grow.

>> No.79074576

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made

>> No.79074613

UNITYCHADS have lives ya know? We watch VODs

>> No.79074671

>EU people going to sleep on Liz
>US prime time for Cecil
Lol, impeccable logic, anon, might want to reread your post few times.

>> No.79074716

Pink one is making the same mistakes (as expected)

>> No.79074723

>It certainly didn't help that ERB was and still is spam commenting on anything and everything Stars related
I've been keeping up with this new gens streams so far so I know she talked about the homos a bit in her debut and covered the clownfags song, but are you people lurking twitter for the rest of this info? I simply don't engage in social media because I don't bounce on cock, seems like the hetero thing to do. Nothing good comes from that shithole, so I don't understand seeking it out except for people addicted to being upset.

>> No.79074788


>> No.79074793

All the more puzzling why they all went to talk to stars predebut then. Set up to fail practically, the absolute state of ReGross. At least they literally placed it outside Hololive knowing that they're not really to be judged in the same light, but functionally they are JP7 in every way and it's a big fucking stupid waste. Cover seems to have fucking idiot idea after fucking idiot idea for ways to try to chase after nijiJP's market but they don't understand what they're doing or how to get it and keep shooting themselves in the feet trying.

>> No.79074803

>just close your eyes bro

>> No.79074825
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Niji tier graph vs Holo graph

>> No.79074862

If we wanted really good players, we would be watching VSPO!, not hololive
Some hololive members are pretty good at some games though, Aqua comes to mind with her master rushes.

>> No.79074908

>10k viewers
what kind of retard would watch valorant anyway?

>> No.79074940

They can say whatever they want on the site for raging homosexuals, I am above that. Just keep it out of areas where my godly eyes are viewing, of which ERB has struggled and the pink wop has not. It's all kayfabe anyway you braindead niggers, stop watching the behind the scenes and squealing in discontent.

>> No.79074962

>US primetime

>> No.79074990

>lurking twitter
If you follow anything Hololive related it will eventually show up for you because of the sheer volume of Stars stuff she is replying to. Just because you have some superiority complex about avoiding twitter doesn't mean it isn't happening

>> No.79075009

2 finanas, I'd say pretty solid.

>> No.79075092

Need to align the x-axis to really show what happened.

>> No.79075093

So yagoo did it! he captured stray nijisisters

>> No.79075099

pink cat has done nothing wrong
ERB is interacting with the homos more than any Holomember ever with the exception of Ollie

>> No.79075118

>US primetime
>The time where literally everyone overlaps
And we have people here getting uppity because someone is being picky about what they want to watch.

>> No.79075128

More cope

>> No.79075169

I don't understand you faggots, you are literally in catalog right now, you dumb mutt, what kind of insult is that?

>> No.79075199


>> No.79075215

>British woman with an annoying voice who is playing valorant badly
>cute German girl who is playing a fun game
wow tough choice

>> No.79075218

>Unsolicited attention
>Faggis was in her karaoke chat soliciting her
>Jutard is the biggest beggar leech yet
Stop acting like homos aren't chomping at the bit for any opportunity to stick their heads in the Hololive door.

>> No.79075271

I mentioned the cat because I see faggots bringing up twitter posts from her PL. These bitches are putting on a performance when they are on stream, that is the only place I demand etiquette and following some simple rules, like not gushing about dudes. When they're off the stage I do not give a shit what they do.

>> No.79075333

It really is annoying
I mistakenly thought Bettel took some pride in his relative success within Holostars

Seems like he's just as much of a shameless grifter as the others

>> No.79075354

>Stars fan work together to show support by watching a whore
They're doing the right thing for the wrong reason. Watching her is not going to bring 23k viewers to watching holostars. You fucking retards!
>Took a day for Cecilia to beat her
Trannies celebrating too early on the debut/karaoke buff. Didn't expect it to happen this fast. LMAO
>Lost 5k viewers mid stream
Wtf is going on over there? I know she not good at games, but she that bad to loose that many viewers?

>> No.79075390

holy cope. Whatever they do while in their Holo persona matters. You're taking the whole roommate thing, which I agree with, and stretching it out to just during streams which is hilarious

>> No.79075462

and they all left dropped to 8k now
i thought valorant is the faggot egirl game?

>> No.79075470


>> No.79075571

What's the qrd on her? I don't know if I should feel bad for her or not.

>> No.79075614

Homobeggars ran out of bots

>> No.79075635

Even in Nijisanji, mixed collabs were never popular. A Smash Bros collab got more viewers than Obshiddia's anniversary. And that was BEFORE the purple dragon whore got fired.

>> No.79075662
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>> No.79075687

Those 5k were the beggars
They show up for a little bit to 'support the cause' then dip

The remainder aren't beggars, they're just normie viewers

>> No.79075745

What's with the absurd amount of Holo vs Holo here?

>> No.79075871

Don't, she literally said she wants a small audience. Number trannies just need something to chimp out about.

>> No.79075874

Unikeks are in shambles because one of their girls is an open HoloPro fan

>> No.79075918
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This is... Rough...

>> No.79075966

>she literally said she wants a small audience
she coped, you mean

>> No.79076036

>Don't, she literally said she wants a small audience
Same energy as some dude saying he doesnt want a bitch because he's focusing on stacking paper right now

>> No.79076106
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Personally, my favorite Niji members are Fuwamoco

>> No.79076198

Lmao even

How much did Gigi's stream hurt CC's ccv?

>> No.79076309

nice bots ennakek

>> No.79076354
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>> No.79076405

>bot stream
>barely 5k

>> No.79076417

Further proof that her only quality is "owning da incelz". People don't actually want to watch her because she's not entertaining or capable.

>> No.79076430

Only if you live in Asia-Pacific

>> No.79076507

Oh crap Gigi is streaming now thanks for letting me know.

>> No.79076539

Isn't Finana the good niji?

>> No.79076546

Gigi gona beat her isn't she? this is gona sting.

>> No.79076554

>Comparing a stranger to your mom
Is this your best arguement ?

>> No.79076699

None of the Nijis are good, past or present.

>> No.79076766

Not even close but the Queen said she'll be raiding her

>> No.79076813

People are sleeping on Gigi, she seems like she actually knows how to play video games.

>> No.79076815

This desu
Acting like 5views is insufficient or problematic viewership is proof of brainrot, even when it comes to a debuting talent.

>> No.79076904

What does this mean numberfag?

>> No.79076922

>valorant cope
How is it a cope when it's a universal debuff? No one thrives off of that game

>> No.79076962

I really like Gigi
Her design is a huge debuff though
Really wish Management didn't instruct her to do hood-up streams in order to build her design's brand. They've been chasing the Gura-level mascot branding for years now

>> No.79076972

But didn't you know that 10k actually = zero viewers and negative money for both the streamer and the corpo? Now let me introduce you to my favorite based and redpilled 2view!

>> No.79077051

Did she almost start crying lmao

>> No.79077128

>10k is leh bad

>> No.79077134
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NONONONO what happened

>> No.79077178


>> No.79077193


>> No.79077251


>> No.79077311


>> No.79077324


>> No.79077329

>Bae-clone this close to Elizabeth
She might want to start a Twitch channel for valo streams

>> No.79077338

>Homobeggar leader killed the hype

>> No.79077450

>6K Brazilians
Why do our Latinx friends like valorant so much?is it cause it's free to play and requires no more than a laptop with windows xp

>> No.79077477

You know, we, massive numberfaggots on this board, look at it and think flop, feeling bad for them etc, but for someone like Gigi, its probably a blessing to have 6k viewers.

>> No.79077575

Do you guys not realize these girls are literally in the top 0.1% of streamers right now? Numbers objectively mean nothing when their audiences outpace that of essentially everyone on Twitch and YouTube combined.

>> No.79077624

You talked way too fast >>79077134
Honnestly one should have expected it.

>> No.79077637

BR here. I am watching Ceci

>> No.79077664

ohhh nyoooo

>> No.79077674

It's gonna be 12k as soon as dollwife finishes

>> No.79077685

shit taste in game

>> No.79077691

>he thinks he can reason with numbermonkeys

>> No.79077718

>Wtf is going on over there? I know she not good at games, but she that bad to loose that many viewers?
Also lose*

>> No.79077842

Sis she's ending the stream

>> No.79077891

>Beggarsisters have started pulling out the familiar cops they use for Stars
Ah, the community is healing.

>> No.79077924


>> No.79077966

im not watching valorant
im not watching dishonored.
I dont have to watch a stream if i dont like the contents just because my wife is in it.

>> No.79077975

Its fun to compare, they all will do fine at the end of the day its hololive, for some of them even after the debut buff dies, they will have 20-50 times more people than what they had before

>> No.79078045

>Red Bitch is losing, suddenly everyone is numbermonkeys again
You flew too close to the sun sister. Learn to eat scraps from the floor where you belong.

>> No.79078112

You are still brown regardless of how smug you choose to present yourself on an anonymous forum.

>> No.79078133

14k>7k paggie

>> No.79078143

>leh sister
Reminder that you monkeys are hated on /hlgg/, shit even /hlg/ dogfuckers shat on you

>> No.79078188

Seeing sisters seething and crying always puts a smile on my face.

>> No.79078340

>Broke third worlder cope
So this is why Q4 was so bad for nijis

>> No.79078390

Where were you when "What now unicucks"? bait was posted all day yesterday? Where were the AI generated monkey images? You hypocritical dumbfucks are so full of shit and everyone realizes that now.

>> No.79078430

>That shit belongs to Nijisanji
But it wasn't even popular in NijiEN and its not even popular in NijiJP

>> No.79078437

>be retarded
>get called retarded

>> No.79078472

>that shit belongs in nijisanji
Does it though?
Nijien went to shit overnight with luxiem, I'd actually argue it has no place there either.

>> No.79078484

Holy numbertranny SEETHE
I will never forget when you raided /ameg/, disgusting monkeys

>> No.79078503

Holy fuck you're STILL mad lmao

>> No.79078584

>Number monkeys apparently ignoring the fact that she was literally ending stream and raiding Gigi
Isn't that just interesting

>> No.79078654

>unicucks talk shit
>unicucks get hit

>> No.79078686


>> No.79078694

Coping everyday must get tiring friendo maybe you should try watching streams instead?

>> No.79078730
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>Cecilia gets good noombers by being an entertaining streamer with an enchanting accent and a stellar debut
>Unicorns: all of this success? Yeah it's because she pretends men don't exist

>> No.79078798

>t. seething over basic math

>> No.79078803

I'm not opening her stream no matter how much people beg.

>> No.79078811


>> No.79078831

Clearly it never hurt her numbers to do so now did it unlike red Kronii

>> No.79078834

Their delusions are funny sometimes

>> No.79078865

> ERB got shit number
> homofaggot : it's not because she is collabing with the homo
is this gona be (you) next month? why am i even asking, obviously it will be (you)
> verification not required.

>> No.79078871

damn its not even a week yet, beggars attention span is so much lower than we thought

>> No.79078958
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>get raided by ERB
>still can't beat her

>> No.79078959


>> No.79079006

>Cute girls doing wholesome content is prefered over shipper shit
who would have thought the vtuber market behaves like this?

>> No.79079156

Trannies don't understand basic market trends its why they believe people will keep liking things they try to coopt instead of realizing those things wither and die sad deaths

>> No.79079169

Most of ERB's funnel is non-hololive fans so they just leave, same thing happened yesterday.

>that's normal
Over 50% of Ceci's funnel to Gigi stayed and watched for 30min+, but only about 15% of ERB's stayed for 5 min.

>> No.79079244

Better yet
>Liz gets good noombers
>Unicorns: ccv is a bullshit metric. what truly matters are the viewers she has moments before ending stream

>> No.79079287

I get the feeling Gigi's clusterfuck debut - primarily the drawn-out game segments - probably hurt her initial first impression for her potential audience.

Plus, it's currently just coming up to 11pm in the UK, and midnight further over in mainland Europe, so people are probably dropping off for the night.

>> No.79079314

Except the numbers where low from the start fun cope tho

>> No.79079374

>14k is low
Fun cope

>> No.79079439

>ERB fans & raids are worthless tourists
Hope the brits can muster enough pajeet call centers to bot more

>> No.79079523

the current runt of advent had 20k at this point

>> No.79079556

NTA but she litteraly lost a little less than half of her viewer during that stream. While playing a game the whole time, you nijisister are used to it but it never happen in holo.

>> No.79079641

Cant tell StarEunuchs or BlackSisters, this is getting sad, you lost. The best you can do is cope and seethe on your little twitter echo chambers after being a joke on all platforms.

>> No.79079680

Nijisisters don’t like her because
1: she’s a lolicon
2: she “sexually harassed” vanta
Gachikoi don’t like her for obvious reasons
/vt/ doesn’t like her because she’s allegedly not only /here/, but a literal nijisister and she poked fun at selen’s situation

>> No.79079693
File: 26 KB, 414x203, 1705082041214750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why lie?

>> No.79079816

shiori is the runt and even still having less than nerissa is just as bad

>> No.79079880
File: 50 KB, 1009x574, 1698646895525249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why lie?

>> No.79079935

>hlg aka reddit lite

>> No.79080009

>said the numbertroon
The irony

>> No.79080053

14k down to 8k after people realized that she's terrible and unfunny. Only thing she'll be able to rely on is karaoke from now on.

>> No.79080059

You know ERB hates transphobes, right sis?

>> No.79080066


>> No.79080110

>Losing half your viewership
>14k is still good!

>> No.79080120

Reimu's case is tragic. She has done nothing wrong and streams almost every day.

>> No.79080137

>t.mindbroken holo anti

>> No.79080162

Why the FUCK has this thread not been pruned yet?

>> No.79080184

Probably working because it's a weekday, you fucking retard

>> No.79080192
File: 39 KB, 585x1024, 1719251233649429m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liz is an entertaining streamer too. Its almost as if there was an another factor at work (pretending male vtubers don't exist).

>> No.79080208
File: 278 KB, 558x547, B0ABA621-C5E8-421A-A3EB-911C9DEFA8F4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The homos aren’t Hololive, budddy. Try again.

>> No.79080247

Nijisisters should probably go watch their oshis instead of shitposting here.

>> No.79080280

>literally talking about a Holo
Smartest Numbertranny

>> No.79080315

That's amazing considering she hit almost 16k overlapped by Fauna, Gura, and Biboo.

>> No.79080340

>Is friends with and enables pedophiles until her reputation is threatened then makes up a sob story about her being the victim
>Doing nothing wrong
Even if she killed herself she won't get any forgiveness.

>> No.79080370


>> No.79080406

>sends 7k people to the loli
>only 2k stay

>> No.79080426


>> No.79080524

Mindbroken Holoanti rumao

>> No.79080555

If you do your research correctly, all coed hololive pro collab got significant more numbers than non-coed. Its a popular demand.

>> No.79080565

Well I sure as fuck wasn't going to stick around to watch that one

>> No.79080582


>> No.79080679

Did I say numbers where a bullshit metric? Lrn2read mud monkey

>> No.79080743
File: 9 KB, 409x86, 1693190373113808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79080835

Followed by drop off viewership interesting how homobeggers only show up for collabs and can't even show up for regular streams even for Stars.

>> No.79080896

>Lrn2read mud monkey
>can't read
Many such cases

>> No.79080897
File: 1.16 MB, 652x720, holy ESL [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0fe9k7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79081038

The fact we got EN Regloss is fuking sad dude

>> No.79081243

They're probably sour anyway.

>> No.79081696

