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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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78986811 No.78986811 [Reply] [Original]

Glasses Edition
Previous Thread >>78970407

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template

>> No.78986826
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>> No.78986902
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Glasses sex

>> No.78986972
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>> No.78987171
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Do sunglasses count?

>> No.78987173

Raora + GG = justice FWMC

>> No.78987305

oh fuck I forgot about biboo's voice
I feel so bad for her...

>> No.78987307

I just wish they would do something new. Their content feels sparse and stale lately, especially next to justice's debut. I would take any new gimmick at all. Or hell, would a single RnR really damage their throats THAT much?

>> No.78987338


>> No.78987397

Who from Justice do you want to see FWMC double team?

>> No.78987424


>> No.78987434


>> No.78987476


>> No.78987496


>> No.78987505

Five Night's is gonna be great. The doors will be shut the whole time and Moco-chan won't make it half way through the first night.
I think it's honestly the most tense I've ever been playing a 'horror/spooky' game. Did it in a basement with 6 of my friends yelling shit at me the entire time, back seating makes it so much more stressful. Moco-chan's gonna die.

>> No.78987528


>> No.78987536

I think she said she didn't like them, maybe during the fashion game stream

>> No.78987549

Their pledge to us expired they are JP cocksleeves now

>> No.78987590

Biboo's gonna die

>> No.78987603

This thread will be worse

>> No.78987692

Fuwawa will get fed up and play it for her. If a 4 year old can play it, so can Fuwawa

>> No.78987698

They need to move out of their comfort zone. Elden Ring is going to be the game of the decade and an expansion for it just dropped, imagine if FWMC actually played that instead of sukia or horror subs farm.

>> No.78987755

How much do I have to donate to get a single like this month?

>> No.78987756

She beat scarier games. They'll be fine.

>> No.78987760

FWMC would actually be better playing Breath of the Wild or Tears of the Kingdom than ER.

>> No.78987807

Fuck Elden Ring, I hate you fags so much. We need more VN's is what we need. It's not numbers, but it's core FuwaMoco and we haven't had a stream like that in a while.

>> No.78987810
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I still have the suika vod to watch

>> No.78987888

Have fun! It's a good one

>> No.78987916

This isnt about her

>> No.78987920

>We need more VN'
Honestly I'm more of a classic n64 gamefag. I do like the shipfag wars that come from VNs tho

>> No.78987958

I miss WA so much

>> No.78988049

It's funny that they're 'the classic game players of EN'. Kinda sad that all it takes is one running series for a retro game and you can get that title.

>> No.78988068

I honestly don't think we're getting VNs for a long long time which is a shame. They are too busy to stream much and when they do stream it's all numberfag shit now. And with how much they killed momentum 1M is going to be rough by even the end of the year. So I doubt VNs until 2025 at the earliest and then we are back into holiday business and FES/EXPO 2025

>> No.78988143

Anon, they would probably play 2 1 hour streams of it and drop it after saying how much they love it and are interested in it. They're not the sort of people who play 10 11 hour streams of something.

>> No.78988160

I'll be kinda upset if we don't get finishing one of the VN's by the end of the year or another anime watchalong.

>> No.78988165

VN would be alright but I'm tired of the vertical slop nostalgia slop and horror slop

>> No.78988214

I miss when they said they were going to get subs the FUWAMOCO way and then they decided to play more horror streamer trash and do vertical streams. Give me VN streams back.

>> No.78988267

Moreso their reluctance to play any new game unless it's 2 months old and already played by every single other senpai

>> No.78988277

>She beat scarier games.
Name them

>> No.78988392

Is ANYONE here happy with their current content?

>> No.78988442

We'll get 2(two)(二) White Album streams this winter and they'll leave it unfinished again until the next winter

>> No.78988454

portal 2 is great, even better if its single stream

>> No.78988467

I am okay with it since I know they are working on 3D debuts.

>> No.78988496

I mean they chose to Cookies and Cream when faced with Fromsoft beggars. Theyre hags who prefer to stick with what they know

>> No.78988539

I don't mind Tuhu and have fun with that stream and their fake zatsu stream with Suika even if I couldn't make it at that time. DKC2 is fun, but it's hard to get excited for something they'll play once every 2-3 weeks for 3 hours max because it feels like we NEVER make progress.

>> No.78988541


>> No.78988592

No we don't like the blatant subfarming with horror and vertical shit

>> No.78988593

Most ruffians are
Some might be upset at the amount of vertical streams, but it's not enough to be "unhappy" with

>> No.78988601


>> No.78988625

And that game was amazing and those streams were some of the best first half-year FuwaMoco.

>> No.78988760

>how many did the grapes cost
>mvv: 900
>fww: thats what fuwawa told you mogojyan
>*distorted mococo.jpg*
my sides

>> No.78988762

The right choice is Zelda, not Souls games.
Their situational awareness is not good enough for Souls yet, and the perfect practice games exist (OoT.......................)

>> No.78988784

I used to hate their MC streams but now I have to make do with them since there's nothing else

>> No.78988792

I can say with the first 3-4 Chillaslop games, there was a bit of fun in them pretending to be workers at various jobs and also share personal experiences doing those things because they were menial laborers in the past. The stupid hallway spot the difference games are mediocre at best tho.

>> No.78988939

They should just move on to majora's mask or wind waker

>> No.78989030

How can you hate their Minecraft kino?

>> No.78989035

The 3 days cycle constraint would be too much for Mococo in majora's

>> No.78989101

nta but I got tired of minecraft streams 4 years ago

>> No.78989102

I would be very happy if they picked up Windwaker instead, especially the HD version because of the amount of bullshit that gets cut out.
The issue comes down to the fact that they can't play more than a couple of hours, and doing that with a longer game like that is just bad because they forget shit and it makes it feel like it'll never end since we'll only get it once every 2-3 weeks, so even if I love a game I'll get tired of seeing it with barely any progress made.

>> No.78989125

I miss Season 1 of FUWAMOCO.

>> No.78989185
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Yes. They're making time to stream while being so busy and every stream has been fun.

>> No.78989206

unironically what work are they personally doing on their 3D debut that would take up so much time?

>> No.78989215

Only absolute YESmen that think they can do nothing wrong. Which is OK, as long as you're aware that's what you are. There is such a noticeable drop in quality from Season 1 to the post move content that it's barely the same streamer. I hate being so cynical but fuck man I just hate how blatently they've went all in on numberfagging while also cutting down on stream times overall. If they already are sacrificing streams slots to HW at least give Ruffians something fun to watch

>> No.78989217

Man, all I know is that my smile is as wide as it can be when they stream. And I know they're working their asses off to do their best for us.

>> No.78989233

sure, but it’s fuwamoco’s minecraft stream

>> No.78989328

Dance practices. Recordings. Is all about how much work you wana put in.

>> No.78989344


>> No.78989362

>Enshittification is a pattern where online services and products experience a decline in quality over time. It is observed as platforms transition through several stages: initially offering high-quality services to attract users, then shifting to favor business customers to increase profitability, and finally focusing on maximizing profits for shareholders at the expense of both users and business customers. This process results in a significant deterioration of the user experience.

>> No.78989373

The best solution for a long game is just having Fuwawa start writing down a play log as they go.
This way they won't end up my like poor 9INT Kanatan who does something, runs around and does 2 other things, then returns to the first place and goes "what's this?"

>> No.78989377

I'm ready for September.

>> No.78989396

Is Mococo really sweating a $10 grapes purchase with their income? because I have a similar income and I would too...

>> No.78989398

>while also cutting down on stream times overall.
A great amount of what's been cut down is SC readings, the stream content isn't 50% game 50% scs anymore, it's now just 100% game most of the times

>> No.78989403
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>> No.78989516

This, I wish we had the FWMC from before the move back I hate Japan for ruining them

>> No.78989564

Even then, look at something like DKC2. There's 52 levels in the game, let's break down what that means.
>52 levels
>Beat 2-3 levels a stream
>Stream it once every 3 weeks
>21 streams on average to beat the game
>63 weeks to finish the game
That's insane.

>> No.78989579

It's amazing how true to life the fuwawa ehehe menace meme is

>> No.78989611

It's still the same streamers but they're doing content that's not them. Vertical slop isn't them. Horror slop was occasional, not regular. We had more members content. We had more and frequent Rock N Rawr parties.

>> No.78989693

The other thing is since they moved to Japan there has been a noticeable chat delay that wasn't there before. Interacting with them is harder than it's ever been.

>> No.78989705
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I don't understand how moving to Japan massively improved Bae, but instead damaged FuwaMoco. What went wrong?

>> No.78989716


>> No.78989740
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Its understandable
I still hesitate to buy silly things like heavy cream or better meats even though I can afford them nowadays
Poorfag mindset is scary

>> No.78989839

Nobody is even talking about Bae but you can't resist a chance to shill her can you? Fuck off.

>> No.78989846

do you think they will do the lost world?

>> No.78989851

She gave it thought and planned it out. FUWAMOCO randomly decided fuck it let's move to Japan with 0 planning or preparation and SHOCKED FACE it's hard to move internationally especially to fucking Japan of all places. And they likely agreed to every single HW offered because they are hungry puppies assuming they would be moved in and good to go by mid March. Now they're behind on moving even still and have mountains of HW on top of everything. Basically they are the worst holo members in terms of time management I've seen in ages.

>> No.78989882

Nice samefagging.

>> No.78989942

Holy shit it's going to be so nostalgic to see FUWAMOCO play fnaf. It's going to be a fun stream. Pray for Mococo's heart

>> No.78989952

why didn't Cover take care of it all for them? That's usually what happens when an employer helps you relocate to Japan

>> No.78989976

Yeah, I love my wives, but they aren't the smartest puppies...

>> No.78989985

>randomly decided
They already say on week 1 if the chance comes, they will move to Japan.

>> No.78989989

Not at all, I don't like Bae. But even I have to admit she took a smart approach to the move and did it in a staged approach. FUWAMOCO up and left everything the second their NW Passage lease expired instead of delaying it until next year when they would have hit 1M easily.

>> No.78990001

I honestly hope they drop all series at this point. Such an insanely slow grind isn't fun for me personally. I'm not asking for marathoning things, but the amount of time it will take them to finish just about any game is way too long for it to stay interesting.

>> No.78990012

I'd be impressed if they manage to beat some of the normal later worlds in less than 3 streams each

>> No.78990024
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>> No.78990046

yeah what possible reason could there be to bring up the only other EN Holo that relocated to Japan when we're discussing FuwaMoco's relocation to Japan

>> No.78990091

Cover probably did a fuck ton of work, but there's only so much you can do when your employee is just randomly deciding to move at the last minute. If they had told them they were moving in 2025 there would have been a lot more support and a smoother move.

The chance was always there with how much money they pulled it. That doesn't mean you run across the street without looking both ways the second you reach it

>> No.78990169

>all the HOEH and MOGOJAM tourists are here
I think we're probably already at the 3rd nearing 4th image in this graphic.

>> No.78990189

>Cover probably did a fuck ton of work, but there's only so much you can do when your employee is just randomly deciding to move at the last minute.
I can tell you they didn't. Even Bae took 1 month with all the preparations she did. Cover only provided the visa.

>> No.78990195

That second reply is the most retarded thing I think I've read in this thread, and I agree with the thought that they went too fast.

>> No.78990271

where did mango jam even come from?

>> No.78990276

Agreed, that would be fine but they're not very good at picking one stream games either (or finding games they can play at all). We'd probably just end up with daily JP asset flip horror slop

>> No.78990303

They jumped headfirst into it just because they wanted to be there for fes. They could have just had it be a temporary trip like Rissa and used the spare time to search around for a move in the future. Instead they tried to turn a vacation into a permanent move.

>> No.78990367

Are you retarded? They took 4 months to clear DKC 1 too and none of you fags complained. The only time they marathoned a game was MGS 1 and 2 and that's probably because of perms.

>> No.78990385

It's sad but I agree. If they aren't willing to play a game multiple times a week I have no faith they will ever return to it. If they want to just be fad game streamers or one off numberfags like it seems, DKC2 and OOT and all the games I love have no place apparently. Which is fucking terrible to think.

>> No.78990503


>> No.78990530
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We're perpetually between 3-5

>> No.78990545

You can just come back for the games you like. You're not losing anything if you skip games you don't like.

>> No.78990572

bastardazation of the Mogojyan meme

>> No.78990581

They're forbidden from singing by management. They aren't good enough gamers to play real modern games. They can't play the games they actually enjoy because they're numbers poison. They can't do JP streams because ruffians will leave. What do you guys expect them to be doing?? There's nothing left.

>> No.78990590

wtf bros

>> No.78990602

At the end of the day, they aren't required to relocate to Japan for the job. Unlike the things you're thinking of where it requires the person to physically be in Japan for whatever reason, Cover has very clearly let their talent pool for EN live wherever they want.
Could do some anime focused watchalong content like checking out a new series bi-weekly for an hour stream of watching 2 episodes. Sure, it scares away people who don't want to watch whatever show they're interested in, but it's cute.
They had more concurrent streams running at the time. Also we're like around a 4th of the way through DKC 2 and we're rounding the third month of them having it in their schedules.

>> No.78990617

I think Shiori? randomly said it in the Calli stream?

>> No.78990645

And that's what I've started to do. but it's still a big and sad change from catching all streams without fail. I'm really an all or nothing person in most interests so now that the all part is fading it's not going to be easy to stay with them at all

>> No.78990689

Where are you gonna get idol vocal and dance lessons if you don't live in Japan?

>> No.78990696
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why does the rat make you seethe so much?

>> No.78990699

Superchat readings and mengen sex streams

>> No.78990724

Give up on numbers for now because they already failed the 1M in 1 year goal because of the JP move. I genuinely cannot believe how they still think it is possible or why they keep that banner on streams. They can try again after the 3D debuts. Just have fun streaming again, basically.

>> No.78990751

But that's their choice, not Cover's. Cover has never demanded anyone get better at singing or dancing.

>> No.78990770

They don't need a fair weather fan like you anyway.

>> No.78990854

im feeling jealous

>> No.78990862

I mean fair enough. I thought they valued all fans regardless of how much or how little they can watch but it's starting to feel like they only want numbers up and then loyalists to the grave to pump them with money

>> No.78990885

>Cover has never demanded anyone get better at singing or dancing.
kek ain't that the truth

>> No.78990893

And they want to. So they moved. What's wrong with chasing their goals?

>> No.78990926

You're hilarious. You do realize a bulk of shit like sales for merch comes from 'fair weather fans' right?

>> No.78990937

Dance and singing lessons can take up 3-8 hours/day and can do it 3-5 times/week. This doesn't consider the time spent commuting.
Depends on the person and they're running against the clock.

>> No.78990951

>At the end of the day, they aren't required to relocate to Japan for the job.
Sure, they're not required to, but they wanted to and it does help. It's a good thing.

>> No.78990967

>Could do some anime focused watchalong content like checking out a new series bi-weekly for an hour stream of watching 2 episodes. Sure, it scares away people who don't want to watch whatever show they're interested in, but it's cute.
Sounds good on paper but they'd be expecting their viewers to obtain the anime every week not to mention it would appeal to a niche audience. Even Pekora's pulling mid numbers doing watchalongs of dragonball of all things.

>> No.78990991

They also say if you don't wana watch, don't watch. Now buzz off you fucking faggot.

>> No.78991019
File: 2.17 MB, 516x644, mococo making faces.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it came from /here/
why is Shiori reading our posts

>> No.78991027
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I'm still waiting for the ASMR

>> No.78991048
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You need to watch streams live to be able to buy merch?

>> No.78991060

Because the core of the conversation you're replying to comes from the idea that they HAD to move asap and it ruined their chances at getting their 1m in any timeframe they actually wanted to get it in. It was a decision they took to get something they wanted and it took sacrifice, but they seem to never want to accept that the sacrifice was there and instead pull themselves and their content into 10 different directions pulling themselves extremely thin.

>> No.78991069
File: 94 KB, 528x778, brrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs rape correction but I don't want her being the mother of my children

>> No.78991083

>You do realize a bulk of shit like sales for merch comes from 'fair weather fans' right?
Yeah, from Japan.

>> No.78991084

It'll happen right after they get the compass in Minecraft, play OOT and Nobeta again and have another RnR party.

>> No.78991103
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>> No.78991110
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>> No.78991247

I know, that's why I said 'scares people away'. For the numbers side of things, it'd be just about the same as playing a VN. Also, the 'obtain anime every week' is pretty easy when you pick something airing currently, most of it can be found on CR, Amazon, HighDive, Hulu, or Netflix.

>> No.78991284
File: 2.00 MB, 1510x1536, ndk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78991304

>They can't play the games they actually enjoy because they're numbers poison.
That didn't stop them before and they were doing just fine

>> No.78991327

ASMR has to be done when they're well rested and relaxed. So September, maybe.

>> No.78991328

>pick something airing currently
you want a weekly 30 minutes watchalong???

>> No.78991332

members content is fucking abysmal. Probably good that I don't have a direct comparison because I'm only membered to them, but monthly wallpapers / ASMR - ANYTHING(!) seems to be the norm. We maybe get fall guys slop once a month, which is pretty much pointless when you can't catch it live. Not even a random post or anything lately.
I really, truly hope they blow it out of the park with their 3D. They seem to invest so much more than anyone else in Advent.

>> No.78991333

advent is the /here/ generation

>> No.78991337

The only one who can pull big numbers doing watchalongs is Shuba. She can get 20k with a jojo watchalong.

>> No.78991341

There's a lot of promises up in the air right now. September will be the real turning point.

>> No.78991398


>> No.78991424

Yeah I'm not a huge fan of Fall Guys streams, and I've been able to get into every single one of them so it's not sour grapes.

>> No.78991428

Re-read. I said bi-weekly, which makes it so you get an hour long stream just for the shows pretty much for days where they don't have too much time and want something to stream for us.

>> No.78991429

She's always been here. Nerissa, too. Biboo keeps /gem/ on auto-scroll. FWMC like seeing grown men go insane over them here.

>> No.78991477

>but they seem to never want to accept that the sacrifice was there and instead pull themselves and their content into 10 different directions pulling themselves extremely thin.
This is the part that kills me. Accept you made a choice after weighing the risks and consequences and just own up to it. I hate how they are pretending like their choice had nothing to do with missing the goal. It was ambitious and no one would have faulted them for missing it. But they intentionally gave themselves and even stronger handicap and are crying despite it being completely self inflicted. Just own it, no one cares but them pretending it's still possible is pathetic.

>> No.78991499

or they could just have a somewhat less polished 3D debut and improve over time? Hololive's audio engineers can make even those most awful singers passable, and they're starting from a pretty good baseline. Many many live choreographies don't have particularly complicated dance movements. They don't need to be tanking the whole streaming side of the content to grind out a couple more idol points

>> No.78991558

>3-8 hours
Try 8-12.

>> No.78991588
File: 1010 KB, 2894x4093, 1717813271936070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would anyone want children?

>> No.78991616

>Hololive's audio engineers can make even those most awful singers passable
That's the last thing they wana do. I wouldn't even be surprised if they are trying to do live live.

>> No.78991627

Halo coop

>> No.78991628

Some chubas try a lot for their members
some do about the same (made worse by their sparse schedules)

>> No.78991673

You're being a bit of an asshole about it, but it's one of the reasons it really annoys me when they talk about wanting to take it slow and enjoy the ride. They're choosing what they want to do right now, and even if they came and told me 'fuck off for 2 months while we practice', I'd at least have some sort of idea when they'd be back 'in full form' for streams.

>> No.78991681

Consider this anon
They're emotional women

>> No.78991694

Lets do ODST coop

>> No.78991706

stop posting bae

>> No.78991720

Their mengen is abysmal. Just dogshit levels bad. If I didn't do it just to support them and BAU BAU I'd have cancelled ages ago because you get nothing for it compared to most other members. The fucking emotes that they commissioned are the most creativity they've shown in over 4 months and that was long overdue. The CYOA bonus are maybe one standout but even those are just the sex fanservice scenes and then a retread of the public stream. The wallpapers were there for like 30 days and they didn't even bother to advertise it. They don't make any members posts, don't talk to their members at all outside a monthly min effort stream if we're lucky.

>> No.78991735
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>> No.78991743
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I was playing vidya and randomly started thinking about how much I love them

>> No.78991754

>but monthly wallpapers / ASMR - ANYTHING(!) seems to be the norm.
I am mem to 6 holo chuubas and I can you tell you is a mix. Some do, and some don't.

>> No.78991838

I've been nice about it too long so I'm sorry if I'm a dick about it /here/ now. I just can't believe the shit they say and do sometimes when it comes to this. I will be nice and just give them encouragement publicly but fucking christ are they difficult to support sometimes when they keep acting against their own self interests and stated goals.

>> No.78991841
File: 194 KB, 1271x1790, 1700821510652119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about other dogs then

>> No.78991882
File: 41 KB, 508x342, 1462390819431820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should just do 1 hour streams of scrolling through twitter and reacting to things on the hololive subreddit like all the other popular streamers

>> No.78991881

kek, professionals maybe, but not holos. Most of them neither have the stamina nor the drive. I've seen one too many standing-around 3D lives lately to buy that rrat

>> No.78991945

Sally Amaki regularly does 8-12 and she's a lot smaller than Hololive.

>> No.78991946

>They don't make any members posts, don't talk to their members at all outside a monthly
As ex-Ollie member
We're better off like this
Like, far better off like this

Like, holy shit man, it's like staring at the fucking abyss

>> No.78991976

I honestly don't mind. I'm just happy when they do members streams because they talk freely and its a gray filter so the chat is slightly slower.

>> No.78991982

Well we did get that one where they were upset from reading my a post from here asking why they couldn't use the studio to stream while looking for a place in Japan. Well that and the 'don't worry' stream, which I guess have both been some of the most emotionally polarizing moments I've ever had from members content in Holo.

>> No.78991998

They love us way too much...

>> No.78992002

>you can ONLY LICK the grape, not eat it
Fuwawa sadistic moments are gold

>> No.78992015

saddest part about them spending so much effort into dance practice isn't the practice itself, that's great and nice to see. it's that it's squandered a lot by them having such a piss poor diet. cabbage bags, misudo and mcdonalds is not the way to build proper muscle and stamina. No wonder it's going ruff, they're fat out of shape hags with a diet worse than I had when I first moved to university and ate microwaved meals daily

>> No.78992039

She also sang an MJ song during one of her karaokes...

>> No.78992060

I wish all their twitter posts were members posts.

>> No.78992116

>shilling justice in members post

>> No.78992139

It's a shitposter
Just hide them

>> No.78992141

They only brought up eating at mcdonalds once

>> No.78992164

But then they couldn't try and rope in new fans.

>> No.78992227

That is because the rest of Advent wanted to try it.

>> No.78992238
File: 9 KB, 128x128, koronesuki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should eat more meat

>> No.78992248

hey, don't say that
they eat hiyashi chuka that one time! that's enough, rite?

>> No.78992254

that was a gray name comment read, but I agree

>> No.78992296


>> No.78992304

I'm inclined to believe they want to do a bunch of non prerecorded segments. Your opinion on this doesn't matter, they know what they want.
Congrats to her but we're talking about holos who have a different schedule and have to stream

>> No.78992349

>They're choosing what they want to do right now, and even if they came and told me 'fuck off for 2 months while we practice', I'd at least have some sort of idea when they'd be back 'in full form' for streams.
They literally told you though. That they will be busy. And is okay if you leave.

>> No.78992365

they should shill Justice in Mad Dog posts

>> No.78992389

>holos who have a different schedule and have to stream
have no bearing on how long dance practice could go

>> No.78992471

They should put my penis in their mouth in my house.

>> No.78992475

I'm saying that in relation to the contradicting statements of 'Wanting to take it slow and enjoy their time in Hololive' and pushing for 1m still for some reason. The first sentence was in relation to them talking about hitting 1m subs.

>> No.78992483

They said they wouldn't be streaming normally until September at the very earliest.So feel free to leave until then or lower your expectations. And then we'll be into fall and holidays and have streams taken away by the new wave of HW and FES preparations.

>> No.78992491
File: 107 KB, 831x1024, 1719069643471875m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need more meat and less sugar
This way they can do the homework and stream every day as if it's nothing

>> No.78992510

They told you when they'll be free, unless you don't watch streams. You're free to fuck off until then, or forever.
You aren't gonna be missed

>> No.78992532

1800¥? what the heck Kevin Lamar?

>> No.78992560

has there ever been a Mad Dog post? I've never been membered at that tier

>> No.78992587

got the full justice like infinity gauntlet before FWMC liked me even once this weekend. They really don't care about keeping Ruffians after they subbed, do they?

>> No.78992615


>> No.78992624

Fuwawa posts her tits there weekly

>> No.78992637

>3 posts, all replying to something from 10 minutes ago, all saying the same exact thing worded slightly differently.

>> No.78992679

Is the same shitposting cycle. JP streams -> Shitposting with Justice -> Shitposting about streams.

>> No.78992707

Outliers aren't the norm. You can make stupid claims like they could go for 16 hours and some retard probably has done it, however the average is lower.

>> No.78992713

since when did justice sneak into the loop

>> No.78992792

I mean, I'm glad you get your moneys worth but I feel that most regular chatters are members anyways, so no grey filter needed, really. And for me, they're just as guarded during members as any other stream. IF they decide to open up a bit, it's usually with things so vague it ends in streams like Battle Plan 2 (don't worry!)

>> No.78992810

These past few days?

>> No.78992816

sex with mocochans butthole

>> No.78992874

I only want Cecilia's like... How did you get it?

>> No.78992921

If you are so upset, why not leave?

>> No.78992981

So that's where the naked Fuwawa pics come from

>> No.78992997

They said "We'll be streaming a lot less, probably until about September". I didn't expect them to still try to openly go wild about getting 1m, push 3/4ths of their non FWMC Morning streams into vertical streams to try and chase subs, and kill a majority of the content I really liked for that goal.

>> No.78993087

art and a compliment

>> No.78993097

Is it really that hard to understand that someone might have faith that the future will be better, but be slightly disappointed with the here and now?

>> No.78993145

It's over for us talentlets...

>> No.78993144

If you wanna get "good value" for your membership money(5 fucking bucks aka fuckall) hololive isn't the place.

>> No.78993199

Thats where all the fuwawa subtle JOI ASMR is. Thankfully Mad Dogs are all baused and never leak it

>> No.78993202

I could just be retarded (I am) but I thought they said they would specifically do it the FUWAMOCO way and not do shit like vertical spam and nonsense one off trash games. I wonder what caused them to so abruptly go against their word there

>> No.78993227

If you wana have a conversation, at least don't lie about the numbers.

>> No.78993265

commission art and commission someone for compliments

>> No.78993315

That's because their current content sucks and we all know it. They built a massive amount of good will with their debut and immediately following it, and they've been spending it all to phone it in for months, and they're just about out

>> No.78993319

They realized they wouldn't hit 1 million in a year without it since they killed their own momentum with the move and breaks.

>> No.78993342

Even Hololive is better than some. I follow a few 2views who LITERALLY do nothing in mengen at all kek

>> No.78993439
File: 168 KB, 900x1324, GQx7byFWgAA-MgN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koahri you've got to stop posting art like this I'm going to get found out by my wives...

>> No.78993477

Any good complimentists you recommend?

>> No.78993496

>That's because their current content sucks and we all know it
Again if you are unhappy, you are free to fuck off instead of shitposting here 24/7.

>> No.78993508

>Dude, fuck that year of time and money you invested. Just leave at the slightest inconvenience, but don't you dare complain
Fuck you, I just want to go back to season one.

>> No.78993559

>Suika - Yes
>Keep Talking - No
>Ice Climbers - Yes
>Minecraft - No
>Mbembe - No
>Touhou - Yes
>DKC2 - No
>Dogs Organized - Yes
>SC reading - Yes
>MC - No
Of course collabs aren't going to be in vertical, especially on other channels, but that's still 5/4, a little over half.

>> No.78993570

i need god to nerf koahri's art skills my dick cant resist

>> No.78993632

FuwaMoco's content is like when you marry your girlfriend(s) and she just immediately stops wanting sex and begins getting fat

>> No.78993637

>money you invested
Show your receipts.

>> No.78993667

mococo’s brown X…

>> No.78993692

In my oshi's case its watchalongs and zatsudan, along with the wallpaper thing which has become very common in hololive.
I know some people don't care for watchalongs much but I fuckin love them.

>> No.78993696

>and begins getting fat
I don't think anyone here is complaining about that

>> No.78993701
File: 130 KB, 789x1000, 1718816999551665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their membership is what really disappoints me. Watchalongs are nice, but when that and fallguys is your main content something needs to change. A good template would be
>keeping watchalongs
>monthly asmr
>new wallpapers ever 2 months
>a zatsu once in a while
>practicing new songs and getting opinions on them from ruffians
>sharing videos Mococo liked on YouTube (like the pancake video)
>personal members posts (why did they stop doing these?)
>doing unique short videos (2 minutes long) of them walking around Japan with commentary (Mio did this early on with her membership)

>> No.78993741

sex is overrated having a fat and happy wife is the goal

>> No.78993771

I know they come here when they want to read the actual non suck-up opinions about their content, and I want them to do better. Just go back to the shit that made us love them in the first place.

>> No.78993864

>Breaking dimension zatsu - No
>Advent collab - No
>Don't scream - No
>Platform 8 - No
Thats 1/3 retard.

>> No.78994054

>Even has gorillas in it
Joe Rogan is a FWMCprophet.

>> No.78994114

I don't need to prove shit to you and neither do I have to spend my pension fund in SCs to be entitled to an opinion

>> No.78994130

Just go back 2 months and you can prove that they're 1/20th of the content, but it's a trend that they're doing it right now to push for 1m because it's 100% going to get them some amount of subs more than doing regular streams.

>> No.78994247

>Ask for receipts.
Every fucking time. kys.

>> No.78994348

Considering just taking this week off, none of the streams interest me at all. Portal 2 perhaps being the one exception but it's going to be sub 2 hours of them not even understanding what the game works and solving 2 puzzles before cutting it short and never returning

>> No.78994428

don't let the doggy door hit your ass on the way out

>> No.78994427

Kek just fuck off you whiny bitch

>> No.78994429

>Just go back 2 months
Is all the streams in June.

>> No.78994435

There's not many streams to begin with.

>> No.78994506
File: 18 KB, 290x386, abf8e89b4768425e386d60d3a0479e25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78994554

Even better, just get out and never come back.

>> No.78994583

FNAF will be chino

>> No.78994625


>> No.78994627

EN? I follow JPs and most seems to walled behind the +20 bucks fanbox subscription.
The only thing you're almost guaranteed to get with the YT membership is watchalongs, participation games and zatsudan/drinking streams, 2-3 streams/month.
They do have fanbox only streams which eat part of their schedule, 3-4 streams/month. At least the ones I've seen. There are more rewards for the fanbox fags though if you pay more.

>> No.78994674

Listen, I don't hate vertical streams, but it's just a part that plays into what I miss from pre-move. Two of the big things that made me happy from them were the VN's and the interest in anime and wanting to do watchalongs. Oct-January was fucking crazy and I had so much fun with all of the stuff in that time, and they're putting those things on the shelf until they hit 1m which is sad to me.

>> No.78994699
File: 201 KB, 1603x2048, 2093845666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pebble reporting in. BIboo thanked Fuwawa for having the prescience to know when to mute Biboo right before she was having a coughing fit so that she didn't cough during the debut watch alongs. She also mentioned earlier that they were nursing her back to help, and that's a huge reason why her voice came back for the abyss and she can stweam today. Many thanks to your oshis for taking care of my little gem wife so well, much love to the bau baus.

>> No.78994705


>> No.78994756

Yes which is why I am thinking about skipping it, I'll miss nothing. Monday's FWMC morning will be Justice shilling and normal corners. Tuesday will be FNAF with 0 progress and Mococo giving up in tears and ending the stream early with a HW excuse. Wednesday will be generic FWMC MORNING and a pup talk about pushing ahead even when tired and sleepy. Sisyphus will be them not knowing the controls and making 0 progress in 2 hours before the stream ends. They'll get subs at least, I guess. Portal 2, most appealing with 2 POV but again will be too short to appreciate and it's hard to care when they have no sustained long term series. FWMC Morning friday = phoning it in before the weekend of HW

>> No.78994773

Yes EN. I don't watch any JPs, holo or indie

>> No.78994861

Happy to hear it, pebblebro.

>> No.78994916

>watching a streamer for entertainment is "investing time"
how does a person grow up to become such a bitch kek
if you actually spent money on them then voice your concern on main and they will give you an honest answer as they always have

>> No.78995014

>BIboo thanked Fuwawa for having the prescience to know when to mute Biboo right before she was having a coughing fit so that she didn't cough during the debut watch alongs.
Fuwawa has a lot of experience with tactical mutes cause Mococo went through the same thing for an entire week. They may be horrible about taking care of their own health, but they're truly mother's when it comes to other people

>> No.78995056

accurate, but people will tell you to kys. That's just how the state of things are

>> No.78995076

They already told him they understand and is okay to leave. Faggot just wana throw a tantrum and insist on staying.

>> No.78995187

Fucking retards and shitposters pretending to be menheras will only ever bitch and moan here, constantly saying "im totally leaving bros" and then theyll be back the bery next day. This has happened dozens of times in the last 3 weeks.

>> No.78995212


>> No.78995310

I was sad to hear beeb's rough voice tweet, reminded me of when my oshi was doing those.

>> No.78995365


>> No.78995389

whats the meaning behind the cobblestone meme?

>> No.78995396

Western game slop arc when? Hitman was great and it was one of their top 10 gaming streams.

>> No.78995402


>> No.78995411
File: 127 KB, 863x509, vt - baubau - FUWAMOCO General - Virtual YouTubers - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78995453

Fuwawa's very attentive when it comes to muting since she's used to deal with Moco-chan. Last night they mentioned they made some concoction for Biboo and grabbed medicine for her, probably helps that they do have some experience with the issues Biboo is having. They care a lot.
Hope the rock gets better soon

>> No.78995471

she just said it funny that's all

>> No.78995480

They should do a Fuwawa breastfeeding Biboo stream

>> No.78995495

or it's just new waves of people complaining and then leaving for real each time

>> No.78995544
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, Mococo train rap[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fsxdzl7.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took that screenshot from a clip and an anon liked it and post it sometimes

>> No.78995591

Again, you fags act like just because someone is disappointed in the current state of things, that they can't have faith that things will go back to what they enjoyed. There's one guy who's obviously shitposting, but there are one or two others who seem pretty genuine in their interest to watch Fuwawa and Moco-chan grow and are just looking forward to when the 1m grind is over and September is here because they think it might be going back to something closer to what was.

>> No.78995620


>> No.78995626

What's wrong with that? It's just S... wait.. Holy kek.

>> No.78995727

How many 3D Lives will they appear in in the next half year?

>> No.78995733

II have nothing to say today without repeating something I've said to similar tweets in the last week and a half. What do I say?

>> No.78995751

>Another doing our best slop tweet

>> No.78995769

got another like on my good morning post

>> No.78995772

Sure thing, you fucking retard

>> No.78995821

Give my wives encouragement for a big day

>> No.78995854

Just repeat yourself. It's what they've been doing for months.

>> No.78995864

they're liking stuff

>> No.78995879

We have no base for what their ability is because they haven't had a 3d dance number yet. How are we supposed to understand and appreciate how much they're doing to put into growth with their dancing?

>> No.78995913

I hope she feels better soon, pebblebro! Diamond Dogs strong!

>> No.78995969

5 likes another huge W for me

>> No.78996060

this thread doesn't even have 40 regular posters and this has been looped more than that many times since the move
is it lurkers coming out of the woodwork with the same bitchmade complaints or a single schizo? always bet on the latter

>> No.78996080

Andy gave you a like too? Nothing feels better than when Andy starts liking my posts bros...

>> No.78996083

suikabro liked mine and that's enough for me

>> No.78996115

>Clique has 10-20 likes within the first 5 minutes and 30-60 views.
>Twitter pushes it up to the top of the reply chains
What's the fucking point if you don't integrate? I doubt they even read mine with only 1-3 likes max every time.

>> No.78996147


>> No.78996165

>he doesnt like any of my posts anymore
bwos... what did i do wrong...?

>> No.78996218

kouhai love

>> No.78996244

>suikabro skipped me
>fuwamoco skipped me
>i skipped myself
Why do I even live, fuck my life.

>> No.78996249

>I doubt they even read mine with only 1-3 likes max every time.
They've liked my single digit view replies many times

>> No.78996266

i wish they would bau bau less

>> No.78996268


>> No.78996276

3 FWMC likes and 5 Andy likes today

>> No.78996301
File: 6 KB, 546x75, image_2024-06-23_205009914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno mane, i dont get pushed to the top and i got a like today. just post on their tags. if you want to, put the ## in your direct reply.

>> No.78996310

cute I really liked her first stream of the 4

>> No.78996324

gigi cute

>> No.78996326
File: 6 KB, 415x88, Screenshot 2024-06-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight, enjoy the shitposters!

>> No.78996331
File: 138 KB, 750x900, dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so happy Fuwamoco are such good friends to Biboo, they're always there to support her and constantly care for her. I will always do my best to support the bau baus like I do my oshi. Diamond dogs forever.
Yes please!

>> No.78996363

I'd believe you if I saw it even a single time. Granted, I don't reply all the time and sometimes it's hours late, but if I just got one confirmation maybe I'd think it were real.

>> No.78996367

Dickbro liked my reply to the morning tweet

>> No.78996371


>> No.78996379

genuinely starting to worry they muted me. I posted multiple times a day and haven't' gotten a single like this week

>> No.78996461

>if you want to, put the ## in your direct reply
Is this why people do this? To likewhore? Doesn't it make it plainly obvious that you're likewhoring though?

>> No.78996483

depends to what standard you want to hold them to. Want them to be slightly above average? Watch like... Cloes latest live and be positively surprised (I fucking hope).
Want to compare them with better performing holos? Watch Shuba or La+ in comparison.
Or just take them for what they are and form your opinion from that

>> No.78996486

Kek I meant to say duckbro.

>> No.78996489

Make ruffian friends. Its fun.

>> No.78996523

Apparently they reward it.

>> No.78996530

they love likewhores and menheras

>> No.78996534

Who gives a fuck? They don’t.

>> No.78996553

create an alt and search for your own posts in both their replies and on the tag.
Twitter didn't consider me "shadowbanned" but i still couldnt find my posts one day. Sometimes your shit just isnt there for some fucking reason

>> No.78996573

I would show you but I don't even know how I would be able to prove it without it looking fake or doxxing myself

>> No.78996605


>> No.78996643

Is there really a difference between putting FUWAMOCO and #FUWAMOCO in your post? As far as I can see, Twitter treats it exactly the same.

>> No.78996646

Yes it makes it obvious anon, but if you're going to complain about not being seen I doubt you actually care about "being an attention whore"

>> No.78996653

Anon, that's setting the bar too high... If you watch holoX's 3D debut, it was a way simpler affair.

>> No.78996660

I meant if I got one just once. It's also the reason I wouldn't post the ones where I got a bunch of likes and views but still somehow didn't get one from them.

>> No.78996667

You guys got likes on the replies? Mine was on the tag

>> No.78996680
File: 84 KB, 253x243, 1718032734887207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raul Love!

>> No.78996746

Tag, not replies. Big Ws will be posted if they start liking replies kek

>> No.78996773

at least you get likes...

>> No.78996804

I'm going to slit my fucking throat tonight if they don't give me a like. I'm not joking anymore.

>> No.78996820

Depends on if they use

>> No.78996831

It isnt bidirectional

>> No.78996845

They search FUWAMOCO so it should catch both.

>> No.78996847

Based suicide bro not padding gun violence statistics.

>> No.78996870

Mine wasn't a reply or tagged.

>> No.78996880

Is that why I always fail? Why the fuck would they make a post and then look at their tag over replies to their post?

>> No.78996891

You should post that before you do it
I also don't recommend slitting your throat. There are better ways to do it.

>> No.78996917
File: 38 KB, 640x640, 7a39f95834ee05a720e7368fff4db212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only get hate...

>> No.78996918

Was that a reply or a tagged tweet? I got my tagged tweet like

>> No.78996935

Diamond dogs forever!

>> No.78996947

my hatred...

>> No.78996950

no you motherfucker, it's

>> No.78996953

record it, havent seen anything since the shotgun guy

>> No.78996967

Yeah that's what I'm saying. Also twitter isn't case sensitive so it also catches fuwamoco, Fuwamoco, FuwaMoco, etc.

>> No.78997007

I want to suffer in my final moments, at least I'll feel something more than this emptiness of them completely forgetting I exist. not even sure what I did wrong to deserve this but it fucking sucks man

>> No.78997015

za tag

>> No.78997067
File: 698 KB, 1280x1280, 1700429606743798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so they just dont like me is all

>> No.78997068

I get shadowbanned when I use the hashtag

>> No.78997083

sorry, they said that they had a year of demon dog training in JP already plus that they're doing their best during practice for months now.
If they didn't want hype (and expectations) to be high they should've set the bar lower for themselves.

>> No.78997102

>Shitposting about streams stopped.
>Shitposting about twitter likes start.
Every fucking time.

>> No.78997140

I've never once seen this my entire life

>> No.78997170

that's probably why I never get shadowbanned

>> No.78997201


>> No.78997204

Good morning puppies!

>> No.78997218
File: 62 KB, 696x392, 1719137801900116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there was a 3rd nuke mococo wouldn't have been speaking Japanese during the watermelon game.

>> No.78997241

What's left to say? I'm sad they don't do what was almost uniquely them and very much a core of their personality, and I'm looking forward to September when I hope we go back to form.

>> No.78997249

Watch streams. They told you to be excited, but not to have high expectations.

>> No.78997268

did they really skip me because I was chatting in CC's stream?

>> No.78997271

set theory but fuck figuring out how to make that symbol with the keyboard

>> No.78997272

The 3rd nuke was your mom sitting down on the toilet

>> No.78997331

I mean, if they're on the mobile app they aren't able to see the replies for at least another 30 minutes because the coding sucks ass

>> No.78997390

But Eren's mom got crushed by a titan?

>> No.78997407
File: 178 KB, 1200x1630, GQwdfvhaIAAKINk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78997415

Wait really? What the fuck? Well I guess I know why I've never gotten hit once with a like.

>> No.78997432


>> No.78997487

well either I believe the theory that they skip liking people they trust the most or I accept that they completely and utterly am disgusted by me. No idea how I realize which it is without menhera posting on their tag

>> No.78997502

hope that CC read was worth it

>> No.78997644

they... liked my alt and not my main. I cucked myself again god damnit to hell

>> No.78997652

What happened to tonight being halo night...

>> No.78997655

You're forgetting the 3rd option: skill issue. You might be saying shit they don't want to like

>> No.78997668

>Ruffians, we have this super exiting thing we've been practicing for AGES now!
>We can't wait to show you! It'll be so great!
>All the hard work will pay off in the end!
>No expectations though
that's mighty convenient, isn't it? I'm sure they said it exactly like that

>> No.78997676

it wasnt

>> No.78997753

Anan and Nae were all up in green doll's chat flirting with her. If they get likes FWMC don't care of you cheat on them.

>> No.78997764

all I said was good luck and keep doing your best. faggot clique members said the exact same short message and were instant liked

>> No.78997785

>All the hard work will pay off in the end!
They didn't say that.

>> No.78997837

>Wait really? What the fuck?
Yep. Whenever they tweet about something and I pull it up on my phone, despite the reply number being like 40-60+ I only see like 0-3 replies until twitter sorts it out like an hour later

>> No.78998002
File: 448 KB, 677x679, image_2024-06-23_210600812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I have is not a dream, because I will make it a reality. FUWAMOCO will like my posts and I will kill every single person in this thread

>> No.78998039


>> No.78998062

I'm in bed watching Biboo...

>> No.78998068

start with me please I am so dong with being forgotten by FUWAMOCO

>> No.78998120

Yeah, I was about to ask about that...

Is Halo still on tonight? Or have the new debuts schedules changed some plans?
Personally, I'm still down

>> No.78998147


>> No.78998173

I've been playing Elden Ring

>> No.78998179

Watching Gigi's Crazy Taxi stream, because that game is great and I think she looks cute.

>> No.78998239

What's Sasuke's opinion on Japanese streams?

>> No.78998263

she had a fun interaction with Biboo in chat

>> No.78998288

well if FUWAMOCO won't give me what I like I'm going to mate this rrat
>instantly moaning when I enter
yeah, I'm going all in

>> No.78998315

Edit the heart symbol and their icon in his left and right eyes

>> No.78998373

The Uchiha clan doesn't endorse Japanese streams

>> No.78998404

Have fun, don't come back!

>> No.78998454

please tell me you were joking about them liking tweets just now. there's no shot they skipped me in 3 straight like sprees. it's all schizo bait post right?

>> No.78998520

How will this work with two 3D dogs on stream?

>> No.78998587

Sorry the screenshots have been deployed. It was egosa likes as far as I can tell though

>> No.78998623

If they aren't posting likes with there reply attached it's all schizo bait.

>> No.78998626

The Uchiha clan is dead.

>> No.78998688
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>> No.78998714

They are liking stuff but if it makes you feel better I'm a nobody and got a like. Likes are random as always, they don't put much thought into it and you shouldn't either

>> No.78998752

They did go on a spree I can confirm I got a like

>> No.78998812

>tell me you were joking about them liking tweets just now.
I didn't make any posts about it but they were liking tweets on the tag

>> No.78998827

suikabro is oshihenning and tagged them

>> No.78998836
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>> No.78998874
File: 398 KB, 2000x2000, GQxYAVTW8AA0Qd3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78998876
File: 54 KB, 219x184, okayu banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuwawa eating shiori's banana on stream
wtf bros

>> No.78998905

there there

>> No.78998932

evens I menhera post on their tags
odds I just delete my Twitter account
0 I kill myself

>> No.78998931

Please no. He's the only like I get

>> No.78998968

Leave watermelon bro alone

>> No.78998995
File: 61 KB, 1080x377, Screenshot_20240623-211406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.78999001

you should kill yourself anyway

>> No.78999011


>> No.78999096

Hitting the tail-end of the Suika stream.
I need more bullshit silliness like this.

>> No.78999180

they were crazy silly on that stream lol

>> No.78999209
File: 192 KB, 1076x1522, GQwoJ3NagAE_mN_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.78999316

Damn, they got 2k on that stream. That's 66 more streams like that until 1m.

>> No.78999387

Yeah they were really silly. Also notice how they said all of Advent is "really silly" right now?
Their periods are ALL synched

>> No.78999400

This is what they're like when they haven't just woken up or are just about to sleep, huh? I'll never forgive the Japanese...

>> No.78999481

The silliest they've ever been on stream was when they were sleep deprived

>> No.78999552

likeschizos I'm gonna give you advice idk if you will listen but I'm speaking from experience. You can still follow and like fuwamoco but post to Nerissa's tag every day. she likes nearly everything on it constantly. You'll become numb to likes and stop caring

>> No.78999614

Jesus Christ her stretching noises were basically porn

>> No.78999655

Fuwawa would shame you

>> No.78999670
File: 3.96 MB, 732x968, SleepyMoco.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the cutest.

>> No.78999758

fuck her. no likes no love

>> No.78999801

They were also fake drunk for the new years stream

>> No.78999826

>It might be really, really early where you are so we need to let you get to sleep too
Haha, yeah...

>> No.78999885
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>> No.79000023

>fake drunk
schizo delusion
It was past midnight, they were just sleep deprived

>> No.79000067

I really hope the following week is just as barren as this week is, because I'm gonna be on a trip over the 4th of July weekend and won't be able to watch any streams until Sunday afternoon.

>> No.79000073

I love these troublesome women so much...

>> No.79000086

sleep tight Moco-chan

>> No.79000120

Nobody's actually seriously concerned about getting likes or getting read in chat, right? It's all just a big joke, right?

>> No.79000281


>> No.79000311

They’re my livelihood.

>> No.79000404
File: 10 KB, 345x225, 092857245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never receive Likes because my account has been under a ghost ban since its creation

>> No.79000431

You've already said this at least 50 times by now

>> No.79000502
File: 149 KB, 896x2048, GQwP1_9XsAM1HmK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.79000524

>a fucking ghosiffan

>> No.79000581

I don't have a folder with 176 screenshots of hololive likes and another folder with multiple GB of clips of them reading every SC and all the chat reads I've gotten.

>> No.79000642
File: 45 KB, 537x328, Ejt8jrNVoAAVJIw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such troublesome women I swear...but I love them.

>> No.79000712
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>> No.79000724
File: 179 KB, 855x478, image_2024-06-23_213324901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the path I walk... Not you or anyone else can change that....

>> No.79000865

So we watching Naruto instead of AoT now?

>> No.79000891
File: 2.32 MB, 460x336, NUMBERS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.79000960

I'm the same and still get likes while being a no one and outside the clique

>> No.79000962
File: 285 KB, 1300x2077, 1717508564953316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sasuke! Your quest for revenge is over! Come home!

>> No.79001173

Set something up. I'll join as long as it's Bungie Halo and not 343 slop.
