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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 478 KB, 1080x1136, Screenshot_20240623_070935_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
78889797 No.78889797 [Reply] [Original]

Like what the point staying in Niji if you gonna be 2 view just become inde ate this point what does niji bring her???

>> No.78891177

>Finana still at 1 Finana even during HoloEn debut
Her consistency is fascinating.

>> No.78891628

The only people still watching NijiEN are the diehard sisters who hate Hololive.

>> No.78892005

Yeah but i figured some of them are the type to not watch Niji in favor of hatewatching Holo debuts.
Surprised to see only 15 sisters did that, apparently.

>> No.78895582

funny how kicking Selen out made them lose their valo carry Gumi

>> No.78896596

Only one guy was talking about the debuts in her discord lmao

>> No.78898009

>what the point staying in Niji if you gonna be 2 view just become inde ate this point
Nijisanji literally will not let any more of their organs leave after the big Selen yab. They'll continue pumping the ones they still have for the 98% revenue shares until they either die or decide to pay the massive six-figure "cancellation fees" (USD) as stipulated in their contracts.

>> No.78899657

It's probably less "staying in Niji" and more "unable to leave Niji (just yet) due to contractual obligations." It's not the kind of job where she can just up and leave any time she wants; and even if she's already signed an exit contract and will be graduating soon, she cannot leave before the mutually-agreed-upon date. She probably signed her exit contract back in February, either right after Selen's termination or right after the black screen; and she probably is not the only one who turned in their walking papers on or before Valentine's Day.

>> No.78899742
File: 16 KB, 479x352, 1719118943164262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell down this thread

>> No.78903561

I like Hololive.

>> No.78903977


>> No.78904472

They've probably realized that most of them have no future in vtubing outside of Nijisanji.

>> No.78905135

Not unless you wanna get railed by one of the golden boys or mister sigh.

>> No.78905798
File: 114 KB, 476x949, csRmhQR4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope so, but it's impossible to know until they actually walk.
Except Kunai. Her and Vivi are fucking OUT. Holy shit I think they might even be trying to be terminated. Both of their PLs started being active out of nowhere and chatting with each other. Kunai went and followed a bunch of ex-Nijis. Even fucking Sayu. (but not Quinn kek)
And before anyone goes "oh she could've done this ages ago," Michi's account didn't exist 2 months ago.

>> No.78906641

Speaking of Sayu, I wonder when she'll get a collab with Raora

>> No.78906986

Expecting Finana to show basic fucking empathy after she fucked over multiple coworkers, most notably Pomu and Zaion? Shit bait. Even considering how she wanted to fuck Selen.

>> No.78907091

Unlikely, but she's over the moon today.
She's super happy and excited for her friend.
Called her her holo oshi.
But realistically, she's still far too small to get a seat at the big kids table right now, and they barely collaborated even as indies.

>> No.78907140

Never. She leaked the contract template. Don't get me wrong, that was based on her part, but in Jap corpo world that's about the biggest no-no you can do.

>> No.78907219

Nah, she leaked the silencing agreement that was effectively extortion. The contract was a different person.

>> No.78907629

Counter-point: She might be leaving specifically because Niji nearly permanently denied her the opportunity to fuck Selen.

>> No.78907642

My bad, I guess i misremembered. Still, she did leak shit.

>> No.78907936

And then what? Let's say you're right. Doki's already part of Mint's harem alongside Matara and Henya. And considering how Finana fucked over Pomu, notFinana won't become Doki's side hoe. Neither Mint not Doki would want her bitch ass.

>> No.78908041

>became inde ate this point

>> No.78908619
File: 165 KB, 524x329, please god let this happen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably not the case, but this is easily one of the funniest rrats I've ever heard so I hope it's true

>> No.78909356

realistically this.

although, the more cynical part of me playing armchair psychologist wants to believe, that they want to die on their hill of forcing male collabs in everywhere/everything nonstop and taking violent shits on anyone who protests. they don't want to admit their situation is in large part from shitting on their audience nonstop, even though there would at least be some glimmer of dignity in admitting how far they've fallen vs just sitting there pretending nothing's wrong ever. that latter attitude of seeing someone clearly on a decline refusing to admit it was their fault and they could have made better choices, is a deeply unsympathetic sight.

the way nijiEN runs and the attitude anycolor has gives me the impression that they are deeply entitled believing that the industry either belongs to them or that they're the naturally-right ones and the arc of fate will eventually give them the lead position because of their unshakeable faith in their methods being morally superior etc. when in reality no, this is just entertainment, not politics. it seems too many people get main character syndrome trying to take their random odd job and turn it into some kind of political platform because then they can convince themselves they're making a real difference somehow, that they aren't just glorified internet panhandlers. but oh, they are, they are exactly that. and a panhandler who spits on the passerby is not gonna get jack shit.

>> No.78909585

Damn, looks like all that backstabbing didn't help NijiEN in the end lmao
How's Elira doing?

>> No.78909984

Where the fuck did this Selen x Finana ship even come from?

>> No.78910657

In a way, I feel bad for them, whether they deserve "pity" or not. At one point they could have almost been considered actual competition to Hololive, but all the yabs and reputational damage completely destroyed them to where it's not even close to being a competition anymore, at least on the EN side of things.

>> No.78911190

I feel bad for like 75% of them because they had nothing to do with most of the drama or yabs. People like Vivi, Rosemi, even Finana largely stay in their corner and just stream to their small audience. They don't deserve what's going on with EN. But the management is just too shit and refuses to hold the worst members accountable, which results in the entire branch having an awful reputation.

Like imagine being Vivi and having someone like Luca harassing you for collabs, then when you tell him "No" they air it publicly and ostracize you for refusing. Now NijiEN's reputation went down over her being mistreated, but she's also suffering as a result because she can't leave and newfags will see [Nijisanji EN] next to her name and refuse to watch her. It must be awful being held hostage in a dying branch.

>> No.78911658
File: 168 KB, 719x966, feesheatinggood.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finana is rich and eating good food from her recent vod views cuts alone, stop harassing her please.

>> No.78911844
File: 145 KB, 492x291, 1717397552331603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not watching her is harassment

>> No.78911903

>$19 for 4.7k views
Zimbabwean dollars maybe.
